West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 May 1902, p. 5

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t White stone ’ain. 1902 {HAM DIM. I iCTORIA a Sugar are Hardy ale Top imothy, irass or ldC IAR DWARE ct everything u an Anchor. rape to "I Imus, if Agenda. 'bronto, Ont ms Syl- :h steel md see Jttt" fa- unwell m will :bo Newman NF. our Durham asphate '02 'ers OBLE. anbemade {oneofom' Giant ester lnsutam CARPET Ul'P1.IES. CHURXS, READY- J. Do not Mt can get SHEEP such nice to all: the Fork orn try mung s nothing mung ty i pment S for W. H. BEAN jot TWEEDS d YARNS GRUBERIES 1hm't forget the Big 4, when you n .ml " new pair of Shoes for the spring. tialada Ceylon Tea, Black. or mixed In, MIC an " 10c a lb. Lace Curtains 25c, 65c, 75c, 90t 1nd $1.25 a pair. Roller Window Shades. 8tie, each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide. 3.3V. a yard. Table Linen St inches wide, 25c. ayd. i FOR ' _ 1 - mm We can give you Bargains. ayo, and fan/Ila. Work? Table on Cloth. 45 in. wide 250. a yd. Woman's Shaw Sailms 35c. up to mu» New Prints are in. Floor Oil Cloth, l yd wide, 25¢. a MAY 22, 1902 --arwf. Log and Yellow Globe. SUGAR BEET--Evan's and Steele's Giant. COR NS-Improved Leaning M. S. S., and Compton 's early. funyarian and Willa! is our Motto. more es pecially in the selection of our Stock of Field and Garden Seeds. TURNrPS-We keep all the leading varieties. xonnlo’: lulu! and tried San-don Joni: In ply” a: or [Al Jfher, aka .7303! MANGELs-Improved Lower Town Durham . SCOTT. JAKE KRESS wear 20 years $10.00. HE SELLS CHEAP I I jake Kress. The Beat Quali' r cheaper than ew" undertaking PROM - Y ATTENDED TO. In Nicklecase $5.50. In IO kt Gold filled warranted to LADIES' WATCHES. In " kt Gold filled, wt.E- mnted to wear " yea: with solid Gold Bow. Only $12.00, We Qi lusueclinn 0| um Jillil In; Y GOODS, CROCKERY, OoTS & SHOES, te., of best quality. MacFarlane & Go. GENTS WATCHES. MONEY TALKS d Druggist & Booksellers} FUNITURE 't, “MEN'S MUCH 's8eii"8t'ra* yd. "'Having control of both seratineers, a large vote can be polled--dead and absent voters, ete., can have their ballots marked; there is no redress if both scrutineers were present. "The deputy returning officer should be a reliable, sharp, and plausible man, so that if we do not get control of the Opposition scrutineer, he can when the counting time arrives, ask both scrutineers to take a piece ot paper and record the vote of their candidate, as he reads the ballots, which have been emptied on the table. He will then have a chance to read out wrongly, so that a majority can be Secured for our candidate. The ballots should. be put back into the box as quickly as they are read. The extra ones will do to tix things correctly when he goes home. "Efforts should be mode to make these methods work in wards that give the heaviest opposition vote. "A friendly constable should be present to keep the pnll clear of loun- gem and inquisitive people, "To get control of both scrutineers. have one of our men, not a. prominent one, buts i'd/itgif, kicker, for instance apply to the pposition to be put on as a scrutineer inside. They are gener- ally short of workers, and a few plausible men will turn the election in a close constituency. Or the man can write to their headquarters for scru- tineer papers if he lives in the country. "We have the printing of the bal, lots; therefore a gt1ffieient number should be printed extra to enable the deputy returning oflieer to have them marked for our candidate and ready to use after the count to replace those read out; wrongly to the scrutineers Or the deputy returning officer can have them marked and folded in his pocket to slip into the box in place of an Opposition ballot it the opportunity happens. This of course, will occur quite frequently it we have control of both tseratineers. It will be remembered that one John Freeborn. a well-known character on the Peninsula, appeared in Manitoba previous to the election of 1896 and gesented himselfto Mr N. Boyd, the neervative candldate in Marquette, saying that he had been sent by the chief Conservative organizer. Mr Boyd telegraphed to the organizer in regard to the visitor, and received the now famous: reply t--- Freeborn was employed in the e- lection, and subsequently he and some of his assistants were prosecuted erim. inallv at the instance of the Minister of Justice. Freeborn confessed, and swore that he got instructions from one Turner, who told him that he had got them from the Conservative organizer in Toronto. The instructions were as follows t-- "Spoiled ballots can be made sure by a little doctoring. Opposition bah lots can be spoiled by the lead out of a pencil, fastened