West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jun 1902, p. 1

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ISCUITS Dur] Rou ALE ) Mmor IFD) 1902 [t. ETS KES weriy ¢ 3 We need the many littles that go to mak‘ a mickle and trust this request will be attended to. This notice will appear three times. â€" This is insertion 1. Have you renewed tor the ReviEw ? ; ‘Table Oil Cloth in white and funcyi patterns at Grant‘s, Fouxp».â€"A Waterproof coat. Owner may hav:il by paying for this ad. | Servaxt Girp WaxtTEp.â€"Apply at ance to Mrs, A. 8. Hanter, Upper Towa. Men‘s White Shirts at 3)¢ and $1.00. j Men‘s Colored Shirts at 50c 80e and $1. at (Grant‘s. | VOL. XXIV. NO. 324 Curar Svroar.â€"The Big Store bought a carload Montreal Granulated Sugar at the lowest prices on record. _ Leave your order for a Barre} at $3.90 per 100. or$4 per 100 lbs, smaller lots. Terms Cash. J. A. Hunter. Will Subscribers in arrears kindly make remittance for their indebtednes® at once. Where did you get all your Hardâ€" ware ? Why at the Big Store Hardâ€" ware where you get the newest and best for least money. The communion services on Sunday in the Presbyterian church were very largely attznded, there being 246 comâ€" municants. _ Twenty tour new members were recerved. C. 0. F.â€"The local branch of this order will attend Divine service in a body at the Baptist Church on Sunday morning next. Pastor Rev. Mr. Newâ€" ton will preach. One of our "Happy Thought" customâ€" ers said to his neighbor "Mon yon Happy Thought Range is a gran‘ yin 1 dinna ken how we could be wantin it." These excellent Ranges are on exhibiâ€" tion at the Hardware Department, The Big Store. PropErRTY CHANGES.â€"Dr. Gun has hought the new Kress residence and 1o+ opposite the Presbyterian church and will get possession in July. Miss K. Gun has bought the property she lives in from J. M. Hunter who intends to build stores on his lower town property. provinces, â€" Prominent among them is Senator Landerkin in cricketer costume looking as sporty as the youngest of them. SproRrTYy. â€"â€" Saturday‘s IMlustrated Globe has a cut of the cricketers who played in the Match on May 8, between Hntario and Quebece V. the other The Departmental Examinations for 1002 will begin on Wednesday, July nd, at 8345 a. m. â€" Part one, Jumior Leaving and Commercial Specialists, begin on this date ; Part 1, Junior Maâ€" triculation, begins July 3rd at 9 a. m. i Part I1, Junior Leaving. Senior Leayâ€" ing and Commercial Diploma, begin July 4th, at 1.30 p. m. All examinaâ€" tions will be over by July 15. Frocks or Visrrons.â€"Last Thursday some 15 or 16 vyvisitors from various points in Canada all substantial gentleâ€" men «nd many of them stocktakers in the Coment Indastry, were shown through the works by Directors Stanâ€" hope, McKechnie and others, Every week now brings its quota of sightseers, and we are confident they will not go home disappointed, for there is much to be seen and nothing like it in Canada. Men‘s heavyy twilled black shitts, Men‘s s<potted drill in blve and black, and â€" Men‘s Lochlomond shirts, at Grant‘s. Intario â€" and . Quebec soime C ments, trains nunders change begins on Monday next. This will be a boon to some of our business men. ind especially will it be appreciaâ€" ted by the large army of travelrers and the numerous visitors to, and officials ot our great cement industry, At this writing we have not details. Telescope valises from 14 to 24 inches at Grand‘s. ‘The value of swimming as an exercise has been proved by some of the most famous athletes, and the mastery of this accomplishment, moreover, may some dGay mean the saving of human life. That voys and girls should be taught to swim admits of no argument. As it is. the majority of chldren fear the water, and much of this fear is due to the misguided anxiety of their parents. The trouble with beginners is that they make too much of the task ; provided the effort is made, the slightest muscular exertion will suffice to keep one afloat, How readily one may learn to swim is shown in the June Delineator, by a expert in the art, who describes thevarious strokes, floats, diving eostumne. etc., in the simplest manner ssible, â€"Some striking pictures taken r:\m life are shown. LOCAL AND GENERAL. New TimmE TaABL®.