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Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1902, p. 8

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5. That the proper return of the Collectors roll to the Treasurer should be made on or before the 14th of Dec., but the time for doing this may be exâ€" tended in the proper manner by the Council to any subsequent day not later than the Ist. day of February following ; beyond that date no power for turther extension can be exercised by Council. Any action by the Collector (ander power given him by the accetptnnce of his roll) after the 14th day of Dec., is illegal, unless the time has been exâ€" tended by Council, and no action of any sort can be taken by him after the 1st day of February ; even though the time has been still further extended ; the Council, as I have said, having no power to make further extensions. 6. That a Bank account be opened in the name of the Municipality, and that all monies collected be paid into the said Bank, and withdrawn thereâ€" from only upon the cheque ot the Treasurer, countersigned by the reeve, or such other person or official as may be named in the byâ€"law. 7. That where money is paid to Commissioners to be expended in the different wards, they & required to take receipts from the parties actually doing the work,and that the said reâ€" ceipts be returned to the Treasurer to be placed before the Auditors. 3. That a summary of the Collecâ€" tors‘ roll be published in your Auditors report, so that the Ratepayers could see the amount raised on each particuâ€" lar levy. 4. That the Collectors on returning their rolls must verity by affidavyit the amount of uncollected taxes ete. as the statute requires. I ind in a number of cases whis has not been done by your collectors. 2. Thatthe clerk carry forward the additions on each page of Collectors roll, so that the totals on last page of roll would show the amount raised on each levv. 8. That your Treasurer credit up the fall amount of taxes collected on roll, and charge up the amount paid out for Collectors‘ salaries. By printing in your Auditors‘ report each year the byâ€"laws passed during the year, your Rateâ€"payers would bave a much better knowledge of the byâ€"laws of the Township. I would suggest that a receipt be taken from each path master covering the scrapers and other Township gZOperty in his possession, and that he responsible for same until he. hands it over to his successor. 12. That a fire proof sate be purâ€" chased and placed in the Townshi hall, so that the rolls, byâ€"laws ang other books and papers of the Municiâ€" pality can be preserved with a reasonâ€" able degree of safety. This bhas never gone through the eash book. The Municipal equivalent to the Legislative grant, in former years, was charged in your Treasurer‘s cash book in total, not showing the aâ€" mount to each school sestion, which should have been done. 10. That an account be opened in Ledger for the purpose of keeping account of road scerapers and ete., bought for the Township, and that some system be adopted ftor keeping scrapers etc., so that they wili be available when required. 9. That School moneys received through County Treasurer be entered in cash book, and when paid out charged to each section, so that your Auditor can check the account. That byâ€"laws hereafter passed be kept in a regular byâ€"law book to be kept for that purpose, and that each byâ€"law be signed by the Clerk and Reeve and the Township seal fixed on same. 13. That a Bills Payable book be kept, showing a proper record of all mon‘ies borrowed. As we intimated last week wegive herewith some of the recommendations made by Mr. McEachern in his report to Glenelg Council, at the recent audit. Many of them are applicable to all Municipalities. 1. "That the byâ€"laws of your Townâ€" ship be revised and ali byâ€"laws at present in foree be printed in book form tor the use of your council and the Ratepayers. 14. That payments authorized by byâ€"laws, such as salaries of officers, are payable without passing resoluâ€" tion of council. 