under the little finger with beeswax, drawn across opposite our eandidate'ie name in opening the ballot. Bf, Sproule blames on the Grits the .fo lowing well known specimen of polit- ical corruption: the intelligence of his party knows better, and so does he.] "no was a t1rsbeiaas man in North Bruce.” "If you cannot get control of Op- position scrutineers, have your deputy returning oftieer announCe that he is a- gainst you, so as to lead him away if possible. " As a corroborative of a part of this, it may be stated that 10,000 ballots were printed for the City of Winnigeg. al- though 5,000 or 6,000 won] have been tmttieient in an honest election. and yet the polls had to be closed at 2 o,clock because the ballots ran out. Mrs D Me1ihschuie, of Little Current is here on a visit to her mother Mr Scarlett. ol In a Magistrate's court at Holstein on Monday 12th inst., the hotel keeper here was tined for a breach of the Liquor License Act. '. a first offence. Sometimes complaints are made for a breach of this act. and quietly settled without publicity if the parties are guilty, but in this case it went to court Mrs Scarlett considering there was no breech of the law she not having either sold or given liquor away. As the case has got into the papers we think it just and proper a short account of it should appear in the Review according to the evidence that wna brought before the court. It seems four young men met by chance at the hotel Sunday morning some of them going home from their week's work and being fatigued, travelling asked Mrs. Scarlett for some beer. She very plainly refused them and went to her own apartment. Then a certain yilleger came along and being made acquainted With the circumstances volun- teered to get them come beer es he knew where the key of the bar wee kept, After sometime he not his hand on the key the ' “u ‘M- than and 3min! Ross. Your Ballot for Binnie. Ballot Stuffing in 1896. HOPEVILLE m: 4:2 'N 1.. The, inhabitants of this otherwise quiet little village might this Friday morning feel quite proud of itself after the fiiitery of some ot the speakers " a meeting held the preceding even- ing in the interests ot Dr. Jamieson were it not for the buncombe and but- foonery and rot served up by some at least to an audience who had been accredited with so much intelligence and inslght of political affairs. Great stress was also laid on the bemtfieial efreeta accruing from the presence of the ladies in the matter ot the auo dience behaving itself. They are good in that respect, dear bless them, bat be it known to all men that the boys of Dromore can behave them- selves even in the absence of the ladies, indeed their patience on this occasion was long suffering and tall of charity. However we have admitted the good effects ot their presence and in this case undoubtedly so, for who knows how far the speakers might have gone had it not been for them. Mr. Richardson, who had just bus rived from Ottawa, opened the meet- ing pleasantly enough and made a few generalities, thanked the audience for the support accorded him and ventured to stake his reputation as a prophet that Dr Jameson. would be elected, really the only issue touched t',1llfl',.l was that of the school book c arges and ignored the fact that both at Chicago and Buffalo, Ontario in spite of it all, stood highest in educa- tional facilities and advantages. A pleasant speech, nothing irritating, and like the proverbial chip in the porridge did neither good nor harm. Lawyer Davidson, Durham, was next on the Liberal side and spoke very fluently for half an hour on the various salutary measures introduced and carried out by the Government, with the benefits and advantages arising therefrom Measures that had been opposed by the opposition. He also referred to their want of unity and of purpose as evidenced by Mr. Marter and others and having nothing better to propose to take its place in the way of policy. A good racy speech well delivered and attentively listened to. Dr. Jamieson, the next speaker, expressed his pleasure and his thanks tor past favors, paid a high compli- ment to the general intelligence of Ontario (as well as Dromore) the most intelligent of all the Provinces. It never seemed to dawn upon him that this is the reason of the long tenure of office enjoyed by the Liberal party. Intelligent people know a good thing when they have it. He referred also to the W. Elgin frauds(also condemn- ed by the Government) but totally ignored the Wm. Smith incident ot South Ontario, in trying to defeat Hon. Mr. Dryden. He accredits his opponent Mr. Binnie and rightly too with good native intelligence. one who would not do a mean thing if he knew it, except