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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jul 1902, p. 6

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ACK M W “WINS 'onto “(we ' I)" TN n he W' Fl. BEAN TWEEDS d YARNS GRUGERIES " trr.. SCOTT.E F I a nd 81 Heavy c. " yard. We tL".Ls Our New Prints aw in Ruller Window Shades. Me, each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide, Flour Oll Cloth, 1 u. .. 2 .. to Coe. Table Oil Cloth. min. wide ak. a \anau's 'ttraw Sunnis 350. In} Table Linen iU inches wide, 2N a. .. m .. .. saw Lace Curtains 25c, 650. 750, ilk it -aa--. WE KEEP A FULL STOCK OF SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. IT’S YOURS " A. GORDON Lower Town. I'IE SELLS CHEAP I I W8 ttli tgil " DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, DOTS & SHOES, &e., MacFarlane & Go. (H best quality. If you take it with a. Kodak. How often when one sees a pretty view or a comical situation the thought comes to us Oh ! if I only had a Kodak - well why not-when one can be had for $1. The Brownie No. I at $1 or Brownie No. 2 at tig really do wonder- ful work. A child can operate them. Try one. 3.5:! p; tda l (OR new ake Kress. " Ill give you Bargain Druggist 6: Booksellers) JULY 1, 1902 my! the Big 4, when you pair hf Shut-3' fur the spring. uylun toc a qt ir Town Durha Hz RESS u, Black, or mixed yd w " ig.l tl UL" a (ltlh't ill()tli D J ewelle m up to yd y d yd bred animals for-breeding purposes. a number of the leading Canadian breeders of Yorkshire pigs have de- cided to establish an annual auction tsale, believing that this will supply supply Canadian farmers with what they require in a [nose satisfactory manner than the present system of fitting for exhibitions, meeting custom- ers, and selling at the Fall Shows. By titting and exhibiting animals, a large number of the best males and females are seriously injured for breeding purposes. which is a disad- vantage and disappointment to the purchaser; the expense of production is largely increased which is an injury to the prmlucer. For these reasons it has been decided to hold the first Annual Combination Auction Sale of Yorkshire Pigs at the, Winter Fair Building. City of Guelph, Thursday, August 2lst., 1002. Having carefully undied the con- ditions and advantages in England, Canada and the United States. ot sell- EIIR‘by annna‘l publiq_auction, pure This will be the finest collection of Yorkshire, both in Individual quality and breeding ever offered in America by Public Auction. None bat first class animals will be sold. A number of the animals are fine show specimens, and are fitted for exhibition, and are good enough to be shown anywhere. There will be many prize winners among them. Arrangements have been made with the officers of pertain Fair Boards so that animrls offered will be eligible for exhibition this Season at London, Ottawa, and some other exhibitions. All the stock is in good breeding condition. All sows ot"a breeding age have been bred, and are insured to be in pig un- less otherwise stated in the Catalogue to be issued soon. Particulars regard- ing the breeding list will be given in the Catalogue and at the sale. Registration certificates will be supplied at the sale for all Pigs sold. If desired, shipping crates will be supplied to purchasers at 75e each. This sale affords a splendid oppor- tunity to thrillers who wish to lay the tot1ndation. for a Yorkshire herd, and to those who wish to improve their present herds. Provincial Govern- ments who wish to distribute York. shire; oi the best breeding and quality among their Constituents. and ot'tiewrs “l Arc"cultacal Associations who desire to introduce among their members swine ot the best bacon type and ' . 