West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Jul 1902, p. 1

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00 lo 00 oo 9 4( 2s'i11riliiiili:4rgih4iEaaiitar.asga.ittaig, 3‘3 EtF, I f p, 525 an? tN mt; 1.1-1 it)? “a: " - "W"- -..- Pm“ LAIULAW's ow Stand} iri :-::-: :-::-::-::-::-::-::-:2:-c:-;:-ammmE:-;E3:3:E33: 'pt flyM'ry&rr'dMMi"r'igaiaatgiggg, 97 o piece Toilet Set in beautiful colors, GROCKERY iiiii, (ii) DON’T STOP TO WONDER g VOL. XXIV. NO. 29 31 Etcmmmiém l-l ’47 piece 'll piece Dinner Set " A GO IN MUSLINS lot of LADIES’ SIIIRT\VA LETS Boys' Youths' & Men's Summer Coats at 85c to ti Men's Summer Coats, special line at $2.25. BOY’S WAHM SUITS ,. Made of Duck and Linen, in different styles, handsomely made and trimmed. They're just swell, prices from 85c to $2.00. JUST HURRY ALONG AND CATCH THESE /‘BARGAIN5*\ Romembu the ping, Jrlassware to choose from at see our stock. THE POPULAR CASH STORE I piece only. regular IOC for 7c. s pieces it " 15c for 9c. 5 " " " 20c and 25c for I Starting already to knife them and 75c print and muslin wai 50c. h . Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined regular value i551 5.00, our price THE POPULAp CASH STORE ’ames ire/and m a ric uready to knife them. Regular 6se print and muslin waists, colored, for $12.00 $4.50 $3.50 'ames' Ire/am! Sty/L 119lr9, "d 7,'l ,'rp0'j)'usNcu. “ ra, Tater. NU];- 'gggit: LAI DLAW'S Old Stand ,i" iiiitititiy k? C yd $912549? iirhtragiS) r: --Lord Kitchener arrived in London Saturday, and was given a welcome I that falls to the, lot ot few human be- :ings. It is gratifying too to notice "hat it is more as the maker ot mag- ‘nanimons peace, than as a victorious general he is being welcomed. He lwas taken to the sick chamber of the 'King, who personally thanked him. l [The rest of Pr'iceyme budget is grettably held over. --ED.l Mrs. Thompson. of Flesherton. barber, supplied this tables. Music on the platform by W. G. Arrowsmith and Anderson. The speakers were. Mr. Nixon of Toronto, one of the Grand Lodge otficers, Mr. Haulnu-y, D. D, G. M. Dundalk, Mr. Martin of Arthur. and Mr. Reiley of Priceville. The ycung people amused themselves on the' plaid form as best they could under: the circumstances. Gnmeasuch as running. jumping. vaulting, etc. (fit in . -"-i- ... ‘I-IIIICLl/Iull With A.O. U. w. catne off on Wednesday last and notwithstanding the unfavor- nhlc weather a large crowd attended and enjoyed themselves well. Piper Peter McArthur was there wiih his fine pipes from which he set forth fine iittqtitrq of music, as Pete: already mas. ters the Highland pipes well although only 10 months in practice. Ive did not get. the names of those taking first prize. but amongst, them were Than McDougull. who took several firsts. T McGrath, G Campbell. A Morrison and I others whom we did not, know. - w' v...“ .u um nergn i , borhood united in testimony of in 1 . !, worth and regret. at his leaving. Tin l ' present consisted of a beautiful golt whain and locket suitably inscribed. _ i A very pretty wedding took place on July 2 at 4.30 p. m. at 66 Bonnie View, , ithe residence of Mr. and Mrs, Henry ‘Byers, Hampden, when their youngest daughter. Amelia H.. was united in mar- riage lie Mr. James G. Collinson of Ham- , ilton. The ceremony was per-for med by ‘the Rev. W. Farquhmson Vet' Durham", i in the presence of about 50 guests, the bridal party standing under a canopy of ferns. The" bride' was hecorningly igowned in white brilliatine trimmed i with chiffon and pearls, and wore the customary bridal veil and orange blos- 1sonrs, and carried a bouquet of bridal [ roses. Her only ornament was a (lla- I mom] and Peat'l.pendant. the gift of the groom. Her zoom-away gown was of :' a suit of brown brrmdcloth. The brides.. I maid. Miss May Rousseaux of Hamilton was prettiiy gowned in white htstve, and carried a bouquet, of pink roses. The groom was assisted by his brother. Mr. w. Thomas Collinson' of Tor-onto Uni- versity. The bridal party entered the drawing-room lo the strains of a march played by the groom's sister, Miss Ness I Colhnsori. The groom’s gift to the 1 bridesmaid was a turquorse ring, and to l the groornsman a diamond ring. The newly-wedded couple left next morning on a wedding trip to Toronto and other ( cities before returning to their home in l Hutyilto.n.