if fh. in Hopeville P. ft “GE. Durham 16. 1902 highest prices l 0nt., E’S STORE JETT tu8ll w Class Soods, the place UNTHS 'rw all; 4/4444 'rincipal. Upper Town TAU "'SCS man 1902 ranted, general tttl uallv tom FO4 am ll "r5mN5,9iiFFsev'ciis LAI DLAW'S Old Stand ititttttg, i Mackay and Dunn is the style of a i new legal firm which is this week open- , ing an office in town. Mr. Mackay is ith.e well known K. C. of Owen Sound, whose legal reputation IS already well 1established in this county. Mr. Dunn i is a younger practition who had a brit- lliant career at Osgoode Hull where he 'V took highest honors. He was formerly ( in practice with Mackay and Sampson, ; Owen Sound and with Blake, Lash and i Cassels of Toronto. Their card appears 5 in this issue. -,' LAND GRANTS To VOLUNT EERB.- 1 i Hon. E. J. Davis, Minister of Crown 1 l Lands, luet week announced that centi- l ficates would be issued on Nov. 1 to all I lvolunteers entitled to land fgrants. l jThe delay has been caused by the prac- itically unanimous opinion of those in. lterested that no certificates should be lsent out until all were ready, so that they might all be placed on an equal basis in selecting lands. Another ad- vantage will be that twelve townships which were surveyed this summer Will be included in the land available for se- lection. and will thereby greatly in-. crease the area of choice. It is possible howevei, that there will be A limited number of applications, in which special points have arisen. that it may be nec- essary to hold over for a short time, but the whole list will be completed as soon as possible. SUImEx DEvrH.--Whqe visiting her sons and daughter at Sault St. Marie. Mrs Duncan McDonald of Allendale, and formerly of Emphrwsia Tp.. near Markdale, suddenly dropped dead from heart failure. The remains were taken to erie for burial beside her, mother, Mrs Euphernia Sinclair. of Chiltenham. Chingacousi, who died a. few months ago. She wasasistee of che late Mr Arch Black, of Bunessan , and was Well known in thm part. I We have not advanced the price of . our tobaccos. Amber smoking tobacco. gBohs, Currency and Fair Play chewing I toliarcos are the same size and price to the consumer as formerly. We have " so extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January l, 1904. The Empire Tobacco Co., Limited. A TRIP To PAHrs.--At the last meet- ing of Ben Nevis Camp Mr. Jno. H. Hunter gave a half hour's talk of a most interesting nature of his recent trip to the old land. Jack IS a keen observer and saw many wonderful things hut is home, like Laurier. a prouder Canadian than he was befoie. We have a good supply of Menu, Boy's and L'hildren's clothing-at c. L Grant's. ANNIVERSARY titertvrcmr.--The "n- nual services of the Presbyterian body will be held on Sunday, Nov. 9th. A week night lecture and cehbrntion will be held the Thulsdny previous. when a lecture will he delivered by the able and brilliant. Rev. Dr. Geggie, of To- ronto. The Annual Sunday School entertain- ment of Knox church Nommnhy. will he held on Friday evening Oct. 21th. A good programme is . being prepared. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Admission 10 and lik. Refreshments served during the evening. A treat, to all those who come. AUCTION BAcre.-In another column will be found an advertisement of an extensive Sale of Farm Stock and Implements on Wednesday. Oct. 20. Mrs. Roht A. Marshall. Proprietor. Lots 2 and 3 of 10, Con. l, w. G. R Bentinck. 3 Dmautumm--Hon. J. Israel Tarte has l been dismissed from otrlee owing to his most imprudent course during the last ! two months. Score one for Bitton. :' The anal-ominous in the Methodist EChurch on Sunday and Monday even- ;ings were delighted and impressed by "he rendition of the sacred solos sung by Miss Klng, of Mount Forest. ONE DAY Ota.r.---Mr. T. P. Smith Elem, Eye Specialist. will be at the Middaugh House, on Wednesday, Oct. 29th. for One day only. Eyes tested free. Satlsfaction guaranteed. The Durham Review and Canadian Annual to January 1. ION, $1.00. BICYCLE Accrmmr.