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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1902, p. 1

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(Y'S 2AKES 3H0" llo 0L5 ES " LADY PLOT“ RKETS 50 " 1902 1000 000 oO lo 40 9 y'iiv: iii-IEEEEMEEEEEEHEEEEEE{57313 Eyfiff a»: 215 1E; _ RiWi ttigiitgllllilliglEiilrilll K Fi59. ,H 'lrillf I 1 P ' . 4 . [ VOL. XXIV. NO. 28 'ii-)' CROCKERY TWEW mum TIONS ',,'_' .11: r.'.? tl? t 17“ In " Et?. 3‘3 " 1 1m mmmfimfimmfimfifim 97 piece Dinner Set, in a IO piece Toilet Set Arrangements are going forward for a great July Clearing Sale of Dress Goods, Prints, Muslims, Wash Goods, Shirt Wuists, Carpets and Floor Coverings. Our way of Clearing is through the Price. l hig lot of Glassware to choose from at 2 so. each. Come in and _ see our stock. ' M I LL] N E RY IoFu1?Artri?y1Fu?ir One-third off all Trimmed Millinery, Half off all Ready-to-wear Hats. (100]) MERCIL\N])ISIXG C47 piece T ea het ., J I H, h" SALE. calls for clearance that shall be complete and there 's only one short direct path to complete clearance and that is through reduction-the right Sort of Reduction-when Stocks work down to the clearance point we willingly make a generous cut in prices. Several lines of Goods have reached the clearing point lines that have done great work in furthering the success of this Season 's business. Remember the place " in the Prices of Men's Ordered Clothing, Men's and toss' Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Reduc- tions of the Right Sort. ram es Jrel,and THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAP CASH STORE Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined with guilt, regular value isyi 5.00, our price Prices are dou n in beautiful colors, regular price $6.00 our price mu tick pattern, value:at $5.00 our price .9 GROGKERY $12.00 $3.50 $4.50 ffid1i i'i'?ti?i3fia1iii?iriri.'iiilrf.illi. 'ii. .ii(if1ii.iEi ii:' .ri'igii.h'.i. ii ”€115 LAI DLAW'S Old Stand 'e,Rehztie. 111 our '04? 90/172129, iii) m ii, DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1902.' 'J Iii #1:, Cl. Lr;. FEE 239: 'irfJii' In. _ These deaths we are told make the number of known victims in our river gopposite the town amount to 9. Their names are McKinnon, n. brother to .Allan McKinnon. Momma whose name , is attached to the hole and one Knowles, 5 u. blacksmith, these three We believe all 'at this spot. At other po.ints were - l Burt, a brother of Jas. near town, Geo. ',, Robson, Dr. Woods, Walter Welrber {and " man named Uiunphell, the latter I being an accident while breaking a log 'Ham-in the spring. How many more l have been nearly done for in the _ treacherous holes is not known, but we i think and would urge that a. place with ' such a record should have danger posts 'crccted at the chief points reminding strangers especially of the danger. Tuesday's Search Successful. , (1nesday morning the search began Eagain. a, horse rake being tried, and local divers going down from time to ', time. Among the most active of these twas young Willie Lavelle. and his iettorta and those of Jake Kress were l rewarded by a. sight of one of the bodies. The latteron going d.own l fo.urth time saw the body plainly and instructed Jeweller Gordon. who was on the raft at the time where to lower. Gordon lowered the grappling hooks caught the body and soon had it to the surface. It proved to be that of John and it was tenderly placed m a shady spot and covered till a. eofBn was secured. The search proceeded till nearly4 p. m. with the usual methods. At that hour the Fire Engine was brought out in charge of chief orry and his brigade. the hose taken out on rafts and a stream of water sent to the bottom with great force Opinions differed as to the usefulness of this method of stirring up the bottom, and as efforts were about to cease at aquarter toseven. the body was discovered floating so that the (, The extreme heat drew many to the l river banks to bathe. Sunday as it wat'--- ‘and we have heard it said that the hulk 'of drowning accidents take. place on Aunday.