West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1902, p. 8

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N I 1 Report of S. ts. No. 9 Egremont ior June. Report based on marks for the month's work and marks obtained at Promotion Examination. SI 2ud to Jr 3rd-The following were promoted-Alex Haw. John L McDon- ald. Edward Wilson. Robert Eccles, .lnhn F McDonald. John Knox, Aggie Fri-gum“ is recomtuended. The following are monthly reports l Jr 2.ud-Jennie Clark, Kate McFar- lane, Robert Sumil. . Jr Pt 2ttd--Clarn Wilson and Eva Haw aural. Alexander McFarlane. Sr lst-Jennie McCannel. Bert Bet-leg and l‘hnslio Cameron aural, Annie Me- Donald& Westley Lune equal. Alma Knox and Robert Campbell equal. Intermediate - Charlie 'McFarlane. Neil McDonald. Eva Pierson. Jessie ('lalk. ' . J r. 3rd fRuhy Rogers. Nellie Reid. Aggie Reid. Myrtle Hilton. Maud Eccles. Beatrice Eecieic Jr lst~RusoeI Atehison. Daisy Haw, Robbie lane, Ethel Haw. tth class - Willie Hiscock. Frank Merchant. walter Smith. lth (Iau A monthly report - John Weir. Willie Knox, Walter Sinai]. Maggie Campbell. tr'r3rd H Ethel Horsbulgb. Rocky Hamilton. Annie Reid. .lr3ld to Sr 3rd--The following were tstout-d-Mary Wilson. Emily Wil- sun. Hugh Mckechnie. Margaret Mc- lkmgnll. Bessie Weir. Gertie Atchison. Wrllie \Veir. Phemie Fifties. Report of S. S. No. H. Egremont May it June. ' Ith (Ian __ monthlv report - John Frau) Newell. From Jr A to Mr Ist- -Attttte Ewen, Roy Wismer. Jr Pr 2nd-Nable Wismer. Gertie Norton, Herbie Dnnsmoor. Andy Vrssie. Report of l Gieneig. From Jr " kechuie. Pram Sr "rd to Jr Ith-Willie Mc- Kechnie, Agnes Ewen. .lr3nlwxams were held in March) 'uottthly "iratc,-i'iitoW, Heughan. Ellie Edge- and , adge Morton, equal. John- nu- Ne-wvll, Minnie Vest-tie. s, 2.ml (exams held in March) ---Atth. lll' Ititchte, Elias Edge. Neilie McGilli- vray. Jr 2nd --1tiliie, Dunsmu Kechnie. Frnm Sr Pt 2nd to Jr Ewen. Jr Pt 2ttd--Nahie Wis J. A. IIC N'I‘ER From Jr R to Jr A--Wilhe Edge. MAY McCt.orrirnx. teacher. suggests the wearing of light Summer}; Apparel. Our Stock of Muslims, Lawns. Silks, &c. is now y ea complete with new Patterns, the very newest money , , ct . can buy. Don't wait until your favorite piece is some borne 1n to-day "nd make your selection. The so Dress Goods advertised last seek. in Cl inning card. It is wally a wonderful bargain. These Goods cost double the money to make them alone without saying anythingUbout material and profit. . and write down on paper the articles you require. It saves time for both of us. Men's Flannellette Shirts reg " cts at 15c each, Men's Summer l'nder Shirts at asc each. Women's Erect Form Corsets at 50c each. Men 's Summer Hats reg 50c to clear at ISC each. 1 Pieces only, pretty stripe Muslins reg we at 5c yd. Men's Braces at use apr. Men's Half Hose 3 pair for "C. Large Preserving Funnels we each. Fancy Berry Bowls and Tea Sets. A 75c Lot of small sized Boots 2%, 3, 3yi, old prim "Soto t2.so pr. RUN OVER THIS HST i),, FOR BOYS 2nd "tillr, Dunsmuur. Vila Me ',Sr 1st to Jr Pt 2nd---GeorRe Jr ith to Sr ith-Alfred Mc- MARY Gums. teacher. -09 lent inch and I td- -Nenith J. l HUNTER. ITHE MI STDREl" 1 Fir mid-Edna. Hamilton. Norlnurn €Hnrnhurgh, Mildred Christie. Laura l Eccles. I Jr 2nd~Lnlu Hamilton. Jessie Btw.. i rows. Mildred Hilton. Olive Reid. Alex l\Vhyle. Annie Trnnp. Alvin Eccles, I Jennie Mutvh. Rub Keith. Stocks". feeders, milch cows. springs". etc" no not quotably engaged {Ion yesterday. . The top price for choice hogs " par cwt. Light and fat hogs are 96.75 per Small stuff was wanker at per cwt. Sr II to Je Ill..-, Mary Mckechnie, John McKechnie. Albert, Lunney. Ka- tie Nuhn. Live Stock Market Toronto. At the Western cattle market this mowing the receipts were 74 earload of live stock. Including 860 cattle. 725 sheep and lambs. 1,7oo hogs. 7o calves. and 80 mileh cows. cwk. Pt II to H-tmm., Lunne . Sarah Mc- Dougall. Lottie Blitton. any Britton. Spence Hopkins, George Mighton. Sr] to Pt II--, Archie McDougall, Campbell Clark, Jake Nuhn. Edwin Lunney, Arthur Lunney. Jr I to Sr I-Irene Britton. .