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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jul 1902, p. 5

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M. lstomers rou must Quality. a. Grs ind see at fs. &ls Syl- steel " old. Any n leading to ly rewarded. J. Duct. k Organs d. :k. Pricovillo e where 'cstet ACK. BLE Fork '2 our W CS! ne n I] Lace Curtains 2ik, 65c. 75c, a): and ttl.25 a pair. ltoller Window Shades. '36e, each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide. In: a yard. W. H. BEAN \\ TWEEDS d YARNS GRUGERIES (ii) We gt Neu (ll ()lll m3 s n SCOTT q ll IT’S YOURS Table - Buy GOODS, CROCKERY. <OOTs & SHOES, bs., We can give you Bargain' Floor oil Cloth, l yd wide, Ps' (mr New Prints are in. " WE KEEP A FULL STOCK OF SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. hun‘t forget the Big 4, when you .v " new pair of Shoes for the spring. Nahum. Ceylon Ten, Black. or mixed :21 iv HT " 40t. " m. ' and Qetattthatt, - Q --e HE SELLS CHEAP l I I v ' e-a-var-m---"- tlsle Oil Cloth. 45 in. wide Mc. a yd. hunan's S! raw Sailors 35c. up to MacFarlane t Go. I Druggist & Booksellers.‘ If you take it with a. Kodak. How often when one sees a pretty _ view or a comical situation the thought comes to us Oh ! if I only had a. Kodak - well why not-when one can be had for tr. The Brownie No. I at $1 or Brownie No. 2 at $2 really do wonder- ful work. A child can operate them. Try one. wear 20 yum 810.00. In Nicklease $5.50. In 10 kt Gold Med mated to LADIES' WATCHES. In 14 kt Gold Med, war- ranted to wear " years with solid Gold Bow. Only $12.00, ot best quality. Lower Town, A . GORDON JULY M, 1902 CASH ONLY. o----.--""" $0,007le a 4treeiatttg Linen 31 inches wide. 25c. a yd. GENTS WATCHES. (llllilti't Block J ewelle yd. In the put game objections have been raised by the packers re the use of torage plants and roots tor pork pro- duction, but the light of recent 'tatperiu menu would seem to show their tears or objgcgions groqndless: in fa_c_t. the good inthtenee of a "tt'irt'gttylt/ portion of green teed or roots in the ration rtapig can scarcely be over estimated. It has long been known that skim milk has a most btmefieiat influence upon the thrift of the porker, and quality of the pork, even when the amount fed, forms only a small part of the ration. Green food andf roots seem in a large measure to be capable ot supplementing the now,--. in view of the tremendous expansion in the Canadian bacon industry. - quite inadequate supply of dairy by- products, for use in pig feeding. The farmer whose conditions permit may go even inrther than to use forage plants as a supplementary foot He may even make them the chief item ot his pig feed if he is careful to use a good proportion of grain, (oats, pease and barley.) daring the last month of the feeding period. As the season is rather far advanced for an exhaustive discussion ot forage crops suitable tor this purpose, I shall omiine my remarks to such as are still seasonable. CLOVER: -Probabl y no crop is bet- ter adapted to young pigs than clover, and a bit of clover stubble used for this pun-pow will give very good re- turns. So far as our experiments go, the pork so produced is ot good quality. RAPE:--. or all the crops used here so far for pasturingrlpigs, rape quite easily stands Bret. he princi- pal points in its favor are'.-- (1) its quick growth, (2) its wide range. " it grows well on almost any kind of land (3) its long season, as it may be sown as late as September and still do fairly well, (4) its evident palatability. as the pigs eat it greedily, and (5) its and eit'txtt upon the quality ot the con. producing as its does, almost a good tirm carcass. Rape may be ex pected to be tit tor pasturage trom 6 to 8 weeks from date ot sowing. It should besown in rows about 24in. apart, since when sogrown it gives the great- est return per acre, and is best adapted for pasturing. It should be sown tair- ly thick in the rows, say; three lbs. of seed per acre. An acre may be ex- pected to carry from 20 to 40 pig through the season. depending on the season and the condition of the crop when the pigs are turned in. VETCIIES '.