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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1902, p. 4

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f; Mrs. R. J. Johnston. (nee Miss Cul- bertson. and baby Grace, of Canning- ton. are spending a few weeks with her mother In, .tr. Seats. Organizes It. Nimmo, of the Sons of scotland. is in town this week. in the interests of that body. and got IO up plicutiuns in two days. Mrs. Arrowsmith left last week to via. it hvr daughter. Mrs. Grieve, nt Sunk tit". Marie. h'he reports " pleasant voynga. Mr. John Lavelle and bride. a Miss Parlow. of Toronto is expected in Dar- ham today an a visit. They were mar- ried three weeks ago. Cougratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Buchan left fm Walk- erton Sunday morning to he present at the funeral of the former's mother which took place there. Mr. Phslip Mt-Km-hnie and bride re- turned from their honeymoon trip to Ilamilton and Uumlns last Thursday. We Welcome them back and wish them Rev. Mr. Farquharson is called to Toronto lo-dayus a member of Knox College Senate, to select " Professm for a vacancy. gagged. Mi.“ Lily (‘ondy left on Monday morning for her home In Guelph ne. mmpamied by Mrs. George McDonald and hairy. mud) joy in their new life l mnphell and 31i.,s 1'ampbell were not forgotten. Mr. ('mnphell teplied feel. ingly, referring to the kindness he had rvceived from them during his pastor- ate and thanking them warmly for their ru-cognition of himgelf and family. Manv outside of Mulock con nation will not soon forget the fuithfl'il pastor and his worthy helpmect nor the genial Christian spirit they displayed in their intiourse with the people, Mingled mt h regrets are the hem tiest good wish- es for the future. burn in Durham. duh, and was in his thirty-ninth bear. He came to this city about ten ‘ears ago and was an em- ployee at the Wakon works. Previous Incoming to Michigan he served for tive years in the North West mounted police. Deceased was highly thought of by all who knew him and is survived " his wife, to whom he was united tive months ago, and by two daughters of a former marriage. He also eaves several brothers and a sister. those living in this city being Wm. M.. Peter and Mrs J (Tole. Deceased was a mem- her of the Modern \Voodmen. The funeral was held Tuesday, Juno " gomthe fquily residence. Rey, E R. "ii'rJ',g"ttitt,.i1 Ier1,re erased by Miss Melen O'Neill. of New York, head nurw in nu operating mom of n private lluspiml. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas Lenahan and her parents In (Ham-lg and will extend bur stay for a "sorith 02' two. - - - """"H of course was hthrelytuoutdlfG ap- Irrecia:ive references to the personality and work at Rev. Mr. (‘atupbell and his worthy helpnneet. and was described to inns able efforts. Mrs. Campbell dir- ected the choir, whose contributions formed a pleasing part of the evening’s tuttertainment. Mr. Duncan McLean toured with a recitation. A chief fea- ture of the evening was a presentation to Rev. Mr, (‘ampbell in which Mrs. ('mnpbell mid Mia 1'ampbell were not forgotten. Mr. Campbell replied feel. ingly. referring to the' kindness he had June Miss Helen O'Neill. of head IIUI'SP in nu operatinl private lluspitnl. is visitilr Mrs. Jas Lenahan and he: ed. mum-4;? "metery.--Ttse n 98.“ nryan place street. of heart trouhle. to which he was subject. Deceased was LA“ ', n . A Ihssueasn. with son Lloyd, left Tues- day morning for 3 two week'. visit at her old home m-ur Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. I'Ihrhnrdt and Miss Schwvnk left last week to apeud n holi- day in Ohio. Mr. E. returns this week. Mr, Fred “'Irkmn. \Vultrr's Falls. Nts. Wickam, (use Mus Mary J. Cole. ridge, and baby daughter. visited relatives at, the Review "ttlee on Thurs- last. They had been guests for a few days with Egremnnt rclntn‘rs and re- turned try way of Ceylon. I‘mnphell on the eve of their departure to Buhwell, Unt.. where their lalrms now lie. Addresses were made by Rev. Messrs Newton and Fttrnuharsori, Dnr ham: Rev. Mr. Graham,' Dornoch and Rev. Mr. NcGregor, Gravenhnrst for wars a neighbor passer. The speaking ”9' . uni-n.- -----:- -___- ___ .. . The tellmim of the late Mrs Morice. Wen- laid to rest in Maplewood ceme- tery an “'ednesday of last week, Rev. D. L. Campbell. bromine. her pastor, rundut-tlng the services. Her three suns and three sons-in-law, acted as pull-hearers and a Very large dumber of friends and neighbors joined In the journey to the grave. making perhaps largest luneml seen in the neighbor- hood since that of the late John Blyth. Mrr,ortc.