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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1902, p. 3

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Mord Wants nister. VERY IL “in; In In"! u to Help Ed" the l"'-"”. “I Clo-I0 {but In: tbs tlt HEM”. a " . M " Mun!" nth: n vetted unton and Weston d ulteruoo-p " sud ttao he Interl- " "" tear ml the ra- ' " 1Uso6 .nl‘ord cal " tit protr ttu. fuIIOV- " a “F Sanlotd gunmen- !!mu " s ot tho ttr “(WM -"to war. mm!) " to \ number HIP 'lire+ qun who hu Max:000! nil tuorrto twld. Mr. , Parr- man It! . and who mt) tkaal’. pressed M. y 011ml ml u, provuet' me». In .4- I suggested Hall rent- LU make IND we public. tor} ot HIC 'et new“! Us for {our to the 800‘ Pd Mr. Pall- Im'vn a M“ uccd in up but a "on m two by the axe to a tour crane. " put. m to II ttt H y daya. " not a [m tte hoe 115: Ml urn? ot hi? tifo untur- , alter Re is suffer“). I. but his te- FPrt' both Bor. 11km Bung " . Danton -. gar. bat in". the bolt ‘10 rec‘- use in o, ttser “I mire. , unto if ht k tor out of nan-go. mini! nut ttttbt "Wen". v 30-. on In!" This 1. Hero-I‘D- mag ill "l I. n ttto “Ivan- had to rs, asnd Ir. hit I ttsat MRI. hand- _. QMD' is In C v twteto a pi”. to the tw 01' a ttd 1 m” m. H me I”. wat" lyric! "rtrr Half. a tree. ax ated n; ttttr Iv - , and col- " Tho tho Au, t.S,/'t'o arita ”Hum r, Dox. W" -.. or lent Joetrsty, tat “X ttore" tor 3"‘50 t to the Dr. will . Bkoriit?, ont. to admit. "I know quite well." mid I cum- ponedly, "that I shall have to swell the proud ranks ot the plain alter thin; [must cultivate my intellect and my virtues. like the poor girls When We don't dance with'. I've lost atinger, too, haven't I t On my right hand T' "Only two joints of It," answered Edgar, with labored oetrrtulnetrtr. "What wouM poor Helen say to --.. " m- mum new mr now t" I ang- ten times better um tuttred than she did the counterpart of 0 looking poplnjay |u one vane-meme. was By no . ”curing to me. In the m it continued the idea that , lea would leave permanent the second place, It 19d tr mysnlf whether Helen's ch tn my eyes having been it ‘my chief merit in her a) not have Mn the same. As I said nothing, Elgar. awake. came mam-Pr to th: said solemnly; "You do t justice, Harry." -- - ‘Aw-Hr mo tn What wou% poor new“ M, w it she could use my now t" 1 aug- ted, mule-r dittidemttr. Bart Why, what every true wo- n irouid any. that she loved you I tunes better now you were dis- ured than she did when you were a counterpart of every other good- king poplnjay m town'." PMs. uttered with much ponder- C'atme an A Menage ot Hope to All 'l‘lrod and Worried Mouton. In homes where Baby's Own Tub- lens are used cross and (renal ohil- (ll-en are unknown. The little ones are cross because they are ailing, and these Tablets am tho beat medl- '/.'l,','g in the, world tor stomach. Mel an teething troublns. They will mnku your baby Well and keep It well, and they are guaranteed to contnln no ingrediomn that can harm the smallest. weakest Infant. .__-- .a.. than.» Tub- iMyatttttt no IIIHIvun‘ ..err 7 harm the smallest, wankest lnfsnl.‘ Mntlmrs everywhere give these Tub- hutn the highest praise. Mrs. It. Me- Master, bookstown. Ont., says: "My baby was muelt troubled with con- stipntlon and indigeattity1, and was very restless and poeVlQh at nights I gum her Baby's Own Tablets and ‘nlm in now regular and rests well. l also find that the Tampa are a grr-nl hvlp during the teething per- ind.’ Children take these Tablets just as) readily m1 candy and crushed to a powdpr tttey can be given to tho youngast, reoblest infant with nono but good results. Slld try all doalors or smut post paid at 25 ttnts a box [ by writing direct to the Dr. Wil- ma...» Hannah» Po, Brookville, Ont., of the middle tlaist, whom Um fashion to educate; t of the. Iowi'r class. wh work. may he runsldered as creaturm, varying, as m Uer reasoning pawn”. B men of the uppar clagtree, _ “ho are equally above mu labor. may ttst rankvd al with the exceptinn of t alliance with the class respertertt'cttd. as mm? or Ming idiots, whoae minds _ ' _...., Input iiiiiiTrowN TABLETS. f the middle (lures. whom it is now w‘ ho fashion to educate; the women NO t the. [own- plans. who have to w mrk. may he conslviorod an reasoning to Matures. varying, as men do, In n heir roasonitut pownru. But the wo- w mm of the ttpppr clagtrea, pur sang. sho are equally ahove mluratiou 'ind t: abor, may be ranked all together, b with the exreptlon of thin-w whom r alliance with tho class below has n rt-gvnerated. an morP or loss {again r Ming idiots, whose minds are cramp- M by unnatural and ignorant prohi- dines, and in whom an occasional ray ' of intelligence disperses itseli In mere l troatYr, of art, of philanthropy or of l rviigion.” "Than if y); are logical. you wilt end try marrying a barmaid." "I think not. But-maids are young women, who by the exacting de- mnnds of thou culling. are bound to be healthy. leuiiCiltteo.ren_t and shrewd. Connidrr how such a. wo- man would bo thrown away in the ridiculous and empty rxistonce led by our wives'. How she would laugh at the shallow interests of the women around her. and domino her do- nothinst husband! Without counting _ that, ghe might be demorullzed try her . new position, and add thn mistakes of a parvenue- to the foibles ot the clam into which she was admitted? "Then, on the whole, you wut--" u! "Remain single, or take for the. l. wife bh" usual fool of my own class. who will have tho usual tool of her t own class tor a husband." t .. But, Edgar," uni-1 I, after a short pans“, “I am not no calm as you are). r- and my mind is less 'aiUriisrutxted in than yours. [want somvthlng in my - _-...." uni want from inbred But thin new m “u effect ot irritating Edst rally resented the {can nature having doeper ' own. ~n-‘..‘Lln . ll'V 'r. "It bs unrsuv.euLutrlo tot PXpHCL,lrI-.u l . our physical and mmtal inlorlor,‘ - powers onual to our own," he said " m a tone of dismissal of the subject. "Then how am 1 to extract from Helen the power of luolmxg at my uutusured fate without 'f,'/',i.'ro1',,rr'l',il, [ l am by no mPans sure that I coulg have felt redoubled devotion it a similar accident had happened to her e" “Woman are dlffarent from us. and not to be judged by the same rules. iietsu-t some trort---im a. duty with them, whlle everyone knows that an ugly 1mm makes quicker pro- gre- with them than a handsome om." ' “Well, I should like to Judge what sort of progress withdhem my ugh- ' new In likely to make. lee me a , iiGaii-srut" L Bat he would not. He msld the doc- l tor had lorbiddeo me to use my eyes . get, that my (ace was lull un- . healed. and the bandages and not t be moved. And tuatV he declined to talk to me any longer. 0 and told me to go to deep. t I m not “tailed. I knew tint I a 1n.- gsttlug well tut, that than xng. Elgar now fully MP: to the bed. and "You do Helen in- Idea that my injur- m-manent marks. In ', it 19d me to ask Helen's chief merit m: been good looks. in her eyes might iitiriGieh ponder- as by no means re- In the rirtrt pity"', Tt he litted (Mutant: v" 7 n, _ and mmml interior, to our own." he said amitrtsttl ot the subject. am I to expect from we: ot looking at my , without horror. when Pans sure that I couif bubled devotion if a lent had happened to litre to Judse what s with, them my agli- make. Give me 8 L ot. He said the doc- ' me to W my eye. Inna W” trtti1 un- tot pxp‘rgt. from r case had the Tar, who nuta. 1 of any other needs than his _---.------"" vs; no need to keep In bed. and II E .._q.--'-" fell curlonn M to the ran-on ot my i It!" being kept in clone n prison-3n. Bo I found an opportunity when Il, had been left, as they thought, asleep. . to remove the bandage from my i r eyes with my left band. My 1e,,t,'; “OW seemed as good as ever, but the skin , round my right eye seemed to be J] HOW To SPRAY AND WHAT TO SPRAY tightly drawn. The winduw-bllnds-| V were down, and as evening WM 0013' I hWWW’deddfldw’W it? £21ah'g‘lfi‘éhwfifm‘l’l"{u3‘3L1$‘&“‘1‘3 Devimm’m ot AgrhcuWure, Ottawa. I (blot-done) by Inn-em in; " ml the room by the mp ot the mcm- TN “WM tor ctsmsdian appiea 'f/ wooden or acumen vessel comb! mg tltutte of the tire I got out of good qaalstr aud lit qood oonditiott! 