West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Oct 1902, p. 4

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1Jur Waggons & Carriages are bought in Carload lots for Cash and our prices are consequently away down low. It's money in your pocket to inspect our Lines and get our Prices before purchasing anything we handle. (r'he Churns, washiftg siai/iriiiisiariir'it'ti7e'rt bottom prices. Qrgans, Iitwiug Machines, Cream FIRE INSURANCE - BICYCLESsss“ MASSEY- HARVESTE COMPANY’S smut-ms, MOWERS a RAKES Our w "GliTllliflfiB SHOW ROOMS Done in the Best tM Insurance a specialty HICYCLES To New and Second-hand Bicycles for 1 Bicycles done well and promptly. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Sc and best improved makes to go to work. A 130031 IN BICYCLES That hat croblem will be easily solved if you visit our Millinery show-rooms. The most ex- tensive Millinery assortment in Durham is here for your pleasure. New York, London and Tor- onto in all their millinery glory and excellence are represented here in pleasing array, Street Hats, Ready-to-wear Hats and Trimmed Hats. in such gay profusion as to make the scene almost bewildering. No thought or fancy has been over- looked, no worthy style neglected, and no matter how extreme or how modest your taste, this is the one store that is sure to gratify it, so easy to make a test. Come and see. Wilkinson Plows and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & McKee 's Carriages Buck 's & McClary's Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. l Dawswell Chums. Wrirurem & Wnsthiv,er llankia Cash and tu, Price, HARRIS JIACHINES”“‘ Millimery Question HEBREW . MCKINNON JOHN LIVINGSTON. ' Rakes, scufr1ets, &c, mos a organs. Heury's Harness. s, Wringers & Washing Machines. REN'I. Cheapest Companies Separators, " HRS FOR rs, &c., are the very latest Call and see samples ready 'ortoch. Sale. easily 5021995 Buggies & mums; Everything at rock Si, Also repairing 25C. Farmers ' We have not advanced the price of our tobaccos. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fate Play chewing tobaccoe are the same size and price to the consumer as formerly. We have gluo extended the time for the redemp- tion o Snowshoe tags to January l. 1904. The Empire Tobacco 00.. Limited. e7-.. .ku rtllple of the moon. No discount on this, though the comet is disappointing. A lively interest is being taken in the special Services conducted by the Monk- man Bros. in the Methodist church. They will continue this Week and next, every evening at 8 o'clock. except Saturday. Player meeting in the basement at 7.30. THE E'cmPsE.--The comet is little fuzzy thing, hardly not but, granted a clear sky, ol from 11 p. m. Thursday to 3 a. _ day of this week will see a total Call and get your Winter Ireland’s. Mr. and Mrs. Diff, of Vancouver. B. C., came to Durham last week to visit Mrs. Iliff’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lawrence, and other friends. Accom- partying them are two bright little daughters. Mr. Iliff had just zeturned from the funeral of a brother at Ottawa. Mrs. H. Shaw son and daughter, moved to Durham last week from Clinton. and are now, with Mr. Shaw. who has been here some tune, domiciled in Mr. John Ki'nnee's house. John the son, formerly of the Clinton News-Era. has joined the Review staff. early years. Mrs. Alex. Russell. (Big Store'), is a guest of hits, T. Allan for a few days. Her daughter accompanies her. Mrs. Allan and she were intimate friends in Mrs. Jas. Moore, from near Hanover. Trisuted her cousin Mrs. J. L. Brown n few days this week and called on some other old friends In town. Mrs. w. Buchan came home on Mon. day from attendance on her daughter Mrs Woods, Bayfield. Mother and little daughter doing well. Mrs. Firth, of Flesherton. passed through Durham Tuesday on her way to Buffalo for a week's holiday with her two daughters there. Miss Davey. was ill a few days Inst, week, of tonsilitis, Miss A, MacKenzie taking her room. She resumed her work Monday. Mr. Hugh Rose and daughter. Miss Hose, also Master Russell Currie left Wednesday to spend a few days in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and child- ren, of Flesherton, spent over Sunday with their relatives, the MeClocklin families. Miss Flora Stewart, of \Velbeck, visited Mrs. Geo. Melkle and other friends In tcwn the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Livingstone and Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mills last week. Mr. Charles McDougall. son of Mr. D. McDougall, Mulock. cal-w hmue Mon- day from the West. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Livinoufnnn and Mrs. Norman McIntyre arriyed home on Monday after a two months’s visit in New York State. Miss Mary McLachlan returned to Ot- tawa after several weeks' visit with friends here. Miss Maggie Crawford. we regret to learn IS tll with congestion of the lungs In Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hunt came home Monday from a pleasant 3 weeks' visit in Detroit. Mrs. John G. Smith, Holstein. was the guest of Mrs. W. N. Horsburgh over Sabbath. ' Miss Jessie Dungan. of Eden Grove. is visiting at her uncle's Mr. John Byers. Mr. Alex. Russell, of the Big Store, spent two weeks at his former home In Elam. Mr. Cecil Gun returned last, week from his position on one of the lake boats. Mr Thos. McComb, \Villinmsford. paid a brief visit to nelatives here last week. Mr. Rxchard McWilliama. of Owen Bound, was in town last week for a few days. Mr. Chas. R. Packard left thia week on a two weeks' business trip to Cleve- land. Messrs. T. Black, Burrows and Dewar are spending the holiday in Guelph. Miss Sweet, of Exeter, is a guest. of her sister Miss Ethel Sweet. Miss Everitt. Palmerston. is visiting her sister Grace here. Mr. Mchne spent. a few days in Butralo and Toronto. T. Reid. Jr. is home from Hanover for a. few days. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Almst'rong left tor the Boo Tuesday. Mr. Allie McIntyre returned home from Harristun. MI. Fred Hunter spent Thanksgiving Day in Toronto. e com et is so far a hardly noticeable. ar sky, observers THE DURHAM REVIEW Milllnery at ONTAK|U AND“! . w -- TORONTO a. Fri. eclipse t this, Dat ed thi Jiri, u t v All petsons having husinecs at Court are requirpd to attend at the time tutd. place. OTICE is hereby Riven that a N Court will be held pursuant to "The Ontario Voters' Lists Act " by His Honor. the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey at the Town Hall, Holstein", on Friday. 31st day of October. 1972. at ten o'clcek in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions m the' Voters' Lists of the municipality of the township ot Egre- mont for 1902. nAll persons having businm at the Ann-L "-- .--- __. . - _ 7 Turkeys................... Pontoon. pu- bun..." Beam. ..................... Hid". per ttwt.......... Calf-kiln. per lb........ Shtsepelttmr............... Tallow rendered porlb Lad. perth......:....... Bar........................ Boon. _ ttwt............ ”Itlcl' Au".............. Iii.................. .... Lambs..................... Dressed Hon. per cwt Hogs. Live weight..... Butter. fresh roll per Ir, Butter. Tttlt......-........ MUNICIPALITY OF EGREMOI‘TT ouc.................. Peas............ Ihtrur........ Oatmeal _'"""."-............... Whettt..................... Clerk's Notice of Court of Revision I Our county has been blessed with the most abundant crop for years, and the agriculturist in stock raising and other departments has been favored with good prices. The Province as a whole has made great p"ogress, and if it is getting thinned out ot many of its bright young people there is reason tor . thankfulness that most oi them remain under the Union Jack. The Dominion was never more prosperous. Exports and Imports keep mounting up beyond all precedent, population is rushing in and more than ever Canada looms up in the eye of the world as n plmfe where homes a-plenty may fioarish ‘under all the blessings of good laws well administered, in a healthy clim- ate under the best social conditions. As members of a world-wide empire We rejoice she is now at peace, made most magepimoI1sly with the warring element. We rejoice that after several vicissitudes our King has been crowned. There is reason also to rejoice that her great men from all her colonies have met in consultation and that in every one of them there seems to be a desire to build tor the future on a foundation ot righteousness which alone exalteth a nation. Flour......... pURHAM Miiikiiiriiii." . n,,v-~.' 'v I. “VBIUU in material things, and we trust has not retrograded in the finer qualities that should adorn civic life. We have mom for civicthankfulncss for the year that has gone in that our town has been progressive to a degree in material thirus. land “In trunk has Each individual, and family, and church. must sum up for themselves, in retrospect the blessing of the year and true thankfulness in the three conditions named is a tuwer of strength to any nation as well as a blessing to the identity itself. There may have been losses and crosses, but even these have their uses. The date fixed this year. October 16, should, and we think does, fall in with the poémlar taste rather. than on the late ovember date. A grotesque objection raised is that It comes too soon to get turkeys to go round, which is a reminder that our eivtlization seems to associate feasting with every event whether sacred or secular. Be this as it may there is room for true thankfulness for the bounties and blessings of Piovidence and our read- ers we are sure are among the number who will acknowledge it heartily. CEMENT NOTEB.-Little to note this week. but may say that drying the clay is in full blast and next week it in expected the trestle work will he readv for the mart can and operations Will be begun. It is rumored that several of the can wttl be fitted with steam pipes from the engine. thus enabling the work m go on all winter. The demand for cement, is so great that no more can be secured from the Peninsular .Vorks and contractora in various parts have lnlenve jobs till next nprine. Hence the importance of getting the great works of the National producing. ELECTION Tsuauv-.'tham" to some body the province will not have to wait and wade through more than 6 or 7 elec- tion trials. though nearly 50 protests were. made. The result of these and the resultant hy-electione.if any. will be PW. citing enough owing to the narrow ma.. mrity of the. government. The first is to ' held this week. Chief Justice Falcon- hridge And Mr Justice McLennun 1:0an to London to hear the petition Mainst Dr. G. A. Routledge in E. Middlesex, Mr. Richard Paralow of Proton came into the. village one. day last week to consult. the doctor regal-din! a threaten- ed illness. He was unable to return home. and is now (Tuesday evening) i.1ett'eut,tr ill tt the homepf nip dangli- -- - __v-_.