15. That all reports of} Committees be incorporated in the minutes of your council, or be copied in a book kept for that purpose. _Mr and Mrs A Ferguson, of Maple Park, called on Mr and Mrs T J Ferguson of this place. Mr A 8 McLean, who has been sick for the last week, is able to be up again. Mrs N Wilsen and Miss E Booth. of Boothville. called on friends around here last week. Â¥r Alexander McDougall, of Priceville, called on old friends in Proton and Egreâ€" mount. â€"Call again S. We hear that some of our Canadians are proparing to drill under gMayor Mildâ€" er. however we hope that they may not come to war. + Master Neil McFarlane has been laid up with a bad cold but is now getting better. Mr G L Haw lost a valuable horse last week. Made By The Provincial Auditor otf Interest to Municipalities. RECOMMENDA TIONS. ORANGE HILL. Miss Vinia McDonald is visiting here. Mrs McPhail said goodâ€"bye to her friends kere before going to Cleveland to join her husband to go to British Colum:â€" bia. Mr J W McArdle spent the latter part of the week with his parents here, } Dr Jamieson has been here preparing for the election. Some of our people attended Division Court at Flesherton and came back crowâ€" ingâ€"that said won. es The church people here bave put up a wire fence. Contractor Glenister and his man fcomâ€" menced bricklaying a week ago. . 36 o sho ie cfe oio Aie steobe cfe oge oge ce ofe e afeofe aje of eie ie ole ofe abe ofe afe ale ofe afe ofe ofe ofecfe ofe cfectc efe afecte oie 32 Planting shade trees and fruit trees is the order of the day here. During Friday night‘s storm a barn belonging to Mr M Sinclair, near Ventry, was struck by lightning and burnt down with all the implements, vehiclee and contents and only $200 of insurance on contents. It Jwas a good frame barn. His loss is heavy. J+ THE BIG STORE. f g T se ce ts BP o Je ce uoi cpu ie ofi o e e s ofi h afe ie e oe ce e ofs tp ofi e e ofe s ofe t ofs it cp ofs 3¢ Say ! who is the Bunessan Bitd ? Mr Allan Bell. of the Corners, is now engaged in your town by the firm of Barclay & Noble. We are sorry to say that Mr James Whitmore, who was stricken with paralyâ€" sis olv'or a week ago is not improving very much. Mr Joe Firth bhas gone to work at the cement work. We understand that Messrs W Young and L Robison, of Durbam, have leased Mrs W J McFadden‘s farm for this seaâ€" son. Misses N Patton and $ McKinnon, of your town, yvisited friends in our burg this week. Wonder who the Durham boy was who drove the ladies to:the country and had to go home with one mit ? Mr Alex Bell, of Rob Roy, is going into the immplement business with Mr C Mcâ€" Kinnon. JU. A. MHUNTER 16 A PLEASANT SURPRISE 5 Hats & Caps " 6 Crockery & 7 Tinware & 8 Readyâ€"Made Clothing 1 _ Carpets Department. 2 Whitewear & 3 Curtain 9 4 MWall Paper * Our New Hardware Stock looks swell. We have things nicely and handily arranged so that you dont require to wait a moment to be served. Several Builders have given us their Jobs already, We want your Trade and ask you to compare our prices with others and buy in th;e cheapest market. HOPEVILLE ROHE ROY. GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS. is now awaiting you at The Big Store for we have made a great change in the arrangement of our Stock since you were here. _ Just drop in to look around and see how you like it. _ You may find something you are wanting. Business is booming now since The National Portland Cemâ€" ent Company commenced operations and weare grateful for a very large increase in our Trade, but we are hard to satisfy and want "Heap More" as the Indian would say. Colored Cotton Working Shirts, Keg: 3SUAL.+ .« 1.« «4ss sr es s2 Black Cashmere Socks per per. Mixed Wool Socks 2 pair for... 2 Nice Neck Ties for.......... 3 White Collars for...... ...... Bib Overalls, per pair...... ... Jfardware TDepartment. T)ifferent Tepartments AcL FULL AND COMPLETE E__Zj{ze IPBig drore| . 1. Reg. g0¢c Shovels, long handle or short 85¢ each. 400 lbs Cut Nails to clear at 2%¢ 1b. Axle Grease 5¢ Box. Mica Axle Grease 25¢ Pail. Door Lock with knob, key and screws complete 25¢. Nickle Plated Salt & Pepper Dusters 5¢ each, regular 15¢ each Large Tin Pails 15¢, Largest size 17e each. Robertson‘s Readyâ€"Mixed Paints 40¢ quart. BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARDWARE AND ALL OTHER GOODS. ~BUY YOUK WALL PAPER HERE. I. $. Jfuwnter, We trim it for you free of charge. «e sees erxkkk.« â€" 25C ocks per per. 25¢ s 2 pair for... 25¢ for....‘.‘..... ‘25C MsYs vsks s < ts : 250C palr...... ... . 50C j We are sorry to report that G L Haw, of Brownsville, lost another horse last week. This isthe fourth horse he lost inside of two years. Ceo Lane, who got badly hurt someâ€" time ago, is gaining. He is getting ready to build a barn this summer. Mr Dan Robinson is going to put a cellar under his iouse. We see Dan is making some improvements on his farm. We hope he will soon get the Mrs. Dugald McCannel‘s horses took a fancy to have a little outing one day last week. They had a smart trot from Brownsville to his own barn and then to Boothville. Very, little damage done considering the situation. Miss Martha Wilson spent Friday with herfriend Miss Sarah A. Clark. They did some fine stitching on a certain young man‘s coat sleeve lining. Mr Harvey Anderson treated Miss A McCannel and Miss Gordon to a drive to Swinton Park Church last Sunday. . Miss S McLean spent an afternoon at Mrs J