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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jul 1902, p. 7

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IRS tt al.l(iiiiiio,"iijiii") “if? Things i lill f.."" to Eat i awam of his sari an irlueea. Everyom- is dammed at his In): proved limit“. a 2d his publishmi Mntmnnnt has Ilnnd much to make Dudd's Kimmy Pita oven mum popu- bsr In this ueiviuborhood than they have boon. “a begins. Courtship is mart-[y the prelhnln- anv sYrminh holore th ' regular bat- AL. kk‘l.‘_ "T want to sun (Int I berevs, Hut Budd's Kimmy Pills are the right mm" "tue for KiJnm' Tumble." Mr. ml in Is Very well known to nh'rybnly In this nri.':ulvrrttood, and "rt., areerat few who have not been aware of his am an iléueu. ”on In". tor a “and" Pr I fel as \Vt'l: htre not Um J“ Kidney TronbL- t ('Van‘ m lung. " l huvu received mum benefit. from tho-m than trom any other medicine 1 h-rvm o-vnr mel, Ire “my seem to tha- mam. n cman-te cum of my . " had trlud so many things that I was very Hkv'pLicul and had but tittto faith that " with! Kidney Pills could or would hqu me. However, I did not "or th m I ms; before I found that ther warn ah and more than was rl-IimAd for them. been remarkable. a. has aloe the “can ot in walnut" In Mm and profs-dons] on- roeu Rec-at addition- have hon made to it. mum-t. trMtrater University h. from its imeeption held I "vomited place anon; Il- Itltutlou od learning. [to growth In numbers n. Finally through reading an adver- thwmnnt he was led to the use of Budd's Kidney I’m-L a" Barr. r0 Dudd's Kidney Pill-I were on highly ruoulnmondod for Runny Truutb that after reading mm» testlmunlals I concluded to try tu m according to directions. " Couftphlp in mm- EDUCATIONAL GROWTH Planters, oils. liniments on the out- ddn and doses of all kinds and de- noriptimm taken internally seem to burn but one result. He was no butter. in” tried trevdririoetor,, and used .va medivim-a, but nothing seemed tovho-lp him In the lean. A New Brunswick Postmaster toll-0t "In Vino". to Curo “In Kidney Troublo~llo Suffered tor Year. um! Tried In”, Medicines but only rec- ently Found the Right Una. l Lower Windsor, N. B., July It.-- .pociulo--Nr. t H. Bo‘lyen. postmas- tor of this plme, has made a very tntorerunv,. stats-ment or his expert-, ewe In hi4 "Torts to be cured of Kidney Tmubla which has bothered him tor many yum-v. At tuns he wouli have very bad DIN“- and whrn these came on Gl was almost laid up. i Llnlmenls. Oils and Many Other Medicines Did No Good. not hand own-r Enough money to run the household. has added to hi9 claims as a set-0nd Daniel by holding that u dog has a right to bite a person who up. a tin can or other impedi- lent to Ito tail A Two-cloth I - solo-non. (Bunnie Commercial.» The wine Julze In St. Louis, Wid- ener. who recently won general ap- plause by ruling that a wife has the legal right to Bo through the packf-tu pt a man husband who will - o 06'?" It is food, and more than food: it helps you digest what. ever food you can bear. up from 1T'l,tieeis) no matte: whatsort, gin with a littie Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil m “may. PLASTEBS FAILED. It is TORONm "C. 