Mm Gillert Boyd intends having I pan" boo Mtnt6 evening noon. -iiiiririt" McCormick spint Sandy It it" old homo. A "a plan!“ new evon' spent gt the home ot Mn John Q1351. was Willie Ritchie he: been ra-engeged u teeeber for S. S. No. 5. We no - pleeeed to lean that his efforts have met With eagepten‘ee and queens, J In Anderson, on his Why to Fleshertou station, panned thro' our village. It wu . vary round about Iny but he wanted to mil-act IOZDO bunting Innings before taking his mp. Mason Ju Kaolin Ind Banks intend taking in Toronto lights. Already Xmas nnngemenu are being made. The 110in buzz of our busy mill may be heard from time to time as the oeeenion demands. Indications would lend us to believe that lumber will be in greet de- mend thm eeeeon “non: our neighbors. Onlya few dnys ego one of our young men who sometime in the lat century pasted from boyhood into manhood wee seen thoughtfully inspecting the empty houses in our villege. On enquiry we found be had been disappointed in not getting the house on lot 88. Mr Rebert Young is visiting his ulster Mrs G Boyd. .We are all pleased to know that the report of the drowning of the Bell boys of Latona, was only a case of misplaced recognition an they reached home sale and sound a law days BRO. Ilia quite uncertain yet which of the fair once of Glenroaden Mr Ed Bell Will make Queen of his western home for we nnderatand a decided prelerence has been given to Jack Wilkie. altho’ it Bob remains here all winter he may spoil the pie tor both ot The pupils of Miss Besme Banks will be Iorty to learn that owing to tho an“ "st cucumstancu the has decided to take n course in domestic nuance. Owing to tho only wind end ram storms Mr Angus McCormick we: unable to take his annual trip to the Munitoulin Island. It he: been his custom for several yous to combine a business and pleasure trip and very frequently he has brought back excellent specimen: of Manitoulin tum ttoc . Miss Winnie Banks, who has spent the summer It Jackson Point, has returned to her home and after I few days recrea- tuon will aka . position in Miss M Dick's million] more. 592:;aeeaeeeaaaaaasaaemsséseesessssss ..t:r:d."i' ft:tr6r6.BT6ap.B1'.""irii' We still handle these famous Shirley & Deitrieh Maple Leaf Saws. All fully guaranteed. LANCES. RACERS Any man who uses Pennoline his light is bound to shine above others, as it gives the brightest light, lasts longest, and is clearer than any others. Light made equal to most Electric lights. Loaded Shells. Robin Hood Smokeless. Trap Royal. FOREST CITY, TOLEDO, - p GLEN ROADEN AMMUNITION. BIG STORE X CUT SAWS Butter and Eggs, Dried Apples, Laed, Tallow and Fowl taken in exchange for the above goods. PREMIER, CRESCENT, LET YOUR LIGHT so SHINE. PENNOLINE ‘6 'tWi "C"erst '),!!t)i'i,"i'i"')t), " 'lllllf/lt,'ifilJ'iii)1itirx, 'ted? fwv " Jfi'll.'/"l 'it--" tl 'it2 a?! I tsihiii il-ii-Ili 'it', " (.iiiiiiii"iiiiil,'s)ii,ri" t',i3iiigfS. Wdgl) ig ..1:n'fԠli (,s,rtlt',i'i'ii':',lie,iiiiiit , il,lt {$535 E-til , . "Jï¬iLv/i? il Qvlw Rau CE 'fs,,,,,?,,, DIRSTONS. Cash for all Kinds of Raw Furs. ALEX. RUSSELL SUCCESSOR TO J. AJIUN'I‘ER. A very good meeting was held at Mrs, Barn Patterson‘s on Thursday last and despite the unfavorable weather the attendance was [an ger than any of our Rev. Mr Pomeroy the pastor here for the last year has resigned his position ion account of ill health. The esteem =in which he was held was indeed great lHe preached his farewell sermon to a fall church on Oct. 26th. He left the next week for his home in Kincardme. ‘ The vacancy was filled by Rev. Mr. Miller who preached to a large congregation Sunday last. l Mr Sam Lawrence who had rented [Mr Corbett's farm is now settled in our peighborhood. We wish him success. Miss Sims, the teacher here left for Toronto to fill the position ot a nurse at the General Hospital. Miss McDonald 0t Lamlash, fills the vacancy caused by Miss Sims' departure. Mr Jas, Alexander's auction sale of livestock last week was a deeuied Mr and Mrs T. H. Lawrence visited " Mr Matt. Barber's of Normanby last week. It is related that Mr. c. Firth of Lake Valley brought our scribe up a pair of wild ducks which we suppose our acribe Intended to tame, bat when the poor hit]. thmgs had found that their lot was cast. m with that of the scribes they spread their mugs nud soared away. One of them was leached by Mr. S. and it is now quile contented among the Gentiles. Halloween poised very quietly in our burg. although some little mischief was done. One neighbor was so doubtful about his gate being taken. tint he brought it to the house and barred the door With it. Miss Leah McComb spent a. couple ofi days visiting friends in your town but; Week. I Sandy Bell was laid up win. a felon on his finger last week, bat is abie to attend to his duties again. ALEX. RUSSELL Muus Susie McKinnon, of your town, spent 3 few dayl with the McComb funi- hes xecently. Rob McFadden Ind Amine McComb left last week for Toronto where they 1n- tend spending the winter months. Miss A. Jones. of Ceylon, visited Min Susie Kennedy part tri last week. 1ngtygrtuN, z SPRAY Mums». s, on. I PENNOLINE S. G. WOIEN'S INSTITUTE. Buy a Whip and save your oats. _The celebrated Newmarket Clippers, Fxcelsior Clippers and Star Pointers. These Clippers are the best we can procure. A poor Clipper is a bad investment. SaR=)"NF:7"afS.CEii= HORSE CLIPPERS. On Prices from 5c to 82.00. WHIPS. VICKERS. BUNESSAN. kg. Ott.. bl Acrrrvrrr.