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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1902, p. 6

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d? truublmi with 1"tInill! Weaknea "in any form. to try the remedy that and me after everything else had lanai. and that remedy is Dodd‘g Kid- m Pills t "For month. at 3 tin!!! val so low and teet't mt f found It lupouible to attend to my hon-wold duties. my book - to 1min something dread- M. New I feet Dixon and ttenter ‘nn 1 on: did. and Dodd'u KIdne‘y “It. did " att. They are worth their um " gold to any young wanna dieting u I and to an". A “nqym as up 1094311913. sad “Thu bum me up wonderfully. and I qttgttttA spank too - of Budd'- KUD'!__PIIII u a medicine M dot Mia- Liddvl: its vary gratzuful for her l’tqu-hslle d: liver-mice. and strongly Putoqttggortetar th, id‘s Kidn ' Pills to ml he: lady acquaintances who need help. am has givnn for publication L "my strong letter of woo-mend:- qhoo, In which she nys: "I won“ most hartiir and con- -ttmtiotatrly ow0rise all your“; wom.tn tranquil with_l“unule Weaknen in day atttr " m thum- bnail; iiuGiUie by? are: known before. than Anon. Young Indy ape-ks Strong pull (Jon noel to not suturing alo- tqi-Tutu them Her Own _ le-co A. Proof. Blind [than Oat., June L'8.--tspo- qiaLt--Attgorte who might today we Mun, Emu.) nude“. on this place; tor “a first timo would tiuU it turd to We"; than uni) " few months ago Mu, mu, Ml insasid. 'hmest Words of Advice From One Who Knows. M YOUNG WOMEN. The man who boasts of never haw .8 done a silly wring In hll life mad be put in a glam one» as a .odeI for krwontomr.---Ksto Thyoon buck be otteo but momm- name tor Inn! horse some. Marry a curtain. scone ends in a new in court. Snood“ - troetr%it 3h_;'vbtll. hunt tor loom who wast. But It mo- uthed bumps up against those who hustle. It is beautiful to hear rich people humming upon wlhat poor people dwuld do in Um my of sanitation. when tho poor man‘s appetite would ha- a Joy turner to the rich man‘s Quit-non. in... trouble with tho state of 1 "Hum In its variabb climate Sonya children might well conduct a twining school tor paronttr. It is the little things of life that cash up tho sum total of happiness sud misery. A countsrfeif of any kind always draw. some defect that betrays its ratmtionu. Tho girl with the pamlonate gown and the man with a high fever shirt wlll noon rNtalate the temperature of tho summer resort plasma. Many a kwo-lml Coronet adorns a pint- :‘n't'; t., nun. It would tako an awful lot of fer.. tlliz'mg and forest growth to make so...» people ripe for Maven. Matrimony is ohm: nothing more than an elevator that lifts people up or takes them down without er- fort on their Part. Don't think that nqures never lie. A couples of pounds of cotton judch only distributml. can add twenty winds to any figure. A nun who in a good fellow among Ion is generally questionable In ttite dmllnga with women. Temptation and redatanoe are a “as: of pvt-mun and environ- .ont. Sumo people could land no to pordltlon. others could not coax In to heaven. When 3 man because a cynic It In . cacao! Item. pills; with a wo- nn " In heart trouble. Whom people are old enough to how hotter. they would be old on- ough to do better. When Adam was caught- munch- ing that old apple. he whlm-d and blamed It all on Eve. Ever dnce that “we. when a man [lips Ma trolley. everybody wants to rind the woman. If a girl know» nothing mom than how to look pretty she plays um - with a full hand. Love In either a mighty Irritant or n effectin- soothing syrup. atonie, . stimulant. or an "ntoxieattt. . A troublemme memory makes nuns. In {his}. New York Control and medeogt Rho: hilrood. The no" name I. a household word old tho apex-tor ”cone-co at tho road would be widest to " tnot loot pooplo. but now tint the rote In tho “no to New York out! punt- an " by other II... no III-(her reooumoudntlon gdtttUd in 'rrPflyrrttmtr will tedt you It " Few People Free From solicit!