â€"A few weeks ago e made reference to the necessity of ime change in our railway arrangeâ€" ents, whereby we might have two ains a day. to Toronto. This we nderstand is to be done, and the Yours very truly,. Publisher‘s itequest C. RaAmAaGg®, Publisher PRINT & ‘ NOTICES and sup= y at Reasonable Rates. y . Prices and Styles to ® Call at the i REVIEW â€" OFFICE J Mrs. Jas. Gowanlock and children are visiting friends in Bruce. * Mr. J. L. Browne was in Owen Sound the beginning ot the week. | _ Master Edgar Noble (mute) is home | from Belleville for the holidays, |\ _ Revy. Mr. and Mrs. Newton are attendâ€" | ing the Baptist Convention at Strath. | aven, this week. | _ Miss Madge Ledingham, ‘Bentinck,. \ was the guest of Miss 8. McKimnon for a day or so last week. | _ Mr. Will Firth and Miss Dorothy | Lawrence visited the former‘s Sister in ! Berkelevy. on Sunday. G Mr and Mrs. Chas. Browne are in ; attendance at Baptist (,‘,nnvelf‘tion in ‘ 0. Sound this week. P Mr. Sutherland, Paisley, teacher of a | school in North Bentinck, ~visited friends in town over Sunday. °_ | Mr. Geo. MeDonald and Miss Lizzme Reis spent Sunday with the latter‘s sister Mrs. Taeger near Hanover, Trayelier Jno. Cameron was ';p.t home over Sunday. â€" His daughter Miss Kate is home this week for her holidays. Mrs. Hill, Balaclaya, N. Grey is in town this week the guest of her neice, Mrs. C. Ramage, and will visit Rher sister Mrs. Coleridge, Sr.. in Egremont and other relatives before going home. Miss Grace Brown, of Alpena, Mich,, visited her sister Mrs, Tom Brown for a few weeks returned home Monday. Grandmother‘s Lye, 3 Cans for Â¥c, at Grant‘s. If you want to buy a handsome Door Knob and Lock ask at The Big Store Hardware and they will show you the finest assortment ever shown in Durâ€" ham. J. A. Hunter. T Miss Herringer, Miss Lenaban and Miss Hauck, of Mildmway, spent Saturâ€" day and Sunday with Mr. and Mrg. Jas. Lenahan. â€" Miss Lenahan is going to St Joseph‘s Hospital in London to learn nursing. The Amnnual Picnic of 8. 8. No. 1. Normanby will be held in Carson‘s bush on Friday afternoon of this week. Miss McCannel and her workers expect a #ood time. A CoroxatTIO® OrrEr.â€"The Review ':TAS. ALLAN- GEO. BINNIE, will be sent to any address in America| Pregident. Vérney, Sec‘y Buness{'m to new â€"subscribers to Jan. 1. 1903, for| Durham, June 10, 1902. 30 cts. â€" Call, or send a postal NOLC, _A | .. onenmomemmoremmmmmmemmmemmemmememermmnmee }â€"months‘ trial trip for 25c. ; St Marv‘s R. C. Church, Mt Farest, 1‘ "'('j-fi/_ bold their annual picnic on Thursday, \{ ;:4, ‘x June 19. on the Church Grounds, Mt.l neJ tm Fovrest. . Hon, F. R. Latchford, Min. of | ‘/mfi i Public Works, and Mr. J. P. Downey, | f{\:?\af:’»?".’{\ o Guelph are among the speakers of the | "\\"'\,,’\" 4,/,);1,{,”‘/}; occasion,. _ Admission to grounds 25c. _ | ‘\ %{fi 3 !/Z\’ J j Tur LatEk Davin MoRICE.â€" Last | \, \ "; P "'“_E?é‘: week the family of Mr. John Morice, | tR&t® . \y es s Normanby received the sad news from ; ":i\;l‘(*‘i.;_\\ (;5 ::;'523 Nelson. B. C. that their son and brother ; «& ("',“ \\Qj,; David had died on June 2. â€" The cause is | Q\ }*‘i’f.{ j fi'}\ said to be consumption though it is eTo \\} /;} singular that strong and rugged last | t 7 # \ December he should so soon sutcumb, | \4 He was doing well in the West where| Q’:e»:a-) he had been for 18 years, and leaves as : ‘ chief mourners, a wife and one son :\ged" FTFor Ease, Comfort, 7 years, besides his parents, brothers| +4+ and sisters here. His mother we regretf Durablhty and to say is very ill and her recovery is Sty]e wear not expected. We sympathize with\' the family in the bereavement they | 6, y) / Jb have sustained. | fie ce 0€. Low Shoes with toeâ€"cap and good! | heavyy soles for 75¢ at Grant s. | +~ T5 aTmMTOmMm DT3 Oxe or Our Bovs,.â€"A recent issue of | the Wanatah Ind., Mirror has a writeâ€"| up of the principal men of the lownl among which we are pleased to find the | following notice of an old Varney boy,. To be a successful physician one must be possessed of certain natural abilities which are not allotted to all men,. He' must have unusual soundness of judgeâ€" mert, keen insight, and the faculty of, always doing the right thing at the right timg and undsr all circumstances. A man who possesses thes» qualificaâ€" tions is Dr. Geo. M. Leeson. Dr. Leeson is a graduate of the Detroit College of Medicine, and is thoroughly versed in all the modern theories and practices of the profession. He began here seven years ago and by untiring endeavor and close study he has perfected himâ€" self for his work and is winning a success that is commendable, and causes much gratification to his many friends. Dr. Leeson is known in all circles for his reliability and high standing as a man." Strayed from the premises of the undersigned Lot 5, Cou. 15, Egremont, about hfay 20th last, 6 head of yearling cattle, 4 Ted steers, with a few small white spots, one black heifer, the other heifer mostly red and largest of the group. Information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. VALEXNTINE ALLEs, Prop. Holstein P. 0. Strayed Cattle. