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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jul 1902, p. 7

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W Q” "Ana tttiq is the girl." salt] papa. “My, "whoago gr‘*dllutiniz away was 'l'lm above name In a household word and tho superior excellence of the road would be sufficient to " tract most people. but now that the rate In the same to New York and points east as by other line. no further reeoqnmendation should be lm‘ht. Everybody wilt tell you it In the but. IS. Y, Herald.) ' Pups,' an“ tlt" swam. girl gradu- tste,p"wtum't my cotmttoneemstttt grtwn a whooperino? I had the other RIN" akinnvd alive y' 'AnrAppc-al tor Higher Standafds ot Thought and Exiweettiott.'" New Var-k Central and Hudson Rive! " o,'rosot. - hum Kimmy Pills have received this worthy Woman's moot emphatic unhmtlom New York Mun.) 'hs"ge-.Des your mother let you read historical novels? Msriorie---Yeir, but she makes mo study history as an antidote. an» tells of one poor young woman annm thire people who was suffering so severely with the Dropsy that she was terribly bloated all over and ounllned to her bed. The Lady Min- rioncry left a few of Dodd's Kid- may Pllln and immediately sent for three more boxee She was rewarded tor her efforts try the complete recovery ot the young woman.. Homo yearn More we had tried and prove!) tht, value of this great mliclne In her own our when threa- 109M] with Dropin and mffering with Rhuunmtham. Thay had Com- “Holy natured ilter, and when she found that the prevailing trottttle sarong t,he Douehouor people was Kidney Dim-m and Dropsy she know that Doch‘u Kidney Pills would be hrer must valuable aid in her good wurk. Illa Story ot kiln. H. Vnrm-y, of ”loco-mold, "It --th"rnt “may You." In I Scrvlc-e ot 5:“tu -rutee to tttq Poor mod New“ -)ll.nlsteren to The" Physical an wgu n9 Splrllual It is a! nut work anmng tho bunk- ‘hnhong in ounr (mm (himdian Norrh- weut that she laws most to spank. and marry and vivid are her recollec- “mm or L'hh walnut people. one, of the ttreatmrt difficulties this dm'owd woman had to contend with was discuss» among her poor people, But who had snow] hers?" with a an may him was as unfailing a. her own oharity---DoddU Kidney Pills ware mm wasp um gire used to drive out watchman. Bloorntutd. Ont.. June Bo.-t.ie- UU-our .comxnunity boasts of hav- 'rtl within " one of the most dss voted Christian women that ever tolled In the World's vineyard. Elisabeth H. Varney, relict of the late Levi Varney, is now 73 years of age, and is living in quiet retirement here. the is a. member of the Bo- ciety of the Old Orthodox Friends and this slmpln mesa-ltn'ing Society - had a mum humble or more worthy murmur. Owned and biesaed by God, thin self-sacrificing heroine and her hus- hsnd. since deceased. spent many you" of faithful putorul work in duh-rent part.» of tit" continent. en ' . Government Inspected. The whole-om. - “I soothe-e " "on article in ptortrd in it prevention toe your convenience. II the - ttttttttt can: A supply on your - “elves one. one” hue “In? u pend the email-l- tthe "I! m mule. ho hul- book, "Row to ale Good “my to Burt-1:1 an anon: tttem-- you jug. me'n .m.. of m. World, lulled MOULTON COLLEGE Toronto, Ont. A GIRLS EDUCATION LIBBY’S Natural Flavor Food Products LIIBY. McNElLL & LIBBY. CtUCAa0. A stirts animation should be estsantmll.