West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Oct 1902, p. 9

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‘6 Now we are off for a more special view of the land o' Burns than we got on the trip to Newcastle. The trip irom Glasgow is made in an hour and you pay 2s, 6d. First you pass Glenitrer limes. a verv fine sight in- devil. Six Railroads run trom Glas- gow to this district and all of them have good scenery. You see Crooks- ton castle where queen Mary made her home for a time. Now you pass the place where Wallace was betray- cd. now the old town ot Paisley with the oldest Abbey in Scotland and come next to Ellerdie where Wallace was born and then to the Brig o' John. ston with a population ot 12000. In thet you may say it is all one town itom Glasgow to here and tnanutaetur- ing everywhere, almost anything you want from a shoe lace to an anchor. Just think ot one factory turning out 10 tons of shoe laces per week t. There is a wonderful change here this last 50 years. here is enormous. the day before our visit there were 1400 registered. The cottage i. a small house, oontaining the bed on which the poet was born, the old dreeeer with its blue plates, the old chair and table and a great many other relies. Next we visit old Alloweg Kirk forever to be remember- ed " t e scene ofthe wiwhee' dame In Tam o'Sltanter. The reusing of and go to Burns’ monument and cottage. You reach the cottage first, where is a register and of course we enter. our names. The, tourist name We leave Renfrewshire here and enter Ayrshire, and it is impossible for me to describe the many small towns we pass through, even these with their iron works, coal pits, etc. Imay say they are utilizing the dross from the pits to make brick with and you would be surprised to see the moun- tains of dross available. I have been telling them the whole country would tall in tune day as it must be Very hollow in some parts. Before reaching Ayr we skirt the sea coast. We can see Paddy's Mile Stone away out in the sea. Here we are in " AnldAyr, whom ne'er a toon surpasses. For honest men and bonnie losses.” The town and countryside is forever famous owing to its association with the genius of one man. and he a son of the. coil. You, take the electric car MM. IlWlil1 "a?a.a.a.sa:a.at.eca.et..ua,,,.ua,.eces.eca.e. A DAY IN AYRSHIRE. Viewing Mementos ot the Great Scottish Poet. Mr. MaeF'arlane's last Letter Reg. $3.oofor..... .......02.oo styles reg. 04.00 Suits for 82.55 In this Department we carry a full line. Our Ladies' Mantles at $ro & 815 are very stylish, three quarter length, well made and lined through- out. A few Mantles at "oo, $3.oo and 92.50 just half the regular price. Your Winter's Ward- robe will be sensibly and handsomely completed by a choice from our extensive line of FURS. Fashion says Furs, Comfort demands Furs and you will satisfy both if you see our Stock and learn our Prices. The Public are showing their appreciation of our Weekly Advertisement and know that when we advertise an article at a certain price they are sure to find it here. We are ready to do business with an extra large stock of well chosen goods. Times are much better this season and people expect to buy better goods. Our Aim in business is to sell good GOODS at Honest prices. If by chance you get an article that does not suit you all you have to do is bring it back and your money will be refunded. If we please you, you will tell others, if we don't tell us. There is no doubt about it we have the largest Stock Assortment and Lowest Prices. A few prices quoted below may convince you how easy it is to buy. , Ka"" PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT' AS WE DO A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS. Boys' Suits, different colors and BOYS’ CLOTHING ALEX. RUSSELL MANTLES and FURS. “I BIB SURE t Art SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. A little further and you come to the monument in a beautiful garden of about 4 acres. 