West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1902, p. 6

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I: Purple y Stone. profitable toagood of Toronto oyal Conant rio. Room... tMtee. HAM. ms Syl- h steel mprover' , I VII; ' at sf having the ht prices. LACK: iOBLE I 1902 King of Hardy. tm OOMING hr Toe ' a nd see ur fa- & Organs Zers M, {HARNESS BEER, LAP y description we]! li. are selection ox are selling a \ ll' N Mow ED! Fork WASHING 19A R D and ster nt Giant Nor Wire you t, and we Steel Wire 2 manufac- CHURS one at f H A M y MIX INT to Wagon Who your the Lace Curtains 25c. 650. Tik, 90c and 81.25n pair. Roller Window Shades. 350. each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide, 2.5c. " yard. Table Linen Gi inches wide, 250. a yd. .. " “8 " .. Zoe. .. TWEEDS d YARNS Don't fnlgvl llw Big: i, when ynu It :ml " mm pail- hf Slum-s for the spring. thulu ("-th Tea, “Buck. ot' mixed 37w. ::m- Ht " Mr a llr. W. H. BEAN (IR0(ERIEs -iht we ask Melia (il um ms "--r. We can give you Bargain' ' and Walflam 'tthrrtte a-----'"-"""'" m.--------""'-"""'""' Our New Prints are in Table Oil Cloth. 45 in. wide25c. a yd. Wotnan's Shaw Snilms Mc. up to Floor Oil Cloth, --- 3tummond's Jilly JIM! MacFarlane t Go. Druggist & Booksellers), yaotuto Jii?vsr Jtitt and &rietty Paris frees, Lower Town Durham JAKE KRESS wear 20 years $10.00. . SCOTT. The Best Quali' T cheaper than ev"" undertaking PROM Y ATTENDED TO. In Nicklecase ts. 50. In IO kt Gold filled warranted to LADIES' WATCHES. In 14 kt Gold filled, war- ranted to wear " years with solid Gold Bow. Only $12.00, CASH ONLY. HE SELLS CHEAP l t Lower Town, Jake Kress. A . GORDON DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. r)OTS & SHOES, &e., FOR 90,0072] at Jyoti/(y. or best quality. GENTS WATCHES. JULY 3,. 1902 MONEY TALKS fllllimlllll 1 yd wide. 25c.a 2 .. " Mc. comers Illiti J ewelle yd . Breeders of pure bred amok. deair.. one of sending animals to the United States, frequently write me for inform- elm in regard to the regulations ttptr- erninz the importation of Canadian stock into that country. For the bene- fit at such breeders the lollowxng sum- mar y ot these regulations is given '.--- 1. All animals imported into the United States from Canned; must be accompanied try an "idavit made by the owner or importer declaring clear. ly the purpose " which said animals are imported viz :~whether for breed.. ing purposes, tor milk production. tor work. grazing, feeding or slaughter, whether they form part ot settler's effects, or Whether they are homes entered for temporary stay as provid- ed by the regulations. Said affidavit must be presented to the Collector ot Customs at the Port of Entry who will decide whether the animals are en- titled to entry under these regulationst and who will notify the Inspector of' the bureau of Animal Industry in all cases where the regulations inquire an inspection to be made. tl. All sheep importedintothe, Unit- ed States for breeding grazing and feed ing must be inspected and must be, accompanied hy a eertih'eatc signed by a Canadian oftieial veterinarian, stating that no contagious disease affecting sheep has existed in the district in which the animals have been kept for six months prior to the date of importation. The owner or impoi ter must also present an affidavit that the said eertifieate refers to the animals in question. i 7. All swine imported for breeding purposes, grazing or feeding shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Canadian ottieial veterinarian stating that no contagious disease affeeting swine has existed in the district in which the animals have been kept for Six months prior to the date importation. The owner or importer must present an taffidavit that said eertifieate applies to the animals in question, [WNW MI HRH) SINK 10 "IE [MED 8M8. 5. Any animals may be required to be inspected at the port of entry, and any animal showing symptoms of tuberculosis may be subjected to the tuberculin test, upon instructions from the Chief of the Bum-nu ot Animal Industry. 2. Horses for breeding, raging, show and sale puryoses, for grazing or for work, must be inspected at the Port of Entrv. 4. A eertifleate for cattle over six months old for breeding purposes. and for mileh cows must also show that they have been submitted to the tuber- culin test, and found tree trout tuber- culosis, giving the date of testing, with a chart ot reaction, and a description of the cattle with age and markings. 