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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jul 1902, p. 2

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w is I) fi 2’1; Bowling Green, o., July Mr-rr" errzk Sghxmn, a day laborer who has teen employed on street improve- menu new tor some weeks, yester- dny named word that In. grand- gather, Augusta Schmidt. in Saxo- etmar, Germany, had and. Her denim [saws him the heir to a vast mate In Germany. Svhmldt, how- ever. is than; by the will ot his .anc'tathrr, who still lives. to any bolure he can claim the e:- e. The history of the entire attUr In "senile and interesting, and one rid not dream that the My. lied. and hardJuted ttrbtrer “I the scion ot one ot the arute. qthtte Got-an ladies. - Jenn A FORTUNE IN THE BALANCE. Alarming who lay stress upon the mrauiic inltnnce. Jr resvntment and evil pas-ion in the Transvaal are rendering the some kind ot dinner- Tire to the interests of peace with which Sir Edward Grey has been re- t2,t2,'i,", in dragging before the ominous Fur Rem-en Buller‘l ttrletr- we. as an act of justice to the Illortunnte general. The last word he probably been spoken on be- I." of Buller. who was befriended by the War Olrlce. headquarters um. and the court iUelt until his Giuliani and disgrace were render- ed Inevitable by him own headstrong Canadian Girl Look.ed Him Over and Wilted. is. not "In! one word since his re- turn to England to Indicate that Io opprehends a renewal of the po- “Neal agitation among the Boers undo" the Prawn. MUST HAVE WIFE 50M. Whilo the Boer colonies bear a closer resemblance to Alsace-Lor- raine than to loyal and reconciled Quebec. they 111-9 settling down more rupidly than the most caustic om timist could have expected when pence wan made. Lord Kitchener’s coniidencc in the good faith of the be" and admiration of their light- Ing qualities are attested try the “no! report of military operations. Hawaii the real author of the peace compact. and the King's Innaence wan behind him. Lord Kitchener telly. London, July 28.--The pessimistic reports respecting the sullen con- duct of the Boers and the resenttul With") ot the surrendered ' r on boy ott the scouts :35 longs? 'lr',," the BriWi)1.t duo are clearly exaggerated. There Prt some symptoms ot $153 laugh? "o5t the 13mm; duo are clearly exaggerated. There are some symptoms ot dhmatisraction over the slowness tgrtttt which the Boer- are released and proi led with money for making a (roam start in their old homes. but the disallow-Hon is not actions when “and by inevitable delay and Inches of red tape. DISCONTENT IS SPORADIAC. to It'll-Valu'pnrtillg. It would be ad- vantageous to both countries to cement the trade between Canada Old Great Britain Settling Down Faster Than fsstx Was Expected, - Me believed that the only hope ot campe- trom the control or the Am- Grhann Ihuplng combine lay through “undo. Thu-Hora he advocated a my up-to-date service of 22- Inot summers betweon Great Bro. an and Halifax, instead ot New .10er Such a Inno- ought to ho subsi- dized to the extent ot £300,000 WI,- 500,000, to £400.000 132300.000) yearly tor ten years. halt payable by Great Britan- and half by Can- no. Thereafter, he believed, "if ju- gblously manngal.” the line would Ililiiti' (lililll FEELINE. At fume 'cttht It would appear that the purchase of a number ot old Brit- .” .teauner. by the American- com- Mtlou coull be remwdncd try build- ‘hg new boats. But he bellevad that St this was done by a new organza- tlon " could be made unprofitable , the Amer!rans, who, by means of I rough hills of ladlng trom the fmduculg centres, could control mm- as well no a considerable nylon or Um pamnger tralnc. London. July 2t?.--'rho House ot (Stamens Commttee appointed to in- quire into the question or steam- dp some Iva was in use. on to-dny Ind examlned Senator a. A. Drum- .ond. of Montreal. Mr. Drummond " that ti, ttad arrived at the con- eta-10:1 1mm rvc-nt developmvnts cl American nhupmg combines that the {and line practically controlled the ltuation. and that the ocean lines Ina merely adjuncts. Twenty-two Knot Steamship Line for Canada. Iona um " 01,500,000 to 02.