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Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1902, p. 2

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Remarkable Case of this Painful Reuben Draper, of Bristo!, Que., who was a Victim, Finds Rolief and a Pormasent Careâ€"He Tells of HMis Suferings and How HMe Left His Troubles Behind. Bristol, Que., July 21.â€"(Special)â€" No disease can cause more severe and dreadful pain than â€" Gravel. Rouben Draper, of this place, was takea MI with this awful trouble about five years ago. He was cured and so many have asked him how it was done that he has decided to give the whole story for publicaâ€" tlom : 5 "About five years ago 1 was taken ill with the Gravel. I suffered great pain, a» I sent for a doctor. He gave me some medicine and came to see me twice afterwards, but my disease was n0ot gone, and in a sahort time 1 had anolther very bad attack. "This time I sent for another docâ€" tor, with about the same results, only I wasg gelting weaker all the time. "Then a man @Advised me to try Doid‘s Kidney Pills, for he said they had cured his mother. I thought I would try them aud bought a box "Just one week after 1 began the treatment 1 passed a stone as large as a small bean, and four days later @nother about the size of a grain of barley â€"this gave me great relief, and 1 commenced to feel better and to gain strength right away. _ ns What has cured this gentleman and bundreds of other very bad eases should cure any one, and those who may be afflicted as Mr. Drapâ€" er was should try Dodd‘s Kidney Auat Becky Wanted toer Colestial Robe Cut as a Raglan. P. J. Rawdon, of Atlanta, Ga., who is on a vistt to Washington, has, like most southern men, noted the craze of the colored people of his section for "That was five years ago, and I have not had any trouble in that way gince. 1 hbhave the stones in a small bouttle, and anyone can see thom who wishes. . Dodd‘s Kidney Pills certainly saved my life." The story of Mr. Draper will be good! news to many sulferers, who may not have known that Dodd‘s Kidnuey Pilla always _ cure Gravel and Stone in the Bladder. Pills. that is charactoristic of the female sex is just as jomitmaat in the colored race as in the white," he remarked tho other day. "L was remiuded of tins by a tecoul experience of Aunt Becky, an elderiy negress, who has been in my employ as cook for a long timo. ‘ "Sho was telling this hersell to some meimbers ol my family, who havo a most alfectionate regard for the old woman. It was at a camp meeting, and Aunt Bocky, getting very happy, woent [ in.o a sort of tranca "‘HMit seemed to me, she said, ‘dat er shining sperit, er hit mout have been a angel, come erlong and comâ€" menge to measure my head. I sed to de angel, "What fur you measure 1y hewud," an‘ ho says "‘Cause you gut to wear a golkden crown." "‘Den, nex‘, he began to measure my feet, an‘ I say, "What fur you measure my feet ?" De angel say, " ‘Cause you got to wear dem golden #lippers." _ _ One Fact is better than ten hearsays. Ask Doctor Burgess, Supt. Hospital for Insane, Montreal, where they have used it for years, tor his optnion of ‘‘The D. & L." Menthol Plaster. Get '.ha"p-nnlua made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. "‘De nex‘ thing ho starts to meaâ€" sure me round de waist, an‘ dat he say was for de robda I was to wear In heaven. "‘Den 1 say, "Plaase, sir, make it a raglan, for everybody is wenring raglans dese days."*" (Buifalo Conrier.) Wa heard the other day of a very "ewell* cl rgymanâ€"many miles from Bulfaloâ€"who is "seeking, rest" at a fashionable resort, but consents to hold one service a Sunday in a beauâ€" tifal little chapel, for $10 a Sunday ami three days board and lodging. Buch a vacaton as that must be very wenring upon the Roev. Dr. Creamcheese, & To provo w you that Dr. Chase‘s Ointment is a certain and absoluta cure for each and every form of itching. bleeding ind pm.mdin&giles. the manunsoturers have guaranteed it. See tes timonials in the daily prex and ask your neigh: bers what they think ofi‘ . You can use it and get your monegnbm-k it not cured. 