West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jun 1902, p. 4

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Bentineck Normanby Glenelg Egremont Proton Durham Hanover Dundalk 1 South 2 North Riding Majority for Jamieson 438. W t H David Drewt Dh H. Every member of the Ministry elected. Whitney, St. Jol bell, Foy, Nesbitt, Carscallen all elected also. McKay, Lib. in North Grey by 10 majority. A recount j Liberal gaing in W . Durham, E. Middlesex, Prince Edward C. Simeoe, Stormont, N. Grey. Liberal loages in N. Essex, N. Norfolk, E. Northumberland Oxford, N. Waterloo, S. Wellington, W. York. Jamieson‘s Ma jority 3 T7 80 While every individual member of the government has emerged from the melee victorious, in their corporate capacity they baye receiyed a blow, but one from which they will recover. We do not belieye the reverses are a condemnaâ€" tion of the policy of the government, but the ery * 80 years in power " has its effects, . At no point will there be pessimism at the prospect of four years more of Liberal rule under the Hon. G. W. Ross, who has in his short term of the premiership shown such marked ability. M Binnie‘s Major Hamy £ The Province. There is matter for rejoieing here that the government has been sustain ed, though we freely admit the rejoicing is tempered when we consider the reâ€" sult. While we never imagined their defeat we certainly never expected so small a majority as fourf®@s there seems to be. Independent candidates in several places have resulted in defeating Liberals and electing Conseryatives, but apart from this it is impossible to ignore the stirring up of public feeling indicated in the losses and gains of the campaign. $M0 DP tnnintintnt n ols ctircinnai Prioiisdnice Tetvietziadi casiredth 2. ts L3 im 1902 is no exception. After a hard and capable fight been defeated by 438 majority, & result we belieye not expected The outstanding feature locally 13 the very large defectic ranks in Bentinck. The other municipalities while showi not markedly different from expectations, though we did expe at least. Proton was close but liberal counters there wilk t should bave gone the other way. Dundalk, with only 3 ag over with 66 tor Mr. Binnie must be reckoued good, while the n Durhkam for the doctor is eloquent testimony to his power a home. Egremont was expected to go into a threeâ€"figured only 79, while Normanby gave about 50 more than expected, but that Bentinck should g.ve 157 of a tory majority, fiys less tha a complete surprise. How to account for this change we can of alleged undue influence are around, but it is vain to imagine alorie, if it exists at all, procured defeat. We were much plea the Cement Co., on the morning of the election removed all rest workmen as to voting, though it had been rumored the day pr traint was being exercised. We regret we cannot say as Furniture Factory, where a nnmter of Liberal votes were unpolli of the consequences that might follow. Mr. Binuie, thkough defeated, can haye no regrets for his campaign. He entered boldly into the fight, the supporter o with a splendid record, the representative of a party which recog to the position, the representative of a class which has not gi generous support. To the winner we extend congratulations of loyalty of his party to so marked an extent, as wel!l as on the achieved. $ Tobermory Hauatton Hill Allan Park Campbell‘s ( Lamlash Louise E‘mwood Misfeldt \yton Neustad Jamieson‘s uti;;itieo-&a Binnie‘s Majorities 145 amit h W n Jamieson‘s Majority 1 Ward Ward H THE POLLING. IHE RIDiNG cors conservarive o n rare: morty, teim Recapitulation. 