West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 May 1902, p. 2

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ll A new method of stopping hlceougha I. and to have been accidentally du. oovorod in a French Hospital. It eon- do“ In thrusting the tongue out of the mouth and holding " that tor . than time. . lode, o. an Waumms. KINNL‘I A MARVIN. Whulvsale Drawn". Tnlulo. o. . Hair- Caturrh Pure I. when "tterrtattr,aet- In. 'tlrertlr upon the blood and [uncou- nur- Iuo of the "t"ottt. Testimonial. an tree. Prtre-7.3e per bottle. thud by all drama. Hall's Family Pm- an the but. We. the t Cherry tor t Pertreur ht hotel ls Manual to the bent advan- lago- for comfort and oonwnioucm tqtrmirtl ihsention Ming given to ven- tilutlon and sanitary ttrrttrutr'tttttttti, Ila rp.cl~»ua‘ mm:- with handsome butlmroma atlaclml. are especially adapted to either large or small tant.. iile-a lulszno- and trerviee are the heat. "pt'n tot. gurus Jum- 15th. For lur- ther part:culnrs, Urtscriptise mattor in.) a" informutlon write J. 3 M.s Donal-l. maul-t Passenger Atpmt, “mnto. We "tfer one Hnnclrml Dnllnro' Rev-rd tor any mm- of (unnrrh thut cannot be curve! by Hull's Cu lurrh run. F, J. PM KN EY & CO., Toledo, o. We. the uudvrulgnml. have known F. J. Cheney tor the [an 15 year- and helleve Mm peril-ray human-Mo- In all bun-lam trans- aetloa. ttttrl 1"u".'t1'lut't, to carry out any 1rhtitrtttion made In t Ir ttrm. 'et' ,, Tutu. Whole-ale Drugglul, To. We "tter 0m any I'll-P of Ca Hull's Cttturrh $20 a 07.1). oft n"ranidu%Gi,er' ot plaster out mnn command outlaw high my. T This new, moelern, up-to-date hotel “as open“: tor the reception of gut-std In 1901. It Is uituulM in the contra of th" finest mxmnn-r resort. rash-n in Atnvrica, known as the Mmknkn Lukas. within easy ranch of the principal points in Canada and the L’nhml States. The interior of the Miss s'harpe--That no? Why, lwau talking to your friend. Tom Burns, about you yesterday. and tte--. M'iss mutt-lie proposed, too. Did ho LPN you? was Sharpe-Not exactly. He said ho was proposed to, too.-ithoru, Standard and Thur-s. was Blutr--D, Ned Willoughby. he proposed to me once. I believe MINARD'S LlNIME‘JT will cure evm-y mum of Diphtheria. MRS. REUBEN In KER. I belir-vr MIN" \RD’S LINIMEN'I‘ will modum- gruwth of hair. "Oh. no, he Isn't. father," replied the llltle brother, who was pre- com. "What do you know about Mr. Featherly ?" demanded the old man. "t only know," the little man re- fund. "that I heard him ask ulster or n kin last n'arht, and she told him he could have one if he would be quick about it; but it was the Allowed! kiss that I over saw." “I am afraid that young Penth- Orly, who calls on you so anemia rather a tant young man," said a father to his daughter. now that my card was G absolute MI! permanent one." H "Thin is over {our yam-- ago, and I hare wt luau! th" slightest return, or the trpublt- since, so that I know them right away. “In itarrt one week after I but] tak- en the first done, I puma a stone as large as a bean, and in tour days after I passed another about the the of a grain or barter. "This gave Mb" great rehet and I ammoncml to fool better an once. "The impmwmem continued and I gained Huang”: very rapidly until in a than. tiny: I was as well as over. “Then a man advised me to try Dodd'a Kidney Pills, for he said they had cured his mom". "I thooght I would try linen; and I got a pox and commenced to take "This time I sent for another doo- tor, with about the nub reruns. an” I was getting weaker all the time. Stan ley “Ho came twice more and marz- ul mt: Crftmrn dallnro. l was a little better but not at all well, all! in a abort time after I took another bad we”. Ibo NtTTrtst l-‘OLE Rlvordale. on City, Ont. "l was suffering great pain at) I bent [or the doctor, he gave me some medicine and said he would call again. A Quebec Gentleman who Relate.- an Intcreul-g story or a Narrow En- CID-Happy Deliverancejuu in the Nick orroo. Bristol, Que.. May 1.'