Dawson‘s lilac. Four yrars mm Dawson was a place unmarkml on any map, a tew tents, with sublm'ekr-rs. ttiorw forming the plan-e. Now it ie n ring with an nu- _9F"ttatteartc ot SILKUUUDUO. ulwtric lighting. tvlvlermes, public halls and hand-om» retsimw.vrss. And what is - satisfactory ot all, it Is claimed to I» the best brlmved city in the world. Nowhere. says Mr. Wade, the publk- promwutor. in law and order more strictly observed. These facts are» powerful nduwnteu of the etti- chncy of the 'Otitent of administra- ttoo tnnup,trvted an] carried out by um Dominion Government and It: 'tard-worked stuff ot officials In the "nkon. [ 10;: unlit-Linus n: rungrvss who arm thrifty lunv a habit of burrow- lng palms and ferns aini such things from Smith when their wives give receptions. A urw member from the far was: mulled a low rubber plants for his parlors. and he went to see w%tp:'rlutr'ruiettt Smith about it. He had been warned that the sun-Ht way to gal into the good graces of Smith was to praise Burns. The new mumbw' walked Into Smith's library. The tmpr'rintendettt sat at his desk prriug "war " Burns "tind." "Alt." said the new member. " see you are reading Burns. What a. poet old Jimmie Burns was. to be cute. and 'ruclt " collection of the works of .lhmuie you have here! Do you know. Mr. Smith. I thlnk Jimmie Burns was the greatest poet of his--" "Jimmie Burma t" he rodrnd. "Tommy “'nsllington! Charlie meoln! Bam- mir. Napoleon! Get oft the grounds!" co-mo' Madras Lite-I40"; Kn.. any of Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith. superintendent of the intunn-al gardens at Washington. is a. native of "the land o' cakes†and mm ot the greatest expert. in the “wintry on Robert Burns, the vari- uuu unnum- of his works and every- thing relating to the Scotch poet. Hir. Burns' lulu-nu is unit] to be the tint-at u! its kind in thr.. “and. H‘p .~~-~n‘.:.,i\v.~. n: vwngruss who in England a man who marries tor money In rostrum! as having hardly done the dignitic-d thing. but as hav- ing 110110 the our, thing possible, luring poor and n grmlvman. In France and (h-rmany he is looked upon an a decidedly alum-t follow to haw been amp to 1lo it. There in no nonsense about Um hunt tor a rirh wire on the continent. The thirrg in to catch her. Iliad n friend "me who was fairly wpll on, and who went 50m? yc-ars m Germany. Her Ame was mainly occupied in :lnding barons. counts and omeert, who had mntrlmonial iutentioaru, and who. when they eo8rt have speech or her in no other way, used to pro- lzose- betwnen floors in the hotel ele- vaCoto.-Artronaut, Ban Francisco. Dr: Chase’s Ointmeni l"")?, mun-n: 1h. minim-nus uhso- , v - - -__"_"' \|L-:i la'HKllllxhlJla “hurl: have bra. r.ciiset in whim of Ft. Jateotm ' AS A BUSINESS. toil we lulu-t that of Mr. Arthur Har- . .". ., “mu, of Wtllrorat ('I'Pn‘l't'nl East. Nob, ' tlnglmm, who tutrfprmt humus apraznml ' To Be' harried tstx times oturing the Imee top ."Ce “aâ€, and being dem l honestmNy Is an experience that tr, llw maul) upon or football he, comes to few. Four years ago al Tii- felt it " great Urpsivntion that neglagv youth and hi- bweetheart read was unah0, to jun in " game for-8 furniture dealer's advertisement. that pv'riwl. in mm many i.riiiecri,Gtnn%tr a drawing-room suite to any without humerus. until one day u,COIIn10 that cmuwnted to be thanked friend persuaded him to try st. Jacobs I Publlcly in My shop. They secured Uni-The Wonderful Oil, he calls "like attite. GONE on their wedding --wheo he "xperirutce6t immediate pe-;trlp to an Ohio town they noticed fuel from pain, followed by a per-la similar advertllement there, and wont curt». He says: "I had tieenl.rtrpete tlte Perfmnce. The" the rufferhig from a very bad tmvainediidttt struck the hit-band that he knee for 8li years through ititsyimrimiltht arrange there