West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 May 1902, p. 1

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her " TS " 2c. Wall Papers-nt The Big moral J. P. Smith E. s. will heat the Mid-9 clnugh House, May '28. One day only: Eyes tested free. ' VICTORIA DAY.--Saturday next May ',: "M. Keep her memory green through} the tstres.--Btorett closed. I Monthly meeting of w. c. T. U., will he held at Miss Stewart's next Friday evening, May 23rd, at 8 o'cloek. Mr. A. C. Clark of Broekville, left for his home on Friday morning last. He has been taking the machinery out of the woollen mill and shipping it to Edmonton. He intends leaving for there in a few weeks, VOL. XXIV. N0. 29 ‘L Mr. A. C. Clark of Brockvuw. non for his home on Friday morning last. He has been hiking the machinery out of the woollen mill and shipping it to Edmonton. He intends leaving for there in n few weeks, One enterprising advertiser will do much to make a. town prosperous. It IS advertising that makes people come to a town from beyond the natural circle of trade for that town. A Pedestrian (‘luh has been formed in " ingh'un and already forty-five have joined. The colors of the club are green and white and the members will walk from 8 to 9 on Monday and Thurs- day evenings. Mr. Malcolm McEnchern of Mulock sold Mr Mekeehnie 18 head of fine steers today. M. is no doubt becoming one of Bentinck’s leading feeders having de. Iivered over $1150 worth of fat stock this week that he fed during the wine AssvAtoc--rf any of our subscribers who have paid for 190-2. hare not got the Canadian Annual which we issued at Christmas as a supplement to the Review. and will let us know, we will be pleased to send them one. That is if all are. not gone. for we hav'nt many left. JELLu-zs ItrvvscuuaE.---Meesrs J. k. J. Hunter on Thursday and Friday of this week have a demonstration on hand at their store of the value of Me. Laren’s Invincible Jellies and Extracts. A young lady is to serve them up with whipped cream and fruits. A cordial invitation extended to all I Sysop MEETING. - Rey. Mr. Far- quharson last week attended the meet- nt' the Presbyterian Synod of Kingston and Toronto. one of the most impor- tant Synods of the church. Rev. Mr. Aull, Palmetston. was elected Modera- tor fur the coming year. We extend our congratulations to the genial pastor of Palmerston on his elevation to this honorable and important position. iream Separator Oil, at Hardware Dept.---'. A. HI Big Store. ter. place on Saturday next. Victoria Day. The contestants are Hanover and Dur- ham. and an uniting contest is assured We hope our town this year will put on a hit of enthusiasm and cheer our boys on to victory and the championship. Admission 20 em, Ladies & Children It) cts. Latest thing in Men's Pleated Shirts and Ascot or Stock Ties,--at The Big Stow. J. A. Hunter. Vwrunu DAv.--The first Exhibition Match of the Lacrosse season takes LArttossF, tlruF.DULE. - Delegates from the clubs in lacrosse district No. 4, met in Durham on Tuesday and arrang- ml a sriwdule of matches for the season. Mr. (E l,.Allen presided as chairman, the don-gates from the various clubs being us follows ..--owen Bound, Jno. Ramsay l Hanover. R. J. McEwen l Durham, J. A. Hunter: Mt. Forest, J. H. Addison. Following is the schedule; J one 13 ~;\lount Forest at Hanover. .. Its' Durham at Owen Sound. tt 2t's-Hanoyet' at Durham. July T-Owen Sound at Hanover. .. ll~Mount Forest at Durham. .. yr, Owen Sound at Mt. Forest. .. 25 -Durtratu at Hanover. Aug. 1 -Hanover at Owen Bound. .. L-Durham at. Mt. Forest. " t;--Hanover at Mt. Forest. .. ti -owen Sound at Durham. " lb-Nt. Forest " Owen Sound. .. I Illll‘llillll au All. " u' cpl. N T .. u', -Hanover at Mt. Forest. M158 AGNES SMITH, .. m' -oxven Sound at Durham. 30f Hamilton, will deliver an address on . - - O S d unimportant subject. Farmer's wives q 15 - 3lt. Forest at wen . oun . {and daughters should it visible attend ..LT, - ----_._ - w this meeting and all at er ladies are Hy meneal- -m1nt--Cutr. l, cordially invited. - " I Lunch will be provided on the A wry pretty wedding took place at |grounds and Members of Institutes are the tv,idtutce of Mr. John Cuff, of 1 'invited to bring thew lady friends along Aim-awn. nu Wednesday, the 14th inst. 