Grunt, :hool Heath: â€LEN“ CK. LQZ‘S fill, 5*â€: " I (ii) We Qt Insuemmn tl illlf lil! Th ER S. SCOTT. W a Sh: Wh Fin Hen 6/ All 1H 0Ilt We can give you Bargainr. Emu' with u St W! Strengthening MT (REDS, 'eiibcmiaw, mars & SHOES, &c., '4; NOV. w Mr Samuel Jacques, lately from Eng- land, bat well known in these parts. is renewing old tune ucquaintancas thesus days. In in at present helping Mr Tay- lor, who " very busy those days with his Mr Geo. Smith has spent the last few days around the old home. He is the same old George as ever and has many friends at Zion, he leaves some of these days for new Ontario, where he Intends to take up land, “mun-aw mmmon of near Durham has been visiting at the Falls for a' week or so. ,,__- ."-""'""tl."q.. nuuwu “a nun County Cannon numbed hem yumduy, mo hm. session bxthé new at. we Court house last evening, cumuxeucwx at 7 '""arsah-tiGiuauGiii,' Lowever, The little p.aramtttt_lutown as the Mr Lewes Frock wathhe guest of Mr _A Ferguson Sunday last. Glad to see Messrs. Neil McKenzie and Willie Wilson, ofSwinton Park, visited in the Park Te evening lately Mr and Mrs Sam McDermid were the guests at Mrs Dunald Ferguym lately. A few of the ycuth and beauty from around here attended a party ttiven by Colin McLean. of' Prioinrilhs.' They report a good time. Mr AMcMillan visited in" the Park ""i one evening lately. A an): ha dont dal believe in a cold stove. her v" HOPBVILLI Mr Chas Ferguson nocmupanhd hy his ‘brother Arch paid a business trip C." to “when? last Wednesday for the vti'atitdg,t,iohi,iett, "1:39" "Nd othetss urpuse at ll in Mann. . . ".'. _ p Mr Robert f/IIS,'. of Top Cliff, was Mrs Sparks. late 2f Toronto, visited a visitor in the Park Sunday. 'e'i,/','p,f,,h/.'r Mrs. Bcavlet before- aha ‘1. A ‘l_ln:n,, __. .. . . - -, Mr and Mrs Runeithan. ot Boothville, visited at the latter's parental home Sunday. We have about two weeks Hire-h- ing in this vicinity yet as farmers tind it hard to get threshing otttiit when wanted this year. Thresher, Matt. Hooper and staff were in our midst last week. They can knock them all out for cleaning the grain. Turnip harvesting is the order of the day now. A few of the farmers have, to make Sume rather long pits on account of the abundant crops. appoint cttiecrd 'l'he Referendum meeting held in the Grange, Hall lust. Monday by llev's Smith and Fa uharson was fairly well attended. Td"; ttreto have their next meeting Fridny Nov. 2lst., in the Sshool House, No. 9, Glenelg to num’... . I}... -- Miss Harboitle, of town. Was the guest of Miss Allie Collier uvcr Sun- day. Miss Allie Davis of Zion, was the guestolhersister Mus J. Firth to a few days lately. Mm D. irieriyden and sin William attended the iuneral of the late Mrs. Alexander Me1Nllivra.v, ot Bruce County. The Edge Hill Union Sunday school held their' annual social last Friday, and was a grand success. Mr and Mrs A. Henry and Mrs. D. Mc%1arrie, of Mt. For, st. visited in Mr . McFa\doen's "ne day reeently. Pleased to hear of Miss E Edge able to be around attain. Sorry to hear of Will MoCracken being very ill, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. McDonald we hope anon to hear of his speedy recowry. Mr William Marison erected a fine momma-m at his faith. r's grave in St. John's Cemetery last Friday. Supplement Maple Park. calves-Market ls steady. bat offerings of good veals are light. Prices are tur. changed at $3 to $10 each. 1ptgtr-d1etvvy run and prices unchanged tat $6 per owt for selects and M.76 for lights and fats. Edge Hill. . -_ __-- -0... -- w“: b" wuu. Sheep and Latnl"-"I'here Was an active market for sheep, ptartitmlarly for ewes. on vccouulm.’ the scarcity of ocean space. Prices were steady. Lamb: were offered very freely and there was a good market at the opening. Price: ungged during the morning. however. and the close “as 150 lcwer at $3.50 .to 93.75 per cwt. plums are mp? at Sto to tbr We are wondering whnt became of the speaker; who were to be " Zion on thr mgm of the referendum meeting. Did they man. got. stuck. uruuk. lust. pant the place. or did they forget the "mm. an only one put in an appearance. new mm: and his tall plowing; rri,li'i(iilfi?t'i,,t?it,,ll hd Rev. M r Brand. Presbrterinn minister. held a prayer meeting art Wednesday evening in the house of Mr. J. McAnlle. Still on the sick list. hat improving: Mt John Campbell. Mr. Rich. Paulow. Mrs W. W. Hall, Jr. Mr. John Douglas. an employee of the hotel, has moved to Dundnlk. Mrs. Taylor, Dromore, visited friends here, Salurduy. Mr. Roaming. late preacher in the evangelist church here; has Rot a situa- tion in New York. and a. stranger hm: taken his place. I. W. ill-Amie. Mark- t',l.p, spent a Sunday wnh hia murals ere. -- ..-_ ... w "u. ". "grunt. up Mere. They settled in ulem-Ig Tp., {hey Chr. In 1830 the subject 'ul' thin sketch Wm married to Mr. McGillivrny and in I855 came With her hind-unit to thetr thh farm. int 31. run o, Bruce, new Invnt. They Were out-mtg the tirst to settle in the forest. nu that line. and the indurtrv it! their lives Wan tethrtled with " nutter-ml prorperity that kept pace with growth of the family circle. Both husband and wife survived all the vietssitudetot early hush life, “are the the trials bravely Luge.her. and shared the joys. The cunntuney with which they adhered to that in 'h which holds an utunlstttltatble belief in " living God and an over-ruling Prnvidenre sustain- ed them in man) tr ing hours of the tin y-two years that have elapsed slime they Wete united In ymtth. The end of the rhysicnl life “ms to Mrs. MrGillivrnty u re tel from great bodily 'uatterinm yet to her aged Mid luring life partner the bereavement is heavy and sure. and calls forth the must heartfelt (-vmpalhy. Five suits and two daughters; also survive her, viz: (Julin and Alexander. both living ml l2th. Brut-e: Jnhn. tn Yukon t Att'll. at Post Arthur l Duncan. on the hotttestetut,.Mrs. Dough†Me. Arthur. 12th Bruce: and Mrs. StiVer, who has been waiting " in her mother fur some time. Mrs. lrch'r'lli"i,',",' WM 8†years of age The funeral took place on Wednesday to anat cemetery. Rev. J. Johnston, Knox church, oMciatimr. The Paisley Advocate of recent date to, has the foiloikiteGtide of the death of Tum a relative of the MoCormick's and Me. . l Unllutn's of Bentinek t ms We are again called upon to chronicle " trt the death at " Bruce Township pioneer. Wm Mrs. Alex. Mollillivruy of Lovut. Mr passed away on Tuesday. at the home . of he: mn-in-lnw. M P. Dungnld Me- ter. Arthur. 