---The garden party held at Mr. Neil McLean's, to which we briefly referred last week, was of a farewell na- ture (nukev. Ar. Ctoyplrell and Mrs. Ann-"mm l we aw Sunday Ti'l"g; June 22, at 5:30 at his home at p, Bryan place streetnof heart trouble. to Miss Goo: gin MeRae is home from Grnvenhunt holidaying. Mum Nettie Brown is visiting nt her brother's in Owen Sound. Miss Allie Menu is home for holidays from her sic-boo] in Regina. Masters Walter and Willie \Villison, sun; of the Globe editor. are visiting their aunt Mrs. T. Harris. Mrs. Gondon and Miss Gordon. of Belhnire. Ohio. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn. Mr. Mack Heddle. of Lari-lash. u via- iting at his cousin's .Miss A. L Mac- Kenzie this week. \rchlhald 1'yltr "gm! Ittttlar C'otumisttioner Jas. Allan I "nuthin Week on Co. Cot; so. Warden McKinnon is DEATH OF ARCHIBALD COLE. Additional Locals. ', .?h 1jire,GGiii/irt $33.93- Tment was made in AviGiiiie '---The Flint Daily News. 1llan is in Owen n. Council busi- so en Mr and Mn. Joseph Snell of Wharton. are " present spending their holidays with their parents here. Warm weather has come as last and the country seems to haw got a new hte. Mr J. Lothian returned from a visit to North Kepple last week. Mr. Brcdie of Markdale, and Mrs. Arrnett of San". St. Marie, were visit- ing their sister Mrs. John Wilson last week. The woman] match between Durham nmiAllan Park teams resulted in de- feat for Durham by 2 goals to o. T. G. Holt was umpire. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hastie of Eger- ton, Proton, called on a few their many friends here last week. ll uch interest was taken in the base- buH game. captuinad by Messrs Newton and Allan Bell, and ulupired by Mr Frank Lenahan, whose deck-ions gave suthfactiun in bath sides. There was good play by both teams. which wow chosen sunply from the. crowd. the vic- tory going to Bell's boys by 15 runs to 13. Messrs C Ryan and G Stimson pitched for Bell and Newton respective- ly, the catchers being Newton. Cameron and Lawrence. Miss Minnie Lamb was up from Tor. onto to meet with her father here, end celled on her friends. Min looks well and enjoys living m the city. Mr. and Miss Bradley, of Orchard visited Amos church S. School last Sabbath. . Miss Alice Priel has returned home from New York, and some of the boys look 10 years vounger. There must be lots of gnu and pen meal around Taverna!) this summer, " our beef ring has beaten the teoord for weight arid quality. Wilt Bell has John Damon and Sons building . stone foundation under his house. and making other improvements. Wonder who will " up the intelior. The C. E. [Jere enjoyed an address on Missions last Sunday c'vemng, by Rev. Mr. Bruce, of Toronto, who has been chosen by the mission board to go to China as. u missionary. We all wish hun every success in his labor for the Master. Mr Thomas Moran, who has been under the weather for some time, is on his feet again, and we are pleased to hear gaining strength. Some of our young men intend ak. ing a trip to Manitoba this summer. How will they tear themselves - Chas Boyle has a kitchen and wood shed to his fine residence. and a balcony on the front which makes it complete. Fine growing weather, plenty of rain, crepe look well. the hay crop will be extra, corn is a failure. Mr George Lamb is down from DU. ter, Michigan, on a business trip and has been calling on his old neighbors. He has Will Barkley with his new ma.- chine, drilling a well on his farm. They are down 60 ft. Provision was made for the children'e enjoyment in the usual swings, etc . and money prizes Were given for some well- contested loot races. About 1 o'clock last Thursday the ;"nd the news was spread around of the death oi another of the early settlers of this part cf the country, in the person of Mr (in. Amos at the adyauced age of 82 yrs. 1 month 2o days. lie was a native of Scotland. being born in Ettrick. b'ellsurlishire, in the year 1820. When but a young man he came to Canada in the yr. '37, and lived fora number of years in Dumfries, and in the year 56, he came to Egremont and settled on the farm on which the Amos church is bullt, where he and his helpmate in life labored for many years. When old age came upon them they sold the farm to Mr. John Snell. and have lived in Dromore until the time of his death. He leaves behind him