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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jul 1902, p. 1

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902 I i WE PRINT WrHrlrlNG Nr)lli_'rir; ond xl'/'" , l 111"] Naturally}; at Nubian/In“ [fr/rm. ( I" t' Nun/J, v. ."IIVI'H Nil/l s/v/rs tn l ,",,.' r, m. 1,17,, .1: Nu . /.'l*l'//'.'H‘ 111-1611}; {I 4:1,: l '. I, I “WHO...” VOL. XXIV. N0. 30 'N fimmmfifimifimmfig 1thi JiL Ai,' “a? .m. ny m done our full Shire oi it. We are going to offer SOME GREAT VALUES this week - Call and see them THE CARPET SEASON is at its end and we have JULY d AUGUST BOOTS & SIIOES Of the Famous Ames Holden's make. Good Harvest Boots......for. ' . . . .$r.oo Ladies' Fine Dongolas. ..ior......$t.rs D ALL WOULS, UNIONS. r dines (lretaad , R Y Goons, TAPFSTRIES. IIEMPS. LARD & 11f.i5,Hil (in balk.) DROP S AL E Ev? eehnie, fit a}; 'h,',', i.i)'ii,: DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1902. g l ”m: vi. Iva , The Baptist Garden Party at T. Mr, Manitoba Oatmeal 'at--Grant's. 3 Comlps on Tuesday was very successful. 3 The Review to January 1. 19W, 35 cts. , in attendance and in every way. They i B . . _ . . 1 collected about $60. 1 entinck Fall Eur at Hanover on ' , Sep. 30th and Oct. Ist. PASSED UN orrAws.--Congratuhmontr , l to Mr. It. J. Scott. whose name appears ii . You might just as well get 2 shirts for among the. successful candidates at X 1riic “3 I'"' (“ling theShurt Sale at J. A. 'Ottawa Normal School examinations. E l Hunter B, The Big Store.--- ', The Presbyterian S. S. picnic is being Ell _ Mr. R. B. Keeler, Jeweler. has bought 3 held to-day, Wednesday, at Wilder’s I Mr. Arch. Little's house, East Lambton _ Lake. By courtesy of the Cement Co. E iStreet. The price was 82000. .an open-air ride on the fhtt cars there H5 _ Amnynnn _.A mm mm ”bah...” "out. and back is a treat for old and young. w ‘ r:;,rs,t-,)tD.3rjltl,litjlta iiisilliiiiiiii8ltatll 3 Big Reduction in Ladies Sailor Hats, : at-Gratis. 2 New BLAcksMITH.---That is new in iDurham. for John Collins of Orchard- , ville, has long been well known among 1 men requiring horses shod. Mr. Col- l lins is ill work in the old foundry at the l hr’dge. on Garatraxa St., and will no l douht receive a share of the work that's 1 going. i " Hard ware Dept, " Is the wording on 1 a very neat Sign in The Big Store. I ly MEMORY or BURNS. --Just 106 lymrs on Monday since the great poet l breathed his last. and Town co Scotsmen i and many not Scotsmen. honored theme ’selves by unveiling a. fine monument in l his honor. Warm eulogies were spoken land some of his songs were sung with l feeling. I Every owner of one or one hundred} [head of stock and every person who, i makes butter whether it be five or five l, [hundred pounds per Week, should be al, i reader of The Weekly Sun. The Dairy i iAssoriat ions and meetings, as well ass tall matters pertaining to the Dairy and l i Creamery Industries. are fully reported. I Wy, Sun gives more technical mfotma- i ’tion than any other farm paper lei markets. For 75 cents we will send!, Eyou the REVIEW and The Weekly Sun l 3 for six months, Try the papers, i Ladies Patent Leather Belts at 15e 1 _ 20 and 250. at-Grant's. , CEMENT MAccccrEs.-Last Thursday, ,Messrs Cowham. Cumberland, Stan- (hope, Trying, Bailey, and other promi- l nent cement men and shareholders were I in town and took the open air excursion ito the lake. The progress being made , in the eyes of these experts is satisfac- itory and the first named takes a lipardonable nude in pointing out that 5 his promise to furnish " the best mill In Gi, world" is being implicated. He is l firmly of the opinion that while larger l, ones may be built, there is none better, iand none to equal it certainly, in the texcellence of the material it has to _ work upon. ArwooD.--A post card received post,- marked .. Atwood," addressed properly. hut otherwise blank. Can't trace send- Gorso TO ScoTtaND.--Mewsrs. R. Mac- Farlaue. Six. and John H. Hunter, are booked to leave for Scotland next week. We wish them a pleasant voyage and agreeable experiences in the Land w Cakes. PRm4oxAr.s.