- 000,000 a Vent for [on Years, After Which no Hope. " um: Pull-pa Live [unwed-The Yan- kee Boga: Waited Again. MONEY NOT " OBJEGT. ilflllllllihlll filil ll SUBSIIJY. T _ .7, . aim-.3: Dr. Gerhault is beginning to luf- fer from his arm, which he himself inoculated with tuberculosis mat- ter from n cow. The wound is m- llumed. Be is calmly awaiting the result. He maintains his diebelielin Prof. Kooh's tlnory, and regards a deCuvite common at the question an being: of paramount importance to mankind. Dr. Gernault took ten oerttlgrammett ot virus from the sur- [we of the liver ot a cow altering trom tuberculosis. which had been who] no unlit for human food. and injected under the tAin of his left Panic. July 2W--Dr. Gernagttt'e lec- and operation on lnmseu in his ex- periments to (improve Prof. Koch’I theory mgardimg human and Do- vine tubemulosia. continues to ex- cine interest. Atter tuberculosis rumors resulted trom his tirttt op- eration. his second operation is Very serioum He said to a visitor to-day: "1 may be dead im seven or eight week; As Econ as the nerve tissues are attacked I shall get a great surgeon to operate. I may lose my arm. I do not wish to com- mit suicide, but I wish to prove LII-at Lam right." “In Trying to Diaprovo Dr. Koch May be Dead In Two Months. Mrs. Shaw positivoly identified (‘ramer as the man who had rob- bed her. and after many threats by the 1nturiatmt popu1aee.the om- cerl succeeded in getting the men to the county Jail at Woodbury. Tho men weri, nirreheu into tho town uni! arraigned before Police Judge Pty1lir1. They gave the James Mrs. Shaw, who is only 18 years of age. was formerly Mina Anna George, of this town. She was at- tending to her household duties on the first tloor when she turned and saw a man with a revolver. He threatened her with death it she made any noise, and then seized a pair or stockings, and, with one of them, 31911 he hung“; behind her tum, He Li')b5 her feet whit the other stocking and then found an old flour such, with which he gag- ged her. Tin-n he took an old pine of carpet and bound " over her head. I When Mrs. Shaw was discdvered, two hours later, she was nearly suffocated, and it was halt an hour before she recovered sullialeully to tell what had happened. She then gave a demrlptimx or her assailant, and several citizens hastily search- ml the town in all directions. Mrs. Shaw- in G 'i'iapiiiiireona.. tion from the fright and the excite- ment to which she was subjected. Finally Town Marshal Wm. Mar- tin suggested that the West Jersey & Seashore Railroad depot be visit- ed, thinking that the man might have gone there to make nut es- cape by a train. Martin was not mistaken, tor he found two strang- ers about to board a freight train and stopped them. They showed re- sistance, but nearly a hundred Fer- sons at the station waiting for trains went to his assistance, and tho two men were taken into cus- tody and handcuffed. of Joseph trttme"r,"ot" CERiiEtBX. Ky., and Frank McKay, ot Pitts- tnyyr. a This would involve a lot of hard work. and the northern beauty did not care to try it. Her name was Lucile Trumor, and she was one or the most strikingly beautiful we. men that ever visited this city. Schmidt mys that at any time he could quit his hard job here and go lack to Germany to live, but he dies not chem to do it that way. Bow- ever, if he is to get his inheritance he wants a wire at once. i . , GAGGED HER WITH FLOOR SACK, Chis-show, N. J., July 'i.'.8.--One of tho most daring outrages over per- petrated in Gloucester county took place this morning at a ociock, when Mrs. William Shaw. of South Glassboro, was hold up in her home, at tho point of a. revolver, and bound and gagged, and the house looted of $15 and séveral articles of value. %l WHH Ell (iWlllG, Thief Binds 18-year-old hid: and Robs House. Sue was trornrwhat abated to find a nrrety educath man in such pleb- eian haMimcutB, but I'vmained tor a. few days, grttimg better acquaint- ed. Schmidt would have married her, but min that she must make his $14.50 per day keep them. Connected with this side of the strange affair is a story concern- ing a handsome Canadian woman who dame here Saturday to marry Schmidt. They first came to know Pact: other through a mutt 1 friend in C'ieveiand, hut newr can each other until Saturday. The young woman cam“ here to Bee Schmidt. When [who arrived Schmidt was cov- ered with the grime of his vocation. we ot He. He dramatically de- clares that If ne is not man enough in his overalls to marry any wo- man he does not want her. He undetermined, however, not to marry any woman who shall not be willing to late with him the bat.. but, knowing that the old man would try to (one an objectionable connec- tion upon him. the youth stayed here. The old man m' d ' his w.ll, an! there- in is a (lame that provides that it at his tthe grandfather's) death Frederick is not married the estate goes to the church and charitable institutions. The old man is now in feeble health and Frederick real- izes that unless he soon acquires' a partner the fortune may sip through Mg fingers. A Being Ignorant ot American cu.