4 or 5 gallons at mater- and bed and mused to Gd toiletotable ite tMt 'eTer-iutresaintg one, tsud ia l pounds of from lime Io another . - l . _., ... .... ...... taken} We” Britain the market appetite toi ml. u the um when sttUrod " lu ‘ .- .r.,tt-ttm1. while the Dream-Ls r.or I u should be manned through Ot _ . --- -- "M n|nwh, Pour thte away ; to the [Dullvrl mule result. I grew i: and rather anxious. hand-glass in my o could only find. that. 25.3? Ctiad left it room. Idashed into ad that, too, was uurwuw. - turned to draw up the blind. Br that movement I came face to face with a sight so appalling that, ot all miMortarM* my accident has met brought upon me, none I tune has given. me a shock tor the tirtrt moment so lwtrlblc. 1 saw before me the rrgure of a. man with tho (ace ot a. devil. The right eyebrow, the right alde‘ ot the moustache were gone. and the l hair as (at as the back or the right I ear. The whole of this side ot the face, from lorhead to chin, was a puckered drawn mass of blackened. slurlvelled akin, distorted into gro- tesque seams and furrows. The right and ot tho eye and the right corner of the mouth were drawn up, giving I to the whole lace a. sinlster and f evll expression. _=... nMvnlnnln. After a. law memo“..- _'--'" - tlon of my new sell. I turned away from the glass, feeling sick with dis. wt and horror. In the tirtrt shock at my discovery, no retiection, that I was looking upon the tearful mm at its worst. and that the healing work was mu some on underneath the scarred and desiccated skin came to console mo. I My back turned upon my own Image. my ctnpefactlnn gave place to at” thought. I saw in, a mom- tant t at the old course ot my lite want at om blow broken up, that I must begin again as It I. had heel burn that any. I must go away. aol only from my own friends. but Iro- tha chance of coming m comma _ _-.'.. I must leave Eng Ill me um.» um.” --- ii slight modification ' new, and I resolve r- do what little she t m sat out on my have n which now covered in had fallen oft, and no aver fresh horrors rs heath. 'l‘thl wc w ting anyone see m il- Home German Spa I t. my health; before ' tin-no months I ah: - and free to wend t I plowed. This ir 'ow whom life had be teu something like a l to without charm. F Irut love u delusion; nc In to find out what tro- worth learning: in nit, I heard FAgar‘s ind tame. and had c an, back to bed, put 'l'll', round my fncu. at all? an if naive-p. berm mp- room. 'eltt- , CHAT“ ray ' My l heard Ed new ly about tho rm ' of precision. even 3: ayes shut. unuh wilt elaborate lmove wei ht tr n to Dung amigo JJ,'W'u7, de- lug him with tl m to pGot," it had in and ourselves for m wo- like a great ale] 1 tlto iiraihrGt,sretrtl: " by min massive bee sth at lugs of loyalty omen smouldering mm . 1.io-, tinny towards a mum: whit painful " her against his sen rtturea I aeatrionally n I the old (allow. and Aed 1" l moved] a little wut--" awake and the: If the. "Hallo, Elgar Mttirg, “Yes. How d1 other "Oh, ever so be getting up 3:23;: “Well. you mi ' a hurry. You plated long, it would it "C',',,', your credit jun - __ " am only. I humanism. It now. too, Uliqu-p‘. me that delay might bring a slight modification to my hide mess, and I resolved in let us do what little she Could. and m not out on my travels until the I which now covered one-hall my had fallen on. and disclosed w over fresh horrors might be u heath. Then I would, withoui ting anyone see my loco. star Home German Spa tor the bone my health; before I had been [ thrne months I should bo form and free to wend my way who I planned. This idea, to a m whom life had begun to pl something like a dondlock. we without charm. Society wane love a delusion: now was the r to find out what else there worth learning: in life. ‘ "*‘~-‘~ union in tt ' " I heard Edgar (trPuKlng amp a ly about the room. giving the Im- , preeulon. even as l lay with my l eyes shut. unable to observe his 1 elaborate movements, of great I weight trylng to be light, my heart trmote me at the thought of deceiv- ing him with the rest. "The ele- phant.