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Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1902, p. 2

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Savor ha Hm» " Mum sum" montlr" ldtukml in :01 r, bowel troutrle. n tunt. but " Porry b "War " danpou. i A "tat-ttt purporting to conu- trom a NIMh‘I' of the l-liglnm-nth Inntth numwl W H. t lark was putr- lishm in the hummus (it) Joanna! on March IO ant-mug that. "tho wnmr cure tun-tare hu. been 'uiminlstervu " mums-mun of “am as in tMe Pltililr- pirtor--at least in Pawn.“ A "tttrot “mew-r "2|le It It. Mpg-a. uvting as 'rrrrtwpotsurut u! the Scum Carolina Stats; mm his pann- a IottPr in which one»! Mao-tom‘s mm": was rirprwwntnl as awning thrtt tie had para-many tukmn part in 100 "ppli- cutimm of the walor mum. M which " but " prmml rum! Don't rand until you consider it worth white to remember at least one “naught or deduction ot the “that. . To Chi and gud Don't tuguul anal. he ine. “Tiff; IG W] Don't .-pn.xg true {firmly ou-rluxing. Don't “r tserttitttertt. once. write ably nMo-r family. Don't pm lo well wit B" ttVU! Will. yua and kick him when an an: '?to_Rtm., 'P+ 31313246.)- h'. and lwglty. A“). V, . ': ?. . 00:11.1»: i', it-tmosh/ot /t bot, thing or a great po'rmm; you shame your origurrl and placard yourself Very hulls". Don't put h Won”- pol ivy Don't hr lg drink lik- " ’llulen gix. ool. Don't h:- 1 Ipite an! ttt word. Dun't quart-vi wttlt Cute; it's Cool. “IL tor you Pan [urn-r “in. 7 " you?" " man. hp maul): It God mad" 'oit for in“ mm“: men's wo-ur aloue, 's - t ‘f of, _ Don‘t pl'l yunr tlosr,nvheara't " with“! lineu and pH. it i uvat and Il'HU‘lI tht. par button or two (my th clothes, inn-rt iNvaeti, "(hp grocer nnd Tmtrt'reie '0"? I lord, sa- niuvnv in aha” morning mun-r. and tin-u "That w‘li do. mudnm. Flivprm-sy i NIOugh pry-pm. ”h It is P31 norm “in wit Don't look over Ion. or they will 1rlttle you do it. bb i'lease tell mu Datum-6'7: R mount-g.“ " l trave tlw two trreokrrtrst, drum-um! i mttdo up 3:4" I-.- + New "at (mun-I and Hudson River C Railroad. The above name u n house-hold word, and the superior excellence ot the road nhould be tmrtieiemt to at- tract must. peoples bat now that the rate In tho same to New York and palm. and. 33.1)} other Hues no fur- ther recommndatiorv should be mrttqttt. Everybody Wm tell you it I. the beat. _ No woman lam-ti suNPr a moment longer. Budd‘s Kidney Pills haw cum! and arc- vnring thousands of wank women. Many or your "i,rtetm Inn Vt' ttrld their story {or patttictstion. and very many [lava “slim-d. but not for publica- tion. tll Join in praising; tho rrmmiy that luau done more fur tbe offering womanhood or (‘n mum than all othov ms-uns combined. Dodd'n Kirirmv Pills are Weak Wo Int-nu Bret Friend. await-luau I ewr took. "I can and will highly rwommpnd Douda Kidmw Pills in all wo-ak wo- men who surm- as l use-d to willow." After, [thud ur Wotes gshpf tt much on yr. 11m "eit a 1ii',,ii't,.iiii,r,' strand”: tm- m "(on bad itohe. . a paint; In hm. bavk had ditiappeared, and am: kept an using the pills. Him says: 'lt it had not been for Doduu Kid ner Ping: l would “any bad to give up. Thny are "ertttinly a wundrrml mam-hue and have dunP more for me .01] my minimum than all the other await-Mes I ewr took. No wonder that (:he felt like giving up. Every woman whohnu suffered In’thls way wig uqdqnland new, low with“ " _ 131'ka _a “111-63 teels'hrn MRI-Juno" io enolun- t