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Durham Review (1897), 21 Aug 1902, p. 6

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191 King 8t. Kast, Hamtiton, Ont. WANT â€"RELIABLE AGENTS to sell teas, coffees, baking powders, spices, oxtmuficu-.. to consumers. You can make money. Nofakire wanted. Excelient territory vacrant naw racant now The Q‘nulty standard from Ocean to OQcean. Your money back unotutlohctory. RO8SE & LAFLAME, H.B. Marshall&Co KA finest ih’“[â€"ho- v:\" _ L C0C RZCB 0P IHE Winona, 10 miles from m:- on two n: ways, mmi-%ag.u w?.leh is in fruir mostly peaches. sold in one parcel dirided into lotsof 15 to 30 aocres ic »eit"_ * l he readers oi t his paper will be \:arn that there is at least ane drvaJ that sctence has been able to _ cur slages and that is Catarrh. Hall Cure is the only positive eure now } the med.cal fraternity . Catarrh, be «<itutional disease, requires a cons treatment. Hail‘s Catarth Cure is ternally, acting direct!y upon the 1 mucous saurfaces of the system, the troying the foundation of the dis giving the patient strength by bu the constitution and asslsting na tur it« work. The propriectore have so n in its curative powers that they . Hundred Dollars for any case that eure. Saomd for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHEXEY & CO.. T 1 0 LTCCZ SV RTJOLSOT iD to M acres to This is a decided bargain -:x_.l_n Carpenter, P. O. box 199, TmCal landiords, it is b:lieved. Bisâ€" mareck arrived at such a place one «day and asked the landlord if he had any chicory. The host answered afâ€" lirmatively aud the chancellor said "Bring it @ll to me,." The landtord id «o. and Bismarck said : *"Is this alt the chicory you have in the house *" ‘It is, meinheer." was the _ reply. "Then," said the man of blood and lron, "bring me a cup o coiffee," In some parts of Germany the ingus in emall towns are accustomed _ to aubetitute chicory for colfeeâ€"a pracâ€" tive not altogether unknown to Amâ€" erican landlords, it is b lieved. Bisâ€" mareck arrived at such a place one «day and asked the landlord if he had any chicory. The host answered afâ€" fitmatively aund the chnnuenatkom.anlg Sold by druagists Hall‘s Family Pi. IMPERIAL MAPLE sYyRUP At the court of assizes at Venice when sentence of death is about to he passed, a man clothed in a long black robe enters the court and, advancing to the bench, bows proâ€" [oundly to the Jndges, saying : "Reâ€" member the baker !~ Then he bows agalno and ratires. Here is the explanation of the custom : Three cvonturies ago a baker was exeâ€" euted at Venice for a crime _ of which he was not guilty. When his nnocence was fully proved the mdges who condemned him invrested a sum of money, the intorest un which serves to keep a lamp perâ€" petually lighted in _ the palace of doges, this being the "lamp of exâ€" pmation." In _ addition, their fatal mistake has for 300 years beenl held up as a warning to their sucâ€" ; vessors on the bench wien thvy’ are about to inflict the extreme peralty of the law. | RUI DR SALEâ€"ONE OF TmR UIT FARM FOR SALEâ€"ONE OF TrER pltiies. ./ dotntnh® O radasdin es 4 \ea were brought up for discussion, chief among which were, dairying, hogâ€"raising and chickenâ€"fattening. As all of these are and Agricultural Aociety combined. \ Government grant of $30 is patd aonually to each society, which has at least 50 members enrolled, and collects $40 per year in membership lees. A sum amounting to $1,000 was expended in this way last year. The Lotal _ membership up to Decemberj Jlet, 1901, was 1,624, and the amount subscribed in fees was $011.