khan»! 0/ 3Peaetr- IUN. M. p- 1-. 511 London an... to Golden ste.". Il- ware. tum I, M, 1902 A. R0 1'th ig'di.'lgh'i'ga. I Mouse. but)... - my... a . 3... Dan tteve just arr-incl. IAN )S Fi '/ â€auntie/l Us. I HOME. " BURT. DURHAM gtritain. lam-n s Store BLACK. SI h'()IM. 1.902 it tor Dim“ Sn Fork " or M A Top " Ty, nt " FANS ICKS CO W. H. BEAN Ilitt 'di Lace Curtains 25c. (550, 75c, 00c and $1.25 a pair. Roller Window Shades. 3tic, each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide, 25c. a yard. Table Linen Gi inches wide, 25c. ayd. a. " 68 It to 50c. .. TWEEDS (E YARNS GRUBERIES Don't forget the Big 4, when you want a new pair of Shoes for the spring. S. SCOTT. Honor graduate of the Presbyterian Lonss' COLLEGE. Toronto, having taken the Musical Course at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, which u in atri1iatims with the above college. Pupils taken at her mother’s residence, col-nerd Durham and Elgin Sts. MISS MARGARET tl. GUN. ' JAKE KRESS ' :smsmw _ We can give you Bargains. APRIL 24, 1902 -- - [ Table Oil Cloth, 45 in. wide Pa5c. a yd. Woman's Straw Sailms 35c. up to Salad» Ceylon Tea, Black, or mixed , '30c at" 10c a lb. Our New Prints are in. Floor Oil Cloth, l yd wide. 25c. a Lower Town Durham jake Kress. FOR SALE BY MacFarlane tl Go. I Druggist & Booksellers) MrCs Paints Undertaking PRONe Y ATTENDED TO. Ill Over Canada FOR HE SELLS CHEAP I I We ask Insuecliun 0: an was; DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. OOTS & SHOES, &c., Of best quality. The Best Quali' r cheaper than ev"- They're perfectly mixed in proper pro- portions, of the pur- est materials and are Sun proof and Storm proof, any color, any quantity. Ask for Sample Card. People are using and praising FUNITURE E (lhh't Illel yd. Misses Kate and Lexie Anderson leave Thursday morning for Hamilton, where they intend to reside. The best wishes of the town will go with them. while Trinity church and the social life of the place will he losers. Miss Hattie teach.. er, of Course will remain here. Mrs. Dass, Strutfmd. has been visit- ing he" sister and mother here fur a few days. Sunday umming m the Metho. dist Church and m the evening in the Pveultyterian, she sang voluntaries in a Very pleasing manner. She intends going to New York to still further Mr, w. K. Reid. who, during the last half year or more was crippled somewhat. seriously by a bicycle acci- dent, has recovered sumciently to get around on his wheel again. We trust this tonic may prove a perfect restora- tive. --------eq_- --- PROVINCIAL AUDIT 0F GLENELG ACCOUNTS. pursue her vocal sludie T Mr. Cohne and family moved to Wellesley lust week. and the house just vacated is to be occupied this week by Mr. Geo. Wilson and family of the Egremont mill. Mrs. Wm. Hunt and two daughters, who have been visiting relatives in Durham and Glenelg for some months past tetrumed on Tuesday for Colorad J. Mr. T. Donagby, of Mt Forest, wt. in town on business at the beginning of the week. Engineer A. C. McDonald has been down for a few days with bronchitis Mr. Geo. Blackburn, and daughter Daisy, spent u. few days with his sister in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Fiddis, o. Sound, Visit- ed her parents Mr, and Mrs, McDonnall for a. few days. Mrs. Hon-slung. Holstein, visited on B:uurday her son William and daughter Mrs. Williamson. The council years ago bought a safe for their Treasurer in which to keep township moneys, but he fearing. very naturally, the temptation pre- sented to burglars of large sums kept in a secluded country house; placed the money in his own name In the bank for safety. There is this to be said for this method, that had loss occurred by bank breaking, the town- ship could have recovered all than the Trees. or his suretiee. while by the other method they would have to stand chances with other depositors. Mr. Chas; Vair Visited his sister Hrs. Dr. A. Gun last. week. Miss Collier left last week for Taira- to to stav with her sister for some tile, Miss C. Kingston. of Mt Forest, is visiting the Misses Hunter. Dr. Sutherland. Stratford, is at present in town visiting his Wife and her mother and will soon start,forthe Pacih'c coast. Mr. W. Kingston Jr. and Mr. A. thar- bett, Mt. Forest, were in town Monday, Mr. Jas, Wilson, Boothville, foreman of a timber