matters him- (netball. I hml been under the doc- 99". and In two weeks he had per- tor’n care twicr, and had used all mauled ail: dealers in various toqu kind! of oils, runtsroeationg, ttold I to emulate the others. Nominally the "ater bandages, our. when l was ' couple won a. specified prize at each recommended to trv your valuable place. but they really received a cash on. I had been buffering so much eonrideration arranged tr:forehand.t5o that It was impossible for me to kick it has gone on ever since. The; couple I ball, but after trying two small now claim to have been married GOO bottles I am pieused to say my knee times. in now as pvt-feet and strong as ever. ,_ "e---------------------, -----_ I would httse written you botore, but wanlml to give it a thorough trial, and am glad to inform you F that aim-r mung St. Jucubs Oil Ihuve www- felt :innlhm' twinge ofpain."l All Fm l‘hlmien w $5 dell ht int h- _ _ lit!“ 'l',')','.)'),?.'.',', Wâ€? ol",?.','. to â€Sad! MFNARDIS LINIMEXT is theonly of thir: l'vllnhh porvaratiott whivu,' Limment asked for mt my aim-H and cop- away with the Ill effects of "on! the; wily "ttm WH' kr?trr, tor trule. rldnlts " hi) cannot always be pl‘e- All the people tttep it. "tAmi. I HARLIN FIEL'mx. Slop: "I. Cough and Works Otrthe Cold. Lax-tho Bromo-qulttitte Table" can . cold In one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 can". _ I To prov to you that Dr. Chase's Ointment ia aeertain and nb-oluto cure for etch and every form ot itching. bleedinxand 'gtghr?gg',ittb. o mgbrttthretttrees have guaranteed it. my it"d'i.iti'i', in the daily pro: and ask yam-neigh- what Hwy think ofi' You can use it and Met vom- monrv back if hue cured. me a hos. at All 61.1ch or EDMANSONJJATIS t Co..Toronto. SPRAINhl) KNEE Horses Wanted‘ by the British i (ioveramegt! The great tonic medicine of the we. It tones up the sysp tem, dds the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites. so cents a package. Write for Book .on Cattle nod Horses. ft isfree. Litmus MILES & co. Aunts. . - - MONTREAL. Dick’s Blood hrifier for Horses. HE WAS WROTH. Matrylug tor “onâ€. for 35, YEARS. man. In in looked follow to There in No doubt, like the boiled leg of mutton at the green grocer'a, they would be appropriately unwed "with tvimmitrtts."-Lonuon Glubru Hotdvrt-Nontwnse'. You Jon't man u) assert that all fishermvn are liars. Behther--No: lwuuldn't go a.- far as that: but I don't see how any fisherman with any respect for him- svlf as n sportsman can tell the truth about his fishing uehievetnstnttr. "That's so. my dear." ho replied. "I've looked it up In the office sate, where they can’t get at 'tt.o-H'ltila. (IPIphia Press. "r newr was so happv,†said the new tTntdic't._'U tell you. marriage ttrtcy, whim: was "mam. The mem- her, whom We will cull Dick. went to his mmmwte. Whom we will call J'ack. mud wakeld [1.1841er in tlie elec- tion. Jack promised to work 'top 'his friend, and marred him that he could be elected When the ballots were cryuttted Dick l‘ouml that he had re- l-olw-d only one vote, hie upponent rumbling ttil mm- (tuner voles. Indig- mun Dwar- such a. deifva‘l Dink ap- proached Jack and exclaimed: “I thought you Wm my friend and you momma! to wloationeer for me." A unaware-d J .Iok ootugomAtiy: "l am Four Mend and I did my level beat to elem you. but the boys who pro- mised me that they woumd vote tor you went back on their prominent. l, however. ultll dill my best and put tn one "ne tor you." TM]: made Dick'mwdder than evs'r. "Yiu're an Ear,†he cried; "I pat in ohm vote 'myeroV." Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uten- sils. steel, iron and tinwnre, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. " Yo Fear of Hurglnru. "l mu so glad tlte hnys of your l't‘gimunt gm» you that handsome r'evo1xer," and the militia captain's wife. "We need have no fear now of the burglars who haw been infest- ing our neighborhood." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in cows. A good husbnml is but the evolution ot a good so". The talom or reset-vane» is little cultivated. To I'Pserve a little either ot confidence or money worim ex- cellently well. There newr warn a man whom an artful woman would not persuade that he was uuuppreeiated, mar a. val“ woman. who "VPr felt that she was quite ttnuertrtooei. M‘s all right tor charity to begin at home, but it's very wrong to have it end there. Knew the st""" of Ills Support. (\‘n-shvillo nnner.» tweaking of wavmpaign deception. W8 urn reminded u: an election held in " C'ottrerieraite company during the Chill War. A lmtt'h-m- "gothrtic. member tiocik1mi to run flkrt' a Lieu-ten. le woman who am»; crazy over I. love alfair v as toretiootaoU. Love on!) furnished tlw opportunity. As soon as we up quite content with ourselves others begin to no- un: mitt-L's u! degeneration. ' Second-1mm! wives are otten very bad bargtsiirs, but second-hand hun- band, imuriubly are. Marital o.u'ntentment consists in the ability ot “w concerned parties tan respect the individuality Ot each other. - Advertisemelu. Thu advertisement appears In . Bristol paper: General Berrant.-No inquiries; no work; no caps or opt-one; every evening out; visitors permitted; bicycle: good wages. G., omee ot thin paper. The problem of "What shall we do with our girls P' lean. to he Iolved. From the Shula News: Watttetb-A eel-vent to cook and dre- ohlldren. _ Tim shupn‘ demonstrate how often faded “mum: buy flaming colors in the vain lrrp' that they will restore to them u smnhlanoe of youth.; Tite woman who through sheer vanity draws a man aw†from his care-faded wife is a. tiend imtarnate. - ,7 -"eie ""--"Ne__ u mum- l- van-club Men-n women volunteer to collect the funds in charitable enterprise. in order to avoid belng and to con- trtbute.-Phuadeiphi. Record. Lt is a silly wGGraio-iiGir"crir man by What he says, or u. wanna " Wyn she leaves tttMaid. The faultless GiGiGT In tiresome, but the vicious wmnorn ll banofnl. f'i'i"i"ii'i'2' MARRIED ""1 , AS A BUSINESS. Millard‘s Llaiment Cured Colds, etc. Minnrd's Linimont Cures Distemper Pleasant Bay, Primer Svll-RespH-t. “HHHcJ'A “05's "ittrr V Diggu-Oh. .that's too bad. I sup- pose you can’t very wall get rid of her, "lt? T " Mich! Has Been Wnur. (St. Jmes' Gazette.) Good stories are always plentld’ul about gob: caddies. A Lit. Andrew-s ma- rlin Iwu's 11:1va "Ma'UMe" 430mm. His invariable remark tsttertspoor' shot by the pm)" hee was serving. "it ’lllkll hue been wwur." was meant to be common and encouraging. rm: master. a clergyman. was: weaned with his well meaning tbattery. am vordingly, to make sure that he would squwuh the remark flor once. he told the cuddle he trad a terrible dream lhe nigm mature. ledo, 0. WALDINO. KINNAN a MARVIN, Wholesale Dmgglata, Toledo, o. Hall’- Catarrh Cure In taken lnLernally,act- In; directly upon the blood and mucoul lur- lace ot the system. Tentlmonlall lent tree. Prive--Oe per bottle. Sold by All drugglutl. Hull's Family Pills are the bent. Hotter tin-u inter-mu lamination for ner- vuun ttchen and muscular twluthlngrlu cb the It & L." Menthol Plantar. Immune it In up- piled right to the mm- spot. It, Ingrmmpt and [attain Substluxtv may be u ered. Say "No." Biggs-8’r. f have no dog. Lt mnEt be my daughter‘s singing that annoys LII. other evil. (-ruxupsund diarrheva come f,"att',',"ir,: Promptly ttive a done of Perry Daru' alnklller and the puma will Tole, medlntely. A bottle at. hand will nave ours of stttteritttt--be prepared. We offer One Hundred Dollar-f Reward for any can- ol Cnurrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cutarrh Cure. F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo, o. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all buslnm trans- actions and 1't,"t',1'1t, able to carry out any obligation made bat, eir tirm. Wyry' , Timur. ’holeuale Druggiuts. To- Overheard at a Mum-3' Club. Mtstte1---Syttil doesn't know a. thing about whlut. Why, the other day she was my partner at a. tourntuttent, and she trumped my ace." Chorus-How mean'. Mabel-Yes, but I paid her back. She led an ace next round. and I trumped it. Hopeless (Tape. Diggn -Sar, that dog of yours ket'Irs mtPwatt? nights with his howling. "3itath.ie, my tun-u. I dreamt that I was In the place when? the wlckod are punished. I saw the wretched ones Oxmrred: they were â€flaming In: " lake u: bailing pitoh, and mum not gm landed nor rethot pitch- lork's MtTurrt in their faces by de- mons. He lmbted lt vmlnuma. :wi-tuh Mu tongue In his wreak. when. In per- fect coolness Mm cuddle answered: "dye. air. that may a “bad dream. Jun n'witul: hut It minim: lime been -waur." "Wm". you' fool? How could thet be ?" "It ImMm hate been true." From the "turns ot wine brought into Paris it is evident that the guy city In appropriating lore and more of France‘s concentrated sun shine. Doubtleaa the abundance ot the lust wine harvest and the sup- pression of the octroi account for much of the increase. Cheering. Among the people who revel in the lugubriouo things ot this world. and mourn with exceeding plenum», may aural)! be counted Mrs. flankey. a ch_n_ruc!.§er yt 'ThpAarrityruorvs." Mrs. Hardrey is telling about the re- cent wedding of her niece, Susan. and propLssJiag the probable end of the br'uiegroom with ooneriderntrle unv- Hon. One cent wise One dollar foolish . To use any but the best "How is your sister horn-1f ?" in, quit-ed Mrs. Batman, "I expect she's " bit upset now that the fun " all over, and we hasn't a daughter left to blew herself with." Mrs. Whey sighed cheerfully. "Well, she did seem rather low splr- iteU wlwn all the menu was cleared Take Laxative Bruno Qulnlne Tub- Iota. All drugghtl refund the mos". If it tail. to curs. E W. Gron'l I'- noturo in on out box. Mo. Although in the preceding year the exposition stimulated trade, ita record of tire and a half million hectoliters has been surpassed by the twelve months just endedsby over a miilion.--New York Herald. up, and Susan had gone off to lwr own home; but I says to her, ‘Never mind. Sarah. and don't you worry yourself. Now that tho weddings are over. tho funerals will soon begin! You see. you must cheer folks nip a bit Mrs. Bntmum. when they'te teel- inx out ot 'rorttr."-Pttiladeiphits Led- New Yotk Control and Hudson - Bull-nod. The noon none u n hone-hold word, sad the mint excellence of the road we be contestant to " trnot mt people, bat now that the "to In the lane to New York nod palm oolt u " other “non no fur- ther recommendation "tttttid on THE. 6:1an MEDICINE. oonrnnv TORONTO Stomach and Constipation Bitters Made trom the formula of an eminent. V Canadian physician. who inn-used the prescription in his practice for many years with moat 'tatiMtsc'torr results. A Pauly Vegetable. Tonic and Blood Pttrmer. Price so cents per Bottle. Dr. Carson's Tonic TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Ft',',',"),? you can obtain the JW',",','; tion o your local druggiit, but you cannot obtain " in your neighbor- hood, we will send one or mow. bot- tles on receipt ot prlce 1Goe per but. tie) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet cont FBI-Ill: on applies“ ion. Parts Drinking More Wine. :.'"iiiiirrFtiodr wlll tell you It _ - - -- I mum-cu no. qto.,Bt.esthartre, a... u w I. W a n Trial unple- hee. Trade supplied. HOW’S THIS ? my TORONTO Don't neglect. the trat minutes' tit during the day, with the teet raised. it gives the whole body a. great heâ€!!! of repose. and works wonders