West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jul 1902, p. 4

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Mr. Thos. Turntbull, is convalescing satisfactorily. Mr. Alex MeCormack,. Sault Ste. Marie is home on a visit. Miss Hogaboom, »f Toronto, is visitâ€" ing her aunt, Mrs. John Kelly. Miss Magge Crawford, of Toronto, is a visitor at her father‘s this week. Miss Ella Laidlaw is on a visit to her uncle, Mr. R. E. Laidlaw, Detroit. Mrs. Ballantyne, Wattord, is a guest of her cousin, Mr. Arthur Jackson. Miss Sadie Carson is sperding a few weeks with friends in Lendon, Ont. Messrs. George Hughes and Bert Moekler spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Miss Norma Tuck, of Markdale, is visiting her cousin Miss Norma Patton. ‘ Mr. Layton nas returned to the Cemâ€" | ent Works where all are glad to see him. | Miss Eilah Gordon is spending a pleasâ€" | ant holiday at her grandfather‘s in Har" i ringion. l Miss 8. McKinnon is spending the week with her brother Dan at Fairwell Corners. Mrs. Ritz, with fanuly, of New York, is a visitor at her father‘s, Mr. George Kress. Sr. Miss E. Swallow is here from Toronto on a visit to her father and will stay aâ€" bout a month. Mr. Simonds, a specialist, in the Cem . ent Works, left last week for Jackson City, Michigan. Miss Jane Kilmer, from British Columbia, is yisiting her many old friends in town. Misses Allie Grant and Margaret Macâ€" Kenzie, visited at DrSmith‘s, Dornockh, one day last week. Miss Annie May Hunter, Allan Park, spertt a few days of last week visiting her aunt. Mrs. T. Reid. Mr. Rufus Collier, of the Guelph Herald staff, is visiting his grandparents Mr, and Mlrs. Philip Eva. Mr. John Picken, who underwent an operation for appendicitis about 10 days ago is recoyering nicely. Inspector Campbell came home last week from Meaford, where he had been engaged at the annual examinations. Miss McKinnow, of Crawford, and Miss Jane Kilmer, of Vancouver, B. C., are visiuing at Miss A. L, MacKenzie‘s. Messrs. T. Black, Jas. A. Hunter and R. Dewar attended the Masonic Conâ€" vention in Windsor as delegates last week. Miss Dorothy Burns, two nieces, and M\Ur. and Mrs, Wm. Robinson, cousins, all from the States, are visiting Mrs. Ed, Lauder. Mr. Emerson Kinnee, left Monday morning for Grand Rapids, Michigan, where bhe bhas secured a position in a factory. Mr. Robert Conkey, a wellâ€"known Priceville citizen, died on Tuesday morning from the effects of cancer from which he has long suffered. MUrs. Robt, Sutherland who has been visiting at her sisterâ€"inâ€"law‘s, Mrs. W. B. Vollett, returned to her home in Toronto on Monday. Mr. Marshall Rombough paid a flying visit to Durham last Thmsday. To come in at 2 p. m. and leave at 3, one has need to hustle or have little busiâ€" ness. Mrs. John Firth yisited in Priceyille from Friday till Tuesday, Miss Fanny James returned with her for a couple of days‘ visit and went home with her father Wednesday evening. Mr, C. C, MceFaycen is nursing a yery sore bhand at present, the result of a thorn bhaving festered in his hand, three weeks ago while on his annual Port Elgin visit. Mrs. (Dr.) Ed. Lauder, with little daughter, arrived in Durbam. Thuarsday last, to spend a holiday around the old home. â€" Her husband is on a trip to Duluth which will end up here. Miss Winme Reid, left Monday mornâ€" | ing for Winnipeg, where on her arriva l she will be united in marriege to Mr. D. A. Dunsmore, brakesman, of that place, We extend hearty congratulations, Rev. Mr. Irwin, Scottville, Michigan, with his wife and two children, is here on a visit to Mr. James of Priceville, who is his uncle, and with whom he made his home for some years in Lis Mr.