6c a box, at all dealers or Epwaxson, BaTes & Co., Toronta, Dr° Chase‘s Ointment GRAVEL CURE)D. HER DREAM OF HEAVEN The fomdness for style in dress Having a Profitable Holiday. h 0 000004¢+4808006 0004 9000( Mark Twain has received a "diâ€" rectorate of lettera" from tho State University of Missourl At the rate the various institutions of _ learnâ€" ing make or find excuses for linking prominent names with their own it is a question of only a short while before it will be & distinguished honor to be neither & graduate nor an "adopted citizen."‘ Mark Twain being again â€" before the public with a J°eWw book, one hears many good stories about him that would perhaps otherwise rest in obscurity until his death. Aun exâ€"Virginia resident told me this : â€"_ _ 4120 fMamane now, tel me wIo maugdo JOe M PCOE " Job," was thoe reply, and the teacher blushed with murtil‘lcz_l.‘tlon. dal aECEARE CAzRE APETCC CCC Mark Twain being again â€" before the public with a J°eWw book, one hears many good stories about him that would perhaps otherwise rest in obscurity until his death. _ An exâ€"Virginia resident told me this : Very many years ago Mr. Clemens was one of the _ school commitilee appointed by old Bill Nye for a certain district. As the district inâ€" cluded mostly little Piutes, with one or two white children, & wWOâ€" man teacher was selected for the job. Her specialty WASs morals, and she had her own system of instrucâ€" tion. She used to rangs the youngâ€" sters in a row, and each had bhis particular place to stand. So every child soon came to know its espeâ€" cial question, and no other. "Who made you?‘ was No 1‘s question, and No 2 got "Who was the strongâ€" est man ?" The third boy, who was half Piute and hall white, was as stupid as you could find them in the district. One day Mr. Clemens came to the school to examine its mental _ standing. The teacher brought out her three stellar puâ€" pils, and told Sam to #O ahead and ask them their catechism. The {irst boy, meanwhile, had asked â€" leave to go out and recover from a sudâ€" den attack of faintness. Now, the humorist of course did oot underâ€" stand the teacher‘s system of inâ€" struction, â€" and _ therefore began with the first question : "Sonny, who made you ?" he asked. " Simson, sir," answered the boy. " Oh, no," cautioned Mr. Clemens, turaing to tho next boy. _ *"Come, now, tell me who made y(au, my son *" sure, my you ?" w‘.‘“O"hv,- I]:ftâ€"xéé; you didn‘t quite unâ€" derstand me," said the questioner, kindly. To the other bfi)y. " Are you € e Yes, sir," swaid the little fellow, with the assurance oi one who knows ha is right, "for he is a very strong mian". % 5 A Nattled Bellt Boy Who for Once ‘ Did What He Was Asked to Do. ) Wiaslow, who is a New Yorker, was Iln Chicago last week on his way out to Denver. Shortly bafore his arriâ€" val a new bell boy had been added to the hotel force. When Willie came every one said the limit had arrived. | Not but that Wiliio meant well. He was undersized, with greoat blue eyes, and a sensitive mouth, and he tTook "guying" with a pathetic smile that earned him maay a dime in recomâ€" panse. No one seemed able to decide whother Willio was a stray angel or 'mvrc-l;,' deeper than the average boy. AHEORIT + ®% T Mr. Clemens looked at the other boy, No. 3 on tha list of starg. _â€"" Oh, yes," and the little halfâ€"andâ€" hall absolutely beamed with pride, "becausoeo Job was a very patient mian." ~V':’:\t_'éwy;)uwcél-:t.'alâ€"ll that Job made you?" ho questioned. " Now, stop and thick x moment." . ° °> . * Why, you little rascals," said Mr. Clemens, â€"fancying that the boys were having a jest with him, "don‘t yor know that God made you 2" " No, sir," cried the Piute, with an alarmed face:; "the boy God made is out in the tenâ€"acre lot kicking up his heels and having a bully time. You let him go because he was feelâ€" ing sick."