--Htwe you friends visit- ing you during the holid'ays ? Have any of your friends gone away ? Send the REVIEW the facts of these or any other social item. Other friends may be glad to know, and we will be happy to publish same. Send by mail or leave at either of our ottieeg (accompani- ed of course with your name as a. pri- vate guarantee) and we will do the rest. Dimm forget. Any man who will buy his wife a Happy Thought Range at The Big Store Hardware, may rest assured she will never forget his kindness, for the Happy Thought ii the Queen among Ranges. See those unbreakable combs at-- Grant's. PROGRESS AT CEMENT WORKS.-- '; Gradually new features are impressing. themselves on the visitors to the vast: works, in our town. The great smoke stack at the powerhouse is getting sky- ward length by length, presenting some principles of mechanics in its erection, never before seen here. The structure has not a. single guy wire and the workman’s platform is attached in some way to the rim. The tat-tat-tat- tat of several electric rivetters is a pre- vailing sound and rapid progress is be- ‘ing made with this extensive feature. (The rotaries have rotated for the first time to allow of the fire-proof white- washing of the tire-tnick inside. The dump at the east end of the. trestle work must be about finished. Doors have been placed on the Power-House and the mysterious pipings. ete., etc., in- side, are getting together, leminding us of Ezekiel's valley of dc, bones. The fencing of the grounds is about com- pleted and nice gravel walks have been laid down near the oNce. mm ilirtgii,jt_i.it). i HORSE FOR sALrg.-Miles \Vilson. the "Ish man. has a. good horse for sale or lexchanee. Stands 17 hunda high, iweighs 1400 llts. would make a. good {farm or duty horse. Sound and in Egood shape. Apply at the freezer, l Lower Town. 3 Splendid weather favored the Presby- _. terian S. S. picnic to-day, Wednesday, iand four fiat mu- loads of happy children land their seniors are gone by switch line ito Wilder's Lake while ye editor and istaff, being paper' day, must content ', themselves at home. The boys nil 'tay Black Ca'. Hose are thebest. You buy them at The Big Store. PROPERTY C)tiAsoyh-Me. Wm. Black has bought the Aljoe blacksmith shop and grounds attached, and will pmceed at, once to transform it into a residen- tial property. We are glad to hear this. for Mr. Black's push and enterprise will rest with nothing short of something good, and we may expect to see another fine residence in Uppet Town. Bus I)HANuE.--Mr. Jas. A. Gromm- lock has purchased the Bus and Dray husmess from Mr. Dan Campbell and took possession Monday momiug. He intends to devote the same attention to these departments as he has done suc- cessfully to his livery, (which he still continues,) and cordially asks the pub- lic for their patronage in any of the three lines. 'Phone No. 13. ENTRANCE CotutEtrrroN.--There were two "H. McDonald's" writing at the entrance in Durham. we only knew of one, the Durth one. and placed him amongst the successful candidates. This wasa mistake. for the successful McDonald was "Hector" of Glenelg, son of Mr. John McDonald. South Line, and we gladly give him credit, while " Howard, " of Durham. must buckle to and try again. ' Wear Slater Shoes if you want to he right in lmct.---The Big Store. Rev. Mr. Moorehouse, Hector of Christ. Church, London. will preach in Trinity church, morning and evening on Sunday next, and at Allari's school house at 3 p. m. Hey. Mr. Ryan will preach at Aberdeen at 3. On Friday evening Mr. Moovehouse will lecture in the Town Hail on " Success" or t6 How to make the Most of Life." The lemme will be supplemented hy u musical program by Mrs. Newton. Mrs. Lauder, Misses Meredith and Mr. Jas. A. Hunter. omcuATros.