.'..-Ht'ateqeiatr- note are not many men or wmnen dim tau-day who have paved Mgh such a terrible trial as Mr. It. Duper, of my phat». Mr. Draper any; : "About tour years ago! was tak- on ill with what I thought was Gravel. Few Hen have had such a Thrill- ing Experience. ROYAL MUSKOKA HOT EL hon-w»- 'HNtrtIr'.s' LTNIMENT is hunt Inn-who'd rr-mmlju um I-arth. REUBEN DBAPEB 3‘ 'l‘o Mop "lea-ought. HOW'S THIS ? No Artlve Part In It "ll-H Long Drawn Out ‘5. f'HAS, A Nlbl-IRSON rtseritttis" matlnl write J. 3 M.. umwnger Agt-ut Page Woven Wire Fence k'h1i'.'1rAltlt,h'tihtttgt.rttg,',t'? ltN "I wish you‘d leave out that 'emi- nent tragedian' business. I'd much rather have It simple Edwin Booth,' " he said. "Very good. sir.“ The next week the actor new the Ctrst at his new! bilie In position. Bil request had been carried out to the letter. The porter announced the owning engagement of “Simple Ed- win Booth."-Couasn Tit-Bite. ' The world has so long been at war with the lmplnss printer that it will be intsrestiix to know that at least one compob'uur has boen capable ot followmg instructions. Once 12pm a timo tt printer brought to Booth tor innpvt‘llon proof of a new poster. which, after the manner a! its kind, announced thd actor as "the nminent tragediun, Edwin Booth." _ Mr. Booth did nob fullv nunrnva n! it. Finally. a nngPl. with ing in her A husband should aiways accom- pany his wire cheerily when she wants to go out in moiety or to plat-93 of amusement in the evening. L..'..-'.,, N J _ ' ' - qeq0tgtqt- can qrtral Eriia." -aro,, www.mwmw , 0- W0 will a “and "tmin itotsmu0tmamtrtwim" conga but yngfxitgthhpmm.:-dnl The wife should always meet her husband when he returns hone with " glad, sweet smilo. A man should never neglect the lit.. tle attentions after marriage that he showed his wife when he was courting her. A wire should always bn well dress. ed, and keep herself young and beam. tiful, in omit-r to retain her fascina- tion for hor husband. " KELPION 'T ------- For an Throat and Ohm! Troubles. Lungs. Abscess... Old Sons Neon, Felons, 8 In Dis-nos, Eczema ‘Implcs. all Joints, Rheumatism. Lumbago. sprung, Irulus, 'It,'.: (but. Sore ffe,. Helm”, - .....-....., Indus“ by boat lnzllsh '_'ty_dutatu.terttata, Supplied to British soldiers In si,Gi, Lriii A wife should study and improve her mind, and keep up with the Limos, so that she may be a. com- panion for her husband. l man should make a fair. division. or the family finances, give his wife halt of all he earns, and cave a quarter. Husbands should encourage and clwnr their wives by taking an inter- est in domestic affairs. A wife should keep her husband from wandering from hire own tire. side by providing at home the at- "actions he necks abroad. Husbands and wives should have no secrets from each other; yet should not bore one another by relating things that do not interest each other. A marriage must be one of two things. happy or unhappy. It I: an twistence where but one condition can exist. You are supremely blast or you are crurlly Cursed. The sink ple rules Irorerning a happy marri- age may be found in the following list: deviation from the same may not ensure discord, but it will cer- tuiuly prt'virr.t accord. “(and them over mm! tlm very simplicity of each otur's duty to the other will appear not only Might, but trivial; act upon them in all sincerity and you'll find that crowning happiness the human heart cravps. "the love at home." it tee-ee-ee-qt-ot-it g+++++++é++++ '6H60H0He'f be 113 only ten dollars 1810.00) for the round trip from Summation Bridge or Buftalo, and tickets good tor return until and including June und. Boston in {not gaining popularity with tour- ists, and no bvtter season could be selectvd to visit this histor'lz' oily. Bee West Shore aglnts for further infor- motion. 