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Durham Review (1897), 21 Aug 1902, p. 4

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Mr R. C, Packard, N. York city, an expert machinist, is at the cement works this week, installing conyeyors of yarious kinds. Mr. P, was through the Cuban war and has a medal and bar obtained for distinguished service. * Aulp wl i Orother of Xr. C, Layâ€" ton of the Cement works was in town Tuesday. He rides, or tuns or drives (what is the proper word anyway ?) an automobile, and his machine of course, was an object of interest. Nev. Dr. Smith, Dornoch, preached to good congregations in the Presbyter. ian Church on Sunday. _ The Revâ€" gentieman bas now much impt oved bealith, and is an able and earnest expounder of the gospel. Mr. Layton, a brother of Mr. C. Layâ€" ton Oof the CEMWABL usmules au. ue Ns W M d W H H Wi M School st end of th procured present. Durham °0. nccompanied by the former‘s sigâ€" ter, Miss Johnston, of Toronto, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Watt, Mr. Win. Volleit, son of the late Chas Vollett, formerly of Hamilton, has takâ€" en charge of the barber shop formerly run by the late John A. Robertson, ECRIMC Mode rowan,) spent two weeks with he parents pleasantly, and left for he: home in Toronto Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of Cleveland Ohio. accompanied by the former‘s sis ter, Miss Johnston, of Toronto, were visiting Mr. and Mrs hn WT.. Gowan Mr. Alex. Brown, of his friend Mr A. H. guesis of the former‘s ; MeKenzie last Friday Mr. and Mrs. R. Mil visited the latter‘s sisto last week. Mrs. H. left short holiday. iss i. McCormack, Mull Corners. is visiting friends in town. Her mother and brother were visiting Mrs. Chittick, wWalkerton, last week. 2 ~â€"TCO @ro mm y Iriends In town, Revy. Mr. Graham, Dornoch, and daughter Vera, left Saturday last for a& few week‘s trip through the North West., Mrs. Corbett, of Foronto, (nee Miss A, Whitmore,} is at present yisiting her parents and many friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allan, Walkerton the latter a sister of Mrs. T. G. Lauder, visited here last week. Mr. Osgoode, gaged to take town Miss n Miss Maggie Hutton, spent a couple of weeks in Owen Sound, and returned home last Saturday. $ Mr. and Mrs, Allan aud family have been spending a week or more with Grand Valley friends. Pleased to have a pleasant call from Mrs. A, McDonald and Miss McDonald, of Crawftord last week. Mrs n Miss R. MeC Inspector Burgess of 0. $ the guest of his confrere Ins over the week end. Miss Alice Buchan,. of Walkerton, is visiting ber brother, Mr. Walt. Buchan at present, Miss Lizzie MclIntosh, of holidaying with her mothe Mcintosh, Senator Landerkin and Banker Adâ€" ams, of Hanover, were in town one day last week. Mrse. Jos. Jamieson and daughter, are visiting the former‘s mother Mrs, Laidlaw. # f Mi. Rose, Mrs, Currie and baby, are visiting friends in 0. Sound . Miss Bessie Brown, is spending a few weeks with Flesherton friends. Mrs. L Somerville, Toronto, was a guest at ber old home for a few days. n I w n imp on 7 s brother out i the Bull f mumber of at} tudent _ spent with frie left for morning \unie MecKenzie of the taff intends to lie off m ie year and a substitute . Her health is nOt a the number xcursion Th ne 1¢ 'ht)ul Alan Bull family ‘ of others a M ist n Thursday formet‘s aunt M:: Friday, °â€" "emny, Con others and the St. Thomas, | the senior class during the Mo« having charg m Pé Juntain the p; nds in her ne .« R. Miller, St. Thomas (nee r Mrs there, some sister, Mrs. Harbottle . left with them on a in and little girl past five or six in the country and new home in Fri. turned from his Miss Violet 1 w1 returni LK 11 of 0. Sound, )sh, ol loronto, is mother here. Mrs. gton W who ha since he Mt. Forest and Lurbrigg, were Mi is, has been classes of the Model term . litute will be | not good at | _the Public off until the 16 M mng she Iguson in last fln(l ot h(\'- Artemesia the P e memâ€" Knapp y are all S0und, Wwas p. Camphell “I(‘a\l nd J Oi . Allan CSSI‘S Alex Ang was He LVs rim. the en Pl€ Mcâ€" her her @rik n dud in firhnd® o 4 i l ourn. . sam is a hustler. | _ _ Miss Mary and Nettie McMillan | intend golng west to teach. | ~Mr Wm, Bob and Miss J Campbel1, | were at your town last week and | visited the cement, got a free ride ! to the lake and returned home delightâ€" | ed with the