Rang in Ihat Vicinity. was in town Saturday. Dr. Eaward S. Lauder, Cleveland, came home to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Davidson. days. Adjutant McGillivary " the Salm- tion Army gave" review of his work in that line in the Methodist church Sun- day night. Mr. Curtis Pickering. of Mt Forest, late dental student, in Toronto has decided lo locate in Durham. Mr Bailey, electrician at the Cement works, is in town permanently now. He visited his home in Mich. for a few (luvs. Director P. w, Stanhope is In town this Week. and President Cowhtun was up last week for a day. The audit extended over a period of 10 years though some otthe accounts were traced to their inception The total Receipts for the term audited were tia16i8.70; total payments, 118686.60. leaving a balance of t1932.10 which amount has been id to the present Treasurer. Daniel 'dlp' Miss Emma Edwards, Trayerstot, is now dressmaking with Miss Slatchet. the spuoe Ion-bids a further refer- ence uni week. i JiiiGrorhmantiU was tad tho you; Summary of proceedings ot Glenelg Council meeting held February 8th 1902. Members all present. the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Report of Committee on Treasurer's Suretios read and accepted. The " Chronicle" oftits was given the Township printing. By-Law 416 appoint. ing Tp. omcers was passed. D. J Mo- NM, was granted 86 for the benefit of Moses Mnllion an Indigent. Thom Morrow was paid tl for repair of bridge at lot lol, con. 8, S. W. T. R. in 1901. C. Bananas was paid t28.86 for printing. The Mummpal W.rld was paid 915.58 for Assessment and other atnionory and copiea of the " Municipal World " and Thea. Finder was pnid 01.50 for two searches re treasurer'a sureties. Town mll Glenelg. Feb. 15. 1902. The council met pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. Minutes of meeting of Feb. 8th read and eontirmed. 3teMillsn--MeInnis-That the auditors report as re.eudited by this councxl he accepted. and that they be paid " each. also til each for special audit tor 10o2.-- Carried. Me1ttuiu-hrrowsmith--ruist the til", tion of John Fallice and 41 others as ine for tax on dogs, be not entertained, these bemg a petition against it. Carried. Datu-Melnnm--Thu the Reeve issue his cheque in lavnr of Archie McKechnie for the sum of $4.oo to buy for George Boy an inaigent.---Carried. Ihsviir-MeMillan--. That the Reeve and clerk he puid " each and councillor Geo. E. Arrowsmith 83.00 for committee work to Alice Flynn.-Carried. Davue-.Arrowismith--TUt cheque be issued in favor of the clerk for 830.00 on account of st0ry.-larried. Note-The members of council had such a struggle pulling each other out of the snow banks on the 8th of Feb, that very little municipal business was done, and the Provincial Auditor claimed minute books and other papers immedia- tely after the meeting of the 15th. Hence the delay in furnishing copy. The most of the farmers have com- menced seeding this week. Tho weather has been tine for ploughing. Fall wheat has a good appcnruucp. but there is not much growth yet. Atrowtmntla--MeInnti-TMt M. Black be paid the sum of $14.50 for attendance and supplies for Ahee Flynn, and that he also take 300 of hay that is on her place. Carried. Davis-McMillan-Tha' the clerk notify Mr. Jas. Edge ertretssurer td hand over to Mr. Daniel Edge the sum of $1740.85 as shown by auditor's report, also all property belonging to the tt"rnship of (ilgnelg now in his possessuor_hmied, Daviir--McMilhin--T1mt the clerk be paid $1.34 tor postage and 81.00 tor ex- press charges-Carried. Mrs James McDonald, who spent the winter months with her nephew red Sandy McDonald, Proton, returned to her own home. South Line. Glenelg. a few days ago. The old Indy wishes to end her career at. her own home. which is quite natural, where she spent 50 years of her life. Daviir--hrrow.emith--That It. Martin be paid the sum of 32.70 for hay and oats to Alice Flynm-Carried. Davis-McMillan-Tut this council memorialize the Government to amend the Municipal Act so that the Reeves of the municipalities will constitute the c )unty eourusil.-Ctrrrieii. Arrow-with - McMillan - That the Reeve and Mr. Davis be paid $1.oo each for search in Registry oftiee re treasurer's smreties.