West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jun 1902, p. 1

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1902 itval Y‘S AKES. ous$8s arload lots for Tenr eS e ow _ i~> get our Prices OH IG ling to be FADED nCl 10On BISCUITS NC ANCB INET!] COFEFI R) ) A NPX FOR SALE H () VOL. XXIV. NO. Bugay Dusters and New Whips at The Big Store Hardware Dept. J. A. Hunter. Tae General Assembly ~f the Presâ€" byterian Church meets in Toronto on Wednesday next. New Stock Screen Doors and Winâ€"| «dows. The Big Store Hardware Dept. | The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper | will he d‘spensed in the Presbyterian | Church on Sunday next. . Rev. Mr.} Newton will conduct the preparatory | service on Saturday at 2 p. m. | THuw Lats Mrs. D. Ferausox.â€"We| learn with regret that the grim reaper | has taken off this estimable life, at the | home of bet father Mr. Ed. Henderson. 16th Con, Egremont. With the aim of | benefitting her bealth, her husband | went wit.fi her to California, but she | came home this spring unimproved, | amd| with only the melancholy satisfacâ€"| tion of dying amongst loved ones. To the berceaved huspand whose happy married lfe has so soon terminated, to . the parents and other relatives, we' extend sympathy in the bour of their (lm"‘: afftiction,. â€" The funeral took place «n Tuesday. I Laror CoNxGREGATIONS listened to Revy. Mr. Jansen in the Presbyterian charch on Sunday last, morning and evening, quite a number from other churches being in attendance also, The Rev. gentleman has lost none, of Carload Canadian Portland Cement just arrived. _ $2.65 bld. at The Big Store Hardware Dept. J. A. Hunter. The Rev, gentleman has lost none Of his vimm-. His topic for the morning was the " Greatness of _ Goadness "‘ f sunded on Job chap. 29, v. 25, * Iawelt as a King in the army, as one that comforteth the mourners." His comâ€" pavisons â€" between the greatness of rank, fame and fortune with the true greatness of goodness were lucialy brought ont, In the evening he spuke an the Deliverance from â€" Egyptian bondage drawing instruccive parallels, on the deliverance from sin. The Big Store Hardware Dept. reâ€" ll'.”rls the sale of thelr first "Happy hought" Range. _ Several others are being bargained for,. Our customers know a good thing when they see it.â€" J. A. Hunter. Eprworrn â€" Leagv®.â€"The annual meeting for the election of officers for the Epworth League, was held on Monâ€" day June 2. Hon,. Presidsnt in the h e neaiie c3 td os t o t s o+ dnt tb l chone P ~e se E day June 2. _ Hon,. Presidsnt in the| with good wishes. The y 1eE :21 o 2.l es eP Bleanker rin mWAnaArbe 1 chair. _After the devotional exercises | are |,§g;, (hig;,sl;,eséspe'f?:d ’,f,’,‘é"’fh:;‘;"gls | without loss of liberty or property. the voting was proceeded with which | friends and companions in the home of | No action to be taken against prisonâ€" resulted as follows :~â€"Honorary Presiâ€" their youth wish them heartily bon °tS except where they are guilty of dentâ€"Rev. W. R. Simith:; President ) yoyage through lhife. , . _ = 7 â€" . _ | breaches of the rules of war. â€"» W Glass; Ist, Vice Pres. Prayorâ€"meet | ME ncasc n 0c 9 _.__~â€". F Dutch is to be taught in the ‘schnols, ing com.â€" '\.h“ x\{'t‘l'y: 2nd Vice Pre_-s‘.. |_ For the bot weather buy one of those if desired by the parents, and used in n oi is Mr. A A Catton: 30 |niee cool coats, $1.00 each at The Big CONuIt. if necessary. Vice Pres. Missionary com.â€"Mrs. A. C. ) * 3 V ce Pres,. MIss10nary COu/r7 UA t *AStore. _ Rifles are allowed for protection, 1 WeVad is on un armgt atise on SE uen M ewse tss I,crn‘nk-nu( cCOn. â€"Mr. A A Catton; :‘l“d'nicp c Vice Pres. Missionary com.â€"Mrs. A. C, $Sfim-e McClocklin: 4th Vice Pres. Literary com ® * Miss May Saunders; 5th Vice Pres, Soâ€" (Tar cial com.â€"Miss J. Burnett; (ith Vice :3 year Pres. Visiting com.â€"Miss P. G. Wolfe;|gpig t C€or. SQ‘(‘.'â€".“I'S. 8. }l. Fil'th: SP(‘.-TMI'. ‘RL the Ed, Watson:; Treas.â€"Mr. Amos Wieck;} yrs, Organistâ€"Mr, Geo. Wright. "wilh IxpvereEn».