--l'rhe foregoing item was s sent, us last week hut reached us after t the paper was out.l '1 i Oats. Peas and Chopt ,,' Hunter 's. , Big Reduction in Lad 7 at--Grant's. Bentinck Fall Fair ' I Sep. 30th and Oct. lst. I Ii Will the writer of th 3 i Liberal Cause Forever, " E Mime ago, please make m I to us ? The annual picnic a"t Fe ..- DURHAM, 1arrriiijiiiiii,irijLf ,orea by a fine address and presentation ‘on leaving the school where he had ’tuught5yenrs. His popularity with this pupils made separatibn very affer- Iting. and old and young in the neigh- t'lrovhood united in testimony of his 3worth and regret. at his leaving. The. present consisted of a beautiful gold "hain um! LVJH- .. . . - _ We have M j '. The Presby Hveokly issues fund four or' 1 [Journals. The [deal and the 1 C',',",',',',,,",',',,' is quite iminister is now and monthly veli, i HONORED IN i John A. McKin i oped by a fine m ‘on leaving the ', taught, r, years, 3 his pupils made ,_..,,-. I‘Vhich is the desire of one and all. [Take the trouble of Visiting Prof. Dots i enwend's private show moms at, the I‘Middnugh House, Durham. on Thurs- yday. July 24, and see the many beauti- ( ful inventions in Styles cf Hunmn Hair 1 Coverings. 1visrs. Bangs. Switches. ere.. y and inspect, his' new patent, structure; , We have received Vol. I, No. l, of g "The Presbyterian, ('Oncinuinrr Hm E A garden party will surrounds of Mr. S. F. M, (san, on July 22nd. Adn. fchildren 15 cents. Refres Efrem half past seven. B lance. Funds in aid of l church. The Durham running an excr on Aug. let, to opportunity of between tho tWt tieulars Inter. _ = 75,11}. :‘m #3“: '2r"aed u Manitoba Oatmeal 'it-Grant.', . McKinnon, laalll's m the " Wes'tministev," lt' or' five other, Presbyterian i. The editors prmuise it good , the performance of the first is quite creditable. The West.. is now to appear as an illusttu.. hly religious journal. {ED IN \VILLIAMSFORD. - M P. l, PRICEVILLE. . __ '"F v standing under t'hr'" Irride' was he '*'-p- Ladies am Lacrosse Cluhi excursinn to Mount of the " W" five other, I suitahly inscribed. wedding took place on In. at 66 Bonnie View, " , Mr. and Mrs. Henry l, when their ynungcst H.. was united in nutr- 19 G. Collinson of Ham. in (nunggtion with to Rive the citiz of witnessing the two teams. Furl] xlcloth. Thehrides. tsseaux of Hamilton I in white lustre and f pink maps. The by his brother. Mr. Look You n gar music on the rowsmith and 1's were. Mr. ot the Grand bury, D. D, G. of Arthur. and I a The ycung PS on the' play! IJ A, n .LI.\MSl-‘()RD. - Mr. teacher. was hon- will be held on the F. MoUumb, Bunes.. Admission 25 cents Refreshments served In. Band in attend, Lid of new Baptist of the verses "The Lad ies Samar Hat s. "ol, I, No. 1, of continuing the at Hanover an sent us Some himself known Club intends Mount Forest , citizens tho , the match Further par- RC; re- ll The large crowd rushed into the d grand stand and for half an hour wait- ed there in a huge down pour of rain ', for the last quarter to be played. At P 6.05 p. m. the referee blew his , whistle and in this quarter Mt. Forest i had the best of it, Durham acting on 'r. the defensive. Although the ball was digenerally around Durham goal, no t: scoring was done, and the score re-, _ I mained 3--1 in favor of Durham. On- I f' , ly one man was sent to the fence. A . igood clean game was played and the ,,i' referee gave general satisfaction. I ; Norm. . _ It takes McIntyre, McCartee, Munro , and Winkler to play combination when they attempt to More. ' , "The two new men, Shannan! “A I "the two new men, Sheppard and Irooke are good players and make a [strong addition to the team. "--e .