West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Jul 1902, p. 4

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ft Miss Lizzie hidlaw. who he: had charge ot the Entrance clues foe the past two yen: resigned from her duties at the clone of the term. Mile laidlaw has been & faithful teacher, and her abilities natural and unwind. will enable her it the so choose' to rise high in the profession. visit a few weeks. - --__ - ----* "M Mr. and In. Anderson. eon-in-hw and daughter at Mr. and In. Chan " Arthnr. Dune-II. left for their home in 'P,',tttT “outlay Stir,'"; after two wee PM Mend: here. WA in an ocular” the Street Car line. aeeom Died ti; hei. two auGriii"g, apt: 145;} 'ie'ilL'lGl.' when they Vii] Mia Manyden. from near Glasgow, Scotland. vioited her relatives here. the McClocklin families. for a week and left for 1%Lrtt, Mich.. yang”, Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron, With daughter Bella and son Henry. returned to town Honda; from A two weeks’ say In Mustokn. he Utter leave. mania Thursday for Alvinston. when he is employed in the Merchant'- Bank. The pleasant faces of Miss Annie Ves- sie. ot' Paris. and Mm Jennie Newell of Toronto. are causimr joy “up the Gravel" where they are yiuitindu their respective parental homes. an other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Irwin. of London, called on their uncle, Mr. Robertson on their way to Priceville Saturday to visit Mr. James. They no on an extensive trip taking in Owen Sound. Knuth. Wiai. ton and other points. Misses Lizzie and Rachel Adams, Dromore, were callers on relatives and friends in town, on Thursday last. Misses McKay and Thompson, Walk- erton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Scott. the latter part of last week. Mr. and Me. Rawn. Holstein, visited their daughter Mrs. Wm. Horsburgh at the beginning of the week. Mr. Dave wmkier spent Sunday in Hanover. Mr. Walter Nichol, Br., is " to Scot- land on the same boat us the party of are referred to elsewhere. _ Mr. Geo A Watson. Artemesia, was in town Monday. and left Tuesday on a business trip to Terniseaming. M r. Itogardis, Engineer of the Cement Works. has been in town for a few days inspecting the various contracts that have been completed. The foundation for the laboratory is being dug. Miss Kate MoPhail and her nephew, Master Ross MeDiarmid, Toronto, are sprnding the summer months " Mr. J ohn McPhail's mar Pricevillp. Miss Lizzie Him! is Waiting her sister in Nassagaweya. Mr. and Mrs Coulis and baby are spending the week at, the amuse. Mr. Cmttts ion brother of Mrs. Farqnharson. and Principal of Georgetown High School. Mr. and.Mrs. walter Elvidge arrived here Monday on a visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Elvidge. Mr. and Mm. Tookey. Fergus. a large shareholder in the Cement. Co, and the defeated Independent candidate in East Wellington, visited the Cement Works last Thursday. Mr. Ehy, of Hamilton. is visiting at Mr. J. w. Crawford's. Dr. Smith. Dornoch, left hy tram Monday for a short holiday. Mrs. John McFarlane. Hamilton, is the guest of friends in town this week and has been Wurme welcomed. Her sun John is at present m England for the bencht of his health. Mrs. Jno. NeFnrlane, Toronto. is vis- iting at Mr. C. L. Grant's and other old neighbors about here. Miss E. Wilson, Dromore, was a guest of Mrs. Foreman. Mis- McKelvey and other Durham friends this week, and intends visiting in her old school serum at Vickers, before returning. Auctioneer D. McCormick, Priceville, Was in town Monday. Misn McLeod, Harrington. is visiting her sisteI.Mrs. Alex. Gordon. Mr. Jos. Smyth. of Hamilton, and son Robert. spent a few days visiting J. A. Black of this town. Misc Maggie McKenzie is in Dornoch visiting her sister. Mrs. Dr. Smith. Mrs I'. JIcDougnll is visitmg her mother and daughter in Priceville. Mists McCannei, Boothvillo. is at pres- ent the guest of her friend. Miss Mary Gordon. Mrs Ilolsert Smith has her shter, Mrs. PM. Hopains. Benvinck. visiting her at present. Ne. H. P. Legntr. {‘o-ylnn. is visiting her daughter Mrs. It. Wright. near the station. M iss Kate visiting Miss friends. Mrs. ogiltree, Toronto, is visiting at the parental home. M " Wm