day. MrEaA. I would not | mind going to Durbam if 1 would â€" be 'treaccd this way, However we inâ€" tend going out when the boat is \lannched if we hear of the day. Mr J Dow, from near Ceylon, gave & friendly call at the Riddel‘s regiâ€" dence. â€" Cal] again J. _ The Hopeville man wants to know where this Campbell Corner is, if he could keep a secret I would telil but I cant. Mr Dugald McCall received word from Drayton, that his neice Miss Maggie McCall met her fatal and unâ€" timely end in a ranaway by getting her neck dislocated. «Both her parâ€" ents are Proton pioneers, A h Mcâ€" Call and Mrs. (nee naggieui’lood.) This community sympathizes with the bereaved parents. S McLean intends sow on his new fallow it he Durn. â€" Sutm it a Iniarknu ment a chased McLean Massev Massey which h yearâ€" th much w straw. | ioolimn «o ols 0 Sm sâ€"lom j evidence that the long night of low lsalaries is likely to pass away soon, owing to scarcity of candidates, One school, we heard of had only one application, another, had not even one, and we notice that the same scarcity is ’being felt elsewhere. The expansion which has taken place in nearly every department of life has seduced many male teachers from the ranks during the last few years, and new avenues for the activities of women such as nursing, have proved more remunerative than the school room, and by the law of supply and demand there is bound to be a better recognition of those who reâ€" main. This recognition cannot come too soon, for with few exceptions, teachers are not adequately paid. The preparation necessary to qualify is becoming more severe. Socn there will be a whole year to spend at a Normal School, and fewer than ever will take such a course unless for more liberal remuneration than now preyails, l in country schools. attendance is one of the influences cthat meets teacher in his work, a ly interferes with the school during the fall t For his comfort h. Monday last teachers in rural schools resumed their Guties for the fall term. As usual no doubt the attendance will be small for some time, and irregular owing to the demands of the haryest. Then to further interrupt, there‘s Labor Day, and the Fall Shows and potato lifting, making eXasperatino damands | _ _Plans will be prepared by leading larchiteats, with estimates of the eost | of each. When the committee decides on a plan trom among those submitted, tenders will be advertised tor. At the November session the committee will be prepared to report recommending definitely the selection otf site, the ’ adoption ot plans, and to give estimate of cost and general information. In this way the expense of a special meetâ€" ing of council (no small item) wili be avoided, and, it is hoped, the initiatory expense will be lower than that of other counties for the establishment of similar institutious. If this be the case the committee may be proud of its work.â€"Advertiser Meatord offered its site free, Durâ€" ham offered free electric lighting for ten years, and $500 cash. In reaching a decision Friday evening some twenty votes were taken, the result finally being that Mr. J. W. Boyd‘s property was selected. It lies within the corâ€" poration of Owen Sound. The committee, of which Mr. C. Gordon is chairman, completed their tour of inspection on Friday, having occupied four days anrd driven about one bundred miles The cost of the trip is arrived at by allowing $3 per day to each of the nine members of the committee and 10c mileage for the above distance travelled. After an inspecting tour of the sites offered for the propused county house of refuge, and subsequent voting on the the different ones considered eligible, the choice of the committee has tallen upon the Boyd property., near Owen Sound. This property is situated at the corner of l}:nion street and Sydenâ€" hbam townline, comprising fifty acres, with good barn, stone stables, underâ€" neath, with right to McElberon‘s springs for fire protection and sanitary purposes. The committee have the option of purchasing for $4.600. ie barvest is y, and the Fall Shows and potato ng, making exasperating demands his patience and skill, for irregular A late issue of the O. Sound ul-r‘v‘or- tiser gives a summing up of work of the committee appointed to consider the question of site and others matters in‘ connection: with the new House of in‘ connection: with the new House of Refuge. Owen Sound ornear it offered 14 