-. Vetches also are valuable as forage for swine, and may be, under exceptional conditions, sown late in the season. Especially is this true ofthe Hairy Vetch which species has the peeallar quality ot growing up again alter having been cut oti or eat- en down. OATS _ Probably no green crop will give a better return in pork than oats. They may be sown late or earl y in theseason at the rate of cr or 6 bush. to the acre and the pigs turned on a" boat a month after they germinate. The mm ot this crop is that it lasts on- ly a short time, as it does not seem to be able to recover when once eaten off. AR'WCHOKESt-. Another crop of great value for pork production is the artichoke. It should besown late in the fall or very early in the .',,',riipti; The pigs may be allowed to fee on it in October and the early spring. They will do the harvesting themselves This is a most excellent crop tor brood sows in spring and autumn. Almost all varieties ot juicy forage crops are suitable for pork production, the sorts mentioned above being pro- bably the best tor Canada. [WWW Bllll MlMll)ll. The question as to the advisability ot allowing pigs to graze, or shutting in a small pen and leeding them the green crops, downot seem to have been pos- itively settled yet, for while greater daily gains may be expected where animals are kept in close quarters. there is always the item of extra labor for cutting and carrying the forage. Another item of some importance to the feeder is the comparative economy of Winter and Summer feeding ot pigs. According to various experiments con- ducted here recently, pork may be produced " about $1.00 per hundred a u--- ...-8-|.~ "- All! “I Inm- $113035} weight; less has: m sum- mer th an in winter. This new to be due to loss can of green feed, as well as to low temperature. which must be overcmo by {coder try artitittial heat. J. B. Guam“. Agriculturiot. Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Compliment: at P. w. Hod-on. hawk. 1iiTijili-i--ritt"'"s"r- 'iiiriiiinaiDia-nasD5"- Donia. who hon been "tendtrttt Walker- Ion High School. on ”standing their holiday! at unit was“! holes. Me A Bobkirk bu push-cod o now Grim. Hm 1m. McDonald. of Hamilton. is home to: the “one! month. Don Maximum. of Chooloy, spout his week of holidoyo at his mother’s bere- Quito a mute: from mum! but. took in the horn ruining it Wm Lodinghom'o which tool place lat week. The muon- on busy working " Domdd ”Donald's homo. Hui-a is tho out» of the a” in no ham to:- Inat - Buying Ins commenced bat not much done yet. The weather tor the lust tew days mus favorable. but on Monday even- ing we had another she-wet which Is no pug"! while we wit. Fall wheuiudiontoa mat to u certain than: but not bad you. Cray: in gum-ml look well. Hay crop is sood. . Mr R-bert Coukey. who Is sufbrine with cancer for Ihe last. few months, in gelling wry weak and hard for him to smullnw any food, by a” upuearauce his end in near. [He died Tuesdsy. 22ud.] Mr Alex Whyte, old Durham Road, Antrmenin. raised his new barn last. week. Everything went together well. John McDonuld was the Iramer. David Hlnch nurses; bruised finger since Wpyle'u raising. Mr John McInnes. who Wtbts away to Calgary with a load of can]. and burses, returned some time ago and got along well on his jqumey. Muss Maggie Mchmnel is spending part of nor holidays with Iriendu at Smyner. Ml-u lsenwick. of Dromore, is Visiting with Miss McKiunon. South Line, Arne- mesia. She attended church on Sunday and added much to the musical part. of the servxce. Rev Mr McCulloch. B, A. preached in the Presbyterian Church lust Sunday. He is a tine speaker um! preacher. Mrs Moureheud present swing her in Ins nluess. Mrs Hepburn, ofDurlmm. visited at N McCauual's lately. Mrs ----- and daughter. of Tomuto. are the guests of lite, (Key) Matlleuou for the has week. Miss Lizzie Campbell. of Toronto, is enjoying here,ttlfwttts lather tnd