-0ne of these bathing parties 'found two suits of clothes on the hank Sand not seeing the owners, gave the alarm. The clothes were soon Identi- fied as belonging to two brothers. ' George and John Gregson. one of whom hoards with Mr. Donald McDonald. and works on the G. T. ll. track, the other , boards with It, Braithwaite and was for 'lt few days employed with Geo. Me. McDonald, as mason's assistant, and '; previously was an employe at the : cement. works. Chief Carson took charge of the clothes, in which was found an affection- ate letter. from a sister in England. anxious for their return. or to get. out with them, as she would'nt mind hard work. She speaks of two other bro- thers, one in S. Africa, hut no reference to parents No money has been found in any of their belongings, though mun: wages are due them. Sunday evening last news thushed around town that two young men had been drowned. and as the churchns dismissed crowds wended their way m the river banks, just. west of the Show Ground. where In the spot, known as "Moffat's Hole," the drowning took place. (llllMll Illl()illillil fllli EM. A DOUBLE BROWNING. The Work of Roscuo " . , wiv,' closuup,r in and as many fires wow started giving a weird appear- len waters which refused 1ti, i Ladies Look Younger Which is the desire of one and ML Take the trouble of Visiting Prof. Dor- enwend’s private show rooms .atr the Middaugh House, Durham. on Thurs- day. July N, and see the many beauti- ful inventions in Styles of Human Hair Coverings. Wigs. Bangs. Switches. etc" and inspect his new patent structure. From titat to last everyone has acted most creditalrly. In addition to those already named as having been active. we might mention the MacDonald's father and son where John boarded. D. Kinnee. Dr. Malian. Wm Saunders. John Harhottle. J. W. Crawford, Brad Jamieson, T. Moran. Chas Saunders. Chief Carson, ‘who bad a tiring siege of it and was with Dr Mahan in the boat at the turning up of the iirst body. and dozens of others. The " touch of nature that makes the whole world tun" has been felt, all has been done that could be done, and heartfelt sym- pathy goes out to the loving sisters who will never welcome their darling twm brothers on this side of the grave. LArtm--We open the press to say that all expenses for plot. gruyedigging. and undertaking. amounting to 808, have been paid by the active committee of the. Cement ironworkers who took the matter up and this information with the deed of the cemetery plot, we have sent to England. Not only so they have $25 more towards a monu- ment. The fund will be kept open this week to receive further, subscriptions. and a detailed statement will he furnish- ed us next week. This committee. who may he found at the Reis and Hahn hotels, consists of Messrs R. Beuken- dorf, Geo. Dodge, Jos, Godfrey, John Gilmour and Ed. Butcher, and their sympathetic. activity does them credit. Teacher for balance? of year for B. S. No. 3 Bentinck and Glenelg. Duties commencing Sept. m. Apply stating qualifications and salary. J. L. SMITH. M. D. Sec-Trams. Dornoch, Ont. And in no sttartgers' bround are they laid. A number of their late fellow wm-ann took the matter up and pur- chased a lot in the cmnetm'y. and twelve of them acted as pull-hearers. They Will [my all expenses, and the sub- scriptions will it: is thought enable them to erect a gravestone. The Drm-vssinn to the grave was form- ed and side by side in two beautiful Cat"- kvts the young men were laid. The cor.. fins Wet'e covered with beautiful "oval offerings, one hearing thetnott,0. "In death they were nut divided." place this fall. _ "lrtitiTaneiat took place \Vedneéday.