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Durham Review (1897), 20 Nov 1902, p. 2

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A hearty laugh is the mind's merry physician; fnrthvrmore. it aids di- m-slion. shah-s up the tr.vtrtem and h as good a tonic to tho man or Woman. m? the ttoeor is to the fire. There aw men who have hardly tan“! liquor-void, purtrionleam, and yet they would stuff a txallot-trox or swindlo- a widow. You rannut mako a man think “he has not th" "pparatus to think with. Don't growiiuwii it tho hoels nor wmu' n dock!» edge on your trous- Sonar folks smile-q taco flit-s back like Spit” and revenge Ls the petty en- gugvmo-nt of a foot. No man ot urnso and rallglon can-lea hatred In Me hum. It Is the creed of cut- thrmts. gamblers and kindred humus. Artcr-uinner speaking is the art ot saying norhirttr-ttrusny. a grin. nm " moment. How nviftly the tool forsaken his friomi. One ot the best tonlm for the aunts lea long. brisk walk. Pure air contains every kind of medi- cine. lune " KELPloII " 33:3 “pullod to British soldiers In South! ltfriera, For a" throat and Gland troubles. taunts. lbsconos. Old Son). Ulcers, Polar“, 8 In Olson-s. Eaton), leplos. sun Joli-h, Rheumatism, Lumbago. Spams. Bruisos, Pilot. Cuts. Son Fool. Ptoyrlsg. sold by humus”. 15:. I": " “no. ---_- - --- our-m) Indorad " but English 1ttdieatie"rrt"ta. Sew va' York Central ticket agr-nts for full particulars. Ith, Boston, Springfield or Tuesday, No, trooU ttm days 50 cm. a package. LEEMING MILES & co. A_OINTI.7 . - . IOITRIAL SI’I'IVD TH.tNK,s'G'tVtNt; DAY IN AJu'tr l-JXHLANI). It tones up the system, rid: stomach of bots, 1mm: and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health. Ten llnllnr b will build up a run down horse. Do not deliver your stinging re huh to the wrong man. Horse Health consider. is one of the most important thing} for every farmer to P; Snnp Show. 'talla. News. No vain man llkm to see his Mean polled up by the roots and "is creed broken to pleces. “I thank God and Dodd's Kidney Pills for my hralth, tor by prayer and this wonderful n-mt-Ily. I was cared and have rpmainml in good health on? since. although this wan over (be yours ago." "From this I noon picked up neah am! strung"; until I was as well as ever. Dick's Blood Purifier may of my arm, hand Gut Gi. - My headache alto caused and my appe- tite returned. “While reading a paper one day I nole a. testimony of one who was cured br. Dom“: Kidney Pills. 7 "My sister procured me a box ot the pills and I started on three pills three timew a. tiny. I soon began to experience a change for the better, with}: eontinuou until I regained the N was three years under treat- ment. many pin-minus having me un- der their care. but without avall. At but I Dreams discouraged and gave up all treatment. "My brain Mt as though it was too large for the null. My appetite tuned and I hwcumh wry emaciated, Maul was nothing but skin and hem AN AWFUL MISTAKE "l was perfvcny helplesl. and It was tmpmmitrle tor me to raise my left limo or open my tinsel-n I Bot no deep and otten when I uoued my eyes rmlnui open. I nod not the power to clone my eye-lids. t "I annexed almost continually with headache. Physician Prescribes Nuxvomlca tor tt Kingston Lady with the Result that She is Para. ' lyzed. A Thrilling Experience MeautttnefYom a Doctor's Bhutarr--r'orutnntetr She Ieoexrveredanatteiu tho Story orthe “bole Incident. Kingston, Ont., Nov. 3.