â€" | 50. The receipts of the Institutes from all sources amounted to nearly $2,000. This money was expended in | the purchase of pure bred atock, and | in defraying the expenses of Ie(-â€"i' turers. Thirtyâ€"tirree meetings, chiefâ€" | l, lor purposes of organization, were held during the first year. At the | beginning of the present year a re-' gular series of institute meetinge | was arranged and carried out sucâ€" | cessfully. Several speakers were emâ€" ' ployed, and vrarious agricultural topâ€" | InG wruut Leasmeictks _ _ Uz 22 I $100 REWARD, s100 ETT DHPTUP E7 CICC J CTrt. The Farmers Inatitute sysatem of Prince Edward Island is twofold in Its alms. It seeks to combine the edâ€" ncational features of the Ontario ayatem with the facilities for dealing in live stock afforded by the old Agâ€" rlecultural Societies‘ plan. Each orâ€" ganization is a Farmers Institute Nayplight 0+ /9 retwigeifiiies is dbiasi â€" Snd ol farmers in the different sections ol the Province, for the purpose of discussing the advantages of the institute system. As a result of these meetings, the organization of Lwenty institutes was completed before the end of the year. "The organization of Farmers‘ inâ€" stitutes in Prinoce EAward Island was first undertaken in June, 1901. At that time the Hon. Benjamin Rugers; Commissioner of Agrticul~ lure, assisted by the writer and Lwo experienced institute workers, aupplied by the Department of Agâ€" rieulture at Ottawa, held meetings uP esGsmmiss Ee ow . L064 & already accomplished in Prince EAâ€" ward Island which may be o inâ€" terest aod benelfit to those interâ€" ested in agricultural education in ether provinces. According to Prof. MeMilla n : Prof. _ E. J. MeMillan, of Charâ€" Atotown, P. E. I., Superintendeut ol Farmers Institutes, ete., has prepared “.!n Trew of â€" the great success of , Live industrics at Presont the .Farmmw .In-utnte. as a means the interest manifested in the moetâ€" of Education in Ontario, the D>>»> inga was great. The attendance mimon Department of Agriculture throughout was good, fully 2,000 has endeavored to coâ€"operate with 5e;oplle :)emg bro:ght in contta:lt "::; P e lecturera, who were not slow : ihne various loca'l departments. n take advantage of every opportunâ€" establisking and improving similar ity to impart lessons of practical systeme in their respective proâ€"| value. Already the influence of this vinces. Trained speakers have been yublicio di:cns;ion of agxi-icultur;: sent to assist i ,p | Auestions is shown in an increas Provinces, and :h:hebe‘:?rkulvnafl:‘:)i:i interest in everything which makes men in these provinces have been : [9" the advancement of the calling. . pressed into service, not only in | Th# demand for pure bred stock for their own Province, but in others; Pree4!0g purposes, which has more as well. By sending abie and ub-'t‘h‘“' doubled during the past year, servaut men from one provinceto, D&X be cited as one instance of a auother in this way, wa hope to | benefit already derived from the Inâ€" get together a thoroughly capable| Slitutes. It may also be shown that corps ol institute workers, familâ€"| &D advancement has taken place lar with the agricultural situation [ along other lines. The people realize and requirements in â€" all parts of : this and are anxious that mors #e4uâ€" l‘upnuzg. ja44 ‘ca'tlor_ml meetings should be held." â€" tli Ana Od4d Custom. A Sketch of the Work & L _ __". ‘le disease, and it streugth by building up and nnlntlnxnntumlndnlng rprictors have so much faith >wers that they offer One for any case that 1t fails to it of testimonials. atek‘s dinse s are the best * paper will boJ)lpued to least anedrea ed disease ea able to cure in all its ‘ntarrh. _ Hall‘s Catarrh itive cure now known to ty. Catarrh, being a conâ€" requires a const!tutional latarrh Cure is taken inâ€" ctly upon &he blood and Agents, Montreal, the disease const!tutional re is taken inâ€" e blood and Toledo, 0 reby dea & x e 7 C TORI tiny _ shells, but nea; have been found in it urtl;aer Eooomncu'dniicf.' rpught. Everybody will ls the best. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The abovre bame is a household word and the sSuperior excellence of the road should be sufflcient to atâ€" tract most people but now that the rate io the same to New York and points east as by other lines no further recommara..i _‘ 198# n That is, indeed, a _ very strong tes. timonial for Dodd‘s Kidnmey Pills, and one _ which will have very great weight with all who have the pleagâ€" ure 0f Mr. Chalker‘s acquaintance or friendship. Dodd‘s Kidrey Pills have _ made many friends, and ar» toâ€"day, withâ€" out doubt, the most popular ‘amily medicine. ‘Eâ€" , we are very fortunate in securing his Drâ€" services just at this time, as the ite | dairying _ business has not been ed. | growing much of late, and 1 feel sure id | that we may have a revival of the as | industry _ whoerever e has gone. nd;Mr. Drummond, too, has given exâ€" iip | cellent satisfaction. The peopile were as | very favrorably impressed with his he | work in live stock, and in _ other er ‘ lines. . We should like to have both he | genticinen again. The impressions l.