'i'dP.1 t if" )MLVCLV e'ha:r.A'Se'hs Shires of the best breedin among their constituents oi Agricultural Associate to intmducc muoag th swine ot the best bae e"-------- (llllli 0f iiiiiiE Ii)llltlllllll HR Illliil)lllil M%l. The sale will commence at 10.30 A. M., which will give those arriving in Guelph by the morning trains an opportunity to be present when the sale commences. One hundred pigs Will be offered. Sixty oi these will be sows under a year old, many of which will hesal'c in pig to an imported boar. Those not in pig to imported boars will be safe in pig to some ot the best and most noted Canadian bred boars, owned in Canada. There will be .otrered in addition a number of imported and Canadian bred boars varying in age from four to seven months. - The ot1ieial Auctioneers will be George Jackson, Port Perry, and Thomas Ingram, Guelph Ontario. Railroad Rates. It IS expected that reduced passenger and freight rates will be available throughout Ontario to those who wish to attend this sale. The animals offered are bred or contributed by the following well known and reliable breeders ',--J. E. Brethour, Burford, Ont., The Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. Hon. Jno. Dryden, Brooklin, Ontario. Major U. B. Hood, Guelph, Ont. Mr. Saunders Spence, Holywell Manor, St. Ives, Hunts. England, and the Ulenhodson Company, Myrtle, Ont. (:Prof. DOIéENWEND $3 Wd He will he at Durham 'ti41ttth1r,lt House, Thursday, July 24. . , With HAIR moons. Ladies' and Gents? WIGS. Town! RES BAN GS. WAVY and PLAIN FRONTS, SWITCH-l " PRIVATE APARTMENTS SECURED AT HOTEL. l! int-class cut hair, especially grey and white hair. taken in exchange. He run 'itnptose your personal appearance. Main features and disfigured heads caused through the loss o f h air made perfection. \ . Thousands owe their tine looks to the skill of Prof. Donenwend. Human hair ADURNS and PROTECTS the head. a”: Don't fail to see his new PATENT HAIR STRUCTURE, patent- ed all over the world. _ Remember for Only One day. of ev te' BALDNES S y (10m ription. ett am he; (JOhllN G I)ISC( Fee-Jets um: b'tocliers-Are steady, Scum}: "t 84 to $5 per cm. for suctvkeep Iceuem and 83.75 to 84 per ch " heavy stuckem. There was practically no market " the Toronto Cattle Market this morning. The utretiusss were light and of those which did come to the market many were sold belore they arrived here, no that the actual othrings Were lighter than they would appear trout the reeeiptx. The Cattle wnicli came upon the market, nioremer. for sole, were of the poores quulity. There were only a very few ex- porters whiuh could be called good, and as they sold well at 66.75 per cm there is no doubt that the demand “its good enough to have made a good market had there been tsutlimeut ottcriugs of good. cattle. The humans are leeding their cattle on the son rich grass which 13} prevalent now, and are reluctant to take them " belore they lsave obtained all the beuetit possible from the moisture. As soon as the weather dries up iliere will therefore be, in all probability a huge increase in the offerings. 'l'lie trade in hlerl) and lambs. although nt yeeterduy’s price.“ was very drnggy to-duy. 'lhe I ollerings lire tar too numerous and there l a only a small demand. ' Export Catthr-jere steady and in 1 good demuud. but tht, otleriugs were so: poor tlint. in the minority ot" crises there I were very poor price.» obtained ior the! audio. (home ones. of which there were only u. veiy limited supply, sold at (),5 to ti0.75 per cwt. Medium ones were sold at 34.35 to hi, per cat. Butchers' Utsttle-Were only steady. There is a pour demand lor we best ones, and the oileriugts are largely ot the poorer clauses. Puckett lots are minimally worth $362.5 to 85.60 per (ml. and clwlce ones are selling " 54.25 lo $5.25 per cm. Gammon no lair ones are selling at $3.65 to $4.25 per cm. Sheep and Ltuubs-- Were selling: at the Hunt: prices as they brought yestaxduy, mu. the demand was weak and the pros- pects are that the prices will full oil next week. Export ewes Were selling at $3.25 to $3.50 per c'wt, um! spring lambs sold at, 525.54 to 3.50 per head. Ho,qs--Wcue steady. selling at. $7.25 par awn tor mow: ones and " per nwt " hulits and has. _ This famry traces back to Holywell Pearl -3-- (imp. 1387) by Holy Slit Ear (515), a noted prize winner in his day. The family of Julius has been bred by Mr. Brethour in Oak Lodge Herd lor five generations. and has produced many prize winners and is a very pivlifie lamily. As a Bow under one year "Oak Lodge Julia VII ,, won first prize in several com- petitions at the largest Canadian Shows. In 1901 she won the Champion Gold Medal at the Pan American Exposition. Special attention is directed to some ot the iamilies from which the pigs offered for sale have descended. Re- presentatives from these families have been noted winners in England, Canada, and at many American Exhibitions. Minnies. This family is a branch of the Marian stock, which at one time was the most prominc it prize winning family in the Oak Lodge Herd. and which was descended from one of the first pigs imported by Mr. Brethour, viz.