--C'arriM. James McDonald (Red Jim) bad his hand badly smaahed lately by havmg It struck with a sledge while holding fence posts. Dr Dixon put. nine stitches in the wound. He is doing as well as can be expected. James 3leDoogall, who had his leg broken some two months ago. is able to go about on crutches. but will take a long time yet before he is alright. Mrs -------. (Bella McLuchlan) of Buffalo, is spending a. month With her mother Mrs McLuchhn. Durham Road, Glenelg. Bella" as natural looking: us ever and all are pleased to see her again. I. great improvement in illuminating his store. Hus son Peter Was in Toronto last week for a supply of hardware goods. which is a step in the right direction " Priceville has been without any burdwue for some time. Ned McKinnon. who apent the winter season MI the lumberwoods of Michiggn, in home again. A large number from our town attended the inner-l ot Miss Richardson last week. Also the Innenl of the late Mrs Bolger, of Dnndalk, In the was " old resident of Pricovillo some you. ago. We no glad to he" that the family of Mr Donald new“ in getting better and are 'tonine-d out of danger now. Mr Tudor, who spent the last couple of you! here in tomttr"d away Inst -tr. Mr Sydney Bhkeetone and fkrnilr moved “my lest week to take up their widen“ at Oak River. Menitobe, when he intends to m In the butcher basin-e. We meany toloee Mr Blekeeton from amongst as end hope he will have pron- perity in hie new home in Mmitobs. John McLuhan non of commissions: Martha! of the town. bu erected . neet boat " pleasure - during the lam- motmonthl. Thowodil dope; In fimt The council adjourned to Feb. Ili, at lo GLENELG COUNCIL. PRICEVILLE. Jens S. BLACK. Clerk. THE DUNHAHI REVIEW . That we'll sell reliable Seeds as cheap as the tAeapest--Mangel, Carrot, Sugar Beet. Turniptand other seeds. mo. A. DARLING, Druggist. DARLING’S {mun (rtttti DURHAM lllllhlf f \ i (llllllilf WURKS. LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. Over 19000 sold the first year. Durable, simple, economical. Pre- vents calves from sucking cows. No valve to get sour. The nipple is re- enforced, with no seams to crack open. Shouldbe used to be appreciated. CALDER BLOCK 'Next Post Office. Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries ROBINSON d CORBETT, Proprietors. DURHAM - and - MT. FOREST. Feb. 8r, 1902. man deserves credit for his first attempt at boat making. Dan Meinnes, of town. is engaged with John McPhail, South Glenelg, to put in the spun! crop. NATURE'S OWN WAY, UNIVER- SALLY ADOPTED, ADJUSTABFE TO ANY RECEPTACLE. Word was received from an and Mtii Neil xcLeoul. who left these parts lately. that they arrived sale at. Billings City and would take three days more to drive before reaching their home at Higlsfiel l, Montana. an Butlers is improving her house by making a tile drain from ber cellar. We received a note from I young man giving an account of another young fellow and asking us to have it sent amongst our items. We decline on Ilia grounds of being of rather I personal nature. It anv- body was in the same predicament tbay would not appreciate 10 have it appear in print. We read with much Interest the long and able letter of Gilbert xchecbnie Esq relating to his trip to Cement City in compnny with other friends from Dnr- ham. Letters ot this kind no always interesting and imstruetive to the road" aait convey: to him an insight of the outside wotld without ienving bin own locality. We hope to m the rut of it in this week's pspor. Died at his residence in Pricevillo. on Sand-y morning the 2oth April It Chas D ncxillnn. plasterer. anti" of Abatdoen- shire, Scotland. " the up of " you". In lain“: was ailing for the [at you monorleu nndlum I widow a home and family tom-when throughout the I country. He won 3 resident of Prioeville I for nbout forty five you-I. His tirst mfo ' and nbont twenty you. no and then he married In Stuart, who survive: bins The fallen! ah- plncu NIH. load†- 'fmtrury pan and vi be but COMMON SENSE (lllf EEEDER Rev Mr natheson preach" on Pilgrim's Progress every Sunday evening and his addrelses me very interesting. bond. his first 'wile. If you want a good no my cheap. Call " the FOR SALE BY Prepare For The Pesky Moth. t *4 El!" TORONTO Put. Feb. I3, 1900 W. BLACK. REMEMBER That comes like a thief in the night and ruins your rarest Furs and Woolen Clothing before you ,'are aware of it. 