â€"â€"â€"Santh, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter, after a few days stay in town, returned to Brandon, Friday last. He was on his way home from duty on the Coronation contingent and had no kick as to harsh treatment. Mr. Farr, who is to be, who is we may say Superintendent of the Cement Works is in town now and on duty. We welcome him to the civic and social life of Durham, and hope he may find family to. Mr. Henry. Young and daughter Nelâ€" lie, arrived in town this week and are guests at Mrs. A. McKenzie‘s. We are pleased to meet with Mr. Youn§X, on whom years are not telling much and to hear of the welfare of his family in big Chicago. suitable tesidence to bring his sitâ€" | _ Miss Cora Moffat, of Owen Sound, is | a guest of Miss Jessie Laidlaw. ‘ , is | _ Mrs. L. Someryville is spending a holiâ€" II day at her old home at the Hedges. her | _ Mrs. Dr. Charlton, of Weston, was & | guest of her cousin, Mrs. John Darling, aest Miss Jennie James, Priceville, passed successfully, the Normal examinatian few | in London. Mr. and Mrs. Newton, of Orleans, N. Bert ! Y., are on a visit to the former‘s mother nd. | at Mr. Sparling‘s. , is | Mrs. Robt. Wright and children reâ€" ton, | turned Sunday from a fortnight‘s visit .__._| to her parents in Ceylen. Mis Acil Mr. K. MacFarlane, Jr,, is visiting at Beayerton. Mr. Rod. McFarlane, Flint, Michigan, is home on a yisit. Miss Eya Mockler has returned home from a visit to Hamilton. Edwin and Arthur Allan are spendâ€" ing a boliday in Garafraxa. Mr. Robt. Wright has left Durham. and is now employed in Owen Sound Table Factory at increased wages. Mr. 8. F. Morlock left this week for several days black bass fishing in the vicimity of Wiarton. Mrs. A. Marshall, accompanied by her daughter Mary, of the REVIEW staif. left Monday for 0. Sound to spend a three week‘s holiday with friends there, and at other points. The Toronto Star : **Mrs. Jamieson of Durham, wife of Dr Jamieson, M. P. P. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bradshaw, Center Island. Dr. Janmieson was also down for a few days. Mr. Bradshaw Jamieson of Durbam, is again welcomed by his many friends on St. Andrew‘s avenue. Center Island. " â€"**Marconigrams" may be passing over the Atlantic by Christmas next , is a report current the other day, and at the small cost of sixpence a word, while press messages will be less than half that. Seeing will be believing. â€"The Canadians hbhave made some goud shooting at the Bisley ranges, and hbave won some good prizes. At the 800 yds range they stood first with 470, Seotland 469, Australia 468 New Zealand 462, Rhodesia 461, England 454 Natal 448, Ireland 423 England this year captures the coveted * Elcho Shield. " l â€"Fred Lee Rice was hanged in Torâ€" | onto on Friday last. It will be reâ€" membercd he was one of a trio of desperadoes, Rutledge and Jones being the others. This "Rutledge gang," after a career of crime in the States, came to Canada and were arrested for bank robberies. On their removal from court room to jail at the trial an accomplice (never discoverd) flung pistols into the cab, and with their free hands they tried to fight their ‘ way to libertv. _ In the melee constable Wm. Boyd was shot, Jones received injuries from which he died ; and Rutledge a few days later leaped from a gallery in the jail to the stone floor beneath and was killed. Kice was only 26, was well educated, of a good family in Illinois, and a heartrending feature of the case has been the touchâ€" ing struggles of mother and sister to have his sentence mitigated. As long. as the death penalty is in use this was certainly an occasion for its exercise, but the case shows vividly what a field of trouble is caused by a swath of crime. In addition to the unknowable pangs of these loved ones, it is no light pain for officials to resist the pleadings of motherâ€"love and condemn a fellow being to die. ‘The gruesome work of the hangman was carried out in the jailyard very few being present, and after the usual inquest the remains were placed in the most expensive coffin in Toronto and taken on the same train as the mother to his cld home in Illinois His troubles over, hers to last through lite. EDGE HILL Poor haying. Looking better now. Prayer Meeting in Grange Ha 11 