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Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1902, p. 1

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W's AKES READ Ie ' 1902 n 1hoto alin tor Tea um 10W NFC. N lots for c. It's r Prices trn ess, the a alt T . J . il ORDAN Gigi-iii“ e i, 350 mun M A man mr I Limiini It's Just what he wants and Just what we have tor him, a watch that will keep time, a watch of which he'll beproud, a watch that won't bank- rupt you in the buying. Watches, too, for older hays, their wives. their daughters. their employees, their friends. Watches put in order and kept in repair. __ w -""", Two Big Jewelry Stores, DURHAM a HESPELER ONT. R. B. Keeler is the only Watchmaket in the County with a Watch Pac, - tory experience. \11 our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keck-r19 engraved free. mes, bra always Pere, and frost taken bought In this 6tore. In fact avg/Milly in Me yrocery fine Put A Watch on Just arriving this week First Class value and we ‘ please you. BARCLAY Via of Jhsok ' Iat- GOODS DELIVER ED. VOL. XXIV. NO. 18 3. a. KEHER I sou fora?!” Is giillll) US FOR-ee-, ', Teas, (Sugars, _ euttees and . tb/ees. _ Una/dope J??esrsra _ “QQQ 2ksrsry, Jpem'az. g this week. They are nine and we know we can our Jiutt Car/cad; NOBLE. Boy The undersigned 03ers for rent the tine atone residence in Upper Town at corner of Garafraxa 19t., and Durham Road. Lately remodelled, that class cellar, furnace, well, etc. Most dean'- able location. Terms RPnannhln Arm, -e -... van. uu- _ umce or me "rule's tamer. Mr. J. W. (fin: the wongnown horseman from iMurdick. Durham road, near Allan bivmtqn Park is out this season again E Park, at l p. m. Tuesday. the contract- with his famnnsplyde " Lord Roberts " ( ing parties being Miss Mary (Minnie) A. and will he at Ities' hotel eve Tuesday 9 Murdick and Mr. Robert Muir. now of from " a, m., to 3 p. m. fu, extriiMorde . Man. The immediate friends {Tamar}? demand for' Rood banana, and fund ',.t,hr,.o,',h'l tn tho numhm- n! aha-‘6- _.- ...L unrllDUllnu Flesbytery. The final decision on the matter will not he known till after that presbytery has its meeting and the {)hatsworth congrega- tion have a right to speak, Rev. Mr. Hall, of Arthur. owing to ill health Cara, F'stwrAisrm.---At a meeting of the pi-eshyu-ry held at, Mr. Forest on Monday the. call from Holstein to Rev. J. Little. was sustained and forwarded to the Owen Sound Plesbytery. The final decision on the. matter Will not he known till after that presbytery has its meeting and the Chatsworth congrega- tion have n. rich f" c---', “ .-- l The Slater, Shoe sold only at, The Big hitore-83.i50, to 85.oo pr. MILK Itrtortros.--.The article on an" other page. " Do you keep cows " sup- plied by Mr. Hodson. If read, ind above all, practiced, for one season, would we- believe result in great profit. If con tinued for sevbral seasons, weeding out poor animals faithfully the profits would be still larger. $1.00 Pail Syrup foe The Big Store. Fishing Tackle. Roc' Lines, Hooks at Parker', Ive notice in the Wi Donald MeViear, form Church, Dromm'e. and Nurmanhy, was last we to the Prswlvyterian Cl Ontario. His portrait, tlw moth-v. shows that tl telling on him yet. of "A Meteor, King", by land, has become exh: Tribune Powor Ptutr Harriston. Canada. are second edition, soon to I It will pay you to vi Millinery Show Rooms see, the trimmed hats on Mr. Henry. of Brnntfom. formerly of Mt. Forest. was in town Tuesday and was greatly impressed with the mag- nitude of our cement works. Ireland's have the swellest muslins in town. day. TREE PLAx'ruxa.--yiv. Gilbert Me Kechnie very succinctly set-*4 1011.11 the dunes and benefits of tree planting In another. column. Clerk Jno. S. Black wars in town Mr,.,- home this week on in Glenelg. He ha an the C. P. R. Black Cat Stockings will wear lung as 2 pair of any other make, 2 35c. at Tht Big Store. Rev. Mr. F Farquharson attended meeting of Presbytery in Mt. Forest 1 Monday. ' Good Top Buggy for 'Sale._J, A 2 Hunter's. _ Trimmed Hats from 8L%. llp- Sailors at 25c and Readrto-wears at all prices. 35c Moleskin Suits at, The Big Store. Fishing Tackle all kinds at Darling's Dr ug Store. _ Fishing season begins May 2, a. m, Fish stories begin May 2, p. m. May I. Fine rains. Good growth )rnnmre. and Knox Church, r, was last week inducted in. wwlvyterian Church at Finch, His portrait, accompanying 7 , 7 .. _ (oRDss.