‘ womanly-- fitting hr? for tlt" hump and for wider lufluanm-s in well. Moulton Covet, giver: sum an educa- t'LQ-u. Its (mums tor matricu- lation and general studies, and for mute and art, are con- Nned with a Christian hone life that 111:1sz tor cultured and ltrong womanhood. Calendar on appucatlon trom ts. Wells. Principtu. Hardly “allowed "I: Ears. I Libby‘o (anon-h: ionic “when m purity mun“; A?) no“. and in l HERON LIFE Good Things to Eat Nam-Mary Co" rso -- USBV'BVKUE; oruieirriitT airot ”We. h A “one of the Time When Kluln; Wan General tn Merry England. (From Tho Lancet.) Sir Francis Jeune and Mr. Justice Crorell haw had posted outside the two courts ot the Prohate', Divorce, and Admlrulty Ulvla‘lons notices to witnesses calling their attention to the tact that they may be sworn in the Scotch manner before giving evi- The form of swearing by kissing a book is purely one of custqm. There is no direct autiwrity tor it in any act of Parliumvut, or rule, or book ot practice. Tire data also of its in- troduction is unknown, but this is not because it has been lost in the mists of antiquity, for it is talrly certain that, so rust-nth; as at the end of llu- spvetttvetittt century, it the form existed it was not in any general use. It has DUN" pointed out that Coke in ltie institutes makes no mention ot kissing the book, but writes of the "corporal oath" as thus named becauto, the witness touched with his hand a portion ot tho Scriptures. and this aspect of tho oath no doubt survives in the familiar warning of thmusiwr to wit- m-ss to rvmove glove before taking the Tasmment for tho purpose of kissing it. it is also observed. that in tho "Book of onths," of which an edi- tion was publish-d in 1689, tin-re is no mention of kissing " book. How tho kissing originated is, we believe, al- most as much a matter of speculation an in tin- date at which it became irmumnt or nnivvrsnl. The New York central a Great Lino Thom seems to be but one opinion In regard to the New York Central, and that ls, that the large number of trains. the tat" tima, and the [not that tho tare Ite the same as by other lines (emnpt the Empire State EE.. Prine), slwuld commend It to all. 'orm of tmlutation was so common among thom that it pxdted the inter- met and nmnsvmvnt ot foreigners. Erasmutr tutors to it, and a Hungar- ian gnnxlrman who visited London and moved In good society In 1663 was much struck with the way in which men kissvd Ladies when they granted them when Hungarian. would hare shaken hands. Even Franchmen In the middle sges held kissing as a peculiarity of the English nation, much as we remark upon " now among the French. It is. there- tore, at least possible that the km bestowed upon the book In taking an oath may not have been to much a kiss of venom-anon an a form of salu- tation or acknowledgment by bodily contact. 00130th more ceremontoua than manual contact. but at“! not Wtal with any great feeling of solenntty. ' , c . To write a perfect autobiography would require so much of the author‘s time that he would have no time tor uctlons worth writing about. Tho laying: or the hand on the Goss pvls in awvarim: is. no doubt, or great antiquity, whil? the laying of the 1mm! on tho altar of a deity in invuk- ing the d. ity to witness a statement or promise id older than the (icspela. Th. It.' Ina of th * hand on 111 ' “papal! has its [Viral]?! in othcr countries be- aid“ 8 Fing.rd In 1. Tiie khsing of the book lei, huwph-r, WI" believe, peculiar to England or to, longLaml and It's-land. and it, is not quite may to maxi-:11 its origin to tho [timing of rnlivs when we apparently tin l it lntrolnc ‘d in England after all Vo-nvrutlon for rvlios had been swept away and made illmral. P. is worth noting that English peo- pl" worn more addicted to kissing once than tlwy are now. Riding; as a The early bird catches the worm; there are some lazy people who pro- tease! not, to like them. Broad-minded people are usually narrow-minded In that they consider all people narrow-minded who are not; as broad-minded as they. The young die ttood-lt they're young enough. - It‘s hard luck to be hit on the tterui WM: a horseshoe. V Two heads may be better than one, bub oneU plenty - next: morning. 