neg:- exlrmurly Uitsttu'rrmincr symptoms. But Mrs. rs'iley didn’t give up. A [Mum advised hvr to Irv Mum‘s Kid, Bey Pill», and um- hugnn " trent- ment of this medicine, She Coulvl not lift anything and any dizzy. unwed an we time. Attan trertsr in” medicines with no tow ranks. ttho was humming altogether diwouragvd. so much so that she thought. tthe would haw- to give up. She had (“was ws-akueua of a very .33“:va form, causing her fear- ful palm. “or back pained her some- thinq dreadful. Rock Dale. C. B.. Iprit ".--tspcsetal) bin-5'. Druid Rum. ?fiPit \liluge. littered for (“or engm yum-s before to found a cure. A Story of. Woman who made up Her blind that she [and sutured long enough lhe Menus Ian-played to Cure Her Inna cured 'l‘huusumls. The Reason is not that they may not, but that they will not be Free. Miuard WHY WOMEN BUFFER Hnrron ot Philippine War " " 'h'lATrjii4tgaiittegit, Jaw y Whitt Hur- nmro- pun-1mm than motttlrm. of All“ family in :0! v. tiyrenterv. nr H'th .inimo-ut ('urcs Dinlnnipr‘r a he up “It” "01ft. you ache for expt‘ri. book. which will prob- seen outside of Four from to men. nor nrvvr laugh \ gr. is soon eurir tihe "id your (was tlog: wtuar “king. luni Ir capacity. To Hi Ur "at ‘ltkeu W.) UM" to a "Maid tht? ott th IN lk";fu 'Uttai of Ms uzuhr that. " social inter. "a to be that 'mn'i it in tho “Mn, parlor. sown-d " Um vhildrmcs, tho mm main, ulnvlur den-er. Al. at what yOu kupt.'_ast..aiilu, bad form and " low and be kllli'd I {6:131:43 ta. ptrtorte, Him!) " are revolt, 'thro-n m for whut you k on that HIP kin-T1 over tho nr "O is dis- lizrkiHDr ‘ .njsidii: huosl Invorzw was estaurCuirr'it, ( Ger. many in 1875. From 1881 to "itttetp the earl n ug divorce: was -h"ri-d 'tr,'i'dkr'. waie of Intel-.weari'it yexceedg _ 10.000. In England- divorce the: “numbed In 1857. During the years 1858-1862: the annual num- her was about 300; in 1894, about' GGO; in 1898. about 650. In Austria; when any ""tTJt2','l,tr" can apply Mr a leP. the bar ot demands "r divorc‘e Increased 25 per cent. In tour yen", and In Belgiumvabout 20 per cent In toar "urs, u. 1rv.ursui, KINNLV k MARVIN3 Drugglstu. Toledo, U. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure ls taken int Aug diroetly upon the blood and 1 tace of the system, Testimonial Price--7m. per bottle. Sold " al Hall] Fumlly Pills are the but bohiuU the barn and the customers as to the removal of tlie headgear. with the result that the qnostion was submlttml to tlt" Minister of Finance. That. nun-m has (-51"qu Humps to he iiiqumi warning the ftmtitt tttrsttfst 'rtt_rr/uiteretspttctrul de- ,,m¢il~llox"‘_wn'lle- mm“; State public Muss-s. trrnupntmis of which mum: in tho future rpmove thelr hater.-. I.nnd0u (Hum. "ins l-Izu'h UH“ abut tout. thuumn 1110le tttrl gm." m We otter one Hundrr-l any mun- of I 'nturrh that Hull‘s Puturrh Cure. _ ’Wr. the ulTJ'r-rsign-ul. have Harm-y tor the Ittut lr, l Our)! ' [II-rfeutly hunnrnhln- In all t , . n and tirtitnyially alm- u ttttttge made by their tirm Warn-"ta Twus. “hob-male ledo, lt. N, Lrver'n \'-Z(Wiae Head) Disinfectant Soup Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfeclu. " In Russia nu man ma) entmr a Gov.. Prnnwm "srtablimlnuent without re- muving his hat. tt rule which Atty q-mmml sunu- trouhle, it tapitpttiut, simu- Hrs t-slnhlishnwnl of the Gov- m-nmvnt spirit Show. There have heen disp-nvs between the Officials Thi. poet tt-tls lim' that "hmven givpu its favoritps "urly death." Why should not tlzosu who love them by "bbte.hr their mortal part early also! in the any before tho rvokless pressurg of Life «In» (no keenly upon, Niece!