“ it had been a joke between ourselVes hr me to call him; and like a great elephant he wee. huge, lntelllgent. gentle, not without a cer- tain [DWIVO beauty. with keen feel- lngs of loyalty and a long, slow- smoulderlng memory, with incllnn- tinny towards a laborious and some- ' what {Hurtful sportlveneae. Rebel against Illa sententlouu homllies as! I aeatrionally might, he was a good old (allow. and l was fond of him. l moved: a little to show him I was awake and then said: "Hallo, Enigma is that you I"' “Yes. How do you feel?” , "Oh, ever so much better. [shall .be getting up soon, now." ___.... n‘I ha- in too great Menu-nu ..... _ I occasionally might, old teuow. and l w, l moved: 11 mm: to a awake and then sail -. _-_--- in ' be getting up Boon. "qrrv. “Well. you inuatn't tte in too great a hurry. You haw twen patiout so long, ll: would be a pity to destroy your credit just at the last." " am only waltlmg tor my face to heal now, of course. But, 1 any, FA- gar. it will take a long time tor that to get all right. Why part of my chem: was completely Blowr away. It will tw months. at least I betoro I dare show myself. 1 than ! shall go to some German baths. an: mus mm: mm cum or ECZEMA tew mgpenta‘ t lrn|u...,, - mrd Edgar‘n votes in the um- ' and had only time to rush to bed, put on the bandages l my face. and turn on my side tttttttep, before he came into the our test. I “Um a toes .were often - . _ " o...', demote. row, the right tride were gone. and the a back of the right of this side at the an to chin, was a mass of blackened, l 0111] "an...” w, of course. Bat, 1 any, 191-1 will take " long thus tor a get all right. Why part check was completely Blown It wil, be months, at least. I dare show myself. 1 than I 'O to some German baths. and The Burning, CHAPTER m a. Mr; J. Bruntom “undue. ont., emu-u I swam a - deal on my feet, and were otten raw and "r: painful. "I nod tris1 nearly everyming recon did me any ma! good- It loomed the I Dr. (1388's Ointment k. we believe. wu ever used toe was. ultra-sum no. or mun-om mm a 00.. Town r coestempla- r, tr creaictng soft- plan 1. giving ttte Im- wat I lay with my tom to observe hls at" mm, of great oil ' light, my heart and bought of deceiv- and rest. "T119 ele- tor In a joke between 5 to call him; and due but he waw. huge, of not without a cer- su- by, with keen feel- wa and a. long. slow- in: my, with lnclhm- wt . _----.. ng ii '"". "r f V. 'ig " in the dig- tim" to rush the band-“E" ”'v “I. uwu..~_. , - tttt l mg to wield the endgle pm In: his swoon " led, Fighting lunch. To- There are tour trinda of " ght mice against whom the am “a, has to tltrht, There are u: ring dek'our the foliage, those v and in the wood. those which Ot bark, and those which 9.1 1 l fruit. But all inst-eta tall , “p a: I classes, which can be any . --- ’4 tb,es'sr. mnull mines as 6. P as a good magi td of him. 01sz tint 1 wa. tee'rhe ou It" you I y' I ma ber. [shall mean n "in I too great "Y: whom so that to destroy "ty ua." to h my taeo to "sn ' 1 any, Ed- helm g time tor ml: Why part onct many Blown fron H, at least.‘ ta.ool r. lthlnkl botl I baths. and I -"-- tgtintgtmg Sensation. Taken Away and the new Flash Hoalod by Dr. Chan's Ointment. nusuul for chuck-on to suite:- greatly trom tNNeiltlU a form ot itching “it: dimlmg'l: i relief Is very hard to chum. and neglect In may to tateve aw numb-cl .1 m tble. Dr. Chase‘s Ointment has proven men a. muck renal and pernsoe"'. cur-o rot .. ""‘H-"M' mm: - " “n.4,, mum: (Amway. ':le1?'si; The apple grower Is Rumours w an the most out ot hi: orchards but l sometimes circumstances combine to thwart his ivvu-iuteutioued efforts. and to help him out of his uimculttear um; article: is issuaL The Ikpartmenl t thus talieq 9. hand in ntrhtiug some of ms deadliest foes, provided he is will- l hut to wield the (magma provided tor There are tour kinds of inmt ene- nies mlnlt whom the