West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1902, p. 5

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" Stone profitable to a good King of Hardy, Wm." of your of Toronto oral Coll." rio. Rooms, (Mice. OR. Nor In Purple Kl of Wire you ment, and we kan Steel Wire knee manufac- HAM. md see mt fa- ms Syl- h steel of HARNESS ['BBER, LAP ny description LACK. we sell the READY MIX- no PAINT to “Iggy. Wagon mprovee' rf having the ht prices. & Organs 1902 tin vester DOMING hr 'TORE\ at iF. our Zens nt OBLE are selection ox are selling a l w N M ow EDI Fork WASHING t9A RD and Giant " zoned ICE CH URN f HAM W ho ttt Wt &rietty Paris Sreem, JULY 3,. " 1151.: ' z f; F5 V . - Pr: I 'mr’WJ' Pr,',?",?,')'?,"'" .3 :53 5F.” 7'i.i,.ili,,i' _i,:,':i,sr,a',i"ii(iiiri' g "4il's'f;' _'iit,'ic:j.',; t,iiiii,)ejsw:fji9g 1'ii',ti;rd,i; jj'fii,iiiiE .2 " 23221 #532} 'ti,itfi'ift i'jyii,?ig'iaiisiui' a " r $12.43; ‘3. Ll 2' Li [w', " at, _ :3- .3532 " 'i'vka'l .2 "L, "t'd: 'gd 'fi'iaiil _ "rr. 'r'f"'A'i'kfgi, Breedersof pure bred stock, desir- ous of sending animals to the United States, frequently write me for inform.. elon in regard to the regulations trov- erning the importation of Canadian stock into that country. For the bene- fit at such breeders the following sum- may y ot these regulations is given '.--- a" ", src,d, "fti'ilj.igsp, TI A l M ti f tl l vvul own-I Wal‘l'lll‘l "Hill". In - mum ee In " u- 'mmtv . .7 ' " . . ..' Association met In 0 “Sound m, Tuei. Mr U‘ra Chilly. ','t, Brantford, visited any 24th inst. A reception was given m Mr '1 hos Net 'omlr “' Inst, week. tothe Vishnu: delvxil'w from the mri- A tew of our neighlxms expect to nus uninns. and tysoci"). There war}; amend Mr Alex Alt-rams barn raising ltavtte 'ieJ""t'ent"li.ott ."f thy brcal "yiory at the Itoeky on tho- lst of Julv. They and witloutnRatheritttrot' umnyhlemln k h . fi 1 r d f . the w. C. T. U. hull was vulm'm-mhly now W cram W 9.” mm. tilled. Four pf the "with-Ill. patent“: What “e would live. to know ? were prt"wnt and gave shott mldreuses How the two “mug gentlemen of this Item-ingot! the wmk "r. P". nrgnnizn- hare telt utter getting so badly leit (Inn. and the present. I'.""'!"."' temper- in town Saturday night 'f last week. ”nu-Warn. Humemlmml metrm-nnni Be be I. ' . i bov ' were very acceptably rendered. and a . PT. ""t.Wt"t .""x time y8, ttsi nululuerhy the Musical club helped to gnlsllke -.ridittst lll " buggy hetttw make the evening a pleasant ~ll.’('e~§. than walking. Quite " number from here Lok in the sperm at Holsteio and rt-pnrl, a good time. We are sorry to say this week that Mr Geo Amos. who has been ill tor some time is not Improving wry much. Mr L McDuugall We understand has rented Mr Alex Pullock's larm for a term of tive years. Horsebuyers. from Guelph. were around lwre this week and picked up a number cd good nurses and cattle and paying good prices for them. Mr Alf Inkster, otn/evensham, called on a few "fiends here last week. Mr Jas Lothian is tit ireseiit vuit/nir friends in North Keppel. Uur young people, quite a number of them, Were tmce litet',i'tti, last week. The firutone came on ednes- day 25th, quite a number turned out toenjoy a day on the M. del Farm. but oh t how it rained we have no need to say, so they had to come home disap- pointed and wet. The next came on Friday when all preparations were