McQueen‘s last week. A lot of fences were blown over with the high winds of last week. Herb Chiids is engaged with Neil Clark sr to put in his spring crop. He is badly disappointed that he did not get through ahead of J Camphell. We ore sorry to say that Mr Sandy MclLean is very poorly just now. He had another hemorrhage of the lungs and has been confined to bed for a week. We trust to soon hear of his recovery. Rev Mr Matheson is giving a very interesting series of sermons now on the Seeding is the order of the day among the farmers here. John Campbell finished on the 25th after putting in a crop of 87 acres. He did all himself this year. Ross must have sent him word to help him when he hustled through so fast. E Haas with bis gang of framers are at present at W J Wilson‘s. Progress. _ The Church BOOTHVILLE. THE DURHAM REVIEW II _ DUress G0O0G ‘ x \ 12 Gents Furnishing 13â€" Fur & 14 Grocery || $ 15 Staple & Dry Goods 16 School Booksâ€"& Stationery I0O A number from around bere attended the funeral of the late Mrs J McKechnie of town last Sunday. Hiram Dean had Mr Guy. Williams engaged for a couple of daysâ€"last week. Rev TH Farr left last Monday after spending a couple of weeks at the old bomestead. MrGeo A Staples arrivedl home last week from North Bay to remain for a short time. Mrs Jas McCracken visited her daughâ€" ter Mrs Adams of Holstein. Miss Mary Vickers. of town, visited on the Avenue one day recently. Pleased to hear that Mr Robt Ector jr. is improving in health. A number from around here attended a rag bee at Mrs Jas Atkinson‘s last week. Mr Juo Staples is first to finish seeding around here. Jno is hustler. Mr Robt Aljoe has gone fo town to work at the cement works. We would like to know if that fellow has tried the stilts yet ? A number from around hgre attended the baptism out at the Centre last Sunâ€" day. TORONTO â€" The Holstein tootâ€"ball club beat & picked eleven out of the town, Monday evening. The score was 2 to 0. There was an Ottawa man around last week trying to make big pictures. He thinks some people around are queer. Keep off the street when you see Calder‘s Pintos coming. _ _ Mr Robert Renton has built an adâ€" dition to his house, purchased from Mrs Calvert. _ J W Allan and Wm Patterson are at present engaged at the cement works. Mr Wm Brown has purchased a fine colt from Robt Henry of Robb. Billy knows a good orse. Mrs Wm Hunter is at gresent at Rolstein waiting on her mother, Mrs P Brown, who is quite ill. There are several new houses going :8 in town. Messrs Petrie, Freeman, ickleborough, and McKinnon, are all building t’i_‘weLilings. Peter and John Calvert have sold farm to W J Adams. HOSTFIN. Jrâ€"4 classâ€"Sam Oh;t . Eya Pierson, Ethel Haw, Donald M?Cunnel. Daisy Haw 100 2 Cenmic MCâ€" Cannel, Intermediate classâ€"Bert Eecles, Rob. Campbell, John McCannel, Christie Campbell, Alma Khnox. Jr. Il Farlane. on a percentage basis, instead -(;t‘;l‘; aggregate basis as formerly, TÂ¥y on )A EC TT IV classâ€"John George Haw, S Campbell, In this class, several pupils avoidably absent for exar Hence the standing has been on a percentage hacie t.ll. III classâ€"Mary Wilson, Bessie Weir, Margaret McDougal, Emily Wilson, Hugh McKechnie, Phemie Eecles, 8Sr. II classâ€"John L. McDonald, Alex. Haw, Eddie Wilson, Johr Knox, Rob. Eccles. Ir. Il classâ€"Jennie Clark, Kate Mcâ€" Sr. I clluâ€"CTn.'r; ‘V}-fllon, Jennie Mcâ€" neamuscl Report of 8 I1 dl“â€"Ev. MAY 1 l f S. 8. No. 14, March and April , several pupils were un in Weir, Wiliic Kunox, Stanley Haw, Maggie 14, Egremont, examinations. reckoned 6 im proved ver and had a afterwards interest th 8, She wi Allan duri ed the W., J church last Fishing Lines, Hool Mr, J., M. «dent for Ce in the Ma that ** thei served by af every qu will have a does not wi the present Dromont tice reached per was out May 3 to fa meeting wa won honor another wit ganization. Miss Stev mame even «dead. We cotem in 1 dearest of « The Big & is doing a g manageme No sum»N out that the this year. can drafts ihe coronal will be sou% Moreover, al comman General O early in the ald does n« bheginning :« n0t the efo «on May 20t call from H Chatswort Mr. Tew gram that left that pen to go the curta the dlawrt promised sweating of dust © also be a AN Oalifornia present w were Willi Thomas,. N MHanulton | old. We j suryivot Dutch Parker‘s You n vou o sp« Omrrc aAR! son, who d to (':mml.lJ from Stall Eng., and. two of theil on arrival after a few after 4 yea to Eng(vnm was born â€" Special s Big Sture. turned to in â€"Glenelg resided. S killed by | now after his wife hi M,. One so to mourn 1 She was I the En;zli:j Mr. Ryan « VOL. A Good Hunter Person Bicycle t Go to Ma« W in CLOT On Place xeept Pn i inad Me Me tX ind

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