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Durham Review (1897), 27 Nov 1902, p. 1

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AV tre a 1902 55:13:43 mgmc-cmmmmmmmg gflflflflflfigfififlgfiflfiflfififl 3315-6; o ii E fe, s. d X ”exec/mm. SEE FURS‘. BLANKETS They're Going, Best Pure Wool Blankets' pure-wool Blankets at $2. 7 YOU want them now. WE want to sell them now. Men's Fur Coats. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Capcrines in Solid Furs. Caperines in Combinations. Gauntlets in Gray Lamb, Astrachan and Electric Seal. " to 93 The Prices are eloquent of Economy Ames Holden (k, Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are. guaranteed by the Makers. SEE Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Homombor tho place 11-1 iM It DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH "TNT3OW. ALL MANU- ii' \CTUHED BY TIIE Everyone of those pretty, stylish, up-to-date Hats in our Millinery Department. We're putting the knife in the prices so that every Hat will be away from here before Christmas. BOOTS Rubbers 6Ai THE POPULAD CASH STORE 1ames ire/and 'ames Ire/and Large size, LAI DLAW'S Old Stand Lh0lES' JACKETS-.. BOOTS M A D E Boots at 82. 25 STERLING 'S H A N D- From Now till the end of the Season we'll give a substantial reduction on but not everybody can every Cloth Jacket sold. working boot for " Anybody can make a man 'tt El tttit A.“ VOCAL AND 1sm'rrursrEsauL.--Mrs. Newton is now prepared to take a. limited number of advanced punils for Piano, Theory, Harmony and History. In vocal music a full gradmte course taught. It will be to the advantage of those wishing to study vocal, to take not less than two terms as the first must necessarily be foundation work, preparatory. n, time as: though the building was doomed. She at, once q'tve the alarm and by the assistance of Mr McLean of the Bank of Commerce who was near by. the five was extinguished hv the application of wet blankets and water. Their coolness and nrpsence of mind saved tho property.-iiarton Echo. : CEMENT IN MAsrroBA.--The Winipeg 'l‘elegmm of Nov. 17, has a lengthly .nrticle on the establishment of the 1 great cement industry of which Mr. Jas, M. Hunter is Secy.fand Gen. Man. The 1 paper gives details of how the property Ewas secured. Mr. Hunter got options land charter rights and turned them _ over to a company consisting of Henry lCargxll, M. P,, Cargill, Ont.: J. S. IHobhs, Ex-M. P. P., London; Wm. ' Blackwood, manufacturer; Wm Whyte, ii"iiii2i', to the President, Ch P. R. t G. IM. Bosworth. Montreal, 4th Vice (Pres., C. P. R.; Sampson Walker, fmanttfacturer. (who has the credit of ilming the discoverer of the cement‘ :deposits); T. C. Irving, Toronto; Mr. ( iJustire Chancellor. Chicago. and Mr, I (James A. Hunter, Durham. who is also I *now affiliated with the Hunter Land] Company of Minneapolis. We wish our I _ old townsman success in his new sphere. r A CLOSE C.Art.r-v%sturday morning about i) o’clock the cosy residence of conductor E. Milligan on Redford street north. had a very narrow escape from destruction hy lire. It appears that about the hour mentioned, two small children belonging to the household were playing with fire crackers in an up stair room. They amused themselves by lighting the crackers and throwing them out of the Window where the ex- plosion took place. In doing this. the curtains in some way took fire and in an instant the interior of the room was completely enveloped in flames. When Mrs Milligan reached the room the fire had spread to the bed. and it looked for j ANOTHER PIONEER GoxR--saturdar (last Mr. Ahmhmn Cook, widely known ‘in the Tp. of Slime-lg died at. his son's {residence very suddenly. We have 1 not the particulars. but we hear he had some pr'eturmittous of th demise and told his friends before. He was in town about a month ago in spite of his 82 years. He leaves four sons as chief mourners; Jacob in Chicago; Robert. Ceylon: Wm. at home and Thus. near by. RM’. Mr. Smith. his pastor con- ducted the mortuarv services on Mon. day last. _ DURHAM, Trrr1tsjiiiii," NOV. _27, 1902. I The young men's service in the Meth- odist church on Sunday evening was of more than ordinary interest. It Was a pleasing sight to see thirty tive young men and hear them in chorus singing some of the old songs of our church. An Oct,etta was rendered in good Write with the parts well [Manned The Quartette .. Why stand ye here idle " was especially pleasingly render- ed. All enjoyed the service and many have requested a repetition of the Smile kind of service. FARMS FOR 'dArm.