--The article on an" " Do you keep cows " sup- '. Hodson, If read, ind atom 'vant Wanted, at once.:) Today, Wednesday. takes place the A. Gordon Upper Town. ,funeral of Mrs. A. Jenkinson, “a? s for sale in Moodie’s:R00ky Saugeen, who died on Monday 1. Town Durham Margot this week. We have no particulars ' , . Apply to Mrs. Arrthut l this date. Mann, If read, ind Move " one season. would we- in great profit. If Con ml seasons, weeding out that the your rker's Drug Store. 7 a Witness that Rev. formerly of Amos. iiiititttrtt, are at work on t to he issued: Rods, Reels. Flies ””“m” IO "ev. FROM HALIFAX. â€" Trooper Lyman ' and forwarded Caldwell writes us from Halifax where esbytery, The i he arrived Monday of last week and my" will not .he _ where he is vet y busy and getting lots esbytery has its I of drill. About 1000 men have gathered rorth congreqa-J there when he wrote, and more coming 'eak, Rev. Mr. 1 every day. He. is experiencing the g to ill health ! tough side of a soldier's life. their first t Ut ( night there being spent on the soft side ‘ ."' the presby-.0f a plank. but Since that they have 'aln on May 19,!got mattresses and blankets. They {were expecting to get uniforms and ' T horses the day he wrote. He and some "Y now ready. 'comrades had been down viewing the go together at I ship which is to be their home. for a l 'mouth. and they expected to sail in . , . ( about a week or 10 days, though We see trlcing Shirt 'tt by the papers the departure takes place jon May 5. -lijc.---ot. 2e. a llr. Tr s are not 'Oi J m“ [ Mr. Ridden, Head Agent, of the Int- 'not per-Lil Life Assurance Co., is In town B. I this week. Lug _ ltr. \Vorshipfu! Bro. Irvine, Dist Dep IGrand Master paid his official visit to an" (' Durham Lodge No. 306 A. F. and a. M., SUP-{Tuesday April22. He was accompan- their “new Home. The bride aid 1506;!) left on the 6.20 train on their wedding tmm-Post. ‘groom by Mr. Roht. Thompson. The l air bride was tastefully attired in a gown of white organdie, trimmed with valenciennes lace. The bridesmaid also wore white muslin tnmmed in the same manner. After the ceremony the guests sat. down to a bouptitutly spread and tastelnlly decorated hoard. Speeches were made by the.ofrlciating clergyman and the best man, both testifying to the I popularity and high characters of the» TIPF people who “TY". leaving for} Mtrrrt-Mvnmcic, NveattLs.--A very pretty wedding took place at the tesi. dence of the bride's father. Mr. J. W. Muqdick. Durhag) rpad, near Allan ied by Rt. \Vor. Bro. John MeLaren. I Dis. secs.. both of Orangoville. The ( latter was one of the organizers of ', Durham Lodge about 30 years ago. the. ! late J. II. Hunter being the first master, I His son Jas. A. is the plesent one. 453 Look out for the interesting story of Kingston Penitentary and its inmates to he held in the Methodist church hy Rev. A. Laval B. A. Friday, May oth, Miss Belle McKinnon. Uhesley is l guestmis week with her sister, Mrs Jun. A. Black. ligcnt man, an enthusiastic and pro- gressive farmer, a politician trained thcroughly in municipal work he is just such a one as farmers and busi- ness men everywhere should feel honored in supporting. Mr. Binnie is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Liberal Candidate For South Grey DURHAM, THURSDAY, irji"ir"=i,=f-i7i:fi"i" MR. GEORGE BINNIE. y Peter Hamilton Goads WE MAKE OUR BOW TO THE FARMERS of SOUTH GREY as we announce the opening of our IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM in the old Foundry building at the bridge on Garairaxa Street. A Life-long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this coun- ty, has given us an experience of its requirements which we are cottfi- dent wc can utilize for the bettefit of r the farming community and we ask I with confidence for a share of their I patronage. We just mention this week that we I have secured the agency for the A. B. MCARTHUR Call and let us explain its merits. Wait a few days for our BUGGIES. geared from both wheels, making it the most desirable drill in the market NEW; Implement Agency; a}: 8horr Siam, Wax! Me $114190. and call special attention to the new