--tBpceia1.r-- That m. E. Lake, ot 112 Clarence “feet, thm city, is alive today, itt a matter tor wonder. She says; "My mine»; wu- brought about by overdose ot Strychnlue prescribed by " pupa-101311. It brought. on Paraly- abs ultocuug my left aide, brain, arm and Imam. ' juyous smile adds an hour to IL'tx-4t hcurtteit laugh. a day; in. nm " moment. w nviftly the tool forsaken his Wit ot' a Kind. tin-undo" Tia New York Ventral. I. Woreestpr, Palmer, or Mouth Framingham, Normutser 25th. Tickets and then their a spring lock. u "nun. my: tb'taie 3&1;an A Slander Iteruted. Exchange. Jatatatrr--r understand. air. that you aid I draat like a fish.” Vascular-Iva a lie. I nevol' knew - “ W-n., 7 _ . - - some kind of a t themselves, with l "a” ot Comma another. Their munication which far is this sign ttMa Times. a loci oath and turns t tho meaning of the sym put tramps in in] hnre.' lines within the square shim-able resemblance n and that is why tho sit have Its present "usrtrt'o, u" it “one wall or a gate on the outskirts of a town Ila-"re is some- timos to be seen a square filled with parallel wrtlval lines. When a tramp caning to such a town's out- skirts and r:'ttdg this sign he utters a loud oath and turns, backward for tho meaning of the symbol u, The: oat trnmnu In a.” L--. , - _ ' rrrtnnglo t'6't tr'opor. an} ths c."lo. Few hour, with this sign. "tht a stone , 1 Nt is important for a tramp to ‘know whrthvr or not there is ndog about tho place that he proposes to visit, for, it he did not know, this he might, through carelessness. be bltton. Hence, there is in his lan- guage a sign tor a dog. It bs ahorr. zontnl line, Fapportou at either end by two Vertical lines. It looks to tho layman like a crude drawingof a bench, but to the tramp it looks like a cog. The horizontal line is the back or that animal and tho four \‘rrtival ones are its tour legs. A tramp in entering the yard of a house marked with the dog Sign goes wry cautiously. his pockets filled with slums atrl a club in his hand. "There is a sign ttttli rarer than trumps would likr- to soc. and tt ree- tangle sunnotintod by a semicircle makos it. This sign moans 'Boom, here.‘ and when a tramp beholdsit on a. house wall ho hastens forward light hourtedly. It is a cmledraw- mg or a beer can, or growls.» Hm "That is an unlucky dwelling which' has upon Its wall an hour glass and a diamond Ado by side. No house so decorated is ever passed by a tramp. Bo goes ln wltlr an assured 'front' and he gvts, wlthowt sur- prlsv, a. sumptuous maul or a gift of mom-y. Tin-he things are no more than tr, had nxpvcted, for the Sign upon the wall lmd told him that " woman, not a man. occupied the house, and that this woman was both rich and generous. moans “man here," 7 and '0' nLtiiiliir- to ho had.' .. Tho sign tor a man is an up and down straight line. That for a wo- man is a kind of crude hour glass. Thea» signs undoubtvdly arose from tho Uirterence in the male and female appvarmloo. Man is more or less straight up and down. and woman is more or less pinched in at the waist llkn an hour glass. A sign frequentiy to be seen on houscs hostile to tramps bt a huge figure 'lp,' the '1' whereof Mr. f, that trumps: may ho trusud to do, and ilwrm'uru a saw horse, or N, makes for them a very good symbol of work in gown-u]. The double cross moans 'vory hard work,' and this lymbol has taken its place in the slung; of tho day. To glvo a man the double cross is to do the worst thing possible to hiut--to set him to work, according to the trample point ot vivw. " The circle is the opposite of the diamond. It signifivs zero, or noth- lug. It moans that tho hungry tramp would waste his time begging in the house it is affix”! to. There is a. drolo on my own residence," Mr. Sinus said with a smile. " A cross or X is as unfavorable a criticism as tho circle. The cross moans "They will put you to work,' and its meaning orlglnatod out ot Its “lioness to tiw saw horso. saw.. Ing wood ls about the only work "The diamond is tho sign of the tramp’s hunt. The diamond, in tramp Ianguatgo, signifies abundance. Its nppnnralwe on a house wall means that within them Ts good cheer for tho hobo. to a void. ot the houses he has visual. These Ldltor'mls an: a boon to the tramp who comps after, for they tell him the houses to seek and the houses ls unintelligible to the outside world, ho treats of these subjects. The things he writes are criticisms -terae, siroug editorials, tlatuwing or un- kind, which he chulks upon tho walls food, dogs. flight', aarer ai 21:5}. are the subjects that