West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1902, p. 8

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bus Rg Mr. D. McCormsck took in the Lacrosse match at Mount Forest last week. D. will leave Saturday next for Baden Ont., where he is engaged again as teacher for another year at an increased salary. Mr. Mac Stewart visited at Arch. McCormack‘s Snnda‘lut. He is to leave shortly for the West. Mr. Jim Puterbo‘ is at present in Durham. Mr Campbell Livingstone, Glascott, is engaged with his fncle, D. McQuarâ€" rie for a few weeks. Miss J. McLean yisited Mrs. S. Mcâ€" Lean, Rocky, last week. Mr. W. Byers, Williamsford, passed through here on a visit to his cousins the Smith family. Mr. H. Riddel visited in this at the beginning of the week attraction ? Miss B. MeLean returned Saturday last after spend i of weeks visiting her paren other friends in Walkerton Mr. and Mrs. éhas. Ebenau and family have left for Fort Frances. Mrs. S. Stewart was the guest of Mrs. James Hoy on Tuesday last. Mr. Frank Forester was in our burg (l:n Sunday last. Always glad to see "rank. Miss Lizzie Allan Mrs. Jobn COnrkarnm awm Mr James Carson, of Southamp was visiting friends in and aro our burg for a few days this week Mr. Alex. MeCalmon and his daughters are visiting at Mr. Ja Hoy‘s for a few days. Miss Nellie Wallace was the guest of Mrs. Jno. Carson one day lately. Mr. James Marshall called on Mr. James Hoy on Tuesday last. relth ns cooate t rmstha® iL He was a member of Amos Presbyâ€" terian church, also of the C. E. Society and so far as he could endeavored to live a Christian. He did we believe, having told his mother but a few hours before he died that tomorrow he would be a happier man than King Edward. The funeral which took place on Friday was one among the largest seen here, which bespeaks the high esteem in which he was held. The Rev. Mr Campbel! his pastor conducted a very appropriate service at the house and grave paying a yery high tribute to the deceased. th auss Inkster, of Rat Portage, is visiâ€" ting her sister Mrs. John Garson. Miss E. Wilson returned Monday from her visit to friends in Durham and vicinity, Mr. A. Leslie and daughter Lizzie, Mt. Forest, formerly ot this place, was out attending the tuneral of Mr. Boyce Stern, and called on the Lothian family. Miss Inkster ting her sister aet gan,.y, _ [A TAE I2MIY for the past week returned home on Friday last, Some of the boys would rcther she had stayed a while longer. A Mr. Morrison of Toronto, was a l\;i:tiwr with the Hay family on Sunday much out. get a lot of ‘ne week continnoe / week ‘ael¢ Allan was the guest of n Carson one day lately. The fine wuth; during the 70 Te (O00 in yengat is MULL CORNER. wan returned to Toronto, _ N. Grier, visiting the Nasg J’ermiued iie'-ar;x.x:nw; lot of ‘ne bay in, and if this continues fine there will not be l visited in this vicinity Et snn e Pm he died that tomorrow he happier man than King VARNEYy ENTE «-‘â€" TT P v-vuw, er spending a couple * t#â€"4 Grier, Pricevilie, who has ng the Lothian family for week returned home on t. Some of the boys would of Southampton, parents here and i and his two at Mr. James and around | _ Miss Jinnie McGirr, of Darham, was the guest of friends on the avenue for a couple of days last week. i Sourry to hear of Mrs Jas Edge falling and epraining ber ankle. Mr and urs W Pender, Orchardville, yisited at D Greenwood‘s one day recentâ€" Somebody lost a wheel Fmday night coming from the garden party, who was Mr and Mrs J H McFayden attended the wedding of Mr Harold Moffat. of Owen Sound. last Wednesday. Mr Hiram Dean came bome last week to help his brother Harry off with the harvest. Will Weir sold another horse last week to Duncan McNab for the handsome sum of $117. Mrs Gurney. of Torounto, (nee Maria Collier) was visiting at Ler brother‘s © Mr John Collier‘s for a couple of days last week. & Miss Vina Kress, of Durbam. visited friends around here for a couple of days recently. The next time that fellow goes out for a drive be had better leave the little colt at home. Miss Alice Moffat re in Toronto last Friday Berry picking is the order ot the day around here and once more the same old bear appeared that was seen four years ago slowly wending his way toward the bush. Its to be hboped be will get enough to do him for another four years. Miss May McCracken arrived home from Toronto last Tuesday to see ber father who was very ill. A at the head offices ¢ in Toronto. The spe were J. 8. Irwin. P. W retary ; W. B. Bogardu er) and Mr. Gilbert Mo milaica & dB cce ET on the plans and specifi company‘s trained speci are two thousand stockâ€" tgriq, whose influence in t vonuitions. . The old crude ways h':we given way to the higher intelligence and the H(Kl(“d experience of the present,. Each department has been laig down on the plans and specifications of the company‘s trained ‘specialists. There ues Bruns #hooesllc es o