'O. "I. - II. - If. Wl'h 3...»:"15'33imu wrl: aw ever I did and , [guns-t trace of the hat bothered Gi; PT"P 1 is“; _ "T-"""'"""""""""""'". .Pfrdtu,tramstocr"iir,iri. Itdiain. "t't-dtti-tturif,Jii","ii' - One of the London weekly mp". has Just unearthed a queer army order. It deals with the machine gun provided for certain volunteers corps and advises that, where gamble. “mules should he employed to draw them. When a. mule is not null- able. however." it so“ on. “any in, tPlIlgont nPrt-eottttnimtotsed ornete will do Instead." l nu-l um mnm- hurl killed a. horse: but 'rv' worn truthful they hadn't aithnr ot thom kxllwl norm human Irrwinpt. and with the giant unhurt. an! thn min-e dummy to tho town hull not morn than $75 or $100 at tho memo. wp Mt that we could afford to (an! pwtty well satisfied. “But the old man said. no more toollnq with the giant on ltllts. it might ha a grunt act and all that, and drew tho paopln: but we eouMn't afford to tan» any rid at all with the great giant. and no that ended up the great giant's Itllt walking." "One of thm stilts h. through a window or the and the other hlll killed but we worn awn”..- " "Welt sir. he lnrnlefl with his hands on the railing all tught. and hlrneett hanging down tho !ront of the build- ing. and was Just about to let go when the railing gave way under his wtrutltt-it was old and rotten and Punkr--and the first thing you know the giant dropped with that Iralttstrtvto enm’m; utopplfng down ovm' My: howl after him. "But tho giant lands-r! amnre and tmn on his but. "NAP unharmed; that when oid woolen railing clear. Ine him ail right and goxng to smash on the mvamwnt sh- or eight feet behind him. m... .'.telrie 1rts"Piiututrtaatstte. - H... v. uni BLIILS irllppeil on the twick-and the first thing you know, by gravy. there was In“: giant with his stilts sliding t around on that smmth pavement and i110 woming around up there in the i air making a desperate short to re- ‘(zover himself. _ "It all came in a minute, but there he was now, falling apparently,aad l [maven only knew what harm he'd do t himself when he went down. But the i great giant didn't go down, or not in l a. way to hurt himself. "This town hall was a kind of an _ ol rrashjotsed, Colonial nrt of a Luild- [ log. with a bulustrado along thel front of the ‘roof just back of the Paves; and now whon the utilts had slid and ho found that he couldn't l‘movnr hflnwlf. the giant threw Um stilts away from him and made. a jump for tho top rail of that bar l untradn along tIto, swig? of the root I "Ho intended to hang by that for a minute and than drop to the} ground. as n hov would drop from a i lance, and in fact that drop from, the railing along the roof of this, building woull hnw- [won Just about! tho same thing for the giant as the! boy's mopping from a fence would, bu tor him. "i"?! lid-11W "There wah here at this broad stretch of brick-paw walk, this bring ht front of t hall. As he stepped up l brick si'lewalk our? of Ma "Ho cams. along d towering up on his cum: ‘m mt, as uauwl till he came toulhis hm! m turn out. -'ee -.."" 's-mil and“. nut]. "In this town it “a.” clearsailim,r for the giant alone; tho mute except at hat on.. pant, whnre two old tree" With low-hanging. branches made the ntrpet immunble for him. But with only this, one impediment we thought weht let him go it; he 1oubi ate-p around that. "Ho came along down that street towering up on his stilts to tho umwz‘m mt, as uauwl or " bullol-lers. till he came toUhia place where he I....| o. A__,,_, a 3 "Why, he didn't even try to get out of the way. He Just spread his feet, or rather. his stilts apart, so that the foot at one was in the gutter on om- side of the street. and tha foot ut the other in the gutter on the otlter, and let the runaway team go under him between them.' “But slick and easy as the great giant had come out or this danger the old man was all wrought up over what might have happened from it; and he mid right then that one more straw and we'd cat out the stilt act for good. Funny, but we got that straw the wry ttext day. Gtr, “an 4..