made to attend a garden party at Priceville, in loot some as far as to have the horse tied at the door, when a messenger comes along and pins n notice over the hills postponed until next Friday the 4th. Just fancy a young mun driving 4 or 5 miles and when he stops at the door of the one wlhse cornfxmy he is going to be hi- vored wit I, when she mm out to receive him. no doubt looking kind of blue to haveto say Will or Jack dear the garden party is postponed We could hardly' blame such an one for saying them Prieeville people must be crazy. However we hope they will monagethinzshetter next time and not disappointso many young and old. J 2k) We_ll Mr. Editor W. C. T. ll. CONVENTION. “a?“ Supplement to DURHAM REVIEW. othe"r (gar town has not A tew of our :wighbors expect to attend Mr Alex Ala-rams barn raising at the Rocky on tho- lst of July. They know where to fiud gr,od mm. Mrs McArthur. nl'tlueGle-n, is laid Up at present with t'luuunrttism. Hope she will soon be amuml "gain. The I‘USV cm ekest buy from Farewell Corners visited triends in uur bare last week. Rev Mr MeGiveor. of Crravenhtnut, gassed thrmurh this part on his way to urham. Mr Alex Bell Jr camc- home fruln the cement works trwliru.r unwell. He leaves this week m visit friends in ( Jeorttetown and Torotuo. A number than thislineattended the garden party in Durham in i'awrot the Baptist Church and report N pleasant time. The hand work was dune in this part last week. Mr Dun McInnes, being patluttester. Work was done in an or- derly way. The pleasure. of thum- who atimulml the Netmiom, Wm murrml hv loathing hut the whllher. um] an we had nu (smuml overthe down murnf lain. we intend to Ko furwan' slrmng‘ha-ueq um! vu- cotttNted. into m.- work which lion :ool'nre nu. n-usling Uh." "tte day it wull u. 4.....A.... " .A_!AI I - ’ _ he crowned with lhe "'tttiet4M for which we are praying. J. E. l, . Press Sum. The room! t. ot' the .-.umnium- cm luliuns Wm! winpvml as u whole, which the cunn-miun adjourned. Simnd -""-e__ .-‘ n‘-1., Lrullluill. vo ”Individual menmlulily.“ and " sung sung very a-w-elly and impressivelv. were warmly row-rived. A caretuiiy prepared paper was given :.n "Alcohol as a Mediijtie" by Mrs. Mac-rim". Owen Sound and aunthvr nu "Child Culture" by Mrs " McKenzie, "No " (hum The uftermmu session opened at 2. "ndaft.er the owning exerquieg an ad- dream: the relmimaof the W. C. T. U. lo missions, and the value of evrttt- gvlistic work was given hy the snpvriu- tendeut of thul ulelnsnltnwnt. An nd. '.y,te hr y.? Newton, Dutham. on The Brirt business session of the cor venuou was opened at 10 n. In.. Wed nesd-ty.25th. with the resident. Miss Winnie Doyle. in the (flair. when ro- mrts from the unions wen presented. showing thatthe W. th T. U. in there vurioun localities, is busily at work. and that their inthtence is being felt for Road in the depaptmetO of work in which the are an aged. Durham. Mum-rd, 1'L,.12c ghullow Luke and "wen Bound wmw- represented. and the intelligent grasp of the suhject. shown by their stehaiues isnn insurance that the work in their hands will he carried on Wisely and ertetsrertcally. The eiec. tion of otticers l'lusml the session. Durham, July 3, - - o o BUNESSAN. Doesn’t ft make you tired M - u whole, " m '1 ( I. IFS"- We mun-ct to meal a mull-bout to- umm-nwtu take at? "ut. until. I hope we d r us we totve