- toms and the Englleh language be found it lmpoaelble to obtain other than unlined employment. He travelled all over thin country, work- ing in vnrlona places and occasion- ally writing home. The old man at last relented and wrote for him to return and again live with then-n: Ho ia, unredronatrte, and. after a stormy scene, young Frederik left tor America. _ .30 Schmidt lived with his grand- parents on their estate. The old man was nnnous that Frederick marry a certain Very wealthy woman, to whom the young man had taken a strange dislike, -. EXPERIMENT ON HIMSELF From the great diversity of schemes in which Brown was inter.. ested the orticiattr believe that his operations have extended over the with clty and that he has claimed up a remarkably large sum. The {not that the [tore- they have a... m Buffalo. l Farm. July Stl. Tho gulllpluno seems to be doomed. A war ot words ---- 'now waging in the Senate threat- ens to exti-rpate capital punishment, WANTED PARTNERS WITH $1,000 I and with It France’s grim and blood Bdffalos July 28--Charieq Endi- stain-ed instrument of publlc veng- cott Brown, perhaps the cleverest'eame, _ Prince Albert-coat-uud-silk-hat con-l The cri‘ig was brought on by the licence man that ever Visited But-! case ota man named Bidaux, com. talc. came here on May l, spent lo, damned by the, courts of death. Ford weeks and departed a few days ago merty the place of execution was with more than $10,000. 3m Roquette, near Pere la (mama. United States Government cumming but that has been voted too public, and trmtret service men are nowl for ht ls conceded that such exhibi- Icounna the country for him. butltions have no salutary effect upon with little chance of m1ftetpg.m Rn In. ‘5‘- -----., _. A. . -- - United States Government omumls and secret service men are now securing the country for him, but with little chanoepl success. Bo tar they have succeeded in locating his oervant gut whom they traced tron this city to Chicago, but they were unable to obtain anything trom her that would assist them in locating the mysterious silk-hat man trom the The Government orriciattr have learned ot live stores that he rent- ed in this city, and In each he is sup- poaed to have salted a partner. For each of these stores Brown is said to have obtained a partner with monry. In the Hmwood avenue store his partner gave him 8700 lor an interest in the establish- HENTED HIBH 1llljlll't HUME "I will; born in Kontucky, and lived there until I was sevonteen. Then I Went to St. Louis antistay- ed there about fifteen years. Iliad a good education in an academy near St. Louis. My folks all know I am going around this way, but l have gone to see them and they didn't recognize me at Iirtrt. No one ever does. "Hardly any of the men I have to travel around with know that I am a woman, and I newer had but one man offer me an insult. “lave a. sister living in Salt Lake, butt dhe wouldn't know me." Clever Swindler Made a Flash in Buffalo. a. woman toggod up like a doll with that tinery and everything. That’s the way. I think about it, too. I never would go back to women'u clothes again. " For the last six years I have been travelling around in New Mex- ico and back east. I have worked in Santa Fe, Albuqtmrque and in some of the mining Camp". I took several trips back to St. Louis, where my father lives. "He believes in women wearing men'e clothes. He doesn’t like to see “Besides a woman has to work lots longer. She would have to do four- teen hours' work to a man'g eight. I work as a cook or tnkn care of horses, drive a team or anything lean get to do. I am on my' way to Nevada now, to see if I can get a. job cooking in a mining camp. "I have been travelling this way for six years, ever since I loft my husband," she