West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1902, p. 5

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T R H A M wish Sugar ire " a N Bang: [mayo/l 1.902 rt 3LACK. " "to 'RT. “YD trituin. DI NOBLE. are. just arrived. l, 1902 lie-cs o. rt Wh Ittt ELI-.1.» Fork Store d Corn Hardy, le Top. mothv "If Rant Wendy- It FANS " til ds N W. H. BEAN TWEEDS ir YARNS GROGERIES S. SCOTT. (iii) IR [13K WMiN 0! (hll Iiltl 25w Ihm't forget the Big 4, when you want a new pair of Shoes for the spring. "doc 750. Big4 a Honor graduate ot the Presbyterian Lama? COLLEGE. Toronto. having taken the Musical Course at the Toronto Conservatory of, Marie, which is in affiliation with the above college. Pupils taken at her mother's residence, comer'of Durham and Elgin Sta. MISS MARGARET ll. GUN- ' JA KE KRESS ' '--- _ We can give you Bargains. ---t6 Salada Ceylon Tea, Black, or mixed I 300 ur " MK a ll). Table Oil Cloth. 45 in. wide 25c. a yd. Woman's Fit raw Snilms 35c. up to Our New Prints are in. Lower Town Durham Table Linen CA inches wide, 250. a yd. .. $6 tit) At on Cghe. .. F' Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yd wide, jake Kress. The Best Quali' r cheaper than ev'" Undertaking PROM" Y ATTENDED TO. FOR FOR SALE BY MacFarlane 3160. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 1OOTS & SHOES, &e., HE SELLS CHEAP! I Pearcy’s Paints Of best quality. Ill Over Canada MAY 1, 1902 They're perfectly mixed in prepor pro- portions, of the pur- est materials and are Sun proof and Storm proof, any color, any quantity. Ask for Sample Card. People are using and praising Druggist & Booksellers) . _ FUNITURE i, $ll)f.t Block yd. I Turn these men out? "Its never l time for a change for the worse, tt says the London Advertiser, and the people o"Sonth Grey we believe. will, on this occasion rise and say that they will honor themselves by returning a sup- porter of this wise and progressive government, which even Conserva- tives admit will be sustained in the province ; will return in Mr. Binnie, a supporter who is not only a careful student of public affairs, but a man who has proved by his past career that he has the will to do and the ability to achieve great things in the interest ot the public. Build up Ontario, Remember Ross, and mark your Ballot for Binnie. "Saturday Night" in discussing the political outlook sums up the situation thus ' bb Ifany large question of policy or public morals were hanging on the Count of heads to be made on May 29th. the irulitfervnee of the electorate would he deplorable and ominous. But the general opinion is that the tight is a very .. or’nury " kind of a struggle for poWer, and the general opinion, as usual, seems to he pretty near the truth. This being the case, the men how in oiliee. unless it can be shown that they have committed some decided "reach of host meriting censure and punishment by their. employers. have the lit-st oi the argument and are likely to Irenrlit from the marked apathy of feeling, which in itself is evidence that they bar e not forfeited their right to Confidence. Governments are not turned out of oih'ee without cause and a geneiul uprising of hostile public opin- ion. ln Ibis' and again in 1396 the signs that presw,ed G. Jsivnfall 0f Dorriinion. Ministries were unmistakable. Up to the present moment in this campaign no such signs are apparent. There seems to be no wave of enthusiast!) seating towards the Government, but they have tonh'deuve, turned out, general " ion. Init on the other hand there is none hearing Mr. J. P. Whitney on its crest. And an Opposition i1 always more in need of enthusiasm than is a Government. With " good cry Mr. Whitney might succeed m infiaming the electorate, but he has so far not been able to hit upon such a slogan, and inasmuch as the Government is content to go to the country on its record, the fighting is not. being forced by either side.' and the popular attitude has resolved itself into that of a somewa bored and decidedly impartial spectator." The attention of farmers and dairy- men is directed to the following facts, for as a means of converting the raw gmdncte of the farm into more saleable ems, the good dairy cow is without a peer. The good beMntt animal will pay v little more than market prices for Ithll from birth to shambles. The sheep, with her fieeee and her lambs giveaonlya my P,tPttelyPPo!.1, for We find in Ontario a ministry more progressive than the opposition, with a record unassailable in all its spending departments, sitting in Parliament buildings erected without the breath of scandal, maintaining the finaneial credit or the prqvince iipst in the Dom- inion, and about the only, if not the only state in the English speaking world without " Cent of debt, buta handsome surplus. fprms, the good dairy cow is without . tu'"iii7, "GAG" Aaiid R which,” Pee“ Throughout the province this I. a sub. Thel ttl beefing lain?! will pay ject that 'etrn, time J"i',',','ll' to have i am thanm engroaaeda airs are o u ie atten- Ighlll 'a',rll'rlll to 1tf,ttgr'l/t, ',i.t'l fog-W no "'3‘" ','Ul,l'l, 'otl "ll of w; 11ntr.eot wyyoumtnn jtau'l,'hat'p,t';.;))','lnsf, 2i,tgtt daily beeomintt more .and mpre appu- J . food. 