--The many lrienuls of Mr. John Picken will be. glad to know that he is improving satisfactorily from the operation he underwent on July l2. The trouble, which had bothered him for sometime, was appendicitis. Dr's McDonald and Jamieson performed the operation assisted by Dr. Malian; a trained nurse, Miss McMillan, has been secured from Toronto General Hospital and her services have been much appreciated. Mr. Picken will we hope be around again in 3 or 4 weeks in better health than ever. Are you married to any store in par- ticulat ? If not call at The Big Store this week. They have some interesting things to show you.-) A. Hunter. DURHAM MIN . f x) i (lillllllf WORKS. CALDER BLCCK ‘Noxt Post Officeu Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries. LATEST DESIGNS IN:MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS, All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. --Bon. Clifford Sifbon intends to visit the Yukon' in August. Seems to as the Minister ot the Interior will feel like Minister of the Exterior when he is in Dawson. Nothing like seeing tor ones- self. . ROBINSON ' UORBE I, . Proprietors. DURHAM - and - MT. FOREST. Feb. 8r, 1902. " A!hhrttttef"A Rt:iiih/Eg TORONTO The defeat of Mt. Forest Lacrosse team by Durham came it seems as a total surprise to the players from the sleepy town on the southern border of our county. The " Denied, " assures us everybody in Mt. Forest “thought I them invincible. 't and holds up itsl hands in horror to think that a team l who Were held to be “as big a snap as Hanover” should "in a. little one- horse town like Durham “have the ttti- suranoe to defeat the "doughty Lorues. tt Both papers make a great Htryout against the grounds, which are not, of course, first class. bat teams as i good as Mt. Forest have both won and ‘lost on thare same grounds against home teams. We did not see the fra- cas between Mt. Forest visitors and the ttttieials, and while we would regret the lcast disoourtesy to visitors, we [think it no bad precedent that sym- pathizers on both sides should be kept off the grounds during the game, and for the rubbing down of the boys the simple way is to have parties appoint te before hand for this purpose. We _ ink the rules of the. Association should also be amended making it im- possible to be a referee one day and playing against one ot the teams the next as was the case with one oi Mt. Porest's players, who refereed the 1Ituaover--1hitaun game. and that very unsatisfactorily. The contest on Fridav of this week between Durham and Hanover at Han- over will be a keen one, for Durham has victory in sight, and Hanover though out of' the finals, is trying hard tog'mprove on the three games they have already played. Hanover Juniors came over Tuesday evening for a friendlv game wlth Dar ham, with the result that the home team took 4 goals. the visitors I. So rapid mm satisfactory has been the recovery of King Edward from his Serious operation. that, the above dame has been fixed upon for the great Cereinony. and millions ot loyal subjects will hope that no untoward event will pigvent its accomplishment this tune. me. great; circus features phoned for. will nearly all he dropped, and it colonial representation of 50 in all is asked for, of which Canada sends 13. The review of the fieet will he held a day or two after, and this may be on the scale of "ttutniticenee first planned. The removal of the King to his yacht was safely accomplished and change of scene and sea air with best medical skill is fast restoring llllll. Itepotts say he will be a healthier and slronger man than ever. Dear Sir, ', \Ve arrived here but Wednesday' f June 4th, after being on board ship fot 1 27days. We did not stop at Cape de ', Veme but passed between the two i islands. After leaving (Tape, de Verde l We had a. chap from B Squadron die and I after leaving Cape Town unulher one. 1 died. They were both buried at sea. l We had very pleasant weather until I we struck the cape of Good Hope when 1 it came on very rough. We put in to I it came on very rough. We put in to Table Bay Saturday May 31st., and left at tive the same evening. We had it very rough until we reached Durban. We lost about sixty horses on the trip. After we landed we took tu each and Callie up to the E: Grounds where we are camped _ The fitst Htngal Lancprsgxre The fitst Bengal Lancers are camped here toohnnd we watch them playing polo on horse-back. But, what I do enjoy is being Hulk-d around town in a rickshaw rawn by Kafrws n: Zulus dressed up in white. linen with big horns tied on their heads. The natives here are mostly naked. Some- times you will see one dressed up in an old suit of khtuki, hare touted and with a. big hunch of Ostrich feathers on his head or a large white or red turban wound around his head. Duthan, Natal, S. Africa. June 8th. 