-.-.- - i In the earlier part of the third quart- i or the ball was generally around the , Mt. Forest goal bat Hamilton in goal , stopped all straight shots. Bat now,l ,the, Mt. Forest players, by good eom- I bination carried the ball down the, field and in 15 minutes scored their f first goal. Having taken fresh cour- l age, the Durham nets were attacked l repeatedly. but with Dayment in goal 1 and the good defence work of Matheson ‘at point, the shots were stopped and the ball travelled to the other end of l the field. After attempted goals by I Durham rain began to fall from the . threatening sky and both parties were 1 ready to seek shelter when three 2 quarter time was called, with no more i goals scored. Matheson at point is a stone wall At the opening of the second quarter the ball lingered around Durham goal then travelling down the field, alter 7 i minutes playing, the second goal was ' scored by McIntyre. The scramble I now changed to in front of Durham l goal, Mt. .Forest making some wild at- l tempts to score. In 8 minutes more, J the net again bulged by a shot from t McCartee while standing at the side of I the net. During the remainder ofthe , quarter. both sides made attempts to ll score but with no result, and half time l found Durham leading by 3--0. l "ICR I With the sun shining the Lornes of 'ed Mt. Forest came upon the fietd in red td. sweaters at the finish of the Junior ist game. These also were on the whole a stouter lot than the Durhams in blue. Aftersome delay getting a suitable ball [at the callof the referee’s whistle, the . J: teams lined up as follows: 2e I DURHAM MOUNT FOREST I'" Dayment Goal Hamilton '.,?, Matheszin Point Sinclair it Crooks Cover Point Weber McCracken lst defence H. Pickering d Calbeck 2nd defence A. Pickering [8 Collins-on 3rd defence Fair n Sheppard Centre Lambert ‘n Meredith 3rd home Jones l d Munroe 2nd home Crane t Winkler 1st home Martin I - McCartee. Outside' home Ateheson l .. McIntyre Inside home Kennedy ] Gagnon Field Captain Milligan Referee. IV. Kearns, Orangeville. I , Alter the face off', the ball landed in a Durham stick, and after good com- I l bination, Winkler got the ball in front ' ot the Mt. Forest goal, and in half a ft minute scored. After facing off'again, p the ball travelled up and down the a field until in 5 minutes Tore, a wide shot was made at the Durham goal. (.31 The ball now, after good combination ls work found Its way to the Mt. Forest ll goal, Ind, but for poor shooting and m close checking. Durham might have co taken another goal. The ball came. the opposite way again, and Dayment 1 proved himself a good gotl-lreepiw by l (N stoppingtwo good shots. Immediately ( m after this, Durham receiVed the ball, I and Hamilton, the Mt. Forest goal- keepershowed his skill by stopping." good shot. The ball found its way a- gain to Durham goal and with the ball , about centre, quarter time was called, l the score standing 1--0 in favor of] Durham. -.,L'-..-,..i-,dvc, I -- _,.,, ax... u: nuvn uauulcn am. played a better combination game In the first quarter 2 goals' were scored. W, Lavelle and E. Wolfe do- ing the tricks. In the second quarter Wolfe again scored, in the third neither side scored. and in the fourth Durham added two more to the list through the efforts of W. Laidlaw and B. McDon- ald. Although the Mt. Forest Juniors were superior in sin and weight, Dar- haul had the best set ot stick handlers _ cu. .-.--...uvu AMI! nwub olror 400 spectators found their way to the Agricultural grounds to witness the League Lacrosse Match between Mt. Forest and Durham. An exhibition match of hit. Forest and Durham Jun- iors was played before the Interme- diate match, the home team winning by a score of 5--0. BOIH Ill, fORESI TEAMS DEEMED. Monday afternoon last about 300.0r n ....