in umoothlng out the linen of the rave. Don't flex the lint joint of the nu. geru. 1n a1l forms or massage this Joint should be extended. flexing be ing limited to the necond Joint and the knuckle. In this way one gets a broad surface for (-ontucL with the part. which give a pleasanter as well as more errective massage. Don’t. {angel that oreetosionaliy dur- ing tleulment the fame slumld be faintly smoothnd with the tips or the lngnrn of both hands. Don't be anxious or dishen Mann] or impatient: {ht-no passions makv ugly [ind on tho. face. Don't speak with all th" mum-hm ot the face. It is very charming and captivating to be deeply, dead y in earnest. but faclal grimaces lurm creasel which In time will bm-ome fixed. Don't go too long without food. Hunger. gives a strained look to the face. Now and then. it one is fatigued a. bite between meals will inii,orate the whole system and give relaxa- tion and repose to strained muscles and nerves. Don't sit Inning it strong light. Don't stoop or bond ow-r while writing or readlng. Don't frown. don't scowl. Don't use violence in smoothing the face. tot. it will not stand being pounded. Tho manipulation must be gentlr and even or the skin will be. come coarse and leathery. The race is the most sensitive part of the body, being covered with a network of delicate nerves. arteries and veins. Don't rub the Hum the wrong way. or they will breome more :nstead of less. prominent: tnth across tho WNW klen with a. rotary motion. non t bellew that were 1. any mt. pernntural virtue in twing ugly or that it In so very frivolous to con- trive that a man shall always re. main tn love with his own wife. rm, o ete., with Don't worry. but it worry you Inuit. keep the {urelwad tsmooth-... don't wrinkle it. Don't wear tight shoes. They make a. young taco look old, drawn and wrinkled in a few hours. Don't let Insomnia get the uppet' ham. By all means in your power try to break up the habit. Blooplestr new ls often caused by unvomwious hunger, and a cup or hot water. or hot milk, or a. biscuit, will often in. duce lleep. Don't loosen the%rin from the un derlylng tissues. or stretch it. Doh't forget that pressure should be inward. gi2it2ia2J,ed,it.- “goth. FOWLER:- nude. P1109251: It NO DIRTY HANDS. Clean your Inver- wm, Aotd, bran. Hal no one ever asked hilIIIEIf. "What busineu have women to look so plain and haggard as soon as they turn their quarter century; or what necessity is ittrtuetlvettetttt at the age when they begin to be Worth knowing?“ The chatter of youth and of rosebud girls is inlipld. They are awkward in giving opinions as a novice in carving a chicken. It is inatructive to note the rising idea. that the finest young men of the day are prone to marry women older than themselves for want of intelli- gence in girls nearer to their own appropriate age. The marriage lists call for explanation of the disparity between ages, and a young man has written an article somewhere dim. cussing the. reasons why men of strong intellect and warm feeling fall in love with older women when they have a chance. The attachments is so strong. the bonds so proudly worn in these cases that the query is: Why Un’t women oftener give men the chance to adore them, when they are most worth adoring, and. why do they make the PXpPrimt-nt no hazardous to repeat'.' The man never gives a Blil‘Pl' proof of his ut- trtuytirrn than when he ignores Hm difference of age. and a woman should reward such tribute by re- serving long her summer bloom. In grief and chagrin again we repent: RISING POLISI‘INO PM" "What busing"; had, women ti, [all off in charm when brain and morale are at their prime'.'"