-tast week Mr. Harry Benton was thrown from his bicycle. and reeeiyed an abrasion of the knee. which threatened to be 89110118. but we are glad to hear that he is im- proving. I‘ The special set-Vices conducted by the [Monkman brothers in the Methodist (Church are being continued with in. ]! creasing interest. Ladies' "ckettr--at Grant's. The Review to January I Mm, so cu. Ladies' Par Rum, and Caperinea--at Grant's DURHAM, _rmmniiir/iitj'iij"] 23, 1902. ’1, 7 0w iT'iri2-5, 71 ’57 OPICS "err a. m I MACKAY & DUNN, Barristers, - Solicitors. Conveyanceâ€. ac. Ottieeg: Lower Town, Durham A. G. Maokar, K.C. W. F. D In Laurier we have a personality who looms up as one of the great men of the empire, and we would not be surprised if some day he be chosen for some notable empire enterprise, such rhaps as the settlement of the French Elem": question, for which he would he peculiarly well fitted. Oar readers we are sure, irrespective ot politics, will wish him long years of 11sefalness in public life, and fewthere must be, were it not for the strength of party feeling, who would wish to See him separated from the premiership for many years yet. We cannot held contrasting his homecoming with that of Premier' Barton of Aug-. tralia, who has been received With boots andjeers in (public places, and demonstrations a verse to him and his government. -. y . _ V,,r_e~...v..u. uuu uu WU"- der that 'Poloneed cheers" were given to the man who comes home trom the brilliancy of European courts, and declares "I am more ofa Cana- dian than ever. " The stories of' failing health he gives a. denial to, and proves it by asking that welcomes be curtailed that he may get down to work. The return ofthe Premier has been fittingly recognized by splendid re- ceptions at Rimouski. Quebec, and Montreal, bat especially at Ottawa. These have not been given froma party standpoint, for happily there has been a general recognition by men of both parties, that the part taken by Sir Wifrid in the public functions ia which he wasa represent- ative, were, performed so worthily as to merit national recognition on his return. His addresses are models and sometimes marvels of clever and happily put expressions, and no won- der that c'PPlonsret.i cheers" were .. Purity " is a. beautiful subject. a real work of art. that will be much 'tp- preciated. " Alone " ii a picture that at once catches the eye and will hold the attention of all who see it. The pair' are sure to create a big demand for the Family Herald this season. " Come early and avoid the Push " should he the winning to those who want a big dollar's worth. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, are, this week sending out thei new premium pictures. “Purity " an!“ Alone." They are very hand- some. and vastly superior to nnv pre- mium pictures we have seen. CEMENT No'rrri--The closing touches are gradually being put on, and before long We shall hear the noise of the clinker-grinders as we now hear the coal-crushers. The exigency of the work is so pressing on the directors that they have found it necessary to sanction Sunday labor. a step which the best feeling of the town deeply re- grets. We hope the urgency which required this in the construction stage has [Missed away, and that we shall have our Sundays free as far its possible from the wear and tear of the work-a day Week. Our N..Egremont cor. refei s" to the work on the dredge. A Dauphin friend has sent us copies of their paper and the Winnipeg Free Press. Marked articles relating to the Donk- hobors seem to show that the craze against working or eating their cattle hu only affected e very few of them. and Msat the general character of the bulk of them bide fair to he soon assimilated to their new conditions. The sale of the cattle turned loose was conducted by the gov- ernmunt and the proceeds wilt be retained to the cledit of the crazy (for the time be. ing) owners. l ' There will be a. young people's con. l vention and rally in the Methodm. [church on Tuesday next. Service. In the afternoon tst2o'eioek. and in the evening at 7 o'clock. The Honkmun Brothers are expected to he present and assist in the service of song. Mrs. Elliott, lot. pout-mistru- “this ploco left on Mondoy foe 5 short vim with her mother in Durham out! litter in Onngevillo before Ionian tor the North- west. Mu Elliott has lone boon u roul- dent of Chat-worth during which lune she made many Honda and woo quite on no- qniailinn to the social circles. by whom she will be greatly 'ni-d.----, News. Black and colored Kid Gloves but make-as Gum's. Laurier Gets a. Great Reception Horn CaANaB.-Mr. A. He!) cuppa]. Williamsfort. has sold his hotel to Mr. Jan. Cannon. Some good matter received too late for insertion. wo DELIG HTFUL PICTURES htgiitiiit). Farmers' trot, J McMillan. II It Mc- Lean. Telford's special. II Watson, W Watson, D W Thompson & Co.’s ‘special, W Watson. CATTLE Durham, aged bull, D McMillan. Bull, 2 years old, 03110". J Eckhardt. Ball, 1 year old, D McMillan. G Snell. Bull call, W Patton, J Eckllardt. Milch cow. G Snell. W Patton, GSnell. 