8. All cattle sheep and swme for breeding purposes, grazing or feeding when not accompanied by the reqairrd eertitieates and affidavit must be de- tained in quarantine for one week at the expense ot the owner or importer, under the supervision of the, inspector in charge. Animals Found free from disease at the end of this will be re- leased. 3. Cattle for breeding purposes. milk production, grazing or feeding must be inspected, and must be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Canadian official veterinarian, stating that no contagious disease affecting cattle excepting tuberculosis and actinomycosis has existed in the district in which the cattle have been kept for six months prior to the date of importation. The owner must present an affidavit that said certificate refers to the animals in question. The gerden~party that was to come off on Fridei night the 27th in connec- tion with t e Methodist church, was postponed till Joly 4th on account of the even? hem; so cold and damp of late. e hope that agood time and Ignitahle weather will be the result. 9. All cars used in the transporta- tion of animals must be first thoroughly cleaned and then disinfected by white- washing with a mixture of lime and catholic acid before the animals are placed therein. Shippers mast see that this is done before the animals are loaded, as unless these regulations are complied with the cars will not be admitted into the United States. 10. No animal for breeding purposes shall be admitted free duty unless the importer furnishes a eertifieate of the record and pedigree in the form here- aiter given, showing the animal to be pure bred and that it has been admit. ted to full registry in the American Book of record established " that breed, and that its sire and dam and grandsires ard granddams were all recorded in a book of record establish- ed for the same breed. An affidavit by the owner or importer that such animal is the ldentica animal describe ed in the said eerrifiettte of record and pedigree must be presented. The regulations of the Treasury Dept. of the U. S. direct as follows:- The Sacrament was dispensed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, 29th, when a goodly number panook there- of. Rev. Baehannan, of Dundalk, reached preparatory services on Fri- rl)' previous, assisted by the Rev Mr MeGregor, Bethel, formerly otDttrharn, who was making a short stay with Mr and Mrs D tInsham, of this piece. Two y men were ha ed b "i1il'fdlN'dr'f, ','gi','idr1i,fg mi church as t3omtmmieanta. PRICEVILLE. giga- 13;; Misses Kate and Minnie McIntyre. of Toronto, a. e " home " present on ac- count of their mother's and sister‘s ill- ness. We are pleased to report that both are on the mend now. Robt Conkey. who is suffering with cancer. is not much better. Councillor McMillan. was letting jobs in the neighborhood a few days w go. Mrs Thus Fisher visited friends in the Township of King a week ago. and returned again a few days "go. Mr and Mrs Neil McCannel attended ttwedding at their uncle‘s Mr Arch McCannels, last week, when one of " daughter: was married to a Mr Me- Kinnon at that place. on Thursday the 26th June. ' Ree Mr Matheson will be lenviug this week for a. few week's vacation. His place will be (notified try some other Rev gentleman wing his " sence. Some members of the Whiteside family, Sydenham, are yLitirqt in this part at present. We are looking for fine weather now after so much cold. Buying will be 1 ater than usual. Alex Me Eachern raised his barn on Monday afternoon the 30th. A grand picnic will be held in Sul, livan's grow (as was seen from last week's REVIEW) on July 9th. This promises to be one on the best of the season, as the committee appointed will spare no time in making it a suc- cess. Music of all varieties will be provided and tspeeches by Several not ed gentlemen. As the A. O U. W. is always foundtobe progressive, there will be nothing lacking on their part to make this gathering entertaining. Admission, 15e or 25e a couple. Come every one and take some other one with you and enjoy a good afternoon. Commissioner McArthur attended County Council last week, atO. Sound. Prayers were offered in all our churches last Sunday on behalf of the King, for his re3torationtohealth. God save the King was the opening hymn in the Presbvterian church on Sunday morning, led by Miss Grier on the or- gun. Miss Kate MeFayden left Saturdav for a couple of weeks visit in Paisley and Port Elgin. Mr Donald Graham visited friends at Toronto and elsewhere for a few days last week. C C McFayden Esq., was around last week attending to his duties as sales- man for a. large firm, in the fruit line and is generally well patronized wherever he goes. He is as gritty a grit as ever. Nevertheless the