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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jul 1902, p. 8

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(ri)llf'i2 1rilia if5rdtay2 s'UMM Kid S” I HWS' Thu-t ply Knees and three - ply heck and Inns. ' C' ii? 9 Fast Dye, all _ V i . vultun, and the V .. 7 but of wearers 'ip,,,') Ask to sew them. BLACK CAT BRAND 25v and 35c " pr. "'".td.tsts'r2','pg'."r" A,” " 'con M A WWI NI l ”LA CK CA'1' Hos' E Empress. W. B. Ham- vu/ ilton, Shoe Co. We carry only the best make of Shoes and guarantee the goods. Buttons fastened with machine free of charge. Our 81.25 and 1.50 Heavy Working Boots is a corker. makers as, Slater, The SHOES We have just worked of Boots and Shoes, from such well known business for the next 30 days especially, for we intend to make it interesting for you to buy your Hardware where your wife buys her Groceries and Dry Goods. We take butter, eggs or wool, for Hardware at Regular Trade prices. Rogers, Peerless Machine Oil, ssc. a gal. in a very large ship. HAHIrWA RE DEP- (??lrl.'i'/"tit,1 SCREEN DOORS Keep the flies out; they are danger? ompests, and carry disease. Complete Doom. . ...81.00 01.15 81.50. Screen Window: Mc. each. J. A. HUNTER. Jumbo Axle Oil for Buggies Me can, Mica Axle Grease for Wagons 25c. Common Axle Grease 5c. Box, Pure English Paris Green 25c. lb. Bug Killer 2c. lb. 7 lb. Wire Nails for Me. Canadian and American Coal Oil. Grain Cindi”. Scythe. Snaths. Whet Stones 3e. each. so. Lines“): for ac. each. Wire Plyers Me. a pair. J. A. HUNTER 91990:: 9mg: iaitiseat Patterns, best busy in this Dept. Mr. Theobald is kept Our Hardware Sales are increasing monthly and We look for a large 'thing for Bed rooms, Cool, clean and a yd. 'wide-oo, " and 3oc peryd. 75 cent Colored Shirts for men at 37% cents each. You get a shirts now where you only got one be- fore. Working Skirts at " cents each. ,Night Shirts at Soc. each Enough said El} Mia Helen Baxter ie home for . couple of Weeks holidays from Toronto uni is gracing thaloeahty in ma mountin- be- tore leaving for Murray bay, on the St. Lawrence. Pleased to tind her " Iocnublo " ever. A payer meeting was recently held at the house of Mr Thoe Brown by the Rev Mr Campbell where the ordinance oi bap- tism was also dispensed to their little chlld. A wire fence bu been erected and other improvements ofreeted in front of TListle post otfiee, which improves the appearance of so much at least Some of the patrons suggest. and threaten to saw some scotch thistle seed, while the husbandman sleeps. The stone silo of Mr Austin Harm is completed and a foundation built under tho barn. all of the latter being ubout fin- ished. refleeting credit on the builder. Mr. Rom Benton. The former gentleman’s corn crop hu . tine uppeannco and is growing nicely, having missed tho “10?” my weather of Spring. while most others hive rated oat apparently. Master Joseph Wilson is now fully re- coveud from his savor-o attack of pneum- onin and this to be around. A Fair young damsel from Qu'appelle. Am. by name Miss Dottie Fair. is visiting at present With the Brown families and others. She is a fairly accomplished mus- icum. eloeutionurt, painter and ttanVergtV tionist and gives delight to many with her large repertoire, freely bestowed. Mr John McBeth believes in nothing but the best Ind has invested in Biine im. proved Yorkshire pig from one of the best breeders in Canada. J Brethour. Burtord. Mr D P Coleridge purchased a tine gray horse recently. T To be tree from the whmping cough in tum locality is to be out of fashion. The young especially are severely afflicted with It, and in some cases men of mature years are suffering from its effeots. The prevailing bad weather " bad for having operations, in many cases several acres are out and in different stages ofcnr- ing, which will spoil the quality greatly. Many farmers are in the same fir and take what comfort they can, that others are just as bad, Misery loves company. The same weather had the effect of keep- ing a number of sociable. people of South Glenelg from getting home at the usual hour. 80 passed the mght till broad day- llgbl. l '. &e. The” is quite a marked Improvement in the healm of Mrs Joseph Moore, which all will be glad to learn. Mr Antone“ and bis fair young bride (nee Cassie Eckbanlt) from Normauby, attended church at Ebenezer Sunday. Mrs Jones Harrison is recovering nicely from her recent indisposttion. The baby is also doing finely. The great crops of hay here havo induc- ed several farmers to invest in new bone rakes. The cement workers are all home for the haying and harvest, but. the wet weather of this last week has greatly hindered the buying. Mr Editor please allow us space for a few items in your paper, as great things have been happening in this burg recently. The B. Y. P. U. of the Centre, .is progressing favorably. They have 9 active and about 25 assocmte mem- bers. They mll soon be ahead of the Durham B. Y. P. U. Mr A Beaton Jr, is President. Meetings every Thurs- day evening at 8.80. Evervbody wel- come. Sorry to hear that Harry Gown, (home-boy at. Mr J Ii'alltriae'se) is ill with appendicitis. Hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr Jno Fallaise Sr, and Miss Mary Martlow arrived home safe and sound from a visit to the farmer's daughter in King. Will some one ask Hone and Archie Mac. how a woman shcws her dislike to n moustache t? Mrs Thos Binnie was ill with m- fhsnmtion of the lining of the kidney. Glad to hear she is on the mend. The Pennock family had Flesherton friends visiting them on Sunday. Jim went south and Walter wentnorth, Jim came home for all he was worth, Went alter the cows in the early morn, And lot the cows were " the Urn. Jun, take our advice which is quite be.. yond price. - And get home before the grey dawn. [The bridegroom in the following wedding notice taken from an exchange is a cousnn to the MeCormack's. of Ben- tinck. The guests were, numerous, many being from a. distance. Miss K. McCormack, Aberdeen, was among the number. Others known here were. A. McLean. o. Bound; Mr. and Mrs. J. Me. Callum. Port Elgin, and possibly a number of others-Ed.] " A very pleasant event took place in Southampton at' 5 p. m. On Thursday. July 3, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Tupling. Southam ton. when their second daughter, Edit: Mn , was united in matrimony to Donald Balkan of Armstrong Creek, \Visconsin. son of A. Melton. of Owen Sound. The wed- ding took place an the verandah of the residence. The Rev. E. N. English. M. A., rector of St. Paul’s church. oigietat. ed. in the T'l,er'i'fi'l, of relatives and friends of t e bride and groom. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in white cashmere. trimmed with white satin and the usual veil. and carried a. bouquet of white carnation; After the ceremo the traesttpe??k of a 1'ifJflllef.l'G'ls"t' spread in the grounds. rwhich being lighted up With Chinese lanterns made a charming picture The weather was all that cppld be dftureA. and itold, Bot ins anything to do with a bride’s hap- piness then this bride should indeed be North Egremont. Glenelg Centre. a...“ RYMENEAL. :W'L I _ TI has...“ Well Mrald. as there has been noth. ing said from this little park for some time. I thought. u. would not go amiss to relate some of the happenings. The baymakers are not making very good progress on account of so much wet weother, but hope it will soon turn fine and gire us poor farmers s cbonce. Mrs Jas Cain of Mime, is " present visiting her brother Donald McCormack of this place. Miss Jessie McDonald. of Bentmck, is " present waning relatives around here. Miss Maggie McDonald returned home from Toronto lash week, looking the picture cf health and beauty. Miss Carrie Ferris. of Dundalk. was the guest of Miss Florence Ferguson. one evening lately. Mr Donald McCormack returned heme Wednesday. after spending a week with friends in Weterloo county. He gives great accounts of crops m that vicinity. Mr John gmail is engaged with Joe Philips for the haying. Mr' and Mrs Frock visited their daughter Mrs Lobsinger of Mt Forest, last week, and took in the 12th. Miss Sarah Frook, wyo has been ill for some time, is, we are glad to any. improving nicely now. Mus Cohn McLean, of Pneeville, vis- ited at. the parental home. and