â€"Toâ€"day, Thursday, Rev. j:fi‘fih' Mr, Little is being inducted into t-hel'sepzu- pastoral charge of Holstein and Fam"- inccns bairn â€" congregations. _ Last _ week‘s | Ripe Chatsworth Banner says: **Rev. Mr. tdeulh Little comcluded his Eastom!e ‘u( the boru Presbytertan church here on Sunday | toth last, preaching tc a large congregation \.They in the morning. During the stay otineur Mr. Little and family in Chatsworth | Toge they have won the esteem of all people ifarm of every denomination, and their re‘\yean moval has been the cause of a general | Uy t expression of regret. Tuesday Mr. and ; He Mrs, Little and daughter Mlyrtle left for | Talut Holstein. Miss Jennie will yisit he_re‘mos‘ fot a time and Miss Mary will remain (Jobs at school here until after the exams. lalso The best wishes of many fylends go | Tece with them to Holstein. . Miss JenmeSm')w Little was. on Saturday evening, made rert the repient of a handsomely lmtlndigrev Bible. the gift of the members of the |Affe Presby:erian choir with whom she has !ceas been ma<sociated for some time. The) /C present was given as a memento of tfheiThe past a~s »(-i:xtint!\im.unl wirs au’-.(;(:m;.:‘arllfi |Trir ex pression Mrs, Little Holstein. for a time During the turmoil of the electioni.I steady progress has been made on theg“ plant and every day it is hecominfi ti wmore of a wonJ;thmd. The iron work ;v of the roofs of the rotary. and clinker |, storage buildings as well as several | 3 others, is now completed. Other buildâ€" | \ ings are bein ; constructed close up to f“ the hill. the intricate plan of whose| foundstions baffies the efforts of our :‘ sceribe to explain. The spur lme to the | brow of the hill is about completed and G a â€" inassive cement â€" concrete pillar |, is constructed to hear its share of the | / track on which the laden cars run to ;, dump their contents imto the “disin-' tegrator." At the Power House the[,: immenâ€"<e boilers each 20 h. p., are in || position and their foundations are beâ€". ing made secure. In the engine room |. adjoining ovue of the immense 15 ton flyâ€" ; wheels was being placed in position on " the day of onr visit, and other parts of | several tons weight are either ready to | place or are on the massive skidwnyl slowly "getting there." One appreciaâ€" | tes the massive foundations when the weight of the structures they have to support is renlized. At the lake end of | this vastiminstry the scow and dredge are being built and the former will be ready to launch in a week or two. Two carloads of machinery for these have gone forward, 1 ho w oo h: s uo ce te ienss The rotaries are receiving their lining of fire brick and we expect to see the blazges roaring through them before many months, With a pay roll last week of 28% men work is bound to progress. This week we finish the article from _ the Toronto Star on "*Durham‘s Mammoth Cement Works,. Aay Fouf quested. Everybody wel come,. More BoovtiNc@.â€"Tuesday‘s Mail and \Empire and World contained r‘?l'oncps to cormpt practices in South Grey | which they are trying to fasten on the Ketorm party. The charge is that grits gave money to tory votes to veute, not \for Binuie, mind you, but .for Dr. \Jamieson in the hope of voiding the ‘election! This looks well enough for a [ story, but it wonut go down in South \Grey. Rather we think it 100K8 like a | barefaced attempt by some Conservaâ€" | tive to strengthen weakâ€"kneed friends who got frightened and di\;ulzed, or I 124 lo0 + on oR * Posuic LisRrar®y.â€"Montbly Meeting of Board tomorrow, Friday, at 8 p. m. A full attendance requested. ~ A list of the members elected over the Province will be found on our inside pages. The majoritiecs are approxiâ€" ~ A list of the 1 Province will | pages. The : mately correct. Scnool Reports from No. 2, Ben. and Gleun., No. 10, Bentinck, No. 9 and No. 12, Egremont, unavoidably held over. With other matter, Literary Night at the Y. P, 8. in the Presbyterian Church on Monday. The discussions will be on **Hymns and Hymn Writers." A full attendance reâ€" quested. Everybody wel come,. More Boovring@.â€"Tuesday‘s Mail and Graniva and World contained réferences \4 4. Lidot a cduliins s » ced t 07. w else it was done with a view of manufacâ€" turing a counter cry to the ballotâ€"stuffâ€" ing episode in S Grey, We have no hesiâ€" tation in hoping that the culprit will be found and punished as the law requires, Wednesday morning at 10.30 Rev. Thos. H. Farr and Miss Ebbie Hughes, daughter of the late Wim Hughes, were married amid pretty §nrrn_uadings“in Trinity Church. Rev. Rural Dean Ryâ€" an porformed the ceremony. the wedâ€" ding march being played h‘g_r Mrs. 13 EuEcrio® Ey®ExixnaG Ix DURHAM.