2 year old heifer, J Eekhardt. 1 year old heater, J Fairbairn, J Eekhtirdt. Heifer calf. J Fulrbsirn, G SnelL I General purpose span. J Fairbairn, J Sharp. Brood mare, Archie Me- Lean. 2 year old colt, A Muir, J Cal- der. lyear old colt W L Dixon, A McLean. Roadster, or carriage, H McLean. Brood mare, H Watson, W Watson. 2 yr old colt, D McLean. D McMillan. 1 year old colt. W Patton, W Watson. Spring colt. H Watson, W Watson. @1210 driver, J Fairbairn, NCamp- bell HORSIE Draught tTan-O Patton, A MeCan- nel. Bmod mare. W Patton, A Me Carmel. D McInnes. 2 year old colt, DMcMillan. lyear old colt, J Pat- ton, J Burnett. Spring colt, W Patton, D McInnes. I M. K. Richardson. M. P., and Mrs. l, Richardson were on the grounds l Messrs C. McKinnon, Wm. Sharp,) T. Jordan, Joe. Barnett and the two) editors were present from Durham. Editor Thurston and several others; trom Flesherton were on the grounds. l Following is the prize list: i, I . v """ -__ “"""". One-[cs far from uwnnfg a house as even? THE CoscErtr.-With such stars as Suppuw that instead of pulling his lu,r. Jas. Fax, Miss Jean Renwick, money in the bunk. helm-d it to pay l piper McArthur. and Miss christoilt.,ht premium on n 15 Your Eudowtuent accompanist. and others there was l [WW-V "I. tytltttp.etitl 1ifee,r,tisyt'ea; material for a good pragram' See '/ity,y'Tasc.'/,' t 1','tt"ao,y ir,',e',r//,,'ic" “his 'what our Prieeville correspondent mum“, (l'du'r'fc'ei,.,al '/IC full ";,,.,....L of says. [the policy. and if he survived the in“ On the grounds, as in Markdale, (fifteen years Ie.rttatyrityr of the l.to.lic.v was the wheel ot fortune man raking in _ would furnish hum wich .n,'r"i/ii,'1/',t',iy,.'/, the dollars from the gamma: spirit SO ! 'ii'set,'iee.t." t/'a'i/'igrlevc/.'2i'ct'/,tp',.cy “any stirred ir) young boys. This'm‘" iaiiiuiiiru", two siuch nu-Ihmls? same fakir admitted privately that m i Full particulars fumisha-d mum amnion» one fair this season he netted $175.00, tum w w. D. Mums, Again, and yet directors will admit these:I Ituthaut games ofehanee--of'eheat rather.--All -"'e -""t ---, -- _ ---t--"'----------- honor to East Grey Show which refused ‘2 hg‘mreze tfieve, though it is said helROBT. BRIGHAM o e O ---- Sharp and Eekhardt carried off' everything in Swine. THE CoscErtr.-With such stars as Mr. Jae. Fax, Miss Jean Renwick, piper McArthur. and Miss Christue accompanist. and others there was material for a. good program. See what our Priceville correspondent says. The sheep show in Priceville is always extensive and good. though running to specialism: for instance A. Muir taking everything in Cotswolds and Fairbairn everything in Oxfords. These men want competition, why don't someone invade' their field? Geddes, McMillan. Muir. Harrow, Nichol, Kennel, all good sheepmen. watched the diftiealt task Judges Tucker and Willis had in deciding some of the prizes. In cattle the prizes were well distributed; John 1%lchardt, firs: " Mtrkdalc tor 2-yr-old ball, got only 2nd here. D. McMillan and D. Camp- bell have certainly an eye for good liter, There were some very fltttt There were some really good horses on the ground, with entries numerous enough to be quite exciting. The bunch of 2 yr-olds in the "General Purpose" class, seemed to be a puzzler to Judge Marsh, who admitted the ex- cellence of all bat gave first to A Muir. Fairbairn, of Egremont. had the winning span and won several prizes in other classes. The Pattons are great horsemen and most of the young winners were colts off horses owned by J. Patton in recent years. In a modest corner were two ex- hibit: of boots and we noticed that Itrgti, McLean’s handiwork was shine with red tickets. while their creator was receiving with due tttoder tr the congratulations of many friends on the evidence that his skill was not declining with advancing yeara In another corner was a new feature brought out by a prize ttivem by Prim cipal Eastman, of Priceville school for the best penmanship. There were some excellent specimens shown many worthy of "special mention" and not inferior in our opinion to the prize winners. Wednesday last broke dull and oheerless and threatening rain. Tues- day had been tielitthtttil in the morn- tlt and allowed and encouraged or hi iton to come out with insi e stud. but about noon the second day, the weather man smiled, and success was