MY I I08â€. n the lu-nvy crops all over rm: supply of Binder s been exhausted. but we h great difficulty secured small quantity for the n' our customers. Any anting a ball or two had I at once and secure it. MADLHS h Royal, long promi- tt polities, is dead. that Britain has an 1.- nd of her in the Kat lt "a reported to to exercises as if propu- zgns, :rrows ' " "'u'f flare XWE Ll We of Wazoo]! Soods. \RHRS UWARE! sth ‘)KS ripen: of Com Y 81 NOBLE uc. 28, 1902 " 'CKSHI'TT Il Wes on hand, and see I our fa- mous Syl- Yill with steel ductors i'wrx E Pore. Lrtrarci 'n BLACK. quire one of FORKS . mu variety of KING Odd Knives for h cts each. F.NAMINE our f nut celebrated Grain n stock. Get a move Hay Fork it lunos & Organs nons, to ascents, loss of tumble, ides her in pro- 1 Harvester st testi- frt D we lead at prices to 65 cts. S we kind with an, and Hooks just farm £aéarers _ exeu, sion g Jake ' , A“... . TWEEDS d YARNS GRDGERIES , JA KE KRESS A--.- " 5 W. H. BEAN Lace Curtains 250. 65c. 750, Wk and $1.25 a pair. Roller Window Shades. 3tie, each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide. P.a. a yard. Table Linen a"rt itwhes wide, 23c. a yd. .. u m 66 " Cttc. u We ask ttttig tl ()lli MS Don't forget the Big 4, when you want a new pair of Shoes for the spring. Salad» Ceylon Ten, Black. or mixed 250. Mk. an" Mk. a ll). CANADIAN NORTH WEST (Yep! /st, $10. For Further Particulars see ' more ao and WalMaa Wot-['3' o.-,------""'"". o,,,-;,---'----'-' We can give you Bargain' R. MacFarlane, Jr. --- Table Oil Cloth. 45 in. wide ak. a yd. Woman's S! raw Sailors 35c. up to Lower Town Durham Our New Prints are in. The Best Qual? T cheaper than ever Undertaking PROMPTLY AMENDED TO. In Nicklecase $5.50. In IO kt Gold filled warranted to wear 20 years $10.00. LADIES' WATCHES. ' In 14 kt Gold filled, war- ranted to wear " years with solid Gold Bow. Only $12.00, CASH ONLY. Floor Oil Cloth, l yd wide, 25c. a Lower Town, . SCOTT. FOR . gterreivimg a 3,001?! HE SELLS CHEAP I t DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. 49OT8 & SHOES, &c., Ot best quality. . GORDON GEN TS WATCHES. MONEY TALKS c. P. ll. Ticket Agent, AUG. 28, 1902 MANITOBA EUNITURE i to Kress. (ltlttt Block and the J ewelle yd. I thoroughly agree with his dedue. tion, and also in his statement that the adulterated cloth has neither the wear or the warmth ot honest woollen goods. Mr. Wallace continues by stating that an expert witness before the Ways and Means Committee ot the 1ntty-tourth Congress. testified that the first class large worsted mills ot the United States had put in the French and German process by which short-wool- fibres could be used. This is a tact which speaks for itself. Quoting further from the same source, an English correspondent of an American paper writes :-“I give designs and partie- ulars tor two most excellent cloths. The worsted panting will make a cloth particularly adapted to the American tasse, and it can be made very well on aeotton backed eloth and mango tilling." Again a trade journal in». technical article tsayic--"The proper finishing of low-grade face goods requires great shin and care, as generally such goods contam a large percentage of cotton in both warp and tilting, the amount of wool being only sttmeient to form a face to cover the cotton, and it is seldom of the best quality. Quoting Mr. Mulhaser, the greatest manufacturer of shoddies in the United States. Mr. Wallace fives the annual eonsumphon of shod y in the United States at 40 million pounds), displacing 120 million pounds of wool. The National Live Stock Association of America puts the figures for 1900 as follows t--(tind this I presume refers tothe U. B, only) .