- tin lid'.' i--, "l uzxdr‘rutm a draw." tire ln-rruvnl. I I', Should evening lunm‘ll m-rvice be- L-onu' u vogue tlw wture would cer- tuinly Ire rm hml and gradually would evolve itsolt into u 50AM run”. with \zlrlml progrmnlm‘s of ,itoratur" and music and mu- in llug'llmv with u .lnnm- null light rolrogdmv-nts. "Furr, mull lmkml wants" in n llP\V sense might furnish for”: marrmgn- tabla-s, lull 1"»; iircrss.uri'.s "l'olll.\.' ll is itupiurir:tirle that UM pru- posal of tlie uttn'ettttlgd?rs' trust for "xeuirtv; funeral tivrvice skull make immwllutl‘ and unin‘rml progress among tl'l- ('lelDOl‘. pvuplv, whose grievf is generally too drwp and trim. on“: for tho mlopiLun of innovation- Irot ' from ruggoslion of mer- cnlquimrsm and lrenetiotmttesur But all-mild Um post-prauUlts1 lum~ral ser- vice attain \ognu in soviet, as con- ventional!) nmlvrmnozl it won” slow~ I) m1-urr- goneml approval. As to itAectnent purly in tlw mom- iup; or cremation lwl’ore sunriu, the 1ivtrd would he ipuitrtwenit and "ID liv- ing might fln.l the grmter Santa“ mow soothing. \ The poet tell" ms that "hrutrttn Evening huwral akivh-p may re- Tive the rapidly tlihpirsuriug but alleipn't cuertom of tlsh"wake," which is not pwn»li;u' to trttylrtwe or climb or limo, lmt'Is n 1:01}le character- istjr ot eottntries in which population in t'rirerirrrs andwlumw prtple treat ten- clvrly the mourning fi.Ufsr, and the es- laeumi deem. The “win. an its name suggests, was and wit-e it still aur- t"ives is a Hymbolh- retailing of the departed to (in; to "Far," the grief rammed by “1441' apparun-e. In pious voutmunititst, it in My assotlrly of fx-imuls to pray tor gm mhutiou- of the dm-wzm-d and fuxyfllw solace of "Phe tpuwtion of ev ing costumes at funerals will be {at}: ilehated and in due timo the fashion editor will new that the most Bulking or trtfec- tive an» properly tlea/red betore or soon atter the evend.,' Ttu, pull-hearers who are to as- aim at the tatuarat of our lamented follow citizen, Mr." thnith, qultted the (iutltol’lski matinee curly so as to take an early evening train to 1,he titnorul service. 'they will spend the night at a. nearby hotel. so as to he on hand "arly in the morning to Rovuulpztny the rt-mnins tn the cemetery. _' Should funerals Mame postpran- dial incidents tlwr‘would speedily and, inevitably enter" the socialcol- "In! Instead of being reserved as the now_are tor Ih.epbitunry column J2itulf,"1,1 Then "We should hare ln tle, social 110L913 ~sut-ll items as "Mr. And Mrs. NeWollnr in opera 11»:me- dropped in to puy a tisit of gulldulpncn to if" hrs-(vujml ram. ily whose only dilu?ilm~. Miltltwd,is 19 Ire inner-roll in t a morning." 'Sm-ll paraeiaph.sdia, thost, would hppeur: . ",' Among those whoinimlv " theatre party at the Mime of Thomas Jones on th" occasiou‘of tho funeral semiau- over his wltt, who died a few days ago. 1rert','etr'. They went to the play arm- tho prayers. That a Chicago Trtast " Trying to Bring About. U 'hicngu 1'ltropiele., 'i‘ho- uudertakertf 1rutit. which is rapidly gnawing {epidemic M1399 do”. h ettitmoori to" introduce the: {HHMOH of .Vt‘nrgg Inger“, in. .terntot or "Mutation to folléw at undead: hour th" "mat morning. wien privacy ts van-mum. Ments of the trust insist that as rum-ruin are now