202 410 ldt L DUNDALK. Wqa ITANOVER, DR. JAMIESON, M. P. P. EGNEMONXT. n DURIHAM. NORMANBY. LY GLENELG. PROTOX. Majorit y u‘s Majority 16 80 09 Cit} 1M3 BENTIXCK. Almost 164 8j 1t THE CoUNTRY cors Lisfrat dr a shau Mmorty t%. SF tha Anagsa, ;. _3 ___ _ *eChUbgif §00d, while the majority of I7I in or the doctor is eloquent testimony to his power and popularity at Egremont was expected to go into a threeâ€"figured majority but has hile Normanby gave about 50 more than expected, but as we remarked, ack should g.sve 157 of a tory majority, fiys less than Normanby, is surprige. How to account for this change we cannot say ; rumors undue influence are around, but it is vain to imagine that this cause exists at all, procured defeat. We were much pleased to learn that t Co., on the morning of the election removed all restraimnt from their s to voting, though it had been rumored the day previous that resâ€" Karmyw avmnrksA "er .c 34 oo 2 ie 6 t) Majoritsy (Â¥) Alsts al all, procured defeat. We were Co., on the morning of the election remd to voting, though it had been rumored being exercised. Wa> ranmvrat un‘ nuw rTOP} ALL THE MINISTERS ELECTED BY GOOD MAJORITIES. P oT in Y) «J4) r17 D8 Gl ity 66. 40 40 62 () rit y every election is fruitfal in surprises and the election in S tiks 18 70 10 o7 t 10 11 GU 0 81 wA F oT and. 80 6il) 9 94 37 ) 145 3583 jority, a result we belieye not expected by either party. feature locally 13 the very large defection in the Liberal The other municipalities while showing variations are U e prtaa s i l Een d 3k 1 k. 11 44 from expectations, though we did expect (i-i'e-rlâ€"e‘l'g to tie elose but liberal counters there will think the 25 maj. her way. Dundalk, with only 3 against, and Hanâ€" Bin Jam maj. maj. t 8 t) 171 157 162 44 105 29 37 +)+> «d 11 6O 6 18 »0% 19 80 As it is a long time since our news appeared in your paper, I take | it for granted that your late informant | bas retired» for gcod, and with your | permission, I will pen you a few of the ’ Eippenings of this lively burg. \ Ideal weather has favored the farâ€" | mers and most of them are through seeding, and are now busy getting the ] the ground ready for their roots. | _ _Mr Monto‘s barn was raised vÂ¥ week ago Wednesday, aud as usual things went 0. K. Also Jim Mclutosh‘s barn was raised on Friday last. Randy Mc Donald and DBuncan McLean were chosen captains, and Duncan‘s side ; eame out yictorious. _ After tea was served Jhnpaidofltheboysmd girls 1 30 2() ! well as those def | fight they put up { tion by the Cons I #hyiei‘m rrmmbererce 9 Notes. t oo en e EOTHE EL7 Ross, and as far as in me lies forget to remember their best 1avye cost us a Tew seats. ~It is delightful to think that the ; ince on the whole has endorsed policy of building up Ontario. No could be more gratitied than 1 am the electors did nOt fail to renms. pagn was unique and will, I all time to come, be so C Where local prejudices could pealed to the Government w atically _ misrepresented. _ have cost us a few seats. "It is delightful to thint +h . replea as a gratifying eyiden fidence from those who kn ow "Although the majority is large, still, after thirty years office it is unpredecented in th governments under our cor that the Government would h; jJority at all. "I am not able to say just circumstances weighed most a tors in casting their votes. I ply thank my supporters all proyince, and the candidatas ~1 | _ "Althongh some ef the r l disippointing, the results o | are very gratifying. We ch | the loss of such men _ as I: Carpenter, _ McKee. Hill, ’Brei(hnupv. Mutrie, and p« | or two others whose elect | doubt. We are, however, | forced by some new men, w | ments will retain, 1 trast. t of the Legislature, __"One very satisfaciory fea not a single Minister was Aaf neir organs I have and he cepted fidence Dear Editor :â€" own return is by a m three times as great ; jority I ever had fron haye no regrets for his conduct of the e fight, the supporter of a government of a party which recognized his claims class which has not giyen him a yery xiend congratulations on possessing the ent, as wel!l as on the success he has OPINIOX OF HoX. & w. ross SA Ti FF l ever had from th now contested fopr Id for thirty vear sting their votes, c my supporters . and the candidate ose defeated, for gratutying. We chiefly regret of such men â€" as Lunsden, ‘r, â€" McKee. Hill, Pardee, pt, Mutrie, and possibly one others whose elections are in We are, however, to be reinâ€" ‘ some new men, whose attainâ€" 11 retain, 1 trast. the standing gislature, CRAWFORD. % C CCA _ WUKee‘ L Cit SifgHâ€" y supporters all over the the candidates elected, as defeated, for the splendid up against