--AIt around us judging by our exchanges there is activity in the prohibition tield. South Wellington has raised $500 to finance the caunpaign. East Grey seems to have meetings in every School house. South Grey seems apathetic in comparison but election day may show different. Temperance men ale not agreed on the wisdom of all that has been done by prohibition leaders, but there appears to be com- plete agreement now as to the wisdom of voting for the Referendum and rol- ling up a vote in excess of anything vet recor ed. The apathetic, yet sympath- etic voter, who stays at. home Dec. 4. takes upon him a. great responsibility. A complete stock of Horse Blankets, Collar Pads, &c. It was decided not, to hold any more meetings till ZJanuary when talented speakers from a. distance will he secur- ed to uddresl the meeting. The mes-t- ing was brought to a. close by the sing- ing of the. National Anthem. Herd's Hand made for 81.00. Black Prince Rexford, &c. None but the very best at lowest prices. HORSE BLANKETS. An A 1 Stock of Axe Handles for 25c each. Two good papers were read after which several interesting subjects were discussed. A number of ladies from Holstein were present and helped along the program. . previous meetings held in private houses. No one need go away from this Store without being perfectly satisfied in a Hat, as we are here to look strict- ly after our customers to see that they are pleased in price as well as style. HATS and BEAUTIFUL GOODS. at this Store with a staff of two trimmers and three as- sistants we find it all we can do to meet the demand which exceeds all other seasons. We have an ex- cellent choice of MISS DICK BUSINESS . IS MORE THAN BOOMING BIG STORE AXES. THE DURHAM REVIEW oooooh- ._ --- ONTARIO 0? w iN it) Prohibition meetings will be held as follows t Dornoch Presbytetian church Wednesday. Nov. w,. Bums’ Church' Rocky Saugeen. Tuesday Nov. 18. Collection at both meetings: 7.30 p. m. no turn: mu: in its retHa"c6tonBtt1at tg C'), almost constantly ignored? Does icense regulate ? Look at it in our own Proyince: Drinking. the official records tell us. has increased 30 per cent. in three years;$560,(m more were spent last year on strong drink than in any former year ; the bur-rooms are. more and more coming into the posaessmn of " few irrewtrs and diatillers who consti- tute a. most dangerous political combine. President Wilson of the Licensed Victuauers' Association, of Quebec, speaking a. few days ago of the object of that Aesociaeion. said, " With iii) federation of the whole trade of the Province. we can reckon with every man of the seventy-three members of the Legislature." Whither . are we drifting? On Dec. 4th we have to choose between "a. license law that has l everywhere proved itself an awful failure. and JY. thorough-going r'i'ii,it) devised prohibitogg 131w. with the Government pledg to its enforcement "Let it not he said that in British Dominions a heneficent law, declared good by the highest, court. in the realm, and adopted by a large majority of the people, cannot be enforced. It, is unfair to compare the Liquor Act now before us with the Dunkin Act or Scott Act limited in extent. imperfect in restric: tion, and without any Government behind it acknowledging responsibility for its enforcement. The law we are now seeking was drafted by men who were not only lawyers of the first rank, but also earnest prohibitionists ; it has stood the test of the Privy Council of Great Britain, and our Provincial Government is pledged lO enforce it. if it is passed by the people. These thin gs cannot be said of any preceding law, Is the present license law enforced ? Is there one of its reatrtctiomsthat tn Rev. W. A. Mackay, B. A. Wood stock. has some pertinent remarks on the .. Liquor Act of 1902 " passed at the last session of the Legislature, under the above heading: Du not be afraid of the, liquor men staying at home. They are organiz- ing everywhere for the hardest tight there has been on the prohibition ques- tion. The that is unless the temper- ance people awake and unite they will get an awakening on Dee. 4th by tinding themselves snowod under as were the prohibitionists of Manitoba. Being marked men is not to be the death the temperance cause is In die of. Look out for notices of meetings in your neighborhood and be there, by your very presence to help on the cause. As to the conditions on which the bill, it passed, may be repealed, the act itself gives no information. In countries where a referendum is part of the constitutional