defeat the Dr. probably. The Dr. broached several subjects but seemed to leave them 11nfinished. Bat now comes the man of stories, Mr. Allan. The ubiquitous Billy. The stories included among others the well known one "holy Moses is that you" and the unnamed baby that} proved to be a "isoeker", a little tool fiippant of sacred names in the one case and a delicate subject in the presence of Ladies in the others, some- thing that should be avoided even only in fan. Of course it Is well known that Wm is and always was an independent! and cited as proof that he read the 'San", "The Montreal Witness" and the "Review" and he liked them all (Why shouldnt he ?) Admitted the Reform party had done many good things, bat condemned the referendum-a plan by the wav gen- erally advocated by the "Sun" and Patrons, it we mistake not and was going to oppose the Government and support the r. on account of its intro- duction. He cited several ministers as being opposed to it, but totally ignored the many others. who recog- jnize that there really is no other ‘better way out of the difficulty than by adopting the referendum. The fact of Mr. Binnie being a farmer, aelass which Mr. Allan held a few years ago, should have equal advan- tages with Dr's & Lawyers seemed never to fiza on him (Who would not be independent?) Consistency thou art a jewel. Mr R Renwick always well informed, showed to his digeomfitttre that the Dr. whom he (Mr. Allan) supported re- cently tshirked or opposed a vote deal- ing with the temperance question. This elicited considerable applause. Mr. Legate wants to revolutionize politics and is going to draw up a pledge tor each candidate to Sign. pledging thgmsel‘vesAto opg‘ose grant: “"‘HWO 98--_--" - . " - to corporations. lands. railways and soforth, if both sign then you can still take choice, it one does not and the other does then you can still vote Tory we suppose. Mr. Legato though seemed perfectly impartial and was not endeiworintt to make a fcint for either candidate was gracious y listen- ed to, though 11 o’clock. A vote of thanks to Mr. Jas Durant, who occupied the chair, closed a meet- ing which was " fiat as a. pancake- no enthusiasm, no cheers, no point gained, no nothing asthe boy says Chances for Binnie are good here. Bo mote it be. Cote. If you w“ bum chem omen. DR. MIMI ll i)llllllillli. DROIORE POT BOILING OVER. want a good second hand up. Call " the Rm ik‘kiiii ' THE DOME REVIEW w / P,,,,--. wrthout being offered substi- tutes for them. By all means buy your Drugs and Medicines and have your prescriptions filled at a reliable Pharmacy like DARLING'S. Mlllll Mllllf f x I (llllllR WURKS. CALDER BLOCK (Next Post Off1qq. Doesn’t ft make you tired Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, . HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS.: All work warranted. Orders taken by I Messrs Barclay and Noble. 1 ROBINSON d CCREE‘I, DURHAM - and - w/."g',1tgr. Feb. 81, 1902 EUMMON SENSE (IMF EFEEDER NATURES OWN WAY, UNIVER- SALLY ADOPTED, ADJUSTABFE TO ANY RECEPTACLE. lhlill1.lli(l'8 DRUG STORE Over 19000 sold the first year. Durable, simple, economical. Pre- vents calves from sucking cows. No valve to get sour. The nipple is re- enforced, with nd seams to crack open. Should be used to be appreciated. Implement Agency-.. WE MAKE OUR BOW TO THE FARMERS of SOUTH GREY as we announce the opening of our IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM in the old Foundry building at the bridge on Garatraxa Street. . A Life-long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this coun- ty, has given us an experience of its requirements which we are confi- dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with confidence for a share of their patronage. We just mention this week that we have secured the agency for the Peter Hamilton Goods ply to The undersigned offers for rent the tine stone real enee in Upper 11;)" at corner of Gan-strum. St. and urban Road. Lately remodelled, tlmt clue caller. furnace, well, etc. Most dear. dislocation. Terms Reasonable. Ap- Call and let us explain its merits. Wait a few days for our BUGGIES. geared from both wheels, making it the moat desirable drill in the market and call special attention to the new LEADER DRILL . B. MGARTHUR SEED CORN, TURNIP SEED, ae., AT F LOW PRICES. FOR SALE BY House to Bent. --6Frt"g"'mR5 ARCHIVES TORONTO JNO . DARLING, Pat. Feb " loco W. BLACK. THE PEOPLE’S DRUGGIST. ways find Just what you want cines, Toilets or Sundries to know what you want just as good" offered to you atDARLING'S you will a1- in Drugs, Proprietary Medi- then to have "something else If you make your purchases 33' Ewen Quart-cl is quickly made up, and the reconcili- ation