West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jun 1902, p. 4

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‘ogh ks No change has taken place as a reâ€" sult of the recounts, except a variation in the majorities. The government bhas carried 51 Liberal seats, the opposition 47. Appeals from the judge‘s recounts have been taken in 3 places: Lennox where ihe recount resnfted as a tie, N. Grey, with a Liberal majority of 1 or 5 according as 4 rejected ballots are, or are not counted for Boyd, and in E. Middlesex. The situation in N. Grey has called | A CONKeYy, of iNonysP"" > "" 0 "no 41. torth some strong langnage and the last in church. We presume he inâ€" Toronto World was actually inciting tepds to stay for a few weeks with rebellion ore day by talking "shotgun | friends in this part. Mr Robt Conkey clubs:" that is, one half of the electorâ€" | is keeping poorly and not much hopes ate should get ready to ‘ire into the of him getting better. s other half, who are supposedly, all enâ€" | Alex MeFachern lost eight sheep gaged in scheming to thwart the will | and six lambs by lightning on Monday of the people by tampering with the | evening the 2nd June. Miss Christina ballots. Fortunately for Ontario, the | McDonald had a narrow escape as she wild allegations of World, News, etc., I wasdriving by at the time the sheep are not taken seriously outside of the | were struck. country, or cur national credit would | _ Rev Mr Matheson is away at Toronâ€" be gone. | to during the last week fattending the That there was irregularity at one | Assembly. A gentleman wearing a poll in N. Grey seems assured . The ' black necktic, from Flesherton, vccuâ€" returning officer or his assistants missâ€" | pied the Presbyterian Pulpit last ed sending an enyelope for the ballots | Sunday. in one of their 54 bundles, the ballots Commissioner John MeArthar will be at the close of the }"'“ were put back ] going to Owen Sound â€" next week in the box loose, and on top cf them | to attend County Council. '.ht' Uth‘cl' St.a“(fll(,'r.\'. ete, were I)il(.‘d. ReV M!‘ Val‘ley, Ot the Lle‘hodist It was in this box that 4 ballots markâ€" | Chureh, is away at Conference this and ed for Boyd were rejected by JAd&® | jas; week. Mr John Ferguason, of Morrison, because they bore $MAIl | progop, occupied his pulpit for the last erosses in MacKay‘s compartment ne&r | gwo Sundays. e aoe e : use y | ,_ Mrs James Stonehouse, | of Durham, These four small crosses were UunODâ€" | ;« visitin« at N MeCannel‘s and other These four small crosses were unobâ€" seryed on the night of polling, and on the first going oyer before the judge, two of them were unnoticed, a second overhbauling revealing the other two. Now if alert and expert agents, at a recoant, missed two of them how easily all might have been missed on the eâ€" lection night, where only two men saw them. This is the claim of those who say the vallots were sporled by the voters. _ The other claim is that at some time between the close of the poll and the recount the four small crosses were made, and made with a rascally purpose. If this can be proved,â€"and the government has appointed Aemelius Irving, K C.. to make a searching investigationâ€"then punishment should tollow, no matter whothe eulprit, but that the whole liberal party should be branded as evildoers on what can only be the work of one, or of a clique, is preposterous. We say fearlessly, and true liberals everywhere w.ll agree, that not to retain N. Grey, or even to keep the Ross Government in power, would we condone ballot switching of any kind. It is not yet proved however, MacKay has one majority in any case, and that on the declaration of a fairminded judge. Grey axp Brvor Barrists.