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Durham Review (1897), 24 Apr 1902, p. 2

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#1 «s ~1. ptik®% ‘In a way 1 know how that crow felt when he awoke to the sitnation. I had not forgotten my first spoonâ€" ful of tobacco sauce that a joking friend once talked me into swallowâ€" he A Fa al Meal. *I saw a crrious thing in California last winter, _ said the man â€" who travels about, ‘I had stopped for a moment to chat with a man who was ploughing, when he called my Aaltention to a large centipeds that he‘d jist ploughed up. **"*Come along _ with me a few feet," said he "and let‘s see what those crows will do when they find tt," There woere several large carrion crows that had been following the farmer and picking up the {j{nsects that we turmned up, and they _ were now a few feet away, waiting for the plough to start again. Eomeae ns e ie e sencding addressed envelope to "Capâ€" tain W. J. M.," Freeman‘s Hotel, Auburn, Placer (Co., California. Tourâ€" lsis met. Hotel at depot. Reilred British army officer, residâ€" Ing in most desirabls section of Caltâ€" fornia, has ageney for saile of orange, lemon, olive and peach orchards, also tracts of unimproved land. _ Reliable Information _ furnished to inquirers Nothing makes a woman‘ so happy as for you to remember tnc time when she was a littie thing _ with leng, curly hair. The man who borrows money is like the boy who slides down ‘the baaâ€" Isters: he comes down fast, but it is slow climb getting up again â€"New York Press. & set a woman to catch a woman. 1t istbetter to have wed and bean divorced than aever to have wed at all s our The season. special low rates are offered _ to the travelling _ public during _ the month of May, from Hamilton, sinâ€" gle $7, return $12; from Toronto, stugle #%6.50, return $1i.50; . meals and berth included both ways. This is a very low rate for this moath. On and after Hamilton will stcamer Sport The steamer Hamilton will deave Hamilton at 1 p. m. Tuesday, April 2uth, and Toronto _ same evening. at seven thirty, on her {first trip to Montreal. She will leave on her seeâ€" ond trip Tuesday, May 6th, followâ€" wl by the steamer Spartan, Friday, May 9th, iind thereafter © Tuesdays ax! Fridays during the month of May. #1t amer Cors oul the sea Mr. Belyea is very well known to ererybody in this neighborhood and there are but few who have not been aware of his serious illness. Everyone is delighted at his imâ€" proved health and his published stateâ€" ment has done much to make Dodd‘s Kidnrey Pills even more popular in this neighborhood than they bave «* HAMILTONâ€"TORONTOâ€"MONTâ€" REAL LINE." "1 want to say that I believe that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are the right medicine for Kidmey Trouble." "I feel as well as ever I did and bave not the slightest trace of the Kidney Trouble that bothered me ever so long. s "I have received more bene{lit from them than from any other medicine 1 have ever used for they seem to bave made a complete cure of my case. s "I had tried so many things that I was very skeptical, and had but litâ€" tle faith that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills could or would help me. However, I did not use them long before I found that the ware all and more than was claimed for them. "Dodd‘s Kiduey Pills were so highâ€" Iy recommended for Kidney Trouble that after reading some testimonials, 1 eoncluded to try them according to directions. « Plasters, oils, liniments oo the outâ€" gide and doses of all kinds and desâ€" criptions taken internally seem to bave but one result. He was no betâ€" Finally through reading an adverâ€" tisemenrt he was led to the use of Ixxid‘s Kidney Pills. He says: He tried several doctors and used many medicines, but nothing seemed to help him in the least. A New Breunswick Postmaster Tells of his Efforts to Cure his Kianey Troubleâ€"tte Suffered tor Years and I risd Many Medicines, but only Recently Found the Right One. Lower Windsor, N. B.. April 7. â€" (Special).