--' Marian-18--" whi:h formed the foundation of Oak Lodge Herd. This importation was from the herd of Frank Walker-Jones, of Little Mol- lington, England. It was one of this family that won the Iiolywell Chal- lenge Cap offered by Sanders Spencer at Toronto the first time. When finally competed for it was won by a representative ot the Cinderella family. The market. receipts were which meluded 71'2 cattle. 3 and lambs. 1097 110515.50 ea breeding, should be represented " this sale. 5W Live Stock Market Toronto. a»-.- J alias "TV , 'tri u 'tit 'd 9, 1,012 shes; J caiyesund lo ioads, THE DUKHAM REVIEW Mr. Farrell Sullivan. left Thursday for his home, in Ilespl-lcr attera three weeks visit to his relatives here. Farrell is a former Irish Lake boy and a tavorite with all. Whereas my wife June Castle has rohhod my house and left my bed and hoard without, any just value, I there. fore warn all panties from giving her anything on my account NH I will not he responsible for anything she may contract, Miss MOCabe, Miss Sullivan and Mr. Meviear, spent Sunday at the Lake. Miss McCabe, left next day for her home in Hamilton where she will spend her holidays, while Miss Sullivan left Wednesday for Dornoch where she also will rest from the wdrries of teaching for a time. The George Lamb farm, North Glenelg. Lot 9, Con. 14, containing 100 acres. 90 cleared well watered. In; spring and creek making a good stock arm. First class buildings throughout. Bank burn 54 x 64 with large cistern. Roomy comfortable house, orchard of nearly 100 bearing fruit trees. Fencing above the average. 5 min. walk frmfl' Glascott P. O. For terms and conditions apply at the REVIEW oftiee, personally or hy letter. c, RAMAGh. Agent. Mr. ino. J. Patterson had a valuable horse killed by lightning on Friday night. The Irish Lake pic-me, Sullivan's raising and the Workmen's pie-nie, the three most looked forward to events ot the season, are now only memories. A few tron] here are gone today to take in the celebration at Dundalk, and except for that the 12th July is very quiet here. “‘4 /l//cop~rmou1- wrthout being offered substi- ufcs tor them. By all means buy your Drugs and Medicine “ll have your prescriptions filled at a reliable Pharmacy like JARLING‘S. Dcesn’t ft makayou 6frad Mr. Da Mr. Fyle Pa., on a the form It 'would seem as if the Lake had sunk into oblivion as far as "The Durham Review " is concerned. To dispel all such illusions we will con- tribute a little this week, and in case the last Cor. has moved away we will come again, if we may and will again subscribe ourselves Violet. [We always did like violets and this is no exceptidn. Come trgain.--Ed.l DARLING’S DRUI} STORE Miss Maggie Dimer. of Glascott', is vlsiting her sister, Mrs. Martin " present. Mrs. James Nash who was ill for sometime. is also making ralpid steps to recovery. Although ninety years old, the old lady possesses remarkable vitality. - tttteviuron's outing at the Like on Sunday , the guests of the tittllivan's. Miss Mary Butler was in Markdale last week wrestling with the Leaving examination papers, while Miss Nellie O'Hearn anxiously awaits the result of Entrance. We can wish the girls success the more heartily when we think of our own feelings on recent similar occasions. Mrs. Sylvester Martin who has been seriously indisposcd for the past two weeks, is recovering nicely under the care of 1):. Ego, ot Markdale. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE. . (momma CASTLE Dated this 14th day of July. 1902. SEED CORN, TURNIP SEED, &c., LOW PRICES. 