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Durham Review (1897), 21 Aug 1902, p. 8

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sas Homage to thee. and Inn] dotts under Lord of the 'hsm6rr-viot.ew. hair I Jon: menus“. bring thee. if wâ€"v" To Brinin'u late that is floodou’s star; And here to-day in . pomp of splen- men onlv. tirernen's fancy drill huh race and that each commn outing itself for the best appear; parade mtttst comprise not less t men. The followmg otricers we: ed ttpresident, w Smith. T, lst Vice-Pres. J A Vandersluye Tara Falls ; 2nd Vice. Pres. S 3 Sierrittun : Necretary, W J Arm Mtlton .. Tram. W' Miller. , Falls. South. Trenton was cho the place for the next. (mum After singing God Save the lit: t'ortverttion adjourned. R. TORRY. J. Hanmvr.r, " “A Prince: Sun-King ! Sea-King I the winds acvlaint thee, And We who are sons of Btitish sires. East and “West with a proud lore name thee, Lord of the race that out pride in- spires; Here to-day with the maple glowing. Sunlit green in our torests fair, Hail I f ’we eail--autd with hearts out- ttowing. . Hail , All in] to Victoria’s "lrt' SeoKingISewKIu! the glad wan. l sin. thee, he“. of pulse. and from moi W Fem-r“ m can prizes for at least the following sports. hose reel race, hook a'ml ladder race. too yd race tire. men onlv. firemen', fancy drill hub to huh momma that each company pres- enting itself for the best appearance on parade "1th onnunrion .m- '-, -. __, Saxon and Celt while the trumpet. . m- pruning committee were, instruc- ted to prepare a blank resolution for presentation to eaeh Punitypalitr ask- ing their respective members of the Legislature to support. the hill. The thanks of the association are especially "tte to Mr E J Marx. controller of Sym- ruse. N. Y. ', MrA B Steele, of Haki- mer, N. Y. ; MrJ R Barber M. P. P,, (imu'gviuwn; Dr Jessop M. P. P., St l'utherinvs and Mr Gross M. P. P., “Welland. for information in regard to this important matter. MrThumns. of Niagara Falls. chair-i man on topics. prepared an interesting I n-purt which was adopted as a means of I sustaining Interest in volunlmn- ft., All? to Mr E ruse. N. Y. ,' mer, N. Y. ; 1ieortretowri -'-ee_ v... ."v wr Cl it. The chairman of t wrote to the controlcr oi Syracuse re the cost of l two per cent of the ineur: ies premiums. his reply w companies have to make vita for the amount of bus and pay us the two per amount which goes to the iiremen’s pension fund. I done in the state of New ' going to see if it cannot Ontario. \Venlso Rot a act passed by the state ot relative to the two per, Ct Mr A B 15teel. attorney York tiremen's nasocintnor he of great assistance to th in drafting out another hil he presented at the next parliament as We Were too l the last papers in. The printing committee , ted to prepare a blank re presentation to each munit mg than respective meml ngislilturv to support the thanks of the asscx‘iatinn n- CANADIAN CORONATION ODE _ __.,_, wFi.%, nu; recetv"T their due. this, th committee informeg him such was not the case as far as the mynicipalities were copcerned-when a brigade put out a the they were work- ing indirectly for insurance companies and the latier should recognize It. hut this, he would not listen to and said it Wm”: cost the two per cent to collect " L . . An interesting re t was presented by the chauannii one committee on legislation and laws in regard to the steps that were taken by the committee to procure legislation so that tire insur- ance companies will recognize the services of volunteer tire companies by paying an annual tax of 2 per cent of the premiums collected by them where volunteer fire companies are organized the more as is done in the Mate of New York. This wad met by a vigorous objection by the insurance inspector who said that the hill WM "nwurknhle in every respect. He lllau contended that municipalities should pay the flre men and that they were not receiving their due. thin tho pom-nun... '-q___, - .1").-. V‘s-sup, - “71% I son and Savage of the city council wel- comed the convention to the city. Ald. Davidson said anything that aimed at the formulatin of the best methods of extinguishing 'lu"A'b",,,ti commend it- self to all right thinking rp",',',',': a tire. men's life was often a rig y one and it wee Well for them to congregate and bring the different methods from all parts of the count: y mm close compari~ son. Pres. Earl replied thanking the mayor and alderman for their hearty welcome and said that all members of the mtxrisuion were volunteer Bremen and that it was in existence fo a pur- ' pose and that, purpose was that each tire department' might do its duty in q the municipality in which it was ata- tioned. to meet annually. th interchange q ideas as to the that mode of tttthtiiie q fire and toorgnnize and maintain em. cient tire brigades in our towns and t villages and sumll cities where fully e' paid brigades were not employed. , An interesting re t was presented 9! by the chairman 0m? committee on i legislation and laws in regard to the g ‘tung cl...t u. A . ‘ ’ afar. ( ""rittenyor June 96.) The 4th Annual Meeting of the Pro. vincial Volume“ Fireriienu Aux-cin- tion of Ontario met at the citv hall. Standard. on the 5th inst at 2 o'clock p. m. President E F Earl. of Milton, in the chair. W" J Armstrong. of Milton. Secretary. There were about titty dele- gates present from the different towns in Ontario. Mayor Stamp. Ald. David- --___ ....