West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1902, p. 9

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June 23h. 1m At the close of the meeting. another interesting incident took lace being the presentation of the 'u1Ti',d ad. dress to Mr. Wm Ramage, which was read by Mr. w. L. Dix on. You are renunly one of the most liberti- minded. good hearted nod [>1in of men and we sum-ad t'l,l/l'llU1'l you not,“ your :ht?N,t'dl? min waking?" evil Ttut,',',',','.". " npeer .youmyw new um and my world ho 'JM',Pli'lil that welcome plaadit "We" done," and enter Into an: nu att?"'""" to m “I. at the - t g . Mr. Range replied by thanking them an very wetme for tho unexpected gift so kindly given. He had found it no great trouble In what he had done to merit such recognition. Bad derived pleasure as most everyone does from musjc, nag tuving an additional Pleat -'.mh' for the musical tninln of the on poo 1e Ur th'snt'ighborhood; ttmt, ft: teachinxngte Rl', .t‘nl " xntrr class: 3nd since that time. in training m choir to Ame together in the mouth Service:- uul nu otlwr occasions. Wtstnke this opportunity to thank you most " artily, because you one ever ready to out“ on A No nunire the services of font very superior vmhlmll talents '. and portion any become you uix 0 your twssistance. free of charge. to all, m- y» of creed or other distinctions-. Our utmost wish is that you my long be ,iesrtul to cheer the world with song an help your w-Ilow citizensitt the future a TI Inn done in me In»: and in order took: you blips on occa- mum] rest from our nations and hoe-ant was " e hue "maid this on: chair for you'll and thig rocking choir tor ny 1'rgtu,tnr2, We and welsh thntyoo "ll don-the var to wept unhemuo mu token of our -einttoet M your kind services. MttttedoetttettaHoftttott- moh- uulthemchoh. are in'redizing the tieGirGGiGGiia Irn "tttrutulttittettt was held recently ‘21 rin- l‘Ilu-m-zc-r which way not, the mid (ll. the mum}- good ones there. \lnw-_ n-cilntmn“ and readings Were JIM-H by thc (-lmir. the scholars .nnd him . Maw. Vario-y gave a reading .unl Iii-r. Mr. Valley two solos. Mr. IN III ilattctu,r" gave a couple of patriotic “with. The choir. Wllll Miss Minnie lint-perm the organ. acquitted them. stslvts very nicely, hut a lecture by Rev Wray It Smith of Durham. was the feature of the evening. His cleverly drawnpicturei. when Inverted repre- wntmg something else. together with his humorous remarks and apt running minim-ms contributed much to the Inc- tests of the, meeting. which was under the able chairmanship of Mr. Alfred Tucker. Proceeds about 811.0). Concert. Address and Presentation. ADDRESS. , Mr. Wm. W. Ramayana”. Ebenezer Choir. [mu Mr. Rum“. We cannot close this meeting without waging rtt.erence.toAte.e?mtt _rftuets you hate JG, dware tDepartment, N F] W BIDUSES if»: J. A. III CNrrFIIt 'tihis Jlare closes every even/ivy at 6 tft Wednesday: ana Jalurdays. R Id DI 'ATI Ps SIIG A R..t.t.tF.6.t: es just arrived. They will go as $2 25 Prices 01.25, 300 yds Fancy Dress Goods at 5c per Y' Men's Half Hose, 3 pr. for Mc. Man's $10.00 Suits Clothing 86.oo Mvn's 50c Summer Caps 15c each. 20 Pairs Men‘s Blue Overalls, reg. 50c ( fast as the first lot, so be on time. Another New Lot of Ladies' Blous- NORTH EGRILMONT. SUMI‘Z Sl'l'X‘lAl. BARGAINS IN IMIe'F'Falx'rDiiri, DFll'AIx"P3rICNTS BUTTER, EMS, 0R WOOL TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR ALL GOODS. ALWAYS BOY THE SLATER SHOE. PRICE $3.50 ' $5.00. Another New Stock of Robertson's R Hardware are advancing. Buy now if Best Canadian Cement in Sacks or Bbls. Dont buy any other when you can get this famous and best SUGAR at 83 90 per 100 lbs in barrel lots and $4.00 in Single