'a yere ago it is a habee yet but: not I so much so her name it mares and aha {it mi elatur when maree wuz a reel inn when she didn't have no sent: an awl i guess thay wuz never no 1pummer babee than she wuz about awl she dun wnz IU lny around and pit-up aw! the time she couldn’t even talk the ingllah language at turn and when Hm wanted ennythimr she wud hollur til you kud-heer her about 2 milz marec diddnnt have no teath four a long time but she dlddunt cure brkoz she dlddunt ete nuthing but milk wich ls not hard to clm mares inn. got moat sentz now than she had when she wuz reel nu and mebbee rile will be smart like i am sum day mi paw told me that the stork brot maree tn our howne [have Cot a. alr- Kun now and it that stark evver kumz around agane It will wisht it hm! of etude away and tendud tu ill oan bianostr.--tommie.-- Boston Poet. _ x Friday, May 23rd, a. popular excur- sion by regular trains will be run b) the Wes). Shot}: Railroad, the tare _ - _._. -v.â€" u'-., rivlll'l)’. Said by Druuisu. asa, In " out . mi may '_., dimming wot (wrote- 1 buddy but trn at hum time our miner l b km mummy Run in grodo up uut I l Um; has. bm a batroe n imbee is not luau: ttir but " tun make a norrul , no.1» and not Itat trt babees ig towud ow. in the wuddz in old hoilur tree: and wixmww-r fi..dl. wun in”. (u koup ._ii awl it: lite. i gens that, the ', ream!) moat peepul keapz away trum hoilur trees bubeez are awlso sunt- l Limze giv in a. pun-Inn bi the doctor fund sumlimze the atom-R brim the -bubeez me stark lg a bum in du a Mixing like that when u ba'bee tux-st 'ixuppenz [biz a norm! funnee look- ing peece ue wurk a reel nu babes ' it no: much bigger than a good sized jupp and don't way no mom- nor l, 10 pound: oar lea Ic is awl redd like in: if it wuz a injun and ita had it .awi build like paw: l don't see why [they dont uze hare resaloarur on a 11tleey hed. we had a, babes at our ; howoe wan time wish wuz mou- than To“ (By Tommi». i J, li sr'2-'iraro'riiiirxesiriertaem MARRIAGE MAXIMS. i 'to- Boston Kasreorstosr--8to. Booth did nob fully approve of Fullowlug Inuit-u- SOME FACTS woman tshould bea home all her interest centre- "usband and children. $5. A3001 BABIES. lion " IVAIILI.‘ OIIYluT.) Gold prospector! In Alaska they can go farther and acco: gore hard work on find "a [ w "up remlli along. are [on for the rats. Every morning there w;- a. yield of dead rats. till noon the pastor was practically rid of the Peet.-.?'. Y. Bun. cameo wnat was the attraction in the income“ for the rats. They were sponge eaters. This particular rat had swallowed a big piece or sponge and it had swollen no much inside him that he could only move with difficulty. That gave the domlnle his rat ridding " rice. \ Every night now nice little meal- ot spam and cheese. with hnin. or water to quench their thirst anal to help results along, are tatft forl ' _ __A_ a, -7°__ wuwauuv - One day last week a big mill-shap- ed rat, with which agility seemed to be a. lost accomplishment. was cornered and killed. An autopsy was performed on the body and it dil- closed what was the attraction in the hoop-men for ma nu. They werg sponge eaters. Mr. Betta Is not only a pastor but a druggiat as well. In the basement or his drug store there appeared same time ago a small army of rats. The d9minie-aruirgist couldn’t understand what attracted them. but there the rats were, and a war or extermina- tion was begun agalnst them. Jersey Pastor-Drugs!“ Tries Brsnd New Exterminator With Success. The Rev. B. J. Betta, pastor of the People’s Baptist Church, ot Bayonne, has discovered a brand new mathod of destroylng rate. There isn't any patent on It. either. Anybody may adopt it. I Take Laxative Bromo Qumlne Tablets. All drugglsu refund the money it it falls to cure. E. l . Grove'a signature to on each box. Me. Reudjustment Asked. "Things never seem properly ad- justed in this world," said the care- less young man. "For instance?" 