West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 May 1902, p. 5

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Flat). (LACK. bosphate {HAM Mina: in America and see but fa- m ior ar 91 1902 1. In for ms Syl- h steel mot h T Hard MEN Ind FARM " '02 OBLE Sugar note. A Fork ;iant " ASIHXQ urind should fseextr. , In" ZED III! IN I" (iii) We Qi ili8ttfiN 01 um fill] W. H. BEAN TWEEDS d YARNS GRUBERIES Salad» Ceylon Tea, Black. or mixed 25c. 301' nr " Mk. a. lb. Thc. Don’t forget the Big 4, when you “am a new pair of Shoes for the spring. S. SCOTT. Lace Curtains 25c. 65c, Ttie, 90c and $1.25 a pair. Roller Window Shades. Stk, each. Heavy Twilled Sheeiine 2yds wide, ak. at yard. , JA KE KRESS A........ ‘0“‘Q‘ p MONEY TALKS 4' thrs and 21km" Wadi. GENTS WATCHES. In Nicklccase $5.50. In no kt Gold filled warranted to We can give you Bargains. -o-o---rqrnr-Rmrerer- 9‘.‘\‘.Q“Q“QSQ‘ Floor Oil Cloth. 1 yd wide, 250. a yd. .. I. I. 2 .. u 50c. .. Table Oil Cloth. " in. wide 25c. a yd. \Voman's Straw Sailms 350. up to Our New Prints are in. Table Linen GI inches wide, 25¢. a yd. wear 20 years $10.00. LADIES’ WATCHES. In " kt Gold Med, war- ranted to wear " yes: with solid Gold Bow. Only 3x100, Lower Lower Toms. The Best Quali’ T cheaper than ev'"' Undertaking . PROM Y ATTENDED TO. A . GORDON Jake Kress. Repairing a #001010. FOR properly is of the greatest importance. Distorted, defective or failing vision is a terrible affliction, but RIGHI (HMS jlllln.lf Mill DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. O0TS & SHOES. &e., HE SELLS CHEAP I l Of bust quality. SEEING WINGS MacFarlane 8100. will remedy the trouble and .rcmove the cause. Cometo us, testing free-- satisfaction guaran- teed. KAY 29, I. 02 Druggist & Booksellers.) CASH ONLY. Town Durham 'illllilNflll i Ilan BIOCK \Jewollc The campaign on his side has been honorably conducted and we are con- tidently hoping for victory on the 29th. A notable incident in the campaign occurred at a Conservative meetinglat Lamlash, where Mr. David McNichol, ex-M. P. P., was Chairman. With no uncertain sound the late Patron mem- ber reminded them that his party had no candidate in the field, but he in- tended to cast his ballot tor Hon. G. W. Ross, whom he regarded as the ablest man in the Province, and whose moral character was above reproach. Mr. Whitney, while a gentleman. had in the four years Mr. McNichol was in the House originated no bill and he had grave doubts ot bis capacity to do so. The tight is now virtually over, and we hope Mr. Binnie will head the poll and thus swell the majority for the able and progressive government, under the premiership of Hon. G. W. Ross. -----i. -------- t I Mll1lli [MOPS Rlll $lllllill fiii)l()(l. At this writing we are eoniident of victory in the province, and the situn tion locally was neVur more promising and hence We believe that victorv awaits us. Writing to-day, Wednesday, when the campaign is virtually over, and we are still in complete uncertainty as to the decision ot the people We are proud that the character of the cam- paien in this riding has been free from platform bitterness other than the usual dithwences as Iopublic questions. The tight put up by Mr. Binnie and his supporters has been straightforward and honorable on and oft' the platform, and We were not a little surprised to learn yesterday that there were char- Tes tiyine around in certain quarters, and alleged coercive measures used intended toinjure Mr Binnie’s chan- ees, which have not been made or mentioned on any plattorm. Whether victory or defeat awaits him, We think some unfair work has been done against him and We stand ready in either yictory or defeat to eongratrr late Mr. Binnie on the manly fight he has made and at the same time exon- erate the great bulk of his opponents from complicity in an worthy work. Vctches or hires are now grown in Canada to a considerable extent, es- pecially by dalrymen. They are likely to prove of value, not only in Ontario and Quebec. but in the Maritime Prov. inces and British Columbia, and the West. as well. The common spring veteh has been most generally grown, but recent experiments go to allow that the Hair! Vetch will yield a consider- ably, larger amount of green fodder per serein Ontario. Is Is very desirable foe soiling purposes. especially on dry districts. It appears to be relished by all classes of farm stock. The greatest bawback to the - extensive enl- tivatien of the veteh in Canada. is the high