â€"Sin Francisco News Letâ€" 9000990486990 $496% 0“000“: From the time Wiasliow first saw Willie‘s innocent face he took a fierce anrd unreasoning dislike to the boy. Willie, on his part, became terrorâ€" ized at the first sight of Winslow. Tha sound of that gentleman‘s voice caused. him to tremble _ violently. Owing io the fascination that Winâ€" slow had for him it became practiâ€" cally an impossibility for Wiliie to remember any order he was intrusted with. Hall way down the stairs he would awake from his trance and realize that he did not know what ho was going for. After two atâ€" ltempts at going back for a repetiâ€" tion of the arder Willie‘s whole moral rature became deranged. Although he invariably forgot 418‘s wants, nothâ€" ing but brute force could have dragged him back for further instrucâ€" tion. Thus it was that Winslow got shaving water at nooun and stamps in the â€" morning,. lemonade when he sought a directory, and cigars when he asked for a telephone. After a day of it Winslow settled down into a cold stwiy of the boy. In New York boys were bad . enâ€" ‘ough. In Chicago they evidentiy, through some climatic idiosyncrasy, drew for hotel servitors on _ the ‘State asylums for the [eebleâ€"mindâ€" ed. So with erdurance bora of exâ€" perience he gave his orders and grimly awaited the always startâ€" lLng regults. Then he talked to the : boy and sent him back. Willic‘s eyes | grew set ami his brow despairing, | uut he toiled on, (raps o9 / i. % On the afteruoon of Winslow‘s deâ€" parture for Denver he was paying his bli, when he called Wliile, hangâ€" ing fascinatingly near. "I want you," he said slowly, glarâ€" ing into the boy‘s eyes, "to go upâ€" stairs and see if I left my toothâ€" brush and comb in my room. Toothâ€" bursh and comb, toothbrush, toothâ€" brush, â€" toothbrush! _ Don‘t forget what I want, boy. And hurry, too. Got to get my traii.". : 0 ~, ~;%);; "Nâ€"no, gir. yâ€"yes, sir," chattered Willie, Winslow hung about impatiently, watching the clock 1 k» a hawk. Only two minutes to spare‘! Just as he caught up his bag to depart Willie came on a dead run across the floor, his face aglow with the sensée ol a lofty mission, well performed. "Yom alr," he cried cagerly, "you left ‘em." Winslow gazed hard at his emptyâ€" handed emissary. His lips moved, but no words came forth. Then with an irarticulate anarl he stepped inâ€" to the waiting carriage.â€"Chicago Newa. t : 3 * WHERE THE BOY ; GOD MADE WAS ; Minard‘s Linimont Cures Colds, etc. AROSE TO THE OCCASION. boy, that Samson made Scno ron PAee samPLt AND TRY iT ©eott a eown c onem:ere, To $°C. and $1.00;" all druggists. (N. Y. Sun.) Two young men ol Marion, Ind., have beean â€" comrades ever _ sinco they were boys. . They fell _ in love with sisters ; were married April 7th, 1899 ; left their wives July 7th, 1902 ; filed biils of divorce July 16th, 1902. This was a pair of real peychiâ€" cal twing ; and this anecdote teaclhes us that the real article in Hoosier novelists has come at last. Scott‘s Emulsion of codâ€"liver oil will help you digest your food, and bring you the plumpness of health. Especially true of babies. Does it stand to reason that Perry Davis‘ Painkiller could have held d;ublic confidence tor 60 years unless it really did cure diarâ€" rheea, cholera morbus and all almiliar trouâ€" blesa so common and so dangerous in hot weather ? The New French Premior. Measured by the foot rule, M. Combes, the uew French Premier, does not amount to much, being ouly 5 feet 3 luches tall, but it is said that no statesman now alive, nor in a genâ€" eration, excopt Gladstone, equals him in the range of mental labor. He is by profession a physician, but he caunot have practiced much. He was at one time a schoolmaster, and is a leading authority on French educational afâ€" fairs. His scholarly and literary acâ€" tivities have for years been large and comprehensive, embracing such topâ€" ics as the Latin poet Virgil, Kant‘s metaphysics, the philosophy of St. Augustine and the social theories of Pretoria is ‘beginning to take on an English ‘aspect. The bronze figâ€" wres of ithe typical Voortrekkers, which were intended for the base of the Kruger statue in _ Goveroment Square, Pretoria, have been presentâ€" ed to Lord Kitchener, who has had them ahfpped to England in order that they imay grace, as a war trophy, the Royal Engineers quarâ€" ters at Chatham. On the site of the Kruger statue, Samuel Marks, who has given ‘the bronze figures, has offered a large sum to place a statue of tho King, and it is further stated im a letter to tho London Telegraph that this loyal British sgubject is willing to place a statue of the late Queen on ‘the opposite side of the square. (Already ‘the [ace of the Govâ€" errment building displays the royal arms cut i6 tho swolid stone.