'sntihatthomt towns and “Haze are consmn . The we the hen. if nestling inawlratrelintt in the luxury wisely ted, do much ' than other I of bountiful you: trees. RY""" Mr. Binnie is making an excellent canvas, and is meeting with very warm support. sometimes from unex- pected quarters. He is not blind to the fact that he has an able opponent against him, skilled in parliamentary warfare, and the contest would be much more difficult had the party he supportsa different record, and had its present leaders been men of weight and ability. The cry of "its time for a change" had effect in 1896 because the rotten. ness of the party in power was not hid even from their own supporters. The cry has net the same effeet now Dr. Jamieson so thoroughly convinced ot the integrity, ability, probity, honesty. &e.. of the Ross government that “opposition will be out of the question. True Dr. Jamieson may prove obdurate and it may take more then one week, still the weight of ewdence is so strong that anything like "fireworks" is out of the queStion. Bills are out announcing Union Meetings fora week between the S. Grey Candidates beginning on Monday next. The opening gun will be fired at Louise on Monday night May 5, and the fireworks will continue at Elm wood on Tuesday, at Allan Park on Wednesday, at Latonn on Thursday, at Townsend 'tr Lake on Friday and at Tp. Hall, Glenelg. on Saturday. All meetings to be at 7.30 p. m., and the candidates only are to speak, and will take alternate meetings. We cannot say who is to open first. We used the word "fireworks, " but let no one imagine that the meetings are to be of an excitable, inflammpter pture. Clash there will ‘be and dif, terence of opinion, but before the week if our Mr. Binnie, will likely have It pays to make , study of the Cow. ()() I)] KEEP Mil! IF SO, DO YOU KEEP RECORDS? Jill CAMPAIGN. NO GOOD CRY. The reasons are obvious. Beauty of style, color, and conformation are, very important, and where the breeder makes his money in some other line than farming, he may be able to keep animals for their looks alone. We, who are farming to: money, must look to the pofit side of everything. With us. f'it'egd1f,1l', is as handsome does". It you'ever sell cows, the ability to give an accurate milk record. will, generally speaking, raise a cows' val- ue, and facilitate the sale. Especially is this true it she is a pure bred. Farther, knowing the returns from each cow in any herd, you are in a amnion to easily select for breeding, sides, in almost every herd are found "Boarders" - cows that pay a very low price for their food, leave no profit, and frequently are kept at a loss. They should be detected and fed off' for beef. Keeping a milk rec- ord is a sure way to discover them. To the breeder of pure bred stock ct any of the milking breeds, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Canadian, or milking Shorthorn strtiins, the daily milk record should be quite as import- ant as the breeding record. We ven- ture the assumption that in a very few years, every breed putting forward any claims as a dairy breed, will be making a Speciality of milk records. soy breeders are working along simi- lar linea. lv would thas seem to be a good thing for some breeds, and we are sure it would be the most import- ant step for improvement that you ever mode. Do you decide to introduce it? Let us urge upon you, therefore. the advisability of Keeping such a record. We would be most happy to send you forms for keeping the daily record, as well as forms whereon to make a sum- mary t? be kept for reference. When y911. write. for ma form, please state the number of cows ke ot and address all letters tot-- H}. II. Grisdale, Agriet1ltarist, Experimental Farm. Ottawa, Ont." Letters so addressed come post free. ' The increased fiow of milk due to keeping such a record where ten cows are kept would pay for the balance in a week. Keeping milking records in r duces a spirit ot interest and competiton among milkers, and, in the mind of the milker, among the cows milked by the same milker. Rapid, clean. and careful milking wiil raise the average return from a cow by from two to ten pct cent according to the cow ------the better the cow the greater the in- Crease, Written for the Review by Mr. Gilbert Mekeehnie. Last spring We devoted a little atten tton to this question and yet we feel as if this was a question regarding which too much attention cannot be given. Trees cannot be grown in a day. a week or a month. We must be generous and artistic in slanting trees. We should not conclu e it is only intended for the heneflt of the present generation, to feast their eyes ugon for it is trulya national move an intended for the benefit of Bream. and future genera- tions. Loo at that tree at the north west corner of McFu-lane'a Drug Store. only two