---800 acres of good farm land for Sale. Apply at once to HUGH MACKAY. Auctioneer, Durham. (3) McOaiw. Upper Town, announres in his ad. this week some amps in service- able goods at a moving sale. Page 4. COUNTY G'otrscrts.-A special meeting is to he held " Markdnle on Dee. 10th. to receive and deal with tenders for House of Refuge and kindred matters. " EAST AND Wrrter."-ahu is the title of a, new Presbyterian weeklv B. & Paper which certainly gives promise of a bright and useful career. judging by the selections. illustrations. and general appearance of the first copy sent to us. Full line of Men's. Women's, and Children's Rubbers-first qmrlity--at James Ireland. A LUCKY EDrron.--The site for the House of Refuge, near Markdale. is located on a farm once owned hy Bro. Rutledge of the "Standard." This chance calls forth his gratitude thmly : "The editor of this paper is delighted that the Home of Refuge has been located on his old farm in the suburbs in view of spending the evening of life on the familiar premises." MARI. ARarvma.--tigearerat cars of marl have arrived this week at the cement works and after a few mmm mishape the dumping mm the hopper etc.. is heme nuccessfully done. Chief engineer Baum-dis is here this week to see that every part is in good working order. iii-r-tttttttttttel, GLAS iiiR'iihié"lit I Pu"'"' m1 l Sunmzx Dr.sru.--on Wednwlay I last Mrs. H. Farr. one of the oldest, I residents of Glenn“; passed away at her ( lhome very suddenly'. She had cum-I _ plained to her. sun Mr. C'. L. (hunt. who [ was visiting her. ot a smothering sensu- i tion. but the day being close no fatal ; result was feared. Mr, Grant 9:va heri comfortable before leavmg but in 20; minutes after he left she was gone, She had attained the ripe age of 82 yrs. and has lived In Glenclg since the are of last centurv. She leaves as chief mourners besides her aged husband; Mr. Grant and Mrs. Robson. children of I her firtst, marriage, and Rey. Thou. Farr, of Wallacehnrg. and Miss Maggie Fun I at home. Rev. Mr. Ryan, conducted the mortuary services at house and r, tere. ' LEFT FOR HaRrusros.--rt, is mth isincere regret the town has learned that Mr R. J. S. Dewar, who for three years past has been cashier in the bank here, has been prcmoted to a new position in 'the bank at Harristou. Regret of course at losing him. not at his promotion. As usual but a dav's notice was given, but burned as it was steps were taken by his friends to give him a, send-of in the Hall, and the Sons of Scotland on the same evening, (Fri- day14th) presented him With an ad- dress and a handsome shaving outfit, as a reminder l f pleasant assoria! ions. l Mr Dewar, during his stay here, won l many friends, and proved himself a. public spirited young nmn. All will! rejoice at his success. [Bv some inad- vertence this notice was omitted last! week] The annivermry services of the Meth- odist Church will be held on Sunday when sermons will he preached morning and evening by the. Rev. J. S. l. Wilson, of Flesherton. in the evening he will speak on good citizenship in relation to the present temperance campaign. The three Joy sisters. of Flesherton. are to assist in the seryices of song both mm n- ing and evening, this is the first time these talented vocalists have visited Durham and a treat is in store for those who attend the services. A voluntary Offering will he taken morning and evening on behalf of the funds of the) church. I It will pay you to examizw James Ireland’s stack of worsteds and tweed: for men's suits. REFERENDUM MmrrrNoc--On Tues- day next It meeting will be held_a§ Hampden in the Prohibition interests. Me. H. H. Miller and some Durham speaker; wilt be present. During the past, week meetings have been held at Dornoch. Rocky Snugeen, M ulock, Knox Church, Normanby. Glenelgli Centre Baptist church and other places. I The local clergy are doing good sernce and their efforts are being supplemen- ted by a. number of other speakers. Dont forget the Glassford meeting in the Town Hall, Thursdity night. TO-NIGHT. 