Tuesday, Rev Mr Farqubarson, largeâ€" ly attended. Mr F Staples has recovered from a severe attack of blood poisoning. Miss Kate McKinn~n is home after two weecks spent with friends in Paisley Port Elgin and Kincardine . Miss Alice Moffatt, ;Toronto, is visitâ€" ing friends. Lagely attended quilting at Mrs J H McFayden‘s, Thursday. Misses Helen and Mina Burgess visâ€" ited friends around here last week. Hove soon to hear of our beefâ€" mal:,elr Thos Turnball, being nro:l:z fiGGmnwood is at present visitâ€" ing friends in Acton. Mrs Kinsler of Hamilton, was reâ€" mewing old acenaintances around here last week. Miss Cordelia Dean of Toronto, is visâ€" iting her brother Mr H Dean at present. _ Miss Maud Whitmore of the south line was the guest of friends around l here last week. . _ Miss Jane Ritchie returned home after spending a month with friends in Paisiey nd“gmnoek Mr Thos Vessie visited friends here last week. Miss Nellie Lindsay of Vickers was the guest ot her aunt, Miss M Lindsay. Misses Kate and Millie Ector, left S.mmg to visit their sister, Mrs Mofâ€" fat, of Greenock. days. MrWill Ritchie hbas engaged with Mr Robert Ector for the summer holiâ€" se t a month with friends in Those who started haying are sorry for it nuw. Geo Lane got his barn up all right. Mrs (Gzo Atcheson‘s sale went off very well. We will be sorry to lose Mrs Atcheson as a friend and naighbor. She went to school here, alwavs liyed bere, and will be long missed among as. Our teacher Miss Gordon is being complimented on passing the two puâ€" Y{ils who tried from her school. â€"Willie nox and Willie Weir, both with good marks. Wm J Wilson‘s new barn is now finâ€" | ished and we are proud to say it stands second to none in the township. Mr‘ Wilson never does anything by halves.. Last summer he erected about 65 rods of beautiful and substantial wire fence along the front of his farm, spent conâ€" siderable time in plowing and levelâ€" ing the ground first. The passerâ€"by is struck by the tidy appearance of the farm, buildings, and the good garden under Mrs Wilson‘s industry and care worth looking at. No doubt J McQueen was moved by the spirit of the times. _ His improveâ€", ment consisted of 40 rods of Mcâ€" Murdo fence built at the corner. It is uot very beauntifal but it is substantial. that suits John just as well. Mr and Mrs James Scanlana from Badjeros, Osprey, are visiting at Mr D McCannel‘s. Mr Arch Calder was at Holstein latel]y and visited at the red house on the 14th Con. Misses Alice and Martha Wilson, reâ€" turned to the city on Tuesday last. Messrs Wim Wilson and Robt Parsiow are mwl’onlios: to visit Mr and Mrs pbell. MrCampbell, we are sorry to say, is very ill at present. Neil Cameron is busy building a new house this summer. logging bee last Friday. There were 15 men and 3 teams, and the heaps nearly as l:fh as a barn, showed that tney worked witha will, Dan Robinâ€" son was the leading man, and showed that he was an old hand at the work. The last act of getting a tremendous cedar stump on top of the he.%n was work of marvelous “fi’"% t unâ€" der Neil Clark and Neil od ‘s orâ€" ders, it was successfully done. W illie Kinsman is enpg};d with Mr Dazell to help himm e was seen ginz mnorth, and Bertha and orence asked him where he was goâ€" ing, he replied "to Durham." He could not have been over a mile and a quarter a:iayh for he w::dsoon btick in company with a young lady,‘ and was llkofym woing to witness the football vâ€"o m 6 UVUoU WL1O OWHLLLLUCIE Mr Dagaid McCannel had a large ninl:‘gaelm Friday. There were at Dromore. BO OTHVILLE. We are still in need of a blacksmith here. Some go to Dromore, some to Priceville with their work. â€" Jack Mcâ€" Duugall iook the chance to take his coulter out on the 12th so Dundalk. A football match, good clean playâ€" ing between Dromore and S Park, was played on Monday last, resulting in 1 to 0 in favor of Dromore. On the sick list: Mr Wm McCalmâ€" on, and Mrs John Kerr. Hope they will soon be around again. Miss