â€"|/ ‘The results in Durham were secured © \with a celerity far in adyvance of the \ municipal elections. The North ward \ was first known there being only 56 ‘votes to count. In a few minutes the | 1 E. ward majority of 44,â€"just double the \Northâ€"was announced, and when the W. Ward figure of 105 came in, making | a total of 171 for the Dr. a cold chill fell | ] upon the grits, which was added to asL ‘surrounding _ polls were aunounced || \nearly all going above their expectaâ€" ‘tions, The natural exultation on the | other side took the form of cheers and | | tooting horos and for an hour or tWO | {as the majority kept climbing up into | {the hundreds increased in intensity, | especially as the first despatches placed f the opposition in the country slightly ‘in the lead. The doctor, when the y results was sure, addressed the crowd 7 in the Hall, and later from the balcony , | of the Middaugh House. He expressed . \his hearty thanks to all and sundry _ who had assisted in his victory. At no Bitime fortunately, was there any Apâ€" || proach to roughness of any kind, and ;) the victors are to be commended. â€" The e | Liberals received the returns in Calder‘s e | Hall, and _ accepted the situation e g:ilosophlcall{ though _ regretfully, _ |being saved from dumps as the lat,er] treturns showed the country to be safe \for four years more uDSer Liberal gladministrat,ion. Frida m. & large iday p. "5 e | party of Conservatives young and old, e | men and maidens, drove to Hanover to t |celebrate the victory by an outing, 0| though why Hanover with 66 against ie |them, should te chosen, when there n & was Ayton for instance with 79%in favor is not quite clear. PArM( HYMENEAL. . P. 8. in the *iCREAT NEWS FRON AFIGA The peace agreement between the | Boer leaders and Lords Kitchener and | Milner was signed at Pretoria 10.30 p.| m, Saturday last, and the war begun in October 1899 is thus formally ended. | The news was first told to King Edâ€" ward, who so ardently desired peace beâ€" fore the Coronation festivities, It got around London Sunday afternoon and soon all England rang with the joyfal tidings. â€" Flags floated in the breeze, cheering masses sang *"‘God save the King" and Kitchener is the popular hero. The churches in Toronto, at the evening service all referreqd to it, and heartfelt happiness no doubt reigned in every home which had liying representâ€" atives in 8. Africa. The great question is settled. S.outh ; Africa is to be British not Dutch,.| There will be freedom for all white| races and tolerance and justice for the | natives.. The empire emerges from the | struggle knowing hereelf as she never, did before, and conscioune that the world | outside looks on her with a wonderful | respect, | DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1902. At the same time the Boers haye won eternal fame for the character of the resistance they have offered. . Tkey have proyed themselves a virile people and will, it may be hoped, find within the empire, scope tor their energies in peaceful pursuits. Rebels ave liable to trial, according to the law of the colony to which they beâ€" long. The rank and file will be disâ€" franchised for life. The death penalty will not be inflicted. * Last weeks "Westminster" has an apropriate sketch of Rev. Jas. Farâ€" qubharson. which we will give next week. Call at The Big Store and get a Butâ€"| ter Box. Money back when you All 1t. | J. A. Hunter. t We congratulate our confrere on having a new gasoline engine installed this week. A decided improvement on armstrong power. A Finx Nummssr.â€"We omitted to refer to the fine edition of the Toronto Star issued on May 17th last which is designated * New Ontario Edition," It has a handsome cover showing the shipping at Sault Ste Marie and is fillâ€" ed with first class illustrations of the yast industries and natural features of the district and wellâ€"written up letterpress of the immense possibilities of that new wonder land.} HoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Qrand Displey of Summer [){i{linery. PEAGE DECLAED AJ LAST. We have just receivea Shipment of entirely New DENTISTRY. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, etc. WHITE TUSCAN and LEGHORN HATS suitable for Summer Wear and for The VYoxt Con Days we will have a Special Display of Trimmed NVhite Hats for Ladies‘ and Children, * flLos DPLISH PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. AUtt Stytes, Alt Cotors, . HAttl Prfces. ecoommosossoxe just received a large Iimmnentt ne vga ds â€" | _ Mr. 8. G. Kitchen, St, George, spent | a few days last week at Mrs. Burnet‘s | Upper Town. 