1u'vsrrybhing' will cdme out all. right m the wash-if itU waah‘ goods. Variety is the spice of! life. Borne variety shows carry lt too far. t REPLY TO MATRIMOHAL AD. KISSING THE BOOK. Frerkles. F 7.." - W 'i"'?";"""",""'.""',',"'"""') '-c-igrd-ttiq+ (N. Y. World., The little daughter of a prominent wesLm-n Senator has been attending school daring the past winter and her proud father, mother and a number of friends went there on the day ot the closlug of school to listen to the examination. " Out In my district." says Repre- sentative Boldler, of Ohio, In the Washington Poet, "tlwre ls a. Very clever preacher. 01m day a man who does not think much ot relight: thought he would stump the preacher. The teacher asked tie ch95 It the moon was inhabited. he Senator‘s little daughter, who was sitting in. the front row wrigglmi about and raised her hand, Thinking to please .. Yeem, one moon la," answered tho ch'ld. "I don't know about the other."' " Well, my dear, which one Is In- hnbitpd ?" asked tho teacher. “The Itoueyrnoon," answered the child. "It's inhabited by my aunt and my new Uncle John." " tarson,' he said," “whit- fl; Yin-e bestgvay to heaven] ?' " 'Turn' to the right and then keep straight tthwtd,' replied the preacher, without an instant'u hmutation." There In more (futurrh in this section of the country than all other dlsenso‘s put together, and until the last few yr-nrs was supposed to be incurable. For a Feat many years doc- tors pronounced it u oval disease and pres- cribed local remedies, and by constantly fail, “If to cure with local treatment. pronounced it ncurabie. bit-lance has provettetstttrrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore re- quires a constitutional treatment. EIall'sCts- tarrh Cure. manufactured Irv K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the otllir constitutlonal cure on the market. lt is ta en Internally in (loses from 10 drops to a teaspoouiul. [tarts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the systvm. The? otter one hundred dollars tor any case It tat s to cure. Send tor circu- lars and testimonials. On Saturday. says the Moose Jaw, Times. R, H. W. Holt, of hive Ottawa house. appeared before W. a Sand- ers. J. P.. charged with assaulting a young man by We name ot Tom His-gs. on Uhe Wednesday previous. Evidence was taken which showed that a dog belonging to the defen- dant. attacked a cow. which was be- ing driven by time plaintiff. who at- tempted to drive the dog off. The do; them attacked the plaintiff. who me: it with a. piece of mud. M1. Bolt. the owner ot the dog. there- upon attacked the young man and cuffed his can. end big dog came to his nuisance and tame a piece oat at the yam man's mate. The cm "- "cu/Pty' use! may t he her. Poisonous Innkunrp happily few In this country, but atlnglng buts are many. Take Perry Iravin' Painkiller with yuu on your vacation and man It free when bitten by noxious Insects. Diecttoni, an every bottle. guilty ik, me Me and m t"GiGGii tlt m Am 191ng bul. vim: Film Diggs-Not a word of truth in the rumor, I¥Hsure you. Higgs- hen he ain't married'? DittRte-Oh. he's mania-1 all right "nough ; but instead or taking a. wile a widow took him.-ChicaRo News. Stops the Cough and Works on the Cold. Laxative Bromo Uuinine Tablets cure scold la one day, No cure, No par Price " cents. The Strength of Mother hue. (London News) Murderer Rico's mother will make another attempt to save the lite of lu-r son. Gr'ny-liaired boyond the to mm though all the world be against him, tor hu us still her boy, and no doubt was once liar pride, In the long ago. Common ”an tells un that the way to cure neuralgia; palm. In to apply ttttt remedy dlrectly to the seat. of the trouble. .' The D. k L." Menthol Plaater la gunrnnwd to glve qulcker mm than any other planner. 611180. “Considm' youraolf engaged," maid the mm'ohant. "And now tell me where you trot onto that trick of the trade t" ' s "A few short years ago," answered the other. "I was in the ‘waalthy ous- wmer' 1eltttrtr."