1n the corner is a building with statues ot the immortal Tam o' Shanter and Soutar Johnnie as natural as life, Tam just putting his glass into his mouth, while the laugh- ing Soutar has his half mutchkim on his knee. It is a fine piece of sculpture. In the garden is a little dismal place grown up with bushes and in the midst is auld "Clootie"and his wife all cut in stone. I can assure you they are anything bat pleasant to look at. Farther on you see sculpture as large as life representing 'h Poosie ,, Nancy, of Mauchline, who kept the public house where Barns used to go when he composed "The Jolly Beg- gars." Then you see the “Auld Brig ,, and the new one crossing the Doon. The old brig dates back to the year 1200, it is not used except for travellers. You may gather that this is a delightful spot, and we leave it to go down to the old town with its fine sand beach and steamers from all guts. and there seems to be great usiness done in shipping, etc. There is a beautiful coast here, about 2 miles long all built up with stone. FARM Fon SALE. tContaining 100 acres Lota 45m 1st Con., N. D. R. Glenelg. one mile west of Pricville. The tarm is well watered. 75 acres un- der euitivartion, with good buildings. For partlculnrs. apply to Peter Me. VML_,_ “A“ ... -- - Burns' father and mother lie here. The roof is off and walls Crown over with ivy, the old bell is still up in the gable and though many equally romantic ruins could be seen, few if any, have such interesting associations. Meet nurse for a. poetic child Land ot brown heath and shaggy wood Land of the mountain and the flood Land of my sires what mortal hand Can e'er nntie the filitU band That binds me to thy rugged strand. R. MACFARLANE. SR. V r-rr'l - = EWI' Kechnie. Newville. N. Dakota, U. B, When one looks at the beautiful country and recalls its heroes and their deeds. we may be excused if we teel a special thrill in the words "Let us do or die," bat td we shall be free. " One ‘s fancy wanders from Burns back to Bruce, bat, we cannot linger and we close our letters in the words of another famous Scotsman O'9ltdonia, stern and wild Up on a large hill are the barracks though no soldiers are here now, but you can see the spot where Wallace struck such a blow at the enemy when he Set fire to the "Barns of Ayr" in which they were assembled. 3 lbs cleaned Currants. . . . . . . 25c " lbs Yellow Sugar for. ...tr.oo . 23 lbs Redpath's Granulated Sugar for......... ..tr.oo GROCERY -00-..“ DE PARTM EN T With cold weather comes the demand for Under-clothes. Men's Under-clothes, pure wool, unshrinkable were 75e each now 50c. Fleece lined Underclothes at 75c and $1.00. Boys' Underclothes, all sizes, Fleece Lined and ribbed wool. W "t".t:et"sre."t"fe.re:"r"ft.t:'6.t.trt":t'%' 15. UNDER CLOTHING u . ' . & MED. Solicitor for Executor, Colin McArthur, -__H “W; __.. vvrvvmvclg A. D. 1892, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the Executor on or betore Friday, the 24th day of October, 1902, their names, addresses and descrip- tions, and fall statements and particu- lars of their claims and the nature of securities (if any) held by them duly verified, and that after the said day, the executor will cProceed to distribute the assets of the eceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. A. D. 1902. And Notice is hereby given that after such date the Executors will distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice and the said Executors will not be lia- ble to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived. Dated at Hanover this second day ot September, A. D. 1902. Edward Boyce, Crawford 11. H. Miller, Hanover; Executors. In Me Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the Matter of the estate of Phtebe3fcDottwtll, late of the Town- ship of (Handy, in, the County of Grey. widow. tleceancd. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R S. O. 1897 Chap 129, Section 38, and amending acts that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Phoebe McDougali who died on or a-- Routot‘h‘e seventh day ot September. A. q . --_______. M, - - _ F r-~v r-vru-u, vs uvllyhl, BU H. ll. Miller, one of the undersigned Executors under the will of the said Deceased, on or before the Eleventh day of October, A. D., 1902, their Christian and Surnames with de- scription and fall particulars of their claim and the nature of the security. if any, held by them, such claim to be duly verified by affidavit. IN THE ESTATE OF NELSON SUP- ERNAULT, Deceased. In pursuance of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129, Section 38, Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and other persons having claims against Nelson Supernault, late of the Township of Beniinek, in the County of Grey and Province of Ontar- io, Farmer, Deceased. who died on or about the thirteenth day ot Jane, A. D. nineteen hundred and two, are requir- e? l send. post