Eesn P can The system laid down by the al Cement Company is exclusi own. The machinery has been y devised securing a gain of cent, in the saving of labor o1 conditlons. The old ernia urs The delegation found tt works will be in active op few weens time from thi: first sod was turned in the : progress has been made in ment. There was a decide« amongst the the visiting de a great future lies before t Portland Cement Company There is an unlimited suppl: material close at hand, and EP i CSTWIT \,--\’ullcl. _ | _ The vast plant, it may be admitted at the outset, is an eyeâ€"opener to those people who have never been brought face to face with the stupendous masâ€" sivity of machinery used in the manuâ€" facture of a high grade ot cement. The great steel smoke stack towers 185 feet without a single guy wire to hold it in position,. _ Its bas? is rooted in 33 feet of solid concrete masonry. The machinâ€" ery of the National Cement Company may he described as being one of the most modern type, with added inveaâ€" tions of their own for lessening the amount of human labor required in l=ss upâ€"toâ€"date organizations. The Beet Root delegations that went to Bay City last November were astounded at the tremendous size and power of beet sugar machinery, but the lat ter, compared with the machinery at the works of the National Portiand Ceâ€" ment Company, at Durham is as a welter weight compared with a heavy weight. 1 From nine o‘clock until one o‘clock Thursday morning was taken up in the inspection of the works, which cover nearly ten acres of ground, and in havâ€" ing explained the yarious processes of manufacture, from the time the raw material is taken from its original bed, to that point where the manufactured article leaves the shipping room consignâ€" ed to all rnrts of the world. The men who explained the different processes are trained experts who have their subâ€" ject matter well assimilated and who make all things plain to each enquirer, mmp o ol uc cuntls ES! UP" ons o eeenne l The members of the Guelph contigent, who have been inspecting the works of the National Portland Cement Comgany ' Limited) at Durham, returned on Thursâ€" day night considerably impressed with the magnitude of its operations, the puwer of its upâ€"toâ€"date machinery and the vast possibhilities of its immediate future. In addition to the Guelph contigent, mentioned in Thursday‘s Mercury, the party was joined by Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson, Mrs, Jackson and Miss Jackson, of Durham ; Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Irvin. of Toronto; P. W, Stanhope, J. S, Irvin, J. W, MceNabb, Che tow ; E. C. Courtice, Clinton ; Geo, Eti!y. Richâ€" mond, Mich., 8. G. Near, Toronto, Win. McGill, Toronto ; J. W Black, Orton ; Mr. and Mrs, Lavelle, of Toronto, and last but not least, Guelph‘s ancient citiâ€" zen,. Mr. David McClocklin. | Moffat returned to her home An Interesting Day at Durham Ontario. (From the Guelph Mercury.) Edge Hill. A GREAT INDUSTRY. , _ _\ "\C@ in the spring, rapid been made in each departâ€" _ was a decided impression tb:e' vialitlpg delegates that o e oo bed as being one of the type, with added invenâ€" own for lessening the man labor required in organizations. The Beet is that went to Bay City _ were astounded at the ze and power of beet found that the new active operation in a from this. Since the is exclusively its t may be admitted at eyeâ€"opener to those en specialâ€" of 50 per over past Nationâ€" have some other paper and not ;[.;;licable was entirely uncalled tor and formed no part of a correspondent‘s duty.â€"Ep,. R.] I Campbell‘s Corners. ‘ [Mr. Stephen McMurdo called on us last week in reference to an item in * Campbell‘s Corner " correspondence in issue of July 31. He admits the correctuess of the news that he broke the rim of his wheel. but thinks the addition of the verses, copied from Tenders will be received up to Eriday the 15th day of August, for completing or for both excavating and completing &n tank near Wolfe‘s stable on Lambâ€" ton Street. Plans ‘and specifications may be seen at the Clerk‘ office. A, McLaveH®tax, Chairman Fire and Light, Com. â€" The h Ltd. In view of the fact, that t} on factory is now taking o proportions that it is dange walk around some of the bi unattended by a guide and that it is our desire, that all en shall give their undivided atte the completion of the work : fore no visitors will be allowed, by special permission from the to office. THE BIG STORE ){ccoum’.r J. A. HUNTER Lustomers® will oblige us greatly by calling before the zoth of August and arrange for settlement of their account either by cash or note. We have a large aâ€" mount of money in our Ledger and, of course, when the business changes hands, we expect to comâ€" mence making collections. Has advanced 2 5e BBI. We have about half a Car left at the old price. Buy quick and save monâ€" €y. There will be no change