hundred pound lots. We have sold a big lot out of our last car, but have about 20 BBLS left at these prices. Our next Car will have to be sold at a higher price because Sugar is up since we bought. Mum: Moore.. Inn L. Duos. 1*.qu WILL. In" rout. TRUNK S6:6t $1.50 Such a nice lot of New Ones just in. VALISES too. The latest style of TRUNK is the flat top Trunk with heavy lock and strap. We havea specially nice one at 94.25. A l l, HUNTER. and :. SHOITHOIN BULLS FOR SALE. Four young bulls from 12 to so months old. two reds and two roatts-ehoiee breeding. II. PARKER, Durham. ' A reception to Mr. and Mrs. Jas I Laughton was;held on Monday evening lat the home of his mother, Mrs. T. Laughton. when a large number of friends and neighbors to upward of50 ' met, to wish them a prosperous and hap- ivy voyage through life. The evening .was spent In games and music. At the close, a speec was made by Dr. Sheath expressive of the whole audienee'g de- sire for the future good health and prosperity of them hon . This was sec- 'o_nded by Mr. Jae Coleridge in a few well chosen remarks. and carried with honors very heartily and unanimously. Auld Lang let brought to a close a very 'elgtf e, evening and at the some time us ered in daylight. Miss E. Booth and Mr. Roht Taylor, Holstein, were present. in new tunes dev eloning before one. He had also found the choir. like all his choirs. agreeable and sociable and ready and Willi g to take any suggestions he I had to mam To know that his services Iwere appreciated was a great, recom- i pen-w in itself, and he was thankful to i learn from the address. though some- . what overdrawn. that ”WK were. He athnn ked them also for t eir kind re- ;nwmbrance of and ref erenres m Mrs ‘ Haulage. Mr Val Pfeffer, who has been ser. iously ill with pleurisy and pneumonia is Improving alowly, sad is ltill very wank. Quite I number from here took " untege of laat week's excurlionl to Guelph end Owen Bound, Mia M, Buntigsn in this week risit. ing friends nou- aithted. Scturdcy. the a, not for the pianist woo duh cud niny. Towcrdc noon however it elected up and although it won cold c Inge crowd authored which showed had the wccthct been foyonhlc yhct c largo gathering it would hove Mr Geo Young and Miss Bella Nichol returned to 0 Sound after spend- ing I short time with relatives here. Miss Maggie Whiteford, who has been visiting in Mach. returned home last week Us THE Slt'K LrsT.-Mrs. 5. Tucker, hut improving, Miss Martha Hornsby again very soorly. Mrs. Weatherhead, at Present. omiciled at Mr, DMcKel- vie's, ill with some form of kidney trouble, Dr. Sheath in attendance. 3ocil at Robertson's Ready-Mixed Paints Jertson's Ready-Mixed Paints. Many Lines in Buy now if you require any Building Materials. HAMPDEN. " Men 's 75c Shirts for 33c. Men's Working Shirts, Collar attached 25c. 300 yds Extra Wide Flannellette, reg. we at 7c a yd. Large Baskctfull of Ladies' Shoes, reg. $1.25, $1.50 & $2,oo at 75c a pr. POWDERED JELLIES . it. er--a Desert for you in 3 min- tttes--No trouble-any flavor you wish. A child can make The very thing for Hot weath- J EM JARSet.t Marntrre- Durant - That foregoing report be adopted end Com'r Mickleboro be paid 01.00 feee. Carried. The committee nppointed to investiaete a: deyietione to evoid building .'llild end cutting bills reported on fol- low: ..