“ of Some Kind. A correspondent points out that our pronunciation (which is often "pronouncintion") has its faultl. It is only too true, and "G'iberalter" is a rock on which many split. "Heighth" in a common mistake. and ladt month thousands of peo- ple were convinced that they were in "Febuary." hot one man in a hundred enli- an isthmus anything but an "lemon." And “aerated"! The mlatrutment of that word de- mandl a. separate hospital. "Ar.. eated" is the common injury. But there lute been heard ouch com- pound fractures an "aereated" and "aerioratod." After that “diph- theria." which merely loses an "h,") in a mild case. i [ A journeyman is a person who travels with goods. . The Christian Father. were pious heads ot “milieu. A colgn of vantage was a lucky penny. The Pole Star to a star t1xmt on to the heavens at the North Pole on whlch the earth seems to loin Dr: Chase's Gimme“ A girl. giving a recipe for the mak- Ing at Scotch broth. said: "A few Imches may now be added if onions cannot be had." No doubt she meant tei-Pirie':: Friend. A duck has an awkward. waddllng gait because its hind legs are longer than Its fore ones. A schoolgirl writing an 9989' on dress mld: "It la a great sin to wane much time or money upon drama. We should remembé'r that war first parents had none." I In another school and under simi- lar citcunvsta,ncets a boy, on being l asked where the Rh er Dee wad. an- ? swarm] cortretly that it was in Atter- l denature. Aaaummg quite " serious f look I asked him tr he was not tnie- , taken, adding that I thought the Dee f was in Kirircudltrigitt and flowed into ' the Solwuy Firth. He was a bashful Qboy and made no reply. To give 1 the class a needed tulip I appealed ', to them to settle whether I or the sboy was Sght. To give a. verdict ', against the Inspector was, ot course. I “.0" to be thought or, and there was [Enhance for a. time; but at last a, on which the meth seem! to Ipin round. "Sulflcient unto the day I: the evil thereof" just means that the evil committed at the present day [a quits tntfrieiont without any more. A teacher asked: "What were the two clue-ea into which the virgins tn the parable were divided ?" and got from a girl. whose religious knowledge and natural history had Bot mixed the answer: “Vertebree and invertebrae." The Equator to 3 HM passing through the centre ot the earth where the sun in hottest. A Cabal was a mbdkGeran, longlng to a an"? tor mooring It boy put his hand to his mouth and said to his neighbor, in a stage whis- per not meant tot but which reached {Hy ear-"He dim ken there's twa hi COMMON ERRORS. in "do." aa an;- to an mum tad I: The practical nail the - lg to take the moon tld cl clan nd lick It. ‘While eating an ice emu soda, we: the ice cream is 'tataet, I. It proper. to leave ti? snoop in the gin or take it on with. drinking tht teat d_the coda? (Bufraht Express.) A contemporary has been acted to decide this disputed point of atl- quanta: t " of weeks. I was advised to try Mr Linimoot to allay the irritation, and did so. 