â€"iureated by these meetings nas been es | very favorable, and 1 aim confident 1y | that the institutes here have been in | much strengthened as a result. That 1d | the c‘cse of the present year will câ€" | witness a considerable grow tb in the 1â€" i institute system is already assured. re | Six new â€" organizations have been 1e , completed thus far this year, and it â€" | is probable that more wili be addâ€" s\ ed before it closes. With an inâ€" }â€" creasing membership and â€" a lively m-'interest maunifestei in the work by )â€" | ite members, the Farmers‘ institute . | eystem should become a factor in the . | progress â€" of Agriculture in this ‘fl‘ ‘!"rovir‘lcpl."â€"-l-‘. W. Hodson, Live Stock "They Are w goid to amy on fered. The six ney Pills cured there ha‘s been ‘nete nhas been r old trouble. Tha years ago, ami I heelth."© bfannetPadsdnss 1 i5 c 0o powerful virtue of this med do not know anything about Doda‘s Kidsey Pilis are said 1 but I know a great deal abou they will actually do for Lam and Kidney Trouble, and 1 can it. . Pills. Those who know Mr. Chalker wilt not ask any proof of the truth of any statement he makes, but to convince those who do not know him. he has announced that he is prepared to substantiate in every detail, the truth of his _ published statement, whith is as fnllaas . mxwa us .. _z C o AHPOOUNCEE that he ig prepared to substantiate in â€" every detail, the truth of his _ published statement, which is as follows : "It is with pleasure that I cerâ€" tifly to the merits of Dodd‘s Kidne» maiad Mr.Chalker Makes Some Very Strong btatemontsâ€"EKxplains That HMe is Prepared to Prove the Truth ot Every Assertion He Makes. House v‘s Rapids, Ont., Aug. 4. â€" (Gpecial.)â€"Mr. George C. Chalker, a well known resident of this place, hae authorized the publication of a letter containing some very startâ€" li@; statements. He Seems Able to Prove the Truth of What He Says Commisstoner. Those who indulged in, until in many instances it was 11 o‘clock before the meetâ€" ing could be brought to a close. Prof. Dean, as was expected, has done exâ€" cellent work. It seems to me that we are very fortunate in securing his Rus enE s 2 gius C ues 1 A POSITIVE MAN ed, they were a grand suceoss. The farmers tarned out well and maniâ€" fested a deep interest in the meetâ€" ings. Twentyâ€"seven Institutes were visited, and an afternoon and evenâ€" ing meeting held at eacha. Ts averâ€" ago attendance at , the afternoon meetings was between 30 and 60, in some instances there were over 100 prople present. The illustrated lecâ€" tures on dairy cattle, which formâ€" ed the chief feature of these meetâ€" ings were entirely new to our !arm-} ers and were very well received. The average attendance at the evenâ€" ing meetings was fully 100. Inj these, too, a marked interest was taken, and of great bulk of chalk 1@ +/ TAE t uic PPvâ€" Dean and Mr. D. Drammond, repreâ€" senting the Dominion Department of Agriculture, besides â€" several local speakers. With one or two erâ€" ceptions where the advertising failâ€" During the mOv!lth“;)}“:];;x\;’â€"fl";eâ€"l"im of midsummer lectures wer»> given before the institates by Prof. H. H. alt uo C l S n ~ ght different species of , but nearly 300 kinds manes® 420 o%e te merits of Dodd‘s Kidne'y laid up with Kidney ad was so bad that I could day‘s work. My back was sA worth theip weigh? in one suffering as I sufâ€" Bs i youdl o 5> L 0R C PCE . MUC~ t boxes of Dodd‘s Kidâ€" d me completely. and m no return of my That is over â€" three 1 I still enjoy good Free Di«scussion will tell this medicine. I $ about what re said to cure eal about what for Lame