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Durham Review (1897), 29 May 1902, p. 1

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IEADED 1902 2nng ram 12 to AI months two roans--chmee Pmnn, Durham. Y's - bun. AKES, y BISCL'ITS POSS tua M IS FOR SALE. MI en _ ARKETS oe ll )0 10 or oo 60 00 lo 15 11 40 r0 " Rev. Mr. Stewart. the veteran Baptist . clergynmn. who may still he seen "1an ingahout the streets of Durha'n. per- formed the ceremony, Since then Shel has lived continuouer on the old home- l stem], 3rd eon. Glenelg. Here to tl em f 1vF're horn " sons and 2 daughters. the “one being Joseph and John in “7.1 Superior. \Visconsin; Robert in Ben-l titsck l James In Dakota, Andrew andi Edward at home. Mrs. John (Mimi Maple Hill. lath. daughter, the other) being Miss Margaret, Lindsay, at home. i. who hm been a faithful and devoted! {hliglllt'l during the Last, illnesses ot') bath htu'parents. An only 'sister Mrs. H. Collett lives in Brit. Columbia. The remains were interred Tuesday, in the Sungeen cvnietery, Rev. Mr. Furquhar- son amounting. A large concourse of mnurnm-s testified to the worth of the decertrr-d and respect for the living. tgee ll "land's millinery "dvertiaement there is money in it for you. Aswan: or THE mosmens--0" Saturday last at, the ripe age of 76 years. Mrs. Andrew Lindsay, another of the worthies whose life and tails are em- hulmed in the early history of our coon. ty, passed to the. great beyond. As " parent she enjoyed the deep affection of her children and as neighbor and friend her memory will long be kept green. Mrs. Lindsay (nee Matilda Davidson) was horn in Gmystock, Cumberland. England. 76 years ago and came to this Country in IMO. She was married that same year to Mr. Andrew Lindsay, who pre1ltuuuru"d her about 7 years ago. and Buck Happy Thought Btoves-at The Big Stow, New Hardware Dept. Foam-om) DISASTER. - Rev. Irl; Hicks, now becoming well known. as} the author of "Word and Works," a: journal devoted to Theology. Astron.' only. tbe home, &c.. also publishes uni almanm- in which are many elaborate: star ttttuP". storm intelligence, predic-: tions. tev. The recent eruptions in the! West Indie-s on May B, compels mam-7 tion to his "Astronomy for May” page l 101. written last fall, in which is thel following paragraph ' " On the 7th day l of May there will be an eclipse of the} Han, the eclipse henng almost total.. But we will again he debarred froml witnessing this wonderful night. unlessl we 1tappett to be sailing on the Pacific i Ocean. minewhere between South Ameocaand Australia. New Zealand in the only place on the globe. perhaps, where. the. eclipse will be observed on term tirtna. This eclipse will, of course, bring the my. solid body of the Moon hetwwn Earth and Ban, and the usual oreompattim"nts of electric storms. seismic shake" and abnormal tides, will use to their maximum in many sections of our world. The high ptiestn of utmnounc and meteorolgic science will take no "(new note of these things. but careful readers of the whole world’s uppenings will see that an excess of such phenomena did occur. within a period, of tive days, taking the hour of the eclipue-vMtty 7th. 8 ..e, p. m., Green- wnch tr(t'atsiitttv-- as the center of the pent t4xow.---Taesday with a low tempera- ture, furnished a respectable snow storm, which at Ceylon we are told fell to a depth of 3 inches. Grentanxiely is felt for the danger of frost which would make had work of fruit and other vegetation. At the worst however, we would rather have it than West Indian experience. Mr. W. A. Mathews visited in Brussels aver Sunday. Wool wanted,--at The Big Store. J. A. Hunter. The Owen Sound Preshyterial w. IP. M. 8. have their annual meeting at Chatsworth on Tuesdav June 3, begin- ing at 10 o'clock. a. m. Mrs. Goforth, returned Missionary from China speaks in the evening. The Presbytery meets on saune day and place. Rev. Mr. Gru- ham, Dornoch, Moderator. Mr. John Firth. who hair for see1'lfffflr warned nnd instructed 'fl ttttTe been a sufferer is this week again ; C,"/,e/Jf,',t,t: ly e","t"art'f'i, med very low, and his daughter. Mrs. Shiver, i 'e ore nspectors next ettn y er. Butralo, is in attendance. on him again, i May 19. 02. . relieving the severe strain her mother; mumertv..