â€"Mr. T. H. Belyea, postâ€" master of this place, has made a very Interesting statement of his exâ€" porience in his efforts to be cured of Kidney Trouble, which has bothâ€" ered him for many years. At times he would havye very bad spells, and when these came on he was almost laid up. f : Liniments Oils and Many Other Medicines did no Good. PLASTERS FAILED. Reflections of a Bachelor: Homes in California. June 3rd the steamer leave Tuesdays: the im Thursdays, and the in Sa turdays, throughâ€" Samboâ€"What you get dat chicken ? Mark Anthonyâ€"Nebber you mind bout dat chicken. ‘Tain‘t yours. "How you know ‘tain‘t 2" ** "Cause! I found hit in youah coop." Enalish Snav‘n Listmant removes all hard, soft o# calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spaviu, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Awollen Throat, Coughs®, etc. Save $50 by wse of one bottle. Warranted the most wouderful BMemish Curse evrer known. Sold by alil druggiats. i heads, ma‘ away," inte Herald. Be sure you get the kind you have always had. â€"Owing to the great popularity of "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster,.unserupulous makers are putâ€" ting up one like it. Forâ€" rh>â€"umaâ€" tism, nenvralgia, etc., nothing is betâ€" ter. Made only by Davis & Lawâ€" rence Co., Limited. * One of the young women connected with Huli House, (Chicago, was recentâ€" ly showing a collection of photoâ€" graphs of classical pictures to a street urch‘n,. and when she came to a copy of the "Sistine Madonna," she askot: "Do you know what that re presents 2" "Yes," said the boy, "that is Jesus anl His mother." ~id you not‘ee," continued _ the teacher, ‘thow beautiful their faces are ? You cannot find syuch beauty of expression in any other picture." " The Nawab of Rampur, which place is about 1,000 miles to the northwest of Calcutta. came down from his home to call on us," said Dr. D. S$. Smith, of Calcutta. " He brought 150 people with him *the whole 1,000 miles just to see about getting his mother‘s teeth fixed. She wanted a set of false teeth, and because every English woman had two sets the maharima must have iwo sets also. The Nawab of Ramâ€" pur is a Mohammedan, so, of course, the moiher coul1 not show her face Likewise, on that account, I had to go w0 Rampur to do the work. Two thousand m‘les to make two sets of false teeth. Well, it cost the Nawab 14,000 rupees. _ The old womanâ€"shc was a grandmother, as is almost every older woman io Indiaâ€"lay back with her face covered up, and I workâ€" ed at her mouth through a hole in a sheet."â€" Louisvyille Courierâ€"Journal. In â€" conversation with a citizen who has known them from â€" their childhood days, the Mordens exâ€" pressed their strong dislike to the rough handling given them in the witness box by Mr. E. F. B. Johnâ€" ston, K. C., leading counsel for the defence, and they were also of the opinion that they woere entitled to more protection â€" from _ the Crown prosccutor, Mr. Riddell _ "You will see,‘ said the brothers, "that when the nexat trial comes on we will be absent. We don‘t object to going into the box and telling our story, but we do object to being _ abused like criminals." _ The MordJens carâ€" ried cut their threat, although they remained here until within a month of the opening of the trial.â€"Loudon Free Press. Keen Minard‘s Liniment in the House. Mordens Objected to Being Treated Like Criminals. The disappearance of James and Martin Morden has brought to the minds of some of _ their Londou friends a statement made by them alter the trial of Geraid Sifton last fall. The Countâ€"Oystere. I serfe him stewed, fried, on ze halfâ€"ha, what say I. I would say I serfe you vid my heart all. Miss Milly O‘Nairâ€"But, Count, will you serve me devotedly ? You are sometimes so anstere. Minard‘s _ Liniment Lumberman‘s Friend. The Countâ€"Meess O‘Nair, will you please receive imy devotions ? I loofs you vid grande passion. ‘"‘Breddern, we has been greatly blessed by dish yer contebution. We has head fo‘ dollahs an‘ fo‘ty cents; dat is good ; an‘ if de fiftyâ€"dollah bill put in by de white genunaun wid de gray whiskers is also good, we is blessed a whole lot moah," and he looked suspiciously at the giver of libraries and ciampaign funds.â€"Des Moines Leader. The old preacher counted their contents. When he had finished he placed a handful of small change on one «slde and a crisp greenback on th;f other. Clearing his throat, he said : It is related that on the last tour of President McKinley in the south Andrew Carnegie was in the party, and all were asked to attend a negro church in Thomasville, Ga., where a very fervid colored minisâ€" ter officiated. It is said that whenever a lull came in the service the deacous took up a collection, but through hospitable motives avoided passing the box to the white visitors. ‘The old pastor arose at Jast and preachâ€" ed a sermon right at the white folks, and his description of the poverty of the church was so imâ€" pressive that when the deacons passed _ the contribution â€" boxes arcund for the third time, Mr. Cacâ€" negie intercepted one and dropped a $30 bill in the box. But it‘s :00”000“ 4944894040 ¢0 0+ NO: $ HIS TENTATIVE $ $ THANKFULNESS. % v 40004 4999090009909 490088 0v Ask for Minard‘s and take no other. Through a Hole in a Sheet SUFFICIEXNT EVIDEXNCE, it‘s the rims around their ma‘am, that gives them RESENTED ABUSE How He Knew rrupted the boy.