conuur'ted it is impossibln {or the trust LU manage the details satisfactory. There it too much required within a short interrut of time. Were it the Insh- iou to hold funeral services in the'; evening vehicles..and arisen would be freed‘from the "unsure of other demands during theuay and belterl tgerxi1u, could be guaranteed. Hula on to the Bartender. Divorces In manage. . .7 - . “‘ Hows nus? "votitotr, Drawing uarrh Cure Is taken 1trterttallr,tust- r" mm" the blood and mucous lur- uyntem. TmrtimtiiiiiiG want free. n... |.....n- .. . . _ A- SOCIAL FUNERALS. “HEM v‘W luzk Sun.’ d that they fought to mm or " ot them Ill‘JW ,n'l dullnrs in prize rum-6pm." Solid tiii? diiUUiiii il-ZY & CO., Toleuo, o. . have known F. J. mm and believe him t all basins-n (rami- fuble to curry um. any nasle I)rugg!sts. To, Movcv, “'holeaalé hurlura' Reward for mnnot be cured by U .- -tirtnvsAtamioisn'.r I _." ' He-Tha but twig I played tooth“. I Petnetntet"rtst gee got no knocked tMrottg--waat't like a race at all In fact-=rmm1f never would get better., Bhe--And did It? I tnmHt--er-ttt course I nee It didit--er-er-t mean . Jillian?! “wagon: Cure- Gal-cu In MC. v. L; 4 , _ r' LI An experienced housekeeper says: Old India or foulard sllk is the belt thing she has ever tried for duatln bric-a-brac and small a'r"lLuJl'f,l,','t tarther, that all duster: 111011)de washed and dried utter wings a. there is nothing gained by uninga cloth filled with dust. "'. If you‘mnkn a mistakv. do not dwelt upon it. Tnkst note of the rea- son of it and mydeavor to profit by It: contained lesson. It In better to boil 'oggs 2.50 inin- uteu than 10, as "ttt the farmer case they are manly and dry and more rm_dlly digested. , _ (W'ushintrtons'varo . No mbra tht cthinh jingle wins Our dour! Irons musings and l. Jtl11arptNN Trust owns the little lamb To make 'v,'tr,atuti. gable pie erupt mg ctbui‘n hut for lard. and it will be light and “healthful. V when ya! you mam-Olden. folda ’lmrkisll bath [bunk-l seven“ times ly layl [landm- it on the ironing ta- hllu and jun}. Mu, we. wro sidrn With, dunk t vidbttwbrk _',l',ltc', a little karaumw and warm J7ifs"r" 'are used in washing it, and this is followed byu brink rubbing, all Winger marks will be ohliteratort. 9.- A BOON TO 'MrmiP1MFoi.--one bottle ot English ','t'.'g,? Linituent completely rum”: ed a. curb mm mfr horse. I take plea-um in reeomTemiirtq he remedy, as it actn with myntorlnus prumptnous In the rmnoval from horses at hard, null or callnuaed lumps.blood almvln. splints. curbs. IWeeny, Btitie. and sprains. G’hiladelphiu lira-nu Mrs. Mug “his 4.. Mn. Wigwng ttetivar' in 'r,'lfr,li"i',', We? Mrs. "tIyar/ttm-ities:.' Why, that woman belongs In 16 nliffnront so- cletiee for the suppression of things. ----i_eeiv ..... ...v nmlm;cul. llll' " K L." is made by tho well-known Davis & Lawn-anus Co., Ltd. "Well," who whinymrml after a long s'ileucv, “I Humid think you'd have curiosity enough to want to find out whetlwr your suspicion: was wa-ll foundml or not."-4'hicago Romm- Herald. Imllutluns abound but insist upon gating: tho genuine. "Tur D. & L." Mom'hul Plaster. The. "D. & L." has mum! the ("st ot years. It rum-ea, Its imhqtions are Impotent. 