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Durham Review (1897), 16 Oct 1902, p. 1

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Id, Ont, Orville P. o. " Durham. tiMil thin the all“ Auctioneer for " of any. t I m " "to an. Jt will 3 MM, ion to ces '03 , Principal abit ' 1902 st th. Eggs wanted, ighest prices UNTHS "S S'l'()llll ETT "ti/ttgt? Upper Town 'tass Sous Y A T 1902 [St tsttall y tetleral ar zood ant Plume No. 6 0L. XXIV. N0. 42 CESEEEEEEEEEEEE‘E WEDDING NOTICES and sup- ply Stationery at Reasonable Rates. For Samples, Prices and Styles to select from, l'all at the WE PRINT REVIEW OFFICE iiitittttittit ilihttrittjt. I ) The Review to January 1 1903. 20 cts. l, Ireland's have In another lot, of those [ lovely floor mtrts.--All prices up to $4.50 I Our's Cough Cure will stop that (cough, every bottle guaranteed. i, Mac-Furlaue a: Co. DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCT. 16, 1902: Pine Colored Shirts of the very new- set patterns with detachable cuffs at Mckechuie's. Thanksgiving Services will he held in Trinity church on Thursday. at 11 a. m., and at Allan’s school house at 3 p. In. 20b'tttrrs.-we will send the Review to any address on the, continent till Jan. l, 1903 for this sum. Our friends, will oblige us by making this offer known. Om; DAY oNLY.--Mr. T. P. Smith, Elam, Eye Specialist. will he at the Middaugh House, on Wednesday, Oct. 29th. for one day only. Eyes tested free. Satisfaction guaranteed. SUDDEN meArm--Mr, JM. Calvert received a IeIter last week containing the sad news that Rev. D. P. Niven, for 10 years pastor of Amos church and Knox. Normanhy. had died in St. Cutherines. The cause we believe was some kind of heart trouble. SILVER 1VEDDrso.--Out congrarula- tions to Dr. and Mrs. Mearns. Hanover, who on Thursday of last week celebrat- ed the 25th anniversary of their mur- riuge. We hope to be able in the REVIEW of 1927 to wish them joy over a Golden one. The Annual Sunday School entertain- ment of Knox church Normanhr, will be held on Friday evening Oct. 24th. A good programme is being prepared. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Admission 10 and 150. Refreshments served during the evening. A treat to all those who come. , The Durham Review and Canadian Annual to January l, 190t, $1.00. General De Wet wonders why Euro- penn enthusiasm fot himself and col- leagues did not mean intervention when the war was in pvogress. There were a number of reasons I hut if he would take a good look at the British fleet the next time he is Invited to do so, he will pro- bably see one of the principal onetL--- Montreal Star. The attorney general's department is going to put Its ofrleitU foot down heav- ily on all Sabbath breaking. as defined by the clauses of the. Lord's Day act in operation in this province. Saturday the county crown attorney in Chnthnm was asked by the department to prose- cute the beet sugar companies which. in the erection of their factories at Wallacehurg and Dresden respectively. have employed Sunday labor. Farther prosecution is likely to be announced.--- fTilbury Times. GREAT cRorm.---M r. John Acheson, "fnnitoba, renewing for the REVIEW. I echoes the prevailing note of bountiful harvest. "The best; round here, " he l writes, " was on the farm of Alex. Bell l off 80 acres there was 2.560 bushels, or 332 hush. per acre. Oats turned out i about 70 hush of first class quality, in lull he had nearly 8000 bush. Pay for i men thrashing runs trout $1.75 to $2.25 1 per day. The heat, threshing I have (seen done. in one day this season was 2300 hush. and if it hail been by weight, _ would have been nearly 4001)th mor e." You should see the splendid range of Floor Oils and Linoleums. Best im. ported goods.--Mt 1relnnd’s. f. , STV-ie-ttMTB/ll.), ii-i-iii?'))'-)'?,?,',?')!!'; Try Our Whooping Cough remedy. l pleasant to take and effectual. MacFarlane’s Drug Store. MISS GREGSON’S Lrerrqm--We men- tioned last week having received anoth- er letter. By the courtesy of Miss Fraser. who took two photos of the monument in the graveyard. and of Messrs. J. L. Browne, T. Swallow. and j Bert Mockler who took riverside views I ‘of the locality of the drowning. &c.. 2 we were able to send to Miss Gregson l 'these reminders of her brothers' fate. ‘She says t " I feel I dont deserve such l I trouble as has been taken to get me alll i,r those nice photos which I shall always Zvalue. The stone looks lovely, I only I wish I could come out there and see the l graves for myself. I thank you and all the Durham people for their many kindnesses. The first photos you sent me I hove nicely framed Ind hung up in my new home that is to be, early in November. You willbegled to know my mind is quite at rest. and I feel resigned