-Stioddy used in 1900--74 million, pounds :displacing tt22 million pounds of Wool, of equal to 72 per cent of all the wool in tne United States that year. In other words it displaced wool naclxghantity to that '1ttt from tah' out ot the 61,41.' , sheep owned in the United States. Therefore but for this shoddy there would have been used 222 million more pounds of wool. V The Hon. Geo. W. Wallace, Sante Fe, New Mexico. in an able article on *' Substitutes for Wool", recites a statement by a commission house in the trade that 90 per cent of woollen goods contain cotton, and that in 45 per cent the nti'ili,1f ot cotton is i ', and. when in a dition to this cotton, the stuff which ma'squerades under a score of aliases, such as shoddy, mango, wastes, tiuekts, loon tiyings, “col extracts, nails, wool stock, manufactur- ed wool jute yarn, &c., the wonder is not that the sales of wool fall offiro largely, but that any wool is used at all. An instance is given of the discovery by accident of the fact that a most reputable (?)and well known manu- facturer. who had a contract to supply the Government with 50,000 army blankets, was found to be stuffing the same with s_hoddy to the tttttgy, 59 "HID "DU- -~-v__-' -7 ___ . per cent. Cotton is also introduced Into blankets made in England. and in some cases, exceeds even 50 per cent of the material used. In the Yorkshire Post's annual trade review of December Br. 1901, a 54 in. cloth is spoken of which sells at Is. 1d. per yd. which is composed oi all shoddy, but is classed as woollen goods. A well-known Yorkshire firm reply- ing to an enquiry on the subject states, -“Theru 18 so much mixing done now-a'days to bring goods in at such low prices, that it takes a very good man to tell what there is in some of the manufactured articles. 1n speaking of the trade of another town in the Heavy Woollen district the Yorkshire Observer says it is noted for its classical cloths, cheap dross meltons. dyed in classical shades, which find their chief markets in Greeeu and the Levantine ports, It all goes well there isa great future for these goods. The twills and scrges produced here are in great favor with wholesale clothiers, and combined with an export demand. asteady trade results the whole year round.. Into the composition of the higher grades a percentage of wool enters, but it is small. The cheap costumes which adorn the windows of many mantle shops are made in this locality. Tweeds and mantle cloths from ls. 3d. per yd. trom another important branch, and a re made largclv throughout this neighborhood. Speaking of' military and police clothes. “strength being the test l there is little room for mango or shoddy, and even the tender wool caused by the Australian drought is not admissible. The manufacture ofartifieiai wools-- and it is scmewhat diMeult to under- stand the designation-is said to be a large industry supplying manufac- turers with a cheap substitute " the real article. It is alga stated that Scotch manufac- turers of tweeds who hitherto used no shoddy, have had to resort to its use in order to compete with the composi- tion of similar articles largely compos- ed of shoddy produced in several Yorkshire towns and elsewhere. The article " Why is Wool so Cheap? " previously alluded to, further states that shoddy is the great feature in the trade ot one at the lending towns ofthe Heavy Woollen District of York.. shire. and it is well known that the mills do turn out an enormous weight ofgoods, the material being composed mostly of shoddy, cotton and the like. fiisreenpenee to eighteenperure per yd (broad width), is the price ot these so called woollen goods, and plenty of attractive labrics are made at less. (lllill)h Ill BRIIISH IND 1illilllilllll Ill()()ll,lillil The him! increase in' the use ot By Alfred Manse". shretrtoury, r-.9-- Ihwu-.Mo,htillau---That accounts for gravel be paid as iollows: J uhn Wiener. 