-a,ast Friday morning the has undergone for sometime past. "own woke to tind that post?" had . ‘been placed around warning " Bribe” 2c. Wall Papers-ttt The Big Store. ' to beware" of the severity of the 1m INDUCTIOK ON JUNE G.--The induc- j mused by the Liberal ministry of Ou- tion of Rev. Mr Little into the charges ' tario in regard to corruption at elections. of Holstein nnd FaYhairn congregations ;1 No one seems to know who poehd them takes place in Holstein. on Thursday, {but they form a wholesome reminder in June G, at uvo o'clock p. m. Mr Ken- this good town of the evils of n pectic» dull presides. Mr. Aull preaches. Mr. ,not unknown here. We do tee) sore Farquharson addresses the minister and I however that, the proximity of two of Mr. Reid the people. g the hills to Rev. Mr. 1iUrquharspd, Mr. r. Th Bi Store. {GilbertMcKechnie and ourselves seems Wool Wanted.---" e tr ,tn imply theme needed wnrnipg. and J. A. Hunter. I we hav'nt bribed a Single. person Since. The Owen Sound Preshyterial W. F: )Joe Burnet had one. placed on aharret M. M. have their annual meeting at (in front of his store, so thath [intern Chntsrworth on Tuesday June 3. 1rirrn-I') than ours and we hope it will lee him ing at 10 o'clock. a. III. Mrs. Goforth. 1 " watch out." . l Butter Boxes free,--" the Big Store. Bee Ireland's nobby worsted Suiting. made to your order for fitteen dollars. Ill VOL. XXIV. NO. 2-1.5". , _ We are sorry to report the continu- ‘ing illness of Master John Dunn, but hope he may still regain his usual (health. . 1 Miss Nelhe Wallace span: Sunday with Mrs John Carson. MISS AGNES SMITH, of Hamilton, will deliver an address on an important subject. Ii'armee's wives and daughters should if possible attend this meeting and all other ladies are cordially invited. Lunch will be provided on the grounds and Members of Institutes are invited to bring their lady friends along and also a. hasket of provisions. JAS. ALLAN, GEO. BINNIE. President. _ Secretary. The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Furmers' Institute will he held in Mit. ALEX. McLAUHLAN’S Orchard. DURHAM, on TUESDAY. JUNE ti, 1902. at 1.30 p. m., For the Hmrpnse of receiving the Direc- tops' um Auditors' Reports. electing officers for the ensuing year. and tran- sacting any other business that may (-mne before the meeting. After the usual business Mr Dave Morris of British Columbil is reported very ill at. present. We join mth anxious friends in wishing him speedy recovery. The Women's Institute will also hold their Annual Meeting in the Town Hall, on the same date when Wulkerville. will give an address upon "Mrdurn Methods in Fruit Growing." Mrs Leeann and daughter Lillie leave .' Tuesday for a few days' sojourn with i friends near Grand Valley. ', Miss Banks spent Sand-y at her home near Glenroaden. Mrs Wm Sumilertr,b'r, of Durham, is spending a few weeks with her neioe Mrs Edward Fee. leases In Osprey towusbip. and that ;thorough preeautiom, are being taken against the farther spread, of the dis- lease. but that a large. number of people ihaving been exposed to contagion it is I feared that theout break will bemious. |The Dundalk Herald of last. Week stated that Dr. Scott. of Maxwell, had {advised the temporary closing of Me.. ilntyre post-of), on account. of a case of suspected smallpox in the post- umster’s family, and that the school at McIntyre had been closed to await in- vestlyltion of the disease by thsPro-‘ vincial Health Inspector. The Herald says t--" Several in that vicinity are} affected with the disease, which is said _ to resemble smallpox in a. very mildl form. There is one case on the north line of which there appears to be nol doubt of its nature." Three new cases! hare developed at Huntsville. and therei has been another outbreak in Cayuga township.Haldirrtand county. _ y’ l We are glad to beer that Mrs Sun Robinson is recovering nicely after a severe illness. Mr Aléred Br gull remains vety Wetiit and is unable to be up. . Mrs E Fee is spending this week with her dnughter Mrs Wm McCalmon Jr of Vurney, A little girl onivéd " the home of Mr Wm Carson and it looks as if " had come to stay. The newest things in light weight felt hats at maker's prices at I:eland's. M. a! "Aria' SMALLPOX m otwmtt.-Wittt the approach of warm weather, smallpox ngain appears to he breaking out. The Toronto Globe of Tuesdny says there are between thirty and forty sulpected .' HEALTH NoTrcn...