price asbdfoe the seed. At pres- ent prices it will probably be found best to sow essence along with - and oats. as Estate of one bushel clutches iksektseittt-ontitwoteltyuot cesspsraere. This mixture will pro- duce an excellenterop forJnly and August leading and will also "ttgit I Before this is read the result will be nearly known hence We purwse not to l reproduce the arguments. e cannot lhowever dismiss the case withcut re- ferring with pride to the able manner in which Mr. Binnie presented his case, which by common consent was not only Fthe best effort he had yet made, but which was almost as Unani- mously declared to be superior to his opponent's, Certainly the marked and intimate knowledge Mr. Binnie has of the finaneial question, the Agri- cultural question, pulp concessions. &e., Ike., was clearly shown and if measured by the applause each re- ceived, his speech was decidedly the better. At no nomination meeting that we remember here was such a manifestation made of sympathy with the Liberal side, and we shall bemuch surprised if Mr. Binnie does not lead by a good majority. when the count is made on Thursday next. 1 . Other Meetings Again we remind our readers this is l the awkward week as to reports. I All we can say is that Mr. Binnie's meetings in Egremont were a series cl successes. On Saturday night Hano- ver turned out in his honor, and will give him a good vote. A meeting at Dornoch, Mondav is to be tollowed by meetings at Hopeville, Tuesday, and a windup will be made at Swinton Park on Wednesday. Mr. Binnie has been loyally sustained and almost at every meeting of his opponents, the challenge for opposition has been ac- cepted. while at few Oi Mr. Binnie's meetings has a champion appeared. I tors. For abbot an hour he did this and was followed by Mr. Binnie foe a similar period. The arguments or allegations used by both were similar to those need at the meetings through- out the riding, at one or more of Which nearly every ratepayer has attended. Thumay last the omens! nomina- tions took plug belore Returning officer Lauder and election Clerk T. A. Harris, with the expected result that Dr. Jamieson and Mr. Geo. Binnie were placed formally in the field. After the location of polling places and appointments as returning (Alicea were read out, Mayor McIntyre was voted to the chair, and Dr. Jamieson Was called upon to address the elec- Continued from last week. flll 1l(hllllllMl, Satisfactory remuneration will :be paid to 3 man desiring to ukelupjthe I. B. Lucas M. P. P. is the only man in Ontario up to Thursday of this week who can write the above letters to his name. as on Thursday last he was elect- ed by acehtmation t---the only one in Ontario. The incident Was an accident the relurningotficer holding the. num- tnation between the hours of 11 and 12, while. Mr J. M. Davis thought, it was between 12 and 1 o'clock, or later. Of course there was no red resa as no doubt the hour was advertised and Mr. Davis should have attended to it. THE ROYAL VICTORIA m .. . . lac ullucnu um \-u\-- .v- ._.-- - ti di experience m Life Insurance fine stone retiaence in Upper Town at not n unusable. corner of thsmftaza St... ind Durban Address communications to than]. Luci] remodelled. tint clan B. c. TWWAs cellar. furnace. Well. etc. Most dent Supt. of t ' in. atthe mention. Terms Reasonable. Ap- 6 West. King St. Toronto, Ont 1 " to 7505- BLACK. Wants a District Agent for Durham. Soja or soy beans, have Been rather extensively grown for fodder in the 1 Southern States for some years and are _ gaining popularity in the North as well. They produce a great amount of nah forage growing to the height of from two and one halt to four feet brunch- ing freely and producing numerous woollv pods containing two or three yellow beans. Sow about the same as for corn on a fine, deep, firm and moist seed bed, in rows about 80 inches apart and On the level, from two to four peeks of seed to the acre.._ They are likely to do well in Southern Ontario. and in Similar latitudes, although they have not as yet been largely tried. On ac- connt of their richness in protein, and their nitrogen gathering ability they are worthy of attention and trial. The yel- ( low soy bean has been the most satis- factory of all varieties tested in Canada- F. W. Hodson. Live Stock Commissioner. Cum (when it grows well) is the great stendby tor hll feeding. Anoth. or very valuable {all fodder plant for the southern part of Canada is sorghum. The Early Amber is the most suitable for our latitude. It should not be sewn until the weather has become settled and warm, on land that has been pre- pared m the some way as for com. If sown in drills like corn, three peeks of seed will be ample for an acre, but if broadcasted, more will be required. It is slow in starting, but, after it "as at- tained a height of a few inches. growth is yery rapid. and the crop very heavy. It is greedily eaten by stock. but like corn is is carbonaceous in Its unture. and some additional feed such as clover o'l.eake etc., should be added to balance the ration. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for sev- eral years with a severe lung aftectiou, and that dread disease Cosiarrr1os, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the preemption used, which they will find a sure cure for Consump WON, ASTHMA. CATARRH, Bnoxcums and sll throat and lung MALADIES. He hopes all suff- erers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing. and my prove a blessing, will please “dress. luv .EmumA. Wnaoy, Brooklyn. New York. Mullet. in another plant that 18 par- ticularly good I I “all mp. It ttitt be sometime be do!» utter a forage crop of pause and oats he. been taken " she ground and it there is tmffleient monswrc to start n. it will yield a fair crop. "sown early In Jane, at the race of about thirty pounds per acre. tt will furnish a large crop of goodlodder by the middle of August. The Japanese Bunyan in menu soil. sud Japanese Panicle are the best varieties. iiiJGiji tfraiAt"tradoti incimm If! itti, DWI- man-nun; pm: “In“ 0:91me good puma the; up first cutting it out. early. ANION a MARI ON, EXPERT f14'l,l Pte,ttyAtyrs?fatortixt 1llt.lerrt,.s/i,'ifn,'t.'ltlt bend a 3mm? forour beautiful Book “How” W a. Patent' ," What tgt,ttt/1,t to hunt?“ ‘Puzoson Puenu’.A vice tree. ream.“ MAhwolCa MARIQN. _EI£L’ER1'8. Anroro AME?" muddy and": 1 _ prrWntrly pn' . cvttthttrrttitil. l ', ' .3 Arnemce. " Patent. Ink . 1 ascent] notice 17. S! n l E 1 7" Guiix‘;.-.~":u i4s'flL'.PiiitM, t,ettttlfullr tiluvtrs'Pd, 12-73»: circnmion of In? scienrhc Jusznmi. w why, terms $3.11) a is»; Wet", months. c'pru'lw.en copies and II nu; UN PATENTS. Liam tree. Add!“ lih Insuranca Go. d Mada TO CONS UMI’TIVES. LUCAS FOR CENTRE GREY. £01 Broadway. new MUNN a GO. was? T, magma. 'io an 1 yr my ', :pawnu an rttiea, o, twelve 1Pi,T2'c'i, .- " it? THE DURHAM REVIEW The undersigned Mera for rent the fine stone tpsi - it?_Upper. 1low.n at lip, MAKE OUR now TO THE , We have also got our FARMERS of SOUTH GREY ' , " . as we announce the opening of our tle5N .Choppt1 lil first class IMPLEMENT EMPURIUM in the: running order and have a old Foundry building at the bridge' f . on Garafraxa Street. [ large quantity of chopped A Life-long Acquaintance with the I corn, wheat, h"c. on hand. conditions of farm life in this coun- ) ty, has given us an experience of c.ea its requirements which we are confi- ', dent we can utilize for the benefit of liive our Breakfast Food a trial. the farming community and we ask L with coniidence for a share of their ‘ -------- patronage. i, We just mention this week that we R M G have secured the agency for.the . l q C owan. Over 19000 sold the first year. Durable, simple, economical. Pre- vents calves from sucking cows. No valve to gut sour. The nipple is re- enforced, with no seams to crack open. Should be used to be appreciated. Peter Hamilton @0003 ROBINSON ' coma; f, DURHAM '.-. and - w/.17,rf2sr,P. tillllliihty-, Implement Agency--- Feb. 8r, 1902. NATURE'S OWN WAY, UNIVER- SALLY ADOPTED, ADJUSTABFE TO ANY RECEPTACLE. COMMON Mf Jill EFEEDER LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries CALDER BLOCK (cht Post Otmto. DURHAM Milllf ’ *9 I GRANIIE WORKS "_.-- 'P--, wrthout being offered substi- tutes for them. By all means buy your Drugs and Medicines and have your prescriptions filled at a reliable Pharmacy like DARLING'S. LEADER DRILL 3 Can you enter mercantile pursuits ---I- 2' and he successful without a practica geared from both r1.yr.u, making if business education ? Can you success- the most desirable drill m the market, fully enter any profetmion without a Call and let Its explain its merits. ', sound knowledge of business principles. Wait a few days for our BUGGIES. i Then why hesitate to take a course in c ','; Shorthnnd or Business Subjects. " the A. B. Ill ARTHUR! I Alanna-pin nn Dcesn’t ft make you tired Mllljlill'8 DRUG STORE and call special attention to the