sites, Durham 4, Meatord and Thornmbury each one, and Markdale several. The Advertiser says : than othe ag S Campbell‘s Corners n is one of the most depreésing that meets the rural school his work, and often seriousâ€" ‘s with the progress of the ig the fall term especially. comfort howeyer there is Rural Teachers. tends sowing f House of Refuge. *+â€"f», ‘Dl, g0t a free ride turned home deligh;â€" Mr Ed. I would not rhalp' if I would be of candidates, One of had only one ‘, had not even one, the same scarcity is on cannot come few exceptions, 1ately paid. essary to qualify rore. Soocn there * _to spend at a fewer than ever g fall wheat gets a good* George Morrison is yery poorly af present. Hopse he will soon be strong again. 8 Miss Maggie McNiece was the guest of Mrs John Carson for a couple of days last week, Mis A McCabe, of Holstein, was visitâ€" ing at her sister‘s Mrs R J .Eden‘s for a few days lately. Mr and Mrs Robt Dickson, of Glenâ€" eden, called on Mrs D Allan lately, Mrs Jobn Tinkham and were visiting friends in o few days last week. last. W en 6 C "CS Here Tor some time, Albert Hipsley and a friend yisited Jas Gadd lately. Miss Nellie Wallace callea on Miss L:zzie Allan the beginning of the week, Mrs John Morice was the guest of her sister Mrs W McCalmon on Thursiav la 54 AMir and Mrs Jokn T guests of Mr and Mrs CJ] day last. Miss Nellie Gadd re Toronto last week and maining around hero for Albert Hipsley and a Gadd lately. Miss Nellie Wallace L:esic Allan tihe Ramine. James Russell and famtly Joho McCalmon‘s house on ] Lhe appeal of Owen Sound against the County equalization resultad in the following readjustment by Judge Creasor. _ Though the County town has actually been increased the total increase of nearly 9 millions makes a lower rate that relieves Owen Sound but increases some other municipaliâ€" ties : Municiâ€" Co. Coun. Judge‘s . palities Equaliza‘n Equaliza‘n Artemesia ... «+$1,140,000 _ $1,606,363 Bentinck ..... 1,165,000 1,837,039 Colling wood .. 1,360, 000 1,899, 706 Merby :. . :.;.‘ 790,000 1,000, 000 Egremont..... 1,345,000 1,900, 000 ’ Euphrasia .... 1,170, 000 I, 1 70, 000 [ GClenelg,. ... .. 900, 000 900, 000 Holland ...... _ 960,000 1,331, 570 Keppel...:. ;. 700,000 1, 400, 000 Normanby . ... i ,570,000 2,385, 000 Osprey.:...... 1,000,000 1,389, 000 fEroton ....... 1, 100,000 1,658,000 SBarawak...... 230, 000 367,000 St. Vincent,... 1,420,000 2,058,000 Sullivan .‘}; ; ;\ 1,225, 000 1,852, 000 Sydenham .. .. 1,230,000 1,623,000 Owen Sound.. 2, 000, 000 2,622,000 Meaford..«.. .. 466, 000 576,000 Durham ...... _ 250,000 250, 000 || Thornbury . ... 160, 000 200,000 | ‘ Zunadalk".,,"., 115,000 115, 000 | â€" HManover...... 250,000 250, 000 MarKkdale .:. . snn Anm flsE o The ~ . L1 l 18 yery poorly at Hope he will soon be strong Maggie McNiece was the guest of n Carson for a couple of days k, COUNTY EQUALIZATION 27720 ana jamiy moved into Imon‘s house on Monday last. Mrs Join Thompson were the ‘ and Mrs Chas Gadd on Sunâ€" 220 Fadd returned home VARNEY. Co. Coun. Judge‘s Equaliza‘n Equaliza‘n $1,140,000 _ $1,606,363 1,165,000 1,837,939 1,360,000 1,899, 706 790,000 1,000, 000 1,345,000 1,900, 000 1,170, 000 I, 1 70, 000 900, 000 900, 000 960,000 I,331,570 700,000 1, 400, 000 1,570,000 2,385, 000 1,000,000 1,389, 000 1, 100,000 1,658,000 230, 000 367,000 1,420,000 2,058,000 1,225, 000 1, 852, 000 1,230,000 1,623,000 2, 000, 000 2.622 000 466, 000 250,000 160, 000 115,000 250,000 200,000 746, 000 and she intends and Miss Farley in our burg for a $29,120,478 itopg3, ~P| . A pleasing incident took place at St itends reâ€" I Andrew‘s Chureh, Swinton Park, last es |Sunday at the close of the service rigited Jas | Rey Nr Matheson, on behalf of the congregation, presented the organist on Miss | Miss Nettie McMillan on the eve of her e week. _| departure to the West with a complete it of her set of Seott‘s works as a token of apâ€" Thursday | preciation for so ably and willingly performing the duties of an organist“ is Farleyitor the last 4 years. I, 170, 000 900, 000 1, 331, 570 1, 400, 000 2,385, 000 1,389, 000 1,658,000 367,000 2,058,000 1, 852, 000 1,623,000 2,622,000 576,000 250, 000 200,000 115, 000 250, 000 200,000 from s reâ€" ' All around us we see signs of imâ€" provement in new buildings, fences and surroundings. _ Noble Wilson has | erected and finished a driving shed and carpenter shop, all the work being done by themselyes. The