'lilrs. Jno.! Hunt is visiting her son Edwin at Trayerston. Mr. Baileg, Sr.. Cement traveller, visited his son here lately. Howard McGirr got a badly crushed foot at the cement works. Miss Lottie Layelle and baby ate visiting relatives in Stratford. Mr. R. Crisp, Brampton. was here a few days attending Mr. Firth‘s funeral. The Misses Calder, Calderwood, are visiting at their brother‘s Mr. Wiw. Calder. Mr. James and Miss Bertha, of Price. ville, were here attending Mr. Firth‘s funeral. Miss Hattie Firth is howme from Buffalo. She intends remaining for sometime. Messrs John and Wmm AIPLMR WEMS home at the funeral of their father on Sunday last. Mrs. Bert Steele spent a holiday with her mother, Mrs,. Fox. Ettie rccomâ€" panied her home. Rev. Rural Dean Ryan attended a Meeting .of the Deanery of Grey at Markdale, Tuesday. Mr. James Stinson,. left Wednesday morning for Waterioo. where he has secured a good situation. Rev, Mr. Jansen was the gnest of Miss McKenzie, while in town. He left on Monday for Winnipeg. Mr. A. Irvine, son of Wim. irvine, Habermebl, passed his 2und year exâ€" amination at the 0. A. C. successfully. Dr. Arthur Gun is in Toronto for a couple of days attending the Ontario there. Mr. Jno. Ehrhardt and family, haye moved into the commodious new resiâ€" dence fitted up by the Messrs McK echâ€" nie in the northern patt of the British Hotel properey. SuvmMER BrID®Ks.â€"Intending brides, or their friends should call at the REâ€" vIEw office, or our residence and get a k iff 42 1 fls L4 20407 Th 4 P cvaicitieatcaivininbntencdacte ornd 7 sample of our wedding notices. Variâ€" ous styles to select from. . In black, silâ€" yer or gold. Scrictly private. A Warxixcg.â€"The "Monetary Times, in an able " Financial Reyiew " of the Bank returns, which show an extraorâ€" dinarg increase from month to month concludes with a pa.mgmh which should be a note of wn.rmng : * Canada is being driven along under a tremenâ€" dous pressure of sail, with a fair wind and tide at present ; and if we have a good harvest in Manitoba again, with To oo ol og Eomm‘ t anraule . S OOnsE OA260E V EC e en s To _ i & reasonable production of cereals, lumber, minerals, etc., in the other Provinces, it is very likely that the fair wind and tide may last another year â€" But if it does, unless we are very much mistaken, there will be developed with next year such a spirit ot " boom," inflation and. speculation as Canada has witnessed several times before, which has always been followed by disastrous reaction." Job Lot Gate and_Barnâ€"Door Ringes 10c per pair at The Big Stove Hardware Dept. A snap for the early buyer. J. A. Hunter. McInxIsâ€"At Bunessan, on Saturday, May 31, Mis. Dugald Mcinnes. ScoTtâ€"In Glenelg. on Friday, May 30, Alex. Scott, aged 78 years, Firtgâ€"In Durham, on Friday, May 3), John Firth, aged 75 years. /‘ Ohe Peel S/Aoe. Revit for Ease, Comfort, Durability and Style wear BEiREL A s wl rok ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TOROoNTO and Wm Firth were cral of their father on DIED. goie im e ie ie e e e e e e e erespaerenraerene o rar exspeesessrssssns aaexAamEeaanN E udichatatihdatitictinie ul ints is srirtintliac Memen ME eamn ced OB nE NE RRICRE :‘: [eCelleCeleCelenele=ole "alecelaveleCalete ucalene aSe e So l ne e Sale Cale e e Cale "ole Cel (ZdleCeleCalle Calebe ba CROCKERY MILLINERY TRIMMED HHATS and g7 piece Dinnuer Set, in 10 pigge.TOi‘et Set A big lot of Glassware to choose from at see our stock. @17 piece We are going to start very early this season to reduce our Stock of MILLINERY. To do this we are going to sell all our at greatly reduced prices. Flowers and other Summer Trimmings are going to share in this general reduction. You‘ll find the Prices alâ€" most too good to be true, but they are true * 9 just the same. _ Some one is going to get these bargains, why not you. For the convenience of our customers we have brought down from the Millinery Deâ€" partment sufficient to make a good display on the ground floor. See them when in. Remember the place 0 $ ames Sreland Tea Set infa rich pattern, valuellat $5 THE POPULAP? CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Set, in a very dainty pattern, 1 regular value is$$15.00, our price in beautiful colors, regular price $6.00 our SIas. Sretand ecdu.cing Time. CROCKERY $12.00 READYâ€"TOâ€"TWEARS $3.50 $4.50 LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand CHAS RAMAGE, Primmter axp Posusu®er. oK chnie. IYJoK echnie, 256. each, Come in and & â€" AÂ¥4Z lined with guilt, 00 our price price Alle 78 J ar B 2C 7° #T m P a"f* 57 Afe un w4 3 jA iE

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