'tre Mr. Chas. Raumge. Durham. The women. when dressed at all have either an old blanket around them or a big many colored handkerchief with Iota of brass ornaments. I have a [ht ot bracelets that I bought l off the Zulu's for a few pennies. I It is all English monisy out here and I sometimes get mixed up in change. We leave for Newcastle to-morrow morning “Du. m. Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which you Ttd Changes and additionl ave " gain been made and we ask our friends to examine closely C. Ramage, ""tat',ru,r. THE CORON ATi0N,--h000ST 9. THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL [ACROSSE HMS. From South Artnea .0- Yams truly. L. CA LDWILL. (AW) m horses xhilri tion --A fund tor the families of the tirettteat who lost their lives in last weeks the. is being taken up in Toronto and will now amount to over 811100. The List is headed with “000 each from the Western Assurance Co., British American Ass. Co., and Timothy Eaton. --A great convention of Prylittitiyiett' of Ontario is called for July' 29, to organize for the campaign which will (either carry the Iteterendunt, or consign it to forqtetfulnam for veers to come. The course at lion. G. W. Ross in freeing the question from politics is now being commended generally as the best thing that could have been 1 done for the temperance cause. though I without doubt it cost him several seats I in the province through the action of I temperance forces. ---Tornadoe, at Baltimore, at Bing- hampton, N. Y., and other places. have caused death and destruction greater than that at Chestvrvillv. in Eastern Ontario. Greater than all in destruction is tluu eaused .hv the owr- flow of the Mississippi. where millions of dollars worth of splendid crops V been destroyed It is described as the most cost! y flood yet "xperien ml above St. Louis. A large quamily of McCorurwk hind, er twine for sale at the Durham Found ry. C. SMITH. Teacher fur balance of ywu- fur N. S No 3 Bentinck and Glenwlg. Duliv commencing Sept. let. Apply mum; qualifications and salary. J. L. Sunni. M. D. Sea-Thaw Dnrnm-h. um , f L C, ' , fi, li i P, a ': , rar 1 tth. 3.. I Ai ‘fc. ,, f l Ai? r L' S‘g‘ . ' _ ”:4! ( . a 's. rf, / 2' . I t 'fits, i Itil, ' I l /' _ l p“ f_ ii , _ 'd I _ . \ t , D - ' ' ' _ , . "rr . l host, Margaret Mnclhnmld. aged tit your“, beloved wife of Dunn” 1'arutr- hell. and dtutghterof the lat," humid MacDonald. Lee. Runessmv, Mull., (Cousin of Neil Moira". Iruttuivk.) Ammet.L.-tiuddrnly, " 27 Mearus ts't.. Greenock. Scotland. nu Jam-4 and qudmmc- u apt-Mu that tO “Hand Hollow Berry Spun». Ll Water Pitchers I “Mull. Tl" chlorate the pri A SWELL WEDDING - t5tmrillll M l WATCH THAT I CANNOT REPAIR R. B. Kaela is the only Watchmaker in the County with a Watch Fac- tory expuinnce. All our work gnawed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraud free. CHAS RAMAGE. Plum-:3 AND Punusm-zk. Two Big Jewelry Stores, DURHAM“ HESPELER ONT Vi! tli, tii if l il. KERR l 80!. mm“ hNer.vuu'ng III llu- Mllal INriRY um: Minn-(1:0 "Immx half it-O origin-ll mind, GREAT CUTS IN TRIM MED MILLINERV. -'_-,.-.--t -- var W""‘ hat um be new. Our tine any of ollow Wm Quadruple pute, Pie who; am, New. Forks and moons u well ‘s has and Te- am: on mama; to excite 1. The quality is tine the workmanship the mice the lowest in the county. SAHMRH 91.00. 7.30. and I Hull v 'l .25. NOW IS THE TIME TOIBUY HATS. ttUrl, WANTED 11H DIED It If ll ' Brid- mm (In fl

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