whatever in the Big Store Staff and cusâ€" tomers can depend upon receiving the same courâ€" teous and prompt service as heretofore. ement National Portland Cement Co.. P, W,. Stanhope, Gen, Manager and Secy., Tenders Wanted. Don‘t forget that we keep open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. o C hange We dont quote an‘y prices this week for we exâ€" pect to see you in anyhow, and we will show all our bargains. Je//z'ny Out Some of our help are away holidaying and we find it a little harder to wait on the crowds but we expect you will be a little more patient and wait for your turn. THE BIG STORE!! We have a few very interesting bargains to ofâ€" fer you before we go. Call and see what we are doing : It‘s no troubl> to show you the goods, As mentioned in last issue, Mr. Alex. Russell of Elora, has purchased the Big Store stock and takes possession on or beâ€" fore September :st next. NOTICE. ._ _ THE DURHAM REVIEW now taking on such t is dangerous to : of the buildings guide and further t all employes, led attertion to work : Thereâ€" that the work except Toronâ€" R. B. KE & 30M ITwo Big Jewelry Stores, DURHMHAMTE HESPELER onT R. B. Keeler is the only Watchmaker *in the County with a Watch Fac» tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give satis» faction. Ail goods bought at Keeler‘s engraved free, ’ $50 REWARD PoR a wiaTel tHat 1 cumor RBPAR means rich and handsome gifts for Bridal presents and handsome table silver is among the most ac ceptable that can be offered. Our fine array of Flatand Hollow Ware Quadruple plate, Pic Knives Berry Spoons, Meat Forks and Spoons as well as Water Pitchers and Tea Sets are something to excite admiration. The quality is fine the workmanship elaborate the price the lowest in the county. »Puthtiieir tataitatale e a ie cwcyccce P PL . A SWELL WEDDING Ohe Peet! SAoe. W All the goodness and the deliâ€" W cacy and wholesomeness of & your mother‘s loaf are to be W found® in our toothsome and 3 wholesome bread. _ We give § you perfection in baking. & Noted for purity and superior W quality. . Same as regards our & rolls, buns, tarts, cakes, pies g and pastry. They‘re unexcellâ€" ed. Make you to order the § finest kind of a cake for wedâ€" ; ding or birthday party at short ® notice. Give good &ervice and guarantee satisfaction. E. A. ROWE. l bamwmmemm«aej TORONTO DURHAM â€" and Feb. 81, 1902. All work warranted. Orders Messrs Barclay and Noble CALDER BLCCK (Next Post Office.) Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTsS. DORMMAM MARLE Works IT"S HOME MADK tor Ease, Comfort, Durability and Style wear ROBINSON & CORBE that makes your 'ar*-.';:“ ' horses glad. So In every towni lige Axle Grease â€" MT, and village ® may be had, ¢ the roprietors FOREST taken by CITX1] C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Our Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down low. It‘s money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. FALL â€"TERU OwWEN SOUND, ONT. x DEERING BINDERS, MOWERS & RAKES i +~08 the.., Organs, Sewing Machines, Cream Separators, Buggies & Harness Churns, Washing Machines and Wringers. Everything at rock bottom prices, FIRE INSURANCEs®â€"se2+ BICYCLESmâ€"AA PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINEssqsâ€"ae HARVESTER COMPANY‘ MASSEYâ€"HARRIS MACHINESsesseq«e Wilkinson Plows and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milnerâ€"Walker Wagons, Palmerston Carriage Co.‘s & McKee‘s Carriages. Buck‘s & McClary‘s Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machimes, Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. Henry‘s Harness, Dawswell Churns, Wringers & Washing Machines. WASSEYâ€"HARRIS SHOW ROOMS Done in the Best and Cheapest Companies. Farmers Insurance a specialty. New and Secondâ€"hand Bicycles for Sale. Also repairing Bicycles done well and promptly . o Farmers who have used this twine know well that it is a1} good and reliable and pays to buy it. We give away 150 Ontario Maps to the first customers who buy our TWIN): Call and get one, it will be well worth your while. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Scuffiers, &c., are the very latest and best improved makes. Call and see samples read\ to go to work. 4 . McKINNON 4 Potatoes. per bag Beer, ver ewt. Tallow rendered per 1b {aud. per tb............__ Dressed Hogi; por ewt Hoge, Live weight..... Butter, fluh roll per lb Flour.... Oatmeal Wheat... Pease...... Bariey... Oate....., Lambs.., DURHAM **0 800 80 s 00 **#800 880 200 o-.oo-..o-ooua-no-o **enne 08 sa8 a+ esssae h0# 880800 a0 8 se 0 0 ECC ME errneee **0000008 800 sae es s see *** 44 4#+% ***erraer en ae8 s 24444 seessanee ss8 808 0000 ***# ne0 888 8 60 **0880 800 J BORNETT, g AUG. 14, 1902 MARKETS, 1 lo 1 1o 4 fo y 12 14 14 72 To 99 10 00 6 71 15 14 42 vid 15 3 g &1 wceleâ€"aleale"al ast (# @ VOL. w w in s KK Break W ply .

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