prepaid, or deliver, to Executors' Notice to Creditdrs satisfied. lent quality. Trya pair and be tation is maintained by its excel- NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE SLATER bHOE is still in thelead. Its repu- abia 22nd day of September, MEX. ilWlillli.'tj, THE DURHAM REVI EW ww- vac-rm " C it) ili ili tlit REWARD M 1 WATER THAT I cum: Ilmlll R. B. Keeler is the only Watchmaker in the County with a Watch Pac. tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keeler'a engraved free. means rich and handsome gifts for Bridal presents and handsome. table silver is among the most ac eeptable that can be oftered. Our fine array of Flat and Hollow Ware Quadrupleqtlate, Pie Knives Berry Spoons. Meat Forks and Spoons us well as Water Pitchers and Tea Sets are something to excite admiration. The quality is tine the workmanship elaborate the price the lowest in the county. Two Blg Jewelry Stores, . DURHAM“ HESPELER ONT A S‘VELL WED DING li, E. A. ROWE. ta, Peet &use. [lll?,l!?,,j!,?llll, 193% Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries. LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. ROBINSON CORBEz, P roprietors. DURHAM - and - MT. FOREST. 1'tt)?.8r-r9o2._, 7 'd'.trss.s:eaastsas:-st.ts:s.et.: TORONTO All the goodness and the deli- cacy and wholesomeness of your mother's loaf are to be found in our toothsome and wholesome bread. We give you perfection in baking. Noted for purity and superior quality. Same as regards our rolls, buns, tarts, cakes, pies and pastry. They're unexcell- ed. Make you to order the finest kind of a cake for wed- ding or birthday party at short notice. Give good service and guarantee satisfaction. For Ease, Comfort, Durability and Style wear ti,l5rllle3,,,8,,li,i-oe, I , KERR I (li)ll, PPS H031 E )IADE. - by IIPIIILL on. We Sold Eur-"when. bod for everything that runs on wheels. . Will fit a young man or woman for business. The best courses in Canada' and reasonable fees and expenses. College Circulars Free to any address. Jackson‘s Block Butter and Eggs wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid. Q. fi. Jtigh Class sooatr. These are among the in- ducements we offer our custom- ers. We keep the best and lead in low prices and good values in everything usually kept in a first-class general store. _ 1902 - ----- 1902 IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE [arr-yo Jack, Our Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down low. It's money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. M illlllallllll)ltl A FEW MONTHS , c. h. FLEMING, Principal. Owen Sound, (ht, BINDERS, MOWERS & RAKES. J9ememger the video MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINESW BICYCLESwm Organs, Sewing Machines. Cream Separators, Buggies , Harness. Chums, Washing Machines and Wringers. Everything at rock bottom prices. JOHN LIVINGSTON. FIRE INSURANCE W. [out SPrietiis, HARVESTER C0MPANY's A. MGGABB UPPER TOWN llijiglllrghllllB SHOW ROOMS latest Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Seaman. &c., an: the very and best improved makes. Cn11 and see samples my to go to work. BICYCLES TO REN T. a [IRS FOR 250- Wilkinson Plows and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & MeKee's Carriages. Buck's & McClary's Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. Henry's Harness. Dawswell Chums, Wringers & Washing Machines. New and Becond-hand Bicycles for Sale. Alto rewiring Bicycles done well and promptly. Done in the Best and Cheapest Companies. Farmers' Insurance a specialty. £0. McKlNNON BOOM IN BICYCLES Upper Town. ' li' ;: m: Boon. _ ch... Wood................. Turkey............. Panto... pot In. Bum. ............... Hid". per owt.......... Culflkinl. per lb........ Suepeltttts............... leow rendered pulb Lad. porlb.............. Bar, anba..................... Dresud Hogs. per cw! Hogs. Live weight"... tumor, froth roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. u-..” "'-........ Onta......... .'"........ Flour.... Oatmeal. Wheat... Peat...” Barley... DURHAM MARKETS J. BURNETT """""-...... y’ach'ny 7311119) AT A PRICE. Guitabte for ."'-......... 0.0mmnou 000-0.... moo-noo- 0"... I00... ............ '-............ haue 'iekting or 200 Cracks whoa-00.0... ......... ......... concoc- o... tti, 450 2 55 62 " " " 18 Ho 6 " " " " 2 " 62 4o “1'3. (ltr- g tL 1'1- ll; 'irF 7ifii 7 r‘ if ist-ef/ig., WI f "an

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