'sir) EVE’JEK Tana. and ot Top Clill m’s outing , the guest: JNO. DARLING, my visit as m IRISH LAKE. CA UTION. Mr. Duncan enjoyed a ple THE PEOPLE’S DRUGGIST. sum on MC then to have "something else just as good" offered to you. If you make your purchases eines, Toilets or Sundries at DARLING’S you will al- ways find just what you want in Drugs, Proprietary Medi- to know what you want TORONTO Give our Breakfast Fda trial. (hliNll SENSE Jllf EFEEDER NATURE'S OWN WAY, UNIVER SALLY ADOPT ED, ADJUSTABFF. TO ANY RECEPTACLF,. The Bell property, near Dromore, being Lot 15. Con. 19, and Lot; " Con. 20. On both farms there are good buildings. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to To The Milling public DURHAM - and - MT. FOREST Feb. 81, 1902. . LATEST DESIGNS Ih"MARK1iRS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. l)lllllllll Millf "., w _ § mum MI Di We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma.. chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and We are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour. Give 11fl a trial and be convinced. We have also got our new Chopper in first class running order and have a large quantity of chopped corn, wheat, Nc. on hand. ROBINSON & CORBE . McGowan et Importations from European Amencan and Canadian Quarries Farm For Sale. 11 W. BLACK. Wu. BELL, Dtomore. If WORK8. I) n P roprietors ice I DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. B. s. E Collorfimm of all kill/(le Fm-nm bung]: 'emr'tly "Hulda! In .9 and WM]. OFFICE b‘leT DOOR EAST OF the Du mun Pllnrnmt-y Calder's Block. Remdence first door west of the old Post Ottice, Durham. late Assistant to the 1 msfpitat, En land. and and Thu: 'lrel,'ht a. SPECIALIST EYE Will be at the , 'lrsst Wednesday of illili,lli1,!lli,li,,,!,!, (EMMA SAVINGS BANh ...:m-est allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every faciiitr afforded customers living at distance. ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE- - McKr-Izle‘l Old Stand Durham atritiatiori with the ahote college. Pupils taken " her mother's residencq corner of Durham and Elgin Sta. A general Banking business transutrted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at 'u:rt'ertt rates. ottlee--, LOWER 10WN. DURH A M Honor graduate of the Presbyterian LADIES' COLLEGE, Toronto, having taken the Musical Course at the Toronto conservatory o_f_M_usicl which is in CAPITAL. Authovia CAPITAL, Paid up. RESERVE FUND.. AGENTS in all p Ontario. Quebec, _ Statue and England. Company and prints Funds Mortgages at lowest, rates of ttttere, made toy a competent and cumin] l MISS MARGARET G. GUN. J. G HUTTON, I. D., Oh hiss LICK, B. A., Classics and Mom-ms. FEES: 81.00 per month}:;:7 Wm. Johnston. G. L. Grant, Chairman. secretary ihrNegtot" and Annoy promptly albumin] to Wills. Deeds, New. Louisa, Autvettreuts kc.correcuy prepared. Esta“: ot tlervtst" " per- mm hum um and Enoch“: and AUmiuis.. trlwru‘ Account.- proparod and [unused bun roputt Cqurc Equine“, Prob.“ orWitls, Lettcus of Ad. ll] miumution and ounedtniatiiGiGGia, _ chow made in Begin" on“ uni Titian rel on. - OFFICE HOURS '-" s. m. 8--d p. m. RISIDINCI and OFFICE-Old Bulk UPPER TOWEDUBEAI. NOTARY PUBLIC cowmssmnan tu, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent, t Competent Teachers n THOS. ALLAN, Ititt 1133110831 BON JB, MISS LICK, B. A., Cl DURHAM AGENCY. Mari arthteeuiatteattio-toDi-ot Women ma Children. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., I’xvncux & St'lalox. ttmoo our “chem-Ira Store, All Charges Mcdczatc moan" puauc "rose " niche: Konhu Coll... Ham and Simon- Durham School Tohphono Continua! No. Mt ggnntsTER. soucrron DR. GEO. S. BURT. 1nd on t Ill, S, DAVIDSON . LEFROY McCAUL. HOURS W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. Staff and Equipment S in all prnu-uml points m Ryehrtar, "huuiotrn." United JET EYE, EAR. THROAT & XOFE .____ ExCLUsivELY.' " the yildeueh 1151130. lulu“. Private '11oner to Loan J KELLY, A gem . Authorized Paid up. . . . u'rrCa' _ --_"e'p_. ........... tach 111(th tum 2 p. In Royal London Ophthalmic l the Golden Squamb‘oae W2,000.0ta, 1.1").(“0 . 8.301 too " th Ul "

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