said. "He drove me away from homo, I wear a manU clothing because a man can get more money than a woman. Why, I could get $50 as a man; where a woman gets $15. Although her face had coarse fea- tures, it did not look hardened and depraved, and in her talk she show- ed a certain amount ot reserve and education. When once started “Jim” talked. She was indignant at being ar- rested tor simply sleeping In a freight car. Such a thing had never be- fore happened to her in her six years' experience as a traveller. When the patrol wagon arrived at the police station, and its occupants were lined up before the desk ser- geant, "Jim," as she calls herself, opened her mouth for the first time. Salt Lakq Utah, July M.--" a wagon-load of vast-ants collected in the Short Lines by the police was found a woman masquerading in man's clothing. Had it not been for her voice the dlsguise would never have been discovered, as her fea- tures are distinctly of the masculine type. t TALKS 0N WOMAN’S RIGHT. “BRANT IS A MIMI". Has Masqueraded in Men's Clothes Six Years. mm Blunmeriille (who has hit the caddie in the eye with her Golf 'rtick)--Oh! Ibex: yuur pm don; I'm awfully sorry. C'tuldie--Dat's all right; I‘ve got anudder eye left. , VERY GA LLA NT. Ul‘lll" Germany now mtpauel France in the export of kid glove; The long overdue French harm Brenn, upon which there has been some 'rrremtlwtiom the rate ot in- qttmaRNs teaching 35 per cent. h d: last at an FAuoisksos tron' in: ttaatto, Wm , ' l .'. ‘ijt. my ---__V er“. the morale of the people. The prison-4 er in confined in La Saute, and it was suggented that the execution take place within the prison walla, but La Hanna is try no means anxi- ous tor the distinction. Hence the matter was referred to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Sev- eral, Senntog-s hare demanded to know why there should be capital punishment at all. it It must be no carefully concealed. The argument for and against has grown so strong that the decapitation ot Bldaux pro- mines to be indefinitely postponed. points in the Niagara Peninsula, to consult with shippers regarding the new regulations. He took copies of the act tor distribution, and en- deavored to impress its provisions upon those who were not acquainted with the new state of affairs. Mr. Carey says that he found upon the whole, a desire among the shippers. particularly the more extensive deal- ers, to abide by the letter of the law with regard to the packing of fruit, and he does not. anticipate any trouble. Among the smaller shippers. however. he re- marked a. tendency to stick to the old order of things. and he heard many arguments in favor of the old scheme of putting one layer of chol- cest fruit on the top of the basket or barrel. Mr. (hrey‘s recent visit was in connection with the packing of peaches, plums, tomatoes, and other basket goods, the season for which will begin in a. few days. French Senate Threatens to Formula Capital Punishment. Mr. P. J. Carey, of Toronto, In- spector of Fruit Marks, has been visiting Grimsby, Benmsville, Nia- gara, Queenston and other truit What. the Inspector Says About Niag- ara "istriet. butter mud egg business. All his ad- vertimemetAg were very flatterbng and attractive. and he secured many young men with money. who were willing to innvest from $300 to 81,- 000 m a. business with so wealthy and ieyriuential a citizen as Mr. Brown: appeared to be from Ms sun- ruu'ndiangs. ' ' Au {M'us can be learned, Brown‘s principal work was to advertise for a partner, to go into the Miry qr The newcomer in the Elmwood an- nue district was not eager to pick up am acquaintance minih those liv- 1lntr nearby, and the forcing at no- quainrtance was time by the neith- bors and not by Mr. Brown. It was noticed than a lame number of young women called at the house, and some made repeated calla. Brown made frequent trips to the letter box men day, and mu these trips in- variably carried a handful of let- ters, as much of his confidence game is said to have been carried oo In that may. , if}; Garai, 61m himself to any company into which he might have fallen. _ _ Tiriruirrra; be many diamond rings or brooches missing m society that cam now be accounted tor. - Brown rented the, furnished home of Millionaire Tyler, ia the heart of the fashionable district of Buffalo, at No 927 Elnuwood