relatives in this vicinity last week. Mr Graham. of Toronto. is at. pres- ent the guest of Mr A Ferguson. We are glad to welcome Miss Fier. ence McKeclmle back ambng us again, after spending the greater part. of a year with Mrs Jno Marshall of Spring Bank. Mr John A Ferguson. accompanied by his Sister Mary Ellen. visited their aunt. in Bentinck last week. The McCormick Bros are at present building a stone foundation under their house. Will is foreman, and has Dan and Hugh McMillan engaged till the rush of building is over. What we would like to know,---- Who will have to pay for the wheel, Jack, Dave or Joe ? If the scribe at Willow Grove died or jumped theiob, or is A going to take it in hand ' If McTaggart liked the boys that were" on the wheels Sunday night. The Council met July 5m. All the members present. (he reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meetingread and ooufirm. ed. Communications read as follows. From W. J. Hatton re Priel end Barry dispute; From I. B. Lucas relative to tsoereittl audit ; From Wm. Irwin account for printing : Several accounts tor gravel ' A petition bom It. Bradley and others praying tor assistance on Baird's Hill. Davis-McMillan-That cllequa issue for $16 being payment for Polling Booths " the Local Euetion...-0rried. Davie--Arromsmit1i-That a cheque issue for $14 expeusps " Elizabeth Wise. Carried. MtsMillan-MeInnis--That the trlerk be paid $2 for conveyancing. Joseph Boyle be paid $1.oo for board. and Robert. Bradley 75 cents for assisting the surxeyor at cons. 14-15.--carrierd. McMillan - Arrowsmith - That the wave and Mr, Davis be appointed to ex- amine railway crossings on switch line railway. between Durham and Wilder's lake. This council having been notified that said crossings are in a. very dangerous condition, and they are hereby instructed to notify the Co. to put said crossing in a safe condition foe travel without delay. Cairied. Davia--yIcInnitr--That the Reeve and Mr. McMillan be a committee to build a combination bridge across Bungee!) River at lot w, com 5, the bridge now there being in an unsafe ooudition.--Carried. Arrowunith--MeInnis-Tlut the Com. munication from W. J. Hutton solicitor of Owen Sound. " Priel and Barry dispute lay over until next meeting of eotuMsil.--. Carried. Davu--Arrowamitu--That the petition of Robert Bradley and others mending the cutting of Baird's Hill belch over till next meeting of Council for further eomadertstion.--Carried, Dtrvits--agesrilltur--Tut Mr. Peter Neil be caretaker of wheeled scraper. Ind all pathos using said scraper must return the same to Mr Neil's as soon " work is done. Carried. Arrowsmitu-wneillatv-.That Mr. mar doch be paid the sum of $6 for attendant» on Elizabeth Wise.- -Carried. 1hwh-hrrowtucitlt-That the clerk and It ucuillan be acommittee to get a new roof on the hall.- Carried. Ihxvits--Arrowtsmith--That Wm. Weir be paid $1.oo for removing decomposed meat from Sangeen river at lot M, con. 2, E. G. R. and the parties who placed and nuisance in the river are hereby warned to refund to the Treasurer of Glenelg $1.00 and save further ttoi-Carried. Further payments were made " follow. Mr. Timmons for gravel M.oo ', A. MC- Lem for gravel 01.15; J. Atkinson tor greycl 86.oo; Bicherd Kelcy for grevel M.oo; John ucArtlmr for gavel 88.00; Wm. Irwin pruning 821.65 ; J ea. Atkinson gruelling late 66, 57, 58. con 2. Mo.oo; Joseph Atkinson ending cud newline lot 68, con. 2, 884.oo ; Wm. Vacate fill and gruelling lot 2 of 16. G. end B. 845.00 l Thor Veeeie reg; culvert lot 8 of 18, G. and B “no; Inr. foe wet: 1, letting end inserting $to.oo ; Come. for ward It, letting and inspecting 89.00; Conn. for ward 8. letting end incpceting 88.oo ', Com.tor ward 4. 88.00; The clerk on celery. "oaro. Council adjourned 'to August 9. Iy=e V 4. mm-Qa’; Glenelg Council. lsple Park. THE DURHAM REVIEW J. 8. BLACK, Clerk. ta, Peet (thoe. Whereas my wife Jane Castle has robbed my house and left my bed and board without any just can». I thele fore warn all parties from giving her anything on my amount as I will not be responsible for anything she may contract. The George Lamb farm, North Glenelg. Lot 9, Con. lt, containing 100 acres. 