absorb his mind. And in his_ 9.w.n 'tittlanguatre, which " The tramp ii, ,dri's' Giiei, Erin animal. His, language deals only with 11iealrmatt.r.W things. Mm, women, 'The tramp language, so tar agl know it," Mr. Sands said recently, “is a very simple thing and every crude, direct thing. It can express itself forcibly upon material mat- ter». It can say: This is fine,' or "Phil's is rotten,' but it is quite un- able to my subtle or spiritual things like 'Sermons in stones,’ or 'The uunset's luminous peace.' It has no need, indeed, ever to be spiritual or subtle, for a spiritual or subtle tramp does not exist. -tho circle or the tsquare-would be useful to any man. For he who [would write in chalk upon his wan timer ot those two signs would not be troubled by trumps so long as they remained. Castle Talley is a hamlet near Doylestown. and Mr. sands is a. wealthy widower. He has given a part of his leisure during the last two years to a study of the tramp And he has found that there really in (as had so often been, declared) a. trump cipher, a kind of hieroglyphic language, which these wanderers write upon the walls or houses for the guidance of those who follow alter them. Mr. Sands has learned this cipher. A few. of its characters Peter Sands. ot Castle VolleyJuu a mysterious power over tramps. He make- a mark upon a. wall-a circle, a diamond, a trituttrie--tnd every tramp who happens along re- gards this mark and does straight- way what Mr. Sands requires ot him, taking to his heels in) terror. or advancing with manifestations ot, joy. Wmseaaeod SECRET SIGNS OF THE HOBOES. M9110 wall or a pa In J“! nr're.' The upright 11in tht. square bear a con- resemblance to prisonbara ls why the sign came to present meaning." .9 says that tramptrh'ave of a secret order among With a number ot strange communicating one with “-1- _. Qttxir only sriituirotiiGii which he has solved tho aign 1antruarvs.-Ptstiaddii ‘ms Sign moans 'Boom, hm a tramp behoklsit all he hastens forward J". It is a omiedraw- can. or growler. the 'f'Prcsenting the pail ho esrau', lrcle its han- uscs are 9w? decorated ”663333; I a club In his hand. an ttttli rarer than kr. to 500. and tt ree- toA by a semicircle or watér'in Far ssxscm . "Yee, Henry." replied the Mther, "One or them In." Breaking it Easily. Chicago Tribune. "Wat." mid the anxious you hun- band. “is It a boy t" I" “Yet. Henry." rerrtied tha un- "'"""e9-. I Nt will, perhaps. be emnble In me to remark that this oourt strong- ly reminds ms ot a. Demeram team)! "What t"' exclaimed the wedding Judge. "What kind ot a team may that be t'" "It in mid to be composed of two mule. and a. heiress." was the reply. to his rtorxwitionrduiir."iraGi"'G abruptly. he exclaimed. with marked emphasis: , Like a Demerura Team. A member of the bar at RHINO; noted tor his ungovernable temper, while arguing an appeal at the gen- eral term of the Supreme Court, was greatly irritated by the frequent ex- pression of dissent made by the court Boot on T'Other Leg. [Chicago Chronicle] Congressman Lacey, ot Iowa, says that during the last session ot Congress a down east member suggested to him that some ot the tariff schedules should be reduced. "And where would you begin?" asked Lacey. The Yankee thought. it would be a good idea to put hides on the tree list. It struck the Iowa man that his constituents would not favor that cut, so he said: "How would Four people like free boots and shoes ?" The Yankee hastily replied: "Oh, thath quite a different. thing. Boots and shoes haven't enough protection now." he Iowa man said "Mphm" and walked away. i Do the Right Thing when sore tickling throat warn you that a: cold threatens. Une the staunch C Perry Davin' Painkiller, and cm pest in twenty-four hours. 25 an ---_- -'"'.r es'"' n. '.6.