avenue. He is a. handsome mm. a Might tinge of grey lm his hair, lnwarlably wore , long Primce Albert ooat, Intent leather moon, black the and a silk hat. Be bore every appearance ot refine.. ment, was well educated. an attrac- tire oonvemrtrtiona0t, mud, by rea- son of his extensive traveling and evident conduct with remedy“- covored are in different sections ot the (my leads the officers to be- naeve that he may have Opened up an establishment on almost every street .They believe that he may have shipped a large number of girls from this city under the guise of sending them to join a theatrical troupetn which he said he was lup- AB0LlStt DEATH PENALTY. TORONTO tNr FRUIT PACKING. my. Mimi ' Seddon is a type of man that is I/lr/ (onimonm' in Canada than tn Englanrl---tlie em't of " man that begins lilo with nothing but his bare hands and comm: out on top by 'irheer {ONT of bignuss of curry and rpm-pose. A " of 18. he went out *to New Zeaiant in 1867, when the gold fever. was on, and during his fiira‘t days tluwe got his bin-ad and butter try washing bottles in achenp tmern. He Iiwd the hard life of I the mining camp: anal then his rise Ehogan. At 34 ho wont to the New 'Zeulunzl Purliument, and after that krpt on up the lmidor until be got tho Prrmaershlp, with which he now [dovetails in a tew other little posts, with an Colorful Treasurer. Minister ‘ol thar, Minister of Defense and I f'ommurriuncr. o.' Trades and Customs. [Like all men who GDPHII their lives ‘in pushing on big thingre perhaps he may have given come at the qualities of the Juggernaut to come ot ;thom. His sumo.“ has made him enemies. At any rate, there in a (cu-lion of New Zrulunti people to whom Mr. valdon is "King Dirk" dtririvel.v, and he him had to fight th"oturltl many a bittr-r p dial-nice!!!- puipm. The hast proof or his popu- larity with tito majority. howevur. e, that live has n.“ tho premivrshlp Rev. Father Gendreau, O. . 1., who ha. hwt returned from Dawson, bean strong tmimony " to the good [ova-mnent enjoyed try the peo- ple of the north. Father Goodman - three years in Dawson In chm-go of the Rum-m Catholic hor 'ttat, aggd Iett tlicre in June. ' . _ ,__-.-.. .._p- .u acply- In his communication to the War Becretary Gen. Bulier demands that he be allowed to state his views re- garding Ladysmith’s capability to hold out ugninnt the Boers. The Crow's Nest Company has agents In the Pennsylvania. region obtamlng men tor Fernie. Alli to ho Allowed to State View- Regnrdlug Ladyunlth. London, July 28.-Ahm, Buller ha- written another letter to Wliliam Brodrlck, the Swretary of State for War, " which he complains that Mr. Brodrick accentuated charges in the Houle of Commons which were never nun-lolly brought against him, and to wind.) he was ordered not to reply. In I. - .---._-g__al, a A» ' as "King Dick soddon." Mr. Seddon '. is in many respects a remarkable y mun. He made a hit recently by l, giving, in one ot his speeches in South Africa, where he stopped on his way to England, the first oili- F rial hint that peace actualiy wasln right, but what has made him cs- peciully popular in Great Britain is the part he played in eupportlng the empire during the war. As the head of his colony's government he “came out strong" for thé mother country's side in the controvrrsy, and in the most boprieo (in) s of the cam- puign insisted that the struggle must he fought out to a. iinivh. He head.. ml the movement to fend a contingent of New Zealand troops to South At- rica nnl promised that men ehnuld be supplied until there was no long- 'er' tiny necessity for minimum linente. The attitude Won him as i muclr applause in New Z”Elldnd unit Ell-‘13 done in England. Hts I'm'ent ', Journey along the 'iouthrum coast of line country was rim-h a succession ,nl fries null rc-izt-ptioun that it Fseemed like a royal progress, and |there is now " project on foot to (make him a gift. of a purse of $25.