misrepresentaâ€" uonservative party and by In this respeet the camâ€" mot say as" much for the were unpolled owing to fear A recount probable. _ say just now what hed most with etec. taul to remember results on the whole Edward, E. Simeoe £f the returns were ory feature is that was defeat ed, My ajority more than is the largest ma. uty as not very y years tenure of ed in th history of our constitution, _IMC TUIgest maâ€" the constituency )r the tentlL time ars, may be acâ€" evidence of conâ€" . Joln, Miscampâ€" CC ine camâ€" &A thope, for considered, ld not be ap~ was systemâ€" This may I have a maâ€" & Ottawns, N. I shall not interests," Mr. Binnie bas ne provâ€" sed the No one am that mé c‘ecâ€" )C . Grey Miss McCannel, Miss Byers, and Mr McDonald, spent F riday evening at Mr Leeson‘s. M Mres Lena McCalmon, after spendâ€" ing a month in Hamilion, has ret urned home. ‘ Miss McCannel, teacher of No. 1, is preparing for a good picnic to te held on the 13th of June, in Mr Wm Carâ€" son‘s bush. Altare inyited. A junior League has been organized in Varney, and quite an interest is beâ€" ing taken, the meetings on Bunday evenings having proyed successful. Miss Maggie Burns hbas ret her position in Toronto, Miss M Banks spent Monday with Miss Lillie Leeson. Miss Esther Wilkinson left Thursday! morning to resume her duties as nurse in New York City. [ Master John Dunn is somewhat ter this week. Hope he may con to improve. If you want a i@gy cheap, Call o PL Sm 5 ~Aufne > VAnietimel O May 8Cth. Mrs Wilkinson has returned after a continued visit with her daughter, Mrs Robinson, of Wiarton. We aso pleased to hear of the latter‘s recovery after a severe illness. Mr and Mrs Will were presanted with a Mr Sandy MceDonald had the migâ€"| fortune of getting two valuable steers | killed by lightning on Sunday last. | Mr Donald McKinnon, of Flesherton, | spent a few days with the McKinnoni family. A l Mr Archie McDougall sold a two ! year old colt for cighty five dollars, | last week. | The sound of wedding belis are faintly heard in the distance. These sounds alway.s brings joy to all. Those who have heard their own bells chime are brought back to the happy event, while those who have uot yet reached that stage of game in life, lJook forward with joy to the day when they will be similarly situated. More later. Miss Virginia McDougall is home from Toronto. ‘ Mr Nelson Supernault who has been l ill for the vpast month is not improving. Mr Donald MceDonald is preparing | for a new brick house. " Mr Thomas Boyle is ill at present. | Mr Sandy Brown is preparing for a ] uew barn. I by giving them aficr)e:aio:v‘n Mrs _\.V!” MeCalmon, Varney THE DURHAM REVIEWâ€" 272 00 Ha&d NC MHSâ€"| + r two valuable steers COMG to us for Window Shades. ng on Sunday last. _ | 4444 s Kinnon, of Flesherton, I s with the McKinnon | MACHBAPT AND 6. Aan ood second hand at the REVIrw son on Friday, s returned to omewhat bet-: may continue eyening 10 0 0 0C Pm IY SUOCKOrB, Bbeep aud lambsâ€"Were steady at $4 to $4.60 per ewt for export ewes, $5 to $5.65 per cwt for yearling lambs and $2.50 to $5 each for spring lambs. Hogsâ€"Were unchanged at $7 per ewt choice and $6.75 for lights and fats, Ne uies siainttin ds saadescl id * Feeders and Stockersâ€"Were steady, selling at $4 to $5 per ewt for shortâ€"keep feeders and $3.75 to $4 for heary stockers, h o it n +2 __ Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"Were steady. selling at $5.60 to $5.85 per ewt for picked lots and $4.65 to $5.75 for choice. Common to fair omes brought $4 to $5 per cwt. Feeders and Stockersâ€"Were steady, | selling at $4 to #5 ... ___, 1! OO stei ifaue was quiet at the | Market this morning. â€" The lonly 39 loads, whfcls inclu 840 sheep ‘and lambs, 758 caltes. ; The market oper yesterday‘s quotations, ; | everything was sold out at { ltrade eased off a bit and â€" 'l towards noon. The hichest iuxport Cattleâ€"Were a shade selling at $5.50 to $6.40 per ewt for and $4.50 to $5.50 for medium. ks A LK 0 4i se m ok E> 1 C8C M VO Carxes. 