â€"A very successful Annual Meeting of the Owen Sound Association of Baptist Churches was held at Strathavon on the 10th, lith and 12th inst. Thirty churches with more than 1600 members comprise the association. _ Rev. Jas. Dessan, Leith, was appointed Moderator, Rev. Tns Grexserar AsseExBuy. â€" This great Presbyterian body has been meeting in Toronto for a week and some very important work was before it. Overshadowing all is the necessity for meeting the demands of the great west with its vast inflowing population, and in place of the late Dr. Robertson two Synod superintendents will be apâ€" ‘inted with another official as General r“ield Secretary. The address of the retiring Moderator Dr. Warden was a masterly array of vital statistics. The million dellar fund was a great succoss and the work it seems is not likely to suffer so much from lack of money as of men, of late years a falling off in this respect being noticeable. The year has been notable for the death of many eminent men. â€" Prof. Bryce of Winnipeg is the new Moderator, a man with over W years‘ experience in the work of the West. G. 1. Burns was reappointed Clerk. An interesting feature of this ll»eeLinf was the presence of Miss Priest of India, who has been a missionary there for 8 yeare. Important pavrs were read and discussed. Rey, W. L. Newton, of Durham, taking * Evangelistic Work." Rey, J. ONeill of Paisley, addressed a large audience on Wednesday evening on * The Referendum and the Liquor Act of 1902" expressing himself as quite satisfied with the Act under the cireumâ€" stances and urging support for it, Mrs. M. P. Campbell, Mulock, presided over the Women‘s session, and Mrs. Newton of Durham, was among those who contributed to the musical part. â€"Col. Arthur Lynch elected M. P« tor Galway, and who was traitor e nough to fight with the Boers, was cleverly arrested while landing at Newhbaven last week and will be tried for high treason. * â€"De Wes has been making a loyal speech to his countrymen telling them that as a Christian people God now deâ€" mands fidelity to the new government. â€"The Peace settlement has turned the Boers bitterly against France and Germany, whose experted aid was leaned upon almost to the last. â€"BotD@, ge;arey. De Wet axd othâ€" ers are com to Eunrope in August. The like bhas been that if they visit England they will be feted. â€"Kruger, in Holland hss taken the Transvaal colors down from his resiâ€" dence, no doubt by pressure from the Dutch government. â€"A secret emergency door is being made in Westminster Abbey, known only to King and Queen and a few would be safte. (CHURCHES SIADING 0t T8E PMItEs. a panic Majesty Lots of rain this summer which suits well in some parts of Glenelg and Artemesia. â€" At this season of the %ear crops are looking fairly good. ay crop will be up to the average. Fall wheat is beading out. Thistles are doing well too, so is potato bugs. Postmaster N McKinnon is in Owen Sound at present on business. 7 Mrs James Stonehouse, of Durham, is visiting at N MceCannel‘s and other friends this week. John MeInnes left for Calgary on Wednesday the 11th inst with a car load of steers and colts tor Mr Shaunnon, his brotherâ€"inâ€"law. We sa w the smiling tace of Dr John A Conkey, of Indianapolis, on Sunday last in church. We presume he inâ€" tends to stay for a ftew weeks with friends in this part. Mr Robt Conkey is keeping poorly and not much hopes of him getting better. Mrs Dixon, of Walkerton, Dr. Dixâ€" on‘s mother, visited her son, the Dr., for a few days last week. We bardly know what to write this week. Everybody is busy yet attendâ€" ing to duties that eannot be avoided. Mr Matthew Conkey, of Bowmanâ€" ville, was up for a day seeing his broâ€" ther Robert. who is ill with cancer. Mr Arch McCuaig sold a ten mont‘ colt to John Melunes for the nice sum of $84 and another for $70. _ It pays to raise colts nowadays. Mr Allan MeKisnon was out with his son Dan at Farewell for a week helpâ€" ing him to do some work. A monster picnic is spoken of in eonnection with A. O. U. W. Lodge 140 Priceville sometime