--Ctiicago News. The Moon She Was Interested Riggs-I hear your friend Simklns has taken a. wire. “Have you ever had any experience ln handling high grade pottery P" gated we importer of an applicant and people agree that Scott's Emu! sion of cod-liver a is the best thing to take for "don't feel well and don't know why," especially babies --they like it-men and women don't mind it, but babies actually enjoy it. tar_a Jot?. "r would put It together carefully," replied the Job seeker. "and set it where the wealthy customer would be sure to knock it to pieces again." On. an an on." In. "W If. our" . - out-107'. Tole-1'0 yr. and t: am ""0711?le "No," air," replied tho applicant. "butt I can do the work all right." 'Suppose," said the merchlint. "you mould accidentally break a valuable vase; whim: would you do ?" According to Le Journal, the dog tax has had little affect In reducing the number of dogs in France. Tliere are at present at least ' 940.945 of the canine race in that country. ot which 500.000 urewat dogs (chiens de luxe.) Last year the tax produced [nearly 9.000.000 Irattcs-aboat three franés peruog. The proportion of dogs to Inhabit- ants varies in different depart- ments. In 80m? the proportion is seven for 100 inhabitants. in others sixteen. and in others only three. Address F. J. CH ENEY & CO..Toledo, o, Hold by Drugguts-76e. Hall'tt Family Pills are the best. Docfamy Mluard’a Lialment in the best. Minard'a Llnlment cures La Grlppe. fond parent the teauerVu,ted Pays fur the Pants. Facts In the (fate. A Prompt Answer. Knew the Ropes. Dogs In (fr-Mace. . oNrArt1iiitirtcihvks TORONTO In. E§¥W£mfififingm D . Chase’s Olntmont Now that peace has been declar- ed, preparations for extending the scope of the work are being made. The capital of the association has been raised to half a million dol- tartr, and English and Scotch agri- culturllta are to be rushed to South Africa to people the new colonies. to readjust the balance of population there. and, by outnum- bering the Boers. to render impos- sible even this faintest chance of a rebellion against British authority. Mother-Then don’t play with him any more; he's no tlt companion tor you. il les I and ' and iN. Y. Sun.) Hotel Ptoprietor--rr the whnle company puts up here Ill knock off 25 per cent. - Pi-esa Agent--Muke it BO and Ill catch a 22-pound trout and see the sea serpent. (Boston Globe.) "ythor-Johnny, what awful lan guuge! 7 7 7 -Johnnr--weti, mother, Shakespeare uses it. Take Laxatives Bromo QuInIne Table“. All argsgl’gu mguug the tummy if it [MIA to Of'". V The Colonial Immigration Society began it try sending out a delega- tion of several hundred women to Cape Colony for distribution at various points where female help could command high wages. and loyal English feminine influence oould do the most good. The Scottish Settlers' Association. an Organization originally formed in Rhodesia. under the patronage and with the assistance of Cecil Rhodes himself. has taken up the work almost as quickly and on even a greater male. Four months ago a band of 100 Scotch farmers and laborers was sent out to the Or- ange River Colony to settle there on the land y.aeated by burghers. The association was in such a hurry to get Its men on the ground that " sent them a little too man. When they arrived in the new col- ony it was found that local condi- tions were hardly ripe for their re- ception. and Mr. llhodos' assistancv had to be sought. He solved the problem by providing the Scotchmeu with grants of land from his own farms in Cape Colony, A BOOK YO 'log-mr-one bottle at Enguuh Spavlu Llnlmeuc complewly remu vwi acurb from my hone. I take pleasure In recommending the remedy, as it act» with any-term“ promptnesn In the removal from horses ot hardmott or ('ullouaed lumri. blood apavln. spline-I. curbs. sweetly, at ttent and sprains. . GEORGE ROBB, Farmer, _, ___ - A 7 Markham, (but, Britons Being Rushed to the New Colonies to Repair