_'_: Pall Clothing. __,".--:': JOHN LIVINGSTON, Agent ii, "s"'-"'-""'--:-;----,,,;,,,;,,,,,,,,,,')') Our Waggons C ash and our prices money in your pocl before purchasmg a) aiFceb6qiriqitceFiescta Runs iimoothly, Sows Evenly and is Easy on the Farm. Sample all Ready to go to work can be seen in our Show Room. It will pay you to call and examine it, being something New, with the very latest and best improvements and thoroughly tested this last Season 1902. Hear what Farmers whom you know say next week about it. W!" (i' ill)illlllllii,lllllilir(illil, HARVESTER COMPANY’S BINDERS, MOWERS a, RAKES Our Men’s Raglinette Coats at $8.50, $9, $12 and $13 cannut be beaten for quality, fit and style. We also have boys' Raglanettesâ€from (ii; 5 to $8, Don't hesitate to come and examine our stock of clothing, it is always a pleasure to show goods. Our efforts have not been in vain in introducing to our customers our ready-to-wear Overcoats and Suits. Never before has our sales been so great in this department, which is proof that we have the best reputation for fit, make and general excellency of workmanship. Wilkinson Plows and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Chatham & Milner-Walker Wagons. Palmerston Carriage Co.'s & McKee's Carriages. Buck's & Mc'Clary‘s Stoves & Ranges. Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. Bell & Berlin Pianos & Organs. H Dawswell Churns, Wringers & Washing, llnnln'm our pnces are consequently away down your pocket to inspect our Lines and ge :hasmg anything we handle. ASS Cash and tu, fguriee . MCKINNON & Carriages are fijriilij))it 'ik?'i"*ctici?sosiesss, J%, 'Britt s. Henry's Harness. t Washing Machines. 'ortock. bought in, Carload hots for HEAR GLASSFORD IN THE TOWN HALL THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 27, ON THE 1uianiauiltoe. ,way down low. It's ines and get our Prices Easy on the WI: can be seen 11 to call and with the very roughly tested {3% Read the precedmg article by Rey. Mr. Farguharsnn. A - ._.\ """""'F t'o"trr , of men who spend their means and their. time at the lnu' or in the saloon, will not require to hear the wail of the wife or mother pleading him to mark his ballot in Caviar, for their sake. We said "destruction of earning power," every voter knows it does that and more, it Nights homes. it wrecks hright. est faculties. it increases the amount of human misery, and destroys life itself. The voter who votes Nay" on Dec. tth, is a partner with the traffic that pro- duces these results, for no evil that may follow the saloon banished. can equal that produced by the saloon active. Everyone vote anyway and let us l know the truth. The voter who considers the I the nation in impaired industry by the destruction ofthe earning of men who snend thuir mun-- Be sure then to record your vote. lt .3 unmanly to stay at, home. Vote against it if you must and he prepared to shoulder whatever of respnnsihility there may he in the rust train of evil that ftoui,. from the legalized trattic in strong drink as a beverage. There never was an election where this fallacy was so apparent as in this. With a vote of uver 212000 to reach be- tote there is even a chance of victorv, the man who stays at home has his vote practically counted for hint on the sidelof retaining the open bar and sal. oon. There will be three kinds ofwoters on December 4th next. There Is he who will go and vote .. yes " forgetting for, the moment tho imperfections he may have seen in the Act. or its manner of sulnnission in view of the fact that for the present this opportunity is the men- snre of temperance sentiment. There is he who Will boldly vote 6b nay " from personal motives of gain or lust or because he sees or thinks he sees some constitutional principle violated. 