Yessie.'s, at present. y I McKinnon. Nclntot.h Mulnck. is, and other is t W' "' "1.12" 1ri;tioT",'l'a'i ertnn a very as race Ion was accorded him and his glide. A warmly worded address accompanied hr a. present of a suite of para: and dining room furniture was given htm-atb.) Lrn'u _ ()0?me - At the name. Hohtein. try Rev. Jno. Little. brother " the groom Rev. Andrew Little. of Saskatoon. N. W. T.. to Miss Marr Copeland. of Proton. lon Rev. Mr. Little's return to his congregation vol seq by the "Presby- McAm-u - July. in}; ilp. 93522- IP, Aoylt.ar 7 e ~----a'" "an LUullUI'In That the 1t'gtt,Tftitai, a copy of this resolution to 5. Little. who to her new tield, of lunar. {album the earnest prayer that her work there may he as acceptable on it ever In: in Chatsworth congregation.” Min-x. (Rev) LITTLE Hoxonnn.~At a recent meeting of the Ladies' Societ of Chatsworth Congregation, the 'irrf,'tl since the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Little to Holstein. very warm and feel. ing expressions of regret were made to the loss of their ta"g,idhte,t,; Mrs. Little. who seems to ave been the faithful guide and counsellor of all. As 3 rec- nition of their sense of her worth they have made her a life member and passed the following resolution.: "Me. solved that this Society express its re- Et. at the removal of our President. rs. Little. whose quiet Christian life a- mongst us for the past three years has te, a Lsonar“ of strength sud comfort. A PREMATURE DeArH.--mmt is hu- manly speaking when we refer to the passing away at Herbert W. Noble at the age of 24 years. an age when usually. youth is boldly attacking life's activi- ties. but not premature when we learn that to him, disciplined by suffering as he was. the king of terrors brought no fears and he WM ready to depart. He died on Thursday, July 24th. at the home of his mother in upper town, and sympathy goes out to her, as well as to the large family of brothers and sisters, who a year ago laid husband and father in the grave. Rev. Wray R. Smith conducted the funeral services, six of deceased brothers acted as pall-bearers. and a large procession. among the largest ever seen in Durham, followed the remains tothe grave in Snugeen cemetery. Many and beautiful were the floral offerings sent by loved ones. A Hanover' lacrosse supporter who witnessed the recent Ihirhsunaioant Forest game writing to the sporting de- partment. of THE TIMES says t " Look out for Durham when you go there. Their new men, Sheppard and Crooks of Clinton are fast ind, as you know, their line up is otherwise very good. Mount Forest felt theirtdeteat at Dur. ham keenly for they were confident of winning. " This statement is similar to that made by Manager Ramsay; the team's only representative at the game. To raw: Lute.-9ir. McKiunon, the Commissioner in town Seemed the privilege of a trip to the lake and a. Visit through the works. for his brother Commissioners on Tuesday. Mr. Laid. law acted “charm. and very clearly outlined some o the processes and use: of the I,',',',',?,',,'?,'.",',? to the visitor: and quite "..t""ey'r o townsmen and ladies At th e regular meeting of Grey Lodge No.169, l. o. o. F. held in their hall, Monday July 27. the following omcen, were installed tt acting D. D. G. M. w. B. Vollet. N. Cr., H BurroWs: V. G., A H Jackson: It. S.. W. B. Voile! ', P. s., T G Holt; Trens., A Robertson., War., B Warner; C., w. Laidlaw l l. G., Gemge Yirts: O. G.. C Parrot . It. N. N. G., P McKechme; L. S. N. G., H J S Dewar: R. B. V. G., J Towner: L. H. V. G.. Jno Schultz: R. B. 8.. J Burnet: L. L. B., Robert. Kepkey; Chap w Irwin. sis " ell. The vastness of the work grows on one used to it. and to a strong- er there is an orerwhelnune, almost confusing sense of bigness. The mighty smoke-stuck is about completed. and is an impressive thing but even its suMmit la) feet above the works is over 100 feet below the level of the lake where the marl lies. A net work of coerr Wires now connects the power ouse and works and on these will be conveyed the power that turns the wheels. that moves the rotnries, that burns the marl. that conveys the clinkers. that does all the wonders in this mightiest house that Jack built. Charcoal in bulk at the Hardware Department of the Big Store-J, A. Hunter. ltuuwmlwr August 20. Scotsmen’s Dayin Wiarton. when the 48th High- 1uuler's Band, Pipers. Dancers, Singers 3) in number will be present in full Highland costume. They have just returned trom a most successful [our in the United Mates. Special trains will he run of which due notice will be given, and a splendid day's outing is assured. 