2 beats 84.35 ; Thos. Nichol, 2 beats $7.oo; John McPherson. 83.30 ;Joseph Firth. $8.25 ; Thou. McGirr 2 beats 83.96 ; Jas. Malone, 61.40; W. J. Eetor, 32.40; D. McCaskell, 63.60; Alfred Hincks. $1.oo; Robert. Edge. 81.00 ; John McArthur. $1.00 John Ryan. ".oo.--au- tied. Davis-McMillan-That the following accounts be pald. Expreu charges. Toe; charges on Voters' Lists by stage. lots. ; 2 tpulonts ot coal orl 5o cents;2 lamp glasses. 16 cents ; postage for clerk. M.5o ', salary for clerk. 81oc--Cerried. McMillan - Arrowsmnh - That the oommmionora for the different wards be paid commissions as follows: Peter Melanie 84.oo ;Goo. Arrowsmith, $6.oo and J. A. McMillan. M.oo.--carried. Intended for last week. John Gleaner is taking in the sights in Toronto. Parson Kenning returned home last week. Richard Davis left last Saturday to 3 nd Sunday with his parents in 8tlhi and in agreeable company. Bear stories are now being told here. Some have been seen in the centre of Proton and our local sports are getting their guns ready. Some one tried to et 11 a story of a bear being shot gore td it would not take. It may do to tell outside our township fathers. For the motion ; Mes-rs Dalia. Mohtil. In), Arrowsmnh and the reeve. Against the motion ; Mr McInnis. The motion therefoae earned. The Council adjourned to Sept. 20. at lo a. m. J. s. BLACK, clerk. Be " therefore resolved that talking in, to consideration the long and faithful services of Mr. James Edge as a Municipal oneer, and having faithfully accounted for all the monies placed in his hands tor bale keeping. He and his Suretles be now telieeed and freed from any further responsiblity for any interest In suggested by the Municipal Special Audit, and that the reeve. Mr. Arrow. smith, Mr. McMillan and the clerk be a Committee to suggest the shape of any further recognition of his servxces may take. As will be seen by statements the total receipts for the term audited were 0120.- 618,70 while the total payments were $118- 686,6oletwiug a balance ot 81982.19 due by your Treasurer which amount. he has psid over to your present Treasurer Mr. Daniel Edge. And whereas the said Auditor further reported that the Sinking Fund account under bylaw No. 171, was carefully checked item the date it was passed (1878) until the "sooo debentures were paid and the accuunb was found correct, and whereas no investments of current municipal tunds were unihntized or ordered by this or any of our previous councils with the exception ot the above mentioned Sinking fund. Councils leays holding Ample Security. and holding the Treasurers responsible only tor monies placed in their hands for safekeeping and disbursing the same when demanded. The was tun', nay: being called for Wen as lollows.. The council held the tenth meeting for this year last Saturday. They trot through More dark. Thou MeAnley was 'tthte tax collector. There is likeli dod of two lawsuits against the council. one , Constable Pearce of Owen Sound or damage to a horse said to be hurt on the mad and one by the Mills family tor undermining their fence, also taking gravel and destrov- lug two shade mas. 1hivitr--Muuuu-'1'Ut this councll do not. Interfere m dispute m feuee between John Batty and J. Priel.---carrisrd. Arrowsautit-MeMUlan-Thnt where as in his report of the tiuauoes ot this Town.. ship the Special Auditor reported as tolluwu Dtwis-Arrowmritu-Tlrac tue clerk and Mr. McMillan be paid $25 each as committee uu rooting hull, and that the reeye and Mr. Damn w pawl :33 mull re railway Hangings. and aim mew $l.