--At rent of lot u, con 8, no change; after exeminina beee lute, con 18-19 re- commend thnt it be surveyed end timber remo led and made fit for travel " noon es practicable ', at gore "A" con 16, that original roedwny be followed and bridge built end hill greded end filled to bridge ; Weirleborougtr-Durant - That tore- aoiug report be adopted and Com'r Me. Intyn main " 60 has. Curried, 2rgtfdr Com'l: Mickloboro that A. Humilton h put . new niling on Dund- Ion'u bridge, bu: line, coat 86.oo. Ihuant---MeFtuHeu - That foregoing report be adopted and Com'r be paid 88 com fees. Carried. Com’r McIntyre reported on road con- tracts :--.H Haw. gravelling 45% rds, lots 25-26, con 17 at tide. 5 ft wide 8 in deep. total $24.70; D McCunnel, taking loge oat of crossway. lot M.26, con 17, 82.00 ; J no Weir. unvelling 4o Ida. lot Mt, con 17- 18, g ft wide, 9 in deep " 43 eta, total 017.20; A McDonIld. remoyinc tree " road 26 eta and 86 loads of gravel. taken Iron: a Haw’e pit. Miekleboro-Darant - That fore; report be adopted and Com'r Melia be paid " for his services. Carried Com’r McFadden reported that grader had been used In bu dxusiou 81 days operated by Jus Smith and that he had warned pathmasters in said dmsion. Com'r Mickleboro reported the bridge at P Muteh's finuhed, covered with rock elm. cost Mo, repairing and tillirut abut- ments 88. Payment recommended to Shiels and Neilson $68. Datant--MiekIebors - That foregoing report be adopted and Com'r McIntyre be paid $4 tor his services therewith. Car. Com'r McIntyre reported that road grader had bean used in division No 2 for 141 days. He had spent 2 days in warn- ing out pathmusters in said division and Jns Smith had operated grader 141 days $1.76 per day. total 025.37 and 95 eta re- pairs. Miekleboro--3reFudden-iat petition presented by J l' McKiunou and 2lt others soliciting grant for 15th sideroad. con 14. 15 that. $20 be granted for gruelling. Carried. MtFtuh1eu-Mtuutyre---That E North, London be paid $66.15 lor culvert tiles, freight to Mt Forest $18, Jno Wilson, unloading the ammo $1.oo. Carried. Council met June PAth proved. Buy your Supply before the berry season opens as there is often a scarcity of these Jars. We have a New Style of Jar in J4 Gal., Quarts & Pints. I. A. HUNTER EGREMONT CO UNCI L. "clack except THE DURHAM REVIEW 'ant - That foregoing and, Com'r McFadden' 17, 82.00; ', 19, con 17- ; cu, total In: tree " Il iuntes ap *2: R. B. Keeler is the only Watehmaker in the County with a Watch Pats tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give mix. faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraved free. tlillmramtt nmmrmnotmm adulation. The guilty is tttte the woch-l; ehbonte the price the lowest in the county. means rich and handsome gifts for Bridal presents and handsome table silver is among the most ac cephble that can be offered. Our tine arr-y of Flat and Hollow Wire Quadruple plate. Pie Knives,' Berry Spoons. Meat Forks and Spoons as well u Water Pitcher: and Ten Sea Ire something to excite admit-non. The nudity is fine the -k-a.g.. A MVELL WED DING Two " Jowolry Stores, DURHAM" HESPELER ONT tu, Peet 5/209. Resolved that the following amen-nuts he paid '.-Cluvs 1latuave, advertism: Court ol Itevcsiou tl.gr, ; [Scene distrilmciug patlitolls 2 days 84 ; Clem do une day 82; E Maple'.oit. gravel 85.0”; G Haw. dc, 91.33: Geo Haw, do, $2.83: Clerk's quarter salary $35 ; an. postage, station. my. six mnnthu $4.50; Juo McDuunld. gravel. 8250; Mrs Taylor, um ut' Halt tio cm; Councillors pay $10. Miekleboro-Dtuant-That we mm ad. journ to meet in Holstein. Friday, August let. Carried. Dmant---Mcrntyre--Tot Com'r Mick- lel-olo be appointed to Inspect the pile driving fur Holstein bridge and see that the old bridge is removed and (“mused of. Carried. at. lot 18. con 6 recommended that the portion of resent deviation along the flats be 'll%'iu"dh'l run along the brow of the lull as it Is impossible to keep the road- bod in [repair by reason of the spring freshers ovmtiowiug it and it would do away with a cattlepass and a large culvert