'U have observed time and again) that the people with the most ex- pensive tastes most isnvariably have the least money to meet them." hospital ever since." mind'- “one” Guru Distemper, The Same, m" (Warned. Lady-Aron" you thr, man to whom I gave a piece of cake rec'ently ? Tramp-Yee, ma'am. . "Have you been working since ?" " No, Pt'arni I have been in the MinardU Linlment Cures Garget In cows. Meandering 3rae--t just told a man I was sick, and he said he'd come back in a minute and treat me; now', I don't know whether he's a. bartender or a doctor. tOhio Sate JournnlJ "Hare the letters been duly ex- amined by the handwriting expert?" "Yea, your honor." "Very well. Let the handwriting expert now be examined by the in. sanity expert." PIG-u Mr. Drugflnt ffl,'.') me what I ask tor-the one Palnkl ler, an! Davie', I know it in the bent thing on mirth or summer com- plalnu. No do you. Thank you: there in your money. Weary Willie-What makes look BO' worried? "Wiehita'a dnmuable negro sheet refers to the editor of this paper and some of his friends as bumbs." say- a. Topeka, Kan., journal .publlshed by colored people. "We want this fool to understand that it takes men at more intelligent calibre to handle our course than him. As we ride upon a. railroad puss, we don't have to be called 8. Dumb by a jealous negro sheet that walks." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Stop: the Cough and wor!" on the Cold. LaxativeBromouulnino Tablets curt-1| cold In one day. No cure, No pay. Price " cents. malculty. (Wuhlnxton Star.) Dh, the life ot a statemn'a unr- ' plexing; . 'Tin something peculiarly can]; It 119 talks the will warn that he the mod ma be outtlclenet to at- tract most people, but now that the rate la the 3am to New York and point east on by other "no. no tur- thor recommendation should tttt ”in: Elm-wad: will tell you It New York Cour-l and "no”. River Bull-0nd. The show no u a homo-hold Kora, my! -tltt!ttqtatr1ttprmtuortr"s ot I AS the result of over-exertion and exposure to heat and cold or 'from whatever cause. may he treated successfully by the timely application of St. Jacobs ou. A thorough rubbing is necessary. The _ oil should be ap'plied vigorously, for int least. twenty minutes. two or three times daily, when all pain, soreness and stiffness will be re. moved in twenty-four hours. It will also strengthen and harden the mus- cles. Football players. cyclists. gymnasts. and all athletes will find St. Jacobs Oil: superior' to any other remedy for outward applies- tion, for the reason that its action is more rapid and its effect 'perman- l em. Thoumnds of people all over the world use and recommend St. Jacobs Oil for muscular soreness. A bottle is quite sufficient to prove its efficacy. In cases where muscu- lar soreness is complicated with any disease which requires an al, tarative, Vog'eler’s Curative Com- pound should be taken. SPONUES TO KILL RATS, ulnard's Liulment Cure! Colds. etc. , hadn't; _ 7w mm --_- If he doesn't he'll wish that he Ind. MUSCULAR SORENESS Evolution of Evldonco. 'd work on riedGiii any other ration. 82%: $3353. 25c. Journalism In Ramona. The Poor Man's Fix. I: sent direct to the diseased taet, Improved Blow-r. Heats. It when, cm the an pas-ages. stops droppl a In tho throat and Fitirv'i'iik' cum Cami: and - lower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chm Media» Co.. Taro-u it “In. l/g, , E ti" , .' J, ,.r . fi 'urcoqtNidr TORONTO 552W you “up...“ 9”,“... . JaiLLTa" T,i. mau- an M... br . 1tthleiie 'l?1'troatr12ti'd an y.iuMetefiyr.t-.s.ii"tlLTi,u. a... areetreeirf.iFGiriik"ii7; f]!!! Tm)iL'iiiiihim, The-'0 4iiiaiiri GGrTii m that M have 'ttar-tOtt-ua-ir-tTrl,'; 'etritiutt.t?,.?ie0,Eriiirai7i2 ta the qneth-.,eun"-eLd. CONSUMPTIW Lndles’ walking sklrls should be so short as not to touch the ground by several Inches. Trailing skirts utir up the latent bacilli. Any family having a tuberculous member should use extra precau- tlons wherever ittfection may take place. especially through dishes. clothing or carelessnpsa in expec- toratlhg. and .