apple-grower l [18.8 to light. There are those which _ leVour the foliage. those which bore in the wood. those which occur in the bark, and thou? which attack the fruit. But all inst-eta tall within two classes, which can be separated by the nature of their mouth-parts. in the intelligent use of remedies a con- l aideratlou of this point is of the ut-' most importance. In the classi of biting insects, which have, inwa with which they consume thar substance of their food. such ms caterpillari. all that is necessary is to place on the food plant some poi- sonous material which will be eaten 5 vital the food. For sucking insects. 1 which instead of jaws have a bank . or hollow but» with which they suck I ..- umlr food in a liquid form. Inch _.. A --..-* ed by niece remedies. “Wu...“ - w”, measures may be when by which and tho 1 the plants are rendered distasteful a regal..- to the mature insects when seeking: jug: befor i a Suitable place in which to lay their “wally la .eggs. For this purpose various al- such an l, lkaline or strong-smelling deterrent crude can l wrung-u may be used. ' proportlol " cannot be too forclbly emphasiz. Iona of 1 ed that the overallon of "prkrinir" with :1 lt does not mean sprinkling or Ihower- ‘99 Meet lug. “Spraying" means applying “In”! W1 1 llqulds by menus of a. force pump WW4”? , and swaying name with such force metal b ' as to break up the liquid so thor- puuluw o l canny that It falls upon the planta‘ S1,"'t,t,"t , treated as an actual mist or spray. 't il't2',l , Unless you carefully spray and not t"ll, "' I sprinkle you can-nob gm an eve-n dis- 't a p a . V can be I - vrlbutlon of liquids. tbnrefore you mm» e cannotv get the best results. p Fir ti o Remedies to b. Used. mil! 1 o k Remedies are numbered tor easy The” C) reterence and to avoid confusion. senile in l" 1. Kerosene Emuision--0ielvt a. tg,'"';,, i“ half pound'of whale all soap in one iirhdG - gallon of rain water by boiling; take The ' or; from fire, and while hull turn in two out! pea" " gallons of kvroupue (coal-oil) and trouble! " churn briskly tor tive minutes. Before but re, 'J'; using add nine parted of water. outed o ii') 2. Paris Green-One pound of th" bro Uni-ii (green, one pound of fresh lime. Van" et _ - _....... one; po ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tantrum attentive on a "an”..- m Lie. Ont., states: "l an recommend Dr. (mum‘s OiMuomt as 3 mm cum for m y',','.,,','?,',).' and time use!» troubled toe some time with ending and nil-tan. I; , pl. n ul. sunning 'ieooe-re? tor can feet. but [nonw- ain't-em is the only rndy Lt soothed we burning and “lazing. and tum-(rum: hated and cured the men.” I. we believe. tho molt aertasestive' and malt amny nil-factory trest-tt -- --Ith Bod mun; do «was not! oensrtt_ so out!“ . box. a g. . ' ' ' . ' . . ' ' . I thu 'm"'"- w, so that she is tree." " “But supposing she doesm't to be free? i7Upoour---r" to "Snppoimg she has a tar M- being tied to a desttt's new tor War. we must be relea ut once. I want you to write a wn trom me to her. it you will an”. 900nm- it in over the bet! Ar il both of no." usmg Bun nu... P“, L'. Paris Green-One pound otlu Paris green. one pound of fresh lime, " and add to 2(1) gallons of watur. o For dry appllcatvion. take one pound g of Paris green, with 50 pounds of g flour, land planer. sitsked mm). or t any other perfectly dry powder. t 3. Whale Oil ---For young in- t sects otetue)--ye one pound In tive gallons of water. I l, For Aphis-Use one pound kl eight ‘ l gallons of water. I For San Jose seaie--its winter use two pounds ln one gallon of water. 4. Tobacco and Snap Wash; tor plant-Hue or ruins - Souk ln hot water tor a few hour- 10 pound- of tobacco leaves omne-qro'5at will dot; strain oft and add 2 pounds of whale oil soap. stir out.“ all ls dissolved. and dinrtt' to 40 gallons. Apply early and two or three timed at lhort in- [ Reruns. x 5. Alkullmo Wan» for Borer- ite- l duce sort soup to blu- comlatency ' of thick paint by tho addition of a . strong common. ot washing soda in - water. If nppllod witds a brush dur- - la: the morning of a run any. thll - will dry In, a few hours and fond a. Lam-m... cmtlnz not will}; ala- 5. “hum Wanh duce soft can!) to ot thick palot by l . A2-_ .