'The D & "There is unlv our ransom“ he said. "why I hnw- non-r asked you to be my wifv." "What is thut'." she ilSde. "I haw always bro-n halt afraid you might rwfttse." l Minarduiniruentjctire, Diphtheria This unnxpr-ctml answer drew tours from the Pyes of the Emporor. "Yes, yes. Thr child," said he; "I trust that Alfred A. Taylor. or Marpiaree, saym "Oue bottle of MINA. RU‘S LlNIM-ENT cured a. swelling- ot the gamble joint. and saved a horse worth 8140. t Thus. W. Payne, of Bathurst, saved the lite urn valuable horse that the Vet. has] given up, with atew bottles uf Mrytrlrt's LINIMEN'I‘. L10 brlong to the kingdom of heaven, and the day Is not far distant when I shall go there, my little trtu1lelp." Then, kissing thv little girl, he pre- sented her with the gold piece and the orangr'. and brought his its” to a close. F . The little girl was confused. Dare 'Pho say "The animal kingdom ?" All the teachers and pup'lu looked at her whit breathless expectancy. But in a moment she glanced up brightly into the face of the kind old Em- peror and said, " To tlus kingdom ot itvaven." " Bettnr and better," maid the Fatt- peror. "Now, look at um and tell me Itprhtt..t. 1riniri!oy1 do I belong ?" “Right, my little fraulrin." wall the Emperor. "And now to what king- dom dam this bvlung ?" The Emperor Urew a. gold pimp out of his pocket and Naomi _lt beside the orange. Moi'e r-onfldent this time, tie little girl replied, "To the mineral kiutr- dam." mum-ate Linlment Cum Colds. a; Ttte-ttttio girl hf‘rltato-d a momvnt, and then sum timrlly: "To the vege- tahlv kingdom." "Now, then; my little frauleln. let me see it you can answer me three hard questions." And taking an orange out, or his pocket and hold It up. "To what kingdom does this belong l'" he asked. After listening far an hour or more to the reoitatiorte. otneeerat' ot 1m; classes, the Emperor called to the front a bright golden-haired little girl. seven or eight ears of ace, and, lifting her into hf; lap, laid to hot : A nous TO GEORGE ROBE. Furmer, Markham, Ont, Rom by all drumnm ' Tiitit"iirriiiruriirttiG' In his later years the agnd mutt- arch took grant pleasure in vlsitiug the schools and catve,hisinit the! chil- dren. At one time, whilv in the city ot Ems. he visited an Orphan whoa! that was under Government panca- "i""'""".-'-""""",""--:-'""" Natty an ”interesting a)Fxtdte Cts told of the old Ktmreroe ' wiitiarit-. the grandfathé-r of [4111pr William and Prlzzce Emu-y. V ' : . ' M §++m++ ‘Pm '"tee" te'""'""'"" "'""t gnu: mm: GIRL t The "out She Couitt no m KAISER mum»! l. i urea“, ranged A Complete Mnnoply. Well. FtstrtiActivr. aamaroxkcm‘“as" L".' TORONTO le ("I to, hoesv, W! I We ntinGiaGiiirvt'w9r.thr" in: ara. lnen maul-y loodity. local or mull“. tttht- Induce snow uncover-y and keep our - and- and advent“: matter tacked up In con- unimm ghee- throufhout. the town and com. 0003 “augment you round ", t'g"gStt'tta uy, 'ld'? Itidrr" an“! up“ exceed y. an " Mounts. 'll'd't'ilP,g box 387. INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CG. London. Ont. These discoveries prow- that the Pyvcne.Btsrt caves, mums- of which arr very extensive, are extrr-mnly an- Giant. and wvre In use as human dwulllngu during the utmm age, or from 10.000 to 20.000 year" ago, The Darwinian theory at human de- scent ls thus eontated. With the caddy it is always a can of "turo" and attor. Not far from whore this: rvmark, ably preserved prehistoric man's body was found wm'e parts of the skeleton ot a woman. The pelvis and the other portions of the body clearly proved that it was a part of the skeleton or u woman. and one who was about five feet the in stature. Soml- tings-r joints. in an excellent. slat? ot murteevvatiort, Indi- cated a hand titttall and delimit?” made. These remains must haw been deposited where they wet-v found, though the great natural con- vulslun which mmuml about. 