unly sighted three- shipn so fur. tlt " lot. of the chaps new sen-sick. tdid'nl bother me as l have been "" null water trefore. Ive have had throw hut-amt the nlro-udy and I expect about half to luv dead before we got to (‘upe- Town. Both harm and men are vo-ry poorly acwot"odnted. we, are packed in Ii ce sunluws and such-My have “nun to turn. We bleep in Imm- mm-ks. and as for the hunt-s. they have In stand all the titue. By right they should Ire ulung up every night. It. is wry rung]: “might. The "hip is rolling and pltl'lllug m badly that I can hardly write. Yul!” (In. -, to know what you want and ... ""1. . . 753-191'1 then to have "somethtne else The follnwing brief nun-n we received Mnuduy payed at Cape Town. June 3. the experted mailhmu not having nun- ed up: This is what, might be called a. mm- trot" the sen. " is just " week to- day 'since we 1ett Hnl‘fnx and I guess it wiil he number twu cw three weeks yet 1sefore We see land. [Flu-mum County Cuuncil notes are hold tin-r ll” ttext week. Ki, Anotém dam! not-awn Wart h-hl on Wed. n-miuy. when the lion-I and Blidgo com- mittee “pone-l throueh their chairman, Mr. Agnew. There wnu n luuuthy dis- cus~iou on the report in committee. tho uni" Lupu- Ming a matter of dispute he- tweuu Holland It'd Euphruia townships, which was brought beta" the, onulwll In I letter [mm M r. Curry, clack of Euphruia. Mr. Shula Wu appointed to eorrtee with Holland comm“ on the cabinet "ml venom at next meeting "I the Cotutty Cotuteil.-- I). N. Nun. The cosu1eil rammed on 'l‘mwhy ttfror- noon, when Mr. Pram. chnirmm of Illa Finance Committee and Mr. Gurdou. olmirumn of the CL-unly Property commit- tee, reported. The Finance report ree. ommomlwl tl", nun-l gnu“. to the North, South and 1utt.tee Grey F-rmera' Institu- ten and grunts of $10 'rattlt to the North mu] S "uh Grey Wumeu's Institutun. but this no grant be given the Poultry u- socinlum. In committee of the whole however. the rel ort mm amended by granting 3‘0 trr the Poultry muncution. The improvements mu. since but ses- sion in the cuumy building and to the "ounds surrounding it were impacted. sud some of the members oxpremd tha opmiuu that tho caring and walls ofthe main hallway would In the boner for he- Iug renowned. teen. 3nd mum-J udjournoa t/ii.sJF.Gi. 'i'mmdar. _ A number ot eoutuaunieattonn, tge6Ottttttt on” in the hunk of the Ciork wens lend lull reigns»! to their rupoctive commit- Hausa of Ram“. mg equal“ County Anson-mun. The warden‘a opening addrm touched on "veral much! likely to come baton ty Gouge": Encludmg the question ot County Council met on Monday of Int week. Wardon McKinnon presiding our I full oomsr.il. I 'I LU', “HI r Sir: “A NOTE FROI THE SEA." ONTARIO' ARCHIV TORONTO COUNTY " C: a if n A 35%;: ‘t' ‘ Luv/w CAt.ttwrert. 9x3. 1;; 'tii, n u J 5. ‘ 1 1'i'iriFi?, trift?,, ki :46ng or? ",' , 'Wear" 'f.CEi2%'rd- t1;,',sit "'3' ', lit 3.5?th g, 7 i:i:-'ireert'i'i-2it (i, JVM': 'titWll% " 2tqR'ib1 'i'i',"gi?sit'ri, ‘intion ot STORE] tw. an: a; 9titiit. Pupils taken at her tnother'g ,miiinee ' camera! Durham and Bigin “I. ' I J. G BUTTON. n. D., "you". and orndthu an: ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Bilingual; with the “can. an”... “dim" mu mwx.b€nuu. Tdophm We. No.10 We!“ & Bela-oar. OFFICE HOURS EFF LL“ Hp... Mitft‘ Fm my:

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