'Protectiondis afforded those who use Camphor and Naptha Balls and Moth Killer for all Garments which are liable to destruction. Now is the sea- son that they get in their finest work and the time for you to use the best precau tions. DAnnoox-In Durham, April n, In. J. B. Dcyidoon. aged " years. Wmutqrggggte--.rn Durham, April m, Thou. Wnlloughby. 33d 78 - GOOD HEALTH AND A 0000' APPETITE ' S‘ronnnY - HART --. At Klldoann. on April Nd. by Rey. ll, Grittie, Mr. Thomas H. fit omy was united in marrisge to Him Maud Hart. [BB- vmw extends emtttratuUtion s.l mc-D-ru-un Boston. 17 of April, by the Rev. Mr. Enrich. mu M Dsrguel. of Domoch, to Mr. J. B. PM of Boston. Mass. Give our Breakfast Food a trial. Milling Public McKmsos-qrt Durham. on April I t, 1m to Mr. and Mm. Jno. McKinnon. a daughter. R. McGowan. are dependent in a large measure on the food we eat. Bread is so much a sustainer of health and strength as tc deserve the appella- tion “The Staff of Life." At Rowe's Bakery the utmost care is exercised to have the bread, pies, cakes, pastry wholesome, and the essential conditions of pure flour, sugar and other materials are not neglected. Our products will stand the severest test. We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and Me are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour. Give us a trial and be convinced. We have also got our new Chopper in first class running order and have a large quantity of chopped corn, Wheat, &c. on hand. E. A. ROWE To The MARRIED. DIED. BORN (llllilllllil) BANK (lf CANADA CAPITAL. Authorized. . V . . . .rzunxu. CAPITAL, Paid up. _ . . . _. . . . . 1.0mm) RESERVE F'UNO..,..,...... (In!!!) AGENTS in all prlm-ipnl [mums a. Ontario. Quebec. Mummlm. United Mates and England. OWEN SOUND. ONT. ' Where you an Ret just what you want in the moat practical methods Full particuiam free. Address. Can you enter mercantile pursuits nnd be sanctum! without u practical business education P Can you succeun fully enter wy profeuion without . sound knowledge of Inn-inn. principles. Then why hesitate to an a; couoie in Shorthnnd or Bushman Subjects. nt the A general Banking business Irunmdod Drafts issued and folk-minus ttode on all points. Depnhiln received and inter- est allowed at "urn-m mime. HUNG " I STUP! SAVINGS BANE. savings bank deposits of SUI} and up- wards Prompt, attention and 1"'ery faci1ite afforded (-ustnuwru living at distance. J KELLY, Agent. J. G HUI'TON. M. D., Rm“? tad Iona-ed Winn-a 01.0 um" nod Family Baud. . 31.75. Rm" and Toronto My Btae an m and “than“. Thoettmttisewitettortt Juana my. sud Wham work. under the &ruortrrq u o"o"r"e't"uehe"'oetutDes-tr-ttt-- mos. ALLAN, maul. 'm.'.MoRWt.0trdB. A-, (m).'m;m [In MCR, B. A., Clan-lam lad-nu. Ills: any“ In. Jug-pa. c. L. “at. " the Du nan; Pharmacy ('nldl-r'n Block. Residence first dvnr west. of the old Poet Oftice, Durham. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT NOTARY PUBLIC. COUUIIIIONER. m. Collecfiotta of all kinda Fanny (mug/I promptly "ttended fo - and will ARTHUR H. JACKSON you" value convunuccn. ac. omee---- LOWER l OWN. DURHAI. OFFICE-- Helm tyre more. OFFICE- - McK'nzie’s Old Stand Durham 'r'ie-"Pundi"imde1ttotttmM-tuetrtnine 01m.¢-IMIMII~H¢. minim ehna I: 0n. "now Account Court Butane-u migtetrtrtirat Grit RESIDENCE and OFFICE-old Hunk UPPFlt To“ .\,l)l'lHlAM. Telephone Connection No. 10 Co?iqeuot" nd Annoy promptly With. hoods. Mona-act. Lena DURHAM AGENCY, insurance Agent. Money to Loan at rensona ole rates and on terms to sun borrower. Durham School Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. All Changes Madezate lumbar Collect Plumm- and Surgeon- Ontario. a. P. TELFO RD. FFK‘If. HRgTjuKm EAST CF DENTISTRY. GONVEYANCER, VALUATC‘R G. LEFROY MCCAUL. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, & BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,: c. h. FLEMING, Principal. MON BY TO LOAN arrister, chtary, G voyanccr, an, etc... noctly {Inputs}. ooked that Ind I E l DAVIDSON. Head Office, Toronto. W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Hunger. ll OFFICE HOURS tr--" B. M. 2-4 u o"d'.A'rA'fit9. f . Private Money to; Loon, "zeros! allowed rm Ill-tale. of xocu tor'l I It uni ill-d an d WalluJ 3 Over theWetttk (nun "but." nd Ttues, VI doe md otter- ot Admin: rt