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Durham Review (1897), 24 Apr 1902, p. 4

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| 4 P1 E& # (%€ the hole which he bas prepared for himself, and say Mr. Irwin, dont you think that hole is large enough to W’l‘ry is both you atn.d;' NcKinno:: anyway. es seem to dowm_n.rx y’l‘m{ing you again for Again let me say that I have not been able to please Mr. Irwin in the past, and I venture to sa{ that there is very little possibility of doing so in the tuture unless by some means I would shuffie off this mortal coil and d?srt to some place where McKinoon and Irwin woulJ conslg:: me to. In his last letter Mr. Irwin me up a tree, perhaps it would be just as well to leave him in Ist, MceKinnon challenges me to prove that anything was done by the solicitor or members of the council to @ffect a settlement with him and then immediately afterwards states that he received a letter from the Solteitor to meet us with that object in view. 1 again state that everything was done that possibly could be done before and after the information was laid to induce McKinnon to comply with the byâ€"law. Members of the Town Council stated that they had met him and asked him to compromise in some way or other and 1 have heard at least two influenâ€" tral citizens say, that they advised bhim to put the money he would spend in exâ€" penses in brick and get his buildimng to conform with the byâ€"law. Another reason that he did not do so was proâ€" bably the statement he made on Nomination night when be publicly stated that he could beat the Town on tive different counts or that his Soliciâ€" tor had advised him so, and that it would not cost him anything to do so and now that he has his own expenses and the costs of the court to pay he 1s whining and threatening to sue the Town to recover his expenses. Me also questions my authority to say that the Fire hi;-)nw is good. Why the yery fact that he did not get costs against the Town is a good argument for my contention, The validity of the byâ€"law was the main issue in the appeal. Does any sane man believe that the Judges who sat in the court and gave 4th,. That this conviction and others were signed in the presence of Thomas A. Harris, Inspector, J. P. Telford and James Carson, by the three magistrates above named. 5th,. That a return of conviction was made to the Clerk of the Peace in accordance with above facts. 6th, That this conviction was pubâ€" lished in the month of June and that not one word was said about it being wrong by any of the parties until the following Novemberâ€"when it was disâ€" covered that McKinnon was disqualiâ€" fied under the Municipal Actâ€"that any exertion was made to appeal the cases referred to and just here let me say. that it was through the generosity of the License Department that the disâ€" qualification was removed the limit of time haying elapsed that an appeal coud be taken, _ All of these statements can be yeritied by those who may wish to do so as the proceedings of the magistrates court, conviction and signaâ€" tures can be seen and bave been seen by those interested in the matter. I will now proceed to give a few answers to MceK innon‘s questions : did not wish to appear before me 3rd. That after other cases had teen disposed of before a bench of magisâ€" trates consisting of H. W. Mocklet, Jas. Edge and myself that MeceKinnon‘s case was brought on a plea entered as above stated by the Inspector, by instructions from McKinnon, that a conviction was drawn up by me as presiding magisâ€" trate, read over aloud and signed by H. W, Mockler, James Edge and myself. 