LEADER DRILL It was a hap y conclusion to tt pleas. ant athel ing 'Jil', all round hand shake of [$10 fifty members of the chorus at the close of the entertainment. Instrumental trolos were rendered by Misses Clara Aljoe,'yfertha Spnrling and Rita Irwin in each case showing capabilities improved by careful train- ink and teaching. The organist Miss Grace Everitt for time and attention given to the preparation and carrying out of the programme deserves the thanks of all concerned. The programme consisted of Bible Drills, " Watehword" and Topur, two readings by Miss Maud Irwin and songs, choruses. duets, and solos, by different members of the socuety, all Juniors. Several of the members received well merited encores from the deligdted audience, ta, Pee? (Shoe For Quality, Style, Ease and Comfort The Peel Shoe is always found Pre- eminent. An excellent concert was rendered by the Members of the Durham Junior League in the Methodist church on Thuisday evening. The Jr. President George Burnett presided. Handsome white and colored shirt- waists for ladiee at, Ireland's. Prices right. Better look them up now while the assortment is complete.' Wism's, 1vortrt.--rhe storm of last Wednesday mused havoc in the new building of the'Sun Cement Works, Owen Hound. The walls of the drying room were blown down and in _their fall destroyed other buildings and machinery causing a damage estimated at from $2000 to $15000 according to the Advertiser. Mr. Jas Isaac, Dromore, one of the heavy country shareholders in the ce- ment works, was m town this week, and examined the vast works with in- terest. 1' Mrs. McRae, of Durham. 13 visiting ! with Mrs. Elliott. ---Chattsworth Banner. Lace curtains and curtain goods of all descriptions at James Ireland's. The Annual Sacramental service and Love Feast, will beheld in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Service at a quarter past ten o'clock. How many farmers will accept Mr, Hodson’s offer of milk records? Read the article "Do you keep Cows ? JUNIOR LEAGUE CONCERT. TORONTO 0‘-.. "H Wine 'ie Ch tar Sir? :13; tTre, r g: 9.1- and a u . M 'R2ie Eggxflxwflflflflflmxxflmmx :-::-::-: 'li “I: flfififi%fififi$fifiififl§¥$§%¥fifififififi 5. A big lot of Glassware to choose from at 2 5c. each. Come in and see our stock. f, "Ct, C “snow-l V Io piecq Toilet Set in beautiful colors, regular price $6.oo_our price fixgaxxxammma XlgllgllyNElitftytmxytgt ii! A? MILLINERY 97 piece Dinner Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined with guilt regular value is:$r5.oo, our price GROCKERY " 47 piece Tea Set inZa rich pattern, value at $5.00 our price Baaomi'rts to the wearer?“ ana tnese goods are certainly fine quality and low price. We also bought a great deal from the best Millinery Houses in Canada and are prepared to show you the correct styles at correct prices. and these goods are pie. We also 1 NOW ITS We are constantly receiving the l to-wears. Special Line of Re: pretty Dresden Silk Drapes on go Swell Hat at a very collapsed price Our Sailors are great We have sold dozen: nf Call and have a talk with Hat. She will show you all the also the latest effects in Trimming etc., and will take your or- , der at any price from Miss Rider, an experien partment and is prepared on short notice. No Ha our show room except it is Remembar the place MILLINERY I Men's Overalls l Still in the front Sailor Hats. C. I This year we imported THE POPULAR Chstqs'NitE. muors are great. The leader is a 'e sold dozens of them already. greet Bhrem Glassou; THE POPULAR CASH STORE. , an experienced Milliner, has charge is Drenared to trin, hate I., et.., ..-w-.-- CROCKERY prgpared to trim hats/i/ f receiving the newest Shapes and Ready I I s, - I - " _ $12.00 $4.50 $3.50 " with Miss Rider about your Spring an all the newest ideas in Headgear, [rtiymitgysct1orerspo1iags" Mounts, ""e ---- 1 "J - Hat or Bonnet will be allowed to t is trimmed stylishly and is dl Ready-to-Wea/s-at" pn good soft straw. tf.7fttjjli'i"ii"i'j"t. 'iii f;':f.i%2i“35 CENTER 'iji "retand LAI DLAW’S OMZStlnd 'reland Gd? eclmze. 'e,heehnie. a great deal of our AT THIS STORE CHAS RAMAGE. Pun“: um Ptriuararrut ls charge of this De- .tlte vtrfy latest style $1.5t, lei ve :95." élié £33 Eli: 'a 11' Wu:

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