‘ from the Town Hall where services were held. clerdymen of the four pro testnntdenominations in town taking part. Rev. Mr. Smitn presided, ltev. Mt. Motiregor read scripture. Rev. Mr. Ryan read prayers from the (‘hurch of England service. while. Rev. Mr. Fur- quhurson any”, a, hriof address, remind- ing all of the uncertainties of life aud the impm tam-e of the Christian duty of fvatetauzing with stratum-ls. In the light of this event the letters are, harrowing. once she expresses a teat' that they will never meet. again. Het. grief over' Jim will he nothing to that over her twin Iwothevs yunngm than lierselt : born the same day. they died together, and the story of their struggle m- heroism will never be. told. The lingedy too will darken her marriage which she had told them was to take They have two brothers. Hugh. in the army in South Africa. James. had " position on the Ophir during the. voyage of the Duke and Duchess of York, and was left at last accounts on the Island of Mtutrltious, ill of enteric tever. Two sisters are in England. the youngest being Funny, in Hants, hhur., and Annie in Hereford. England. The latter. n young lady of 23 yenrsiu an admirable letter writer, and seems to be the embodiment of home to all the others, The nnmy letters she has written to her brothers xeveals an nifeetionate nature, brimful of love. to her scattered relatives and especial] y to the twin boys, whom she seems to have lost. .for a time. "Now I have found out. where you are. Iain sure I shall not let you slip away again very quick.” Over and over again she. ex- pressed her joy at news from them, keeps Jack's photo on her mantel piece, longs for their coming home three years hence, .' I am sure I shall call that a grand day and I shall be waiting by tl e steamer to receive you both." " I feel as if I had new life put in me to hear from you both." I mu writing to Jim to- night to tell him all the good news. so now good bye. my dearest Jack, with lots of love and kisses, and if you Were near me I would give you it warm sisterly hug. God bless you," A letter. to George says: bb You wont know any of us when you come to England, but if I am well I will meet you the day you land and take you to Weymouth," “SEQ Pffort of the engine was stuwemefut. The reumins tVere soon placed together, undertaker-s Lenuhnn and Kress prepar- ing the bodies. and every attention being paid to decency of interment. ' The History. John and George Gregson were Eng- lish boys, 21 yrs. of age. being twins. George" was for some years with Mr. Wm. Sin-rs, 2nd concession. Egremont, and later worked for Me Wm Chapman. Murdoch. and for Mr R. McEachern, at Robb, of the same township, while John was with a Mr. Mitchell, of Lilford. Ont. Only lately they seem to Fave drifted together, and that to die. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO iltgitiit, WANTED. N. D. It, Glenelg. mssed over to the greater number. Though she had been ailing for some: years. her death was somewhat sudden, and she leaves as chief mourners four sons, Dan, with whom she made her home, and Angus. Hugh. near by, and Dr. John McGinnes. of seaforth, also one daughter at home. Sarah. The deceased was 70 years of age. and cume to this country tram London, England. after. the death of her husband in 1879. She WM huried in St John's R. C. cemetery. (ih-nelg. 011 Thursday last amid many tokens of respect and esteem. . HOUSE Or' ItertmE.---We understand there is a possibility of a, site being selected near Durham, and we think several eomuderations should influence our local officials to use their host endeavors to get it. The approach of Owen Sound to city size will make a re.division of municipalities necessary and Durham by site and right is mark- ed out for the County towit of this branch of the county. Will out Board of Trade take this matter up ? saw in the way of roads, and quotes "dangers on every hand in aeaths " ten." He seems to have been receiving awful experiences. "The wild hunting Indians around me everywhere. . Oh! what sights. There is much work a,- 'fh"lli all kinds of settlers here. Spirit- ual in? do not reach 100 per cent. I am host in with u nod christian butt. ily. farmers. and. witile at mv work, I drive two western ponies, real dundies. and meg help me over swiftlv the many miles I are to travel to reach the small school-house in which most of the. preaching is done. Things are very ex- pensive and money scarce." He inte nds to wait a. while before expressing an opinion on the North West. but sees need for, and asks us to "send up mil- lions ot lmrrels of Durham cement. Btmmts DRAru.