â€"New York Tribune. St. Simon. Minard‘s Lintment cures Diphâ€" theria. Noew York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The above name is a househbold word and the superior excellence of the road should be sufficient to atâ€" tract most people but now that the rate is the same to New York and points east as by othor lines no further recommendation should be sought. Everybody will tell you it is the best. Explained. They were watching a burning building. . w iss o â€""The fire fiend," remarked the doctor, ‘"roars liks a demon in torture." $ Aley" 4 _‘"No wounder," said the professor, "They ard trying the water cure on him." Notes on «"Canadians Who Have Honored the Empire." (London Mail.) The latest steamers to arrive from Canada have brought many of the most noted men of the Doâ€" minlon to Landon. j ¢ Minard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Among others is Commanoder Sir Frederick Charles Law, R. N., who is convinced that the only way by which the Empire will in future hold its own is by a {federation of all its parts. * Commander Law served in the Crimea, but retired in 1874, and has since occupied an official posiâ€" cian in Canada. As an architect he designed the Church of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Toronto, and as _ a Navy enthusiast he founded the Toronto _ branch _ of the Navy League. Another gentleman who has deâ€" voted much energy to furthering the interests of the Empire is Lieuâ€" tenant:Colonel D. A. Maecdonald, Keeper of Stores in Canada. It was he who fitted out all the Canadian contingents sent to the front since the outbreak of hostilities in South Africa,. C The Primate of All Canada, the Most Rev. Robert Machray, Archâ€" bishop of Rupert‘s Land, is also among the recent arrivals. The Priâ€" mate is an Aberdonian by birth, educated at Cambridge, and was appointed thirtyâ€"seven years _ ago Second Bishop of Rupert‘s Land, being consecrated at Lambeth Palâ€" ace by the Archbishop of Canterâ€" bury. His dioceses, as originally constituted, comprised the whole territory now generally known as Manitoba and tho Northwest Terâ€" .'l.iBt:;y. He was elected Primate in Among Colonials who have seen active service for the Empire, Lieut.â€"Col. Henry James Grasett, who is in London for the celebraâ€" tions, is distinguished. Thirtyâ€"five years ago he was ensign in â€" the Royal Canadiansâ€"the old 100th Regimentâ€"and in 1883, as Lieut.» Colonel of the 10th Rogal Grenaâ€" diers Toronto, he fought in the engagements of Fish (Creek and Baâ€" toche. the two chief fights of the Northwest Rebellion. Col. Grasett is chief censtable of Toronto. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. Larative Bromo Quinine T eold in ome du;’. No cure, No w"gfi?:uu They Live as a Pair. How Pretorina Looks. LONDON EYES US. f TORONTO served in the "Momsigny," by Justus Miles Forâ€" man, is a powerlul loveâ€"8lory, and one in which the dramatic interest grows steadily from the first page to the last. "Monsigny" is a Y@ry human story, and absolutely distinctive in its plot, while it is written with that charm of style which has already won for its author an enviable posiâ€" tion in the literary world. . Amon@ the short stories of this number is "The Dead and the Countes®" by Gerâ€" trude Atherton. An excellent foil to this sombre story is "A H;flig(a‘ Cows this sombre story is "A Hedge, Cows â€"and Jane!" by Rosamond Napier, & bit of genuine humor, wholesome, deâ€" lightful, new. Among othaer authors who are found in this number of the Smart Set are Oliver Herford, Victor Plarr, Ella Wheeler Wiko®, Theoâ€" dosia Garrison, Louise Winter and (New York Times.) The Irigh courts have inventsd & new punishment for recalcitrant husâ€" bands, which consists in requiring an abject apology in the public print® The following is a sample : "APOLOGYX. I make an humble apoiogy to my wife and family for my past conduct, which was cruel I boeg to say that what Istated in court was untru», and want this to be published in the Cork County Minna Irving. Monkey Brand Seap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. 