Lena McCalmon is a guest at Mr. Jas. Hoy‘s. Messrs D Allan and Jno Hunt left for Preston, July 12, where they are enâ€" gaged for a few months. Success boys. Mr and Mrs Joo Carson and daughâ€" ter Ella, visited Egremont friends. Mr and Mrs Wm McCalmon were visiting the parental home at the beâ€" ginning of the week. Mr and Mrs A Mountain are ylsiting at Mr Wm Mountain‘s at present. Messrs John and Isaac Sirrs arrived home on Thursday last, looking hale and hearty. Mr Wm Smith was the guest of Mr and Mrs Chas Gadd, lately. _ Messrs Henry and Hunter called on Mr and Mrs Wm Clark on Monday last. Mr Wm Pet&y was visiting at his brother‘s, Mr T Petty‘s, ore day lately. A young man arrived at the home of Mr Wm Yandt‘s one day last week, and intends staying a while. Mr James Eden was the guest of Mr Chas Gadd, Monday. Mrs David Allan called on Mrs Wm Mountain on Monday last. Miss Lena Allan was thomt of Mrs Wm Crawford on Monday last. Mrand Mrs R J Eden visited Egre mont friends lately. Miss Lizzie Fee called on Miss Lizzie Allan on Thursday last. Miss L M Leeson left for Indiana on Monday last, where she intends to reâ€" main for some time. Miss Millie is to follow in a few days. Mrs John McCalmon called on Mrs James Hoy lately. â€"Dundas and Stormont counties sufâ€" fered severly from a tornado last week 4 persons being killed, several injured and much property destroyed. The Kearns home was lifted bodify away with its inmates 2 being killed and three perhaps fatally injured. It was of the regular funeral shaped cloud variety, common in the west but never seen here before. , TORONTO VARNEY eâ€"@â€" ++ +4 s e â€" | through Canada, and will be banquetâ€" | ted in the chiet cities. Every kind of financial business transacâ€" _Yo Dlace bike Jfome Come to us for Wingow Shades. mACFARLANE & CO. Druggists and Booksellers. A Lifeâ€"long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this counâ€" ty, has given us an experience of its requirements which we are confiâ€" dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with confidence for a share of their NEW _ Implement Agency _ Peter Hamilton Goods Australia, A. B. MSARTHUR the most desirable drill in the market Call and let us explain its merits, Wait a few days for our BUGGIES, geared from both wheels, making it the most desirable drill inthemnr{et and call special attention to the new LEADER DRILL Address,â€"H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanoyer, Ont. when brightened up with some of our ARTISTIC WALL PAPERâ€" for a mere trifle too, Bring us the size of your rooms and let us show you how cheaply it can be done. A few moge remnants left at a sacrifice. , We just mention this week that we have secured the agency for the . JOLY 24, 1902 a44 HAMMOCK Sn WE SELL * SURE KILLER " Paris Green. About one month ago, from the premises of Mr. R. J. Black, Priceville Lots 43 and 44, 3rd con., N. D. R., a gray steer, coming 2 years old. Any person yiying information leading to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. BARGLAY & NOBLE Are now stocked up with MAXWELI, & COCKSHUTT ADAMS WAGGONS TOLTON‘S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, P ianos & Organs Dloughsâ€" [f{arrows Soufflers PROVEN Hay Pork Our Hammocks are to be seen on several of the best Lawns in Durham and there are a few more in stock. CALL and EXAMINE our * «dtecinealiand edtaest) mous Syl' vester Drill with steel wire conductors. Sutt Aine ot Varwett RRCIY i MBE Best of its kind. W. BLACK. and $#1.25 a 400 Don‘t 1 want a new TWEEDS Balad 25¢, 30¢ a GROSERI We OSX N IT‘S YOU We can g Table 1 Table O Womar Roller Wins Heavy Twi Floor 1 Om Lace Curtains A NaFrcQ WE KEEP A OF SsVPPLI K1 Clgin %e8%8 * HE SELLS CHEAP !! Mackarl If you ta Kodak. In Nickle 10 kt Gold 6 wear 20 year In 14 kt ranted to w solid Gold J Lower Tow oT Tyy pRY GOOI 00TS & 8 fuli OLt best JULY .?opcirv'q LADIES () GEXNXTS Druggi M & | 42 14 TH CAS nc )C

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