about my two dear brothers. though it was very trying at the time. bat God has token the burden " my shoulders, we Mt hove to go sooner or later." Additmml Locals on Page 4. llelund's Millinery is all right. For Pure Lard, Hams or Shoulders go to McKechnie’s. ' Ben Nevis Camp meets in regular meeting Friday. Oct. 17. MIN. Next Sunday is Annual Decision Day in the Methodist Sunday School. Don't Forget the Teachers' Conven- tion In Flesherton Friday and mturday of this week. _ The Toront , Bully Star'is one of the brightest. of daily papers. You can MV cure it With the Review for only 82.25. Thanksgiving Service in the Presby- terian church on Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Not in the afternoon M usual. Goon WmtAr.--Nk about Manitoba. Mr. Jag. Peter, Jr., on Monday (hushed 3N hush of wheat from 10 acres. and GLT A CALL.--Letterts from Rev. Mr. Jansen announce that he has got u call from two congregations. at. Sinmlum, in Assiuiboiu. four miles apart. The place is on the main line. east of Regina. A LogT Rvso.--sunday betore but either in or on the way to the Presby- terian Church. A plain gold ring, valued for its mmocitttituttr. Finder will oblige by leaving at this ottieo, or returning to Thus. Lauder. If you’re making quilts, remembet " have the very flttest batting.--At Ire- IandU. . NEXT CAMP IN Mtrsrrorra.-SN e learn that the 31st Regiment and others will possibly hold their next year's camp in Muskoka instead of Niagara. The historic associations will be lost. but; there will be more room for fleh1 tactics. We have not advanced the price of our lolmccos. Amber smoking tobacco. Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chewing tolmccos are the same size and price to the consumer as formerly. We have ul- so extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January l, 1901. The Empire Tobacco Co.. Limited. BACK FROM NEW oNrAruo.--Mesers R. Renwick. Sr. and Jr. J. M. Findlay and Geo, Lothian of Dromore. were in town Satnrdny on their way home from a ten day: trip to New Ontario (Lake Temiskaming District). They enjoyed their outing very much and report. that large sections look well for farming and timhering. but that nearly everything within reach that is worth having is In the hands of the. boomster, speculatnr or the lumber kings.--Dandttlk Herald. A fine Range of Men's Waterproof Coats just to hand from 83 to $12 at Mckechnie's "Alone" and "Purity" are the titles of the new pictures given to subsctilwrs of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal. this season. They are consi- dered far ahead of any previously offer- ed, and subscribers are. sure to be de. lighted with them. The many improve- ments in the Family Herald are making that, great paper almost mdispensnhle to Canadian homes. Its weekly visit in this locality is greatly appreciated by almost every family. It is the biggest. dollar‘s worth known In the newspaper line. 2 ONE Fon THE TEACHERS. - Apropos of the meeting of the Teachers in Flesh- I erton on Friday and Saturday of this week, we clip the following from an exchange ..--Take. off your hat to the good and faithful school teacher. She takes the fledgling right from the home- nest in both pouts and passions- an ungovernitble little creature whose mother concedes that she sends him to school to get rid of him. This gentle lady, with an iron hand beneath a vel- vet glove, will take a. whole cur-load of incipient anarchists, every one ot them i single-handed. more than a match for the parents, and at once put them in a way of being useful and bright citizens. " OUR ARMY ".--Ttte moving pictures shown in the Hall last week by the Kyle company. were the best of their kind and the show could not he dupli- cated in Canada. The training of a soldier was graphically illustrated by ( moving photos taken from life, and the pictures taken on moving trains were almost as good as the real jour- ney. A trip over the Veldt, the Forth Bridge, Semis. tunnel and the Jubilee bridge at Montreal were thus illustrated and were very tine. The realism pro- duced by imitation noises behind the screen was well done. The ttve men in ( charge were gentlemanly fellows and deeervedn. better audience. especially as part of the proceeds went to the firemen. The citizens must not have men-wood this, or theyrmusc have objected to the prineiplelof sharing, or they were eupremely indifferent, for the funds of the fireman were increased only " ct: by the experiment. "d This in. dept-wing bat eomethtng better must. yet be doom wey of epprecmtlon of our useful y of volunteer titemen. GLENRLG AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. enjoying a fair measure of health. _ - passing to the sunset of lite amid the Has a. Successful Show. Jrespect of friends and the love and -. regard of three generations of deseent.i..