'nho effect was more than I 'rxpeeted--ts few application con- pieteiy curing the irritattom pre- venting me bites from becoming sore. “NARD'S LlNIMENT is also a good article to keep out the momma. Yours truly, t A. OKE. Harbor Grace. NM.. Jan. 8, 1898. Wears. C. C. Richards & 00. , Dear Btrtr,--wtgle in the country last summer I was ham] bitten by mosquitoes-ao badly that [thought I‘would be fPfitru.rtsd for a. couple ....,.....u... um". um unuw‘u, Wt all] piro, and our troops. are 'BritittlC has: ot the ‘Crown ot Enzlond.’ of “Englishman beyond the nm.’ and, saddest perhaps of all. ot ‘the Gov- or'nment ot England.' Patriotic Soot: and “than must take concolntlon from the fact that It the uncle Mn. ned Ln the House of Lords, the nephew in the Commons maintained a correct attltude utroughout, Mr. Balfour au3tmoweedtr%tt with due emphasis that oar Grown. our Em.. Ball-bury In Old Ofelia". (london Chronicle.) "Lord Salisbury the other day ot.. fended many citlsem of the Britt-h empire by alluding to It as an. Hihte- lieh' empire. His speech In the Lord- last night in (moving a vote at thanks to the "my and navy 'ttMt- yum' quote patter of offeettte. We An haul": unnwond. When you aim“! Itt,8: AC. 'ftPtttf,tt,r1tttr. toro.ur "le sttottGiAe.Tive -iiic irrriairi'ii'att win $130??? proteeta your clnthea.whllo the planner dawn the pain and trtithtetut, out ot you. the open market. but by a. third party, and that every manh right to dim!” a man whom he wishes to em- ploy no longer is subject to review. Perhaps an Industrial community can get along pads: qua} a system. but none emi- ham and the oxberloiéevai New Zealand does not even create a {resumption that " can. (N. Y. Journal of Commerce.) in the course ot tima compulsory arbitration must reduce wagon, and its popularity with tho working classes will then be for less than it is in Now Zealand at the present mo- ment, where it promote. luduotrlal peace by raising wages; but. accord- ing to the New South Wales Commie- a‘umar. the economic conditions would have rail-ml wages anyway. How much compulsory arbitration will promote induslri ll grace when wages are going down is wholly unknown. But the most serious aspect of the matter is that compulsory arbitra- tion means that the wages to be paid by a manufacturer or a railway com- pany shall not be rel by itself or in 1tiottmtrttd-How about that new health food you invented? " It on the market yet t ' Bronxboroutrh--No, I've given " up. I find that all the good names have Not Very Far Wrong. (Ohio-no Chronic!” {Recently a pastor was preaching to children. After asking many ques- tions and impressing on the minds of the children that they must be saved from sin he asked the question, “What in sin P' A bright little boy. six yar- oid, quick no thought. replied. Chewing. smoking. cursing and test- ing your pants." mum-(1’s Llnlment for Rheuma- tum. " incurable. Science has pmvencatarrh tobe u. con-cltuuonal also». and thoracic re.. quires a eomstttttttottal treatmont. 8&1?an- turh Cure, manufaetured hr F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, In tho on eotts"ttuttotttM cure on the market. " In on Inunully in dose. from 10 droptt to I autumnal. It not. dlroctly on the blood and mucoul curiae-o of the Ivy-mm. Tho, otter one hundred dollu'l tor any can It tal a to cure. Send tor drou- larl and continental; Thrre I. more (fatal-r21 In thlu section of the country than all other “some: put together. and until the lam. law years Will supposed to be ineurable. For a Treat many yam doe- ton n',eh"'gr,,d, " a oeal alien." and preo- eribe local remedied. and tt constantly fall- lng to IPP. 