__. a - - - A SECOND lliflM, Goal Hamilton Point Sinclair Cover Point Weber lst defence H. Pickering 2nd defence A. Pickering 3rd defence Fair Centre Lambert 3rd home Jones 2nd home Crane 1st home Martin Outside home Ateheson Inside home Kennedy Field Captain Milligan l Kearns, Orangeville. l ,- .. - "VVI’Y‘ ".t (3 I shots. Inyneiiiatetir I te _ttt received the ball, I the "Mt: Forest goal- Durham might have al. The ball came. again, and Dayment] good gotl-keerkw by g RB, 17, 1902. MOUNT FOREST Hamilton Sinclair t Weber TORONTO Lambert Jones Crane Mann) Atoheson Kennedy I Marstdale-ar, wrote. t B_radley. M J 550: Brown, L K 616; Ithlreo. M E 739: Fogarly, M (£97: I Hunter, 31,722: Irwin. F 627 t Love, N 588; Morrow. V551 t Whiteoak, M 553: Buchanan. S 623; Lucas, II ti77; Mc, Faddin, w fm.-P2. ' Htutoyer--27 wrote. l Adams. A 741; Armstrong, L 707 l' Ball. E 557; Campbell. C G57 l Dolrerer, I E 694: Fulton. I 576; Morlock. P1588 .. George, L' 606 ; Mitchell, E (571 I Riley. I B758 l Sandlos M 579 t Schaefer. L im,. Tyreman, L alo . Bierwinh, F 723 I Eby, ( S 786; Koenig. W fret,. Keuhucr. B 581 ' Lunney. H 819; McLean. G 81] t Puryes, M A “it Rudolph. H 742: Smith. R 'mr, Switzer, H A Wt ' Tha. ler. L819 l Ursndt. E ttilfr--.2s. ___l--.--uu u JO" 1 ft. Calvert Cry.) l F. Merchant 557 I H. McPhail .350 Flesherton-C, wrote. Bellam F, F 590 l Buckingham. M 6m ; Cooper. tMile,. Fletcher. t) 580: Hur- row, E J 592: HupptreAtond, A 550: Johnstun, A 558; Kearnahan. K .370: Lawrence. B Mo,. Legato, I Ki) '. Madill. E trio,. McArlhur, M 1rftat l Mctullurn, S' 622 ; McLean, S alt l McLeod, M (576 t Paul, F 702; Smith. B 575; .Villmck. A 572 ; \Vilson. A 864 ; Bellamy, (3 G,54 ; Ferguson. S 606: Gamay. 8661 I (ii-nu. E t500:fiuy, H 582; Hemphill. J A 669: Knrstvad. F G 612: Morrison, It (tl7 t) Philip, V 652: McTayish. (3 E Mil .,i Smith C 562; Teeter, L A 643: Thurs-l ton, A (528; \Villcuck, W 671 ; Wilson, l w 00l.--&5. t nerg : those who failed tl courage and try again. Darhanr-c,3 wrote (Names from Durham school ted an "em"). w. Hiscock E. Greenwnod A. \Vehher A. Noble .- L, Wallou. and Flesherton have tro cessful. Miss A. Wilson is highest in S. Grey with We congratulate her and Following are the saw at points in South Grey. passed 37 oat of 63 wrigiee, o. Sound 2 Durham tl Mt. Forest; 1 Hanover 0 Continued on Page _ A dispute arose at the end of the . fipt quarter by some of the Mt. Forest ' visiuirs walking on the field, bat with : a little difrieuliv' the storm was calmed ' although one time blows were struck. [ By practising faithfully from now to the, end, Durham has a good chance of Winning the district championship. The following scheduled games are still to play. l Durham " Hanover July 25 1 o. Sound at Mt. Forest July 25 _ . Hanover at o. Sound Aug. 1 , Durham at Mt. Forest Aug. 1 ! Hanover at Mt. Forest Aug. 8 l o. Sound at Durham Aug, 8 Mt. Forest at o. Sound Aug. 15 t The live played so far are as follows, I “inner is placed first. l 1 Mt. Forest v Hanover at Hanover } _ 2 o. Sound v Durham at o. Sound , 3 Durham v Hanover at Durham. i 4 o. Sound v Hanover at Hanover l 5 Durham y Mt. Forest at Durham The following is the standtng of the j (1 teams of the Intermediate' League, No " 4 division, July 15. l L. (butts R. D. Henry W. Mac-Kay C. Aljoe n D. Blackburn S. H. Pl/k G Backus J. Calder K. tieLl.ii" lv._L. Kllnx J. Ector. It. Fair-hurl) T. Allan H. McCrie H. McDonald B. Catnevon A. L. Caruevon _G, Willis A. \asuy A. Greenwood S. Md'uuig w. Blyth M., Wallace Mt. Forest is clever it and in combination. Now for the next vi over on the 25th. Owen Sound plays at the same day. J. ud)." G. Findlay _A, Mack ,7- - a never allows itself far. wwuug as me scores would hahélmen much higher had straight balls been shot. Both teams _ mooring as the Durham has a Kelly ENTRANCE RESULTS 'tn'stm' Ellie: t Miss A. Wilson, sndiii/t'ii, Won lost to play v Hanover at Durham. v Hanover at Hanover F Mt. Forest at Durham ing is the standtng of ti: Intermediate' League, h' II" , K 'tti "u. amg need more a y Gray with 8134 marks the successful pupils l “we. July "dit l Forest Jul y 25 Sound Aug. 1 Forest Atur. 1 ;. Forest Aug. 8 trham Aug, 8 I. Sound Aug. 15 and all the win good defence which, Saturdav last wa If to versary ofthe Battle be drawn out UT, oranm-m-m " n.