“ARHARET MACKENZIE, Teacher. Wiih the exception of hogs, trale hero was slow, and pncel were maker all round. Good to choice export cattle in load! was worth from 95.50 to $6.50 per cwt.; I few pickod lots did fetch a faction more. For light shifpen the price ranged from 4 to 5c per h. Except for choice tstuff, trade was slow. Result of Promotion Examination in S. ti. No ti, Bentinck. Sr III to Jr Iv-Dan McDougall. I: HI to Hr Ill -Lizzie McCallum, Violet Forster, John Clark. Really good butchers cattle sold, as it! did yonerday, up to 5ltr per lb " a top! tigure, but tor anything but rally ttoodi, am. prices were off from 20 to 50 until per ttwt. ence Russ. V J ' Sr lst Fleming Reid, Edith Eccles. Jr latvrrJnseph Bilton, Norman Hoe burgh, Scott Iccles, Johnnie Ross. E. E. RAWN. teacher. 2nd Jr 2nd-Alex Smith, Harry Hoatr. burgh. Hugh Iteiu, James Troup, Fred Eccles, Willie Coutts. Fit Part 2nd~Mnry Munch, Nettie Hamilton, Howard llorshurgh, Roy Itsaid. Jr Part 2nd--Mvrtle \thte. Clar- Norman Hots. A'hyte, Cl, about 25c ar- that our Hardware De.. partment is right next our main floor and in it we stock nearly everything in Hardware. A prize winner wherever shown, a general favorite with the best Housekeepers, a work of art and will last a 1.fetime. Don't pay $60 for a range when you can buy the very best Range made for $40. DONT FORGET THE Happy Thought .. RANGE Editor Durham Review, Dear Sir. Now that two judges. several lawyers and a large number of editors have given the” opinion on the four famous ballots in North Grey election, and asthe case is not now subjudice. perhaps you will permit a humble deputy returning otBeer to submit his opinion. First let me IT that in my experience ballots mark thus are not all uncommon. This is how it is done, some. electors have a custom of putting the pencil in their mouth before mak- ing the cross and if the pencil is soft. the ballot immediately folded and pressed together as is usually done a second cross more or less legible will be made: any of your readers who have doubts of the correctness of this can test it for. themselyes. Yours etc. W. I. Bentinck July 5th 1902. DIED. BLACK-ln Durham. July 3rd, the infant son of M r. and Mrs. John A. Black. FALicrsoHssr.--in loving momorv of Mary, beloved baby daughter of New- ell and Maggie Faiiungham. who died July 3. 1932, aged 3 mos. 17 days. UoLLrxsos--BYerts -- On Wednesday, July 2nd, at the l'vsidencn of the hride's parents, by the Rev. \Vm. Farquharsttn, Mr. James G. (Jollinsml of Hamilton, to Miss Amelia Hurtiet Byers, of Normanhy. FLANAGAX.» In antinck on the, 2tith June to Mr. and Mrs. Thus Flanagan, .1. daughter. HLAtui--1n Durham. July 3rd, the Wife of John A. Black, n son. J. A. HIL'N'I‘ER 0 cruel death to come again And desolate our heart We fought thee hard hut once again. We are compelled to part. Another young sweet babe has gone To realms of bliss above The sisters {air in mansions bright Are joined om-e more in love. To us is left o'ertiowirtg hearts. To love with lifted eye. To look on trinkets once so prized To kiss and heave a sigh. But by God's grace. sweet Gears well meet you When this vale of tears is o'er In heaven above we'll fondly greet you Drawn by you to that bright shore ie 'tttERS . ' iiilt""/i') 1,i,jifts, IN MEMORI AM. THE DURHAM RlilW1ilW MARRIED. BORN means rich and handsome gifts for Bridal pros and handsome table silver is ammig the most eeptable that can be oeercd. Our tine array Flat and Hollow Ware Quadruple plate, Pie Kim Berry Moons. Meat Forks and Spoons as wel Water Pitchers and Tea Sets are something to ex admiration. The quality is tine the Workman, elaborate the price the lowvst in the countv. tlit REWARD M A WATCH THAT I CANNOT “PAIR R. B. Keeler is the only Watchmaker in the County with a Watch Fae.. tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraved free. A. S‘VELL WED DING ol -__- - -', Two Blg Jewell-y Star... DURHAM & HESPELE R ONT ta, Pee? (thoe. Mr Val Pfeffer, whom we reported seriously ill some time since. is we are pleased to say again able to, be up ‘and around the house. Miss