14 ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemâ€" ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifies, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Bold by all druggists. The Trustâ€"Ridden Protected. (Atlanta Constitution.) The cost of living continues to show increases with almost every month, and the American consumer is being made to understand that when he swallows the wina of the prosperity barkers and whistles in tune with the Republican campaign songs he must pay dear for his whistle. I boughit a horse with a supposedâ€" ty incurable ringbone for $30, cured him with $1 worth of MINARDS LINIMENT, .and sold him in four months for $35. Profit on Liniment, $54. MOISE DEROSCE, Hotel Keeper. Ht. Phillip‘s, Que., Nov. 1st, 1901. golemn ?" _ "A man told me this morning that L looked just like J. Pierpont Morâ€" “n‘" i "But why do you allow that to trouble you‘? _ _ Sak s se The live lobster always curls up the minute it strikes boiling water, and it maintains that contracted form after being boiled. If a lobster is straight and soft after boiling it is not in a good condition. "I wias just thinking what a horâ€" rible victim of wrong [ was if mayâ€" be him and me got changed in our cradles when we were babies." The readers of t his paper will be J,leued to learn that thereis at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its satages and that is Catarrh. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a conâ€" stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken inâ€" ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby desâ€" troying the foundation of the disease, and éi;fd&utfi?pkfleht strength by building up he constitution and assisting nature in dol ita work. The proprietors haveso much isll:g in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to eure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. If you suffer from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sickness, St. Vitus Dance, or hamldmn or relatives that do so, or know a friend that is afflicted, then send for a tree trial bottle with valuable Treatise, and try it. rbonmfhbotdcwiuhemtbul.dl.mfl,bym nearest Post Office address. It cured where everys thing else has failed. ®When writing, mention this mn.r‘aad;inlum.m and full address to THE CO., 179 Kine 8r. West, TORONTO, Canana. Eagle." FREE SAMPLE OF LIEBIC‘S FIT CURE. or your other bright metals with auyâ€" thing but the new chemically pregared self polishing cloth. Nothing to use but the cloth. No solled hands; saves time and labor;> easiest on the silver. Price 25 cents at drug and notion dealers. By mail from MONARCH MFG. OO., st. Catharines, Ont. Write for free samples. DON‘T CLEAN SILVER " BLEGTRIG _ | POLISNAING FIBRE" ALBERT . COLLEGE, , Aat departmental exâ€" BELLEVILLE, ONT. arms, 1901 New Pipeâ€"organ, Doâ€" mestic Science Rooms and Art Gallor{ recentâ€" g added. Sgl'»flor facilities in Book eo%nx. horflugd, elefi hy, Elocution and Phyâ€" slcal Gulture. :l‘ege buildings, * Massey Halil," gymnasium and residence heated by steam and lighted throughout by electricity. Ano Awful Possibiltity. (N. Y. Herald.) "What makes you look so sad and Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemâ€" Will open Sept. 9, 1908. For llustrated circular addreas PRINCIPAL DYER, D. D $100 REWARD, $100. How to Tell a Good Lobster. The A Husband‘s Apology. August Smart Se 802 atudents enrolled last yearâ€"172 young ladies and 130 young men. _ Twomatriculaâ€" tion Scholn.nhl_gc valâ€" ue $150 and $130 won VYan " Pure soap|" You‘ve heard the words. In Sunlight Soap you have the fact. awearing. "just listen to this !" exclaimed a young woman, in a tone of diegust, looking up from the periodical she was reading. "Of all the old, unâ€" sound ideas that ever got rooted fast into the elderly feminine mind this ie the worst." "Perhaps if ‘you stopped commentâ€" ing loug enough ° to _ read it te me I wight have some idea of what ; ou are lalking about," suggested her room â€" mate mildly, putiing her needle carefuily into the heart of a silken pansy. 