--.. tt . ' late hard as ha could, but without [any sort of effect; and away they iwent, two wild horses. with a farm ‘wugnn swinging and bobbing around bx-hind tin-m and occupying pretty much Um .whole road, bearing straight down on tho great giant walking ahead there on his stilts. "Did the giant Bet lost in this ex. citeruent? Not tor a minute. Just one look back when he heard the clatter and what do you suppose he did '.' .. That made all tho horses around the": cnv0rt more or least, but It seemed to throw those two old plough mags plumb ott “mm balance; and befure you .couri think they were on on the dead Jump along the street toward the head of the line. with tho old farmer sawing on 'em hadu't Just so happened that the steam Calliope mm: started up a tune on the calliope Just as he come abreast of them. i ot march. I . I t:ever'll forget the scare we had Juice In a town in western Ohio, wltea lite giant was walking in the paradr. over a runaway along the. Sine of march, a pair of [losses invited to " farm wagon, This {armor had got his mum, as plmuty more had for that matter, hauled up at the side of the street to we the parade go by, and the horses were ali right. and they'd ha' stayed all right. it it of tho Lhow. the giant marching a? the head of the pmceasiun. Whether he: 0:;th lo that or not. .h'pended on _ " Ot course. the stilt business was an outdoor act; and, as far as that goes. there wasn't. always room me it even there; that is, where we wanted to give it. The. giant's srttit Walking Was Commonly done in our Carey. parade below the biggiunlng l t" " Oh. yes." said the on circus man, "we tried the great giant on Itilts. As, a matter or fact. his stilt walking was one of the greatest thugs he did; but for all that he dai it only one season, on arcount or the risk to the giant hundred In it. Mate or [by trees were atsad the ttnil mam lander! amnre and H (MW. and? unharmpd; on woolen railing clear. right an'l 20mg to smash was here at this point a - one". stilts _ had gone trr prict-oisvgiiGinc P, woof ot this W‘n Just about " giant as the a fence would town hall irt the town I on that his stilts at ttore “och I "are will The name man ta the ”on among other men or elsewhere. among 1 Lay figures upon which to dis- play clothing in shop windows hove been u, modern times enormously improved. so tint the good ones are now tar from presenting-that wood. enneu ot appearance that was once commonly characteristic ot then. Bat manually some clothing merchant. young in for realism. put- in his window as a (ii-play figure. “ma rth in '.--.. -__N= _- - -- -___ 9"". .u Av! “anus“. pull im bl. window as a dlelay “cure. upon which to hang mite ttt cbthea. a nun: PY.;, and " is cut-lou- to no hill-I "In - -- __... - The readers of this paper will 2attte, to learn that there in at least one dream ad disease that science hat, been able to can in all its ntageu and that is Cumin-n Hall's Catarrh (furs in the only positive cure now known to the medieat fraternity. Cutarrh. being a con- utitutiunal (Hume. rc-qulrel a constitutions! treatment. HaliU Cstarrh Cure in alien in- tnrnally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous nun-laces ot the system. thereby des- truring the foundation of the disease, and fl,', In; the patient strength by building up he constitution and ail-listing naturelndoln . ita work The proprietors inn“ much (Mtg in its L-nrutlve powers that they all" One Hundred Dollars tor guy out, that It (all. to l cure. Band for list ot mtimoniall. l Addre- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, o. Sold by 2,',Wt,t,. Tse. Halli Fatal y Pills are the best. The largest production o? hemp for ona year under normal conditions in the Philippines was 110,000 tons. There is a possibility ot the islands being made to produce sufficient for tho consumption or the whole world. He-mp néeds no cultivation. Care must only be taken that it is eat in tho proper season. The natives cannot be excelled the world over in the. preparation ot hemp for the market. Stop. the Cough and Works on the Cold. LaxapieeBrotnouuutim, Tablet- cmscold In one day. No cure, No pay. Prlco " cents. Total number ot dhirt- waista examined ... ... .. " a distance ... ... ... ...... Trertr close to ... ... ... ..