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. REcovxts.â€"These have been taking ; | place now for a week or more and. so lNDUG“(}“ Ml HO‘.SI[IH- ' far no change has been made in the ; i |result, though majorities have moved | 1 i 4 up and down. The closest shave was in Re' Jm) ume |s m)' Pusml 0‘ |Lennox, where Madole‘s majority of 2| P * was wiped out and the Returning offiâ€" / gQLSTEIN and FAIRBAIRN concaac-\ cer . decided in his. fayor. Bu.rlwr‘sl ATIONS. ‘ ‘recount in Halton has increased his | ruaideiinenisices majority, | The goyernment stands still| â€" Thupsday last was a redâ€"letter day for |8 ahead. 50 Liberals, 47 Conservatives| Holstein and Fairbairn Presbyterians, and one seat, N. Renfrew, which elected | for after a long vacancy with its anxiâ€" ‘the Liberal, Munro, by 429 majority.|eties and uncertainties, the congregaâ€" | vacant by death,. â€"Monteith, (Con) N. tions were again placed under a settled Perth, has been able to hold kis majoriâ€" ‘ pastorate, and:placed most happily too, ty of 2 on the recount. N. Grey is in for we understand there was absolute |progress as we write and unless the| unanimity in the choice, an occurcence ‘Conservatives gain this seat â€" on the as rare as it is desirable. recount, it would seem to be cermin; The choice fell upon Rev. Jno. Little, that we will have Liberal government late of OChatsworth and formerly of for four years more. | Dornoch and Rocky Saugeen. i Later,â€"We dearn by wire as , 4o to press that N. Grey recount over â€" and â€" McKay‘sâ€" majority reduced to 5. to | MOUEL FARM AND AGRICULTURAL | COLLEGE. GUELPH, WILL BE HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF TRE S. Grey Farmers‘ Institute on Wednesday June 25, 1902. _ | The excursion will start by regular morning trains from the following (Grand Trunk Stations, and Tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip, leavicg Guelph at 5,45 j THE FARM. _ ALL AREINVITED and should take this opportunity of visiting the Farm, \ which, in all its different departments, lis well worthy ot a visit. Bring your \ wives and daughters and givye them a {pleasant and profitable holiday. ~JAS. ALLAN, GEO. BINNIE, Honor GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. $ Tfi A LARGE AND GRAND ASSORTâ€" : MENT TO CHOOSE FROM. Great bargains in Trimmed Milâ€" linery. Our Large Stock of Trimâ€" med HATS and BONNETS must go at very reduced prices. For the remainder of the season we offer special prices in TRIMMED HATS, BONNETS, CHILDREN‘S HATS, SAILORS and READYâ€"TOâ€"WEARS. DENTISTRY. GMAND HGURSION \fi PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. MRISS DCA eUinery /,;;4, g‘e-.\--! id L l rams e es oA y L&tfl’?\ ..'I'F.L‘â€"‘Th m 1 we 18 18 | not only to gather but to build up, to be | the helper and the guide of his peo )le @ | in their devotions, but though a lllL‘l' o and leader was yet to be a steward and x bishop or elder. The old testament 12 s neP e‘ l 2t CNZ .. zues mr. Little was eminently successful in both his pastorates and gathered around him a wealth of warmth and good feeling that made separation a very trying affair. During the few years he was in . Chaitsworth, he was Jargely instrumental in lifting a heavy debt on the church there and so encouraging was his pastorate that they erected a manse second to none in the country. There is reason to belieye that spiritual growth kept ,ace with temporal progress, and it seems to haye been no "principle of ease" or financial con" sideration, but the straight call of duty that led Rey. Mr. Little to leaye his good friends in Chatsworth and accept the call to Holstein and Fairbairn. The day was a delightful one, warm but not hot, sunny sky, roads dustless and consequently the attendance was good, there being no fewer than 