mother " the old hume. North Line, " present where she intends be any for some time] There were sex and good and young men n the picnic the other day but they were only mull boys beside Ben Show. of Artemmsia, whose height in 6 " " inches. Miss Kate McPhalL of Toronto, is u home nt uesent as her father‘s Mr John McPhnil'u Glenelg. . (This Week's Budget.) In giving the mum-a of those who tcok prizes at games at. the A o U W picmc we noticed tbe name of Dr Atkinson at this town omitted, " he took several firet priz- es in moss of the gameh tiUil. Married by Rev Mr McCulloch. in the absence of the pastor Rev J A Muthetson, on Tuesday, July 16, Mr Don. Mehtthur of Duluth. to Miss Eupuemia. McArthur. sine: of Com. McArthur. Pricevdle, and of D K McArthur, Hopeville. The many frieLdn of the young couple wish them much happiness in their wedded life. Mr and Mrs Jennings of Toronto, are guests ot Mr and Mrs Mathesou for the last few days. Mrs Fyle of Woodbridge ltd Wanting her numerous friends In this part at present where she iateatdss to lemmu for some time. The weather has been very wet for the last few days and buy that ll out will be badly damaged by the rain. M rs Hepburn and daughter of Durham were visiting at Mr McCauuel's the lust couple of weeks and rammed this week. Miss Simpson is spending her holidsys with her mother. Mrs Simpson, ot this town. at present. Rev Mr Madman is home “tea: a. vaca- tion of a. few weeks down the country. If those whose duty iris to look after certain aged people, who have plenty of means at. their disposal. would be good enough to provide them with the neces- saries required. it might save them reflee. tions in the future, It is a shame to a christian community to see a woman of four score and fouryeare cutting wood and otherwxee providing for herself. when she is leavmg property to the extent of $1000 for her support the remaining part of her lite. The postponed foot-bell match be- tween Swinton Park vs. Dromore which was to have taken place on Saturday evening but which owing to the rain was put of till to-night Mon- day, took place on the field of Messrs Lothian bros. . A goodly sprinkling of spectators were on hand to the number of 300 to witness the game, which proved to be a spirited one. The Dromore team tho in poeeemion of one or two heavy weights, who can make their presence felt with e venggmce it they ikc, are not what may called a. heavy team on the scales. but for litheuess and agility, ecu scarcely be surpassed. Their opponents, collectively on a camel glance would probeny tip the scales atabont 2001b. or eat more The game throughout was a very gm, decent and becoming one. very thing was taungrtodbiirrei.un ',',tltg occurring to mar the enjoy. neat trae man y sport. The firin ere very persistently apparently gagged their heat tttfort. to tench either goal till near the fittiglt of the game. f,tig,Ntt,'. alnoat goes out to the innocent his. the way in which it la ahuaed " timea. Some- times one at the playen would goat it, with hie head like oneot the We: "atnttttrgtetgg. when it weak} biy gentlemen. when it would wobbly an on an equally 300 plan on an opponent’: much. It was when it got struck with one of the No. 10'g “mush, that the 'sxerttssiatirttt thud was he. when it would canon any joyfully on in mission. to be again abused for doing». During the figgt halt ofthe game at least. the ball was kept near the Dromore you], the lee: halt being more evenly divided peruse, when at lut neat the finish as elm y mention- ed by a. fine combination of play from Jimmie gentle]: t? Wlllit,Ptittr 'e PRICEVILLE. Dromore. of Cleveland. is at brother Rout Conkey a' halt being any“ luv -..I.""". rw..