-.. tutu company pres- self for the best appearance on amt comprise not less than 20 It‘ followmg otBeers were elect- sulent. w Smith. Trenton; "res. J A Vandersluyes, Nia- NI 2nd Vice. Pres. S Moffatt. I : Secretary, W J Armstrong. Tram. W' Milk-r. Niagara nth. Trenton was (honor; as ' fur the next. convention. ting God Save the King the n adjourned. Editor of the am muuls. ms reply was none, the ies have to make their atrlda. the amount of business ty do r us the two per cent o the I‘LL. -- . . a pension fund. If this can be the state of New York we are rsHe it it cannot he done in \Veulso Rot a copy of the 'd by the state of New York to the two per. cent tax from Nteel. attorney for the New "men's association. This will at m. z..-” - _ People their tributes Hamrorrtm. De Durham Fire " vowumn mm; the cost. of couecciG'tiii of the insurance compan- kah --", - ,_ r" --.uu VI Inc , goes t? thtfrredit of the fon troler of the othe committee . bill which will nexf session of '.. Delegntes. ire Urigad e . Ate ingetting j ACameron and A McLeiian, who ' , were to to West, have decided to , I remain at employment in their own ‘neighborhood. ti Afewfromonr burg attended the b7ti'ii,' picnic among whom were l P. A. Black. All report a good time! MN Hugh McNenly, from Virginia, ) incom ny with her granddaughter 'llflhnd'lfll, Loviolette, of Brock. ere on a few weeks "cation with her daughter Mrs John J Black. Pei-tie- adored late will Nugget e madcap. Mean Irvin Andaman, John IcVicar, Michael MeGnth, John 8. Black and Paddy Hailey all gen" the unwinding youth a good night’s o outing recently. Mr John J Black and able gang are busy thrashing in our burg at pres- out. Poor weather for present. Trumng you Will appreciate the xunnngmuent's endeavor to protect the Intel est of all our stockholders in this mam-rm we are. yours truly. The NAT. PorrrLsso CEMENT Co., Lt.d. per P. w. Stanhona R-rod.. I The machinery and system installed at the National Portlan ment Company's mill in Durham special design. and we do not pr that it shall he studied or copied it advaninge of competing factories, for your protection. from a tim, statulpmnt, and to prevent the po, ity of '.rompetition by promote! other Companies getting acqua with this system, we have thong best to let noon" thy-m...l. ...:.L, tors being struck by falling rivets. overhead platforms and the like during construction. We also find that visit-1 ors seriously interfere with the work, as F the men on overhead construction have I to stop while they pass through the] mill, amounting to a loss of time andi money to you. t MISS from the Last week the following circut ing with the prohibitions lately, ed at the works here was sent stockholders. " explains itself: 1 El d: ompanius getting acquainted is system, we have thought it let noone through without a n the Head otttee at Toronto. tho. Jrtceounts Scotch Town. The Cement Works cnnwry and system being the National Portland Ce- --- Please make it a point to call and straighten up your accour prevent the possihiL n by promoters of mhupe. Secretary. in Durham is of do not propose or copied for the harvesting at rim. and financial I Miss Scarlett, from Hopeville. was a {caller with the McLellan family one . (day last week. Grdeal- . . . "enforc. Dmme pan, again a papa. another t out to son, all doing well. . I Déd gck McGrath find the cattle ' 7 . et. id the cap meet the teacher ll, 1002. in Monday ? Was Doherty tired yel . after the exercise on 4th ? Maggie did _ imited . not give him much ofa welcome when I P'?"nt'.1Gi, slammed the gate. Do you still I .ests .of I think we look like a Woman, Tom ? if testriet , you rub yourself up against us you this I'P- I will find a vast difference. How did of our; White enjoy the tongue thrashing] Je, with I from Neil ? Hone wants to beware of" t mills, I the lead. Where does Walter spend I his Sunday evening ? i l - ---, Gen. Manager and Secy. "iT-r-rr------------------; --Mr. I. N. Ford 0:,qu from London: "If anything has been proved by the Imperial conference it h the imprac. Wsiibility of distributing the tinaiteial Wardens of Imperial defence among the colonic-unions 'lffiltr,ttPlt5iii" menu for their good: on also nude. "Sir Wilfred Lnnrier has talked lea than Premier Seddon, but has exerted a decisive iratenee." 