90 cleared well watered, hv spring and creek making a. good stock arm. First class buildings throughout. Bunk barn 54 x " with large cistern. Rooms comfortable house, orchard of nearly 100 hem-inn fruit trees. Fencing shove the average. 5 min. walk from bacon P. O. For terms and conditions apply st the REVIEW ofBtle, yermnelly_or by letter. nile " or b'ell tower of St. Mark's, Venice. has called forth a curious world wide interest. p ,rasfirat [wilt in 888, and on several occasions since renewed or constructed. Immense sums are being voluntarily given for its reconstruction. . c. A. FLEMING, Principal. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE. For Ease, Comfort, Durability and Style wear GEORGE CASTLE Dated this 14th day of July, 1002. Tr, wile??? of the hittAt" OWEN SOUND, ONT. “was: Sept I, If02. In a few months, at this institution, you can obtain the very best training in Busi- ness subjects or Shorthund and Type- writing that mm he had. Announce- ment for HIM-13m sent on application. address FALL TERM TORONTO imam that makes yo horses glad. ___ L, In every townt. nnf‘ "ttte-t CAUTION. atthe... Mica Axle Grease and Village l may be had, ( t the _ ,ums. ugenr, xg'iii' 'sit iii :3. Our Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down low. It's money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. or to D. MACFARLANE. June 4th. 1902. (Medan. Peel Co. 0N SADDLER ST., 3 DOORS south of Lambwn St... i acre. at present occupied by Wm. Irwin. The house is lk stoeies high, built of grout, 8 large rooms with hall down stairs. with 15 foot kitchen, good atone cellar end woodshed with cistern inside. Upeuin in house are tour bedrooms with ball. Hardweter well " door. Ott the proton. see is a good undeiground sable and ham. Good Iron fence in front of lot. For further particulars apply to House And Lot For Sale. B‘INDERS, MOWERS a RAKES M Assn-HARRIS MACHINESW PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINEm. BICYCLESwm FIRE INSURANCE - Organs, Sewing Machin'es, Cream Separators, Buggies & Harness. Chums. Washing Machines and Wringers. Everything at rock bottom pnces. lilApNESTlfiR COMPANY’S llli1Glllfailljlllr SHOW ROOMS Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Southern, tke, are the very latent 1nd best improved makes. Call andtee samples and!“ to go to work. ' . - ROBERT 30crrArt.FAayr, Farmers who have used this twine know well that it is alt good and reliable and pays to buy it. We give away '50 Ontario Maps toPe first customers who buy our TWINE. Call and get one, it will be welleorth your while. New and Second-hand Bicycles for Sale.' Algo repairing Bicycles done well and promptly. Done in the Best and Cheapest Counties. Insurance a specialty. . Wilkinson Flows and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & McKee's Carriages. Buek's & McClary's, Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines Bell & Beran Pianos & Organs. Henry's Harness. Dawswell Chums, Wringers & Washing Machines. DEERING . McKINNON 335% LE1: W” F a: Culflkim, per lb Tailor rendered pot ii, Lard. prawn“... Oltmul. Wheat... Foam... Buloy... Oats....., lambs." Damned Hogs. pot cwt Hogs, Li " Wight"... Bauer. tmeh roll pee lb Bum. Tub.............. 50% - iiiriiG Flour......... PURHAM MARKETS --un order to [mm a gunn- tity of the latter kindly love an advance order. --CHoICE HAM, BREAK- FAST ROLLS, 'r1NNED MEATS, HAM, VEAL and BEEF LOAF, CORNED BEEF, READY LUNCH BEEF: LOBSTERS. a HADDIE. K. HERRING ---W'e can supply you with REAL CHOICE BUTTER in ' lb. Crooks, and 6t WES, TONS BREAD. " FOR CABIPERS AND PIC-NTC PA IIT I ES . I HAVE flf “REM and SARDINE§. RED and PINK SALMON. .00... ""-... no. t m on muoo-ono-uu.o ......... i"-............ o... JULY " """-........ """"-....... '"-...-... _""......... 0-...- """-..o.... no"... .-.o-oou-o- hon... n..oo.... I.............. nooooo........ .u-a-o-oo... In"... ...... Mill" i)?,Sisr2a! Ago ll. 2 " " 7o " " l4 Ito 6 " " " " 2 " " " " 42 i: 3E0- VOL. x $51335: I 'h WEI)! tl .\'t We ha MI'SLI July is many li cl WE th, ht HI TH' Th lt MI itll M l

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