â€"Boston Lapaus Linguae. the road should be sufficient to atâ€" tract most people, but now that the rate is the same to New York and points east as by »ther lines no furâ€" ther _ recommendation should ha Whereupon the consceinceâ€"stricken infant murmured, through her teare, "I didn‘t mean to be rude. I wouldn‘t have taken any if I had known how nasty it was." Surely a model for all extorted apologies. New York Central and Hudson River Rallroad. The abore name !s a houseâ€"hold word, and the superior excellence of i ifi hectvllerts < 210. 0P% i A oi i io a little girl. During the meal! the child helped hersell to sometlhi that was handed around, tasted ll‘f, and left it on her plate. Her mother, borrorâ€"struck, said, "That is very rude'; you should apologize to Lady An Extorted Apology. An eminent politician and his wife were lately entertaining at lunchâ€" eon a lady who brought with her A plain qvestlion: Do you really get the only Painkillerâ€"Perry Davis‘â€" when you ask for it? Better be sure than sorry. It has not, in 60 years, failed to stop looseness and pain in the bowels. Like the House That Jack Built. Wiggâ€"Bjones married a cooking school girl. “’atz_g;â€"_!{ow“ditl se pan out ?â€" Philadelphia Record. self,‘ " ‘Saire, I never lose myself.‘ "*‘You don‘t understand m mean, how do you feel ? " How I feels? Oh! I feels smooth you shust feel me. " Mirard‘s Liniment is used by Phyâ€" sicians. "‘How do you do? Iasked on costing him. "‘Do vat? he asked, in a puczled manner. & , Our Terrible English. "The other day," writes Eli Perâ€" kins. "I met a French gentleman at Saratoga, who thought he had masâ€" iered the English language. Port Mulgrave, June 5, 1897. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Dear Sirs. â€" MINARD‘S LINIMENT ia my remedy for colde, etc, It is the best liniment I have ever used. No country in Europe suprasses France in the industry and selfâ€"reâ€" specting thrift of the people, yet in Paris is found on every hand picturâ€" esque groups of loungers adorning the steps of churches and public buildings. These quiet, orderly, apâ€" parently peacelful loungers are the very antlithesis of the nervous, hurâ€" rying crowds in an American city, yet this same indolent class has formedl a dangerous element in the body politic, for in times of political strife the fierce Parisian mob has been largely recruited from thesg idle people.â€"Detroit Free Press. More than any other city of Europe Paris today appeals to a wide variâ€" ety of sculpture and architecture. It is an inexhaustible mine, yet at the same time it is regarded as a centre of advanced thought and investigaâ€" tion in every department of science. The metropolis has been for centuries and still is the gayest and most brilâ€" liant city upon the face of the globe, but to appreciate the Parisian capaâ€" city for amusement it should be seen during the festival of July 14, the date of the falling of the Bastile. The early part of the day is celebrated by a parade of the schoolboys of Puris, who are reviewed by the Presiâ€" dent of the Republic in front of the Hotel de Ville, in the very square where once the public executions took placeâ€"where the first victims of the great revolution of 1789 were put to death, where Louis XVYI made public submission to the people, where Lafayette presented Louis Philippe to his subjects and where 600 of the communists of 1971 perâ€" ished while destroying the grand old Hotel de Ville, » Once Rude and Repellant, it is Now the World‘s Beauty Spot. The history of Paris beginsg with a collection of huts on the little island of La Cite, sheltering a horde of barâ€" barians about the time when Caesar invaded the territory with his vicâ€" torious army in the century precedâ€" ing the Christian era. . Paris grew cenltury after century from such small beginnings, until the time of Louis XIV., who made it one of the greatest of European capitals in the splendor of its external appearance as well as in its wonderful treasures of art. Napcleon L and Napoleon Il. did much to develop the city by imâ€" provements requiring immense sums of money. [ T PARIS IS A CHARMING CITY. mean, how do you find you>â€" Everybody will tell you DR. A. W. CHASE‘S CATARRM CURE ... 