early in July, but not decided on yet. Further noâ€" tice will be given. The Lantern views shown by Rev Mr Atkinson, of Toronto, in the Presâ€" byterian Church recently were excelâ€" lent. Communion in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday the 29th June at eleven o‘clock. Preparatory service on Friday morning at eleyen o‘clock. Mrs Thos Fisher is visiting friends at Noblcion, Township of King, this week. Mr Allan McDougal), an old Priceâ€" viile boy, of Fort William, visited friends in this part and while down bought a few horses to take with him. A few from the south line attended Miss McCannel‘s picnic at Varney on Friday last and say it was a good one. ‘The basement of the Presbyterian Church was painted lately by the members of the Sabbath School. _ The work was done by Mr Dazell, of Markâ€" dale at a cost of $90. . A reopening will take place on the evening of June th. Admission, 5 and 10 cts. Miss Leeson visited her old school at Top Cliff one day last week. She was accompanied by her mother, to Mr Chislest‘s. Miss Leeson is always welâ€" comed by her old triends whereyer she goes. ORANGE HILL. * Intended for last week Miss Katio Clark and her sister Mary passed through here on their way to see their fa ther who is very low, but we trust he may soon be sround again. _ Everybody busy at turnips. lots of rai and good hay. ®* baits Many of our young people went to Dromore Church Sunday nil:ht to hear Rev Mr Little. wr N Clark is very lowat time of writâ€" ing. but there is -3] hope. l The Arch meeting on Fnday night in 1136 was well attended. Miss Ida Lester, of Dromore, is visiting friends here, and is always a welcome gunest. The new road grader does good work and the merits of the various teams are much in dispute. Mr J Lester Miss B Lothian. Mr H Stern and Miss Renton called on friends here one night recently. Misses Katie and Mary Clark visited friends at Orange Hill. Mr S Kinnel, we are pleased to see is able to be about again. Miss Lamont. of Nobletown, visited Mrs J L Ferguson and other friends in Maple Park. A heavy thunderstorm passed over this district. Lightning struck Alex McLean‘s house, giving it a bad shaking up. Mrs McLean got a sheck but is allt rigbt again. _ However it was too close for comfort. (This Week‘s Budget.) Miss A McFadgen returned to the city after a short stay at home and some one will be lonely. Mr S Kimmnell has invested in a new bugey and Willie thinks he is all right. M;flé McMillan bas a new democrat. Mr Angas Fergason, biacksmith of Cedarville. Sundayed at home. Angus would like to join a British troop. Miss Katie McLean returned Lkome from the city. She thinks the country is all right for a while. K t EBEE PRICEVILLE. } Davisâ€"McMillanâ€"That Byâ€"law No. 1 419, be now read a third time, signed, + by The council met May 26, and organiz: ed as a Court of Revision. All the memâ€" bers present, esch being sworn, cook their seats. Mr. McFadden was voted to the chair. Appeals were heard and the assessment Roll was changed as follows ; In the Appeals of W. N. McDonald and Alexander McCabe, the Assessor was sustained, in appeal of Archibald Mcâ€" Cuaig his lot 838, con.2, 8. D. R. was reduced to $3850. Thos. E. Sullivan was assessed as part owner of Lot 28, con. 6. Jobhn McArthur was assessed as owner for lot 3 ct 6, con. 1, E. G. K. Wm. Smart‘s assessment was reduced $25. Geo. Castle was assessed as occupant of lot 3 of 6, con. 1, E. G. K. John Hogan, James Dockerty and Louise Polock was put on roll under the Manhood Franchise Act. on water course re Barry and Priel ; From Thos. Campbell relating to roads ; from Sawyer Massey Co., relating to road Machinery ; from Miss M. E. Hunter re Elizabeth Wise ; from Thos. Dayis report re drain at lots 49, 5o and 51, con. 3, E. G. Melonisâ€"McMillanâ€"Tuat this council do not consider ourselyes justified in interfering in the dispute between John Barry and John Priel, unless said parties wovuld first put up the expenses of a survey, and that such expenses wou!ld probably amount to $25, and that the Clerk notify the parties to that effect. Carried. McMillan â€" Mclonis â€" That Malcolm Mclonis be appointed pathmaster in Division No. 28, instead of John Mclnnis. Carried. Davisâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That Chas. and William Boyle be remoyed from Polling Subdiyision No. 4, and added to Polling Division Nou. 3.