made sweet by presenting her with a box of our fine chocolates, buttescups or cream candies. No one can withstand the temptation of a box of our choice confections, and as an offering to your sweetheart or hostess they -are both proper and acceptable. They also have the charm of low price, combined with high grade excellence. To The Milling Public Give our Breakfast Food a trial. HUNG MAN! STEP ! THINK Can you enter mercantile pursuits and be successful without a. prsctics business education ? Can you success- fully enter any profession without s. sound knowledge of business principles. Then why hesitate to take a. course in Shorthand or Business Subjects. " the Where you can get in“: what you' wmtin the most practical methods Bull particulars free. Add"... OWEN SOUND, ONT., R. McGowan. Eat Rowe's Bread-lt gives satisfaction. We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and we are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour. Give us a trial and be convinced. We have also got our new Chopper in first class running order and have a large quantity of chopped corn, wheat, &c. on hand. E. A. ROWE an WfA'rPEf).. l OFFICE nouns '-UB. I. S-d p... g RESIDENCE and owner-on M i at“: T0".DUBIAI. Bloc}: riiiia7 old Post Otrice, late “than: to the Boyd London 'dale,',, hit/land. And the Golden l nud non amt-l. a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR. Tan Will be " the mam“. Rouse, : firgt Wednesday ot each mouth {run D. m. (llllll7lll DANA AA CANADA J. G HUTTON. M. D., CAPITAL. Alllhoriz CAPITAL. Paid up. RESERVE FUND,. AGENTS in all p Ontario. Quebec. L States and Errol-nil A general Banking business immcled Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowad at t-uzrrcn' rates. SAVINGS my; alumna H.155. natal-est, allowed on savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facility "orsfed Huston-era living at distance. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all ayk; promptly attended to OFFICE-. BARRISTER. SOLICITC murky Puluc commune-n omee----LowEit TOWN. BURN Collections and Agency promptiy It gills. lee. Mortgages, Looms, A, (Ll‘nrmni .. _-_--- -- . h """v"fr"rcoy prepued. Estates of decanted - was looked after and Executor'l Ind Alum:- traton' Accounts prepared and fused Sun-rogue Com-p Bunion Probate of Wit I. have" of Ad- t'hth5tt,ti, and Gun-Mammy Obtained. an» e u made in Rem-u y (mice And Titles, reported on. Company and printe Fund. to Loan on Hortense- It Iowan uto- ot Interact. Vnhuuou and. by ucompetont and mutual vuuuor. All Chamo- Moderate grristcr, A'otar , Gan myanocr, an, gun... Money to Loan " reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFri'rcE--Mcstvre quox. DARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN CUPRI’UI’ COURT NOTARYPUILIC. COUUIOOIONER. m. mm" and mam... Witness 31.00 Pee.?..'. yy) $119!? ?.TAyht. . "-75 MISS MARGARET C. (WR. Hohor graduate of the Presbyterian LADIES’ COLLEGE. Tomato, raving taken the Musical Connie " the Toronto _yrt,',tttrro.taAbili'ii,] which is in - ,,-_._ -""",' v. “a“. “I“ I. in "iiitttimi with the thaw college. Pu iU taken at her mother's .tee'efentsq 'd,',',ef,'l Durham and Mn ttttr. _ I .. ttat am" 'aTht'lEltl'l'tfa't,'1ic. gm Causation" and Agency Willa, M. 310:0:qu t!':,y,EttisltTy' gasping. E DENTISTRY. Dr. I. G. HOLT L. D. s. a?"i"LttftP1C!t1etohtmidrter-nnine of term, or u noon the u mus. an” and lacuna-oat. The School is equipped to: Ml Junior lawn; a mum work. under the following an: o"eTetm"uetseotetttntsitiatT.."iiii"iii T1108. ALLAN, may“. KR. HORRISON,;B. A., (hteeutistvAmt.'.rttn KISS LICK. B. A., Mild Modems. Wm. Johgptpn. - Spechl “tendon an to Din-nu of Women And Chum. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., PIYIICIAI a Bunion, om“ mu- Malachi-Iva tun. srocrur.l 3:3 'l't.u't NOTARY PUBLIC, cry CONVEYAchn insurance Ago", DURHA M'TiGENcy, FEICE FIRST DOOR EAST 4 " n» - -- lumbar who hm ttf "tytea. the Du Telemann Connection No. " Durham School DR. GEO. S. BURT. (i; REEBOY McCAUL Head Office, Town}; MONEY TO LOAN E S. DAVIDSON. NTS in all ITTripal palms m '1. Quebec. Manitoba. United and England. W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hunger. an runsl‘ DOOR EAST CF Du mun Pharmacy (‘alder‘s Rtgltttt first door west of the rn -- n . r. Authorized LOWER l OWN. DURH‘I! MesNroie'. Old Stand Durham Privnte Money to Loan ---La=c_'t' J KELLY, A gent - TELFGRD. l DuAGU. ”Immanuel: ' _ §OLICITORI coumssuousn ' VALUATon . THROAT & ROSE. EXCLUSIVELY. " .-.62,ooo,oot -..... 1,000,00o ...... tt00,00o Fm [mug]. and nold 'Over (110284ch . L. Great, My" I Mhslmlc glee Nose Durham. th I 2 l'. m. m mowed to 48an 1‘ d4 IE

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