- -- ”Iv ""-r'e" tar Mrs. W. J. Blacknton in this place. Be it atflieted with catnrrh of the liver and there are gmve doubts of his recov- "r.--Dunda1E Herald. A Harvest '3 gifts examine. A Nation tree from foes, Nor war, nor plague, nor famine, To reckon with as woes. Were tears or trials sent us? Twere sent by love Divine Then all let's raise our hearts in praise At this Thanksgiving time. ."...'.....6.......... u...-............ .....- Thanksgiving 1902. ------+ 0. "--.-. r " October. 1901 D. ALLAN, Clerk. Ile 18 4 " 8 '25 2 " Cd 60 4o 12 12 llo 2 75 62 My " 75 l4 l4 l4 said We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- dem or enquiries left at C. McArthur's sure, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. CUTTERS made by Gray of Chatham will find that class hem. those who want tVnethin/nice viceable and gopd in Call and see prices. A. B. McARTHUR Summer is over and we are ten the FALL TRADE with PLOUGHS. PULPERS. LOTS 9 AND 8 CON. lg" GLENELG. The " Findlay McRu Farm ". This contains 200 scre- nnd belongs to . Com- pany who offer it " the price of a 50 acres. MONEY '1'0 LEND,-- DEBTS COLLECTED,- LANDS BOUGHT a t'sOLD,-- Every kmd of tinaueitu business tunne- ted. @Zougizs ' ')ulpars We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mow.. ers and Drills. Examine our Chums too which we offer at right prices. l A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state, good buildings and fences, Rood soil, School and Church close at hand. Post Oftiee on the farm. Owner getting up in years and bound to sell. He u pow offering for Bale : THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres on Garai’rua A good farm with fine buildings. Offered very cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone went. The T. o. Stewart Farm. Lot 16, Con. I 2, W. G. it. Bentinck;100 acres with} about 30 cleared ; frame house and other , buildings. Said to have a lot of very] Bne hardwood timber. l Carefully consider where they do their business. Many of these men go to B. B. MILLER, the Hanover Covveyancer, even though It means a few miles of a drive. They any that he is .. Always ptomph---toever. negligent." that he has had 22 years experience and that It, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. C A U T I O U S Successful Men I have a good tenm of horses. a doubl Waggon and heavy set of working hor. ses whlch wilt he sold ata bargain. Also please take notice that any flour. or mm owing on grins must he take n out of the mill by that date. As I am giving up business and have ( leased the People's Mill forts term of' yeavs.ail accounts owing me must be i, settled up by cash. note on wheat, not l later than October 4. Igtr2. I Winter is approaching and for Addtwo,---H. H. MILLER. Lock Drawer 28, Hammer Retiring from Business. our Stock and get our R. McGovux. ready for l Ont. Intending and.“ would enter " beginninc. otterm, '""ttrtatatttr.a potable. V M and Equlpmont. The 312100! I: animal to: full Junior Leavinr and 'utrteninam, work. under the following sum of Comm “ha-chm to: that Department : Mott. M. my. “LICK, B. Ana-mud Huang. . $09.4. MOE, Int Cl..- Won-I , Durham -si2iiii"i"i' WM. BLACK. . “hm-n. King Edward Pocket Knive 3 L'ne Snaps.... ...., '"'-p, Putty Knives. . .. Favmers Trowels ’BARCLAY &'NOBLE The people were rushing to u ur Sim " last. Wednesday evening thinking the building Watt on fire, but it way only " display at Nickle Lumps burning mum- of the good We keep in Stack. Another curloud of that famous, OIL just, placed in our wnrehouis. A consignment of Double Barrel Shot Gum: arrived to-day, which We my: cell at prices that will usinninh you. CALL Are now stocked up with MAXWELL & COCKSHI’TT PROVEN Hay Fork HRH F'ji?iliii,) h TOLTON 'S Pea Gurney Stoves, Pi: ADAMS WAGGONS Next .week We expect mmthm shipment from England of thut celebrated W. BLACK Silvelwurv. Only n few of theme cheap Appl, Pearers left, Examine our New Stuck of Ellw- tric Light S:lpplie:~. 3201:3133, Jh; arrcws Settlers Customers are comment tind out the value- of our Pickers. A second Shipm hand. vester Drill wit wire conductors CALL and EXAMINE our 5:11 £130: of Walnut]! 3M3. BM" I W. SJYS‘IPS f gprsiGiTi'i", ' 01.00 par month, - ut cistteg,iari, of its kind OCT. 16, 1902 value of our Apple second Shipment to iauos & Organs and see our fa- mous Syl- with steel Harvester com 't"mcurg U , TO ct , mcls Ot acts it) ttf,ht Shred India GR Wing Hum Bad ( New All M ‘ro onl MI ay

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