Agnes Oliver, who has been spending a few weeks with friends here, leaves for Galt this week. Mr and Mrs Thus Geddes, after spending a couple of weeks with Owen Sound and Hepworth friends. returned home this week. Quite a number trom here attended the picnic " Allan Park, Friday. Mr and Mrs J Little, ol Ayr, are vis- itingfriends here at present. Miss M Laidlaw, of Hanover, was the guest of Miss Marie Little part of last week. Mr Jas Hanna and family, visited riends in Keppel last week. SHORTHORN BULLS Port SALE For Ease, Comfort, Durability and Style wear c. A. FLEMINO, Principal. Commences Monday Sept I, 1902. In " fuu' mouths. at thi, hmjultinn. you can ulnuin thv u-ry ttest traitiiugin limi- Iu-s,~ tiulrJivts or Short ham] and Typo- writing that mu be had. Announce, nttutt for “mi-11".; 'st'nt nu application. whim-w m l J. KERR I son. FALL TERM 'ttr? A' mo ARc' 'ii'ii7ittt TORONTO O WEN NI) UNI J, my 1 HAMPDEN. at Mr L'tt. Our tine array of ruple plate, Pie Knives,' and Spoons as well as are something to excite u the workmanship n the county. _Bridu1 presents Met Monday July 7. IMayor McIn- tyre in the chair. The following ac- counts were presented and passed l ll McKay. 3 mos salary 36.25 H McKa . com. coll taxes 7.70 T M Belg: cleaning Town Hall as S P Saunders. fixiptt hose 2.00 Wm B Valletta. salary for March, 7 Our Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down low. It's money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. neer to Jul lat A 8 Hunter, ”hanging court 1 McKinnon Chas Brown. on work cutting weeds on streets 'H---.-..-.-.-.-..-.-. -.-.-_.-.-_-r-r-_l; aa-pc {h-Jy.‘ "y V Vu',"' A: 5K; ,A' , ' ' r-r T.JT.rT. MMIEEE and tuxiouii" -""-me -a.so S P Saunders. rent poll booth 4.00 Jag Duvidgon. aec_ond qtmrter'tr, salary and account 15.00 Colin McDougall account 1.319 N Kelsey. rentdpolling booth 4. Alex McDonal ' later, as engi- - _ je llElllll,lllRl BINDERS, MOWERS a RAKES, MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINES BI CYCLESsss“ PLYMOUTH BINDER TWIN 13“”. FIRE INSURANCE Organs, tttin/r, Machines, Cream Separators, Buggies & Harness, Chums, ll. ashing Machines and Wringers. Everything at rock bottom prices. JOHN LIVINGSTON. TOWN COUNCIL MASSEY-HARRIS SHOW ROOMS ARVESTER C0MPANY'S Binders, Mowers, Rakes, ScufBers, &c., are 'tt wiry 2:18: and best improved makes. Call and see samp es - to go to work. Wilkinson News and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. y Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & McKee's Carriages. . Buck's & McClary's Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. Henry's 'Hiirness. Dawswell Chums. Wringcrs & Washing Machines. Farmers who have used this twine know well that it is all good and reliable and pays to buy it. We give IEC 1.5.0 Ontario Maps tonne first customers who buy our IN INli. Call and get one, it will be well worth your while. New and Second-hand Bicycles for Sale. Bicycles done well and promptly. Done in the Best and Cheapest Companies. Farmers' Insurance a specialty. G. MCKINNON WW $76.10 8.75 75 _ JUL! m, 1902 ,A Enrkeii Bram; Shorts Haw Rides, per ew'.......... Cnlfckinl. pot lb........ Shoepahnl............... Tsllow rendered per lb Lud. porlb.............. Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, froth roll per lb Batter, Tub.........., Flour....... Oatmeal.... Wheat...... Peas......... Barley...“ oats......... Limbs...... DURHAM MARKETS. In "0ELhTINEs" we have the following lines, KNOX’S PINEAPPLE and VANILLA. LEMON, RASPBERRY, yourself. They never miss. We carry all the Flewo rs-- ORANGE, """-.o........ l far cwt ""-......... PURE GOLD g JELLY f POWDERS E I'-.......... u u“ .-..... """"-........ mos-on... ...... 1-0... '"""-......... "-........... I. pub“ ""-........ COX’S and LADY CHARLOTTE. l)flllllinilllf u-........ noon-coon... Ljlllllllil1 Also repairing 110 450 l2 14 14 18 7o 55 10$ 6 " " lg l4 55 " " 'cii" Intuit. Ill hld4, p, " "" f, 'ir-,:"-" GR 'le VOL. XX =1=r= WEI Mm LADIES BUY‘S JUST H t GU IN @300 lue' mt, I'll Remand WE I KO

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