two brothers, one Iium. in the L'. S. and Sandy, in North Keppel and his wife, who exceeds him in age almost 4yrs. being in her 87th yr. and has stood her sore trial wonderfully well. The funeral which took place on Saturday at 3 o'clock was largely attended. The Rev. Mr. Campbell officiated at the home and grave. The friends and sorrowmg widow have the sympathy of this community. Quitea number of the young folks took in Zion plcmc on the Ian. and re- port a. grand time. This year the three schools of Vickers Allan Park and 141th combined for the event. and their success must be gratifying. Mr Henry Brigham was made chairman of the platform Work. and as usual acquitted himself well. Rev. Mr. Bray, Hanover, was piesent and addressed the crowd, while, pretty rungs and choruses by the children formed an attraction also. Besides, the Durham Band was present and xupplied excellent music. Needless to say the refreshment "mt was thoroughly en- joyed, the provision being abundant and of excellent quality. Friday lust for miles around, the trend pf travel WM turned towards Al- lan Park tor a little to the north of the hamlet. on the grounds of Mr. Beckeu- haur the famous Annu al picnic washe- ing held. Both livery stable: in Da r- ham had every horse in use or more would have been in attendance. As it was the crowd was vet y large. ALLAN PARK PICNIC. Dromore. GLASCOTT Teacher Donald McDonald. intends leaving this week for adrive by way of Owen Sound, Bruce and other parts before returning. _ A large number of Durhamites pair sod through here on Dominion Day to attend the Demonstration at Fleaherton Teacher Blakeston of Dundalk. paid asbort visit to our town on Saturday and Sunday last It is quite natural to see Mr B amongst us again for a few days, The Misses James, teachers, hope on their holidays " present. Postmaster McKmnon, who 18 tn o. Sound for the last month, was home fora few days this week. Our roadmatrters did excellent work in gravelling our main street lately. The Garden Party held at the Meth odist prrsonagc on Friday evening the 4th inst was a complete success in all respects. The Dromore choir in their usual good style and liberality render- ed excellent service at intervals d.ur- ing the evening. Speeches were given by Rev gentlemen from Fleaherton. and elsewhere. Good eatables and good everything was the result. Pro- ceeds amounted to 848. The funeral of Mrs Gilles, relict of thelate Allan Gilles torment}; of the north line Gltsnelg early in t e fifties, later on moved to Proton, and then to Osprex, took place here on Saturday the 6t inst, aged about 80 years. The weather has been extremely hot and sultry daring the last week. Crops are growing fine as the Wa nuth after so much rain suits the growing process. The weather still continues showery and is yet rather dlscouraging for hay- ing which will be in season in a few days. Rev Mr McLennan preached in the Ilrepbyternn Church last Sunday. A Rev Mr McCullough will preach next Sabbath at the usual hours, as the pastor Rev Matheson is away on his holidays for a couple of weeks. Daring a thunder storm on Saturday evening the 5th inst., the house of Mr Malcolm McDougall. one mile east ot this place, was struck by lightning and completely burnt. We dld not hear whether any of the contents were saved or not bat it is likely that a great deal could not be saved. The Grey and Bruce Insurance Co. paid the fall claim to Alex MeEaehern for sheep killed by lightning a few weeksago, amounting to $60. This was a generous act on the part of the Company as the sheep were on the road at the time the loss occurred. Mr Arch McCuaig is one of the Diree. tors and he no doubt used his infiuenee in the matter. - -.. In b, mu "k0rru n32] “3-211 '.i.isiag' [mu Rm [:2]: mi] mustang-rm: tragrrgy LrJ'NrcarT,ttYcmeiy'ie'ird.'d.W: . k w‘ & u .1. "m ~~ trptt- “r t1i'er:r, tur..::..! 27.91' - r' .9v,;9.91 .91 a) Mb (i,? (iii,'; SUMMER *JLeLdLJv-ws-IL-I 'tr'rrlili?/p'lrie' tll','::.)!).-.";),,"):),), ',k'z'pui'r-'s14s",'itT'ii' Lâ€"JLâ€"JLJLJLJLâ€"JLJLI? we make a noteworthy reduction on 40 Trimmed Hats, all of the latest Bummer styles. These. we will sell at from 7 5c to $4.00. Please call and see them. Pretty Ready-to-wear Hats at half price. 30 Sailors ranging from 3ic to 50c for 25C 3 5 Sailors, regular 7 5c, 85c and $1.00 for 5oc The season is advancing. . Already we are clearing our Summer Millinery though, to be sure, there still remains six iveeks of the season. However for the PRICEvrLLE. NEXT 30 DAYS y. J9. Warlock. CASH and'ONE PRICE Ciiy-'raV.ta'-etVairddf.9ka'rl but? 