-m re letting bridge at lot M, (mu. 2 N. D. It. and John A. McMnLLu $1.oo m1 budge committee. wwuhne G. & i:a',-HJarried. McMi0au-31e1anite-luat the O. S General and Marine Hoqunal be paid $20 on uccoum ot keep of Ellzubelh Wise up to 8rd ot August.-l'arrieu, Davis- Meluuitr-TitatN'u:. Vassie be paid $1.oo for graveliug culvert and ap- proach " lor 3 of 18, con. 1, E G. It.- Carried. Ti. culmcul met August 9th. Ail the Inn-tubers preteen. The Brave III the cimir. Mumles "f but meeting read "In! coittirtutni. C',atnuuuietutour.. run. as fellas»: b' mu the Ilium-um! w-rhl an nae-mus. trulu county emu Rutm-rf-r. ; Gummy lube. [rum 01mm. CnH-usun an account; fur I-lliuglom; {rum Wm. Irwin sow-m: far prmtiuu; mm. rrstwrtl Path, masters. eerutieates,, {or wavel. Arrowmtusti,--Davt-T'uat tlv, f :llnv mg nu-ounls he paid: The .. .Hlllll'lp 1 War a " fur t,trttuottetn 54.3."); Wm. |rwm OI the, .' Uhmniciv ' h r Pauling Lion copies of Voters Lists .ur 10c2,ti301ts. Guru: d. Arrowrinuth--)lis--1'hat t 1:: vx- pauses in re: m} In mingling Town H. I he paid it: tollows; (imam tor Ito â€luau-s of alunglw and dehveriuu the mm» fawn“; John Merv.ther mingling $1175: Un- Minms ridge Inn-I'd Elan-h]. l Hunter loo lbs slnugm ttaim $3 25 ; J. F, 'l'rmfnnl 1,5lbs 4 m uuiis 53 cams; Total $53 53.--- Chtrried. shoddv in the United States is shown by the tollowing tittaretr:--In 1860 thirty es.tnblishments had an sun all output ot a Value ot $400.01) ; In 1890 the census showed ninety tour stablish- mems and a products valued at w- 208,011. 3253 Y. W. Honsox. Live Stock Commissioner. (Renew Council. HOPEVILLE THE vunmm REVIEW During the four you" of Rev Mr ruthe- son's pntorato here he “handed 82 Inner- 313. This yen lino. Int hunky ho attended 28 so that the death nee hu been very high here for tho last. few - The funeral of the late In Duglld For- guwn, Swinton Park, took plan on Bat- urduy Int to chechnie'I cometary, Dur- hum Road, Glenda and was largely “tended. We “and our uympsthotio foolmg to In For-gum]: tad hmily in tacit Bail beregvement. We expect to we fuller matte! the death of this â€tim- ' this lady Iron: "placental“: ot that t plum. _ Mus Jennie Cameron. of Butfalo. is spending». few months with her sister Mrs John McInnos. Durham Road, Glenelg. We are pleased wnotice the names of Misses Gertie Nichol and Maggie McDon- ald amongst the successful ones at the late examination " 1i'tesberton at the Public School Loavmg. Both young ladies MS from Pneeville School. The executors of the estate of the late Alex McPherson sold the tarm to a. c-ttlo dealer from Waterloo to: the sum of $8150. The Misses Baron-s. of Torcnto. no the guests of Mrs Donnld Stewart, South Line, Artemenin. " present. Hector McDonald Ind mother. of Walkenon. visited friend: in thin part for a tow day: lately. Mrs Hector McLean. of town hue Ar. temesia and Glenolg was under the Dr's one ior a few days lately but is getting better again. Mrs (Rev) McLeod. of this place. wu the guest ot Mrs Arch McCuig one day lately. Mrs Robert Watson (deughter of late Inspector Ferguson) and two boys of Shelbume visited their friends for a few days has week in thin town. Jun McDonald (red Jim) and his: bro- thet Alex hue bun away to Bruce for the last few weeks. Mr J P Bunt, undertaker. visited friends at Woodbridge last week. Dr Atkinson received . grend set of bagpipes direct from Glasgow, Scotland. cost $100. Priceyille is now well Inp- plied with bagpipes having no less then three of them. _ Mm Jennie MeArthur left for Bndelo e. week ago. Bhe will be greatly missed in the I'resbrtertUn choir u the wee always found in her piece while here. The Misses Moggie end my Simpson ere spending e few months with their mother of this town. The contract for repairing damages done to the Presbyterian church spire by lightning on July 23rd Ian was let to Chas Watson tor the sum of