14 present from Durham in addition to Rev. and. Mrs. Fargharson, while Dromore, Yeovil and other paints in the township sent contingents. The con. gregation of Fairbairn of course was well represented, and other denominaâ€" tions were also in evidence. Mt Forest also sent a number. The old guard of Egremont Presbyâ€" terians were delighted to find among the visiting ministers the venerable Rev. John Morrison of Cedarville, who t The Services. Rey. Mr. Aull preached the sermon and took for his text "Be ye steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord, &o., and very clearly and ably set forth the advantages to individuals in every walk of lite, in holding fast to that which was good and urging that the persistence and enthusiâ€" asim exhibited in . temporal matters, be carried out in things spivritual, _ The disadvantagesâ€"if no worseâ€"of a wavyâ€" ering adherence to church and Christian life and doctrine. of fitful attendance at \the mears of grace, &c., were admirabâ€" ly pointed ont. _ _Rev. Mr. Kendall. who presided for the day. then rebearsed the steps taken officially, to supKIy the vacancy, and after putting to the new pastor the set | of questions authorized for such occaâ€" | sions, and receiving satisfactory ansâ€" | wers be declared "n the name of the \Lord Jesus Christ and of Saugeen ; Presbytery* Reyv. Jno. Littledaly I inducted to the charges of Holstein and | Fairbairn. i â€" Rev. Mr. Farquharson‘s duty was to i â€" Rev. Mr. Farquharson‘s duty was to |\ address the minister, and after disâ€" ‘( claiming any thought of superiority by \one minister oyer another on these | occasious, he dwelt on the features of a | "Call," showing thay a divine as well as | human guidance entered into the tranâ€" ‘ sactioun. â€"The duty of the minister was EV ommc p TWs (HB 7 type was a high dignitary, the new testament idea of the minmstry was one of service, illustrated by OUhrist washâ€" ing his disciples‘ feet. He read, and drew many wholesome lessons from. extracts from the Confession of Faith regarding the threefold work of leading devotions, preaching the word and pastoral care. _ He recommended honâ€" esty in expression of statement and reâ€" membering that others have convieâ€" tions, learn to work with them in harmony, to trust and to honor all. Rev, Mr. Reid addressed the congreâ€" gation and read the call as a reminder of what they had promised. He gave an interesting reminiscence of college days with their new f“m' when he was known as "Godly Johnnie Little." He reminded them a pastor needed encouragement,. for he sometimes had ~ONTARIO ARCHIvEs TORONTO Continued on Page 8. LV [R :t Sevecelscelecolozelecelecelecelenalanolan olocole=eluun Bffe@olocoln «alowe is welas o on oae alew alemie es oa" a) TL oermien m mermneine s e t NeWe ontiis m o m e on oo en in t "wh |eZeleColeCelo@olo@olsnolocelns elanelooleCe ncelanele e e Ca weale Cale CaleCe le C ols ols "ell dedlecelacelieCale e YE NB 19 Te ie in i9 on 98 1e 1e in ie i8 imyamanananseanaearys nhar ws hK n V., &. d I WeKchnic. alils mt f=lled Sn tNTs ks Li Lé id L 24 "r sills 3B " CROCKERY MILLINERY : : TRILIMMEQD HHATS 97 piece Dinner Set, in & 10 piece, A big lot of Glassware to choose from at 25¢. each. see our stock. aoldip is t dA de aa in an ve in anan n Rmean oo 347 piece Tea & We are going to start very early this season to reduce our Stock of MILLINERY. To do this we are going to sell all our at greatly reduced prices. Flowers and other Summer Trimmings are going to share in this general reduction. You‘ll find the Prices alâ€" most too good to be true, but they are true just the same. _ Some one is going to get these bargains, why not you. For the convenience of our customers we have brought down from the Millinery Deâ€" partment sufficient to make a good display on the ground floor. See them when in. Remember the place Lk A Sames Sretand Toilet Set in beautiful colors, regular price $ THE POPULA®P? CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Set infa rich pattern, valuciat $5 Set, in a very dainty pattern, 1 regular value is}$15.00, our price Sas, Sretand Eeeducing Time. CROCKERY $12.00 $4.50 RERADYâ€"TOâ€"TWREAIRS $3.50 LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand and CHAS RAMAGE, Prixter axpo Posusn®er WeR echnie, \ lined with guilt, $6.00 our price Come in and our price / ie L 24

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