‘hould regularly cleanse and disinfect the, room ot such patient. The linen of tuberculous person must be dlsinfectml or bolted before being brought 'utt aunt‘s! with the linen of others. Avoid towels that min; by others in public places all use}! by eyntrymptivoe. In every case of chronic cough and expeetoration, have the spotum examined. Do not use a public drinking cup until .7.” bays; 1horoutrhly rinsed it. Consumptivmr should Never sleep with a. comrumptivear should be timed. No oomrumptivo%atidi.' should give nurse. aomu of the preventive measures rey.ommended by Dr, Greene are: Dr. Greene's pamphlet calls at. tentlon to the growing dangers of tuberculosis. or consumption. For the year 1901 a. comparison of the number of deaths from consump. tion with those from other CtuMrCNg in given an follows: Consumption, ITI; as compared to 275 of can- cer. 136 of diphtheria, as of ty- phoid fever, IU of whootCug cough, " ot scarlet; fever and taro of unallpox. "Women should not wear skirts that drag," said Dr. Greene. "His the duty of women. tor their own health and for tho health ot those algout them. to wear short skirts." Do you cough ' Do your lungs pin you , tter, throat lorle tti'"""'" you Ipit up h egg Doi. your 'd'i'll'led'l' ll your spam bad , Aid your map delicm’ Are you lad-g Basalt ' Are you pale and thin ' 20 you u cumin: ' In a pamphlet Issued yesterday for gratuitous circulation Dr. Greene calls attention to some of the means whereby oa‘mumptionia spread. Hodeclured tint the skirts of women dragging on the streets and In Itreet cars tend to stir up bacilli, which are thug carried Iron: onoyplace to another. Frugrsnt, Winning und comforting. "the D. t L." Menthol Planter In tho- muut ogre-e. able remedy tor Ipralnml, um, painful mus- cles. an it In the most otncacluun. Wear it continuously for a time it you have lumbtutu or gelatin. our marvebus free "mediator ll outlet-en reading this m. Now ""g2l,qerrS,g,titiiietif 'v at: and a tandem: s'yuen. From an omen-I Clrculnr by Btttraio He‘lth (Nicer. (Bumble Courts” Women would not wear long halting skirt: It the wish of Health Commissioner Walter D. Greene Were observed. ttAreitiliGfi iiGit Cowboy-Oh.' that's an easy mat- ter. The trouble begins when he picks out some other man's cattle. See? Iinard'l Llnlment Cure: Diphtherla, Lifobuoy Boap-duinteseunt--a Itrongly recommended by the medial profusion " I Infeguud mint infectious dim; " Tender-foot (on Alberta raneh)-l should think in would be a lot or trouble for a. man to pick out hm own cattle from among so many. "'Whr, that man is not dead. and. Indeed. he dorm not look as it he was going to die. Can't you postpone this work ?' " ‘No; the men said. 'we can't post. pone It. The doctor told us to make the coffin. and ha known what he gay? him.' "-New York Army and Navy Journal. “The lady looked in the direction indicated. and saw a man apparently In good condition and watching the operation with grvnt interest. " 'A eohtn t' she asked. 'For whom are you making a 00m" t' '* ‘F‘m thmt 'nIInm n-n- Ghana l-. “For that 7ollowqé;ér there in the: beg. _Dor_t't_yott see him ?' "'What are we doing? Why. We are making a trottin, that's whaf We 'tt9oine.' __- 7 "They looked up at her, and one of them said: "'What are you doing there, my men P "h Indy was Faun-lug through tlm wards ot an over-crowded military hospital when ttite imddenly encoun- tered two men sawing and hammer. " on some boards. She looked at them In some surprise. and wonder, Inttl.y_tuatrd: At the lust annual meeting or the Association of Military Surg-‘OHH uf the 0.1th States Major John Van ll. Hott, Medical Department. U S. A., in the course ot his speech accept- lug the Proddeuvy or the association tolq tht. follow-lug story: _ oe+Ft.q.-.rtq.ete..i.ae.Fv-q-9 tt. WHAT DOCTOR H "q064...4..6+.'" +++++44++~l| [jiiiE1iifiiill A Hanging Mutter. HEALTH HINTS. "rihrivENr. E IHIVG- been used places, or tow. never marry. consumptive. not kins or ------------..