tMo, work to be complemd by the 15th Sept. Mou- are Dan McDougall and Arch Methmig, representatives for the company. let the contract. Commissioner Dunc-m McLean. Ben. linck. paid Prioeville a visit Int Monday. James Deans has given up house keeping here and gone west to Mani toba. His residence known as Castle Pinch. is rented and taken up by Mr. and Mrs. Croskery. Mrs Alex McPherson left last week on an excursion to Oak River. Manitoba, to seeker Dialer Mrs James Black of that place. Isaiah W. McArdle visited his parents here last Sunday. - - w, W. Hall. ison thesick list. but getting better. Andrew Riddell met with an ncci- dent ttt the saw mill by getting his hand cut. On the move. D. K, McArthnr andi of Toronto, visited with Mr. Alex.' Wm. McLean who ttte, have gone toi McCormack. Friday last. Bafno, where Mr. cLean will enter Mr. McLean and gong of Sullivan, a hospital if not any better. lvisited the McLean families this week. Mrs. Burnett and son. ot Durham, l Miss S. Peterbow is home on a visit. have been visiting inends through] Mr. D, Mcharrio, Br., visited his Proton. . . daughter Mrs. Livingston, Glucott. Isaiah w: hEBArQIe visited hISlMondny and Tuesday of last week. Last Sunday Rey Mr Mnheson and Ree Mr Thom, of Fleuhertou, exchanged pul- pits. Our yuan: teacher Mr Baum-n in get. ting along well so far and in a. gentlemen by all appearance. He is the tron of 3 Monica! clergyman. Jf? tu, Pharmacy Counter. [iijjllll.lli(l'8 DRUG STORE JNO. A. DARLING, Jada Water and Cream Jada: in conned/on. PRICEVILLE. Hopevllle. 90- CHEMIST and DRUGGIST. Durham, Ont. Collection: of all kind: Farm: promptly attended to and, Always sure to get what you're looking for here. Our Stock includes all the Meritorious Proprietary remedies, Patent Medicines and Pharmaceutical spe- cirlties, &c. Nothing is ever misrepresented, no attempt to substitute "Something just as good" for the article desired at this store. Ths thus by reliable goods, honorable dealing and popular pri- Gus we have secured hold on public hvor. ARTHUR H. JACKSON to ehoioe butcher settle as quoted " from 04.50 to " per out... the letter itgure being the outside price. uedium cattle wu about 60c. per cwt. off, and common stuff sold for Anything it would fetch. OFFICE" MtttFtatq'. Old Stand The butcher trad. m mule wu dull. and sales of anything but the small quan- tity _ol_goo<_l came hen were 010w. Good Good feeders are worth from " to " per cm. and sell well. Baud bulls no worth tram 34 to 04.50 per ewt, liloh cows are worth from 025 to " etch ; o few choice cows are wanted. Export ewes ore worth from $3.40 to 38,50 per cwt. Lambs told u from " to 04.40 gar owt. Coiled sheep cell ct from " to 3 ouch. Bucks no worth from 82.50 to 02.75 per cm. hood' thit he has (gm-led up halibu- in the OLD FOUN RY at the bridge. where he is prepared to do all kinds of General Bucksmith Work, making a specialty of A cordial invitation is extended to att old customer-I. lame and inter. fenng horses trotted carefully. NO CAJRB--NOiPAY. Joan Counts, (Formerly of Omhardvsute. Trade was dull and prieee for cattle low- er; exporters were Met. and butchers “we 25 to 6oe per cm. on. The local demand just now tor butcher-5' meat is u light one. The enquiry for export cattle here this morning was nothing like " octave n it has been lowly. and prices weekend. Good to choice export was sold slowly " from M.26 to $5.75. and only in New cues Wu 86 per cm. paid. Smokers no quoted at iron: 83 to 83.75 pet out" and are in hit demand. Colno no quoted " from " to 810 anchor from 8 to be per lb. Boga no unchanged. The top price for choice boss in 97.37.