-. Gou~balla lost ... ... ... ..-.. Ono engagement ring (Ur. tal loss) ... ... ... ...... ... Number of weeks recuper- atbng ...... ... .r.... .........,.. Tom Museum In August Dust breathed in on R R. Average number of hours‘ sleep per night ... ... ...... Number of miles danced... Cost of one six-inch trout Number or square meals Fly bite” ... ... ... ... ... ...... other bhtes ... ... ... .........9 Itworo at bed ... ... ... .._ Cream tasted ... ..c. Lipton hm ... ... ... ... ... -V "V -v "r'f"""s"_--1"38 bottle of English Spavln Llnlment completely removed nearly trom my hone. I take pll-mmre In mommeudlnx the remedy, as it acta with mysterious promptneuu in the removal trom horses ot hard. soft. or eallomred .ea; blood spuvln, who“. curbs. "new. I Bea and sprains GEORGE ROBB Farmer. Markham. Ont. Sold by all druggllta. $100 REWARD. 5:00 A him. run Herself. "You don't even know how to make a lemon tart," remarked the cooking school girl, with fine morn. . "rt isn't necessary to make a lemon tart," replied the other. “All the lemons I've ever seen were pretty tart alreadr"--mutadiiiiii Record. The Pullou- chi-ob of neuralgia when . the D, & C" Memo! Fla-m over the manned nerves. It the I not. adhere] warm it auntie. Them lag tor tenet. It comes at once. gluon, The Man in Kaictrerbrxeeerue - Do you like short engagements? The Glrl in the Shirt Waist-Oh, my. Yes; you get so many more ar them in a season, if they're thrL f The mammoth model is as eom. 'pletely jeweled as a watch ot the “mast grade. The plate jewels. which {are as large as the smallest move‘ 'ment made, are 8.0th the size of a Innickei “vacant pirce. are fine rubles. iabout ten lines in diameter. but l brushed with sapphires. The polish ot [the wheels, pin'ions and other steel work is trevta't, and the damaskeen~ ‘ing on the plates is most beautiful. The pendant and winding crown are of I'm-e bronze, brilliantly polished. Every portion is made on the exact scale of the watch it represents. Nol, dial has been made tor this, move} ment, as it is designed to show not the action of the train, but the " m-wiuilng and stein- ettlng arch. anism as well. The movement stands on a bronze pedestal and loom its base to the tip of the winding: crown ls twenty- six iacltotc-Boetori Transcript. Two Weeks or maintain-ling, is twatriiGCicl"t' long. nr of a centimetre thick and 2.53 centimetres wide. Hemp In the Philippine: The diameter or the pian- plate is seventeen inches. and the movement Ls two and one-half inches thick. The balance wheel is six and one-half inch-e- ia diameter. and the brequet mung which controls its action is eight teat long, .03 of a. centimetre thick and .25 ot a centimetre wide. When running the balance makes a vibration in .7 ot a second The must stouea are at sapphire and ,t's.xyt.e.tiit.,tLr..,.e.yit'/rti: The actuating,‘ Built Lilo Pocket Time-M000 at n Coat of Thou-ands. There has Just been unlined at ‘tha American Waltham watch tae. tory a mammoth watch. ttttx.l1rtpsat in the world. To build this gigantic timepiece cost several thousand dot. lars and several weeks" time. Bpec. ial machinery and tools were re. quired .0: its construction. The watch is a tmrh91 a: the new model, atxteeusue manmus. three-quarter plate watch, enlarged ten tunes. per- teat in every detail and an highly {19.15110an the finest watch. 3008 '.0Ar1Mtamt an The Live Lay tfiqure. 