'and also a haaket of provisions. when his eldest, daughter. Margaret lJAS ALLAN GEO. BINNIE was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert I . President. Secretary. Hant,ot' Vickers. f -----r'ey-vezfiricTrC,TtaTCi'T," _ _ A. n..,.. m-__-_9- ‘l‘..l‘.- " -loni.s. the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. The gum-u was ably an rted by his brother Wesley while Plfll Maggie Alexandex of Aberdeen attended the bride. Tri,,, bride was attiredin a travelling suit of slove gray broadcloth with a white taffeta silk waist, - - The Rev. Mr. Ryan, of Durham, was the omciattntt clergymen. Attre the ceremony the gust-ts sat down to a sumptuous repast. ciaun cl men. an" we- . galxmy mg mega sat down to 'il. This subject treated of was “Garden- sumptuous repast. "as. A very good paper “In: mad by The presents were numerous andiMrs.Thots.McGirr,after which followed aprtropri.ate. the gmmp’: 1113851130331: ‘ a brief discussion on flowers ' vege- 5.1.1:"... ..... . ____ KM- 7 - bode being a crescent hr'ooch get w' Opals and diamonds and to bridesmaitdh a pearl brooch. - lirid many friends join in wishing the young couple a long and a happy career. n (‘luh has been formed and already forty-five The colors of the club are ite and the members will . 9 on Monday and Thurs. )y of our subscribers 1902 have not got the which we issued at supplement to the at us know, we will be pm one. That is if all 11. at our New! A. Hunter', The, Wool Wanted,--at The Big more, J. A. Hunter. Trimmed Hats at half price for the "2tth" at Miss Dick's. J. A. Black has a. calf six Weeks old for sale. HEALTH NoTrcre.--Ali parties are hereby warned and instructed to have waterclosets etc.. thoroughly cleaned before Insapector's next visit. By order. May 19. 02. Having Bold all the machinery J. A. Hunter of The Big Store is ottering the \Voollen Mill building and lot for sale at a. bargain. It is well built, and would pay anyone to wave it down town. Messrs. Aljoe and Lennlmn are this week moving into their new quarters on Lambton St., where, in " roomy and comfortable shop. they can eater to the wants of their customers more elfecl ively than ever. ' BASE BArm.--The business men of the town will play " game of base-hall against the "Cement City Base Ball Club " on May 2Ath, 10 o'clock a. m.. sharp. Everybody welcome at the school grounds. Earnest preparations will make an exciting game. By the Dominion census Mount Forest has a population of 2018, which entitles- it to only four liquor licenses. In Older to decide whether a. fifth license could be issued a municipal census w-ts taken, and the population counted at 2301;whereupon a. fifth license was issued and the fee fixed at 3200. instead of the 8250 that was to hare been charged if there were only fottr.--EX, "lowers. ' i To 1 BEWARE OF THE swrsoLssm.-.-A) T Eswindler has been reaping quite a; Espling harvest in the vicinity of St.‘ t[Mm-vs. With the and of a few ready‘ Sir t tears, a plaintive voice, apathetic story i . iand " supply of fake gold watches, lie' i PP)!“ {attacked the district. This wily crook g'lown gives each and every dupe a. wail about l my , the loss of his father or mother, hisvigqgll“ gown hard luck after detraying funeral i l D fexpenses. and winds up by producing th' . ' lady's or a. gentlenysttys gold watch.' __" My poor dear father's watch. Ah, --.-+ how I hate to part with his old time- F To piece I but I must," he says. He parts " with the watch for $10 or as near that d sum as he can wheels oat, and wanders 'on in seaeh of new victims. The [ {watches are cheap plated, and wmthi Sir RE Tnv.Es.