‘I strong sum-non of was water. If Applied with in; the morning of a m will dry in. a few ttour tenacloua coating not gained by rautt, 6, Poisoned harden“: hm“ and insect: on Lrfa' fungi and masons t. [Insane 4 pound! ot you know, I don't know no I may have to stay there. ineantletse----" “In the mntime. what'." “Your siiL,rr"-Heiear--mut" u: .u..-_.._ "lying Dollie with an break up the liquid that It falls upon tl a as an actual mist i you carefully spray [a you can-nob gal an ion of liquids. thor' b met the best result r can: me: by the Renal: & Davis mum: Wlillly. .... enema on my “me an some for year. ago. and It: 8110 bad "ttered tor JoiUcerattt tuna and though we U the only preparation to prove alumna half. Qintmcnt. as It actuinly affected a mount to“ . --= 'n- can feet. and every form attentive u a (cm be Continued.) greatly trom comma. min. and neglect In to prove!) man 3 mm the Kennedy & Dat on my "me my; I"?,", treatment bt would no nus-nu- -._- sacking or u "no sieve. Pour the o.- Ttoe sulphate column Into . Md. or it any ho dissolved in mm In no “at 91:00; in" fill the bond with ' water, add the numbed “no. and l l ounce- ot Park groom “It the [and mm water, Old um- thoroughly. It . I: then may toe an. amok sol- , Mon- ot dissolved copper Emulate and L ot lime my be prepared uni km! in mute covered barrel. thatch- t out the Ipmylng sen-on. The nulls t title. ot bluestone. lime, and wuti a would be caudally noted. _ T. Copper Sulphur tiauuon--'rtthn I ' prepared by dissolving 1m noun! “ ot bluestmm Ur :35 gallons of was! " As soon as (“unwed ll in ready to: J- use. but must be used only Mort " the buds open. TI. Elsi-lei to be Fought. e- The worst We: at the an! i, tree, attacking the lounge. are th ch eye-spotted bud-tttoth witch an i) we destroyed by cpmylng early with he strong Paris green wan-h con-hull he; of one pound each ot Vans grven " two fresh lime, in 100 gallons of was. try the cigar cane-bearer. the pm In cane-bearer. and lam rollers, all 1 un- which can be destroyed by the “I ut- ! means. and Denny tent caterpillars mmulng the trees with polionl. b-tlv - "'"w-"" The Neel-lee to be Fought. The word and“ at the and. tree. attacking the lounge. are the eye-muted bud-mutt“ "Moll an I). deatroyed by spraying early will! . Show Perle green was}! eon-lull: of one pound we» ot Farm green B new lime, in 100 gallons 0! wetter; the clgar cane-bearer‘ the pistol lease-bearer. and leaf rollers. all a. l which can be deem-eyed by the an! ! mane. , l Denny: tent caterpillars by epraylng the lreee with pol-one. so {given in either (lumber 2 or 6, dl- jreotly the young caterpillere m ironclad. All lento should also u lent oft and (betrayed early baton. ' the leaves hide them. i Green trait worm mould I. .lrealed to No. 6. ' Canker worm can, be destroyed ' With a or . u 60be an the celer- f pillow appear. 'l The apple nphli can be delta-and . with 3 or 4. 5 The inmate attacking the wand .. ere principally the “MW ttl borer and the roundvheuded borer. _ - " __......|.. far hoth Mt If. Prev".'"" -_ borer _tsttd the roundvuoudod and tho but remedy tor n a regular treatment awn tutrt before the tiaw the q “wally laid, with dental-rout - " n- Hm lull mu a. No. G, crude carbouc proportion of a loud of tht, , t fauna: ..v..-_v, mt before the tiaw the “I are xmlly laid, with deterrent was”. such an No. G, or {no name in! crude earbolie acid “Med In an proportlon of one pint w 'our teat- lona of the wash. to be applied, wlth a lame brush to tiw but ae the trees and trunks and hunt limbo. When a tree in lute-tad. the prance of the grub may he do- tectad by the Wings which It pushee out ot it: burrow. and In] Hm mnkcn. dluwlored 11quch _ "A ----I0intr lhl‘lmh tho tor sore teert, own“! itye?hut' 1", / tried I - m p'ortn-" wad-n» Ith: a; We: cure for uttq RIO Hunt!

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