--"' Dare. 1'_6e.H06H-tttt t WRINKLE DON’IS. i: tte-oe-ee-a' RUPTURE " KELPIou " \... - [INT-l No voyage! for all "to“ and Gland Troubles. Lungs, Ansonâ€, Old “as moon. Felon, 8 in Olson“ (cum ‘lmplos. sun Joints, tiGGGiuir, iiiiiiGiC Stalin, Bruins. Pll.a., Gnu. Son Foot, . ourlsy. "NB-tB...... I VII annual [Moral by in! lulu": modioauot'rttats Supplied " um... soldlonln South Africa on"! how I do In witlnho at! bat Apt pro-sing b,'r.t.Ir',ti?orri,il), Rupmro :35ch PM}!!! any"; ttlt? 3.22m“- - II"1 - .UT' r.... I'I'Url' . Sold by Drugglsu. 250. try it once. tihjiiirrWé. -"urqt only cum a firmer hold br. my Autqmytipe Pad - e', trytiuirt " IVAIILII. (Chicago Coronlcle.) Justice William L Putnam, ot the United State- circuit Court ot Ap. peal. in Portland. Ora. recently tell into conversation with a young man of the nouvenux riches who c-xpresaed astonishment that the Judge could an along In his Inlary of $6,000 a year. "Why," said the purse-proud youth. it (really coats me twice that amount to live a yrar." The Judge answered gravely: "It isn't worth it, George; it lan’t worth It." Trohbleo and Bison-den. " by Lou- a FUA, Cum. tt'tgtAatru,Llti: and Heart Tron . 1 Simply write to (in T. A. Slocum Chemial Ceitir. Linked. I King tMroet West. Toronto, thin: poatesdtict Ja'i%)1'f, sure“. and the fl. medic-no (d). Slunm Cure) will be promptly not. 7 Persons In Canada ageing tilocumu {rec oKee '- 1tllt8)llllill"fN)ll Prevented and cured. mtasr-oesttx-tdMtstrraN "atMeeqrqredtrtt1tly-qN- You urn invited to test that this lyn- " do for you. if you are nick. by writing for I and the Font PM Preparation! will be forwarded you ntfpce‘hwith cP,mputi.directiee for use; A - Kiwi-3 G CGadn "eiise Shula-"hi; Giiie in 'Ameriun 'rit.ers.wii1, please and for all“ I PAINT YOUR HOUSE Do you cough ? Do your lungs pnin you ? In your throat sore 'gy'"""'" Do you spit up Illegal Does your bedrock? ' Is your appetite had? Are Four lungs delicuof Are you losing ttatah , Are you pale and thin , Do you lack stamina ? These symptoms or. proof that you have in your body the seed: of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas. tated the earth-co-tttion. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT tim, " you have not tried It, send for free I.“ bureau: am will surprise you. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it (ails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again-man woman and child. thii strength is full and spirits high, we are being re- freshed, bone muscle and rain, in bod and mind, with con- tinual how of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no sprinf. when rest is not rest and s eep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; there is little nutri- ment in it. We live by our blood,and on it. We thrive or starve, " our blood is rich or poor. There is nothingelse to live any}: by. J . iid, jitiGahj'ajiiariaiiua Ftise Cengump- Hinard'l Linlment Cures Diphtheria our. 'ttr'Nbee ..PARLOR MATCHES" UdicivaEiaiicditaretu' all I rttgMtrqrgt system and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights. THE - WIRI PING! GO., LIMITED. A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link mush-o; gum ‘COTT & DOVER. Chem!†A Wane of Money. [33133 THE FINEST MATCHES IN we WORLD. he “I. by " the prim -. T2,tiJ.il EDDY’S and for All Lu! tlm right palms to paint rigid, in! put- Mt lonmvl the ttrce'tirir.r ',tr: "o'- psinting, an! kmp< Jerttt' Hum n!“- and bright threrugrou; lltv A" of pure paint as no on" r (mm! pm: PM helm-e. and at the right pm , Drop us a card and ask fur BOOKLET Nt). 11 Hun. allowing how coup homes nrr- puma! Established LM.'.'.. k BAMSAY ' MII , o Wrtte tor price-a and catnlnum- than " can at " "ne- ot fence. â€Iâ€! rm: Ilcml‘: co.. Limited “not. Cumin. ll make-n n bettertet- ll one-ttttlt the cont ot any ready wmun fratat, To get tttebeatf- you Inn-t build it on the ground. and the l.0ti. DON 1- the fun-L and nun-t mumml machine on the nun-kn for building it A mi km l tutu an Mul- and berth. Include-I. The above cheap ram. m Mont real are In effect for Mas only. Only line running rupidn. Write for R. t O. Hotel Hunk ot Lower M. Lawrence and rompâ€. I. You“! (Yb-In. Western P-we Agent. 