accusa- tions that were reported on him of late ot falling into the conservative ranks were not true. No, never will such an event occur. Quite a nymbetrattentlet, the ex- cursion to Guelph Model' Parm. last week and came back with Wet iaek- ens. John Collier started to work at the Cement last Monday. A large crowd attended the" At Home " at Mr. D. Greenwood's last Tuesda evening, and report a good time. LT,'hel 816.15. Wedding bells were ringing around here last week. Tnumber from around here went to Guelph last Wednesday, and spent a pleasant day's outing. Dr John A Conkey left this week for his home at Indianapolis, alter spend- ing a couple of weeks with his mother and family in this place. Miss Dorothy Lawrence, Durham, visited friends around here one day recently. iiltfG Edge Hill Sunday School held gen picnic last Saturday at Wilder's ke. Miss Lizme McArthur, left for Toron- to where she intends to remain for some time. A large number from here attended the picnic at Sullivan's grove last week and report a good time. Mr. C.'C. 1MeFayden is at present vi_sit.ing friends in Arran. -rirtGeorge Ritchie ltsta valuable grail“: week. On the move Ham Allen has taken another trip to Little Current partly on business. ingas Edith Glenlater and Master James Glenister are on a visit to Tor- onto. thir and Mrs Ellie, from Guelph, m uniting their wedding tour, culled in our village. Mr In c, Stevens, of tiarnia, 3 for. mer resident here. called to see his old neighbors " he paged through to ot- tend the funeral of his friend, Miss Gloss. Cattle buyers are striking our town, and cattle are looking well. The Proton Grungemon mtend spend- ing the 12th July in Dominik. They did intend to go to Onngeville, but could not get train accumulation. We hear 3 report that one of the Orange Lodge: in Proton is to be called the George Wright's Lodge in the near future. Miss Bessie Banks is at present Visi- ting at the old homestead. lets oflrain and a little to spare. EDGE HILL HOPEVILLE O 9" --- THE banana REVIEW I The market receipts were 68 loads. ' which included 990 cattle. 715 sheep und lambs. 1.286 hop and 82 calves. . " comma-n: wxmout being onered substi.. was tor them. My all means buy your Drugs and Medicine and have your prescriptions filled at a reliable Pharmacy like DARLING'S. Doesn’t ft mah 9 you if red DARLING’S DRUG STORE] Mlllll lllBlf ’ w l GRANIIE WORKS. CALDER BLOCK (Next Post OM60.) Direct Importations from' European, American and Canadian Quarries. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. LATEST DESIGNS IN.MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. . Proprietors. DURHAM - and - MT. FOREST. Feb. 8r, 1902. Export CttttU--Were steady. selling at the same high price. which have prepil- od throughout the week. Choice ones brought trom 05.50 to " per owl; and medium ones sold at 84.50 to 05.50 per cm. . (hllli)ll SENSE Jllf ZFEEDER NATURE'S OWN WAY, UNIVER- SALLY ADOPTED, ADJUSTABFE TO ANY RECEPTACLE. There was another do y of high prices and good demand at the Toronto Cattle Market to-day, and the dealers generally are of the opinion that this condition of tdfiura will last for some time yet. The consensus ot opinion 18 that the postpone- ment of the coronation will not have any great effoct upon the demand for cattle. as the recent trade has been of a hand-to- mouth char-ems, and English dealers have not been importing any more cattle than they could dispose of almost Immediately. Some light falling off in the demand, however. is expected The prices paid to-day were high for all good cattle,, but there were. as usual. a lot of poor grass-fed cattle ofrered which brought lower prices than the general run of choice cattle. Lambs were in better de- mand also and scored an advance of 'AU. per head. There was a good demand for Logs end the price remained steady in the two of large receipts. Butchera' Cutle-Were study. selling at $5.25 to $5.75 per cm for ttttl Iota and 85 to 05.40 per an for c oioo ones. Common to fur butchers sold " " to " per own Feeders and Moekera--Were “only, selling " $4 to 85.60 per ow: for short- kdp feeders and 88.40 to 84 per wt for bevy stockora. Over 19000 sold the first year. Durable, simple, economical. Pre- vents calves from sucking cows. No valve to get sour. The nipple is re- enfbrced, with no seams to crack open. Should be used to be appreciated. Lnmu---Wem firmer, tolling It ”.25 to 84.25 ouch. 7 iyGr-wore steady. telling a $8.65 to .375 per cm tor export owes. Bogtr-rWre steady, selling n 80871 per cw: tor choice ones cud 6.6'tth per out for lights and fate. ROBINSON 8 CORBE a, SEED CORN, TURNIP