2nd. That when information was laid against him by the Inspector he met the lns(s)ector before the day of his trial pleaded guilty to the offence paid his fine or a portion of it and asked the Inspector to put in a plea of guilty when his trial came up as he. McKinnon did not wish to appear before me Ist. That McKinnon did comumit an offence against the Liquor License Act on election night four years ago. move a disqualification which preventâ€" ed him from being a candidate in a Municipal election which was then pendinlg and that they only signed these documents more from sympathy tor MceKinnon than anything else. If your readers will look over their affiâ€" davits carefally they will find that the whole sum and substance is to try and show that a conviction was wrongfully made without McKinnon‘s knowledge or presence and that they did not know or remember having signed the convicâ€" tions. Again let me state what did take place on the occasion referred to and ther let the public judge in the matter, The statements which I hauve made previously and do now make are : Permit me to again trespass on your yvaluable columns to answer a few questions addressed to me in the letters of Irwin and McKinâ€" non in last week‘s REvIEw and Chronâ€" 1cle. Mr. Irwin must have believed that his case was getting desperate when he considers it necessary to use both papers, Columns of affidavites, McKinnon‘s letter and his other mistateâ€" ments and misrepresencations to try and defend his actions and statements. Now as to the affidavits let us consider these for a moment and see what they contain. I have the best of reasons for believing that neither Mr. Edge nor Mr. Mockler got up the affidayits but they were prexjareg by a Solicitor who wns} paid by McKinnon and engaged to reâ€" Editor of the Review Irwin of The Chronicle in a Hole. Yours truly W. CaLpER. MACFARLANE & Co. Druggists and Booksellers. EVERYTHINEG Y00 NEED Dayisâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That the clerk be paid $25 on account of salary.â€"Carried. Pathmasters were appointed as follows ; Alex, Cranston instead of Robert Corlett, Wm. Lochead €* John MeKechnie, Alex. Bell sr.. k W. J. MeFadden, Thos. B. Sceoit w George Meyers, Geo. Pilkey 4 A. J. O‘Hanley, The council adjourned till called for court of Revision. Davisâ€"MeMillanâ€"That Alex, Bell be paid $25 on account of salary.â€"Carried. Dayis â€" Melonis â€" That this council grant $2 to Herry Clayburn to buy clothing,â€"Carried,. All Paper Trimmed Free of Cost. Arrowsmith â€" McMillan â€" That the reeve be pard $3 for committee work re Alice Flyn, and that Thos. Davis be paid 81 oo for letting and inspecting.â€"Carried. McMilian â€" Arrowsmith â€" That the clerk prepare byâ€"law in accordance with subsection 3. of section 537 of the Municiâ€" pal Act,â€"Carried. Davisâ€"McMillanâ€"‘That accounts be paid as follows viz., : Dr. Hutton profesâ€" sional eâ€"rvices re Alice Flyn, $4.00 ; Dr. Ego proicssional services re Alice Flynn §6.50 ; A, L. Walker repair of eculvert lot 21, con,. 14. $8.50 ; A. Lindsay repair of road lot 58, con. 2, E. G. R. $1.50 ; Wiw. Keyland removing obstruction off road lot, 40, $3.00 ; John Turnball culvert at lot 16 con, 1. E. G. R. $5.00.â€"Carried. McMillan â€" Melonis â€" That Thomas Davis commissioner for ward No. 1 be appointed to arrange with the property owners of lots 49, 5o and 51, con, 3 E. G. R. in regard to cutting a drain across lots do and 51 and report at next meeting of Council.â€"Carried. & Davis â€"MeJnnisâ€"That the clerk notify the clerk of Bentinck that this township was at expense of $6 building culvert at lot 16 townline G. and B. and also to call to the attention of cauncil of said townâ€" ship to lots 1 of 2, on G. K. in Bentinck where the water is dammed up and desâ€" troying the mill property of Mr. R. Darâ€" gavel, Carried. Mc Millanâ€"Davisâ€"That Geo. E. Arrow. smith be pard the sum of $20.25 being for expenses in conveying Alice Flynn to the Hamilton asylam.â€"Carried. MeMillan â€" Arrowsmith â€" That the reeye and Mr. Mclinnis be appointed to examine water course re Barry and Priel, and report at next meeting of council.â€" Carried. Melnnisâ€"MeMillanâ€"That the account of John McEKachern Special Auditor amounting to $152%.55 be paid.â€"Carried,. Davisâ€"MeMillanâ€"That the thanks of this council is due, and are hereâ€" by teundered to Mr. John MeEachern Government Municipal Auditor for the very concise and elsborate report of the finamcial standing of this Township, and that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Jolhn McEachern.