Wu": Ravage- Even before peace with the Boers was officially announced. Britain had begun to carry out her plans for resettling South Africa. with her own people. Months ago, under official prompting. the Immigration associations of London set about bearing a hand with the settlement problem. - _ a free employment bureau. The wily has torn ‘down hundreds of thou. sands, of dollars' worth of rooknrl let-I that the worklngmen'u childrnn might have play grounds. And tho city provides free gas for the al. leys and even for the hallways of the poor. These may be called we. vial provisions tor tho worklngmen, and which they enjoy in addition to the other bmtetieent blessing provlded for all the ciltlzeua of this model eitr-4Kottimlt American. mnard'o Llnlment the best Hair Restorer. RESETTLlN0 SOUTH AFRICA a trifling sum. and babies are car- ed for by city nurses while the hrcererwirtrtertr are at work; and, ot course, these homes, ete., are not charities. Penny (two cents) baths are provided by the municipality in all parts of the city where working- men reside. MunLcipal trmnways take laborers to their work tor trom one to two cents. and muniei- pal ferries carry them to thir shops five miles down the Clyde, it necessary. for tWo cents. At High: the municipality provide tree mu- cs-rts. free lectures, free night schools and free courses in business and technical studies. There Is also Deer ti5irar,--While in the country last summer I was badly bitten by motrquitoo-r badly that I thought I would be disfigured four a. couple ot weeks. I was advised to try your Llnlmonit to allay the irritation, and did so. 'llhe effect was more than I expected-n. few applications com- pletely curing the Irritation, pre- venting the bites from becoming sore. WNARD‘S MNIMENT is also a good article to keep all the mosquitoes. Yours truly. w, A. OKE. It is nigh impoatsi'olt' to tummy-uh, all that Glasgow had done for 1h:- wortiugmen there, but in. tiny with out exaggeration be ml»! that it has done about everytltiitg pussibh; Homes have been arm-led for than in every part of the en.v.and theme are rented to the poor at an at most nominal raw. Widuws and widowers have two wellwqipp"d homes where they Are boarded {or Messrs. C. C. Richards & Go. Ptstr1eo-49lt, yes; he l preaches tor two whoteutottra, Patience-46 your minister !lberul in bin View? E mass hgifgilft sum i To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Sold by all druggiats Harbor Grace, Ntid., Jan. 8. 1898 iiritriiriEiNir -e ' iiGiiifGWiUr" FiGiFi, 'l,'tlft't'lsi'l"4t%.'lsT' Yamagata}: and Grove'u signature is a each box. ugGe. H or Liberal Pastor. " Mn " Wan Sure. (Yonkers salesman.) A Bargain. To to "h" DI t%lmbl'tu'l'hited'it Neill-rt" - in? Ti.- - "V -- ,___._- -5..._- "e8t,1t1ttrrttt.uthtyt. 'ie0ithil.'fiiiiii' often A “in: FIE! " ttitt to e'very sutterer. ‘PUL-Mo in for sale by all druggisu u Shoo per Inge bottle, and 15 cents for small bottle, or direct from “ THE PUL-IO CO., TORONTO, ONT. I' q L'I'IU “My of " breathing, . tightnessol the chest, wasting away of flesh, throat troubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh, eoldettr1tteeiayettf pleurisy. - ",uc,iG-reg. SIN; lets him have her own way in everyuting.--Lite. Glorious Orb of Duty Doe. Man's Bld- dlug In Many Duet-(lone. There have been manv attempts to harness old Sol. to make him work at man's bidding so that his rays. trapped and put to new, uses. shall take the place of coal or wood as a producer of motive pow- er. Clever minds in all ages have been at work to devise the neces- 'sary trap. Several more or less practical machines have resulted, but none so perfect, so full of promise on the great sun motor now engaged In storing up the eun‘o heat at the well-known Ptier. adenu. ostrich farm in California. Her Syn-(em. He-Mrs. Wise seems to understand bow to manage her husband pretty well. Monkey Brand