stoneâ€" work was done by George and the framing by Arthur and all finished in first class work. We are pleased to hear the school bell this morning after 7 weeks. Both 4 scholars and teachers will be refreshâ€" ed by the long rest. | vxilius vY1is0n nas bought the Elder property, Neil A McQueen has bought ‘Thos Knox‘ farm, Jas Eccles has bought the Leslie farm, Dromove. The praybrmeeting at John McDonâ€" ald‘s last week was largely attended. Miss A MclLauchlin, of Ottawa, is visiting at her aunt‘s Mrs D McKechâ€" nie‘s. â€" James Wilson has bought the property, Neil A McQueen has i ‘Thos Knox‘ farm, Jas Eecle bought the Leslie farm. Dromore Mr D McFarlaneand his sister Miss M A McFarlane are visiting their sisters in Nottawasaga Tp. Miss Maggie Moody, ot Buffalo, paid Boothville friends a yisit last week, all of whom were pleased to see her. Miss Annic Campbell, of Owen Sound, visited her cousin Mrs John McQueen last week. Miss Ida Kinsman is home for weeks holidays. ETD TORTR ‘J“l C% was a good crop and was gathered good condition. . MrS Ars Mcleer, from Chatsworth, was the guest of her daughter ars \Â¥m Crawford for a few days last week. iss Stewart. of aillbank. is visiting friends around OUL DLPY 4+ nYrAGan‘k Mr and Mrs Harry ‘Burnet and Mr Joln Aldred called on Mr and Mrs Jas Blyth on Sunday last. There is some talk of our sidewalk being repaired which we think would be a very good thing. Mrs Morrison called on Mrs John Carâ€" son on Monday last. Mrs I Wilkinson called on Mrs Wm Clark a tew days ago. Miss Ethel Eden was the guest of urs Jolun Carson on Monday last. Nrs MeTeer. from Chateworth wes i1 2 TORONTO lends around our burg at present. irs Laurie called on »rs Chas Gadd aturday last. Nrs Brown was We mnaks i iy y o MHaying is finished in this part. â€" It h is en e ue ind d . ‘s brown was the guest W Clark one day lately BOOTHVILLE. of her sister SIX _ °@0200 & Ad 4J s making it; About one month ago, from ‘the tghe:rxgsir:i):irt;gtlg (;;?lfeil:'the mariet premises of Mr. R. J, Black, Priceville Call and let us explain its merits. ’L""' 43 and 44, ia"d con., N. D. R., a Wait a few days for our BUGCGIES, |8"ay steer, coming 2 years old. Any person giving information leading to. A. B. MSARTHUR es be suitably rewarded, ‘ % a ® | n 0n iA Lifeâ€"long Acquaintance with the ' conditions of farm life in this counâ€" | ty, has given us an experience of | its requirements which we are confiâ€" dent we can utilize for the benefit of the farming community and we ask with confidence for a share of their patronage. T We just mention this week that we have secured the agency for the Peter Hamilton Googs NEVW _ Implement Agency _ %4%42 MmACFARLANE & CO. Druggists and Booksellers. 4846 Come to us for Wingow Shades. and call special attention to the LEADER DRILL )0 Elace Ez’]ie flome LOTS 2 AND 8 CON. 13 GLENELG, The " Findlay McRae Farm ". This contains 2oo acres and belongs to a Comâ€" pany who offer it at the price of a &0 acres. MONEY O LEND,â€" DEBTS COLLECTED,â€" LANDS BOUGHT & SOLD,â€" Every kind of finavncial business transacâ€" ted. when brightened up with some of our ARTISTIC WALIL PAPERâ€" for a mere trifle too, Bring us! the size of your rooms anrd let usi show you how cheaply it can be done. _A few more remnants left, at a sacrifice. Address,â€" /o ss,â€"H, H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28, Hanoyer, Ont Et nlxly m new McCormick Binder ing fast, LOOL’ through our ] partment for a good sett Whip, Buggy Rug, Lap Duster. BARCGLAY & NOBLE Another Shipment of Sherwin Williams Mixed Paints just to hand. Every sensible person uses it. We have the largest assortment of Knives and Fo:ks in this country, In Pocket Knives we exoel. CALT PROVEN Hay Fork Are now stocked ADAMS WAGGqO TOLTON‘3 Pea Gurney Stoves, P ; [Dloughs â€" SfLarrows 19cufflens vester Drill wif wire conductors CAI4I4 ult dLine of 99 BARCLAY & NoBiE STRAYED. Best of its l.;ind MAXWELLIL, & CocKSHUTr and EXAMIXp: s0NXS « BLACK, a Harvester ianos & Organs and » see s Our fa. mous Syl- with stee] up with Twine is sell Harness Deâ€" of Harness, Rubber or * %, ) ¢ 4444 & TWEF; CGROCE © U | w ant and &1 6'@1’3 an Cor We can Lower T. Re In NI1 10 kt Go wear 20 In 14 k ranted to solid Gol B & & D Sa Our NX PRepai Dor Roller H« a vard Lo y Ooman LOO4 DRY N0 Ma LA DI HE SEL CHE ble ot] Ch SO1 NWw Is 1e )i 1 17 MC TU ()1

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