10,000 years ago om-urrml wiry 8mm an." or possibly contemporary with the placing of theme, rPuminu where they wore found. llllPTllllli The Fretivlt Govr-rnmvnt wislms to keep it so, and thererore, says the Indianapolis sentinel, as soon as Ute lending mum“ of France had care- fully oxuminml it the body was in- olused in an air-tight steel cash. with a glass cass- of sufficient tltleknpsut to endure the outward pressure of the air when that within Um raw had been carefully pumped out. The limbs of the body WPT" “mil proportioned. From the nppnarmu-e of the soles of the feet the man in life must have some barefoot-"d. for they werr'tTreat- ly calloused and hardened. In color; the man was of a light brown, nome- thiag between the Japanese and the Anglo-Saxon. By his side there were a stone uxv. a flint knite and what is declared to be a bark-form- ed_drinklnz cup. and?! The body Is that of a. man who was young. not beyond tire and thir. ty years of tUte. He was about five feet eleyen inches in suture and ex- tremely well proportioned. He evi- dently came to his death in battle or by violence. tor more is " bad wound on the head sufficient to have killed him. Having lwen kept dry no Imus; and out. of! from utmoxphvric (Iffents. the INNL'.’ is “mulnrrulh {rt-e from devil). What is considered the most au- oient. human body in existence has been uncovered in an excellent. slate of preservation in a cave in the Byrennees. The dryness of the sepulchre hail kept. the corpse. which approaches the Caucasian in type, intact for an itttUtittite period, whivit le animated as at least 10,000 years. When fottnd the body was enveloped ttt what scientists declared to have been the Akin of the cave hear. a species of animal that became ex- tinct with the lust mighty convul- sion that changed the face of this earth. BODY OF AN OLD CAVE DWELLER Interesting Discovery in Cave in the Pyrennees. MUST ANNE"? lllhlllll, tyuriday. Only One Depot In New York City. The only' depot in the City or New York ls that ocvupied by the New York Central and Hudson River Rail- road, so that passengl-ru for this point should rm- to lt that lhvir tickets read via the trreat four travk line It they wlsh tu.land at the Grand Central Slat'xuu. There urn a down fast trains, rash way between Buffalo and New York M'ery day. Empire State Exprosu daily emu-pt In Munkolm and among the 30.00) islands of the Georgian Bay con. (“than are diffrremt; It Ia'o! no con. sentence which way the wind {mm s. The ttrepottderauoo. of walvr are-u lu land surface: the' curatise odors ot .m asaau-r.ioe," tmgether ortth '11": elevation of a. thousand feet above the. trea, renders bay fever an ilupm- uible condition in tlreae 1iisttuvts, Handsoima “lustmted bookirst "ll- titled “Hay Fes'or; how to avoid and carp," may be had free. by apply- ing to m C. Dickson, D. P. Agent, Cr. TI 12.. Toronto. Ont. grqvate the-'diveaso. Anny Imaimvu Ira#e been; V rmiommeniteu, Auelt! “as méunminou. regionr and the pm cowrt, .but'Arenarally i1 theta '11-» so?” a (3&1: (Mal \h'pbmls upon the vafarieu of tho wind, and “malts are no always natural-(my. as it the wind should blow off shore. an it trc. quently dues, than- in no relief. In Muulwku. and among the 30.00) Physicians