-A11 mm; are :herehy warned and instructed to have 'waterclosets etc.. thoroughly cleaned : before Inspector’s next visit. By order. :May19.02. Brumertv.-Last Friday morning the town woke to tind that; porters had been placed around warning " Brihers to beware" of the severity of the lair passed by the Liberal ministry of On- tario in regard to corruption at elections, No one seems to know who DOOM them E iBitttrit Store. flllllljit INSIIIUIE. M It. ALEX. McNElL, Varney. ' Let us appeal to our constituents. iInstead of Laying through the Mail :Order system of Big Departmental :Stores. patronize the. merchants in your own vicinity and keep the cash in your own neighborhood. They can give you as good bargains, and much better for that matter. than you can obtain in this store, And many so called " har- gains "are not bargains at all, The lmost gullible animal in the world is (man, and there is no gullihility equal to ithnt involved in the ltargtsin-hunting fhulnbug. Then quit. the exhibition of iyour gullability and patronize your L .. home sstot'es."--dihr. A Bm DesrossTRArroN.-wiarton will be en fete on Thursday next. June G, over the laying of the corner stone of the great Sugar Factory. President Mills of Guelph will perform the cere- many and several Dominion cabinet ministers will he present. Parades, Program, etc., etc. Single fare tickets Rood till June 4th and 5th. return on 6th. 16 bands will he present. W. C, PICKERING o. D s, L. D. S. Grand Display of Summer Mz'llinory. "it is a burning shame- we were go- ing to say a monstrous crime I There is no doubt but that this departmental store and its factories attempts ‘to set the standard of wages. and thus the skinning-process is resorted to. Put a man in the Central Prison for six months if he steals some scmp iron from the Grand Trunk Railway, but lionize and idolim him If he has the ability to skin his fellowmen out of a. thousand dollars in hard-earned wages. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post OfBee. Durham has an A 1 team this season and we think have a rosy chance of win. ning the penant. checking and in ieiGisi'Gii% *Méhelé they failed. The ball found the Inside of the nets for Durham in about 1 minute after some furious play and not a little on both Sides wild. The fight for the next goal took about 12 minutes but it came Durham's way again, and the end of the first, quarter showed 2 to o. The playing of the new men Jordan and Theobald was brilliant and telling and more than once in a scrimmage they and the ball came out in company. Munro is one of the best sprinters in the crowd and car- ‘ries his hall safely too. After about 7 "ninates play in 2nd quarter one en- I thusiaqtic Hanoverian in close quarters J flung the ball with his hand and almost I im mediately after the play-oft following I this foul, Durham seared another. Half time ended l to 0. for nothing had passed Charlie Lavelle. who is an ef. ficient goalkeeper. At three quarter', time. Durham had added two more to] their score. but a whitewash was avoid- , td by the visitors scoring one in the last I up. I Saturday last an exhibition game was played here between the home team and Hanover, and they met with good weather and a fair crowd. Play had not gone far till it was seen that the home team had an "easy thing" and the result of 9 to 1 in favor of Dar- ham was a lesson tothe Hanover boys that they have yet something to learn. we will have a Special Display of Trimmed White Hats for Ladies’ and Children, Lovers of the National game will have 't'rd?,','te',2,y, this summer ot grati- fying: eir tastes. {Durham is listed with Mt Forest. Hanover and Owen Bound as a branch ot the "Interme- diatea" and 16 match games will be played during the season. We have just received a large Shipment of entirely New Goods. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, etc. WHITE TUSCAN and LEGHORN HATS suitable for Summer Wear and for Hanover has somggoqd runners but DENTISTRY. DURHAM, THURSDAYJEAY 29, 1902. PA TRON 1215 HOME STORES. tra We.“ ta, any: MISS 20163.3. Mit 3910:, Att Colon, Mtt friars. lliMlli, tiii'"""'"'.))"';",));)],?):) l tra, Peet (thoe. A . A Robt Watson dec 02 Rev. Mr. Jansen, late of Hamilton. is in town this week and receiving many handshakes from his old friends. He leaves on Monday for Manitoba where his work will lie for some time. For those who may not see the genial gentleman we may say he looks as young and fresh as ever and good for valiant service in the sacred work, Latev.