Soap remove. Bll .tains, rust, dirt or tarmih---but won't wash clothes. ' so The hot, persistent California sun that shines almost every day of the year when reflected trom the mir- rors on the boiler causes such heat “than; It is possible to obtain 150 pounds of teteuLttt pressure in one hour from cold water. When the machine is made ready for work-.... a task for a boy, who has merely to turn a crank until an indicator shows that the sun is truly focused on the mirrors-it will move around so that its face is kept tunnel to the sun all day without further manipulation under the force of an automatic engine. The boiler is automatically supplied with water, a safety valve releasing the steam it the pressure should become too greatn - PUl-MO The iiaiicykdiUur Garmeets with success. young man. He mugt over- take 1t.-P1iiladelpltits Press. By the sun’s heat water In boiled, the steam working a powerful en- glne, capable of bolllng some 1,400 gallons of waiter in a minute. From a distance “In California sun motor looks like a huge open umbrella. Inverted and with a piece sown att lite top. It In balanced on a high steel framework and ls set at such an angle )hut it will much the sunbeam on its 1.785 mirrors. Each ot these mirrors measures two feet in length and three lnches across and reflects the sunshine on to a long cylinder corresponding to the handle of the umbrella, which holds about 100 gallons of water. The boiler is made or steel, covered wlth a heat-absorbing material. MI day, every day, from an hour after sunrise to a half hour before sundown. this tireieas heat concen- trator keeps its shining face turn- ed to the sun. storing up an energy which may be put to almost any use. It works under the powerful California. sun as well in winter as in tgutttmer.-Partrott's Magazine. A Eton: (Wm-c. Thu Trttth--Yett, I'm In business for myself. but I don't tHtPttt to be able to meet with any 81100988. About 150 pounds ot black hasu consigned by American tourists to Detroit wrre seized at Kingston, Minard'o Linlment for Rheuma- Ham. lo "tmltt tt TERI”? TR. _ ' STKIJIKI'lSl-l Human Sunn- F, Stork In!" Ind C alt Dehorner, Stop-"nun of “I an: from routing. '"ken6aidHNreut Mr mark, , uh In“. mu- llme mm. luv-urn Hal-II. Tannin-unl- hem l'rlooll Mt grand tt for In.) "ti I worm-Jun] h-unu- lutd ua. luyt, '0'2torI7rrr,Citt.Dee l7, What every woman does not know is that in common soaps she fre- quently pays for tuiulteratiotts " the price of oils and fats. Try Sun- light Bott-Octagon Bar-next wash dhr. and you will Bee that Prof. Ellis ia night. He would know. 206 W, “yrs. IAIIZI INOKTOI. Putin“. In... w. I. Every Woman Should Know. That Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis. OMc1al Analyst to the Dominion Gor- ernment. has moat], made n number of analyses of soaps. and reports tint " Sunlight Soap contains that high " perpenmge of oils or fats necessary " to a good laundry soap." . SUN A FAITHFUL SERVANT. Always Inns! on your dealer sup- plying you with One IO cent package will kill more flies than 300 sheets of sticky tty paper. Clean and handy. hey are manufactured tmm' ST SKILLED wow!“ Fly Pads Wilson's PAILS and TUBS (POISON) WOODENWARE E.B.EDDY’S WILL CURE - H. Falter Chafing. Western Pat neuter Agent. Tomato; Thou. Henry. Trattie, Munster. Iontrenl. .‘_,_.