'eiiili'Fi'uAii's4itlcy,',rry fi i-,r:inir."a BREW-3% WWLWTFfl’F'fiJ-ngm IF'II"! r?! _ ' The ladies, are very busy canning strawberries and cherries. Baring has already commenced. we con hear the song of the mowers on all sides now. Though the season has been backward. there is every prospect for . very bountiful harvest. Mr. Nelson Eden and Mr James Gadd spent Sunday with Hampden friends. Master Nelson Dowhng, of Durham, " engngod with M. T. Lesson for the summer holidays. I Rev Mr Matheson who attended to him concerning his spiritual needs ‘during his Sickness. preached the fun- ieral sermon and during his discourse gave words-of comfort to the bereaved ,mothcr and family of the assurance i that their loved ones loss to them was I his eternal gain. Mrs. John Aldred is ill at present, all join wishing her a speedy recovery. Mr. Ind him. Wm. McCalmoh. Jr. Snndayed with the latter's yarenta Mr. and Mrs. Fee. Mr McKinnon. ot Priesrille, spent Supday at Mr, Leeaou'a. Mrs. Watson, of Toronto, sister of Mr Aldred. Sr. has returned to her home havmg spent I week with Mrs. J. Blythe and other friends in this part. We are sorry to report the illness of Miss Mabel Dunn, but hope it may not prove serious. The funeral of the late Peter Fergu- son. of Proton, took place to McKech- piiseemetery, D. Road Glenelg, on Thursday the 3rd July, and was largely attended. This young man was ailing for about a year, from the effects of a severe cold received while attending to his duties in Dakota. He came to the old home early in the summer, to receive the tender care of .abeloved mother, but proved of no effect as the germ had taken hold, and the cane ot mother and skill of physician could not save his mortal body from the grave. He died fully prepared to meet death, and entreat- ing the rest ofthe family to be prepar- ed to meet him in the better world. We are pleased to hear that the motheroitbe deceased, who was ail- ing for some time, is getting better. A gentleman representing Chosen Friends, was here all last week trying to form a Lodge of that society. On July 3rd, to Mr and Mrs David Hineks, a daughter. All are doing well. TORONTO -------+ o _-------. . VARNEY REVIEW 15nd Montreal Wit nesa 8t.60 Ravmw and Family Herald. . 81.75 REVIEW and Toront"o Daily Btar 32.20 A Life-long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this coun- ty, has given us an experience of its requirements which we are cottfi, dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with confidence for a share of their patronage. We just mention this week that we have secured the agency for the Peter Hamilton Goods Come to us for Window Shades. NEW, Implement Agency~ MACFARLANE d; M. Druggists and Booksellers. J/o Blue Bike Jf.rarus M ON EY TO LEND,-- DEBTS COLLECTED,-- LANDS BOUGHT & b'OLD,-- Every kind of tiuaneitu business transac- ted. ucrea. geared from both wheels, making it the most desirable drill in the market Call and let us explain its merits. Wait a few days for our BUGGIES. and call special attention to the LEADER DRILL . B. M°ARTHUR when brightened up with some of our ARTISTIC WALL PAPER-- for a mere trifle too. Bring us the size of your rooms and let us show you how cheaply it can be done. A few more remnants left at a sacrifice. Addrem---H. H. MILLER. Lock Drawer 28, Hanover. Ont, _ ct A. W mm new HONOR GRADUATE of Torontr University. graduate of Royal C'ouegw of Dental But-goon- of Ontario. Roorns, IDildo:- Block over the Pout (Mice. w. c. mama o. n s.,Li. s. Deal at the Store where Jot' can get Everything 1mm " Needle to an Anchor. )IIS('ICLI..\.\' FAH 'S IBARGLAY tt NOBLE DENTISTRY. Are now stocked up with MAXWELL & COC KSH UTT m CALL PROYEN Hay Fork TOLTON'S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, Pianos & l )rpurac ADAMS WAGGONS Bloughs,» if arrows Snrj'j'lers This Week's Shipment fun! contains Paris Green, Htuvsrht Scales, Horse Pokes, Grain k' dies, Harvest Mitts. Su‘lim Guards and Heads. CALL and EXAMINli om vester Drill with stéel wire conductors F,” It?" of Maxwell 3000's. . mm I W. JULY IO, 1902 Best of its kind W. BLACK. and see our fa- mops Syl- Mr, and tel " TWEFTI GRDGE We t - II We c H 0.1 YY Wot IT’ all/'1: a .... )N'I HE SELLS CHEAP Lower JAK MT Mac ll, If yo) Kodal when) prett comi thou Oh 3 DI ranted "ot-- be lu f ul l can Trv t Ot JPes JO 'kt c, )O'I wer an '0 W Or;

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