2 (In. Mroet Em. Toronto. Ont. AGE!“ " ALV l L‘JU '" mm. " one. trustworthy men and to. no in "on locum]. loan! or tra orline, w in trounce I new dlmvery and keep our an. cam sud th'g2ulg', mower meted up mm â€lemma gm- ',,1'r,eg"g) t a town at country. My 1,",%"d.'ttr",t, your round count-don (I may. Alto "I Inonlh au our“ not to exceed $2.50 per d3) rite at Meal-u. Po-tomcu km 337, W -ioirr' like", “(In-u oariiGiifS.' hone. anywhere; any or evertirter, meg; 30-qu S"tl,o..%%; Adan-u Burma...“ uncut!" " Sudan R,t'levelnuri. H. In. Window‘- Soothing IT,', g, - be and for Children any)â€; not“ the and. 1ttt','Sttrgmi;i, cum . estttieaarAMthrettoatemrs y orirtarrttuk. I 315,000-wlnhn to n-nrn-u‘...,.4 w": honest. halibut mun. who would ammo], " b.0013 wite. Box 2,GM5,'roronio Hm Write ftr pal-“cult". _ Pohomcu km 337, INTIMATIOIAL MEDIO‘NE co.. London,“ Steamer- leave Hamilton 1 p u and Toronto 7.80 p. m. 'l‘umlan and Friday.) during May, and on and after Juno 3rd Tun-days. Tlmru dnyl and Saturdays. Hamilton to Montreal Toronto toMontreal 'ft SLiiit2i'it,tt?i'd'l"lt/f,li -l,tii,iit"iii'i mu“ can .m'rplottorq M in,“ 'ia'rMru"l,r, and! at. Conn-7. Toronto. (my: In" ISSUE NO. 20. 1902. Pei “raisin-mas. ijipmmai _ copy_|etten_, Mid“. fnrelnpq eta.?,?, in pin-e and oach suppmt 5P.,ttts its own share of tho weight. Light tie wires give no support Bending to he weakens them and th.ey are up! to break when the strain is newâ€. Frost Fence never breaks. [Drug hr Catalog-u. . c .IIITID. " WCLLAND. Out, 31.1.1439; fl ma! non MAL. 1&1]?ch on IONTIKE\ L, 'OUNG WOMAN-AGED 217 mum; do " wall “In: tho most [ 39d her! for wann- [mints BUBIUEOB CK Att C ICE. nick! icon it. hed. "if: ad Inn-mu Conn-a1. Ton-Io. Ont, No one should expn‘l a fence to hold up of itseh' between the posts. The Frost 'ttttight Inc“ no large and Mrong. T he Fro-t Lock holds them "9%qd Light." 30. “Ink." no and to. “a". Co..." CAVRAW, TRADE PA TENTS. London Fence r. Machine l " would Pay We“ lo Buy a to hav- a so con tu- ewn tf It emu tour Um It. prive WANTED HAMILTON- TORONTO. MONTREAL LINE.., PM It t Ink “I'D - 00.50 ‘09.?" II I.†“93-91! It- mun. .1 Return " 1iii1iili Ind tlil'; .0 thr. " 'IIRIO on!) l'e Imam In†haunt. u u M. Mun-h. For the mun of the tops' tnntgvttcots a torinl. Th 'sot"tva<i, "rt “She drum. -evi-he Old but'hi In Item] and t" the drum- They uppu .ttilowottti'u n â€shod: ' v.t.esi, "l “lurch, w thet all l (actor, In; ot the run Idommvm In wdl an extent a ' [or llu in and teel they w: ot the l {allow t Idle“, J) In"- of I. a In: mm)“ (I to lu-r 4 thou“ c to hrr l ohm: Ct hem“: com:- I menu: t ttttir "f ter"tt' In men 'l-‘I ind) m. burn n; moral» I tun" "eribe t Win-r, trite, h, a ttttrt than u well 1 tittt p - lugs} . and lor In k: n that ill o.' the ttttos Pawn-mu" “I but Euclid!“ trick, and m has [rum m- aaniattts lung torotttrrustt'.s and." â€(with stapes, wtth Iowa-d"): e\ ers 1h mg, a the" plum-u. To begin a qtumplicatusti, an"! [rocks no rncrnjzu and mu do pared for m -otit litrttt and luv! naturc oi hon 3M sprang "! nppusrmg m 0â€â€œqu P“ "we (hoe um! unulaclur' b c!) sue: for I cum». mm: lat inumnn; .onelipuun In Inuit lWi'u‘ service . th pin set for th and mm tr? canon. “no the) haw m a ttte ' imnr dull {alum-b: Unveillmr- tt They cunn- [Huh mm W um) um proor, , out ale u" 'resure-1 “nun†Boetrtt m Inn“ too 8) “not "drrts, Tollert " B00- there nui "l uqu and: " II wok tit tor out!!! “2ch "ortde "1mm to the w ttite chines .0:sz hm not! mental _ “ 'i% nmrlli cold “fiction ot -hroom. t h." a CW†'ii;iaiiihrod ll If! " The “nu tut p a ll p bo " hull M o'lL ttt " " rt u " "