machinery it is customary to have a fixed proviso as to what would be required to change the action sealed by the popular vote. Solar as we know, there is nothing in' rwur constitutional procedure to in.. dicate what steps would be necessary to be taken. The bill itself has no time limit and does nut say whether or nota majority in the home could repeal the bill without another retor- endum. It is however safe to say that no government will dare to repeal a measure, supported by a majority of the eleeturs without first submitting the question to the people. (Mark your ballot as in the above.) All the provisions of the Ontario Election Act and amendments thereto relating to the prevention and punish- ment of corrupt practices and other alleged acts at elections shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the taking of the vote on this question. Thus every safeguard is given against bogus votes. In case that a majority of the votes in the question are in the affirmative and that the number of electors voting on the question in the affirmative ex- ceeds one halfot'the number ot electors who voted at the general election of 1898, the Lieutenant Governor in Council shall issue his proclamation in the Ontario Gazette declaring Part II of the Actto be in force on, from and after the titat day of May 1904. It is thus evident that no matter what gov- ernment be in power, the conditions ot the bill demand that if the nmessary vote be secured the law should go into effect on May lst 1904. Are you in favor of the bringing into force iii the Liquor Act of 1902.l, Those only are entitled to vote whose names are on the voter's list of 1901 and who have been since the last general election domiciled in the province ofOntgrio. Two agents may be appointed for each polling subdivision. but no per- son shall be so appointed who is not a resident of the electoral district in which he is to act, that is, for this riding,.all agents must be residents of South Grey. The Returing Offieer is liable to a fine of $400.00 if he give eertiiieates to more than two agents at one polling place in me same interest. _ The ballot papers for the purpose of voting shall be in the following tom] ..- [INN lllli lllll E iillfulill! CAMPAIGN Mlliitl. TORONTO NO Two " Jewelry Stone. DURHAM“. HESPELER ONT R. B. Keeler is the only Watchmaker in the County with a Watch Fac- tory experience. All our work guaranteed to give satis. faction. All goods bought " Keeler‘s engraved free. tit REWARD M l WATCH THAT I CANNOT IBM] means rich and handsome gifts for Bridsl presents and hundsome table silver is among the most he oeptable that can be offered. Our tine array of Fluttnd Hollow Ware Quadruple plate, Pie Knives Berry Spoons. Meat Forks and Spoons us well " Water Pitchers and Tea Sets are something to excite tuttnimtiou. The quality is tine the workmanship enhance the price the lowest in the county. A SWELL WEDDING Fi. E. A. RO\VE. DURHAM Feb. Sr, lg CALDER BLOCK (Next Post Omete Direct Importations from Europear All LATEST DESIGNS IN HEADSTONES & M 'ateta:s:9osrx, aaamqseeel ta, Pee? (thoe Sandwiches made with Rowe's bread are remarkably delicious. In fact in every case where bread Is a component it adds a delight- ful relish. This is because we started to make bread as good as it can be made. We set the high- est standard of excellence and we maintain it right along. WE A R I work , Messrs Â¥and be comfortable. l l Iiilill I SON. ROBINSON EM Hugs: Oll. aghlf,,'M'iph'lris 20:11:: We f YiTGFiddGd T.Cr" ia. Ott. lanoldi ct Importations American and C Some Reasons timrrottstttud-ttPtq, Edema: w ,ecum t mice. .titchel kept from bucking. sen-@5291†f .2» IARNESS KG%TIatTikyfrtte {alum costof youth!!! levetbungsghe W: IPO R DUN CI I EON 1902 warranted l Barclay a ations from and Canadian i'5i"G"iretitt, and â€a on Conn-l7- I. Orders and Noble N MARKERS, MONUMENTS GORBE P roprietors ', FOREST European Quarries taken by p, MoPHA n. tttiiiFiir" i: Canned f 'j Meats Will fit a young man or woman for business. The best courses in Canada and reasonable fees and expenses. College Circulars Free to any address. Jackson's Block 1902 - ..-- 1902 IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE fllli)ful'fl STORE Butter and Eggs wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid. My Clau- Suds. These are among the in- ducements we offer our custom- ers. We keep the best and lead in low prices and good values in everything usually kept in a first-class general store. “a ;,’ T Raf h “u 'n ' â€gt; " 'jr-rd in; rwr I 'l _ ‘a. "fl 5/ t')it'a. Jhtrgat 6toek, t::gti)--ste.z'rAtit4tfrry W/Wyx/ Owen Sound, 0nt., A FEW MONTHS J. BURNETT i'. " it has them all, i cheapness, You trt tin for SSC. c. A. FLEMING, Principal. enumerate i Are discounted when compared with RABBIT IN JELLY. â€when: ber the place We dhru, SPrieos, UPPER TOWN NOV. 13, 1902 A- McGABE upon! a! the wont attempt to its ttood qualities, . ' including get a 21b Upper Tow n " JF, .11, 13L d1 Mc ,u, on! tn f 'h