12ttt con. Deceased haul been Mona atBicted with n cancel-in herneck for inst ten years pant, and during the but twu . years was indeed a great sufferer from â€W the pains of this t'ott"tt'ttttttt. Inn-elem WILL ling enemy to hum-m tlesh. Mrs. Mr McGillivr-ny was a native of the Island . of Null. tKothutd. her maiden name twin); Mt-Phuil. Her father',, fun: ly Losa mum ucmuu the sea in 1817 towel: " 'tay,' In wopld "penning"! here. Noe In" unIlI.n L. I A I ... - Durham, November 20th, to DURHAM REVIEW‘ A Grey County Pioneer. it UKHAM Mlll9lt'8 ----e= ---=---=.:'ir_H ZZMK: 1902. “V7 ___. .. -._. g. vvulllll I “an IIII'AIAR Uh. lady in each county to mange business for an old established house of solid (lunch! sanding. A tNeg, Dom Me weekly cub Inlay of $18.00 Wd by c eck each Wednendly with Bil expenses d not from t:e."hetttec Money Minnow for expenses Mnnmr - n. uh... In..- 'ia-, -.- Will fit a young man or woman for business. The best courses in Canada and reasonable fees and expenses. College Circulars Free to any address. L1tr7.E8:r.A.. 11Tf1'rp11rrry. GENTLE!“ on Ltmster--tn BeuUnek, ttear Aberdeen. am Nov. 16, Fwd Lumley. LLorD-1" Durham. Nov. 18th, the infant sun. of Mr. and Mrs. John Lloyd, Lower town. aged 4 months. Bnomrt--r" Glenda. "our about)â€. nu Nuvmulwr ti, Mrs Dam Brodie. form- erly of Rtrretttottt. aged 53 yum-s. BArsatr--r" St. Thomas, mu Nov. 10, Mme. Geo. Bailey. formerly of Dur. ham. [Durward wag an aunt. of the McDonald Bro... Masons in towtcl .. nun-.‘nu-lll uurn-ml. on the tttth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Arilli mu. tt son. IARRlED. _ Lose - Mcxn'zuc - On Wmhw-duy. Nov. mm. at the ammo Durham. by the Rev. Wm. Flu-qhurmu. Juhn- uhm Brawn bum. tat June McKenzie. both of Emmmml. lawns --ts"teAw--rn Durham. M. the parsonage. by the Rev. me R. Smith. Mr. William Irwin. ot Hamil- Mottmtrotr-a" Glenelm am the 17th, inst" In Mr. and Mrs. Dunn-am Mor. riuuu. a, dunxhwr. Durham. on the mm, to Mr. "nd Mrs. Wester Arilii nun, u an" A FEW MONTHS Gotmtete--h, Bentim-k. on the 8m inst. to Me. and MM. Hmnv Guam-r. a son. Trmtmtrra.-ro Benntuhck. an the lit, inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. John Tmnhull. a. an". Wtetam--rn Reminds. nu the mm. to Mr. and Mm. Jame-u WeNh, u daugh- C. A. FLEMING, Principal. ton, tortuerly of Clinmn. w Mia; Ev; Shaw. only da urhter of Mr. W. H. Shaw. of town. Owen Sound, Ont, ....upent attlw: 1769717594 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO WSW; DIED. BORN Shorts..................... Turkeys........, .......... Potatoes. per bag....... Brad.. Sheepsklns............... Tallow rendered per lb Lard. peril......... INV........................ phop.....d......: ...... 1l!ylftslriis, per lb........ Cutter, fresh rolf per lb Butter, Tub.............. Eggs................... .... Tttles, per eetv........ ' "r ttwt............ in town.l f 4547 'oififtre tro l " llo 25 l2 oo 14 14 16 IM 110 10 l5 l5 15 16 gt A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed " bur-rem rates. SAVINGS BARS. ‘iiLerest allowed on savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilit? afforded customers living at distance. I KELLY, Ago-t. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Ianager. DURHAM AGENCY vuw'lu. VIII-"EC. . Staten and England. W ,1 - -.»--~ INCIDENCE and OFFICE-Old Bane UPPER TOWN, DUMAM. Mimbee Coll... In!†Old lama. .G_a_qr'ron. u. B., (I: 9--titB. Ila: 8-4 p. M. "i'"'"'-"-"----. Eiii' . r~- van" I“ _Mnmlolm.r United 2 LU