'el' local he nt, pronqunepd The End or Gotham. Comes now Professor Hamilton. of the New York Museum“ Natural Hin- tory. and deposm that In his oplnion Gotham will be destroyed by volcanic eruption. The trouble my not arrive for ages, and than again " may make its appearance to-morrow. The pro- fessor says that Manhattan Island Long Island, Staten Island. and pretty much all ot New Jersey are of voloauic origin, and he says: “They will all be totally destroyed by the sump forces. The old lava. streams, now solidlfied rock like the Palisades, are liable to break out again to per- mit an outlet for the fires now tar. prisoned My nature." Audra- F. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo. o. Bold by 1'lg'itWrtitira'i"fi Hull's Faml y Plu- are, the be“. wuard'a Llnlnent in the but. Note on Etiquette. It: Ten. to Come. No (In. w. Y. Sun.) "Land “in, Inn-nor. Us" Ann Jones aitt't do mu. It‘s Sarah Jon- klm I want! to many." , Col. Underwood replied that he would a it all right and we uld take out 2lStd Room. coating 01.- 50,.th II!- he mud deduct “no "a? gut-.5- too at h n e n n," crud an. Wing you b3; ho. de page: lilo It am. I did water an": huh Jenna, but do" ain't 31.50 Moraine 'twpen den, no I no“ mt the Msrr Ann Jon. db ttma."b-ltetMo Courier. ,d. _ ' tn the regaiaie form. I will get you a. license from the Cotmty Clerk, which wl! Goat 81.50, whlch sum I I will deduce (noun uhe " I am plug to glvo you." Barn denatured, but "tsadly con- canted to hare the liteemre procured. He cum to Mr. Underwood'. home In the evening, and when the cortl~ (hate wu- road to hint it contunod the nuns ot “My Ann Jones," tho name ot I. mun Sam had been pg,- Ing “Rankin. Married Girl " Whose Nun. the Licence Wu Mud. Out. Former Heat-Gov. John C. Under- wood, od Kentucky, told a story at the Canadian Society dinner at the Arkwright Club Tuesday night about a. new in his employ who was mer- ried four or five timer, every time receiving an a. gift 85 from his ex:- player. The sixth time the tenant appeared Mr. Underwood said: “This that; has gone too far, Bum; this page you We!“ tp get married "ce-Bud 'of what-d century giant? , WAS NOT $l.li0 DIFFERENCE. Ron! Unklnd. (Chime News.) 1Nen--tEim PM»: is noting u bud in moiety this winter. F Tm Laxative Bromo Quinlno stb“. All (Wt- nfund the money it it mu to can. B. . rovo’l imam" In on each box. Mu. Good Fatn. (Tatum Moon.) “Hallo. Jim! Where am you on to now t" “Oh. north for the summer." "Ain't you a. hit early, old In? We haven't had any hot weather yqt. you know." ENGLISH GPA")! 1.!lech ”moved all hard, not: or culouoed Lumps and Blem- Inheo [tom horses, Blood Spuvln, Curbs. Spun“. Ring Bone. Swan], Magnum... Son and Swollen Throat. Cough. etc. Save .50 by use of one bottle. Wan-anon the no“ wonderful [Hamish Gun our! known. Sold by Ill draught; V "Bai, my dear follow. my wife [us become impatient; site has a. new mung we." Lover’s Y-Z(Wine fGed)Duinfoetant Soap Powder is better than other soap powders, u it Also no“ u I disinfectant. u (Toronto Moon.) Wtsnted,-Wet1 educated young an -Unirtsrtr1ty graduate in modern languages preNrr,ed-to write the Dacia! notices for a newly-Heb Tor. onto !unlly. Must have complete ndjectlval vocabulary. Box 152. Moon. a (N. Y. Bun.) Knicker-Thone bathing girls must be afraid of tho police, Boeker-Rbw 00? Knicker-They hate to be caught with, the good- on, (Po-onto News.) Mr. Henpock proposes that We marriage service should be altered so that It will read: "Who daro take this woman t" And tho bridegroom mu nun-er: " I dare." . Minn-d1 Liuiment the but Hall- Mpg-er. One hundred million bottle. of Painkiller used nines 2a Davis made the Brat. Bu- "on. ot “ammo -artte. and otttertuthetseured,. when n record In 60 years! Us" a bottle 31'”. "ttdr-you will not regret It. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY we once took the helpleu siiihiéf-i and. may them into the water; my; those who were citizen of the neat were carried tenderly his; who mote corners to recover from their futlvlty at [alum-e. of tho Intoxicated stranger and the fellow alum: who has mumbed to his bundllhments. He imybr1ated ttity anti. twaettrutre from one next and twmtyvl'lvo (roux another, and pat than att into the nest from which one lot: had been taken. The Inhabitants (Natural Science Mmllne.) Lord ‘Avabury declares that ants that maintain their sobriety make a. quit: distinction in their treatment Mlnard'o Llnlment cures In (hippo. n was found out that the man found his natural hair was turning gray and desired to make It match the wic.:so h: invested in a Prrthara- tion warranted to darken the hair, and in the secret ot his own room applied it. But, owing to some strange chemical combination. in- stead of making- the silvened hair dark it made the dark hair golden, and so far the unfortunate man has found nothing that will counteract the ltrlking contrast. no he is com- pelled to endure no small amount of dialling from his trismdte.-Philadei.. phia Record. l stops the Cough and Works on the Cold. LtrxattvtsBromo Quinlne Tablet. cure ucold In one day. No can. No pay. Price M cents. A Public Ollcisl’o lad Hunting. With Mn". Dye. . V (A prominent public official began to mow sign. at hzildneu. and theu rather surprised his friendh by - peering with a. eleek. well-groom amp of dark hair. For some time no one suspected a wig. But a. tow days ago he appeared with the top of his head covered with the usual dark brawn hair. but a dial-p lino, from the tips of tin- ears. marked a strong contrast, for the hair on" tho line was of the bright golden hue which is the pride of the "chem- ical blondmv" ' TORONTO BETRAYED BY GOLDEN LOCKS r I" a p Tondod Their Own Drunks. In New Woman's Tlllo. A. male as Poulblo. Advertising It In well to have this recorded. for nothing " really settled until it but beon decided In an Engmh taw court. The conclusion of the matter in that kissing In a decaying art-or. rather, out ot his nose for his having tried lo kill her by we; at a Joke. The defendant was acquitted. and the judge laid " down. that ‘when a man kissed a Wounn unmet her will she ls fully entitled to bite hie none it she so plmaeq.’ " land. "And if you have once tasted how delicate these kisses are, and the doliolounnela of their Iavor. you would want to be banished to Eng- laud for time and eternlty. Which. an Fronds once Wrote in quoting this passage UtaoeurtstasV, In pretty Hood for a priest. But In the year of Queen Victoria's accession customs [and al- brought an action imam-t ifGiiira Hue N'w'ton.whq hetti.ttesn. a. piece And yet people wonder that the Church I: not so popular an it v.3! Erasmus. too, as you may read in his “Epistohe Famlllnres." came across much the lame sort. of mm; in Eng- Kisses are allowed In France be- tween noblemen and ladies, whether they do or do not belong to the same family. If a high-born dame is in church and any fop of her acquaint)- uuce combs she must. In accordance with the usage prevailing in good so- ciety. get up, even it aha be ab- sorbed. in the deepest devotion. and has him on the mouth." Till the time orthe Renaissance the ltlendly kin was greeted in France. eepocially among the up- per clnsoeu. In his “Apom‘le pour Herodote," Henri Eitleune writes thus: Dr. Nyrop. having settled down to work, proceeds ayltelnutically :1. becomes a. professor and differen- tiates “can inwlove Irittteets,tsrreo- tionate titles, the kiss ot peace, the kl- at reapeet and the kiss of friendship. If we may indulge in tsutleipatlott ._bnsed upon past hiar. tory we should predict that ulti- mately the tint division will re- main in possession. There have: been epoclm when the civilised world was a mingled inferno and pat-adios (I kissing. But in Euclid: the some wood has to do duty for the nephew'- peck at hie nuntl’ forehead and the tint rapturous salute of the ao- cepted lover. German give. a. tre.. mendoul doles: at “been. tor Dr. Nyrop he.