%, ALVA“ lull". "Terrifie explosion. Man-cr-war. Boiler empty. Engineer full. Funeral to-morrow. No flowers." "Get down there as hard as you cut he said to one of his men. "It " . atch the 11.40 train from Lon- don bridge you’ll be there soon af- ter 2 and can Just wire us some- thing for the fifth edition. but boil it down." And the reporter went. Soon after 8 o‘clock that after- noon they got a wire from him: A terrific tsoiieFexmosion" had tak- en place on board a. big ship lying at Portsmouth. Reporter Obeyed Instructions, Yet His Work Did Not Please. An amusing story is told of the editor or a. go ahead London evening newspaper, who, in the eternal rush- Ing to press to get ahead of the opposition, was constantly impres- sing upon his reporters the neces- sity of condensing all news. "Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea," writes Mr. F. Batsch, of Horicon, Wim, "enabled me to get rid of an obstinate cough; we feel very grateful to the discoverer of this medicine." l The Man With a. Hobby. I New York Times. There is a disposition to decry hobby riding as an occupation un- worthy of a man with a full intellec- tttat equipment. The man of one idea may be a bore at times. and is com- monly so voted by peopie with no ideas and no paramount issues, but after all he is the man who accom- plishes most. and without his insist- ent purpose and continuous indus- try in the particular propaganda to which he devotes himself many of tho influences which make for pro- gress, and from which the human race derives an immeasurable tut- grogate benefit would cease to be operative. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be.. cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. BOILED THE NEWS DOWN. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. iProverbs It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul- sion. "When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. hing when sore chest and urn you that an all winter so: me staupch oldIerrted,v, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and "oo; .11 drunk“. SCOTT a BOWNE, Be sure that thin Pith". in the form of a label Is on the 'Af/IW, of every home of Emu ion you buy, We will send you the penny, f. e., a sample free. "ng ' HE 7 i"iil, c, and GO cents. ONTA new -_" - cum au' TGE if Gk ariiriiiyiriTG.""d"t gig-ale: ltr 'A'dYfilg.l."lL'i'l:'i' & 0mm Chnie's Ointment in tutu: and absolnta cure for and: nod tlla/g,',': of Itching. blood new pron-u pug. the manufacturer- have guaranteed fl.i'E,'tt1t tAee1yAtttyt.d.tp.rpriyueyiattiiruFriiiiit, tett mthey qua; Irfit.. Yots.eeittattit not! Dr. Chases ointiiiiiirt" cit? Rough on Yellow Hearst. N. Y. Post. Yet - editor In this city knows that no man has done so much to lower the tone ot the press through- out the United States as has Mr. Hearst, and known in addition that the candidate In in every way unfit- ted, both morally and mentally, don qttto his family antecedents. to hold may office in tho gift of his fellow- I To I CM and god Hall's Catanh Care In taken iatirLirrTnd act; directly on the blood and mucous .urtaee. of the ayau-m. Bend tor testimonial], tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, o Bold ITN tmeta-pgs,. Hall’s anally are the beet. FRANK. J. CHENEY. to before me and subscribed In In pggggennhis 6th day of December, A.D.,188J. “may? the sum of ONE HL’ND LA or each and awry case l that cannot. be cured by the use CATABBE CURE. STATE or Omo, CITY or TOLEDO, I F Luna COUNTY P". Fusx J. Canny makes oath that hem the senior partner of the firm ot F. J. (‘11:ng & Co., doing bushes» in the City of Toledo, Se,u,uhr: amid ',"ey.ttiyrt1?.i,0,y.t.ei, that said ttrm - nn' ' n an". -. "Wm VII-‘vv.n--.