1 In view of the fact, that tl on factory is now taking c iproportioiw, that it is dange [walk around some of the b, ,turattended by a guide and j that it is our desire, that all en (shall give their undivided atte {the completion of the work : ‘ fore no visitors will be allowed, by special permission from the to dice. Ltd. The horse reported last week as _being bought by Duncan McNab, ishould have been Duguld McNab. John W. McKechnie, wife and tamily, near town, visited his sister Mrs. Firth on the 4th con. last week. ”V, i.-- v." "a: VCBU- Miss Jane Ritchie intends to friends in Toronto and subscqu will go to Fort William, to stay a with her brother John. Joe Firth, better company with the Rob Roy were gues family on Monday 1 National Portland Cement Co, P. W. St_a_nhope, NOTICE, xe fact, that the work now taking on such It it is dangerbus to ome of the buxldings a guide and further Urath find the cattle cap meet the teachtr Was Dohersy tired ac on 4th ? Maggie did teh of a welcome when a gate. Do you still Le a Woman, Tom ? if lt up against us you difference. How did 1e tongue thrashing e wuncsmtq beware of l from the; i365: THE DURHAM REVIEW It all etnruojG," led attention to Tork : There- Except rm J, Jl.,!,il,l,?,!Lil, al, . R. B. Keeler is the only. Wanamaker in the County with a Watch Fac- tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraved hee. J tlit mm m I "I'll nu I mm mm means rich and handsome gifts for Bridal present, and handsome table silvcris among the most ac capable that can be omen. Our tine array of Flat and Hollow Ware ttustruple plate. Pte Knives Berry Spoons, Meat Pores and Spoons a well " Water Pitchers Ind Ten Bets Are something to excite adulation. The quality ig ttue the workmanship ehbonte the price the lowest In the county. ----------, A S‘VELL WED DING TORONTO {Jackson's Block 'gumiSiEI%BlrrB" '.uaTmSemiFrg, £1- Illlt" P. WK " EEealWaitaagg a; JJJJuzr-J-JtrJJ ' Butter and Eggs wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid. 3tigh Clan foods. i ' I These are among the iu-I: ‘ducements we offer our custom.. . ers. We keep the best and: lead in low prices and good/t values in everything usually t kept in a first-class general/: store. l A £aryo {itoch, 1902 ----- ------ m/i' IT PAYS TO BUY AT I g THE Mpun STORE} FALL TERM Our Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down 'low. It's money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. Jhmemger. tho place Ci BINDERS, MOWERS a RAKES 'ow U"rirtes, UPP ER TOWN Organs, Sewing Machines, Cream Separat Chums. Washing Machines and Wringets bottom prices. - McGABE FIRE INSURANCE.‘;§. BICYCLEs‘s‘ic. PLYMOUTH BINDER V'li‘rWINE““c HARVESTER COMPANY', MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINESW Wilkinson Plows and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & McKee's Carriages Buck 's & McClary's Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. I Dawswell Chums. Wrinsrers & mumm- hr-c..'.... Done in the Best ar Insurance a specialty MASSEY-HARRIS SHOW ROOMS New and Second-hand Bicycles' for Bicycles done well and promptly. If?" 05" i: Farmers who have used this twine km: good and reliable and pays to buy it. Ontario Maps tofhe first customers w? Call and get one, it will be well worth A v. . . t Binders, Mowers, Rakes, ScuMers, &c., are the very has, and best improved makes. Call and see samples ready to go to work. DBBRING Upper Town. . lllllltgfllNNON WI - , Limbs... '. Dre-sod. j Hoes. Li I""",) Buttonfl .5 Bauer. , I Egg-m... 7. Kid“, IN / I WWI". JOHN LIVINGSTON. nos & Organs. V Henry’s Harness , \Vringers & Washing Machines. , it will be wleiGGtiiGGTi'vhiiir. {E Q and Cheapest Companies. Farmers ' , Cream Separators, linggieq ' Harness Tullow natured per lb Lard. trerlc.........., us_ed this twine know well that it is all _ Per out.“ Cgltakino. p" ib st-ans........ "‘“m 11036. per cwt Hoes. Live weight"... Bauer. fmh roll par it, BIMI, lu...... ....-.. 7 Flour........., Gawain"... Wheat......... Peas............ Barley......... Ltmbc......... Dream! no” ,?1mrijiir"iriiriiiiiiiiiiir' 71m" tity - v" “annual-co. ....................... ya................... -In in s lb. Cracks, and tt WES TONS BREAD. tt Noon- one... --we can supply you with REAL CHOICE BUTTER and SARDINES. RED g PINK SALMON. BEEF LOAF, CORNED BEEF, ' READY LUNCH BEEF, LOBSTERS. F. HADDIE. K. Hr?atIprvr, ---CHorcr: HAM, BREAK. FAST ROLLS, TINNED MEATS. HAM, \‘EAL and BEEF LOAF, (Yunnan . 'n order to Insure a quan.. . O r of the latter kindly leave O ' advance order. ' t ' t I t C "G,7rt-.r:.r-rr--; FOR CA M PICKS AND PIC-NH) l 'A ll TIES. WE HAVE THE “REM ...... IM" - ID0000--..o-oo Mona-o... Iii... u.. "o".......... 090-00000...- Atm. 21, 1002 ronoo-nucun i....... ”can... nag"... Sale. Also repairing - We give away 150 ho buy our TWINE. 1hriisthing at rock Ito iii (to 2 " 72 7o " 14 14 1000 6 " " " " 2 " 76 " 17 CT MW? AY 37$ 3t? MF it " If it V0 It] I 'h "It "'l, Sol cr,

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