“,. vat -5-vuwll‘l '"'"""'"" melli. tit. Lawrence to Montreal and ll- termodmte ports. Very Low Rates of Single and Return Tickets. ll. lb il, THE ONLY HIE mm RAPIDS 'roR0h"ro-MotsaatKnt, MINE. Steamers leave Toronto at 4 p.11; daily. except Sunday, for Charlotte. Port ot Rochester. One Thousand Islandl. Rapids, St. Lawrence. Mom heal. Quebec, Murray Bay, Tudousu. Saguoncy Rho: and interanedisto ttttru, (lilliTlliNTllt [le INSURANCE COMPANY The report for I901 ulmwod Nmnrknbh lncrem over 1900. in the following Menu: New budneu increased hv .... ' 850.705 Premium lncume Inch-um} by 39,812 Total {Home increased by...... 42,575 Amuincrewd br............... 48,959 Im"tratteoitttoree Increased by 1.399.466 co.urieutat Lite Policie- nre unexoelled tor ulmpllclty and “banality. Agent- want-9d GEO. B. WOODS. CHAS. H. FULLER, General Manager Set-rem Steamers leave Eamuton 1 p. -.. Toronto TAO p.m.. Tuesdays. Thun- days and Saturday: tor Bay at Quinta. One Thousand Islands. Rapids, to cell mu. colleen, [puking powders, 'spice", extra“, run, to conunmvn. You can mako money. No (Aldr- wunw. Excellent wrrlmry vacant now. at cleaning silver. , ware Mn! your other TI bright lanai-I. Elec. tric PULISHlMl FIBRE lulu-u away thq cirudgo-ry and makes uilvvr rimming a [that ure. No soiled humln, unwilling to inc-91min"- beautifully prenurwi clwmlvnl oeit-politttsiaq cloth Prim- 2.V at urutoruus and nation (lenient. By mall trom HONABCH KEG. 00.. Silt-thorium Ont. I'n‘pu'ntory "a."'-."-- ___-___ _ my manic course; he art: Aoeottou;do-- “cadence; vellum-MAI. Iuperlor building", strum; may. lac-alumna! location. ptotsrorttt hump tite. Mrs. Window's 300!th , ulwnyn be tuned for Children soothe- ghe ctud.. Airgun-age gumr Work No More mulla- - nu“... -__---" colic and " me but - iilii,rijidies' College, BY. tno‘munwr. Preparatory and Hulk-[Inu- “also: "I! ver- nlty mush- counue: he an: etorouotcdo- __ -4,” mnudn- hnlhllnn. PRg, FARM FOR tgAgar--ot" or m and in an Piiegaht't,'et a Wlm launc- from on an all 'iariFdoruirt.tlr..Pt ot which I. in In“ mmuypnohn Will bonus-on. ttar- c divided inwlouot 15w Mt m tr imit par ohm Think n and“ ts-in. tet Joanna Carnot-mt. P. o. box on. - Berrie- uud other fruit- on annual-dun op wlll buy F.().B. palm, of uhlpnent, also Hut.- ter. Emmbrwl Marla. Poultry and all other farm produce. 1'oriimpoetdem'e nullclwd. WINTERS l-‘RI'IT & PRODUFE co . Cor. York and wit1iatett6ut., Market RM? , Ottawa. l at. The l Menu ISSUE NO. 29. H.B.F|arshall&Co Writs tor trial sample: 191 Klng m. Kan, llamllton, Ont WANT 'tKoala": AQENI‘S WERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. HON. JOIN Drtrrri...,t'trrortDr.srr WE WANT mummy atundurd from (been: to Your money hawk itnot.ostutartory. no“: b' l.Al-‘LA_M K of IATERIAIJ by the HAMILTON- TORONTO- MONTREAL LINE... a)“ 'IGaV titiibtmsea, location. ph-ammt 1Tau. M ottteat. in??? our“ wind ttod to ttte In] a blowmp t " the Numb- - wears u an ttte new Mu “at will M u tttea ruin t “rpeublt‘ m h deep blu “rial that and I. am: In (hr mu a with In! ‘0 Iurllu-I tire “(than the Hurt ;. “ounce 0r decorating tonubh- m Mer um father NV- - ol thr - pull nt Or thr HM l " the clbo out of ll" of Lmkq Mt? ow-r la}! n w Art ctro: If at ut rank of I new “In! , mum nu) gastmuuyv m peculmrn) ol t'te2' Woman new "lwuyr u, " " be sit m ol Engllrh v mlkmg Mill“! m-rod in n gun-1‘ Mtoro ttttl women. tst Btve', Mu hen-HM gets " u: matter o', or UN N new 11mm ting tht them Ute , gov: V “It atte gow- the Final up hm u! timings than on" "It!“ barium Jou M rolm-u lines' I In an; I holly they ' The , skirt u lummm’ is won the cm ennui. porno.» Trot" ind“ r 1etqrt'r; att-cel lbw“ an To pr! length [Hi lower "lw - our“ [rum buck quirer t. I dirt rum-.1 A Hurt “no tl:' "my“; mum- by, Co the Ll who I‘m. but Dr u " [all autumn-In (in: cult. and if 5' “TK'IA. tr SK be a llt'll ter otter the, “In. clam, Nu - " h. gt Airte in (i itttets and ‘ukle lvnglh very few tin or than mm. The mums an run jun ‘irt ot nik her Inn-M t .rettirr an “an cum-'1 Whllo wh) “or, tbe Arlpe will In mow-w drown (has cit-nu (I tr they do wasnt .01th “not; [mum- The mu little. pr, when rbr trut u WM btuo nu! , In light bl clear In: trimmm _ m of ; ltllbt~td-r can n rt dnlruble 'Pho 1 blue le: gun NIH gunmen! ghtrt does thorn Ito "sing tarul trawling or - tmo mac-12 a?! “gnaw. 'm ht a"\ drum“ I tt 10mm an av? bl m (it: he (but "no rr, ll " bu m In t II p! (Iv b

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