Rack can prove it bhalf mmProtaws . ap ,, _ °NC _ Fepiled the Becretary of the Navy. " of course, the engines don‘t work very well, and there are some flaws in the guns but it looks as fine Asg NY â€" AMF this <olkril cCOA ICE _ mgy [ o . c h 5 »OHCrent irom that of a trained strong man. The latâ€" ter could not eat the things that a boy could, because his fitness is mairly muscular, while the boy‘s is, in addition to baing muscular, orâ€" ganic. The man may have a slugâ€" gish liver and still be a strong man, but the boy who runs and Jjumps and turns somersaults and shouts and laughs and twists and turns and shouts, hasn‘t a single biemish. The â€" schoolmaster‘ have led to the ve duction that a boy‘s many ways differe of a trained strong ter could not eat t cllt ev20000f lttle or no limit. Perhaps, after rich cake, both fruit and plain, the first in favor, according to the schoo!imaster, is condensed milk. Then, after this oeme chocolates of _ all descripâ€" tiom. It is stated that an English schoolmaster â€" has just _ completed an exhaustive research into che subject of a boy‘s capacity for food, Summing up the case, he is frank to admit that, while he found a superâ€" abundance of capacity, there was actually little or no limit * No," ne replied sadly, "I‘m extraâ€" ordinarily seasick." And, indeed, there was a hollownesy in his tone that corroborated his ut a t amank Their Mechanism 7|l P Wonderful. statement (Brooklyn Life.\ *" Are you ordinarily _ seasick ?" I asked affably, for one must needsg be affable on shipboard. Minard‘s Liniment Cures in Cows. Grim figures prove the deathâ€"rate aj children in aummer, an anxious tin mothers because bowel troubles are ram What a mercy it is that weaave Perry 1 Painkller to save our little ones ! s 00 9 nosett ne ie crack regiment, and suddenly every man in the ranks began sneezing for all he was worth. In a trice 1 had my sample case open and was trying to sell the commissary a carload of my antlâ€"grip peliets, when he rudely inâ€" formed me that the troops were only hailing with delight the arrival of len. Akachoochebedaaski." i s ~_gy _ _ CCCAÂ¥ S F00 &Y of the others and only cost as much."â€"Chicago Post, ‘"The mistake of my life," said the reminiscent man, ‘was when I was selling patent medicines in Russia. One day I attended a review of a We nge C d0% . _ Minard‘s Llnlmem; Cures per. faither‘s ca‘ed efter A in Cartc. 3: C "VBe 00E a road in Seotland with a string when it snapped. He hailed a genâ€" tleman with, ‘"Hey, min, hae ye a bit string in yer pouch ?" G.â€"No, my little man, but you must be a brave little chap to manage a big dog like that. What is your name ? L. F.â€"The same as my fathor‘s. My K0 20 i ermneny cutâ€" â€" A little fellow was th leading & pretty large In washing woollens and flannels, Levor‘s Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very if LUIPE ETT ETTE bfadat â€" id oi L Many a weak woman has the strength to support a staggering huwsband. Never let art delude you into beâ€" lieving that Cupid represents the naked truth. Wise folks pay more attention to burying their own pasts than to digâ€" ging up those of others. Woman forgives and forgets ; man never forgeta that he has forgiven. M soes & WSV 1 Woman has more laith than man, and mercy knowa she needs it. Woman‘s Viewpoiat. why," asked the president country where women ruled, rotawre â€"~| s es Second Thoughts. When a woman begins to flatter you, run. Don‘t let your mirror do all the rellecting. Mra. _ Brownâ€"Domestic, uid you say? You never made a greater mistake. Bridzet is imported. â€" Boston Transcript. Minard‘s Lintment â€" cures theria. Mrs. Greenmâ€"How do you lik: your new domestic, Mrs. Brown i She looks like a nice girl. BOYS WILL BE BOYS fine art, that it is almost impossiâ€" ble for a woman nowâ€"aâ€"days to deâ€" tect the false from the true; but a chemical analysis will always detect adulteration. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominâ€" ion Government, after a number of analyses, reports that " Sunligh* Soap is a pure and wellâ€"made soap." Try Sunlight Soapâ€"Octagon Barâ€" next wash day, and you will see th at Prof. Ellis is right. No one she 114 know better than he. 210 To Recognize Purity. Aduiteration has grown "HCORe mnim ail? Did he lie groan and await the the medical man with the ip ? Not he; he just two faint symptoms of which ne quickly disâ€" few wellâ€"drawn gapes, he manner of a sleepy e walked about for a sently accepted an inâ€" n in a game of ball." laster‘s _ observations the very natural deâ€" _ boy‘s condition is in different from â€" that A Little Man Very Low. Not Home Grown. Great Mistake Trelty large dog along cotland with a string pped. He hailed a genâ€" "Hey, min, hae ye a n yer pouch ?" G.â€"No, l wias the (_)ther day Navy. _ "of ose Fearful â€" and sooeest t w anxious time for â€"rate among Garget Distemâ€" to such a TORONTO ant. avia‘ Diphâ€" Dr? Chase‘s Ointment & To prove to you tnat Dr Chase‘s Ointment is a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, â€" bleedingand pro;mgiln&:ilu. fltl: mnr‘-ctt:udr.st}uve mr:inteid it. dto: onials in the y pres and ask your neighâ€" bore what they think ofi‘. You can use it and get your money back if not cured. 60c a boxr, at all 11:1." or &)IANDON.BATII & Co., Toronta, hm Aam a _ > ducs d TT EERC CELH of the eagle are thirteen feathers and in ‘the shield are thirteen lines. There are ‘thirteen stars and thirâ€" teen arrowheads, and if you examâ€" Ine the bird through a microscope you will find thirteen feathers in its wing.â€"Chicago Chronicle. Ahirteen on a Quarter. The commonest of all our sliver coins is the 25â€"cent piece. In the words "quarter dollar" â€" are thirâ€" teon letters. "E pluribus uoum*" conâ€" tains thirteen letters. In the tail sn y d L diie t w9 "How long has the minister been preaching ?" whispered the stranger who had wandered into the churciu and sat down away back. "About thirty yearsd, I believe," reâ€" plied the other occupant of the pew. ‘"‘That being the case," rejoined the aetranger, "I guess I‘ll stay. He must be nearly done."â€"Chicago News. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemâ€" ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprainas, Bore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. _ Warranted the most wonderftul Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. He (reading the paper)â€"There it is at last! I‘ve been looking for that statemont for a long time. Sheâ€"What is it ? Heâ€"It says that the Chinese used motor vehicles several hundrod years before the Christian Era.â€"The Autoâ€" mobile Ma zazine. Take Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds "Splendid ! Any one would think they were really made of wood !" Killeda Bushel of Flies ‘"What do you thivmlri 6! my wood nymphs ? asked the artist of the connoisseur. I bought a horse with a supposedâ€" ly incurable ringbone for $80, cured him with $1 worth of MINARDS LINIMENT, and sold him is four months for $35. Profit on Liniment, $54. TO CURE A COLD IN ONEK Day My Mottoâ€"I am Determined â€"to Pleasge. Unlique Advertisements of an Under. taker in the Barbadoes. The followiug unique advertisement cecently appeared in the columns of the Barbadoes Bulletin : A. E. GOODRIDGE, + Undertaker, n Best American Hearsesâ€" Can‘t Be Beat, The Best Carriagesâ€"Fine Fuast Horses, Polite S>rvants, Best of Allâ€"Prices to Suit All Classes, The Only Establishment in the Islana With a Corpse Preserver. The Corpse can be kept in perfect order for any time. A person in Engâ€" land, America or the West Indies can return here and review the corpse of their beloved departed ; or, on the other hand, the body can by this maâ€" chine be carried to either of the above mentioned places tor interment, if reâ€" quired. . Maoy have been kept in this machine for upward of one month. Fly Pads H§t. Phillip‘s, Que., Nov Couldn‘t Last ) Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All giste refund the money if it faile to cure. . Grove‘s signature is on each bor. 25¢. BOMS A GHASTLY TRADE. A 10 cent packet of lhirteen on Wilson‘s has actually A Hamillar item. Naturally So. $35. Profit on Liniment MOISE DEROSCE, Hotel Keeper. Much Longer. . lst, 1901 , ete LarativeBromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents, M nmnimng wthich he becomes baser than the criminmal he executes"? When one considers the complex motives of many a murderer, and the effect® on his moral ni@ture of riolent pasâ€" slon, onhe cannot hold him so vile as the wretch who coolly cuts off his head for wages, and, when he bas donre the job, goes to eat a menk. 1 saw Bamn#»n descend | thip. teen steps from the scaffold on the PHACGB Bit. ILAYNHWAL sembarccs U OoC [ MOHE C How the Work Was Viewed by Victor Hugo. I heard Victor Hugo give a cdesâ€" cription of the rearing of a guilloâ€" tine thait he witnessed under the dirâ€" ection of Adnson, in the mean looking red house. The manacled prisoner, more dead than alive, mounted thirâ€" teen steps of the scaffold, or waAas, rather, hauled up by Aanmson‘s assisâ€" tants. Sansgon‘s fatherâ€"an execuâ€" tloner not from ahoice, but from bereditary nonmintsrve»y || Auss 1 â€""I your dealer supâ€" plying you with Always insist on How the Make a note of it, when {l«m home to buy * The D. & L.‘ Men It is guaranteed to cure the w backache, ‘headache, stitches, _ . thing sald to be Just as good . « ine made by Davis & Lawrence ( Similarly, no one can give a scienâ€" tific reason why cigars fully equal to those made in Pinar Del Rio canâ€" not be produced in Mexico, with the same seed, the same handlers and makers and with soil chemically idenâ€" tical. Similarly, no one has yet been able to expound the impossibility of raising the real perique tobacco of Louisiana outside of a certain very limited locality. ‘These problems do not yleld to ecience, so far as the smoker is concerned. The mysteries we have mentioned still stare science ir the face.â€"Washington Post. | The most constant and {faithful deâ€" votee of tobacco cannot tell whether or not his cigar is burning if you blindfold him or put him in a pitchâ€" dark room. He may resort to unâ€" lawlul means. He may burn his finâ€" gers at the lighted end or he may Inhale the smoke. But, in default of one or the other of these expedi®n t is he has not the faintest iden whether he is smoking or not smoking. Take off the bandage or light the room so that he can see and in a second he becomes the expert and can discrimâ€" inate between the genuine ~Vuelta Abajo article and the best cigar produced in any other part of the| world. No one has ever yet explained it. ‘The fact remains. i REARING THE GUILLOTEIN The qésetion, then, degenerales! into one of personal, though doubf.-l less uninformed, taste. There are| nameless and indescribable tactou' in the equation. There are mysterâ€" | les as astounding as the mystery | of life itself. j ‘The most constant and fasunmir anl | A whole library of calculations and statistics goes for nothing _ when the untutored smoker takes the weed in his teeth and subjects it to the vulgar test of use. and on paper with formulae, etc.; the question is one of proving it to the satisfaction of the consumer. There is a very great difference. mis of the soii near Tampico, Mexâ€" ico, would show that in all cheom!â€" cal respects it is identical with that of the Vuelta Abajo, in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. But can any true smoker be converted to either of these beliefs? it is easy enough, perhaps, to prove a thing Tobacco is a thing of mystaery. Some of its features anod peculiarâ€" ities are beyond the ken ol mortal man. No doubt a gencleman of proâ€" found erudition and unanswerable logic mighit go o St. John‘s Parish, Louisiana, and after conventional scrutiny prepare a paper proving conclusively that perique tobacgo can be produced just as well in Rapides or in Terrebonne as there. Eo d?ql_rt A l.lk'llly ecientific analyâ€" @ene ron race campic ame tavy it. ©COTT a BOWNCE, _ csuswiere, . _ _ ToRonte. e a note of it, when {l«m are leaving to buy "The D. & L.," \ enthol Plaater uNaranteed to cure the worat case (»f che, ‘headache, stitches. A vold every. fl‘:ll(f lu' be jJust as good . Get the area i . ida .. nc "a Scott‘s Emulsion of codâ€"liver oil is almost rest in itself ! PAILS and TUBS and can‘t get either. Pity to speak