yem since it was planted. A monster in itself. and those two trees in front of the market buildings only planted Inst "ararelartream1 Vigorous. In order to know your cows you must keep a daily record of the milk yielded by each cow. We would like to see you do this. We are willing to help you do it. wiring the past year a number of dairy armers, at our sug- gestion. made an effort along this line. The results were most satisfactory In our possession are many farmer's letters, empahsizing the importance and value of such records, both as a guide in selecting cows and as an ef- fective means of directly improving the actual herd. The extra outlay re- quired is very small. We would sup- ply you with record forms tor a time at least. The koeping of such records takes 'about one halt minute per cow per day. The outlay tor a balance lwould be from fifty cents to five dol- ars. "iii,' might- draw attention to other treeof last_year’s_ planting! by: you! Most herds fall short of such a high return. The reasons may be sum- marized as lack of breeding, improper or insttftieient feeding, and lack of jgdgement and management. -Every dairy herd (yours) should av- erage over fifty dollars, worth of prod- ucts per cow per year. If your herd is not giving you such a return you are not doing it justice. Poatnbly, every individual in the herd is not a number one dairy cow, bat do you know which are really doing good work and the relative merits of the different cows? The dalrv cow, however, frequently 2099 as high as two dollars worth of product for one dollar worth of food, and many a cow has been known to give two dollars and fifty cents worth of products for one dollars' worth of food consumed. of the above, but It, is very seldom that the returns from either of them go be. yond one dollar and fifty cents for one dollara’s worth of food consumed. IRE M0li(l, G. W. Hodson, Live Stock Commissioner. rig THE DUKHAUI REVIEW M'SW Wig; SE" 'irti'0 -e- svrt'-tt'/Vc'l,/r'2' . NATURES OWN WAY, UNIVER- SALLY ADOPTED, ADJUSTABFE TO ANY RECEPTACLE. Over 19000 sold the first year. Durable, simple, economical. Prev vents calves from sucking cows. No valve to get sour. The nipple is re- enforced, with no seams to crack open. Should be used to be appreciated. COMMON SENSE (hf HEDER are clad with them whichever way you look and where a (we dies or in some way or other hen-(nuns disabled the hand of the diligent and frugal replaces it, so that those towns and villages may be made to keep continuously smiling in their beautiful yerdure. HDurham should be m", e?ice “ion to it”? plMre hf Unvns. Our [)eupie are as pushing and an energetic as others and are not behind in admiration of streets nicely clad with trees emhlematir of our country. What can he rettier than a good healthy maple that has attained a good share of gmwth with MS well developed and expanding branches? The shade they afford becomes compensation for the lulmr expended upon them and areward is tonnd in the appearance of the street fringed with the same rich color as the most. beautiful ofall carpets-the ‘green carpet of nature. For several years tree planting has teen observed in isolated _eases_, but Feb. Sr, 1902 ROBINSON ' CORBET_T, DURHAM - and - w/'rpgi/i,tg,p. LATEST DESIGNS IN :MARKERS, IIEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries. 'uiiGiiiiiiieis", {He duty of r,tr,'/yitk' those that died has not. been followed! up. When this has been done thar - . n I 4-. __.A2..R.‘A .II‘“‘ Lin I..|.. “I ----. iirindi. has been satisfied that his labor has not been in vain, and a similar course of stick-to-ativeness would be crowned with the same success. . 1901, the commencement of a new century. was also the beginning of a, new era in tree planting here when an organized effort was made to beautify Garafraxn Street especially, and sever- Al residential streets as well. A good percentage of the trees planted from the brMge. northwards. are coming forth strong and vigiorous. and in a. few days willbeout in eat. 56me the bridge to the Durham road show life and vitality. This record of the first yes:- of the century is worthy of bein repeated on a. wider scale the year 3:35 we will soon hare a town that the County will be proud of. The point to remember is thit the work is not done till every dead tree In replaced hy g healthy grow one. and, where none myet plan . it should be done " once. Totrofarther we would like to 1m- peer our former friends 3.th they have a. duty to poi-for? m f,tfy,trgr.tt, lit, t iuilljlill'8 DRUG STORE CALDER BLOCK (Nuxt Post Office.) :0 'irtnVidGi. armada in tiouiot or adideent to their buns. and we an DURHAM llllill.l f w i (llllllilf WORKS. That we'll sell reliable Seeds as cheap as the cl1eapest--Maugel, Carrot, Sugar Beet. Turnip'and other seeds. . J N O. A. DARLING,~ Druggist. 