1 The Review to January 1. 1903, 36 cts. Pure Gold Helmet, Tablets 15 Quart Tablets for 10e at Grant's. To THE Gmwxns ox Ava. 8.-A proclamation by the Mayor makes Fri- day next. August 8, a holidny in town. This will giye lawn to business men and anal-la them and friends to get. over GARDEN P.ut'rv.--The Presbyterians hive arranng to have their annual Gaulen party on Alex. 3lcOu.hhrn's grounds on the evening of Aug. 8. A good program is a certainty some out- ml» taient having been secured. in- cluding Mr Inland, nf Mt. Forest. and “than, in amhtion to local talent. to the grounds to see the greatest Lacrosse Match of the season between Durham and o. Sound. Strictly pure Paris Green. We a ll, at 5Uefarlane'r. The approaches to tie Fire Hall have been much improved by two new cul- verts placed by Mrt has. Brown who is certainly (hung some nice work on our streets. The lull is in good shape. _ "___ â€"vâ€"--u~- VII "Herr m .8. to Mr. and iiri.'iroiu'rrlg 1'l7cd". a {lg-gluten Additional Locals. v heart GGG io‘n": pivot! his glide. p: warm Mr. Steve McMnrdo wheeled to Guelph haw-and on his way home broke the I of his wheel." The sudden Mop caused other misbepa. end gave him a bicycle lace, but lie must tell " own story like this t The two boys who have started, one " n horse tmiper,the other as A. V. C. are getting nlohg well. The former operated on an obstinate anilml and now has him tractable. the other keeps his own medicines and has not loot u one yet. Thursday, 17th inst, Mr. T. G. Broughton, one of Proton 's oldest pioneers was taken off by death at the great age of 89 years, o mos. He was a well-to-do, farmer, having by indutr try and integrity gathered 'ure, share of this world ‘s goods. e was married 4 times and leaves a large family. Quite a number .ot them attended the funeral, which was a large one. Two ot his sons are Walter, at home, George, haznessmaker, another Albert (now dead) was a prin, ter. He has a daughter m i1olfintr- wood, one in Stayner. and Mrs. Shelton; who recently kept house for Mr. Bell ot Egre'mont. Mr. E. Mephail of the South visited at ti. MeLean's and took in the twelfth at Dundalk. The fence builder, Sam, is with H. Fowler for the haying season and to build a line fence afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Ferguson visited your town and took in the wonderful cement works. A, is talk- ing cement to every body and says it is well worth going fifty miles to see. Mr. Jas. McDonald is agent for Central prison binder twine. John McMurdo is credited with haw in": the best field of Fall Wheat around ere. Geo W Parslow finished re-shingling his barn just before the last min. A week ago Saturday was the glori- one Twelfth. Swinton Park Lodge, 1136 passed through here, but as they haVe a. writer ot their own I will say no more. _ _ Steve McMurdo is engaged with Mr. Crilles4or the, haying. Tbahks to the Ed. for aeeeptanee among the staff of Review eorreispond- t hare . bicycle {we Which I wish to replnoe With . hoe nut In not of that kind, And if silicone an Ptovtde I pun To exchange n will quite suit my mind. I hue been lending of late Some much in deuce Ag to whetheror not it is true There is such I me And now I've I we . Which new!