- t 000 in gold as a national testimonial “Iteganlless of political predilrc- tions, every Canadian must have a feeling " prhte in the personality of the man who gum to London to represent tho country of his birth. and who by urtu" of the importance or that country and the same diatin- guished personally will take pre- cedence “mom: the premiers ot the limp-Ire. saving only the Prime Min.. ister ot England. It is a time when wean) bury out pi-eJ‘mlii-es detp down out of sight and cheer tor the name that stands Cor Um. It is not with the feelings of a Tory Ot a Liberal that we reply to a question by an American In New York, or on board the steamer: "Who is that distin- guished looking man p. "That is h‘lr 10trid L'2uxlar. the Premier ot C an- nda." It is with the pride of a Can- dlan. genuine delight to claim an a compatriot a man who rank: like Saul among the prophets wherever he goes" Mr. R. E. Cxoemell, formerly editor of the Chatham Planet, writes to Victoria (B. C.) Colonist nom New York as foLlows: for twelve yours. New Yorkers Aelud w ho the Distlno‘ gunned hooking Mam ' Title Whlch PremierSeddou In. Won tor Illnuelr In the Autlpodu. Richard J. Seddon, the Premier of New Zealand, now on a visit to Eng- luni, is popularly known at his home London, July 28.-King Edward to- day, enjoyed the improved weather at Genres, lie-of Wight. His “than spent the larenoon in an Invalid chair on the open deck. He is still under the moot strict supervision. Hie diet menu is signed daily by one or the other of the royal physicians before it is submitted to him. Be submits 'toou-atviuredl,y to the some- what severe regime. There is every indication of His Majesty‘s contin- ued progress towards complete com valescence. Weather permitting, the royal yacht will probably go on a short cruise 'to-nwrrow. Truth says that Emperor William‘s visit to King Edward will be brief and strictly private. the German Emperor calling from Kiel on the Imperial yacht Hohensollern, Ang- uet 2ad, and remaining at Caves through the regatta week, when his schooner yacht. Meteor m. will com- pete tor the King‘s Cup. t THE KAISER’S COMING VISIT. mac's mm mm. Bill of Fare Each Meal Signed by the Doctors. BULLER BOBS up KGAIN. A TRIBUTE TO LAURIER. KING OF NEW ZEALAND. WE? atter tor the name a. It Is not with Fury Ot a Liberal a question Ivy nu The trouble with the Fraser “I“? salmon Jishermen was trettkd must night, when the Japanese oonrrul Mers sundvd his hlEow cautnrymr'n to ac- cept; the price 0110an by the unmet. and to Ro fishing. The gaps wan the Inlt to hold out. Theta Ia dissatktuntion among the Ottawa Pout-01mm employees (war a. order cancelling the nnnmer hhll- dara. The staff In nppnrvntly not larger enough to 1'ope will; Hm work If the tttttiday nllnwun :9 N made, all the - {live bran ".9ka to tub “I mtiou ia tin winter. . , The per diem system tor thr use ot freight can on forvlgn roads [ml been in operation only tifteen dun. but the Canadian Pacific any that already they have obscrved I Quicker movement of their can) on foreign roads than prt-vnllvd our tho old mileage system. Tho ereullon of a new dl-tllIc-ry In Toronto is contemplated tor the purpose ot eortxertirtq the residue roux beet root - and other Pf'- linerlea tuto nlz-nhol tot. we In ttte arts, and generally tor non-puta- No purposes. of wireless telqrpahy. Options us two cited tor the -od station of the new system {lave boon secur- ed near Evan-ton. Mr. Donal! Rav, tor ma tty yearn tho faithful mghtwutcllmun of the It» tormutory tor Boy. at Putnam 'tuirhene, hating rcsigned. owing to use and itirirattit.v,haai been gun-4mm! u. gratuity of $309 by the Pme-isl Government. Within two months, Chicago may be In direct communication with (he coast ot Nora Scam; by a cycle- A' _l__l_~ A I - The police have made a raid on the Cotondation Company of (‘nnr ndn, Montreal, which recent!) pita rter from the ltom'n'ott Gimm- m. and whii h is suspected cl be- a; a gambling concern. x Archibald Whitaker. lor a it"!!! time mater mid-nuke of the Grand Trunk “Railway in Windsor. has been placed on the list of 'etiprr- annuated employees at a pension " gill) a year. Mr. Ti-terage succeed! In. . The entry of Newfoundland into confederation was broached at the Canal" Club dinner In London, tltr Premier of tho colony stating that if advantageous term:, were offer- ed hr would exert himself to [mug lt “halt. lnqulriec at Cape Town into tlt trade situation In South Auk-a uhnw that the increusp of American trade In due solely to the war In rrriglrt rate. from New York to Baum. Al- Beckie: an apostolic delegate for the Philippine Islands the Vatican: is preparing to appoint an Ardu. hump of Manila, who will probably he Wrap or debunk" Goblwnl Hemmer. U. B. financiers are planning an tnterntstioettsl bank, with 