- Mm. Winslow’- Bootln'n 8 aloud [17.” be lined for Chung!» Tltd. It soothe: the child. cotton. the mi, euros wind colic and ".ttte but remedy gr Diarrtuma. SUNLIGHT Two washings with Sunlight Soap wear the linen less than one wash with common soap. A Queer Suicide in Ala-In. The ltartling suicide of John Daly, of Cowley, near Bennett. on the line of the White Pass and Yukon Rall- toad, was the talk of Fkagway when the Dolphin departed south inst Sun- day night. The man took a sure and effective method of shuffling of this mortal coil. Ho cut a hole in the ice of the creek just small enough to pain: through, squeezed himself down in the aperture into the luv cold waters, and shoved himsrlfalong under the ice for several feet before he became unconscious. The man made. certain ot his death. He cut the hole so small that there was not one Chance in a thousand of ever get- ting back through. Then, very deliberately, he took off his hat and forced his body down beneath tite thick lee, and Fo close was the fit shut he warmed the flesh on his shoul- ders.-49eauie Daily Tinws. The man who Is puffed up with pride Is the one who can scarcely contain himself. A a Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes yt.y_iygtttyy_ern3clt, I If you Kavo'not triad It. send tor free nymph. It. wrunblo taut. wlll Bur) ..PARLOR MATCHES.. fl is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di- get! it?. - il$E f, B. EDDY’S 'i'iiii:iiiifi"" . THE VERY BEST When‘ work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. When ap etite fails, it re- stores it. GC', food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose flesh,it brings the plympnest of health. of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When aria/mite fails, it re- stores it. hen food is a will wonderfully incrense her yield of milk. It saves feed too, because u mullet tumult of well digested food Itilges the demmdsfof the a In In eve particle o nour. meat IC,'.' 50 cents s package. Loo-lug. Mlle. & Co., Anna. ' MONTREAL. Write for look on Cattle and "one. free, A Common Bred Cow 'ii'"'.?,,'.',',,, a. Chum-u. oronto. Boo. and ".00 t all druwm. ism:- BLOOD PURIFIER l Sean’s Emulsion Aux fetthe Demo- In DICK’S The Finest by tUI Ute whal- When toned u by Dick's Blood gun fier will give as much end a rich milkuehi‘hly bredariatocatfc Jemereoweives EXPENSE REDUCES uyon or. d n a r y feed, and e Jersey cow when given. WM mast IN rm: mum, pvt-ow a... _ ' 1 Meals and berths hwludwl. I The above cheap rate. to Mm {real are In enect tor May onl JOnly line running rapids. i Write for R. C o. Hotel Book , Lower St. Lawrence and (olden. l, II. M! Ciel“. Wen"- Pun-n; ', Age-g! (In; in... lieu. M‘anhl. BOOKLET NO. ll FRI-I mowing how come homes an: Enabllahed "te.. and you'll get the best that gou- lm the worm ot paint making. Yo- trot pure odors. pure oil In Her than whlto lead or any other mixture. to preserve. to beautify. to last. and at tho right prion. Drop " a can] and n-.. r, , IONA“. '36- 00.. ILCIHIIIWIQI. 0... I THE! unple- tree. Truth supplied. _ _ ,_V ....‘.-V. Jun- nuutllllgi. your fenced, everything that should be painted, and do " welt. Pay a fair price. but aon't pay any more. {hit Get Ham' tt M ilto r t t to ' ontreal Ite; .7 tr I J2"2.' '" In " o oMon ea lot-urn Oil.” Steamer- leave Hamilton 1 p. I and Toronto 7.30 p. m. Tnelduyl and Friday. during May. and on and after June ttrd 'ruoqrits.ve, Titurw d..." and Saturdays. No powder nrtoliuh to noggin“ brla F rub- blnf w th the [impur- edc oth. l’ulll as like music. Price 250 at drum-tn or by mull from Clean your all": WM'G. gold, Dru-m can, with ELECTRIC POLISHING HBRE N O DIRTY BANDS. Mom Jon Dgtetrtm......P-rvxr The upon tor 1901 moved remarkabl- menace- over 1000. in the following Immo- New Malnu- hen-nod by .___ 0 3.10.705 PR-IIII Income [new by 39.312 Tomi-cone Incremedby.....