--Probauly it would not be amiss to some of our readers to know the law concerning the trees on the street o-"Chapter 60 of the Ontario Statutes provides that any person who ties a horse to 1. shade tree in the street, or cuts, or trims or injures such a. tree in any way is liable to a fine of $25 and costs or 30 days imprisonment. The persons in front of whose premises the tree " not exempt from the restriction. Expiess permission must be had at the Council to trim or in any way meddle with trees planted in the street. New Hardware Dept. trtethe Big Fitore IS showing some Ahe Lawn The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmers' Institute will be held in AIR. ALEX. McLAUHLAN’S Orchard. (DURHAM, on TUESDAY, JUNE ii, i 1902, at 1.30 p. m., l For the put-Rose of receiving the Direc- 'tm's' and uditors’ Reports, electing , officers for the ensuing year. and tran- sacting any other business that may mule before the meeting. After the _ usual business 82 each. Walkerville, will give an address upon "Mr clern Methods in Fruit Growing." The Wotnen's Instituti- will also hold their Annual Meeting in the Town Hall, on the same date when A meeting of the S. G. woman's Ins- titute was held at the home of Mrs, Thou. McGirr on Wednesday May 14th, Although there were note very large number of members present still the meeting was very interesting and instructive. tables. Further notice will be given about the Annual meeting which will be held on Thursday J an. 5th. ‘- South Grey Women’s Institute." fllllllflir "NINE. MR. ALEX. BIL-NE l L, Masha at The Big Store, J. Saturday of this week being Vie-) toria Day the Merchants of the towni have decided to close their places of I, business on that day. Stores Willi however be open on FRIDAY evening 1 till 10 p. m. z ACCEPTED THE CALL.--At the Owen Bound Ptesbytery on Tuesday, Rey. Mr Little was released from the Chatsworth congregation and separation takes place on Sabbath next. The induction into his new charges will take place shortly. CEsutwr.---The building of the dredge 1 M. the lake is now underway and a trip , out there by mil is in contemplation l shortly. Our readers will peruse with l pleasure the Toronto Star's write up on i, page 4. All we have room for this: week. 1 CANADIAN Poms-The Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian Church was again successful on Monday at their second evening with Canadian poets. Insp. Cmnphcil singled out Chas. Mair to illustrate, while Rev. Mr. Furquharson from " Songs of the Great; Dominion.” woke. view of the whole tield. Both read illustrative selections. Solos by Miss King, Mrs. R. Wright and Dr. Cnutts. were pleasing features of the evening. as was also a reading hy Miss M. Hunter. Light refreshments fur- nished an opportunity for social con- course. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902, BAND or HOPE CoscRwiv--A success- ful concert in aid of this worthy insti- tution was held in the Baptist church on Friday evening last. Rev. Mr. New- ton in the chair and a. crowded church. No small share of the credit must be given to Miss Stewart and to Misses argaret Gun and M. Hunter for their attention to the training of the little ones in song and recitation. Rev. Mr Smith ghve one of his interesting chalk talks and Rev. Mr. li'arquliarson also made an interesting address. Mrs. Newton assisted both vocally and itLirlunentailr. ' point Chas. L. Grant, Esq, of the }T0wn of Durham to be and act as ‘lmy financial agent for all the purposes required by the Election Act at and prior ' to the Election to be held on May 29th, EA. D., 1902. I hereby nominate and appoint John Hunter Esq., of the Town of Durham to be and act as my financia agent for all the purposes required by the Election Act at and prior to the Election to be held on May 29th, A. D., 1902. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Grand Display of Summer Millz’norg. 1vrrwo.as--To At; and Mrs. William Sir l _ "ii"Giiikn, a. daughter. MORONALD-On May 15, to M r. and Mrs. Jan. McRonald a son. he FINANCIAL AGENTS. We have just received Shipment of entirely New Thomas Lauder Esq. Returning foffi_cer for the South RIBBONS, FLOWERS, etc. WHITE TUSCAN and LEGHORN HATS suitable for Summer Wear and for 'i5iiiEiTifttsTB5ir. We Wear! (in: gay: we will have a Special Display of Trimmed White Hats for Ladies' and Children, Thomas Lauder Esq. Returning Officer for the South Riding of the County of Grey. A HOLIDAY IN DURHAM. iii"iriri?'the County of Grey. flilll)llill M. PICKERING D. D s., L. D. S. Af I ss 218.1%- have just received a