- " arm-ted outdo no ofhteintt to much. a 3:3)" Village» they we still loft mayo” for the market. P, inenf n- Early next month this one: of eattie will ll or ll " m be in much better dupe for the market. iilitt W? to and will wobbly bring better price! finally Pm it I then. Export”: and batched won bot} THE wanna % REVIEW iWlljW'8 DRUG STORE home with a "vimfland ndash which won the admiration of the large crowd preeent. Jltys twp goal keepers Wf eazh good at their posts, as were also each of the four backs. We cant par- ticularize on the quality of any individ- ual p1sy.ver,..p.roald Re invidious to do so. The Swinton Park team was captained by Leslie Watson, son of Commissioner Watson, Proton. While Dro more has the popular Willie Hunter for theirs. Following are the teams and their positions in the game. Swinton Park Dromore Arch. McLean goal J. E. GreaVes [ Wm. Sackct backs Jas. Coleridge) Alex. Ferguson Jno. Nelson Robt. Kinnell half backs Wm. Hunter N McKenzie G Swanston John Weir Harrv Sterne Rich Parslow forwards Jas. Renwick Noble Wilson Wm. Lester Leslie Watson Robt. Renwick John Parslow Robert Taylor ms. Dickson Hugh Renwick. The iield was graced with a large sprinkling of ladies from both places, who enjoyed themselves afterwards in gamesot various sorts, run around, and so on. The game was re°ereed by Mr. Neil McMillan of the Park, a weighty man, and a man to be looked up to in more ways than one. Alter the cus- tomary cheers a lunch was provided by the Home team for all participants. Proton boys are a fine lot of fellows, and have in their number two married men, who will show great agility, and supplenees. The return game is intended to be played at the Park, sometime after harvest, but in the meantime Dromore is readv to receive challenges not in a boastful spirit though, from anything white or black. Owing to the tsnfavorable weather not much haying has been done yet. Miss R. Adams of Toronto, is at Uit'" visiting her parental home ere. _ Mr and Mrs. Alf. Inkster ot Fever- sham, were visiting sister Mrs. Jno. Garson this week. - Miss P. Moody, of Proton, is spend- ing a few days with her sister. Mrs. C. McMillan. - Messrs Wm. Hay. N. Calder and Wm. Renwick. left last week for the lower settlements in search of work. and we are pleased to learn they have been successful. Mr. J. Russell, of Esplin, was a caller on his sister Mrs Taylor. Quite a. number ot the youth and beauty of Dromore, spent a pleasant afternoon at D. Htunt1ton's Lake last Wednesday. “We are'sorry to say that Mr. Neil Clarke who has been in poor health for sometime in not improving much: A our trustworthy mail net-tier Mr. B. Sterne has not been able the last few days to M his pieceowinz to ill health. We hope soon to see him on his hale vegan again. Mu. John Wilson had the misfortune to sprain her ankle the night of the football, while crooning the reed. llelllu, wuuv -""""""" ---- -v.._V It. Ilnod, butter linker. of Holstein. m . mm of the pm of tooth-ll lli- Jean Bonwick. returned tron her extends}! vigit 'r mud: in Price- "a1V/iiiiimu y lot. Mom. Thou woo pow trade “tho Toronto Como Moth» this morning. Tho 08a- iop won light. Min only " loodo. whioh included Waldo. MC ohoop old lonbe. 1028 hogs and 28 oolvoo. Tho (hunt! for tho also of oattie otueing boo boon poor for oomo time, on! in (out ionovonj good. Tho poor Ite' Ittttd _. ", " - -. n.- IIII'VII' “wu- A“ r--- 1,, - more “an otrthuttt also to do mth the dull and declining much ot tho [at for dun. 3nd was! . (loaded improvomnl ocean in the quality the prion no "s pooted by the dale” to continue lugging iintil the (languid pick-- up abroad. LTho te" Elegant Irish Linen Note, only 250. a box. a FULL LINES. ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY. RELIABLE GOODS. EXCEPTIONA LLY LO lV-PRICED 'm a glow” taet me at the gauntcu'n JNO. . DARLING POINTER hm Stock mm. in gull Bloom Dromore A RRY ARCHIVES TORONTO We're now displaying new and Exceedingly Pretty tints and Dainty Designs in WREWINC, PAPER Our Stock, which has recent- ly been added to by a large and fine consignment of goods, is more extensive and attractive than ever. NOTABLE CUT inNPRICES too, bumo drpp in To The Milling public (live our Breakfast Fd I trial. NATURES OWN WAY, UNIVER- SALLY ADOPTED, ADJUSTABFE TO ANY RECEPTACLE. (hllll(lll SENSE EMF IFEEDER R. McGowan Over 19000 sold the first year. Durable, simple, economical. Pre. vents calves from sucking cows. No valvetoget sour. The nipple is re- enforced, with no seams to crack open. Shouldbe used to be appreciated. gelling to-duy much below remix: prices. Feeders and stock.