27th mat. in the Town Hall. Rev. J. M. Glassford will address a public meeting in the Town Hall on the " Liquor Act, of 1902". The Rev. gentlemun is well known here. and his eloquence and ability will draw a. crowd- ed house. Ever voter in town should crowd who the gall to hear him on the great issue. November 27th. Volun- tary collection at, the door. OUR ELECTRIC Roam-As will he seen by a clipping from the Walker“ Telescope, Interest in the Huron and Ontario electric line through Durham seems to be reviving. A number of Dmhan shareholders will have no objec- hon, if no revival is made of Pew rents or requests. We still think road would be a boon to the district. and a profit to the builders FRUIT Gitowerus.--The Annnnl meeting of the Fruit, Growers' Association of Ontario will he held in Walkerton on Dec. lst, 2nd & 3rd. C. C. James. Dep. Min. Agriculture; Dr Fletcher Domin- ion Botarust, of Ottawa. Pettit of Grime- by l Dempsey of Trenton ', Welmter, of Hamilton and several other, noted mun ea will address the Convention, As it is so near many will find it profitable to attend. LIQUOR CASES. - Inspector Harris] was prosecuting some of the AM hotelkeepers on Tuesday for selling liquor to minors. l Dr, Geo. B. Burt. specialist in Eye.4 Ear, Throat and Nose Cases, will be " the Midduugh House, Durham, for consultation. on Wednesday. Dec, 3., Hours 2--0 p. m. . A NEW RarLwAs..--.ot immense not. ional importance is the announcement that the Grand Trunk will push a. new transcontinental line across Canada to the Pacific. It now Minister Blair will extend the Intercoloninl in the some ditection. the question of transportation for the immense products if the west Will he solved. James Ireland sells Moonsoon Tea. Thursday, Nov. 27th. at8 p. I!) GLASSFORD IN DURHAM. 39111191312. I'tr.-AJn Tednesda.v 't'. one of the oldest lg passed away at her luly. She had com- Mr. C. L. Grunt. who if a smot_hermg sensu- Robson, children of .nd Rey. Thou. Farr, d Miss Maggie Farr '.. Ryan, _conducted Cltal {the ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO [Mark it "YM." on Dec. 4 I In 1894 the vote for prohibition was (192000, in 1897, 154000. so that a big-- (ger effort has yet to be made than at any previous fight. The issue for- ltleateiy is my clear ot'poiitics and the Vote will be the best index yet obtained (f the true temperance strength of the country. Everyone should vote, tor the man who stays at home is saying distinctly that he does not wish the Act passed by the Legis- lature to remain on the Statute book, though he may not feel that way. l The Vote. The vote necessary to carry (it it is a majority ofthe vote east) is one half the total vote polled at the election of 1898, which approximates 213000. Allowing this to be the number. and that the temperance vote reaches it the liquor vote must be at least 213001 for the measure to be defeated. concerned, and it only remains for the [ people to say now whether or not they I desire to keep the Act on the Statute,' Book, placed there by their represent-, anus. The fowers and duties of Inspect- ors an other oitieem are very fully laid down. They must report all con- victions, giving names. dates etc., every 3 months. Section 223 repeals the present lie- ense act, so that the last word has been said as far as the parliament is _ ”"' -..e.' M“"“""‘ We have the biggest bargains I ttltr)?,"';',,','!,:,',',' etc. will be deemed I ever soffere.d in Durham. When we Section 191 and 193 at the burden l, say Bargains we mean Bargains. of Ke,.' on the accused, or defendant. i REMEMBER Y All goods bought rovision is made to control corpor- (from Keeler are engraved free of charge. atlgns