â€"Carried. The conncil met April 12th. All the members present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and conâ€" firmed. Communications read as follows : From J. B. Lang with report of Special Audit and account for same ; From A. L. Walker account for repair of culvert ; From Andrex Lindsay account for repau of road ; From 8. J. Parker relatiye to lands sold by Government ; From Thos. Davis report of a dangerous calvert ; From ‘Thos. Sallivan and 48 othars petition to improve townline G. and B, to renew your walls, to make the old place look fresh and attractive. We have the spring tints that will give color and brightâ€" ness to the home all sumâ€" mer. There are graceful patterns to suit any room you may desire to cover. We have what you want â€"we know it. GLENELG COUNCIL. J. S. Buacx. Clerk. quality. The land must be within two miles of water or electric power. ‘Thos. Harness, Jackson, R. AGNEW Chas. Gordon, O Sound, Chairman D. K. Preston, Maxwell. Meaford, purposes. If any buildings are erectâ€" ed thereon, please Mm& gize and June 10th, 1902, for the s of fifty acres of clay loam or light land suitâ€" able for a FFERS wi i U ae anarnighed ap io ‘Imakay, fhuby hh t e S hh h on ta h on ho n o ae hn hn nc in i ho fak ns " h e e n n tR FE 1" d d 5 E HOUSE OF REFUGE. THE DURHAM REVIEW and hocing TORONTO Mr Walter McDonald, who has been seriously ill with congestion of the lungs, is we are glad to say able to be around nl\gm.n Jack Kennedy has gone to work for BUNESSAN. e rag _ Srd Div, lot 7. eon.1, E. G, R, G on Garafraxa Road eonvemet?i tol.?):lt‘- h.ined This fifty acres is a snap at price asked. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 1â€"2 ner cans PDurham. Very cheap, _ _ ~ Lot 18, con, 14, Bentinek, near Loui P. O, fn hands, of a Company, I‘"::: place gd must go to some one., Lot 28, Con. 2 W. G. R.. Bentinek a %)le:did im‘;,-.'g_vgt‘i‘ ‘t_c_rm convenient tc _He has a big list of Properties for Sale including the following : Fortunes Lower Town, #WET 109 LOAN_.t4 1â€"2 per cent l-.nd u,-mfilu..h Security and Next the Bridge, â€"â€" Gar. St. West. yÂ¥ avvv e vavavay y rrznmny PEA HARVESTERS SEED DRILLS, A. GORDON Kate Cochrane. *# MONEY TALKS «= Cigin and Waitham Works. We have Washing Machines, Clothes wringâ€" ers, Churns, Sto_ves, Nickel Silver, Galvanâ€" ized Iron, Tin and Enamelware, &c. Our Carriages, Cutters, Buggies and Carts h ave acquired a reputation that sells them atsight. Call and examine. solid Gold Bow, Only $12.00, ranted to wear 25 years with MAY BE MADE By Dealing With H. H. Miller, We keep constantly on hand FLEURY wear 20 years §$10.00, 10 kt Gold filled warranted to In 14 kt Gold filled, war epairing In Nicklecase $5.50, In PLOUGHS, HARROWS8, ROOT PULPERS, TURNIP SOWERS, WHEEL BARROWS, &c LADIES‘ WATCHES GENTS WATCHES A Catt Soticited. ANCING as well as other business carefully atten: FOR THE HOME FOR THE FARM & CASH ONLY. AAAAAAR: AAP AbAAAAAAAAAL a Jpocz’a/(y. lesp Jeweller CULTIVATORS 8SCUFFLER®. EPECIALIST EYE, EAR, THRO«T & NOSE, ‘___~ EXCLUSIVELY. .® NNi vanromui. _ EXCLUSINVELY. CR Wfll be at tho IMM nom, Durham the rst Wednesday of each month from 2 p, m, til}: ARtardware. @° Epecial attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Our weekty Shipment of PReadyâ€" Wixod Paints have just arrived. Another fresh consignment of Good s have just arrived for the ladics :â€" CARPET SWEEPERS, CARPET BEATERS, TEAâ€"POT HANDLES, ASBESTOS FRYING PAX S TOASTERS, BATTER SPOONXS, TEAâ€"POT COVER, TEAPOT MATS, & CANDLE STICK 8. DR. GEO. S. BURT. BARGLAY & NOBLE CALTL PROVEN Hay Fork TOLTON‘S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, Pianos & Organs ADAMS wAGGoxs Dloughsâ€" J{arrows Sou f flors Are now stocked up with MAXWELL & COCKSHUTT istant to the Royal LondGon Ophthalmie PM' and the Golden Bquare Nose Prvsircrax & SurcEox, se over McLachian‘s Store, 8 to 10 a. x. HOURS : 4 2 to 4 P.M. CALL and EXAMINE our vester Drill with steel wire conductors utt dine of Waxwett Soods. BMRGLAY & NOBLE APRIL 24, 1902 Best of its kind &â€" BLlack. 45 and see our faâ€" mous Sylâ€" & and 81 4 «0C want a TW GRIL Lx)C Pupi MI LADpI Tat _ Fl O Rol H« Oun W i Sal I‘a b Do

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