of it ! bundredsâ€"Ilucky if you are not onc. And what do you think they want? 7 are manufactured froam Stops the Cough Works Of the Cold. gee. and g1.e0; WOODENWARE E.B.EDDY‘S3 ve, mounted thirâ€" scaffold, or waAas, y Ramson‘s assisâ€" O 10 every the geuu Ltd . B3 ape ol o o o T ie nimmnninnimemmemmemnie es Mro. Winsiow‘s Soothi s mu"" thhe child 'c‘:'t y "fi:' uh‘, Ib lal‘k . softens cotic and is the Nitm'f:"""‘"' wind EIED JP EPUUR: 27 P an £, . [,fO8; saves time and labor; easiess on the sllver. _ Price 25 cents at (‘rug an € notion dealers, By mail from MONARCH MFG. 00., st. Olth.rl-.o, Ont. Write for free sam nlea. the new che;nic-ully preg,an cloth. Nothing to use but soiled hands: saves Hima a~ * BLEGTRIG _ | POLISNING FIBRE" or your other bright metals . with r:‘.y. thing but DON‘T CLEAN SILVER by en aa ECC DUCCRS Dendi Hall," gymnasium and reside steam and lighted throughout 2 ty CETTEE TE APU New Pi mestic Science Rooms and Art G lw aAAaA lc C020R C BBELLEVILLE, ONtT. ALBERT COLLEGE Will open Sept. 9, 1908. For iMustrated circular address AN EDUCATION BY MAiL Write for FREE Booklet AGENTS WANTED iN umnOCcurice TEaaritoay $T. MILDA‘S COLLEGE......Residence for WOMEN Â¥or all information addressâ€" T. C. BTREET MACKLEM, M.A ., LL.p TRINITY WA7RMGM ftor MEK Open to all STUDENTS IN ARTS withoos restrictions of sex or creed. Residential University "TRINITY" Woodstock College, ISSUE NO. 34, 1902, Valuable Bursaries and Scholarskips * | 4 An education that will thus fit them is to be obtained at this residential school, where a course in Manual Training supplements _ Collegiatée and business studies. For a Calâ€" endar address Boys and young mon, with the right sort of trainiag, are wanted in every business and profession, BOYS WANTED. A. L. M‘CRIMMON, M. a. Principal wWOODsSTOCK, oxT sam plea PRINCIPAL DXER, D o or facilities in THE LEADING OF CANADA last yearâ€"17 ladies and *3’ yna men. Twomatricuiaâ€" tion lehol.ubw val ue $150 and $1$0 woa at d?m-ond oxâ€" ame, 1901. 802 studen Scionce. Practical Prosâ€" pecting, CivHi Service, Junilor and Sentor Gh’ihll course BY MAIL in by the the cloth. No self polishing ”‘h‘ the q o the lawt 1 mabout in «h hate, Which in the even dinnper in 0 spnts on the sorts of «da regaled _ w Migzht Dec The Paris ps sokes at \he in full ewing anyone hbhas . resorts, or \ form of a : clous little fruite imbed is eoyer, of whole raspb ries in it, with a lew to solten it. ’atont. .mad1 and 1 have gobbler, an suit) set T0 loed drinks wmade ol ics and your 1c &re suppore@ pul_nepl. _‘m for a war ham, the th tle cornuco, gras, \lhen nhowerse in they look 1i ranuged on : most decor rerved . to bowle, with foating rov of ®ome of been giving ments at 1 wre placed with climbir eereen â€" ther Laveret‘s p the pretty, along ‘the depositing 1 a epoonfu: marischino names of buckile at tly to the hom « bigger than e are more in 1 Buoh exquisit 00 ! None of faire, euch a black grape® dames‘ crepe Thoge are * rather, and ‘There are / #goktumes lor o for the #« followe? by as the Tre froeks are i: woarn with 1: ing conjancet pio woear a gathered ln"J apology for rucho : ‘\ho-so} ing comes.! . again much ! dressosâ€"of Louis X\'l.‘i woven on 1} ally brought bretelles," ari ®©10ppme . dnusli decked, witl whading her the dainties linge, paraso not forget, to holi her the latest | and long t fringed wiid long ®lencer the Tinger, with many year those going lar a jaunte, and inos, m [ o4 t=o!â€"] um :t whic 10 go t The shores « in great req are divided t ing anu noil< are now ma mums C tray luggage an! "cuisine" if 1 elue: world le gr« devored to 1 & good thing about mugi. eentury mi Troad y . We think, in th« amanyoof our iry" ) are monesi!y for are no long «dabblore ; 1« books that : 0# in the ca Paris, where arageric® + *professiona | “d to tuke #sake of hrea« fame. We m: sulte from t! riched by be and music. M won for friss thor than f0 on | mobnculne !: t its imp plaees on i mve Their visitors, Tr« Dheppe, will with cmpt ) all othere n * Dress Ajrica, Indi where tme « Bumas o bas MAbx ips J w Ond t Ts

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