--On Tuesday of Inst week Mrs. Mchnes, of the 2nd Coy.. THr:DF.PAHTDrENTAL EXAMS. Part. 1 Jun. Leaving and Jun. Mulrivulatmn exam. begun on Wednesday last in the school here, Mr. J. w. Brown presiding. Mr. Sharp, of Holstrin. was here assist.. ing also. There are 3.3 candidates writ- ing. PaetH Jun. Leaving began Fri- day, number writing hemp: 21. The papers are probably rather more clim- trult than of late years. but; we still an - licipnte Mr. Allan maintaining his old time record. _ "Aka V OWEN Sum"). "__-_ The game on Monday in Hanover resulted in victory for the visitors by 7 to 4. At the end of the lst quarter tho game stood 2 tol; 2nd quarter. I to l: 3rd quarter. 4 to 2. Hanover in the Ith scoped 2 more and fur u lime victory seemed doubtful, hut Owen Sound broke the lie and won the game by roll- mg m 3tuove. A great cvowd', and a good gmm'. TwrsF..-The imutensely increased tVt"age in the North West and the hul- ky crop prmniséd in Ontario by so much moistuev, is, it seem-z, going to create a famine in hinder twine. Farmers will do well to examinu the situation, for Mullah» jute. owmg to the war. is source. Rev. Mr. Bruce, under appoiutnuattt of the Fun-ix!) Miss. Coin. of the l’ns. Church, has been visiting the cnngwgat- tions of this preshylery durmg the last two weeks, and is expected in Durham twilight. Thutsday to addvess a kneeling in the Presbyterian Church, The Met hodlst people preferred hold- ing their service on the Paréonage law" last Sunday evening and prayed it much cooler and pleacamer than the basement as the body of the church is in the hands of painters and paper hangers. Atleast a score of election protests are to be made. the umjnri:y against Conservatives. Coronation Day is to he held between August 11th and 15th. The ' King is making Heady progress Lowurds Pecov- ety. The Baptist Garden party at Mr. Ytandtfs, south of Varue.v on Tuesday evening was successful as to weather and attendance. The lmnd was present, from Durham and rendered good ser- vice. A SEVERE TRIAL.-we. extend our sympathy to Mr. and M rs. Newell Falk, inghmn on the death of their Imhy. Coming so soon after their. other grief, while hetuts were yet tender. it is pe- culiarly suddening. A Downie farmer used Irlaestone to kill some caterpillars on the fruit trees. It killed the worms all right, it also caused 'the death of a score or more of young thickens which gobbled the dead wormuus they fell fron, the New» -fdx, 1llb.. n, EtéopiC‘E“ mg: ega- tlu. last Durham moot i ng if" E. A. l{O\VE. th lu. uh.. l\\l " I). tr Btr4r.-sra-tF:qq.taqte.mi.easer"' w. U. T. U.-A tuoetittg of the Inca! fgociety will he held in the home of the Rev. Mt. Stewart, on Friday afternoon. lllll inst. at 3 p. Ill. Punuc LttettArtV.--A meeting of the Directors to-murmw night, Friday. without fail. mtAcrtttt4.-Our thanks Mt- due to Mrs. Jan. Laurie for the gm of a deli. cious lot at the ftnest atmwkerries we ever saw. MARI, C.Ans.~l:2 strongly built, marl our: for use on the switch line arrived this week. \Vith their collapsihlo- steel bottoms, etc.. they mm excellently a- dapted for their purpose. --PotatF Killer and Pure Paris Green at MacFUruneV. The Annual Garden Party of the Methodnat Church will be lteld on July 15th. on Mr. A. Patton’s grounds. Ad. minim: Inc. Refreshments and u good programmé will he served. Reminds Full Fair " {know-r on ap. 'doth and Oct. let. Eat Rowe's Bread-lt gives satisfaction. t CHAS RAMAGE. PRINTER AND Pumnmm B

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