1 NE LARGEST WATCH. culled nerves. It iiiifiGilrTATt TTP. it alittle. Them II no wait- ' "an“... A; _-- A M tusttttt . Score (Yonkers Statesman.) replied us, JttiGTi'iai"i I've ever seen were alreadr"--mutadetirifiii Summer Vncntlon. August Smart so: _ _VV_.....,... um. :2wa ?.!,t,?oU'fiitiit? In attmad |luna ILI_A 4-77- --, 'z-Otto bottle or _.. " '20 i l at " times. None. ', " " 98 1 lb. t or. ages awn! - _ ,___v.. ...- .u u. Buuu neat An Irishman recently landed got aboard a row milns nut and added to their annoyance by his persistence in making the name or every station that the train stopped at. After Whey had 'politeiy answered his quas- Mom. for a dozen stations or no. one or them became angry, and mid to tum " T " 839 here, my man, if you‘ll kindly tell me when; you're going. I'll see that you don't get can-led by the place. . " The immigrant reached down into a capacioua pocket And pulled up 3 ticket with about twenty coupons Inhaled. the butane of which and SlteP"-i"uakiitr(i' ”will Tele- m - 'ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO " long time ugly wimn trains trac. elied more simviy than they do now, and 'way' trains were common. two high officials gal: on, Intending to ride out about thirty miles. They [mu 3. lot to my to each other and the train, Which stopped at every woo'dpile, worried thrsrtt tt mood deal Was Afraid He Would be Curl-led Pant Ills Mullen. The conductors' room at the'Broad street station " a place where good railroad stories are told. Tho men go -in tttere after their train tsrriree, await orders, and often swap yarns. The foilmviug was told at a recent tAhanee: The above 11th la a household word and the mpurlor excellence of tho road should be sufficient to at. tract moat people. but now that the rate la the some to New York and .polntn not a. by other line. no further recommendation should be sought. Everybody will tell you it In the but. New I Wm: tb horse with a supposed- Ly lucurable ringbone tor $30. cured him with 81 worth of MINARDB LINIMENT. -and sol_d him In tour months tor' s35. brb'r’i'é arrirGa't "t. 110135 DEROBCE, Hotel Keeper. Alexandre, of Great Britain, De- scribed by In Amerlcnn Glrl. Here do a portrait of the Queen by an American girl. It strikes me as delightful in its halvete, and its frankness to charming. I am sure‘ queen Alexandra herself would laugli‘ heartily over it: "We don't go tol the theatre to wttness a play, Gil to see the audience. I thought we} were gelng to be disappoint-ed and! not see her at all, lrut Just before the l curtain went up she and the King! loans In with some other people. v'ititt 1 'te rather tall and very sweet leer, int. but oh, so awfully thin. Shel has lovely blue eyes with a shlne in , them, like a baby's, but I was (lisnp-' pointed in bit, tot. I thought she land l golden hair. To be quite candid, her, hair is of a mahogany tint. but it, was charmlngly coirlurod. and; showed oTt her diamond. beautifully. ( She looked very young and glrllsh; but I think she has the saddest lace I I've ever seen. She listened very at ', tentlvely, and when she smiled you, felt as though you wanted to have! a good muslmg cry. I don't wonder? one bit that people in England love ii her. for they slmply can't help it.", ....N A n Th, above acme at. Pmmp's, Qua, Nov. lit. Take chstlvo Bromo Quinlan stlota. All 1np.rte, "hand the money It It in“: to cure. B. . Gron'u “guanine In on each box. Me. Littler -iiairGiiiii:""f" Ite',? or the swallow is in M . WHY HE WAS ANX100s, Johnnie Know. (Buttuo News.) A teacher was addressing- a small, class of little boys and she asked! them how many could Ml where the! 11011199! tyt swallow was. I Minot-d1 Liniment cures thorn. Ila Punishment (Philadelphia Pro-M Though poverty certainly Isn't a crlme. {We and in this strenuous strife, Ah those who are guilty are doomed every time To very hard labor for Ills. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Millard's Ltnlment cured Diste pet. I ' Atraia of Dan-apnea. (N. Y. Sun.) "Why does he dan that summer girl 'Flannel t' Because the la so warm?" "No. Because she shrinks trom the water." t -- .._ ... - ‘luuul" we“ uuu CID] Wu"? main are the seed- of dysentery Md Cholera morbuu. Do not let them multiply in your body. Take Perry Davin' Painkiller When your bowel. begin to trouble you. It always cures. York Central and Mud-on Blvor Bullrond. -- ._-w V‘uu "I" ulw‘l'l " whisper. “what should you do ?" He leaned over and looked ttown- then he straightened back and smiled sweetly. "I should r-r-r-regrat it." he ana- wered tru_-Llte. Biro Wt. PMMtqr and romantic. He was a foreign nobleman and he wore a amoral. nnd over it a. long blue caps that boom ln front with the am of two his gold angle; They had walked out to the very and ot the pier. and the full moon and mum-marina waves were full of museum. She leaned over and looked down mm the rippling darkne- below: "If I threw- myaell in there.“ she $351.10 a. voice that im almost I'! PORTRAIT OF A QUEEN et".? ftry Infnuptfy well and city [My landed mt out and added to 7 his Peraitrtenee ot every nation “h Ito-guns. can. The the atom- ' __...... ,uu ram "mum the pre ura- ' two I tion arrarr local drugxirn. mm? on C to t cannot obtain It In your neighgor. They hood. we will and one or more hon r iii/i an; f,'l'rr'/i'ite,t, ot prim. t'30e per bor. l ' , e ca age propuh. every I Pamphlet sent PRICE on OPPHCIHOII‘ deal. fun n-MI... --.----__, I. 1901 Di ph- r Water ehoiera w. ' [WEE . VT,“ " IIIIIII I "m” tN. . "unsun- l HunmI'mo [Stork lnrhv III'H' at m. Mutin- " nil an "on root"tq. "auditor“! on mu kn ' Mt unman- In". In“ lam I'll-odd.“ "lull.“orund " feudal ”(Hm-Jutlwulra In”! UL Int. 'r"r1tmttssiiiaiiicit", - W, _ _-.... "u "PP'"""""t. I THE. (UNISON MEDICINE GoltleMr 5 ' TORONTO A Purely Vegetable. Tonlc'lnd Blood Pqritier. Price so cents per Bottle. Uauall, you can obtain the prepara- Hon " vuln- In...” .a-.._._1/A . - Stomach and Constipation Bitters Dr. Carson 's Tonic - ,. ~- w.-.- “1 "Incl ' In a case that chiefly prompted Its} _GaGaiii'if,tCtrat' ad Richard Ros-e. I otherwise Coke, the Bishop at Roch- I esters oooh, who poisoned seventeen perms, two of wmmn tiled. Coke was _ Itrolled at Rochester The knrlicuou; I was attended with peculiar cruelty. as coke mm put Into a cauldron: d! l, cold water and gradually cooked to death. 1 A few years later, tn March. PSh; a young woman named Margaret) Dary was punished in. a simllur way; (XII conviction of poisonlng. The pub-g llc were not tsatitr,'led as to her gullt. l and. notwithstanding the compar-', attvely slow travel of new: in those days, the story of Murgn'ret Davis trlul and Pttttitilhtttont noon spread through the 1rimgdorn and aroused universal horror. Boiling to death re- mained on the statute hooks, how~, ever, as long as Henry reigned, per-g ham because the monarch himself had a dread of helm: poisoned. lm-i mediate” after his death parlia- ment repealed the law. I Always but! on your dealer so.- Dlyl-z you with 3 Mlnard's Linlment (Tux-cs Colds penalty. This ter-sir";;",;,';, tute books about sixteen y was made {macaw so as One of the Mode- of PunIshme-t In Henry VIII). Time. In England, during the reign of Henry VlII., the public mind became greatly excited ttuoueh several Clues of poisoning. and parliament enacted a law making boiling to death the ”null-u: m: __ I One of the ._ ,,,_ m, .v.u,.u.u u; all of the mom but Very soon they find it palatable and are delighted by the reliant tsrforded.