- found over thirty var-l- one. mentioned and defined in Ger- man ditstioturrieq, though he has nut noted that the loglul fallacy of era-divlaioo in perpetuated. For example. *there is no “neon win a “le1eelruee" would not be a "Magenta-e" and " "Pentathl- kule" " the some tune, though the eveulng does noun a more appro- prlute time to klee the lady’s allp- por. But the German determina- tion to leave no cap in [nuance lo blumphnntly shown to the word "musuu-n"--whiet1 means making an for-Artisan that have been missed. then, is a use? We cannot accept the French cynic'a comparison at a this to the harmles- bullet of the average due! as a definition. Still (as: does the “Dictionary or the Dam- lah Phi'lologlcal Society" know shout It. "A pressure ot the mouth scum-t ' body ."' That I. Just “be a. pnnlolo- steal not”. Mr. t9quoere' method was tar more 'rtstiefaetory. Learn to and in and than. go And do It, and you can do wit-bout the datuution. However. division In easier than do- nnttiou. “I! In this matter other languages put us to the blush. Even» the Romans had three words to ex- press the ttwr, and according to the Munro od, the reclplonlt diatrlbuted "03cm. bull. an! mun." Alwnys lulu on your dale:- sup- llylox you wlth “In IMT Mr, Thonml hum-land A: Ext-nun and, of the Art of moulntlou. An exhouItINe and: ot the art ot Joculation has been published In Lon- don by C3htrftrtoptter. Nerp. apropos ot which the London Chronicle has (this to any: Mugs that happen under one'l very none are proeieely the thing: bt doe. not occur to us to lava-ti- ssue. And, if we may suggest an. ap- propriate Mutants.» word, Dr. Nymp snows lumps! a very learned and ememtplng kin-town. What, What made your linens Coarse? Common soap! Sunlight Soap saves linen. VARIATIONS OF THE KISS. PAILS And TUBS vnl EXPENSE Alt h a - luv. my In manufactured Iro- IILLED when. WOODENWARE E.B.EDDY’S the in of mutants " III-m . 3..., "" ”IIIIIIII- I HummI-Iuv,uoct lurk“ "do.” Mum. Bows-moo! u“ no. from rod“. Ink-“alumnus: Duh , “I Inn-I. my le" "ey. !gm In... Minn, fiikiiiiirTiirii ("can "tt "an...“ but”. Pu'l U.I.Iu1.. '99tortt yr: ; WWII, W."rm. 'mu m. M unto! r was.” tl,'h'llk'iSlK,'ArtTd't','ll"s'RP. - - rummau-uiaqn-ulua tr, if-_AFiriliiGkEiru run TRIAL Mun“ Fatwa-0M”. aarfMereet'tee.-r.N- BONSUMPTION at. cleaning - , van and Four other ‘ brunt memln. Elec- the POLISHING FIBRE an. “In, an drudgrry um mum silver cleaning a plow um. No IOIM handa. nothing to use but oh. benumully sinful-9d ehmieal nl',ir1St1"f, cloth. Price 'de at arugula an noun- deulou. By mall from IOIAICII um. 00., It. Morin-t. on. Write tor trial “mph. Work No More iillaA7a'hrd Tihh"huamTai "rFreit ‘“’ Eivuafintoiotatttuttt so S'IN an. = M mu . m ttnit ttex but!“ Gum-um P. 0- “. Im- TUNED APPLES.. Ben-lea and other (mm on can”: or will buy P.O.B. point ot tttTh': ' he ter, 1tttst',tt Ammo. PM ter and out-r ur- . ' Corn-Mecca solid“. VETS“ PRINT O P300003 oo., Cor. York Ind Winn .ta..oraet 1't Ottawa, It. Dd on " P _rt'd"','o2i's'2'fdsSt 2.'ttgtt,ti.t2tdl, Aroma-1pm.? ANMMI‘H, Anyonpdcundhi-P Beyond-chm? 15°“ '1'?“- ... -fthnt n :uhmhdyh-ododtho-u ISSUE N0. 28. 