\ - TORONTO Learned His Lesson Well. New York Timed. Pa-What did you learn at school to-dny. Bobbie'? Bobbie-t learned to say. "Yem sir.” Pa-Are you always going to say, “Yes, Mr" , x Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains, mt, dirt or tamish-but won't wash clothes. .5 Woman-over-m, is It? I sus- pected something was wrong when he signed this cheque without waiting for me to go into hyster- ice. A BOON To RoRNE'Mmt-..ons, bottle ot English Bpavin Llnlment completely removed acurb from my horse. I take pleasure In recommending the renmly, M It acu- with mysterious promptnesa In the removal trom horses ot hard,solt or canon-ml lumra. blood npavtn. splints, curbs, aweeny, at titng and apralnl. GEORGE RUB!) Farmer. Markham. Out. Sold by all druggliu. She Had Suspicious. Montreal Star. CAshier-r can't honor that cheque. madam. Your husband's account Is overdvawn. A soft corn is certainly a ter- rible sorrow. Have the poor' man bathe his toot for twenty minutes in very hot water, tlien apply an ointment made ot equal parts of saleylic acld and simply cerato.Make a miniature bcdquilt of a wad of cotton batting, and put Mr. Corn asleep for the nrgltt.--chieago Her- aid. SEAL The above fact can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest or any ot his neighbors. a Gentlemen,-ayteodore Dorais, a. cue- tOmer ot mine, was completely cured of rheumatism alter five years or suffering. by tho juaiclous use of MIN- ARD’S LINIMEN'B. Bobbie-Sep .' Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.: Brown, Davis & Co.. furrlers.beg to announce that they will make up gowns. capes. etc., for ladies out ot their own skins.-Lietto Chronicle. , _ Lost-Near Triglt Gate archway. an umbrella belonging to a. gentle- man with a bent rib. go elsewhere to be" ct/ata-arm; in here. Wanted-A boy to be partly out- side and partly behind the coun- tar. ll x Bulldog for sale, will eat any- thing, very fond of children. Lost-A valuable cane by a gen- tieean with a gold head, little “The Grave, Yard Cough" In the cry ot tor- tured lungs tor meI’Ci. Give them mercy In the form of Allen’s um; Balsam. which Is used with good effect even in eoatturnptlon't' early stages. Never neglect a cough. Wanted-Experienced nurse tor bottled baby. Wanted-An organist, and a to blow the same. _ A. L Merchant, St. isadore. Que., May 12th, 1898. The doctor shook his head dubi- ously over her, and ordered two months of the usual exercise, baths, waters and rest.-Gew York Tri- bune. . . A Doctor Story. The German papers are telling a story about a Berlin lady who was sent by her physician to one ot the well-known “cures" in Ger- many. He gave her a. letter which purported to be a prescription toe l her treatment there, and which she presented to the doctor at the "eure." It read as (allows: “.Rup. tens, ledlega. N. a ord, ent. ti, cun- rist, nlnl. ehen. Meilira, berdi. eted, erneln, rel. naus. s. e. h. r. Inn gsamdami. L. soihr. gat. tel. weimo, natern. hehatun. dervi. elle. lent. ges. und. te. Terigttx--N. D. E. N." The doctor perused the lines again and saw that the letters when put in proper order ran as IOIIOWs: "Rupfen sle die Gans ordentlich. inn lst nix. Zlehen sie lhr aber 'dle Fed.. ern elnzeln ans sehr langsam. damlt so ihr gatte zwel Monate Rune hat und er vlel-lelcht gesun- det. Yerstandeu ?" In English these words mean: Pluck the old goose thoroughly well.. There is nothing the matter with her. But pull out the feathers one by one, very slowly, so that her husband may have. a couple of months' rest, by which means he may perhaps be re- stored to health. Do you under- stand " I Anqual_sale now going on. Don't The Importance of Grammar. For a Soft Corn. of ONE 'rR'ViiiiVii"bihC. n1. n><‘ --- ’ - A W. GLEASOX, Notary Public. of ckiLiiii , ot HALL'B A. COTE, Washington Star. “The Duke," said the European ttetttietrtan, “belongs to one ot the most eminent and influential tum- iuea of our time." “Indeed l" responded thednerlenn millionaire. with interest; "who in MI tnther-in-law T' "Waoted,CA lame man for the seaside; one without a right arm preferred” In addition to “ads." of this kind, notices of forthcoming christening; burials and birthdays of rich peo- ple are printed, so that the beg- gar may know where to go to prosecute his vocation with mecca '-New York Times. Probably some unrortunat man will tell his blind can the vacancy. , Here is another sample of Tertised vacancy Which ', awkyard A qualificatlons : The advertisements furnish inter.. eating reading tor beggars