‘ 42.5.5 Auct- hcreued hr........"-.., 43,959 [ulna-ell: tome lacuna-d by 1,399,466 Conan-m [Ate Policies are unrxmllc-d tor unpnclty and llberallty. Ago-nu warned. GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. li, FtLLER, General Manngrer Secretary. GONTINENTAL tlff INSURANCE GOMPANY Palm up your house. your PUL-Ilo is for at. by all dringgisu at Shoo per [use bottle, and :5 cents for null bottle, or direct from THE PUL-IO co., TORONTO, ONT. . RAMS“ ' SON the chest, wasting away of an}, throat (Nubia, consumption, coughs, utarrh, eoIdy,eeyetrtjefH8eurisy. - flllllglrt PAINTS mummn. Paint "‘ Aggy-rs W “V I DU We van: " one. trustworthy me?. and wo men in - loamy. 10ml or travelling. to In trainee IM' “savory and keep our mow card- nnd advertising mutter tacked up in mm column: phot- throughout the town and country. Pgpts on {new year round _ cumin-Son or, any. 'llpllt per_momh and Ni.iieiihif Guiiaa - . ”.50 fer day, __ -__"e_ 'rlh for pin-Icahn. Pttitottic/, box 337. INTERNATIONAL “(DUNE 00.. London. Ont, [1mm -OU.\'G Foie-AGED 21--woitTu Y 'trnooo--wioes to (-umaluum wm. hone-h Intent-Nit mun, who would "pun-.1, no a good wile. Bu: 2.5mm Toronto, um I Npulr. Including "to", ntumln-r. m; tt,t,','tttyet,'iah,,oo"lT, wruqltt and ull oomph-1.. raga "r of luprlylnx gnu. from I up lo 3:... " tat. Por In! Vltarglg'ulup. tuhlliw n;.-..,.,_r.. iiiifiik." tFoihitl iriisiioirr. whim»; tie-rv,] Huwenoon. [Mambo-r. Ullmlltnn. um. F' YOU WANT Ft BUY A FARM IN I Western Ontario. or any ot London, at what-Inn nanny. write Nr our printed um. mangled mum Western tteat Emma Exclnm London. FOR tgALrs-ou, GAtiMACHiNE IN (Km!) ”pulr. "rtpludirut, 'rtort,. "romlsor, m; r etc. Home or m mum and at 101% Booklet on run“ . The Patent Eli‘hlm and lav-I meal. Conway. Pythiau Building. rm Oat PATENTS. CAVICATS. TRADE MARKS ate. mt-err tenrimt pitting! and m. L new. no miter when it in. Band dam-xvi"). Han and out who and at our pm: for tind In: rash bayou. Brent Exchange and In my, mom Gummy. Toronto. Canada. >ldn, eumonia tad pleurisy. I “gt! "tf " I“ to every sufferer. ISSUE NO. 2ll, 190: RELIABLE luau run may BBT.'ATC9CBU'ty BUSINESS CHARCEB. Id berths lnoludwl. r0 cheap rate. to Mont tt “(act tor May only running rapids. "Uttu Comet." PA I‘ICNTS. and Ink tor HAMILTON- TORONTO- MONTREAL LINE... WANTED ' -UTFiii'.' PRICE. Intern. buildings Vllll CUBE paint“ dimcuhy d brclt hing, tightness ot kuit' iGfT,it 11:1?!an but In 10-day dull take A little mat-Pea vat inure. A” ”a; I ho. so or togN too "r mutt. w .0 not hurt. l Oe momma" l toe or “mm - would I pass need. Oe dn by mama (loud. However Mt'ntttt wealth. In no trio: mmel A won! of ooura4 hmlth. Droppeu an I a ham to M Let me lo-nudll I spam 1 'Twist dawn n hi0] 0f l l ON w Because of some ur man, "00.000 .000 $0909“ _ Barely if (Yer amine” 1180! th use but flourish u this ueumm. ' {with} also are tton and Jou no ot leaves and lo course, but still tire. This " a sort a... origuml “can It, no to upeulv I plainly m cm width are made ries and tolitute wllh a low am] In. Tho bright are ream wry neutral tum: of The gruundwol " ran gums to prouucI gamut mm which can high plia- Iet'l'tous in [can It wt eunuch-m bats. II": Inc tho-K“. " cum m or tl cam-on. “The w White Int much in tl: winter, bat er lines, w lace nt Nu has a ban .ruund tho rosette nu- [n'mng one Nothing quite so .0 glossy mwmn't the Imus, Tiusro (If .M rotset Bre made mum a!" lot pupu new to qtrttwtr [mu-r gt "All gndc-r In t In no [or Mug u In Pu hat. On Matron: trimum Ibll' tl 'ttti Th Th IIwuH Inn Cuba-n lice ot [Hunt ( be Inch tut sleuth ll Tum broad burn". menu. Thr' I no But chum: the cl that l All H 'ho"; tout For th- F tor thr' I" and shtrti “Barf! well un w much the Md. ’1 mo" oett ittekp' 'u- ot Fr " in “than " It! , woman tttexpend w t In you b A Pet I'll 1m: mar " ot ll HS k twar 1n h watt It” It wh m nu

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