1 F Gnger 10900000 i anail ce "Well. here it is: ‘No right minded gir! will encourage a man who shs seer is becoming seriously interestâ€" ested in her when she has no intenâ€" tion of accepting him. She can easily prevent him from coming . to the point.‘ Now will you please tell me hbhow in the world any girl can be sure she "has any intention of accepting him,‘ or not till she sees how be makes love? Aoaswer mo that, will you ?" "Dear me!" remarked the other girl, merrily, raising her hands in mock alarm, "don‘t attack me for the sinsâ€"or inanities, which are worseâ€"of other people." "But,‘" persisted the critic, rateâ€" liy, "doesn‘t it make you tired with a soulâ€"andâ€"bodyâ€"permeating weariness to hear all the sage adâ€" vice that is poured out upon the girls who happen to be fortunate enough to attract masculine _ atâ€" tention by the nice conzentional old iadies who married the first and probably oniy man who asked or ever would ask them ? "Every woman who has had but one offer thinks every other woman who has had more a deep dyed {fKrt, on conquest intentâ€"else how would she get so many proposals? And it in such an effete m»thoi of reasoning, too. For no sensiblie gir. goes around wilth her weather eye out for love sizns, hoping piously to ward them off. Sh> nas other th ngs to fill her thoughts. It is a bona fide evidence that the woman is vain if she is all the time expectâ€" ing every man who is nice to herâ€" or who even makes love to her, for :lhat matterâ€"to propose marriage to er."‘ Roderuckâ€" "And often gets what he wants, too, even though the girl of his choice were at first disposed to prevent matters coming to a point." Lots of women would never be married if they stopped the man they thought they dusi ked {irom ‘coming to the point: Sometimes it puts a man in an entirely new light to bave ‘ popped the question. You are certainly more interested in him and he in you, and it places matters on an altogether different basis. And love comes just as often after the proposal as beforeâ€"indeed oftenerâ€"for ii a girl is sensible she will bold bor alifections tizsht in her own heart till she sees he meanse bustness. Then, give a fair field, a _‘"Yet he sometimes coes just such rash things,‘ roguishly put in the other girl. y N nice man can maka her love him. And how can any ons tell from the ordinary man‘s attitude whether he really wants you for a wife or for an hour‘s amusement till he proâ€" poses ?" <Ferk oo _"I fear your ‘Woman‘s Complete Gulle to Mitrimony‘ would call those sentiments very eynical" "Lots of cynicism has a zerm of truth bo Its hoait, neverthsess," roâ€" torted the firs. girl, going back to her magazgine CROWN TAILORING COMPANY i8ts reluna® 907 17 U00R O aach Grove‘s signature is on each box. Always insist on your dealer supâ€" plying you with WANT ED They are manufactured from the BE3ST of MATERIALS MOST SKILLED workmen. MADE TO MEASURE TAILOR MADE CLOTHING Canada‘s Largest Tailor, TORONTO. GOOD COMMISSIOXN®. AGENTS TO SELL PAILS and TUBS ‘No right mlndted WOODENWARE E.B.EDDY‘S Sz always be usod fOr ""!/" wamm.auum Cotic and is the be«t remedy ISSUE NO,. 3#%, 199%. Alma Ladies‘ College, Preparatory and Collegiate studies ; univerp. sity music course ; fine art; elocution; domos. tic acience; commercial,. Superior buildingsa tieeCenco 2C m oalthiest location, pleasant Ocean. 191 King 8t. Kast, Hamilton, Ont. wWANT RELIABLEK AGENTs to sell teas, coffees, baking powders, spicea extracts, etc., to consumers. You can make money . Nofakire wanted. Excellient territ: r‘ vacant now. PW H.B. Marshall&Co 8 PERFECT I®â€" » RUNENT 8 in 1 NO HUMBUG sr:tamss: Humane 8wine Â¥, Stock Marker an d Calf VW Deborner. Stopsswine of all ages from | rooting. Makes 48 differentrar marks , all w wizes, with same blade. Extracts Morus, C ‘Testimonials free. Price®1.80 orsend $1 fortmal;ifit works,send balance. Pat d U.