1902. Do you cough? Do ourlun P 13%." an}: tet In“: Préventod and cured. \ I, T H E but qulnod lama! . Training com-Io in Cumdm In one or the many advantage. otrered to no." and young men at thin Ila-Mental School nun Faifiiik an: norm‘ M In tho 'MtM-fl'dN'fd at -we an o tor I limited 'htt,',f,',tu', lhtfu'h'a'l DRY STOCK - "and to delivery. sum ,mrrquauttttr and was WOODSIOCK MUE6E ne- lite. The mater. an unlverotty trained men, and the school igt under uncut Christian Influences. A large endowment nuke- moderate charges pounlble. . a! BAYLEY & GO., “Bigfljdwl’ér tuendar to A. L. lnCrimmon. M. A., Prlnclpal. Taken with the noun High School studies It “(oral . practical training ot grant value to every youthi Students are prepared for Unh'erlltlm. Balance lid Pro- le-ional Schools. and bud- 'weiauki.. taunt." 7' , 't'l'a'2't/d'atfffrgt star cameo. Wetterl " Lcent. Toronto; Than. Henry. Hunger. loan-cl. 60-63 FRONT aria“ Em. TORONTO. ONT. 7 We WANT Woodstock, Ontario. [3333 Practical Training. IT."- "i"itiiaGr Fiiikiid -- -" --- 10mm” tlethtd1'll"t?d', " Sttpahlt at that h I- m not; bogoldhoqeugpdu by read....-u. but I In one who Is In»: OHM cording to roytil cet “(led lit-rue” “Ah l “I "ml-mnIkm‘W or I'MUBI’ ln'Tgel 00-9:me b) a In con. Many a! my r excellent sun. " qtamu, all: other! my have not yet d mu wear, Mann: tt “linens of OH We and lwnu Anthol- nun-H I II ‘ka ie, Is Named in til M it looks as of tli.r Hr" " being New My trim-d :.1 tt,'l"i% T" on. of tl" “In Mmu‘JH-r h"I are. with thr, et m which also Alt" ."ur"ri" h their Hume papi h. and go about I “til n or or h-uluq u at hand, and a " " bar as pun-1M1 cy- the slight»! l to of bygioue or l who lays try h with a gel-He high the Summer da." 1 haunt 'rttxrtsio."f-h none at lam to wn that, the trtsli-r.otrn are naturally feot - what the WM: Inn- for m- “PM I the timepur my t lam; d Iowl} pux‘numr Den. An Hub pm 1 caution 11m, " Hm ally Dunn-m1 {nu-:i taming “In: tsul,- are hum: prawn. lovelmrun 0.’ u: a c " Ali'ol, wh I]: tr Ll ttful parttro' (I ;_'.1 Couduru-rs " Mrr.I of the Chum.“ " vioing um: (um, UL new and (-er.x..-.I nu to hull-0k (my Mm quisi". pint-rial c “lie (unma- l»? ttqqt w4vrt human - The hum-A 0M blondt Lu.: tft' “were. ttte sum “ten. lu'low the 'hbh droop LINN“ elbows. thong! th at” at the top I (my nK'lnnl Stile - imam in keeping “All: 1 “mar Gays. Futait In“ one a Food m - b) the is m u M is in Mud} (KI- the (Tum new stow by My :m. In 'Phe mm 51;.“ PM“... mil). 1. z. a gown Ln in “pummem upon.“ In. man“) s “lulu nu lulu: any”: tours ot thr mm! IOIt H “I! Iewm h cloth. woritr, Shir ' tr,' " on Helm-r Intact "laugh "twer Buttbss ol -ttetm. " It Sealed, and t.’ t't will clear up ;.,.. mt week, FO we M311“, and In cloud lining. Mm Minnow- huh “lolly June,' J t - to br. 'iuitnt ”calm, wr I . friend of m a]! deal k'. ruiar, b"'" ' tr on lilo In: II. II ll: tr,r r. who. whoa Fl tattt tucks “my waist, a may ' pulm n Fraud. or n un- aha-d» NICK cosinm‘ addition o.' a I rtatrte. mun-s .1 Au murnxuu oodun- um} i, fer, u u-rum ow unnatural r; ate Bhww' h wearer trr nl I' .3111) (Irma-u keg. whim. Is L win: I we.” fr lath. lerr .5 could: 13%!“er on the plum“: “VII lkurus _ b (01.31 :m WM a deep It I. n luv ruched tulle . Stt - June: R at year the pert enou- by th Mt,' In mid-Jun .1 In light, and - ll Non-nan? I - Invited to on b |ovcly grounda. punched irtornit Battle ot Fl-rs a“ of the r m 1 sh “a, In. Jurt 'ct) “Gite ttowrts hm MI. the dorm-:4 mm would tun " Londoners. " ho "qrHt h to rare I”. Ir ever 101 .uuvll lt A 1 'hotce ot Lo I dim ppm: Sounds Mor no. This um Id at the I disc-lively a large t . or "

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