- Under ideal weather conditions the 'tttg. Better ttill they ttre kw?" tttill Annual Show of this township Society land have carried the Ire: cftheir early washeld in 1Urkdtrle on Thursday ‘love through all the vicissitudes of m and anlast 1nd was an nnauali- years. Under ideal weather conditions the,, Annml Show of this township Society was held in Markdaie on Thursday, and Friday last and was en unquali- fled success. Being our first visit we I ,rtsrxsnotqualif1ed to enter into com- who. but what we saw leads us to conclude that the farmers of the dis- trlotm fully up-to-date. Being at tin corner of the township from which it at. its name and equally conven- ientmhree other townships. it lacks the, tmitied township pride which make! Holstein such a success. con may we and that very te w in- deed (mm the south and west of Glen- clg the pert in the prize list. Then is a. wonderful similarity in irenee. the In“ exhibits of all our shows. {mud The future of this in oomparison with lee, than we have seen is the excellence Java, t ofthe fruit exhibit. 1n quality Wchem" should any it was not inferior to Torom. ”WW: to income lines. If an average crop, ”will " all approximating to the exhibits wagd cube itidrketed trom that "cuckoo Mttt t valley,” we think it should be ahead .Klond of grain raising. 1 fl Mr. Ladies' work mm in abundance and no doubt tirtrt class, the vegetables and grain could be called tair, the Bowttr exhibit was poor. As naual gm” exhibitors of sewing machines. c..holped to make the interior at- (mm in. dseveral parts of' the Erwin triiteGhiijpinestand health IN t eJ11 li,PF, went on. S_hep- in what remains to them of' the passint: em. of Walters Pall, a professional l veers. tt header. seemed to have this 4 - -- ..-.. -e _- - iiimibrer)t all to himselt. and herein 3 inanlvll it the specialist by his very Do You WantTo Buy A Kouse8 excellence should deter a general i competition of the purely farmer class. [ Many a mun in saving to bay tt home- The “title exhibits were very numer- {or his {anally and is placing all his .. " . . . nu, act., .....I one. the Mercer herd being specially large and comprising many tine ani. mals Mr Rm Morrison, of Edge Hill, took u notiat to enter this year, and cut a Man“: among the rize winners. He had his thorobred Burham cow on Mad. audit was enough to make a lee, canary-day farmer nervous co m that among Mcrqer‘s .htrd wu an animal of the Hume breed in eom- [the premium on a. 10 , car "oooh - petition, that had cost Moo. The§Pohcy in tttt,!Petritu Life. .Assumm-e Judges viewad the lot and settled down 1 Comotuty .or thuttidn. If ty' died " wttk for a studv ot the 8600 article and tiiilfrtr, takitttt out: the tmutt'ntVt" hit Ed e Hiii bovin d th it of family would rem-We the full amount, ot g l . ye, In e retrtt the policy. and if he nurvived the full the“, 'em!!?",!"." WM to. leave the fifteen years the maturing of the policy red ticket with f.r.i.end Morrison. Con- would furnish him with funds sufficient gratulstions William. J net here we in!) complete the purchm of his homo» ttt may my he took lgt in Lungels, 1tst in I " leisure. Can bin-re he nuv compel-i- Coll. ott?otatoess, 2nd in half bushel of{;$"'n"'“d" MW?" 'Wmuch New?“ y . . . 'licularn umis t __ upon up!) kw potatoes and in tumlps. He made M " W" very good showing in fruit also. (tton in W. lt. Mrras, At;',',",),.,,, though not a prize winner. i -- ----- -..-- .-. -. __ ----- --- Director John Eckhnrdt, of the 3rd , Com. B. D. R., is also a stock man and 1torrr. BRIGHAM took let for a fine two-year-old bull, Licensed Ant-nonun- for 1 Markdale for a number of years L/ the """"r.' of lirt'.V. had a reputation for good horses, an. Orders taken at. my pesideuce. lien- evideneeuf this being the regularitv _ linck. at the Review office, [Durham . I ' . . , .. t ' ‘... _ l with which Roch Marion tId other " ',',','cLs1ll"" I ark I . tr. I t'tli Markdale for a number of years has " had a reputation for good horses, an evideneeof this being the regularity with which Roch Marion and other buyers frequent the place. The repu- tation We believe is Justified. The class one meets on the roads and, streets seemingtobe of a. high aver-1 age. This was certainly noticeable among the numerous entries also. We were much pleased to see Hugh McDonald's "Roy " on the grounds and to see 3 red tickets just chase one another into driver Arthar's hands., Be got list for single driver, lst tor lady driver, Mrs. Rutledge, Chesley, _ holding the reins, 1st for diploma in i Roadster class, duplicating the record he has made wherever showu this year. Father Hauck had an eye on him, and other well known horselov- era