--iron Ace. i B. F. Avery & Some. oil Louisville. , Ky., describe in follows their ex- . rience in {urnldhlng prepared drink- l Fa: water to their workmen during l hot weather, especially thou em- l) played in their towing. foundry and i other departments where there in in- l ten-e beat. They take stone Jars or I kegs. holding about 10 gal. of water -i filled with waiter and a small quan- tity ot ice. melt the Jar im a. barrel with nwdust between the inner and outer vet-leis. Thus the water is kept cool with I minimum ot ice. Each: morning they place about I-a) ( pint of oatmeal, rolled oats. or te,) ;other form of crushed outs in the 1 water. This crushed oats thus used . makes the water a remarkable thirst ',querttt1ter. During the several years I that they have thus provided drink- ! ing water they mnnot recall a case f at heat proetratiotr or illness due to l excessive drinking at water by men “employed in their shops. where the l[bent is great. They also find that f this water reduces the appetite tor iintoxieatuttt drinks and in general the effects are so excellent that their men are telling it to workmen in other shops and cities. The Jar should i be emptied and thoroughly cleansed l every morning. as the oatmeal mural over night. and of course. the drink-‘ lug cup also ought to be scalded and I waiter Ploy" ransom: each day. I _ - - -v_~v~.--. I.“vll‘ lull. They belleve the water about] be drawn from a. spigot. as. of course. Iron a miter: Time the use ot a dipper tn the top of a Mr is not as it should be, bat tne oatmeal clog- the spigot. or strainer. lead- ing to a apigot. It has contributed not only to tho comfort ot the men, but also permitted them to continue at work when the heat might other, wine have prevented, and Ma great- ly reduced the temmtlona of the men to seek intoxioating cooling drinks. For a few days tloe oatmeal, 1"J,e, may not be rellahed by alli tn! .m ..r.--- l»~* -- Made from the lurmuln of an eminent. Canadian Ptt.rnieiuu, who luau ttned the Pretreriptititt In his prm'tke fur many years with most, satisfactory mulm More remarkable discover-lea in that wonderland of the world, Egypt. any: the Westminlter Ga- latte. The explore" lent thither by the Californian Academy ot Sci- ence, have found at Glrgrh. on the Nile, rows upon rowa of graves dat- ing back from the nineteenth ur- nasty in apparently unbroken re- cord to the earliest prehistoric times The bodies are mostly in wonderful preservation. munrd'a Linlment Cure: Gnrget In Cows. PAILS and TUBS Infectious dined-e- ere breathed Into the Intent [mm thoee etected with dieeue or from bed smells: yet how my women bmthe dolly the oteneive than can common my. node from meld fete. end keep their lands for houn in such eolutlone, end the clothing from each loop nude is worn next the tender skin. No wonder disease and eczema ere prenlent! User: of Sunlight Soup -0cthgon Bags-tmow the alter-once between that end the pure. health- ful line]! from the vegetable oil: Ind pure edible (et- in Sunlight " are munch"!!! It. SKILLED won-kn- BOILED TO DEATH. " the World" Wonderland HOT WEATHER DRINK. Breathing Disease. JFK”... - llU“THl "AL'i'i - ' GEO. B. wooos. C"/2g aa Gonna! Mum-{er Brks,ait Tr " ---- "-----------, _ '.1"/l,.'Q PP, L You may be, Ju 15...}: . fellow a [0anth kWh-J. unlly getting in WOODENWARE E.B.EDDY’§ was on, the on- years. " i l to take] ”Inf“. If: ) ' ete. ...... -"-" Ilene-Dd bx... ' 300.705 'zrr,"i'au,"Liij Sr.",",',',': 'Jcat'; br 'ltl"rt " Home B?“ r...... , mum by............... 0 hours-coin force 1|:ch by 1.89 , _ Conant-aw Ute Ponds an um“. tor simplicity and iiberalitr. Aunt. want“. 080. B. wooos, CHAS. H. FULL‘. Conan-J M--, The "Port for 1901 ah lacunae- over 1900, In the! $%w bum Inna-yd tr; J,'ttm.itiiii Incume Inrrenlm counmm tlft . i .