“ the queuon clan than That Bicycle Face. Campbell's Corners. m I: don; Boine. McClocklm'. bivalve: Yr. Glass l Inside. McIntyre l Outside Cook. The game which was played on Tues" dny of but week between Ju‘nion of Durham and Hanover. wu calhntly wan bi'hthe home team by a more of t - I. e lining up was as follows: Goal, Bu has; Point, W. Hunter: c. Point, P. (its: l Defence. T. McDonald. gmwfggd. B. -Mytpompld', Quit”, Gor- A Pickering o Home Hay Coven I Home McKinney Allen Field Captain Ramsay Lumber: Time Keeper Umpire Fox Referee A Gillespie, Orangeville. Hamilton Goal Thompson Sinclair Point Cameron H Pickering 0 Point Greenwood Weber let Defence Bremer Fair 2nd Defence Cummings Lambert 3rd Defence Balding Jones: Centre Hammond Martin 3rd Home Dowkel Scott 2nd Home Dunno: Roe: lgt Home Fm Mr. Pmass Two minutes into 4th quarter the Sound got another, and the play was a. sight to see. Sinclair several times caught the ball on a high fly to his opponents and the home men attacked the Sound goal with more vigor than coolness. some opportunities for good shots going wide.' A "scrap" delayed play here. and on resuming the Sound scored No. ft, and in a minute or so more the Mount boys took another making 6. Exciting moments these for players and observers. hut o. Sound’s defencefprevented Mt. Forest’s vigorous efforts for another goal and the referee's whistle declared o. Bound the winner; 8 to 6. The referee gave good satisfaction. The following is the line-up of the [in-m- _ Owen Sound defeats It. Forest. Continued From Page I. Mount getting even again in about ll minutes, 1hui) Fair and 'Nulyey' being especially good. At 5: time Sound was leading 6 to 5. KT"? 'ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO There n one eye that is black On my ioreheed n whack My cheek is wretched like a ille While In“ chin is e fright And an; fps are e sight Lens lovely whenever I smile. My noee in envy or I tooth I on! shy An eyebrow it: gone from its place And one of my ears will fall oft it appears ['nleu intened on by I More. There is patches galore Till there couldn't be more With plot-item, splints and a strap There one block and blue spots lf themselves. And in lots Til the taee ot me looks like a map. They may stop their debate I um ready to state It is true that! find in my (use For Mack and Alan! . When Ilook itrthe glass I'm sink? FGUiiiiiia'ls"iiiCe, OWEN SOUND (h. B. MUARTHUR Peter Hamilton Goons A Life-long Acquaintance with the conditions of farm life in this coun- ty, has given us tn experience of its requirements which we are Conti- dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with coniMenee for a share of their patronage. _ We just mention this week that we . ,. have secured the agency for the NEW; Implement Agency-... MACFARLANE & M. Druggists and Booksellers. Call and let us explain its merits. Wait a few days for our BUGGIES. Come to us for Window Shades. Jr, Blame Bike Jh?omo MQNEY TO LEND,--. . . DEBTS COLLBCNilD,--. T LANDS BOUGHT & BOLD.-- Every kind of titto"riat bouillon tumu- geared from both wheels, making it the most desirable drill in the market ind call special attention tome new ' LEADER DRILL when brightened up with some of our ARTISTIC WALL PAPER-- fora mere trifle too. Bring us the size of your rooms and let us show you how cheaply it can be done. A few more remnants left at a sacrifice. 'sta,-). H. MILLER, Look Drum:- 28, Hanover. Out. premise. of Mr. R. J. Bind, mun: Lots 48andtt. Moon" N. D. R., a my steer. coming 2 you- old. Any ','ffret 1lP'tt..!tfoeedtirt lending to _ V - 77-- --- """""m I In recovery will he suitably raw-Med f sp About WE SELL . ' $6 SURE KILLER " Paris Green HAMMOCI§S<~N BARGLAY tt NOBLE Mm Hay Fork ADAMS WAGGONS TOLTON'S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves, Pianos & Organs 1i)uughs, (iBa,rrrnas Scufflers Any Child an make butter with our' famous Rocker Churn. CALL and EXAMINE our vester Drill G'iirit% wire conductors. In: ure of ”and! now stocked up with MAXWELL & COCKSHI'TT " Hammocks m to be feen on several of the best Lawns in Durham and there are a JULY 81, 1902 Best of its kind. "r'ttth Mo, from the '. BLACK. e" Syl; fa- In Roller Windo Heavy Twine 'ac. a yard. Don‘t [mm u I‘M a new pair of TWEEDS 2tw, 3* GRUGERI Lue Cumin and 01.25 a pair. '8 igil , JA KE ‘QQQQQ§ We can give! Table Oil Clot h Wmnan's 81m Our New Prim Salads $uvio" TAM? Line. G4 .. .. m Floor thi (10th ae" and ' GENTS In Nickl IO kt Gold wear 20 yew - Lower WE KEEP OF SUPPL KI U ad: rta IT’! YO 11ht. " SELLS CHEAP , '. FO l In 14 kt ranted to w oolid Gold 1 DRY GOOU 4001‘s & ty, Ot bent gadlt) 20,10!le I" ower Tow The B cheaper th OI when orett, If K K LADIES JULY A 401 NONE Drum you t odak. CAS

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