generally recommend a change of clitnate for tlte relief ot Hay Fever, where such weeds and flowers as rag-wow! and honeyiim'klu arl- not indigo us, as titetse and many other flow?” and gnaw-1 F.4F ("Interest to Hay Fever Sunk-Ion. WANTEB HERE'S A y. PAINT SUNLIGHT _,, Soap 23:5: _ The desk? of every feminine [wart " an extremely bouffztnt foot "feet no! to tAirts, no the number ot ruf- nee and ttny Niches used on under. sitirttr seems almost to defy the "tan. dress" art. Owing to the perfect fit of the corset cover and short skirt cut in one. and Its nimlute luck of fullness around the waist and hips. it is rt'- gunled with mote favor than tor. mgrly. - strangers Every man knnwn a loL of other men that he would like to class as A hand embroidered monogram is "orusidered the best touch ot 1iainti. ness on fine underwear. Square collars aiming in rnvors. bath edged in lace. luv " favored neck finish for night robes. Open tGoat nightgowns. wiblt t.glt sleeves find no yoke in the bib? are to be the moat worn this summer. Hand embroidery, hetrvetiteltinE and fancy stitchu-s are now as much used for lingerie as for apt-Rum. . Channeled-He ii"iiuysr'iit"ifat Recent Ore-gnu. ' {and IH,"'"""' mean '!'f,r,t,,0r,',' In lingerie. , A ne underwire coéiists ot straps :per turnips sewed to the belt, the {qt-tub! skirt not Winning until be. tow the pipe. ' Circular "ounces. trimmed with {my rufflou. is the Itrefer'r'ed skirt. foot trimming for silk or “a?“ stuffs. Ot comma wash white 5 fits have the usual fulled. tun-kvd ones ot ombrobtery and lace. stitched tucks are a. tavored method of giving petlicoabs fullneu in the back. They are stitched for about trtr'or' tstirtit Inches, and tlibn the fulllwsn allowed to tall. - -..v ...,,... All odd fashion in to button the annex-skirt to the drone skirt lining just below the hips, but this in not to be recommended. (“Lumbar txnderakirtc hue become quite popular, curved in front to slip under the corset nook and need at tho top; no waistband. . pq “W W "““""“°° mNN0et WAhT,,5", mum H0UtiH.KKEPEtts m "Weekly Expenses Reduced " sent ' know that electric Polishing Fibre, [be . . chemically f,',p,'s"g'd cloth. cleans #ivermure, free to your address by wetting tlt l" jaw-Tel, ted a him "an, tar, In". Ne _ '" ' put or' now or whatever in re unred; a do mu 3mm mama, "we 20, liKhtful Article. Price 25 rents. qSam by drug 'r"----------.-..-- I fi-Ls. You can procureit wlmloule from the B--.--------------------. “k -'"'-------- Dominion Drug Ctr, Hamilton. The Manon-b TaT"]'"."'"","',"""'"-""-"'""""-" . I t 0.. tit, Cnlharinea. Mfrs. send trial “unplu- n I A - " on request. Ask for the Octagon In: A Cthpy of illustrated booklet "Weekly Expenses Reduced " sent Naming like Dick's powder for 1 run down horse. 60 cents a package. Locating. Miles & Co., Agents. HONTREAL. is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, rid: the stomach of bots, worms end other parasites that suck the life blood nuy._ . . Write for Book on Cattle Ind Horne. free When " animal in all run down, has n rough cont Ind ntight hide. anyone knows that his blood is out of order. To kee an animal econo- mically he must L' in good health. Blood ..PARLOR MATCHES" " LATESTS " IN LINGERIE BLOOD PURIFIER is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made-good openings for good agents; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog. THE FROST WIRE FENCE Go., " . ,W‘LUND. ONT. I The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence r.,.