“ have felt the decline 3nd chore to I wuknou algo in the domaad for sheep. Lunbl were “longer. Export cattle-Wore telling a " I. 86.80 (or choice OI”. which in I dcop of tho-3850 pawn!" that)“. out. Malian one. all " “as to ttbee out. Bntehuo' attu-Wee. "lime at a.» 'is-air-ar-tt_-trules.?.."'?" I: I Codi-o at that “a par out. Chico out all " M.“ to .5 In! an. Feudal nod Mon-Wm all!“ a. 08.60 0004.50 put enrtfoe ska-Mp ud- ouuul 08.50 to an,» out foe - “in“. Show was wank. though telling a the all. - u My. Tho! w.u.§swu.so 3mm _ me-wee, study. tolling a 87.26 In! at. toe_ottottte count! " pct out for iigttu and an. Inmt--Wem am. tolling at u to 'sites-d-other"""" We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and we are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour. Give us a trial and be convinced. We have also got our new Chopper in first class running order and have a large quantity of chopped corn, wheat, &c. on hand. FOR SALE BY , DRUGGIST Pat. Fob. I.3|900 vulué W. BLACK. l OFFICE HOURS '-" s. I. 1-4 p. n. . RESIDENCI and OWIOII-‘W' M UHF-I TOWEDUBEAI. ' DENTISTRY. I Dr. T. G. HOLT L. as. J. G HUTTON. M. Jt:, " the Du mm; Phnrmncy Calder'. Block. Residence first deov west of the old Post OMce, Durham. W. C. PICKERING B. D S., L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Romulus. Calder Black over the Phat ttttice. Will he " the Budd-nth _ lurhnmnh llewed'tes4uy of each month Item 2 li. m. til (lllllllllill BANK AA AAAAAA Puma“ c 8mm. 0M0. our Mancini-Iv. Sun, t a to " A... CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .62,000,001. CAPITAL, Paidup........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ REMIX) ARTHUR GUN. M. D., AGENTS in all prnu-ipnl [mum- m Ontario. Quebec, Manual». United Statue and England. W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Inner. A general Banking business ttatnruacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at r.w.rrent rates. SAVINGS BA!!! .nterest ailowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living ut. distance. J KELLY, Agent. mmwnm ulnar.” .3- 811ch “(all given to M ot Women And Cttitdgett. ARTHUR H. JACKSON tate Quinn]: to the W London Uplnlmlmic Wilma. and”). Golden squat Jiose 1 051151. " .-~ . B- SPMAUST EYE, at “AT & NOSE, "il-ttBr----.. Yiziifiiviir.u. Collections of all kinda Farms bong]: promptly tittendrd fo and moldtt OFFICE- -McKHI:|o‘I om Stand Durham PTrcr1 FIRST pom: meager ofBee----LoWER TOWN, DUNN]. DENTISTRY. Compmy 3nd which hand- to Lon on New at lowest an: of “an". Vain-tic! undo he ncompetantand “total Vclunor. -diiifoii tiiiiii in)“: Donovan-i OrrhCtt--aeertetqtee M. moor WM Talent-on. Contact“. No. " - mun. itGiii,TGiaiaiieAr-,c, - ' rm:u.up¢-onuu w... Men-n. qt. My“ M and trqat'-oet. n. lobed :- "tstr." Int nu 1m huh; and MttgieRt1Mitt. not. an the "Smhrt. at ot (>on -- " as D-tr-tt :- rnos. ALLAN, mun-l- ,m.sortnmotrdN.'.A-,o_thtAaat.Shht lass LICK. B. A., elude. at W. Collections sud Agency promptly Handed to Wills. Duds. Mom“. Lessee, Agreements to. cormtly prepemed. Elm of decoeeed por- mlookAed steer sud Ier'dr,", te, tfht,"2ti, rs' coon“ pupae so Inmate Court Business Probe“ ot 1'h'dt better: of Ad. minetreuon uni Guerdienehlp Obtain“. goer- ches nude in may one. and Titles reported NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, " CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR insurance Agent. DURHAM AGENCY. (stricter, gt,t,"i , Goa "%rt"u'er, 69., gee..." - to Lou qt maul. mm DR. GEO. ti. BURT. AJJ. Me- Moderate nairnv "but: -e3otertrraar-. a. P. TELFORD. COLIOIYOI " CUPDIII CM HOURS G. LEFROY McCAUL. HARRIS TER, BOLIOI TOR, '1 Head Office, Toronto. HONEY W. l DAVIDSON. Privuu Money ttr, Loan , Mush-dag IO. Brig At 'ril

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