â€"Carmed. Davisâ€"MeMillanâ€"That I. B, Lucas of Markdale be and is hereby appointed solicitor for the Township of g‘l)enolg without salary, and that the clerk prepare Byâ€"law confirming the appointment.â€" Carried. d y Byâ€"Laws, Nos. 418 re statute Labor and 410, re uppointing Tp. solicitor was introduced ard read a first and second McMillanâ€"Mclnoisâ€"That Byâ€"law No. 418, be now read a third time, signed, sealed, and engrossed on Byâ€"Law Book.â€"â€" granted to each ward for the repairin roads for 1902.â€"Carried. * P After Court of Revision, the Council met for general business. All the members present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmâ€" ed. Communications read as follows : Fiom the reeye and Mr. MclInnis report The Roll as so amended was passed and on motion of Mr. Davis and Mr. McMillan was ordered to be certified to by the Clerk, and the Court adjourned. forpstpnrqreyeienricsmarey enoimiifaeesttmreicaritits ‘Jllg" "t‘ ar rififi?fifi*fijfimh I'r“n"l-*:u patmales tea‘ra‘ Lr'% -Fâ€"I“H r"lh""flJ Paipaeatr 4 *4 / * + * a~ a & o mes ons tant allh Ponntarmer hoh (Wy veerdveevee=vcecveccs : Town Hall Glenelg, May, 26, 1902. McMillanâ€"Mclnnisâ€"That $200 be THE DURHAM REVIEW SUMMER ‘The season is advancing. _ Already we are clearing our Summer Millinery though, to be sure, there still remains six weeks of the season. However for the we make a noteworthy reduction on 40 Trimmed Hats, all of the latest summer styles. â€" These we will sell at from 75¢ to $4.00. Please call and see them. Pretty Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Hats at half price. 30 Sailors ranging from 3:e to 5oe for 25¢ 35 Sailors, regular 75¢, 85c and $1.00 for 50c > Glenelg Council. NEXT 30 DAYS CASH and ONE PRICE . 4A HWlortock. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Reeve, committee re townline G.and A. $2.00 ; Mr., MeMillan Com. re Towline G. and A. $2.00 ; The Reeve committee re Priel and Barry dispute $2 00 ; Wm. Mcâ€" Iunis commitie Priel and Barry despute $2.c0 ; The clerk on salary ; $20, ; The clerk conveyancing re Road allowance, $5.00 ; The clerk commission on P. O. orders, 55 cts. The council adjourned to July 5th at 1o. a, m. sealed and engrossed on Byâ€"law Book,â€" Carried. A Lifeâ€"long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this counâ€" ty, has given us an experience of its requirements which we are confiâ€" dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with confidence for a share of their patronage. We just mention this week that we have secured the agency for the Owen Sound Gen..Hospital for Miss Wise, $60 ; Tha Reeve expenses re Elizabeth Wise. $6.40 ; Alexander Bell, assessor bal. on salary, $35 ; Patrick Fogarty, wood for hall $1.50 ; R. E. English, refund of taxes paid on Goy. Lands $13.74 ; Thos. Bell, for benefit of Mrs. Yaugban. $4, ; John Barry, gravel, for roads in 19ol, $3.00 ; A. C. Beaton, repair of culvert lot 10, con. $1,00 ; The MeMillanâ€"Dayis â€"That the clerk subâ€" mit the special auditor‘s report to the township solicitor in order to get his opimmion as to whetherâ€"under all the circumstances of the case,â€"the municiâ€" pality bas any moral or legal claim against the exâ€"Treasurer for interest on Moneys occasionally placed in " Standard Bank " during the years 1888 to 1902 as suggestâ€" ed by â€" the special ~auditor â€"Carried. Orders ou ‘Treasunrer wore issued as follows : NEVY _ Implement Agency _ Peter Hamilton Goods A. B. M°ARTHUR Call and let us explain its merits. Wait a few days for our BUGGIES. geared from both wheels, making it the most desirable drill in the market aund call special attention to the new LEADER DRILL & 8. Buack, Clerk. ) ho na Nohoue 3. Jiret eperieg Naptrtann iss ced s ic Karth has lost her, heaven has gained } Jesus has done all things well.," And we pray that all her comrades, __ Parents, brother, sisters all "Oh "11 miss her and _@Bflh;ozh_l; hearts alone â€" And all evil paths to shun, Then if here be griev .Onmm.!othn'ug:m " Sadder still to part forever Sadder than the soul can dream, But we hope to meet our Mabel But we hope to meet our Mabel Onthnh?pygoldenlbae In that land of peace and giory | _ _ Who will miss her more than all, And we pray that God‘s rich blessings Rest upon them one and all, Oh ! it was a solemn warning * To the young folks of our land _ ___ As we know not, death will come. Warning us to seek forgiveness Bhowing us that young in&"lidg?fu”’_ 1 '38 before dg.th’l icy han Bhow ing that in such an hour Come to us for Wingow Shades. Every kind of financial businees transacâ€" ted. _Yo Dlace Dike Jfome Druggists and Booksellers. Oh death, oh cruel cruel death To enter in her home And snatch our loved one from our midst And leave us here to mourn, Then keep her blessed Jesus, Our secret treasure kce)n Till we like to this happy friend _ In death shall fall asleep., _ Death with ail his solemn warnings And his cold and icy hand Snatched away without a waming, One, the fairest of our land, She was loved by all who knew her, In the mansion or the cot And her memory still will cheer us Never shall she be forgot. Neer -fi‘fin her voice shall charm us In the cottage on the hill ; XNe‘er ;finln they‘ll hear her footfalls While with joy their hearts did fill, Never shall her presence thrill us __ _ Where her footsteps used to roam ; Bo our sympathy we send it _ _ _ To her sorrowing friends at home. Bhe has got true loving parents, _ MONEY 1O LEND,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" IN MEMUORY OF MABEL CAMERON Who died suddenly May 11ith, 1902. She has only "gone Composed by her cousin Address,â€"H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanover, Ont. when brightened up with some of our ARTISTIC WALL PAPERâ€" for a mere trifle too, Bring us the size of your rooms and let us show you how cheaply it can be done. A few more remnants left at a sacrifice. mACFARLANE & CO. 11 miss her and how % . J. McM1LuRE, s PA [ & \ We have in stock a number oi [GREENWOOD â€" SPIRIT stPovEs | Every family, should have one as it i: \the cheapest article of the kind | manufactured. P rice 45 ots, premises to surrendered, so that there were more ot them than the British estimated. â€"""~ , 700 property, near Drom?te. M%Mmmflm This week‘s shipments consist oi HARVEST TOOLS, TURNIP HoOES HORSE POKES, SCYTHES, BIRD CAGES, STRAINERS and MILKIXNG PAILS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, WASHING MACHINES, CHURXS. PAINT and SCRUB BRUSHES, HANXD LAMPS and BUGGY MATS. BARGLAY & NOBLE Dloughsâ€" Sfarrows Soufflers ADAMS waGgGoxs TOLTON‘S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, Pianos & Organs PROVEN Hay Fork JUNE 19, 1902 CALL and EXAMINE our vester Drill with steel wire conductors, Putt -Cinf of Waxwett now stocked up with MAXWELL & COCKSHUTT Farm For Sale. BARGLAY & NOBLE 16,500 Boers have already Best of its kind W. BLACK. Wax. BELL, Dromore. mous Sylâ€" our â€" faâ€" on the 2x and 81 want a new 2C TWEED GROSE We OSX &4 888 % We can Our SEHNG Salada C H« W 4 Table RIGHI C NCX l)nl B 4 44 % $( 6'/,1':! an Lower HE SELLS CHEAP ! Jak JA K FO DRY (H( moTs Of be mal In X 10 kt G wear 20 TW propet greate Distor or fail a terr Mat In 14 ranted t solid Go but Lower W Repa JU Oil C‘l4 LAD W uL TD M CÂ¥

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