- ' - 1 Durham has , I: Hanover; gen very sue. I Victor y at Han 559 559 557 Mo in Spreading out 568 500 oth' 572 must have I " hr' GW 597 532 an? (m (in at'. wo (S13 61 l 007 701 my (:95 693 ae m3 oe ii63 6.31 (HT u-e inden Mt. Forest on 713 717 710 708 703 , V_. ww “n In ”In prize tor tmisie, $10. All mm calmed mud --- lezrave being fi, rere struck. ‘dmmmer respectively. Carey ram now to _ took the priZefor Ion-gust numb: , chance of! On. the arrival! m Durham Ionship. tl'fpiryr, tho various bands We arms In music and the stroetsp games are Ma marked contrast to the t Ithe day. They spoke highly July 25 _ pleasures of the outing bat com Julv 25 :were made of exorbitant char; Air. 1 ivory poor home ',',,e,tt,tetiatio.n, Aug. 1 {thing tha_t might m.ilitate agmm Aug. 8 over gamut: It again. Aug, 8 , Greenside and many eastern Aug. 15 'met at Orangevilh- and then as follows, area: enthusiasm in Toronto and ,cenm-s. par cent l’ practice in it5timu nll 1 WATER mr I WOT REPAIR Two " Jewelry Stores: -v... DURHAM”. HESPE LER ONT R, B. Kceleris the only Watchmaker in the County with a Watch Fac- tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give satis. faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraved free. [and handmm cephbk' thm ’ Flat sud Hon Berry Spoon.- Water Pitcher admiration. l chlorate the tty A S‘VISLL IVE" DING .666 .500 B: JI. KELLER I SON. or to D, . June 4th. 1902, - --....uwu nu. d, arm. at present 'occupied by Wm. Irwin. The home Fri stories high, built of grout, 3 large mmms with hull down stairs, with 15 foot kitchen. good stom- oellar and woodshed with cistern inside. l'prlairs in house are four lwdimnns with hall. Hmdwnter well at, door. 0n the prema- ses is a good undeigrnund mum: and burn. Good n-....r...... r - l of Lambton St occupied by “'m isrli stories high, I mums with hall 1 foot kitchen, gnu woodshed with rim Ox SA DDLER NT, 'm w; (35 , _',:':') life and drum. Glens]: Lodm first prize for mu: and ""--- Harm drummer respocti took the brim fhe T ---.. rIuIlllWo The village was previly fixed up. and the day was a delightful one, a.. bout 10 ledges !rate.rniziéir% the usual walk and making the streets gay with ttlor, and resonant mu" "I, _ ,,._v v| val" ""' "e, In“ the orangemm of Durham 11uatef and S. Glenelg were early nscir in prepar- ation fora visit to Hanover, where a gathering had been planned. The village was pl'ecfily fixed " and the mo. “N" '* . .. - M House And Lot For Sale ._....u. wlul cum-m inside. Upstairs ouse are four hedmoms with hall. dwnter well at door. On the prenu- is a good undelgrnund stable and I. Good Irun fence in from of lot. furl her punk-alum apply to Ruuau'r M .u FA um N " lab] in” CHAS RAMAGE. Pun-run an Ptmra,trnt Ir nurse 'lege/trits/ri' tt might militate again :ing it again. side and many eastern 9rapeeviiil, and Him U! MACFARIANE E. Code-don resonant with lllf IWHVIH. " G-dbb.rc W wa S my eastern lodges , and there Wu Toronto and other 'rottttht home ho. A“... Flo. Allan Bell beine titer and . CargillLodgo 'etit number out. Durham in the bands were gen- , streets present- ; to the ‘llliet ot M of tne Buyi-e M DOORS A Rt..t VIC, Durham , "Willy ot' the bat @mplaints the 5:12:11 anni UNI-5m "ton, 501ne lgamst Han eluried (or tho' 'tniteiiGi it ll south t and the m

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