'lhere is the other class '. he who will stay at home, thinking he is neutral, " matter of no Concern to him. How then shall I vote? No one questions the greatness of the evil of drunkenness, well informed people assert that during the last four or tive years there isa marked increase in drinking among women as well as men. The measure before us may not cure all, but it is an honest effort to find some remedy. For ot1rselves we have no hesitation in saying we intend to mark a cross in the column under YES. Illlllll MI Dill. ifll. 1 l By the terms ot of the not regular inspectors are to be appointed whose duty it will be to inspect all licensed places where liquor is sold. They a re also bound to enforce all the con- ditions of the act and to make exami- nation in case any information is laid without disclosing the name of the informant. Every inspector. police- man or constable is authorized to enter any place. not a private dwelling, (or the purpose of preventing or detecting the violation ofthe act, and with n warrant, he may enter any private dwelling house as well, " a like pur- The Liquor Act. 1902. Confhuwdfrom page f. all the Province can do. It bars all having and selling in the province except; as authorized by licenses under ch: law, it makes illegal all drinking anywhere except in a private house. lt strikes direct at the bar room, and the shops and places where men may congregate. Miss Rudolph. who has been with Miss Dick as lrinnner lett for her home in Paris. Miss Dick will taio, full charge of hiunning in the meuntmw. Miss Rudolph is engaged as trimmer with Miss Dick for the spring season. Mr. George McDonald left for Wiar.. ton Monday morning where he has secured a good situation. (Later.) G. having been interested in other' "ttairs missed the train, and did not arrive there till nvxtv day. Mrs R. Wright. IS away at present, attending the wedding of het brother- in-law, John Wright of Ceylon, to an Orangeville lady. Mrs Aull of Palmerston delivered a. very interestingnnd instructive address to the IV. F. M. H. of the Presbyterian church, last Thursday. . Mr. James Stinson. who has been m Waterloo for mine time, returned to town mutuality to fill the position as baker at Mr. Rowe's, Mr w. B. Vollett went to London last week toattend the funeral of an old friend, Conductor Fitzgerald, form. erly of Kineardine, Miss Cora McCluckhn and Miss A. M. Johannessen. were visitors at the former's home here and returned to Toronto Monday. Mrs. and Miss Turner, Tiverton. are spending the winter with daughtpr and sister Mrs. T. A. Harrie. Miss Aull of Palmerston has been visiting the past week with Miss Mar- garet Gunn. Mr Allister Gordon left Monday tde Stratford, where he has secured a Rood situation. Mes Turner. Br. is away for a few weeks visiting a sick friend in Gara- frnxn. . Mr. Wm. Rorertson left Friday for a. short visit at his home in Armow. ' Mrs. Will Lauder in visiting friends in Toronto this week. M r. and Mrs. Snmervnlle. of Toronto, are in town for a few days. Post master. McKinnon, of PruNsetiie. Was In town thsturday last. Ilow Enforced How to Vote. loss to I alone Tpower Butter and Eggs wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid. wannabe" Mo place Jackson‘s Block -- Una-31's“..- lead in low prices and good values in ev.erything usually kept in a first-class general store. 3tigh Clara: Sands. These are among the in- ducements we offer our custom- ers, We keep the best and lead in low prices and cmnA dGrge Jive}, 1902 f- ----- 1902 THE PEOPLE’S STORE Parliament 10. 1901 Newspapers inserting this advertisement without uutlmrity from thc, Ivpartment will not be paid for it, it The lowest or ted. ts'peeitivations and forms of tenders may be had up "pplieation to the Iwmmncnt of the Provincial scr'rvtary, Toronto, or m the Bursary; of the respective Institutions. The undersigned will receive tenders n to noon on MONDAY. MT" INYT., for st'l7lir').CTdf'a.'lflf,'.,'i', meat, creamery butter, "our. oatmeal. potatocm cordwood, ctc.. t'tt',, for the following institutions (hiring the year 11m. vir. i--- At the Asylums for the Insane in Toronto, London. Kingston. Hamilton. Mimico, Ilrockvllld Colrourg and (irilliu: the; ('cnlral Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the lletormatorv for Boys. PcmuumguistTenv: the institutions for butt and Dumb. Helleville. and the Blind at limntford. Extvption--Tvndcrs are not required for the amply of meat to the mylums in Toronto. London, Kingston. Hamilton. and Brockville. nor for the ('entral Prison and Mercer lteioruiatory, Toronto. Amarkcd cheque for tive per cent. of the es- timated amount of the contract payable to the order or the Honorable the Provincial Secretary. must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his Dona tides. Two sumeient suretles will he required for the due fulfilment of each contract, andshoulduny tender be withdrawn before the contract is awarded, or should useiteuuerer fail to furnish such recurity. the amount of the deposit will be forfeited. ' TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES 1903. (i' m ms†10 com TORONTO J. BURNETT from at the Old Stand K336 bodied an. t.c,rii, EUR“! "All!