'avadriuttr- (era in New York, and brunchw In Chicago. San Francisco. City "r Mexuco, Havana, Rio Janeiro and Buenos Ayres. The British Column“ anzuu-sr iiteh- ormon are said to be on trtrike, and using force to compel the whm-s o n- gngm in the Ilshcry Industry W Jo " with them. A great the is raging in Nier. in Grand- mmtm cm burning, Tm military club has been part!) dun-- troyed. and the Credit Lyonnous Inna caught tire. Reports from the Northwest 'D r- ritory indicate u. more favorahk mn- Iook for an uhuvmhmt turn-m than appeared a few week“ ago An American officer was fined $30 und suspended for one month for nl., lowing the "water cure" to br mi- minlstered to Filipinos. Several prominent Patoiunt, tlo., noulmed the Government [or c-nruro- in: the Law of associations, and riotous scenes occurred. Kingston sent more troldiers to South Africa. than any other place in Canada. Not one of them was klllnd or died of (11mm. A great nood in Iowa and Jlhru" along the Mississippi has done un- menae damage to crops. Rome figure the loss at manna). W. B. Welsh, of [Earlier Creek, ort- ter known " "Billy the RH," was drowned lent week in Pineiwr Crook, which la in flood. McLean's banana-e atom. London, damaged $15,000 by fire. caused by a clerk atrium: a match new a barrel of Mine. Gononuno, the Apache Chiu. War”; to be allowed to hunt the outlaw, Tracy. It in not likely he wm be given a chance. Lamurre’a 1|th factory. yard and other property Remi, Quebec, were burned. I: $100,000. Tho oourt-martial of Lieut. Hh-k. man tor cruelty to over at Manna. " in Mt he ha- been acquittwL The steamer Hartman, which hm: -rilod {mm San Francisco for Ta. hiti. w!!! use oil for Incl instead or The congregation or m. Ander't (march Winnipeg Manduy night man Rev. Jon. any; 03,000 as a retlnng “no one of J. Mum-ml Hodge and other. mind. the U. t's steel comm Minn goes over until Sept. tith. The aoveroor-aeatern, and may MUrto M's niled from Liverpool for Canada. Ttter Winnipeg hotels are ammo-u, nocomartodata' the throng of min)” to the exhibition. Hon. Clifford when has minim”, his mind to It.” tor the Yum... toward. the end of‘Augunt. Rev. Dr. Warden laid the corner stone of .the new Preshyu-nm, Church at Shelburne. The Ittinoi. River at Bertritarat, ll " teat above tow water mark, and in dill ruling. 7 We U. B. may Maul-h a Wm, lea service on the Alaskan Coast A large pol-non of the when! u lauded out in the Qu'Appelle dish-u t. Lord Roberts has reinstutmi nil but two of the radiated cum-tn, Cholera continue- to Manila and [arm/moat. The I N. Y., in m. 8 feet above I.” Ill. and I. dill tiling. 53,337 River. Ct SPht’m c- The Iona lumbar at Fit. W ot all HUI and manner the an of little shunt-r 'rtsilduduy mun contrast with [Manned mun Porto" her mu her not to " riettt, Willy. " Wm and mid. "It” the. only mike Itte cm wan to “purer. for mu h 04tu rulmfh mu. 3 Inna. um truduclmn. "0ott't you Cl unvln the ts'trt band‘s dump" am In “my d dying. .. Ca n“ Scott T" Batno1e my“ amounting: Mrs an] lwld an h nu“ and a on“ that enumw n ‘l hug .' hum-mum Owe-d ya" of Mn. y, 'h"udsN' a“ you to rc-m-wnlw -ttt 1 king ting M the n-mpm yin. one MM't6. W" up here mll follow "Hi yarns 'trr-rt l '9roo" 31m In (ur friend. Fab! tor [or out-M I. butler gunman-n from eirtiitttad In"!!! I ro-mumlwr Mr - that mummy-r, metal. and I In particular. mantel! cunu‘ . My“ lady w Hangman wit In! who use lorbenrunce rereixeu the m Gunman) rmoaattt liki-nm an. pl "ho. lndm mil of tite tho plan-u in 11mm h ttrave nut-mp In In! gm". plumm- to um I'm“ of ther .. " you or: (II-on. llmpv- y mum you. I l "item' awuv ii ”3' mum: h: at n ulmlu'v emu." 1m: State of lien Och plan» T" " Bout-(ima- " nigh“. " in " fact. I am In"! eqrrtg .. " ' a . whom! “Ill wurk too m [nu glued . I am quu WI" ' Roan) In the cm I: ' I It“ a II [lull] “(In more PM“ the atpast m-au, (a “mm will-h mad at had I. ntiettuorttoel Btlmer at but duh] call and I.“ day. - N; 'rt tho top flat C mon- opened ' in a tsiutpli brown tstur rd necklu-o I “you. H before by I waited tor " I know. made my My. tor Don IIH " w ll“ lime but On my the Ill 4/3. wrath a 'iutinttly private u. Bob? If" Om ly It thr " t help ttt mi)?! 1m" t ru 'ttay Ill aim urr: um hoen an» H nut I perro to m.' u wt! ou M In] at (ll ll " nun ml “A h ml PM “l h

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