- Issuance company ‘ Avoid lmitations. an. 16 nonod t"iiidiGitiinkCGiTe BEEF. tteatptttt0tr prepared chemical r1'ir1ttM, cloth. Price 25c at druggiau an nodal I dealers. By mall trom IONA". “a. Io., Inc-thorium Out. I Write for an: mp1... PUL-Mo I. Gui,,' GT" irriiGririt 'coo per lure bottio-hs mu formal size, or it may be ordered diroot from mu: PULaed co.. TORONTOI 6k; tioe aad all throat and lung tumbles. One dose given relief. One bottle often cures. I an unmrm to evoryreuder ems. - Dun, -L‘~rr' I .. . . Wilson’s Fl y Pads Pill-M0 CROWN TAILORING . COMPANY at cleaning ullrer- , ware and Four other bright metals, Eleo- trte POLISHING FIBRE take- away the drudgery and makes silver clerusimt a plea» giro. Nd soiled handn. naming in use but th- Work N o More Box. J0me Dunn.- 191 Kill. It. that, Hamilton, on. WAIT RELIABLE AGENTS to sell ten, colon, baking powderu, "no“, extract. em. to con-amen. You can mat. money. Noah" wunwd. Excellent. wry-1mm Vacant no- vacan't now will kill all the mes In I room In I few hours. The wed'.", undue trom Oren Occult. our money back lfnotuthlurn ti.Bnarshaiiael, may be Juqtltied In a lobar"- when he getting Into hot n JOHN M. BOND & co. PERFECTION CHARCOALIRON MADE TO MEASURE. T TAILOR MADE CLOTHING iji/jijii'iciiii- h f WANTED-Agents agmtwmmmw: :11": :2, m“%.':.‘:'.."::°:..'-;.:= 'ilitt'hrittib.'e " to m m tc "It = 1'lre'ilk Oamnut. P. 0. boigat 'ttttt at. mm on. - . Putnam and 0011.31.34- Imdlon; 1 . - and: count; an. an; "loettttoti; 331;: 'd2trit 'irrltrtltlit 'tttttg bullmu‘. . m, cent on, le 1'Jfl'lV " uiul Alma ytlitt. _iithiiii'i of ”ANNALS by t. In. thow‘l Soothing S . any. tt l'tt'a'l',t fe/tet,' Mu.” moths ”than e conic and " m but "may fl'.%fgttf, ISSUE NO. " tsod Proper may tor hot wmther Big money to active persons Write {or particular- to IMPERIAL MAPLE siitiiii." -. .11 3'99?! mac GOOD COMMISSIONS. ,In every toga In CANADA for 1901 0.0“ AGENTS ro SELL " barre-t Tailor, TORONTO. 808E t LAFLAME B ARDWARR G UI'ILPH. ONT In the followiglu. Med III call! en he [I eo; hot wuter. “MIDI"? mm Milt. treats. loam UNIV Conougp- shot-f ti. “Ha I.“ ith n 1 “U put on, In - hr“. but nrq has In llm‘nl m “l?" uu§u. nlw TAMI? In our k Winch It: Trr.' l. the BUDIIJM'I' Mm: "nattl.v 180! " on an inn": It had " l;" I' um Mum wi tr. an» ' Walt-"l 1'.ituc “denim: In tht _ IF ulmlk mu th" “mm. :% the wan-l. [my am am.“ u. 1m: In her Mm: 'ar skirha nH- l no {mm as c, u twith Hut t (“Y Al'til , _ {he Nahum g - ahirt "air; mm: {tn-ks Itt Bere thr hpnw whim!) nun-q Ikllunmur “will hung lnlrhmam -set' Llu an The mm H.. .mldn‘r pip". who!» is put “I it [mm In (N‘l'lizlli hilt Dumb." “In; mm..kl “.1 rl " "i um!) nu - wouym tl,, hill] trtylrr tit - prtruuit1lr mun “H " "te-' ("11 in ti" $1111va app] .ubnaw i.re Gunman u luuud an I I my. Tm: annual Itit In ., at” It rum! Tov (IL H)! bull " It! "I murmu- N Turi/s. y nuu- UM] names " but than “I! huh“ -, tdst l The “aim he} its quih In vurmuu w qrttieth 3.10:1 I all "isirut In SH “I run. do“ Hum Nd like rt. The Wan-1 (IN- UKII- of It and m with small In“ lt, um around u l ‘11- (ml) n done by e darling“. " Th: f but: I tom: Hr“ Hr Mimi-l) t unit”) or my hr 11.. gent Sid!- " tawny than 1 button: Mum: (museum-n 'oltowl', new Lt clmvrly hum“: I meal” q WWII! i 'tvat tl an M31: (hue in " mm Hm not "4min [1011th “I Winn”! wh chums ttu and HAHN! Th' 'itlttm trauma! “i cred. A In 'matt'"' Inn“ wnm no way, TM " M PTet, In Pn much le hut “a mum-I I the. wan tng ta, t Hurt“ -orstr I u) INHI‘ " um!- except " [mom In! ttett hum ottter the: In I thin mm our" what itGutuuir w If.“ a sharp TIM " nth J as! vet , hm Pt “will ( III:- ot I It in that " ' tl 'lo-. I "I tl NI»! ll In)” “M " the we: tt " ll

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