5039515 FOR SALE BY Prepare For The Pesky Moth. Pat. Feb. I3, [900 TORONTO W. BLACK. it REMEMBER That comes like a thief in the night and ruins your rarest Furs and. Woolen Clothing before you tare aware of it. "Protection, is afforded those who use Camphor and Naptha Balls and Moth Killer for all Garments which are liable to destruction. Now is the sea- son that they get in their finest work and the time for you to use the best precau tions. I Give our Breakfast Food a trial. To The Milling Public confident they will teel amply mwzxrded and be only too willing to replace those miieGiGaiiiiTthe thrifty AE-mn' . Imp. itt b, are; TI the Pulte, e p their an a m 30 , u: Cqnee nu time barren pun be made 1'drl and Manchu)". GOOD HEALTH AND A GOOD APPETITE that die. A very important feature attached to this district " the numerous necks of sparkling spring water, whose hanks. adorned with trees. would give our country tt romantic and picturesque appearance. and would verlyI materially increase the value of t e property adjoming. When there is a hill on a farm. not cultivawd. nor likely to be, in the pres- ent generation, plant it In trees after needing down with perpetual mes. and let the trees be far enough Jr: to enable the gun to come (out with vigor. By this nuns the bills would becomethe best genius spots on the farm, retaining momture unthonght of in she put end preyenting the drying up in June we so frequently nee. WMP‘Msel Gould “Mine be are dependent in a large measure on the food we eat. Bread is so much a sustainei of health and strength as to deserve the appella- tion “The Staff of Life." At Rowe's Bakery the utmost care is exercised to have the bread, pies, cakes, pastry wholesome, and the essential conditions of pure flour, sugar and other materials are not neglected. Our products will stand the severest test. We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery -- Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and “e are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour. Give ttR a trial and be convinced. We have also got our new Chopper in first class running order and have a large quantity of chopped corn, wheat, &c. on hand. . MCGOwan. E. A. ROWE Sun and Equipment. Ihesetsootiaequipped (will! Junior mm and ImtgttRgution work. was the following M otCtnrtpeenticheioetttntD-tmeettt- TEOS. ALLAN, may“. “ZIOEBIBONIJ. LJWNMW use LICK. B. A., a-" an! ms. " um: 01m in! m . w... loan-ups. e. L. ago-us. Em and Montreal Witneu 81m BMW and Funny Berald. . 81.75. Rmzw and Toronto Daily Star $2.11. OFFICE FIRsT DOOR EAST GF the Du mun Pharmacy C'alder'y Block. Remdence first, dour west, of the old Post Ottice, Durham. -.... Intemtirtggtudeettohou1deettee_ust" “utterance-Mum J. G HUTTON. M. D., Collections of all kinds! Farms bot: h promptly offended fo _ mu! Smhf BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN StprgPea" COURT NOTARYPUILIC. COMHICOIONIR. ETC. ARTHUR H. JACKSON HARRIS TER, SOLICITOR,: uoarnv Punuc couvsnuccn, ac. Omee- __ LOWER l OWN. DUB" "r. Complny and prints funds to Le in on Harasse- " Iowan rues of interest. Valuuiou made In ammpatem and careful \‘nluntor. savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up. wards Prompt, attention and every facilit'r Iiflorded- (-nutmmrh living at distance. OFFICE- - McK'nzie'I Old Stand Durham OFFrCE--3fcfnfttre Burt, SAVINGS BANE A general Banking business trnnrnctett Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at "Izrren' rates. Court. name. Pins“. of wtths.uitiGiit"aTc minim-nio- uni Guardianship Obtained. so“- elm: made in Romany ounce and Tim-a reported on. AGENTS in all principal [minus m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32.000th CAPITAL, Paid "p.-....... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ B00,000 (llllllllili) BAAA (lf CANADA coNetionq and Agency promptly “bonded to Wills. Ibodu. Mortgages, Loam, Agreements &c.eormetly prepured. F,tstate. ot deceased per- sons looked an" cud Executor- and Admiuis- wt.rauTVs.mmntt.treerodyy?Attemt tiurrot.mto Where you an Bet, just what you want in the most practical methods Full particulars free. Address. (2ae4'si'eeue(fi/tv, . OWEN SOUND, ONT.. RESIDENCE and OFFICE-Old Hunk UPPFit TOWN, 1HHlHAM. Tolophono Connootlon No. 10 men why tseiitate to take i couu'e in Shorthnnd or Business Subjects. " the Can you enter memntile pursuits nnd he successful without a practics business education ? Cm you succes- fully enter nnv pmfeaeion without I. sound knowledge of business principles. HUNG " I Mill!! NOTARY PUBLIC, CCMMlbblCNLR, a, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Durham School DENTISTRY. Dr. T. tL'iiiiik L. D. s. All Charges Mcderate DURHAM AGENCY, lumbar Colin! Play-Sella: and Surgeon; Ontario. OFFICE MOUBS F-" s. m. 2-4 In. m. J. P. TELFO RD. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MON EY TO LOAN arrister, Jretarar, tSen voyancer, an, étc..... Ill, l DAVIDSON. Head Office, Toronto. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. Manager. 'm A. FLEMING, Principal. wag/Army, Private Money to Loan J KELLY, Agent. u. tel-est allowed on 8-4 p.11: {Ulcer thiBank

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