--We learn that Mr. Jansen will preach on Sunday in the Presbyterian Church and we are cdnfident. that his old flock. as well as others. Will be much Pleased at the opportunity of hearing him again. CosuHtA'rvLArrosg.-. Dr. Hugh Mc- Neil, Chicago, on Thursday, May 15th last, the bonds of wedded bliss, and we beg to extend hearty congratulations on our own behalf and for many Priceville friends. The lady is Miss Emma P. Bunnelie, of Milwaukee. Mess Nellie and Hector Mearns. from Hanover, took in the Lacrosse match Saturday and remained over till Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Miss M. Scott. of Priceville, Is again in town waiting upon her mother Mrs. It. Aljoe sr., who is not gaining health as well as could be desired. The little Misses Pettigrew. of Hols- tein, visited Mrs. Horshargh last Satur- day. They are staying for " few days with Mrs. MoAnulty. Miss, Rawn, teacher of No. 9, Ext, accompanied by a gentleman of that section, visited her sister Mrs. Horshurg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Whelan, of Hep- worth. were guests of Mr. and MIG. Thomas Whelan for a short time. Rev. A. P. Ledingham, returned Mis. sionmy from India, is to preach at Domoch on Sunday morning next. Dr. and Mrs. Meat-cs. of Hanover. Was in town Nomination day and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe drove to Guelph and spent a few days with relatives during the holidays. Mrs. Williamson and three children are spendinga few days with her son in Mt. Forest. Mrs. w. F. Brown and son Arthur visited Mr. and Mrs. Hamburg over the holidays. Mr. Homer Cole. of Durham, spent a few days at the parental home In Ford- wich. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gun of Bright, were the guests of his mother for the holi- days. Miss Grace Everitt. of Durham. visit- ed her home in Palmerston tor a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roadhouse, were visit- ing in Oweh Sound, for a. few days. Mr. Max Lockie, of Hanover, visited Mr. George Hughes, for a short time. Mr. W. R. Romlmugh I: in town this week, a guest nt Mr. Whelan’s. Mrs. McKechnie of South Egremont. is visiting at Mrs.John Cameron's. Mr. C. C. McFayden acted as chairs man at the Tp. Hall meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williamson. Mt. Forest. were the guesb of his parent. Dr. Mahan was 1n Town Saturday to referee the Lacrosse match. Mr. Benn spent the holidays with relatives in Newbridge. Mt. Wm Cameron, Toronto. Is home on a visit. Edwin Allan came homo from Strat- ford. Miss Millie Hinds, of Toronto, was home on a short visit. For Ease, Comfort, Durability and Style wear ‘OleO ARCHIVES TORONTO .i,l,l,l. tt, s. .lk f. 71010015111? fimggfimamawmm _cr_,ioir'ji,,i,_, GROGKERY c,.-".)',),,;:','-. npnr ciryu' fiaaaifififimmmmmaamw i fe, s. d I. '0lc0teh,tte. 55%, Xl&grgffe"gf5lf X = 3:33:33 [tfile-ggi-tTift-fe E MlflegllfnfiQilM5lef%lF4glgtgggegegggegeg {4312 32:5 A big lot of Glassware to choose from at 25e. each. Come in and see our stock. 97 piece Dinner Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined with guilt, regular value is}! 5.00, our price Igpigciroilet Set in beautiful colors, regular price $6.00 our price A1tpitce Tea Set inla rich pattern, valueeat $5.00 our price MlllULdNERY RIMMQD Jlfg/rrdy and at greatly reduced prices. Flowers and other Summer Trimmings are going to share in this general reduction. You’ll find the Prices al- most too good to be true, but they are true just the same. Some one is going to get these bargains, why not you. For the convenience of our customers have brought down from the Millinery partment sufficient to make a good display the ground floor. See them when in. Rom umber (In place We are going to start very early this season to reduce our Stock of MILLINERY. To do this we are going to sell all our THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAp CAtit1 STORE 1ames Ireland Ars. Jrretrm? 3356mm _i,i.i",i,i---.-'.- Reducing Time. $12.00 $4.50 $3.50 1uiuED"frswruraygyms LII DLAW'S Old Stand CHAS BAMAGE. PRINTER an PUBLIIIII. 9.5-98.4”! Ott air? 23.: in? Er irf

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