tempor- arily out ot a job. though it is difficult to understand how the advertiser could expect to receive an answer to the following: "Wanted,-A bu% -ririiirii'ili, can ples _the nate a little." Newspaper Printed by and in the [no (crest or the Mendlcnnts. Innovations in journalism are not generally looked for in Europe, but Paris ot late has been doing a NW: things in that line which have been i distinctly new. The latest is ai' Journal for beggars, which has been ( started tor the purpose oldissem- inating useful information among! the mendicant fraternity, and the; price ot which is 5 cents a copy; At a. glance it would seem as if; the charge was rather high. COD-i sidering the (suppOsed straightened; means ot its readers, but prewar; ably the editors know what they; are about. I JOURNAL OF THE BEGGARS. Minard's Llniment Cures La Grippe Those, then, are npproximatcly sonar of the di!Ctcv.lties involved in tht' constructing ot the canal: 1. Immense problems hi sanitation. 2. Great dif- ficulties of climate to be overcome. 3. Critical diplomatic relations with the Colombian Government, which can only be overcome with great pa- tlence and toleration. 4. The inevit- able Increase of expense above the original estimates of cost. The most careful financial observers assure me that the cost of this undertaking with the expenses attached to its op- eration will be to our Government about $12,000,000 a year, while the tax-ms resulting from the world'. trade will, on the Mutt" estimate. give us only $7,000,000; thus leaving a dotieit of $5,000,000 a Yeti-ister MacQueen In Leslie's Weekly. Dav As my genial friend. Captain Beats, of the Panama Railroad, ex- pressed lt: "Between the heavy rains and the buzztu'ds, the streets of Pan- ama. are as clean as a whistbs." The Colombian Government is an- other questiom 1 had several long conversations with nr. Mums-Dur- rand, the finest product of Co_omuian civilization, an able Jurist and for- meeriy Governor ot the l’roUnce of Panama. He opium; that all parties In Colombia favor the canal. and favor giving America all ronsonnl-h- CODCCH- sjonn. But even this splendid, broad- g'auge Colombian statesman lumi- tates about passing over to us the jurisdiction of Panama and Colon. Panama city is a Hyanish community ot 25,000 inlutuitants-very charm- ing in situation and romantic In his- tory; but just as unsanitary as can [ Cost of the Panama Canal May Run Into Hall’a Billion. At present the Mes is to build a canal wlth looks, but I have no idea that thls will ever be done. A sea- level canal is the only one that will tims1ly be feasible. The tide at Pan- ama " eighteen feet; the tide at Colon " eighteen inches. When our engineers get down into the Culebru. out they will doubtless, very reason- ably. report that the locks and gates are great Impeditaeuta. People here look upon a sea-level canal as a tore- gone conclusion. By sinking the Cu- lebra out eighteen feet more than the present surveys cull for, this re- sult can be obtained. That means fifty million dollars at one clip. Be- fore we have tttastered the problems ot health, rain, wind and tide, moun- tain cutting and level dredging, this isthmlan ditch wlll probably cost half a bilhon dollans. [ "'sart" exclaimed the friend, excit- edly. “you haven't got a duplicate copy ot that paper, have you C . . Maud! Llnlment for Rheumatism. V "A Who-la lot," was the reply. "You see. this house was robbed while the man was at church with his mm" "wtiat gobd “in that dot friend Inquired, -- _ "ia-tUG-tGui-tui when women get together they talk of nothing but dress and their neighbors. Out upon -isit"iaiihow a house was robbed, am! I want to show it to my wife," htytxMtyittea A __- A. _ . -.. such vile slander: ! Filled a Wan. Chicago Post. He was cutting an Item from newspaper: _ . . Busy oar me the w.c.EAh DonvorPoot. In one day the W. C. 