mud. I The exhibits were as usual leg creditable. rootaas every where th s year being good. This is not much of a {all wheat show but the other grains tore up to the mark and Secy Bmdie. nearly always ahead in this class. Ink second place to A Muir in peas. ttet. and barley. The fruit exhibit was very good floral display very .683“. but some good specimens, while the ladies work, generally good, In this year much enhanced by the gontributions of the two Adams' of Continued on page 8. ARTEMESIA FALL FAIR ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO “any n mun is sowing to huy a home for hid family and is placing nil his spare money in the hunk with this end in view. But does It ever occur lo such a mam that if he were to die hefme the requisite amount. were accumulated. hls hard-earned money would have to be taken out of the hunk lo assist in the support of his family. and they would ttuuollowine stock. Irnplvuteuts. vtv. : Horse, ll years old. Home. l yvnn "M. I Cowx Bil supposed to hr in otlf. New. two 5mm old. 3 Stet-h. 1 war ohl, 2 Hum-n 2 yeah old and 2, 1 your old. Well lot-ml Mull unv your will [rivet-tor Ram, "no your old. A well lm-tl (ml-s 2 Ewe limbs. Well bad m“ ' muntln- all]. Im- rowed Frank“ Wood Binder. nearly new llmnl~ oM Mower. "early ttt'W. #a.se.v-Harris mat drill. New Minn-ll turnip drill. than! mum-r nimble for Pm Murrow-r. til-n of Pea Hun-stun withPcahuumer sum-lied. 2,',','A'd"'g,",',1r New Turnip. mun-v Duke. tbett lmn lunwu. til-u gluing-Tank do. Hume ' Hood Lumlu-r mm. 2t Buggy. Hon 'tol, Mtsitrhs. Cum-r. Sen working mun. mt llzht Hume». No. " Lender Churn. Pick. 1'towhar. Panning Mill. Grittdstottv. 2 Neck Yokos. tlvtt WhitRetrovs. sanctum. Pant-hunk. 2 laminar chains. 10 bunt-hen shingles. 40 Hens and Chiekvns. With other articles too nunu-rom- to mention. Also u ur 9totts of my by the ton orin hulk. All mun-t In. wold-u the tannin mum! and Plum-tour lt-aritnz. ttue to commenn- it I n'olovk sharp. TERMS: All Hum of tive "oifnrs and under mutt. ova-nut about " monuw mum will he limo!) mud jolnt notes. Five per cent stir. can“ on tmdit hummus. IRS. R. A. NAMEALL H. IM‘KAV The undersigned will utter for and , of Ten, con. l, W. G. M.. â€anti STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Ed. P. Davis ' eolos.al spectacular Uncle Tomb Calvin Co. will appear at Durhuu. anu Hall, one night only. Thursday. Oct. 23. Prices K, & 35 as. -_ "v ruvuuvulI\-C \uI- I"? “at " Uncle Tom " we have ever seen. and much more warthy its audience than the wishy wuhy nonsense given us un- der the mum- of moiety drama, mth im- ponihle heminel and ridiculous heroes. tie fiction. Every one “(radix was highly planed. laughing with 0 du. bolicAl excellent Tony. and aging with bountiful. pure. sweet little vat With one accord. The Icons! and by the comps? in Ite gram and the use of the cal um " t lends an enchanting welrdneu to in luxury. The trteamhoat race was an extremely clever piece of Btatee realism that aqtott- iobed oven old theater-goers. Tnken " tfyitt..t.ttutttt "pmnounce this the heat The Dai. Com ny riva- A most powerful and mange"; "terpeetatioo 9!. tttit .urotrhLtttt mutcmiece of dramas. No one need go away from this Store without being perfectly satisfied in a Hat, as we are here to look strict.. ly after our customs-s to see that they are pleased in price as well us style. The production of Uncle Tlotu'e Cumin It the (Janina In» night Nu on a oeatet of 'tf1Htttiticeote never hefore witneued in this city. Town Hull. Thursday. o One Night Only HATS and BEAUTIFUL GOODS. at this Store with a staff of two trimmers and three as- sistants we find it all we can do to meet the demand which exceeds all other seasons. We have an ex- Qellent choice of MISS 19]rCII Do You Want To Buy A House? BUSINESS IS MORE THAN _ BOOMING CHAS BAMAGE. Pawn an Putnam. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29th. 1902 'iction. Every one unending In. " plated. laughing with 0 du. rnl excellent Topsy. and czlng with Itifnl. pure. sweet little was With accord. The ,"i'i.'rilr. used by the may in cimglv gran .md the me of (Ale um " t lendu an enchmum MBT. BRIGHAM. A‘lnn I'm-k. Credit Auction Sale of Farm -qT'r""e'P""', lacuna January. at UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. .en ttl PNnrk-mr. Ill-hook. 2 longing! chains 10 e. 40 "em and Chiekens. With mum-rom- to mention. Also n ur thq-umprn! [NHL All must Le ' tor "do M lielllim‘k. no H. "Mil“ hurtiom yw old Med curs old. [an w. "nun "n (I?