SEED, Ike, LOW PRICES. FOR SALE BY Live Stock Market. Toronto. JNO. _.). DARLING, Pat. Fob. l,3looo W. BLACK. ONTARIO jiiieTiii7iiii' TORONTO THE PEOPLE’S DRUGGIST. then to have ”something else just as good" offered to you. If you make your purchases at DARLING'S you will al- ways find just what you want in Drugs, Proprietary Medi- eines, Toilets or Sundries wrthout being offered substi- to know what you want and HUNG [All STU?! THINK Can you enter memntile pursuits and be successful without a. pnctics business education ? Cm you success- fully enact any profession without a sound knowledge of business principles. OWEN SOUND, ONT” Where you an get. just what you wantin the most practical methods Full particulars free. Address. Give our Breakfast F d a trial. Then why hGitate to take i comic in Shorthlud or Business Subjects, " the The Best Cure For Dyspepsia , To The Milling public is good bread, well made and proper- ly baked-the bread that is made by ROWE. The Baker. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavencd and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat.it. We have also got our new Chopper in first class running order and have a large quantity of chopped corn, wheat, &c. on hand. We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and we are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour. Give us a trial and be convinced. Eat Rowe's Bread-it gives satisfaction. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. E. A. ROWE McGowan If)?! OFFICE FIRQT DOOR EAST CF the Du nun Pharmacy Calder'. Block. Residence ttmst door west of the old Post Cake. Durham. um The“ Hawaii" -___ a. gracuusr EYE, an Will be " the I an: Wednesday of all?yl? r!ij,,l?ilill CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .82.0ll).00t CAPITAL. Ptudup........... 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND............ 8504!!) AGENTS in all principal points .11 Ontario. Quebec. Manual». United Stun and England. W. P. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. Siren the Musical Course at the Talent; Conservatory of Music, which is in "iliation with the above college. Pupils taken at her mother’s Meme, oornerof Durham nu! Elgin ttta. * A general Banking business irnnsncied Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed "t "ttttent rates. SAVINGS BANS. .nterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilitr afforded cttstotttertt living at distance. J KELLY, Agent. MISS MARGARET C. GUN- - [mending Bandeau should enter " beginning chem. oru locum-a [Jo-due. It." and Equipment. . -Tne School te equipped for full Junior Leaving and mutton work. under the following tttatt “Competent Tm lath-t Dew-mam :- rum ALLAN, may”. mt.'Morutmntf.B.'A., (swamamwn x188 LICK. B. A., Cluste- snd locum. rm , 01.00 'tee month: Wm. John-m. e. L. qtetu. ARTHUR H. JACKSON J. a HUTTON. 11.11, CARRIST‘R. SOLICITOR IN .UPREU‘ COURT NOTARYPUCLIC. COUNIICIONER. ETC. Collections of all kinda Faro", bong]: promptly attended to and sold]. OFFICE- - McKr-Izie‘s Old Stand oFgTCE--Hcltupre Blefty omee-----LOWER 10WN. DURH‘I. Company and private Fund. to Loan on Home- a low.“ ute- of than". anuution undo hr acompount and cumin! anunor. 0-1! s. I. F-d p. I . RESIDENCI and Offlct-ou Ink mu rowxmmuuu. lee, mm: to the ac.cornclly prepuod. Euhwa ot demoed por- sonl looked “to! And Executor: and Adam“:- tratortr' Account.- prepared and fused Burton“: Court Businou Prob.“ of Wil 5.13"." 0! Ad. minumuon and Guardtatmttip Obtained. sou- chu mule in Boat-sly Dulce And Tidal ropomd Honor graduate of the Presbyterian ,onEs’ COLLEGE, Toronto, luving DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. n. s. Colitiot" and Agency promptly Handed to gum. Degas. Homg.‘l¢onso§,_ Agreements insurance Agent, M.'trrtee%t.teettsoaotvmttom-ot Wang-COMM. DURHAM AGENCY. ARTHUR GUN. IE. D., arristcr, Jrotar , (Son , voyancor, an” gee"... Honey to Loan " reuona ole rues and on terms to suit borrower. 'Rtuht1,tQ, Durham School ”may“... culm- a. P. TELFORD. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, uoarnv PUBLIC cournnuctu, ac. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER at CONVEYANCER. VALUATC‘R Tote- Won No.10 DB. GEO. B. BURT. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN E l DAVIDSON. HOURS .' hum“ & Scum, our HOMO-It'- _-- -- I 8 to " A.l. WT EYE, EAR, TIIROATJ: X9815. -- EXCLUSIVELL " the ytdg-Lugh Itoqre. Durlxrm. Private Money to Loan. OFFICE HOURS the Royal London Ophthalmic and the Golden Ban-lemon munch Mouse. Durham each mouth noun 2 p. m. m Durham Modorutc “Over lhe:Bank

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