4 ‘lhe market opened steady at ’yesterdnv's quotations, â€" and although everything was sold out at these price the trade eased off a bit and was quite duli towards noon. The highest price paid for exporters was loc per ewt easier than yesterday, but the quality was not so good. The demand was light and crly and only enough to absorb the small offerings. Sheep, lambs and hogs were steady. & Trade was | Market this 1 | %&®°Q@Q@ |, MACFARLANE & CO. Druggists and Booksellers premises to . "C _ nell" property, nea: being Lot 15. Con, 19, and J 20. On both farms there buildings, Easy terms â€" A: )o [lace Ez’ke fiome The Bell when brightened up with some of our ARTISTIC WALL PAPERâ€" for a mere trifle too. Bring us the size of your rooms and let us show you how cheaply it can be done. _A few more remnants left at a sacrifice. Live Farm For Sale Stock Market Toronto. Were a shade easier,, / If V romiepe wytr‘ J *B4%% ETTE |adudbubss terms. Apply on the at the Toronto Cattle 3. The receipts were ‘l» 1ncl_l_1dqd 633 cattle, Wat ‘ty, near Dromore, 19, and Lot 15, Con. is there are good ewt for aho;i.';;é'!; $2. 3 P Ns Emaara as light an[lmcni'_; absorb the small s and hogs wore BELL, Dromorvre hogs and 85 choice i A. B. MSARTHU R Peter Hamilton Googs A Lifeâ€"long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this counâ€" ty, has given us an experience of its requirements which we are confiâ€" dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with confidence for a share of their patronage. * we just mention this week that we have secured the agency for the geared from both wheels, making it the most desirable drill in the market Call and let us explain its merits, Wait a few days for our BUGGIES, NEV _ Implement Agency _ 19 Juve ted. acres i lt decich inss / Bi.. The _© Findlay McRae Farm contains 2oo acres and bel mys ; pany who offer it at the nvia, MONEY TO LEXD,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" j LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" Every kind of finanecial business transacâ€" hor acre farm in Bentinek, n;vm. and says the farm MUST i I{QTS 2 AND 3 CON THE GEQRQE ES FaArNM â€",,: py C , CVAAA NBAMGRON 100 acres on Garafraxa â€"A good farm with fine bnildings. Offerced .yery cheap as Mr, Cameron has gone west. and call specia_l attention to the LEADER DRILL THE MALCOLM CaMERON CAUTIOUS BUCCESSFUL MrEnxn Conyveyancer, even though i miles of a driye. They s * Always prompt,â€"never n he has had 22 years experi it, PAYS TO DEAL WITE He is now offering for sal« Carefully consider where they business. Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Address,â€" 8,â€"H,. H. MILLER sock Drawer 28. 111 , TO DEAL WITH HIXM , even though it means a few driye. They suy thut he is ompt,â€"never negligent." that 22 years experience and that MUST GO ir where they do their veinys to a C the price of a 18 GLENELG, Hanovyer, Ont T 18 Best 150 in Alberta new 2anover This ‘omâ€" 00 We do _ But has one â€" ‘er defended a Mthlmemal l?"'fll( 'uuvufifig’.'h,"‘.‘..,"{'fi, &meMumW before,. Andb-klntlnhvhu-.g., ‘MN' + ur m cc% w bUe shaw. _ __,â€" *@C@RIC Falkâ€" ingham, of Durham, who Ji(fll May 15, 1902, after a short illness of 4 days, aged 2 years 2 months, "‘There is no flock however watched and tended, But one dead lam} is there There is no freaiae ieue is there, _‘ Beryl Falkin daughter of N ingham. of T», Vy Further Arrivals this week : Scereen Doors, Window Screens,. Carpet Sweepers, Cream Cans, Curtain Poles, Fence Wire, Fence Plyers, Washing Machines, tClothes Wringers and Whips, BARGLAY & NQOBLZ CALT, PROVEN Hay Fork ADAMS waGgsoxs TOLTON‘S Pea Ha [Dlough s S{arrows Gcuffilers Jurney Stoves IN LOVING MEMoRY or vester Drill wit wire conductors re now stoc} ult Lino ot Haxwott Soods. BARCLAY & NOBLE ALL and EXAMINXE ou: Best of zham, beloved infant 'e.:vell amz Maggie Falkâ€" Phaina lb 1. > MAXWEL1, COCKsSHt JUNE 5, 1902 K@d tif Pianos & Organ & BLACK. its kind a Harveste; and see our: fg.« mous Sylâ€" with steel with 25¢. a val TWEE CGRO(E D want *)* and &1 4%% % % clyl‘n a Tabile 1 () F4 W i Roll« Heayy I Tal wea SEFN In 14 ranted t solid GC Lower 1« NCGH] flcpa:fl AC HE SELL CHEA A + kt LAl M pr oT ST Di ML

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