as well as individuals. The informant need not disclose himself. it is not necessary that he should taste the liquor (as in Scott Act). See. 188 provides that " any house, shop. room or other place in which it]! is proved that there exist beer pumps, i or any other appliances or {prepare-j tions similar to those usually ound in ', hotels or shops where liquors are) accustomed to be sold or trattieked in, 1 other than those of common use in, private houses, shall be “prima facic", evidence that it isa place in which liquor is t?eiryrdisposdd of in contra-L vcntion ot this aet," and the occupant , " Olin A“..- _l.,, ... . - The penalties range from 850 to 8300 or imprisonment for not less than two months for fitst offence, and from 8100 to 8500 or not less than 4 mos. for 2nd offence, and if the offence was comjmitted by a licensee1 his license is v01 . new mom HIE Hamill]. We have had several requests to publish the Act on which the vote aka glue next Thursday. This would impossible bat we give a few met-meme ot its main features : The Act was passed " the In: ”tonal the ua House and only needs the support of the people on Bed. 4, to become full law. to come into force May 1904. whether Ross or Whit. ney be in power. 1 Clubs or Associations of any kind aretorbidden to have liquor in any hall or building, and its presence will incur the penalty and can be seized. The death of' an intoxicated person makes the supplier of' the liquor re- sponsible. It is modelled after the Manitoba! Act which was declared by the Im-. palm Privy Council to be within the' era of the province. Hence the; fa'll'dl2 is clear. l, It giel.lfe, only the selling of liquor g as a verage. the Province having no _ or to prohibit the manufacture or moriation. Its eifect will be to! ibruk up the bar room features of [hotels and saloons. l The clauses referring to private. houses are very explicit, and no liquor can be kept anywhere except by licensed by licensed druggists or in private houses and if it be tound that unions of the law take place there, the right to keep it is denied the party. Licenses will be granted to whole. sale druggists who may sell (1) for mechanical or teeietttifie put sea (2) to a physician, (3) to a retaifodrugzist but only in certain limited quantities and record kept of every sale open to inspection by any person, and aftititv vit must be made to Inspector that no other sales were made than those re- corded. Other than the above "No person shall, within the Province of Ontario by himselt. his clerk, servant or agent. expose or keep for sale directly or indirectly. or upon any pretence, or upon any device, sell or barter, or in consideration of' the purchase or trans- fer of any property or thinmror at the time of the transfer of any property or thing, give to any other person any liquor. " Licenses to retail druggists have similar restrictions. They mav sup- ply only ( I) prescriptions of physicians. (25 to dentists, (3) to clergymen for sacramental purposes, (4) veterinary surgeons, in no case as a beverage, nor can the liquor be drunk on the premises. ; Two Blg Jewelry Stores, _ DURHAM & HESPELER ONT i Grandpapa [Ito choose from. - H “w - - f We have Christmas presents for t.'trPodpr. Everything from a Baby iPin up to a pair of spectacles for And the right place to buy them is at Jiulor's Big gcwclcry Store w. @hristmas The hricky Durham on some years I; All Colors, All Sizes, Ali Prices. This week we ex/ect a lot of New Goods including a Grand Choice of There is now a great demand for this Class of Goods. is still Rushing at this Store NOW is the time to get your self something new in a SILK ' FLANNEL BLOUSES VELVET tIR MISS DICK, CALL AND SEE THEM. l l Ilillfll I SUN. BRICKYARD 'IO RENT 1rickwyy adjpming the town of n on the th est. "(momma for arts lately by Samuel \Vrighl. Apply to H. PARKE". Durham CHAS RAMAGE. Pun-n up Pumas. Because we have the stock FOR HAT. Goods " " at: auid nu, l. It sun four, If“). ll rlth tor me. vb:- t. the “l N" the nun Nat h" dn ya do.- was "My

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