-_fir,iii)iirtsflBlfr; :2 DICK’S THE FINEST MATCHES IN The WORLD. “I. " " the principal grocers. are made from matt'rinla that do wear. that outitoa nn mum-n. thae stair! up cban and br'ght fox-yd”. may to work, "tottottt.Cytl. handy can and at the right pyice fur div bot paint. Drop us a card and ask for BOOKLET ho It, FRI-flu. showing how some hum”. art' painted. Fhtuttlttttted 1842. WAs72,e-i,yt,!,',re ALSO MEN-TU . h' _ copy letters. "dare-m envelopes at ' William; day or eveninttta; tstrictly , tgttte 0mm. Addn-un ExcelalnrMnu a emu-lug to, Station B, Cleveland. o to make gnu ttLast when: .tou - " m1 Jour lions-r», mu how it warns. pant liver "ist wnur tt'tore.' K. Fontdt CW. Wonk-run. Punt-angst Agent. 2 King Fit rec-t Hun. Tor-unto. ont. Hamilto "tt io 'l Toronto 't1otlitgtg!l,iiiti.,ii.t' ntreal Return OIL-30 MN“. and berth included. The above cheap raw-Yo Montreal are in effect for MA: only. Only llnn running rapids. ' . r. ., m. Steamer "chnilLon" leave-u Ham- ilton 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.30 p. m., for Iiontreai, Turoday, April 29th tAlt" will leave on her second trip Tue-day. May 6th. followed by the steamer “Spartan" Friday, May oth, and thereafter Tumduys and Fri- day- during month of May. For turttier inlorgation apply to IKC‘ntI. or wrlto , P'lig FARM FOR SALE- Kd OF THE an.“ In the PEtit Ill-uh. u Winona. 10 miles from nmlltol on two rail. w-n. tn urea in all,“ of which in In (full. month when. Will bottom in on. 'areel or dlvlded inmlomot " to so new no out w chm. Thlnln u decided butch “an. {canals-l (Eu-mar. P. o. but an. Winona 036336 Mn. A0rtxlow's soothing 'ta; should than be used tor Children Tool. in. It soothe: the child, softens thefumu. euros wmd colic and " the boot remedy or Diarrtursa. PNiPIt CAVEATS, TRADE MARI“ etc. Home or foreign {nocumd and ex, glowed. Booklet on ”(can roe. The Pawn! nuance And Investment (mummy. Pvthum .aiiiaiiture%WGaurirGii' tii/GUY.' ”PEEL Building. Toronto. Ont, (lllilWi PAINTS CASE FOR REAL ESTATE on [its] no”. no mutter where it in. Send dean-1p tion sod cub Drive and Eek our plan for find ing out buyers. Puma zrhange and Invest men Dummy. Tomato. Canada. ' BAMSAY t SON Send for free sample. econ a Bows}; pram, Scott's Emulsioh can make him use it. How? By mak ing him hungry, of course. Scott's Emulsion makes a thr, boiijt1ntngrya.tttiver. Thoug I r 5. thin body Was naturally hm gry didn't you? Well it ist, t. Scott's Emulsion wake, n upr-cpiit's"it' 'to work again making new flesh, That's the way to get fat. HONTRE\L. Paint Maker" h' thin body is asleep-w wyyiytt-gorte" on a strik,. It ddesn't try to use it's food. ISSUE NO. 18. You can't make him eat either. You can stuff food in. to a thin man's stomach but that doesn't make him use it. Loagfatfform, to water but you can't make him drink. You can BUSINESS CHANCES. “Little Con-ct.” “um Light." goo "M." :00 and 2eq out and has; nil drugguu. PA TENTS. HAMILTON- TORONTO- MONTREAL LINE,, " " wffor, it ' why " n Think .t It th FHA“ I mun - if In " ten t clot blue-g doth 000m THE “OXIDE CANC ”and :uduo 'ot! MD") KIM] [jaunt mum! HI diml- up an culls to!» our unit the (In our. blank mam t1 [Mm I'Hh In n . Pr! " Dr In! " " CUP“ but all“ but (it lat Hum In rh do Ing " W has" Ill Ll " " ir ('hl tt IE h W ty " Rn 1ios: E] tste

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