250- Among the Wite. i/ passages, stops droppings in the throat and Eermnummm Catarrh and Hay Fev lower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronte and Buffalea, MRA JOSIAH HART. is sent direct to the diseased parts b‘:hc Improved Blower. Heals > ulcers, clears the air TORONTO it H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, 2 King Street East, Toronto, Oat. running rapide. + % 7 o W Fore further information apply to agents, or write Hamilton to Montreal #2€5.*, Toronto toMontreal i25"¢°%., Meals and berth included. The above cheap rates to Montreal gg_lg 5(!eo§ for May only. Only line ry» HAMILTONâ€" L (Bp" torontoâ€" M I k MONTREAL LINE... Steamer "Hamilton" leaves Hamâ€" liton 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.30 p. m., for Montreal, Tuesday, April 29th. She will leave on her second trip Tuesday, May 6th, followed by the eteamer ‘"Spartan" Friday, May 9th, and thereafter Tuesdays and Friâ€" gh,y. during month of May. F YOU WANT TO BUY A FARM Ix I Western Ontario, or city of London, or suburban pr(:rerty. write for our printed lists; some splendid bargains. Weastern Real Eestat Exchange, London. ‘VANTEI)â€"LADH-‘..\'. ALSO _ MEXâ€"TO copy letters, address envelopes at home, anywhere; day or evenings: strictly genuine emsloyment. Addreas Excelstor Manâ€" ufacturing Co., Station B, Cleveland, O. with LOCAL APPLICATINNS, as they canâ€" not reach the seat of the diseare, Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces, Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phrsichns in this country for years, and is a regular preâ€" scription. It is compered of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puriâ€" fiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingrediâ€" ents is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free, F. J CHENKY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by drufiglnm. price T5¢c. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. read. He was enlightened ; nor afterâ€" ward did he have a disparaging word to say against the power of the press. Worse than ull, every letter had to be answered !â€"Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. That was all ; but what worry it cost the Senator! A few days after the publication of the paragraph Senâ€" ator Smith was in his seat in the Benate. He called a page and reâ€" quested that his mail be brought. The boy lugged in a huge basket filled with letters. The Senator gazed at it, but said nothing. A minute later the page appeared again ‘with anâ€" other basket equally full. Then the Senator began the task of opening the missives. They were all alike, and all contained _ requests from sturdy constituents for a copy of the muchâ€"prized Bird Book. Some one shovred a copy of the despised paper contalning the aboveâ€"mentioned paraâ€" graph under the Senator‘s eye. H» *"* Senator George Handy Smith has fiflty copies of the superb Bird Book lately issued by the Legislature. He will shortly mail them to his friends." To its representative he was alâ€" ways fond of saying, "Your sheet is never read." ‘There came a day of retribution, however, when the S>pâ€" ator was effectually silenced. _ "My paper never read," confided the corâ€" respondent to his associates. "Well, I‘ll show the Senator how wrong he is I‘ll open his eyes and close his lips" ; and this is what. was done : One night in sending off his batch of news to his paper the correspondâ€" ent closed his "copy" by adding the following innocentâ€"appearing paraâ€" graph : this, few rmen were liked so much as the genial Senator by the newsâ€" paper correspondeni.s. _ There was one paper in Philadelphia which Senâ€" ator Smith, in season and out of season, always belittled. Beuator Smith‘s Lesson and and How Me Learned it. George Barton, private secretary to Collector of the Port C. Wesley Thomas, tells a good story 6fi how the late Senator George Handy Smit] was forced to bend the knee to th« power of the press. It was when that _ wellâ€"known legislator â€" repre sented a city district in the Pennâ€" sylvania Senate at Harrisburg. There were times when Senator Smith was strenuous in poohâ€"poohing the influâ€" ence wielded by the newspapers. He always maintained that he was inâ€" vulnel"able to their shafts. + Despite Baby‘s Own Tablets when given in accordance with the directions preâ€" vent restlessness and nervousnessâ€" cure simple fever, diarthoea, constiâ€" pation, colic and all stomach trouble. Guaranteed to contain no opiate c other harmful drug. By dissolving a Tablet in water it can be given with absolute safecty to the very youngest baby. Sold by druggists, or direct by mdil, post paid, at 25 cents a box, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. (Toronto Star.) There is doubtless plenty of salt beneath Toronto, but the very fresh people don‘t seem to get at it. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. L4 Is the Critical Age in the life of all es sopee S Little Ones. P[R"-UMERY. During the teething period great care should be taken of baby‘s health. ite extenâ€" The little one suffers greatly ; the .if:g;‘m tlz:ecm. (tl)::t in a raâ€" gums are hard and inflamed, Aand tional and _ attractive _ manner. any disorder of the stomach or Bachets of the chosen pert‘liune :r.e bowels. increases the peevishness of ?;’goxlggcmtt.n:!‘:ll b:,::al: 1;1‘.ww:3: the child, and often fatal results f0lâ€" py the wearing n,pp'arel is delicately low. Mother‘s greatest aid at this fragrant. Strong perfumes are vulâ€" period is Baby‘s Own Tabletsâ€"the garâ€"intensely vulgar. An extract surest of all remedies in curing the wnich has a heavy cloying scent, minor ailments of children. AmonE which is so R»werful that a few the many mothers who testify to the G@ropsa of it will render a room, and, value of these Tablets is Mrs. R. B in fact, a corridor through which Blfkfo’:"iv Glen Sutton, Que, WO tne yser passes redolent for hours says: "My little baby suffered much is the extreme of bad taste. from teething ‘a.nd indigestion. I proâ€" â€" ror dresses the sachets are arâ€" cured a box 0%® Baby‘s Own Tablets ranged in the form of pads for the and it worked wonders in baiby‘s conâ€" waist and skirt hangers ol steel ditionâ€"in fact Ibelieved it saved my wire. Silk of any desired shade may little one‘s life. I sincerely beliove pa used, well wadded with cotton, in that where now many a home is s2dâ€" the layers of which is _ placed dened through death of a little one, the scented powder. The hangers foy would be supreme if these Tabâ€" pold the waist and skirt in good ets 'ha.d been used. Iconsider them shape and the perfume permeates the baiby s best do::tor and would not be gown, giving off an evanescent, imâ€" without them. nalnable fragrance which is fascinâ€" Catarrh Cannot be Cured VALUE OF PUBLICITY. A Needed Explanation. TEETHING TiIME 14 One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more than two ounces of common soap. SUNLIGHT SOAP :=«= These boxes, as well as the various kinds of sachets, make dainty birthâ€" day and Christmas presents and ofâ€" fer quite a field for the ingenuity and taste of the skillful needleâ€"woâ€" man. Other boxes show the burnt work on the stained wood surface, the silk and sachet being reserved for the interlor decoration. The deâ€" signs in the pyrographic work are extremely artistic and many very attractive articles may be manuâ€" factured in this way by those who have the requisite artistic training. For dresses the sachets are arâ€" ranged in the form of pads for the waist and skirt hangers of steel wire. Silk of any desired shade may ba used, well wadded with cotton, in the layers of which is _ placed the scented powder. The hangers hold the waist and skirt in good shape and the perfume permeates the gown, giving off an evanescent, imâ€" palpable fragrance which is fascinâ€" ating and individual. The long flat sachets for the bureau drawers are made of silk or linen, and three or four may be used in each drawer, beâ€" ing placed between layers of underâ€" wear. Bmaller ones of fancy or plain gilks exquisitely embroidered may be fashioned for the glove and handkerâ€" chief case, though in many instances these boxes are wadded with cotton and sachet powder and are lined with silk to match the dresser scar{. Sometimes the box is covered with gilk, the design being worked in ribâ€" bon or Kenkington embroidery. T e o s e .A F garâ€"intensely vulgar. An extract which bhas a heavy cloying scent, which is so Rowerful that a few Gropa of it will render a room, and, in fact, a corridor through which the user passes redolent for hours is the extreme of bad taste. A PAINT SURPRISE 50 cents a package. Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents, moNTREAL. Write for Book on Horses and Cattle free food. It takes just the same trouâ€" ble to care for a cow when she gives three %\um as when she gives a pail. Dick‘s Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. e LDDY‘S :. ..PARLOR MATCHES, strengthens the digestion and inviâ€" gorates the whole :{stem so that the nutriment is all drawn from the The Flow of Milk will be increased. Ask for the Octagon Bar THE FINCST MATCHES IN THE sale by all the principal grocers. Why go to all the trouble of keeping cows and get on! about half the m:’lz they should proâ€" duce. Dick‘s 3 Blood Purifier s 4 PIANOS FREE the oldest and best known paints in Canada toâ€"day, made from â€" best paint material to fight off hot sua and storm, outlast all others and at just the right price for pure paints Drop us a card and ask for Rookâ€" let No. 11. FREE. showing cuts of beautiful homes. Established 1842. A. BAMSAY & SON It will surprise you to see how looks, how it wear«, how easy works, how economical you paint with Hon,. John Dryden, President. The report for 1901 showed reâ€" markable increases over 1900, in the {following items : New business increased by $350,705 Premium income increased Total income increased by _ 42,.57% Assets increased by ... ... 43,959 Insurance in force, inâ€" CreGSEU BY .+ is »scou> 1: 1.808.400 Continental Life Policies are unâ€" excelled for simplicity and liberality. Agents wanted. GBO. B WOODS, CHAS. H. FULLER. General Manager. Secretary CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AGENTS VV L£1AN i L117 We want at once trustworthy men and woâ€" men in every locality. local or tra veling, to inâ€" troduce a new discovery and keep our show cards and advertising matter tacked up in con spicuous places lhroufhou! the town and country. Steady em oz'-em year round commission or salary, 80 .00 per month and exruu«. not to exceed $2.50 per day. Write for particulars. Postoftice box 337. INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO,, London, Ont, }‘Rl’l'l‘ FARM FOR SALKâ€"ONK OF THE finest in the Nlm Peninsula, at Winona, 10 miles from ton on two railâ€" ways, 130 acres in uhl“ of which is in frait, mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parcel or divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres to suit pur chasers. Thisis a decided bargain Addres: Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. bor 109, Winons “'A.\'TEDâ€"OOOD HOUSEKEEPERS TO know that electric Polishing Fibre, the chemically prepared cloth, cleans «llverware, jewellery and all bright metals like magic. No rntoor powder whatever is m%rod ; a de ightful article. Price 25 cents. d by drug B('Eu. You can erocun it wholefle from the minion Drfi ‘0., Hamilton, e Monarch Co., St. Catharines, Mfrs., send trial samplee on request always be used for Chi always be used for Children Teething. Is a00thes the child, softens u:efum-. cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoss. A etc. Home or foreign rncurod and exâ€" Elolud. Bookloton{:lunu ree. The Patent xchange and Investment Company, Pythime Building, Toronto, Ont. CASR FOR REKAL ESTATE OR BUSI nes«, no matter where it is Send du::: tion and cash price and gt our plan for ing cash buyers, Patent Kxchange and In sest ment Company, Torocte, Canada. PATENTS. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKB etc. Home or foreign procured and exâ€" Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Torente, Canada soc and $1.00; all drugeusts. The next thing you know you feel betterâ€"you eat better â€"and you weigh more. It is a quiet worker. But if you are thin Scott‘s Emulsion is the medicine for you. It doesn‘t tire you out. There is no strain. â€" The work is all natural and easy. You just take the medicine and that‘s all there is to it. Scott‘s Emulsion is not a good medicine for fat folks. We have never tried giving it to a real fat person. We don‘t dare. You see Scott‘s Emulâ€" sion builds new flesh. Fat people don‘t want it. Strong people don‘t need it. MONTRE \I ISSsUE NO. 17, Let it Alone. RELIABLE Ramsay‘s Paints Mre. Winslow‘s Soothing & I RRSNHIAD | TNRGA BUSINKSS CHANCKS. "Mead Light."" 500 **Eagle.‘"‘ 100 and 200 "Yictoria." "Little Comet . WORLD. PATPENTS. WANTED Paint Makers see how it ow easy it it is whes You many Who ecolored and «& amtoly | arhite year \: the th only t tb‘.pt “ cream, quite v that a; one fo U you ing of better for no have f a misti wi you o pan busc w wich x wich lrish tleac this 1 gown. part 1 pink n neck upor .: «he an knows. The epring tells :+ esmm o @O nea are th Mothor the w« w24 Aprfl ow e let th lace bust velvel Bour up {r ficlal uomrj arou WO w s real! y blouse les cu One i o the ehocol pale, n w or n The upon ther / bhouse. used ; the m Cring _ The in t i0 th hok to be over 1 cCROW and 10 tion «C bag£k» «vith 1 firiahi lll'nlcl lose] and t in dr ing The Jt im M

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