were generous in their praise. I while the crowd commended the jud- l ges in honoring It Art's " fine beast. n In the sheenclass we noticed Mr A Muir‘s floeka taking a prominent place among the prize winners. We were pleased, to meet an old Egrernonttsr, Mr Hugh Baird Saw- H miller, " Ltuuristott, who does a large L business in lumber, &c. " Pipers McDonald and McArthur of 2 Priceville furnished splendid pipe: masks, and the local bind of course was on hand. The booths seemed to i do a. good trade, but we wonder at the Direetor'g allowing a. straight gamb- I ling wheel of fortune on the grounds. Markdale looks epic-span and up-to; a date, has two very large stores andi some good ones of smaller dimensions. g Pleased to have a. fraternal chat with , Ed. Routledge in his fine printing, loftiee. ' On October Oth, in the tar-gone year of 1842, in the pretty Island of Jersey, in the Chnnuel Island you?i and at the old town church of St. illiard's there. Mr. Philip Eve led his young and blushing bride before the Deacon of Jena , (Madame Lnngtry's father by the 'l,'l%U'l took the vows that made them man end with. The youu‘ couple of that": are with as still Mr. and It's. Philip Eva United 60 yrs. A DIAMOND WEDDING, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO y inlrenee. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewrenee. owe. grandchildren. and their little P.lfs with ( mule the tour ttemsmtiontr. Philip once if)". Jr. was there of counts. Albert, ot , we ‘Detrmt, another Ion sent regrets then oron- owing to illness he could not come. . A crop, ldaughwr from Guelph. Mn;z Collier, mm: was detained 0mm: to {m welder“ her uuu aver. ",, AUCTION SALE or HIGH cuss cable SHORT HORN CATTLE. Last week a small party of relntiVus and neighbors determining to mark this epoch, met " the home of the old couple and spent at plenum hour or two in the evening bringing with them as a recognition two handsome end comfortable may chairs. In the pgrty__were_llrs. Ayheyy v. finger of Mrs. Eva. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mthch- lan. Mr. and Mrs. Hath McDontld. new neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence. l-ngmont, (tee Inter a duughtgg) Mr: tttd M__r_s. Philip Luv» ; Mr. and Mrs. Ev'a were [ratings of tCornwalI. England, lived in Jersey 'itor a time after their marriage. moved to Alderney, where for 7 years Mr. Gi had charge ot a department at (fortif1etuio1t work. Leaving nun- they Name to Durham about 50 years ago i and have been here ever since. in common with all their muaintanee. I: Many n mum is sowing to buy a home ifm' his funily nod is phwiug ail his inure money in the bank with this end ho view. But does It. ever new: to such in man that if he were to die hetero the 1requisite amount. were necumulued. Ibis havd-eirned money would have to l be taken oat of the hunk to assist in the {puppogt of his funny. ey! they vault! sod diet with rimming from the Klondike,, by: is {ripened shorty): , ems mums, he as far from owning n house as ever ? Suppme that incited of putting his money in the hulk. he med it to pay the premium on a " Year Endowment Pollcy in the Imperial Life Assurance Comrmny of Outed-L. If he died it week after taking out, the insurance his family would receive the full nnmunt of the policy. and if he survived the full fifteen yea” the maturing of the policy ‘would furnish him with funds sufficient to complete the put-chm of his home at " leisure. (hm there he nuv ("impuri- son made between two Inch methods? Full particulars futnished upon npnlirw tton in w. D. “lbw. Agent. 1 m hum Mr. Wut. Hay will sell by PuUic Auction on his premises. Lot 7. C,ott 12. Derby. (ll miles can of Turn) on Th arr day, October. 23. Ig02. ho herd of It) celehmted Scotch Short Ham Cattle, consisllng of 32 cows and heifers. and tt bulls and bull calves. This herd has been the leading prize winners for the put, 10 yrs. at all the Fnll Shows in the County of Grey and Bruce and all Are on he sold without reserve. Plan-e apply tor random". containing full description of outue. Terms ' 12 months' credit, on approved ioint notes or a discount of 6 per cent lor cub. Sale " 1 o'eloek, p. m.. sharp. WN. BEATUN Auctioneer. L MISS DICK BUSINESS a, IS MORE THAN E 300mm: 1 at this Store with a staff of two trimmers and three as- sistants we find it ell we can do to meet the demand which exceeds all other seasons. We have an ex- cellent choice of HATS and BEAUTIFUL GOODS. No one need go away from this Store without being perfectly tsatisfied in a Hat, as we are here to look strict- ly after our customer. to see that they are planned in price " well a style. dbs 't ROBT BRIGKAM. Allan AND I’m-L l I

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