$. May 6, ‘02for 17 yrs ; Canade Dec.11, A ‘01, 18yrs, FARMER BRIGHTON, Fairfeld, lowa, U. 8. NO HUMBUG Sssm & Humane 8wine Â¥, Stock Marker an d Calf Deborner. Stopsswine of all ages from IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP SALMpNNGAAAGGANANq tibtrbttÂ¥. . ; Poultry Wanted ; #409909099099094 640400 :,0¢t #99400009000 90 00000000 00¢¢ Will clear your house of flies A SGHOOL FOR GIRLS In a wellâ€"conducted resldenâ€" tial school, home life and school life are coâ€"related. For this reason it is that this _ ACADEMIC DEPARTâ€" MENT of M‘MASTER UNIVERâ€" BITY exercises an influense upon its students that no day school could hopes to gain. For calendar, addross Mrs Wells, Principal. Poultry and Eggs purchased from all parts of Oatarmo Empty crates forwarded for shipment. Prompt remittan:e by Express Order on arrivyal of produce. We de not p!*â€" chase on ccanmission, but p3% in full for all produce on arâ€" rival. Aill Poultry is shippd alive in warm weather. Corâ€" respondence solicited. THE ‘TORONTO PoULTRY & PRODUCE CO. 470 Yonge 8t., Toronto, Onâ€" MOULTON COLLEGE uality standard from Ocean t, Your money back if notsatislactory ROSE & LAFLAME 8T. THOMAS, ONT. TORONTO, CANADA Agentsa, Montroal *Conversion ol devotional eub guite a second edifice was op augurated, M« dressed the B them their rul mover to see : the walle, no\ rta. never 1 all asleep Ir« J think the most pic impreseive part ol the we have bhad so Tar I maguilicent show mad semblage ol ludian pri in all their «splendid : eils and accoutrements one ol the "Aratmian makes ordinary _ "whi prosaic, . English tail look «o tame and colo same. J] think Europe barry off the paim for use. 1 believe those t *errible business !â€"to of the weight of the golden embroideries. * and they must Take i1 pray for their patrong tbey live very short NV m@lmost beyond â€" endura ena poor «oul crops out ters the prison, and ® on, "‘Tis an odd world, I believe a great m this enlightened land, anreliecting, human je have an ides that ki familles have all th lead a wort of «ir cream ille existence, but amuse themscives. Miness: and ite reeul the eyes of many of 1 feots. 1 beard a poor solemuily, "Well, 1 thi make us more . conte own lots, lor we se« does not respect perso the King gets ill." So, will come out of secar anyway, people have nd vaigse . their Sov %.n wey ever id hat a sermon for a tor whe Looked like a rather than the :rowu-up lJamily, «he umin, and feminine, griel. But now all goee m @re satislied that the the b st of friends. :| @uc‘ Lo urow I@vely _ uaeen. $ the chaplains t Ler tragic grief o of Prince Eddie. BHe as such a sad, pathe sat by the bour on a folided hands, and, a his nsive, masculine black, with no collar presume be meant, w} ¥€ white about her ; ence more as she drive At Tiret poople woere ankious about her, a heads and mutter t queer thing that there mo amention of per i: dailice du:d ig the liset the operation. In wicked wo:l3" even a is not entirely exemyp and scandal. The ame the Queen‘s name an Oof the King‘s asking in "George" was quite © tonguee wazging and bor name was sot to is an odd thing how * dal" epreade! Very t man doggere) : " First somebody tol Then the room could Bo the busy tongues Til they got it uulJ Kpondon.â€"Rejoicing noss should give my , & souleur de rose ting the world with usâ€" »paem of rolief at th« @# the great JLondon ol danger ; on the roa Burely, never in the â€" lsh history, ancient o the verses of the N: earries a more eolem meaning than during might, which bogan â€" Lragicaily. It has seen pn King Edward‘s pa as possible there shoul postponement of t» feasts and fetes. The ans echo on all sides, first anxiety all felt practical gratitude 16 steadily improved heal mess to carry out the of the royal eufforer. | ®o Tar gone off with x For the time being, i: ties who have belonged clasees," for have 1 faithfully and energ sure to those wi Â¥ery much fun or frol Et is delightful to # iowlking 5 Brita tÂ¥bpv0ov» 10004605 a« Pieturesque ® Her Sweet Cal All Goes W ron LIP N »mn cCoul tongues . it out take CoR NV C ngia n« â€" writh sho« HAN n A D 1 L

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