new LEADER DRILL FOR SALE BY House to Rent. SEED CORN, TURNIP SEED, &c., LOW PRICES. ‘ONTARIO JiTediiiiE:"ia" TORONTO Pat. Feb. l3, loco JNO. . DARLING, W. BLACK. THE PEOPLE’S DRUGGIST. then to have "something else just as good" offered to you. If you make your purchases at DARLING'S you will al- ways find just what you want in Drugs, Proprietary Medi- cines, Toilets or Sundries to know what you want and OWEN SOUND. ONT" When you can get. just what you wmtin the most practical method. Full path-ulna hee. Alums. HUNG MAN! STOP! mn To The Milling Public is quickly made up, and the recon cili- ation made sweet by presenting her with a box of our fine chocolates buttescups or cream candies. No one can withstand the temptation of a box of our choice confections, and as an offering to your sweetheart or hostess they are both proper and acceptable. They also have the charm of low price, combined with high grade excellence. We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and we are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour, Give us a trial and be convinced. Eat Rowe's Bread-lt gives satisfaction. E. A. ROWE tiT Eaters auarrel 0197/75? Honor graduate of the Prmhyterust LAmEs’ COLLEGE. Toronto, having tnken the Malice! Course " the Tomato Conservatory of Music, which in in dilution with the above college. Pupils taken at he: mother's tum ' corned Duh.- ond Bight ata. Run" and Iona-ed Wit". 813) um" and Funny w. . tl:g hunt and Toronto My“ MISS MARGARET c. GUN. Intending Student: should entcr at beginning of term, or us soon the: as possible. St." and Equipment. - The School is equipped for full Junior having sud W101: work, under the following Matt otGtmpetettt Teachers for that Departmeat '. ' T1108. ALLAN, mam. MR.'tMWR1gtytt','B. A., (gpeeulutMAsst.Thrt I188 LICK, B. A., Chad“ and Iodems. was l am [It Down; In. Johnston. c. L. Grunt. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME CCLRT NOTARY Pull-IO. COUUISSIONER. ETC. made? WV a comr,oU Comp-ny and prints Funds tt Kong-Ices at have". rump! mtmmt. 0FFIcE-Mcnuyve Blane. ott1ets----LowEit , OWN, DURH‘I! Collections of all kind; promptly ttffettded to orrtcE--riae,trr.,a,. om Stand Durham Causation. and Aceucy promptly amended to Wills. Deeds, Mortgages, henna». Amoemenu &e.corroctiy prepared. Datum of deceased per- sons looked after and Executor”: and dimmin- trators' Accounts prepared and pasted Sun-"gum Court Business Protiito of Wills. Letters of Ad- mhwtmtion Giil Guardinuuhip “banana. sunl- chns made in Banish” onion and Titles reported "II ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE r‘leT DOOR EAST OF the Du mun [’lmrnwcy Calder'. Block. Residence Brst door west of the old Post Ottice. Durham. SAVINGS BARQL meet-est allowed on savings hank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every fun-Hit? "ordird customer-u living at distance. Lute ”than: to the Royal Hagan]. England. and the I and mat capital. 3. EPECIAIJST EYE, EAR alllll1,l,ll.lc? TOLIEANADA CAPITAL. Aulhpriu-d. . . . . . 32,000,011 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 141(01le RESERVE FUND............ tt00,00o AGENTS in all prlm-ipul pmnlu an Ontario. Quebec. Mammlm, United Mates and Englnnd. A general Bankinp business trnmx-led Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at "nu-rem rates. Will be I ttnrt Wednm arrister, A'otar , Gan . voyancer, etc” rte... .. Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. J. G BUTTON. M. D., Durham School All CONVEYANCE R , VALUATOR Insurance Agent. OFFICE nouns 941ml. b-t pan. RIO! DENC! and oFFteE-oM In! UPPtrat TOWN.DURBAX. a. P. TELFO RD. HOATRV puluc 'convliliéik DENTISTRY. Dr. T, G. HOLT L. D. s. DURHAM AGENCY, M>hteeutattesttt-tttomre-ot Women 3nd Children. ARTHUR GUN. but»: 0°“... Plum ad Surgeon. BA EQIS_T€R, SOL/CI TOR, MONEY TO LOAN E S. DAVIDSON. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, he Telephono Connection No. " DR. GEO. S. BURT. a "sistattt to the Royal London Ophthalmic ital. England. nnd the Golden Squamxme Moat mum, . LEFROY McCAUL. HOURS W. P. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. :xunputcm and careful vtctidilF.- Charges Medezate It the Middnugh House, Du May ot ouch month 1mm 2 Ply-1c“): & BCIGIOI. mu- Mount-Ma‘- _..-- I , to no A. M. Private Money to Loan J KELLY, Agent. :(Ot'cr the.Buttk . THRoar & 1mm EXCLI‘SIVELY, " Farms bough and sold; In“. Valual Durban, th I 2 p. M. m " ou

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