large I hereby nominate and ap- Att Juicy Mit Colon, Mtt fut“. om. Yours etc. DAVID J AMIEGON Yours etc. BORN GEO. BIXNIE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Last, Week's ' Confederate , along with l a cut, of Mr. Binnie has the following notice: .. Mr. Binnie Is in entire sympathy' with the Ross Government in its policy of development, and, as a Farmer’s Institute worker, has a thorough ap- preciation of what has already been ac- complished for the farmer through the advanced methods of Hon John Dryden Minister of Agriculture. Mr Binnie is not only a supporter of an excellent Government, hut has himself decided views on public questions. As an ex- ample, he goes on record as entirely op- posed to the Railwav Pass system, by which members ot the House are allow- ed to travel free. Evidently he has leatned his ethics from an old but very highly respected book, which says "Thou shalt take no gift; for the Rift blindeth the wise and pervertcth the words of the righteous." He is not only well read on agricultural matters. but has read closely and widely along other lines. He was honored for years hy e- lection to the Township and County Councils, where in Isti, he was made .m........‘., .. ___'- - warden of the County. Those who know him well speak of bun as being "a good clear speaker". By all means vote tor Ross and Binnie and Good Govern- ment.' Momma MMM MR. 3mm L He is capable, honest and pains- taking and will be a credit to the riding. 2. He will give the closest amen tion to his parliamentary duties. ence. 4. He understands thoroughly the needs ot the riding. 5. He supports the ablest govern- ment Ontario ever had. 6. He advocates complete inderwn- deuce-0f members. 7. Heisin favor of the taxing of corporations as well as of the masses. 8. He is honest enough and bold enough to denounce wrong-doing III his own party or out of it. o. He wantsto be elected cleanly and honestly or not at all. 10. His aim is to keep Ontario the most progressive Province of the Dom- inion,free from debt, and the home of loyal, contented, educated and pro- greasive millions, and no man can hold this aim and support Mr. Whitney. THE. LAN UlDA'l‘E TO VOTE FOR. ta, feel 3/100. For Quality, Style, Ease and Comfort The Peel Shoe is always found Pre- eminent. . m. JAM Jinn, Wax! My 'tridge A Gonoxxnox orrmrn.-The Review will be sent to any address in America to new subscribers to Jan. 1. 1903, for id JL. Call, or send a. postal note, 3anonths' trial trip for 25e, He has a wide municipal experi- Emma ith mmazmmmmxmmx:-;:w::-: yyA ti $1.25 now ...... lfjlj. 'Ghis Week. Wmfififififififififimfififi%fifi%§¥ifiéi-fiiéfijgg :Ira 'illi, cf, ' c" tl a/lik' LWEEEEE g 333: 't5eggtrgfR54R5rftfrfffW in) iiiiiagaaaasallrailla'illliill ta, 2405 we are selling all our Trimmed MILLINERY at very unusual bargains. We can give you a neat, pretty trimmed Hat at 8roo or any price above that. Weady-twwoar ' a! ”cry Jpn/a! fries}. $2.25 Ready-to-wears going atwm$1_._§5 $2.00 " " ...o..... Ready-to-wears that are cheap at $1. 50 now L....................................." and 85 cents. White Walking Hats with fancy drape were $1.60 will be sold for.............- Black Walking Hats were 8noo and 31.2 5 are 97 piece Dinner rapiece A big lot of Glassware to choose from at see our stock. i4 Apical is when you want your New Hat and we are going to help you get one too. 1ve've prepared a surprise for you in the MILLINERY DE- PARTMENT and for the Rom-minu- tho place $7temainder of 'Ghis Week " Toilet Set in beautiful colors, regular price 5 r antes 'retuaut THE OPULAP CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined with guilt, regular value is”! 5.00, our price et intl rich pattern, valuc:at $5 Jars. ire/and CROCKERY éiéldo $3.50 $4.50 STRAW HATS“ Men's Straw Hutu. Boys' Straw Huts. Girls Straw Hats. Ladies' Sailor Hats and Garden Huts all up- to-dMe and good value. Sailor Hats 25c, 40c &50c. CHAS RAMAGE. 'rRe0teehaie. Pam-ran no Punusnln. 2se. each. Come in 1nd C. L. GRANT. $6.00 our price our price --_.-.m. é! 'tm "fsrr LIh SEE 'tlil., Ai, ml- tit) a}: " tf It,

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