} per ttwt., tad light and (at hogs one quot- ed " " to 37.12; per out. The g',',ft'1tPgt begs to announce to .the Jte.oplt o? Durhun_ and. ne_ighbo_r- Light shipping cattle no worth from 04.25 to $5 per ttwt. Mr. James Peterbow' is home from Durham. Miss Flo. MoOormnck visited a few days with Welbeck friends. Mr. Alex. and was K. MoCormack, visited Durham friends Tuesday eye- n ng. Mr. A, and Miss K. Brown, at Craw. ford, visited at Mr. Arch. MoOonnnck's also " Mr. McNally’s last week. Mr. Bacon and his cousins at Bun- neasan visited with Mr. McNally the beginning ot the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon and son, of Toronto, visited with Mr. Alex. McCormack. Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Clark returned to their home in Meatord. after spend- ing a few days with the former's parents here. non" PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ac, CONVEYANCII. VALUATOI Inunnoo Agent. New Blacksmith Shop. Live Stock lulu-t Toronto. Prim â€any to Lou -- .1-.- Mull Corner. RIO ARCH TORONTO HORSE SHOEING Company 1nd prim Fund. to Lou: on Mom" at lowest am of Interest. Valuation In“. he n competent and mum] anuuor. “(on term: to In]: borrower. oFFrCE--afebugre Bloftc, -- _ - otBee----LOWEtt TOWN. DURIUI. MRRIO‘r‘R. SOLICITOD UN .UPREII’ COURT NOTARV Punuc. couuaulouzn. ETC. To The Milling Public? We have also got our" new Chopper in first class _ running order and hava a .. large quantity of chopped 1 corn, wheat, ac. on hand., (live our Beeatrt- Food. trill. SAVINGS I“! when". “loved on savings bank deponitc of 81.“) and up- wnndo Prompt' attention and every Ltcilitv nftortred cut-loner! living at distance. a KELLY, Age-t. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received nnd inter- est allowed st "Izmn’ rum. son- looked "tee and Exocuwr'l and Adam-- trawn‘ Account; prepared cud rand Sumgnto Conn Bantu..- Probob ot Wit Jan-r- of Ad jjiiiiititFiiiii? (rung-Nu '?Y..teirrd. so» CAPITAL. Authoriud. . . . . . 32,000.00: CAPITAL Pnldup........... M00.0o0 RESERVE FUND............ 850.!!!) AGENTS in I" pnncipul potnto .n Ont-trio. Quebec. Ilmlohl. United SUM-s and England. snaezaziriqnm‘raaznï¬mmpz'nï¬ R. McGowan son. look“. ‘1 the Du mun}, 'sttVcc.irTaiiii, Block. Remdence ttrtst door west of the old Post Ollke. Durham. Concetta“ and Annoy prompcly unguided to 1tultuPttft. AIrttqteA Jew-9.. mun-w alllllill!!!li,jo!,,l?ul Lute mist-111'") the Royal London Ophthalmic Houggul. Plete; and the Golden muurrlh‘w and hmat capital. .-= - - a. SPECIALIST EYE. EAR. THitruTa. NOSE. ----- EXCLI‘M van. a Will be at the mad-ml: lloum Ivrhotn. th tint Wednesday of each nun]: in m 2 p m. ttl h In J. a BUTTON. u. B., HONOR GRADUATE of T University, gmdunl» of Ruyal l of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ' Calder Block over the Post 0mm p. arrfater, otar , Gan â€gamer, te., gee“... Money to Loan " Pusan-ale rues All Mac Moderate Oahu-lo. I OFFICE HOURS sr--" B. n. _ 2--4 p.13. RESIDENCE and OFFICE-01d Bum UPPFat T0WN,Dt'RoM. a. P. TELFORD. DURHAM AGENCY. We have just added a new line of cleaning Ma- chinery - Suction from Rolls, Steamer for steam- ing wheat and we are now prepared to furnish a fine grade of Flour, Give us a trial and be convinced. IARRIOTER. OOLIOITOR.: nonrnv Duane savanna... ac. .oohoé¢ly iyAuiF.0uiiaGrc7Gi'7i7Gr. a! 1oekyd - and Eugmoy'l and Alumin- DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. Omoo mu- Mcuchl-n‘u Store. __, g tito10A.N. ‘. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. o. S " Spedsl “an Inn to mm: of Women And CHIN". DENTISTRY. quail FIRST J?ooit EAST CF ARTHUR GUN. In»: Col... W and Surgeon: G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN E l DAVIDSON. ToInphono Connection No. 10 DR. GEO. S. BURT- nouns: -) é G "i ii '. P. COWAI. President. Plumâ€: & summon. :(Ot'er florIBunk r. or Toronto Royal College Rooms, " [F