therefore the change should be made. 5lelut.yrts- Durant - That report on pr Th sed deviations we adopted and each Uum'r receive " com. fees. Curried. Daraut---Mielrlelroro-That Com'r Mr- Intyre construct a ditch on 25th sideroad. c -n 21, cost not, to exceed $15.oo. Curried Mtt1utyre--MeFud,ieu - Thu petition of Geo Snell and 21 others asking n grunt to put» railing on kill " lot 22, can 12, resalnnl that. ' the matter he left with the Com’r in that division. Canned. "itleFruldtru--Miekleorot-- That Cmu’rs McIntyre um] Durant be a {committee IO examine L'aster's bridgn can 22 and the blidgeon the la5th alderoud at lots 15-16, con 18 as to the necessity of building now bridges and report at next, meeting. Car. Mieklt,boro---Memuia,u - 'Nat Coarr Melatyre expend $50 on 5th bidet-”ad Letween the 2oth can and the towoliue. Curried. Mtl1tddetr-Dtuaut--TUt this Council gram $20 to improve Eereiuout and Pro- tou towuline trout the 14th 10 the Ssh con to be expended by the reeve. providing: Proton grants nu equivalent. Carried. 'ARro- ARE TORONTO Tor Ease, Comfort, . Durability and Style wear -er re 'esi.-Tar.l k, T .- _ _ ‘. y g:i,iirpi?t,,ttikR1 EttTit fin; ".1, if .ii,,,') that makes your horses glad. In every town} and village ', &' may be hid,4 Lo the , Mica 5 Axle Grease D. ALLAN, Clerk. barn. Good Iron fence in front of lot. For further particulars apply to Rommr MACFABLANE, Durham. or to,D. MACFARLANE, June 4th, 1902. Tnledon, Peel Co. of Lambton 8t.. 1 acre. at present occupied by Wm. irwin. The house u." stories high, built of grout. 3 large moms with hull down stairs, With 15 foot kitchen, good stone cellar aad woodshed with cistern inside. Uptake in house sre four bedrooms with halt. Hudweter well st door. On the pum- ses is s good underground stable and 0N SADDLER BT., 3 DOORS south Our Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down low. It's money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. tif House And Lot For Sale. BINDERS, MOWERS a RAKES, FIRE INSURANCE Organs, Sewing Machines, Cream Separators, Buggies ' Harness). Chums. Washing Machines and Wringers. Everything at rock bottom prices. . MASSEY- HARRIS MACHINES‘OOQQ PLYMOUTH BINDER TWIN 1‘3“”. BICYCLEs‘...{ HARVESTER COMPANY’S MASSEY-HARRIS SHOW ROOMS Wilkinson Plows and Steel Rollers. ' Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & McKee's Carriages. Buck's A's McClary's Stoves & Ranges. . Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. Henry's Harness. Dawswell Chums, Wrinp:ers & Washing Machines. Binder_s. Mowers. Rakes, Scufflera, &c.. are the Vite: 111:6; and best improved make. Call and see WP and to go to work. Done in the Best an Insurance a specialty Farmers who have used this twine know well that it is all good and reliable and pays to buy it. We give any '50 Ontario Maps toathe first' customers who buy our TWINE. Call and get one, it will be well worth your while. New and Second-hand Bicycles for Sale. Bicycles done well and promptly. G. MoKlNNON and Cheapest Companies. Farmers' $0M}; B INV, Hoo, UV. -W;i;;hu.. Butter. huh roll pot lb Bauer. Tub........, Flour...... ... Oatmeal...... Wheat........ Petra........... Barioy........ Cuban”... Lithium"... Drouod Ho“ t .'8r an. ORANGE, n.....ncco.ou on... PURE GOLD g JELLY g P0)llPERs f """-......... """-....... "o-...... ""-......... '0 PC! ib, ......... 1lfll(Elllillf JULY 3, 1902 ""-..... 'uu ."io..o. '-....... mono-.uuo... nocu-uo... l, PC? 'mt 0.000.... 'ououooo. Also repairing Ito 160 460 2 55 72 76 " l4 " " " 10 oo llo 6 " " " 18 2 55 " 41 tw h. VOL. X l'i in l.‘ 'U' Tr as: sa,?,-,? 'Ts _ I"; W142“; , " WI'IIHHN (in Our v MI 'o , W ma ttt

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