'r. U. conven- tion at Portland considered the liquor trtutte, tobacco. purity, Mormonism, mob Violence, military appropriations. child labor and the opal strike. Yet Minard'a Llnhnont the belt Hair Be- Utorel'. _ y l l I t '. Sunlight Soap will not burn -the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. An Eye to Business. Linhnent u the but. mun-mum u- N0 PAY IN IT. tunate dumb d coufrere ot requires P" ' I "', _ g a iiil 3 .= . 1 ih I) P. Mi " " J at h. ER, n / " Ilttii I $7 " gP,'o? !hiliiitllll 'ia " r " Ct ' ,, I , _ , ,4 , , 'T Fs, . r] u 2Sl tll Lt p, "." no: " " Imam ...J i. A “5'52? t th thence . . - loan tet be; the More? 533139. and ttrs, onu Ono! RHEUMATISM. 'fl.1'Pfi'.thr2ttX'irti.'A.iir'itif ttE_A tl- GONWERS PAIN , V v. -.- 17%;;va I‘VE Imus-r. Rt',".'. On. Dfreetidsa in amen 'arteieditiiiiiitaiir' new heme. PteNt,ttgtrxe pun. and mil- lens but made happy through being and In Sr Jam-s On. at RHEUIATISM. "Bum. TOOTHACHE. H E A D - ACNE. WINESS. SCALDS. BURNS. ",'..'tt,ilS"/t,i,i,3f,ifil' "d I" pains 't which an applied. t never hm hm. Thousands who Inn beende- gnu luau-akin at but: and in hogan: have m -- .1- “4,; . . _ TTTT"""-""""-"-"-, 20 MILLION BQ'EILES j S. VISE Pint and Swummkn at Turon to In hnmm claus- thll year. Flat and Nweopumkeu at the winter fitte [our woman-:- yearn. Stock ot all In! at moderate prices. Smplo down. "ts, with part of Developer sud photo, med Me. Bold by HIGHEST TYPE (lf BARON liilllt JOHN a. "I. 62 Front tit. Ban. Tomato Choc-o. Cal» and Extracted Home, Good {acume- for 1hetg"e"k"v'ii Comrurtunenu collated. Correspondence luv ted and prom pt- lr, attended to. Bee-wax and Burlnvlwut one] wantod. Witt pay 25 can“ per tu. tor beeswax. tt C Y K C) " Photo Paper. POUE,i, Whtto ”can. bought outright. The van, “and“ from Ocean to Ocean. our money back ttnot.auauctorr thoroughly taught. Earn “maul-torn. iron vlduu attention. Sent tor [minimum mm. tOtt tttt.9ruyy.rtehety2., MMNMLM- TEN COURSES BY MAIL, your land. will gunk]? Increase their value In? one. Vrlumlorpn oulnn. Johnuont Fon, ter, 415 Manning Chamber-I. Toronto, Ont. Prints at night by any light CANADIAN VETERANS f,'l"r,"Jhh/n",', 5161'!" um I “LID foul bargain... Ifergd fpr daertpt"eynt. Addre- P. o. Box i172: féuiiitiiih. '0 THE OLD arm LIFE Assunuu'lc Society (Established 1848) want: an active mm (man or woman) rum when you are. November and December Am- beet month. tor hunt-cu. Frity to the secretary, -iiFalid,%iii" ToF iiartieOua. g18fnll OHIO MEIR In. Window‘s Soothing I!!!" A” tted, ##999952 GiitWith. oedema ll ISSUE NO. " 1902. BUTTER AND EGGS J. Bl. BRETHOUR. Burlhrd. ()nl. Luck Box 6. HI",..,, 'l'FttAL MAPLE SYRUP. OAK LODGE YORKSHIHES. Guaranteed Clan Havarra BOLD EVERY YEAR. Stump M It 120 “I.“ a choice not: paper: And funhh envelope. " Dutch. he I total cost of 84.00. The "die" rm test I "fed-c. Write be out In "enkesta, We - a steel dle m Ptthree ham. " shown A MOST acceptable Christmas Gift it n box of " Ryrie " station. ery, stamped in relief with a monogram. - Jewelers, ' Yum-u Adelaide Streets, Toronto. Ryr)e pros., Cumulus “on: SMOKE s cent Cigar so" & LAFLAME, nu prod treed try 518 Queen St. w Toronto mob. Montml. wince Mied tor FOR BA LE - Le ad I n . WWW!!! Iowa; " THE M and th::, ..: '_ :4 ”(11113.nnv , wise, thvw'fwrv. by . Cure reli, thin-'5‘“ Pinkham and her o', mung 11: an ra sk as Ii " hr timc m Lt Ile, to [Dr hr magmas an: Tum Utxertioo will: mu: ,thu w are Ilsa] ot the r put arm: down [In “so on t I!" “In Auot the First a tthe whit in finish ls "mun "r lanai com weight, I and the I which tio are mad:- [Itch-trod stand ttrr (In be In Sign... a, brawn tel erinl are in Cloth ulwny “tonal gowns. We" and can perh-clly, tor the future, an all that migrh helped to n o no". silky "III cloths mam-u wittt In any I than an- ma the hmny. tht “was tor N French wqu $tuttstion ot women in tl they alwuyu Ind an; ch churmiuxly conspicuous!) of into yr“ DIM slylv of and mm no While [In-y " do not nth brilliuncs' of ll lt Ill GUI” " K581 on is min} BO mucll mm aluuuu Its 1p M ba nott man thit " In (In 'tt r h

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