“ Oll. =tgltl,l'u'lipr"tris assorted Stock to pick and have a nice fresh still receive the same courteous treatment but our patrons will our Up-Town Store has merely branching out been closed. We are a current report that dhru, Pr/ees, Some Reasons' trttrrots$ttettshttst*terattmhetg Firiail' Fitrtpyed. ',ierooitiP,er., d -62 UPPER TOWN - - McCABE Building any tender not necessarily amen d, It. STRAT’I'UN, or the Insane in Toronto, milton. Milnim, Brockvlllc. ', tht". Central Prison and 'oronto; the Reformation for v: the institutions for Deaf and the Blind at Hmntford. Ni? no} required for _the hurl-l on Coup-Ir. Provincial Secretary. Toronto, November Upper Town DURHAM - and - MT, Feb. 8r, 1902. LATEST DESIGNS IN'MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. LATEST DE CA receive We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthury, store, or at the REvnnv “Irina“ mm We are made by Gray that class here. those who want something nice, ser- viceable and good in Summer is over and we are ready for the FALL TRADE with I’LOUGHS. PULPERS. &C. Call and see our Stock and get our prke.s. A. B. McARTHUR ROBINSON & comm @Zaugks ' 'kdpars Covveyancer, even though It means a few miles of a drnye. They any that he it. th Always protttpV--ttever negligent." that he has had 22 years experience and that n, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. Carefully consider where they do their business. Many of these men go to II. H. MILLER, the Hanover Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of propos ed Covtpact may be. seen and blank forms of Tender may he obtained at the Post, Offices of Dun-bum and other offices en route and at the office of the Post Omce Inspector at Toronto. U. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Ottawa. 31st October. 1902. We have still a full line of Peter Hamilton Machines, Binders, Mow- ers and Drills. Examine our Chums too which we offer at right prices. CAUTIOUSQE Successful Men 3: M ‘u-yuAleUIlS 1rom European, American and Canadian Quarries. Winter is approaching and for1 r at the REVIEW OFFICE our best attention. 'il CUTTER S of Chatham will find P ropn'etors. '. FOREST. â€unites. - Intending Students should enter at Ix-ginninc RKERS, ‘0! term, or at noon Btter u possible. 'MENTS. Staff and Equipment. l The School In equipped for full Junior Leaving taken by and MAtrteutntten work, under the following sum , of Competent “when " that Department I ( mos. ALLAN, Phnetrat. BET , mes LICK. B. A., chum and Modems. . , I ms. A. oscoomr. m cm. Ihttyaiotui, )pnetom. aâ€-.- will F' {*th ll Durham School . “thisâ€... Tr l "s *aaaaaamrg o "aFt:eaetFtteu ----=T.= - I UNION 'S Pea Harvester Gurney Stoves. Pianos & Org. ADAMS WAGGONS TOLTON’S Pea Ha Are now stocked E)1oughs, Jf.a.rrenas Scufflers MAXWELL BARCLAY 81 BELL SGA LS. COAL Ol I, SN M l See our Immense Stock Horse Blankets, Circinglcs. I Rubbers, Rugs, Robes, Ham Whips, Sweat Pads, Stock FL and Gall Cure. Caldweti's Livery Stable We carry a large Stock of Team and Light Harness, which is superior in quality, made by skilled mechanics (no cobblers l. Any horse or team that was shown this fall in a Sett of our Harness at Durham or any n“ the neighboring towns, took il prize. Stove Boards and Stove Pipcs in abundance.. . . Just received a large shi; meat of Wood Heating Stow: which surpass any other on th market. 19pposite id! [the of â€anyâ€! 1llllllut I Ell. LV-lr.,.?",':,,', bs', . BLACK. . Btksairiiir. 1 31-00 Per month; CoCKSHUTT Middaugh House MACHINERY dt up with & Organs Iii' oo 481) " it u V " " It - _ We Q; TWEEi GROGE W I Una Mac} Dihj00l:i gig/n Emulsion with the WE We t Stre " .... JAKEI Lower lh jak HE SELL! CHEN wo Maw Iii) nd